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The effect of cyclic AMP on the regulation of c myc expression in T lymphoma cells


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The effect of cycliAMP on the regulation of

c-myc expression in T lymphoma cells.

D A Albert

J Clin Invest.






Myc is implicated in the control of growth in a variety of cell types. I investigated c-myc gene

expression in several lymphoid cell lines to determine the response to cyclic AMP. Cyclic

AMP causes a precipitous decline in c-myc message concentration that precedes G1 cell

cycle arrest in wild type S49 cells but not in KIN- cells that lack cAMP dependent PKA

activity. In wild-type S49 cells washout of cyclic AMP restores c-myc message levels within

2 h but does not relieve the G1 arrest until 10 h later. Transcription runoff studies

demonstrate inhibition of both transcriptional initiation and prolongation of initiated

transcripts. However, the degree of inhibition is insufficient to explain the absence of

detectable myc message suggesting that the predominant effect of cyclic AMP is to

destabilize the c-myc message. In contrast to wild-type cells, the "Deathless" mutant S49

cell line is viable when arrested in G1 by exposure to cyclic AMP and has preserved c-myc

expression. Thus, in S49 cells down regulation of c-myc expression appears to be

associated with loss of viability rather than G1 cell cycle arrest. Interestingly, CEM human T

lymphoma cells do not arrest in G1 phase when exposed to cyclic AMP in spite of losing

detectable c-myc gene expression. This suggests that in some T lymphoma cells c-myc

gene expression may not […]

Research Article


The Effect




the Regulation






Lymphoma Cells

Daniel A. Albert

Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637


Myc isimplicated in the control ofgrowth ina variety of cell types. I investigated c-myc gene expression inseveral

lymphoid cell linestodeterminetheresponsetocyclic AMP.

Cyclic AMPcauses aprecipitous decline inc-myc message concentration that precedes G1cell cyclearrestin wildtype

S49 cellsbutnotinKIN- cells that lack cAMPdependent

PKAactivity.Inwild-type S49cells washout of cyclicAMP

restoresc-myc messagelevels within 2h but doesnotrelieve the G1arrestuntil 10hlater. Transcription runoffstudies demonstrateinhibitionof both transcriptional initiationand

prolongation of initiated transcripts. However, the degree of inhibition isinsufficienttoexplain the absence of

detect-ablemycmessagesuggesting that the predominant effectof

cyclicAMP is todestabilizethec-myc message.Incontrast to wild-type cells, the "Deathless" mutantS49 cell line is

viable when arrested in G1 byexposuretocyclic AMPand has preserved c-myc expression. Thus, in S49 cells down

regulation ofc-mycexpressionappearstobe associated with

loss of viability rather than G1 cell cycle arrest.

Interest-ingly, CEM human T lymphoma cells donot arrest in G1 phase when exposedtocyclic AMP in spite of losing

detect-able c-myc gene expression. This suggests that in some T


for cellcycle progressionandproliferation. (J. Clin. Invest.

1995.95:1490-1496.) Key words: S49 * CEM *cell cycle

-protein kinase A * G1


Thec-mycproto-oncogeneencodesa64-kDprotein that,when

heterodimerizedwitharelatedprotein MAX,istranscriptionally

active, binding to the consensus sequence CACGTG (1, 2).

Thistranscriptional activity isthoughtto relatetotheputative

role ofc-mycincellcycleprogressionand cellproliferation (3). Mycgeneexpressionis undercomplex regulation (reviewedin

reference4)with initiationatthreedifferentpromoterinitiation

sites(P0, P1, P2) multiplepromoterelementsthatmayregulate transcription (5, 6, 7) transcriptional attenuation after the first

exonandrapidmessageturnover(8, 9). Morerecentlyc-myc

hasbeen implicatedin anopposite role-that ofprogrammed

AddresscorrespondencetoDaniel AAlbert, DepartmentofMedicine,

UniversityofChicago,5841 SouthMaryland Ave., Chicago,IL60637.

Phone: 312-702-6885;FAX: 312-702-3467.

Receivedfor publication4August1994 and in revisedform3 No-vember1994.

cell death (apoptosis).Thiseffect, but not its mitogenic activity, can be blocked by the bc1-2 gene product (10, 11).

