Open Access
Minimum distance estimation for fractional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process
Zaiming Liu and Na Song
[email protected] School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central South University, Changsha, China
We consider a one-dimensional linear stochastic differential equation defined as
dBHt,X0=x0, with
the unknown drift parameter, where{BHt, 0≤t≤T}is a fractional Brownian motion with
> 0. The consistency and the asymptotic distribution of the minimum Skorohod distance estimatorθ
based on the observation{Xt, 0≤t≤T}is studied asT→+∞.Keywords: long-range dependence; minimum distance estimation; consistency; asymptotic distribution
Stochastic models having long-range dependence phenomena have been paid much atten-tion to in view of their applicaatten-tions in signal processing, computer networks, and math-ematical finance (see [, ]). The long-range dependence phenomenon is said to occur in a stationary time series{Xn,n≥}if the autocovariance functionsρ(n) :=cov(Xk,Xk+)
cn–α =
for some constantcandα∈(, ). In this case, the dependence betweenXkandXk+ndecays
slowly asn→ ∞and∞n=ρ(n) =∞.
Fractional Brownian motions are a special class of long memory processes when the Hurst parameterH>. When one implements the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, it is important to estimate the parameters in the model.
In case of diffusion type processes driven by fractional Brownian motions, the most im-portant methods are either maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or least square estima-tion (LSE). Substantial progress has been made in this direcestima-tion. The problem of parameter estimation in a simple linear model driven by a fractional Brownian motion was studied in [] in the continuous case. For the case of discrete data, the problem of parameter es-timation was studied in [, ]. Hu and Nualart [] studied a least squares estimator for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by fractional Brownian motion and derived the asymptotic normality of by using Malliavin calculus. The MLE of the drift parameter has also been extensively studied. Kleptsyna and Le Breton [] considered one-dimensional homogeneous linear stochastic differential equation driven by a fractional Brownian mo-tion in place of the usual Brownian momo-tion. The asymptotic behavior of the maximum likelihood estimator of the drift parameter was analyzed. Tudor and Viens [] applied the
techniques of stochastic integration with respect to fractional Brownian motion and the theory of regularity and supremum estimation for stochastic processes to study the MLE for the drift parameter of stochastic processes satisfying stochastic equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion with any level of Hölder-regularity (any Hurst parameter). Moreover, in recent years, there has been increased interest in studying the asymptotic properties of the MLE for the drift parameter in some fractional diffusion systems (see [–]). However, MLE has some shortcomings; its expressions of likelihood function are not explicitly computable. Moreover, MLE are not robust, which means that the properties of MLE will be changed by a slight perturbation.
In order to overcome this difficulty, the minimum distance estimation approach is proposed. For a more comprehensive discussion of the properties of the minimum dis-tance estimation, we refer to Millar []. In this direction, the parameter estimation for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by Brownian motions is well developed. Kutoyants and Pilibossian [] and Kutoyants [] proved thatε–(θε∗–θ) converge in probability
to the random variableζT with L,L or supremum norm and he also proved thatζT
is asymptotically normal whenθ> asT→+∞. Hénaff [] established the same
re-sults in the general case of a norm in some Banach space of functions on [,T]. Diop and Yode [] studied the minimum Skorohod distance estimation for a stochastic differential equation driven by a centered Lévy process. However, there have been very few studies on the minimum distance estimate for the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Prakasa Rao [] studied the minimumL-norm estimatorθε∗of the drift parameter of a fractional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process and proved thatε–(θε∗–θ) converges in probability un-derPθto a random variableζ. Our main motivation is to obtain the minimum Skorohod distance estimator of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by fractional Brownian motions and study the asymptotic properties of this estimator.
Let (,F,{Ft}t≥,P) be a stochastic basis satisfying the usual conditions,i.e., a filtered
probability space with a filtration.{Ft}t≥is right continuous andFcontains everyP-null
set. Suppose that the processes discussed in the following are{Ft}t≥-adapted. Further the
natural filtration of a process is understood as theP-completion of the filtration generated by this process.
Consider the parameter estimation problem for a special fractional process,i.e., frac-tional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processX={Xt, ≤t≤T}, which satisfies the following
stochastic integral equation:
Xsds+εBHt , ≤t≤T, ()
where the drift parameterθ∈= (θ,θ)⊆Ris unknown,ε> , andBH={BHt (t), ≤
t≤T} is a scalar fractional Brownian motion defined on the probability space (,F,
{Ft}t≥,P). For a fractional Brownian motionBHwith Hurst parameterH∈(, ), we mean
that it is a continuous and centered Gaussian process with the covariance function
sH+tH–|s–t|H, t≥,s≥. ()
Definition We say that anRd-valued random processX= (X
t)t≥is self-similar or
sat-isfies the property of self-similarity if for everya> there existsb> such that
Law(Xat,t≥) =Law(bXt,t≥), ()
whereLaw(·) denotes the law of random variable·.
Remark Note that () means that the two processesXatandXbthave the same
finite-dimensional distribution functions,i.e., for every choicet, . . . ,tninR,
P(Xat≤x, . . . ,Xatn≤xn) =P(Xbt≤x, . . . ,Xbtn≤xn)
for everyx, . . . ,xninR.
Definition Ifb=aHin the above definition, then we say thatX= (X
t)t≥is a self-similar
process with Hurst indexHor that it satisfies the property of (statistical) self-similar with Hurst indexH. The quantityD= /His called the statistical fractal dimension ofX.