Cyclic AMP also has a dualrole. In many cell types it is mitogenic, presumably through its ability to induce phosphory-lation and activation of the cyclic AMP response element bind-ing protein CREB (12, 13). In other cell types it is inhibitory causingGI cell cycle arrest and cytotoxicity (14). Both of the properties require protein kinaseAactivity. Most recently, the inhibitory activity of cyclic AMP has been linked the glucocorti-coid response (15). One of the effects of cyclic AMP in some cell types isto attenuate c-myc expression.

The purpose of this study is to characterize c-myc gene expression in response to cyclic AMP in several T lymphoid cell lines. Thespecific hypothesis Iinvestigated is whether the cyclicAMPinhibition of cell cycle progression and cytotoxicity correlates withdiminished c-myc gene expression.


Cell culture. S49mouseTlymphomacellsweregrown in DME in the

presence of 10% heat-inactivated horse serum in a humidified

atmo-sphere containing 10% CO2at 370C. CEMhuman Tlymphomacells

weregrown in RPMI media in the presence of 10% heat-inactivated

fetalbovine serumin ahumidifiedatmosphere containing 5% CO2 at


Experimentalcultureswereusedduring logarithmic growthata

densityof 0.5-2.0X 106cells/ml.

RNA extraction. Total cellular RNAwasextracted from cellsusing

guanidine precipitationaspreviouslydescribed(16).

Northern blotanalysis. RNA(20


wasfractionatedonto a

1% agarose/6% formaldehyde gelbyelectrophoresis then transferred

to aHybond-N+ (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) nylonmembrane

by capillary action and fixedby incubationat 80Cfor 2 h. Northern

blots were prehybridized for4-6 h at42'C in a solution containing

50% formamide,5X Denhardt's, 5x SSC,0.5% SDS,and 500


denatured salmon sperm DNA. Hybridization was performed by the

addition of 1.0to2.0 x 106cpm/mlof32P-labeledDNAprobedtothe

prehybridizationmix andincubatingfor 18 hat42°C.Blotswerewashed

free ofunboundprobes by sequentialexposureto2xSSC,0.1% SDS

at 42'C for 30 min then O.lx SSC, 0.1% SDS at55-60'C for 30

min. Afterautoradiography at-700Cboundprobeswereremoved by

incubatingtheblots in0.1xSSC, 0.1%SDSat 100°Cfor 15 min. The

blotswerethenrehybridizedto adifferent radiolabeledprobe.

Autora-diographic bandswere quantitatedby scanning densitometry using a

Helena Cliniscan densitometer. Inpreliminaryexperimentsaprobefor

the constitutively expressed enzyme GAPdH was used toquantitate

RNA however, it was found to exhibit modest cell cycle variation. Additionally,eachgelwasstained with ethidiumbromidetodetermine

equal loadingofsamplesandcompletetransfertothenylonmembrane.

Centrifugal elutriation. Cell cycle-specific populations were

ob-tainedby centrifugal elutriationaspreviouslydescribed(16).Briefly,4

X 108 cellswereloadedat9.5ml/minonto aBeckman J2-21 centrifuge

equippedwithaJE-6elutriationrotor at aspeedof2,000rpm.Fractions

of50-100mlwereremovedasthe flowrate wasincreased from 11.5

to32 ml/min.

Cellcycle analysis. Cell suspensions were centrifuged and

resus-pended ina solution of cold (40C) hypotonic stainingsolution (0.05

1490 DanielA.Albert J. Clin. Invest.


0021-9738/95/04/1490/07 $2.00


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

N .,\ jI .... \ aX-- 'tsA'.i


.1:. I .1 .1

-, %%

"I :;k

I" :: --.\ 1;I-,---\ ,.:.---

.I----\. J /.;

,--, 1; ;! --,

KIN-C 0 30' 1 h 2h 4h 6h 12h 24h


Figure 1. Cell cycle expressionof the gene encoding c-myc.

Exponen-tially growingS49 Tlymphomacells were separated by centrifugal

elutriation as described in Methods. Fractions wereanalyzed by

cy-tofluorimetry of propidium iodide-stainedcells. Fractionsrepresentative of different states of the cellcycle were selected and total cellular RNA (20pg/lane)extractedfor Northern blot analysis of messenger RNA

coding forc-myc. On theleft (lane 1)exponentially growingcells are

- 30%inGI phaseincomparisonto thefirst elutriation fractionshown

in lane 2 with over90%inGI;lane3, 70%; lane 7, 3.4%GI,31% S

phase, and 66% G2/M.Lane 8is blank. In the two lanes on the right,

acyclicAMPinducedGl cell-cycle-arrested population (lane 9, 88%

inGl)is compared with an exponentially growing population (lane

10).Equivalent loadingof each lane was determinedbyethidium

bro-mide staining.

mg/ml propidium iodide in 0.1% sodium citrate and 0.1% Triton

X-100) for15 Inih.Flow cytometry wascarriedout(Becton-Dickinson, Rutherford, NJ) on an EPICS Vanalyzer (Coulter) equipped with a

multiparameterdataacquisition system(Coulter).