Remark Note that the law of a Gaussian random variance is determined by its
expecta-tion value and variaexpecta-tion. By (), it is easy to see thatBHis a self-similar process with Hurst indexH. Let
BHT∗:= sup ≤t≤T
BHt . ()
Then we conclude from the fact thatBHis a self-similar process with Hurst indexHthat
LawBHat∗=LawaHBHt ∗, a> ,t≥. ()
Letxt(θ) be the solution of the above differential equation withε= . It is obvious that
xt(θ) =xeθt, ≤t≤T. ()
KH(t,s) =H(H– )
d ds
rH–(r–s)H–dr, ≤s≤t. ()
Define the minimum Skorohod distance estimator
θε∗:=arg min
X,x(θ), ()
the Skorohod distanceρ(·,·)
ρ(x,y) := inf
H(λ) + sup
xλ(t)–y(t) ()
[,T]:=λ|t∈[,T],λ(t)∈[,T], ()
([,T]) is continuous, strictly increasing such thatλ() = andλ(T) =T. Let
H(λ) := sup
λ(s) –λ(t)
<∞. ()
Note that the spaceD([,T],R) consists of functions which are right continuous with left limits on [,T]. The uniform metric coincides with Skorohod distance when relativized toC([,T],R) the space of continuous functions on [,T].
Denoteθthe true parameter ofθ andP(θε) be the probability measure induced by the
The following two lemmas due to Novikov and Valkeila [] and Kutoyants and Pili-bossian [] play an important role in the limit analysis below.
Lemma Let T> ,BHT∗=sup≤t≤TBH
t and{BHt (t), ≤t≤T}be a fractional Brownian
motion with Hurst parameter H,then for every p> ,
EBHT∗p=K(p,H)TpH, ()
where K(p,H) =E(BH∗
Lemma Let Zε(u),ε> ,u∈Rbe a sequence of continuous functions and Z(u)a convex function which admits a unique minimumξ ∈R.Let Lε,ε> be a sequence of positive
numbers such that Lε→+∞asε→.We suppose that
Zε(u) –Z(u) = ,
ε→arg min|u|<Lε
Zε(u) =ξ,
where if there are several minima of Zε,we choose an arbitrary one.
For anyδ> , define
g(δ) := inf
|θ–θ|>δx(θ) –x(θ)∞. ()
Note thatg(δ) > for anyδ> . Introduce the random variable
ζ:=arg min
, ()
It can be obtained from () that
Xt–xt(θ) =εeθt
s. ()
s. ()
Note that{Yt, ≤t≤T}is a Gaussian process and can be interpreted as the ‘derivative’
of the process{Xt, ≤t≤T}with respect toε.
Now we investigate the parameter estimation problem of parameterθ based on the ob-servation of a fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processX={Xt, ≤t≤T}satisfying
the following stochastic differential equation:
dXt=θXtdt+εdBHt , ≤t≤T,X=x, ()
where the drift parameterθ ∈= (θ,θ)⊆Ris unknown andT is a fixed time. We will
study its consistency asε→.
Theorem For every p> ,δ> ,we have
θ θ ∗
ε–θ >δ
≤pTpHK(p,H)e|θT|pg(δ)–pεp=Og(δ)–pεp. ()
Proof Let the set
ω: inf
X,x(θ)> inf
X,x(θ). ()
Fixδ> ,
θ θε∗–θ >δ
=P(θε)(A). ()
In fact, forω∈A,
X(ω),x(θ)> inf
thus|θε∗(ω) –θ|>δ.
Conversely, if|θε∗(ω) –θ|>δ, then
ρX(ω),xθε∗≤ inf
X(ω),x(θ) < inf
Since the process{Xt}satisfies the stochastic differential equation (), it follows that
Xt–xt(θ) =x+θ
Applying the Gronwall-Bellman lemma, we obtain
Applying Lemma and Chebyshev’s inequality, for allp> , we get
Remark As a consequence of the above theorem, we obtain the result thatθε∗converges in probability toθunderPθ(ε)-measure asε→. Furthermore, the rate of convergence is
of orderO(εp) for everyp> .
Asymptotic distribution
Theorem Asε→,the random variableε–(θε∗–θ)converges in probability to a ran-dom variable whose probability distribution is the same as that ofζ under Pθ.
Proof Denotext(θ) =xteθtand let
Also we define the random variable
ζε:=arg min |u|<Lε
Z(u). ()
Note that, with probability , we get
has a unique minimumu∗with probability .
Furthermore, we can choose the interval [–L,L] such that
Pu∗∈(–L,L)≥ –βg(L)–p, ()
whereβ> . The processes{Zε(u),u∈[–L,L]}, and{Z(u),u∈[–L,L]}, satisfy the
Lips-chitz conditions andZε(u) converges uniformly toZ(u) onu∈[–L,L], so the minimizer
ofZε(u) converges to the minimizer ofZ(u). This completes the proof. Remark It is not clear what the distribution ofζis. It would be interesting to say some-thing about the distribution ofζ through simulation studies even if an explicit computa-tion of the distribucomputa-tion seems to be difficult.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed equally to the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
We are very grateful to the anonymous referees and the associate editor for their careful reading and helpful comments.
Received: 2 December 2013 Accepted: 28 April 2014 Published:08 May 2014
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