Nuclearrunofftranscription assay. The nuclear runoffanalysis was

carried out as previously described (16). Nuclei were isolated on a

sucrosecushion using the method described byMarzluff(17). DNA



foreachoftheprobes was spotted on Hybond-N+ filters

(Amer-sham) usingaslot blot apparatus(SchleicherandSchuell, Keene, NH),

except for 18 S, whereonly 200ng was used. Densitometry was

per-formed toquantitatethe results.

RNaseprotectionanalysis.Total cellular RNA was analyzed by the

RNaseprotection assay as describedbyZinn(18). Samples (10 jigof

total RNAplusRNAprobe)weredenaturedat850for 10min,followed

byhybridizationat560Cfor 12-14h. RNase treatment with 10


RNase A and 500 u/mlTi (Sigma Chemical Co.) for 1h at330Cwas

followed by addition of 10


proteinase K for 10 min at 370C.

RNase resistant fragments were analyzed on 5% polyacrylamide

se-quencing gel electrophoresis.

Materials. PlasmidpSV c-myc was obtained from AmericanType

Culture Collection (ATCC cat no. 41029) Rockville Md. Single

strandedM13plasmids containingexon1 and2 sequences in thesense

and antisense orientationwere agiftof DavidBentley (ICRF, London,

UK). Plasmidprobeswerelabeled with(32p)dCTPbyrandompriming (Amersham,Multiprime Kit) (19).Theremainder ofthematerialswere

commerciallyobtained(SigmaChemicalCo.,St. Louis, MO).


Cell cycle regulation ofMyc gene expression. S49 mouse T lymphoma cells are transformed and originate fromamineral oil inducedtumorinaBALB/cmouse. They haveadoubling

time of14handduring exponential growth - 30% of cellsare

in GI phase,40% in S phase and 30% in G2/M phase. Cells







C 0 30' lh 2 h 4 h 6 h

Figure2.Theeffect of cyclicAMPon c-myc geneexpression.

Exponen-tially growing wild type S49 cells (A) were exposed to dibutyryl cyclic AMP(mM)forthetimes indicatedandcellswereexaminedby cytoflu-orimetryand northern dot blotanalysis.The sameanalysiswas

per-formedforaPKAdeficient S49cellline,KIN-shown in themiddle panel.In the Bwild-type S49cells wereexposedtodibutyryl cyclic

AMP(1 mM) for 24 h (time 0) and compared withexponentially

growingcells (c)and time points after removalofcyclicAMP.

may be fractionated bycentrifugal elutriation as shown in Fig.

1 and samples assayed for c-myc gene expression by northern blotanalysis. Exponentially growing S49 cells (lanes1and 10) have large amounts of c-myc messenger RNA that areeasily detectable on Northern blots. There appears to be some cell cycle variability in the amount of c-myc message. However, whencompared with the intensity of 18 S messengerRNAthe variability in densitometric quantitation is - 50%which is the

same as the variation amongst samples from exponentially growingcells. Thus, there isnoevidence for cellcyclevariation in c-myc messenger RNA concentration in S49 cells. Under

most circumstances Myc protein levels areproportional to

c-myc messenger RNAconcentrations (4).

Effect of cyclicAMP on c-myc message level. Agents that elevatecyclicAMP generate GI cellcyclearrestin S49 cells. This is reversible foratleast48 h butlongerexposure results in cell death.Cyclic AMP treated cellsarearrested inGI phase

and have undetectable levelsof c-myc message(Fig. 1,lane8)

whichis less than that ofGI elutriated cells (Fig. 1, lane2).

Densitometric quantitation indicates a 5-10-fold reduction in

c-myc message. Timecourse Northern blotexperiments (Fig.

2) reveal that c-myc messagedisappearsinwild-typeS49 cells within 30 min of exposure to dibutyryl cyclic AMP - 6 h

before the firstsignificant alteration in cellcycle distribution.

Furthermore, in wild-type S49 cells,GI arrested byexposure

todibutyryl cyclic AMPfor 24h, washoutexperiments reveal

a return of c-myc gene expression within 2 h which is 10 h before the cellsbegintoexitfromGI. Bycontrast,KIN- S49

cells whichlack PKAactivityareunaffectedby dibutyryl cyclic




_.., I

i .1



8 9 10 A C-MhycExpression





11 i: I





0 30' 2h 0 30' 1 h 2h



404 _K'P1P


-P2>)P- II _




80 oP2




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24



18S 1.0

C-fos l 1.0

myc1 sense

myc 1 antisense

myc 2,sense

myc2antisense *








1.0 1.0










Figure 4. Transcription runoff assay. Transcription runoff analysis was

performedas indicated in the Methods Section. Nuclei were isolated

after exposure to dibutyryl cyclic AMP(1mM) for the times indicated.

Each slot represents 2


of cDNA except for18Swhich is 200 ng per

slot.Densitometricquantitation was performed by normalizing the

ab-sorbance to the 18S band for each strip and subsequently the abab-sorbance

of theexponential band was set at1.0.Control cDNA is the Bluescript

vectorwithout an insert. A c-fos probe is also shown for comparison.

Figure3.Analysis of c-myc mRNA after exposure of cells to

actinomy-cin DorcyclicAMP.Total cellularRNA was extracted from

exponen-tiallygrowing S49 cells or cellstreatedwith actinomycin D (5


(A) or dibutyryl cyclic AMP(1 mM) (B) for the times shown. RNA

was analyzed by RNase protection usinga-32PUTP-labeled RNA probe

encompassingboth Myc promoters P1 and P2. The protected fragments wereanalyzedbyelectrophoresisin a denaturing 5% polyacrylamide gel. The bottom graph is an analysis of c-myc mRNA by radioactive scanning of a gel of an RNase protection assay after CEM cells were

exposedtodibutyryl cAMP(1 mM).

AMPboth intermsof cellcycle distribution and c-myc message levels. Other S49 cell lines with different mutations segregate into thesetwoclassesdependingonwhether they possess PKA activityornot(datanotshown). In other studieswehave shown that (IL-2 dependent) mouse T cell clones of both helper and


phenotype are inhibited by cyclic


CyclicAMP versusactinomycinD.Wecompared the inhibi-tion ofexpressionof the c-myc gene by dibutyrylcyclicAMP

with the RNApolymerase inhibitoractinomycinD.Initial stud-iesindicated that the c-myc half-lifeusingboth of these

inhibi-tors is 20 min whichcorrelates with


estimates of the c-myc messenger RNA half-life. We then used the RNase protectionassaytodetermine if there is any difference in

pro-moter use with these two agents. As shown in Fig. 3 both

actinomycin D (A) andcyclic AMP (B) cause a prompt

de-crease inexpressionof the gene from both the P1 and P2

pro-motersites. Densitometric


confirmsahalf-life of 20

min with either of these agents.



of cyclicAMPontranscription ofc-myc. Tran-scriptional regulation of c-mycwas analyzed by transcription runoff assays using labelled nuclei from treated and untreated S49 cells and immobilizedprobesfor bothexon 1 and2of the c-myc gene in thesense and antisense orientation(Fig. 4). At

30 min of exposure there was no significant difference from control untreated nuclei(datanotshown)howeverby 1 h there was a modest (30%)decline in


ofexon 1 in the

senseorientationanda40% decline inthetranscriptionofexon

2 in the sense orientation indicating a modest decline in tran-scriptional initiation andaslight block to transcriptional elonga-tion. Attenuation became more pronounced at 6 h of exposure

tocyclicAMP.Therewasalsoamodestdecline in the antisense transcription from exon 1 but not from exon 2.

cAMP in S49 versus CEM Cells. We investigated cyclic

AMPsensitivity in humanT lymphoblast cell lines and deter-mined that MOLT4cells like S49 cells are inhibited by cyclic AMP(data not shown). By contrast, CEM cells like KIN-are

resistant to agents that elevate intracellular cyclic AMP includ-ing dibutyryl cyclic AMP, RO-20-1724 (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) (data not shown) and forskolin, an activator of ade-nylcyclase. As shown in Fig. 5 S49 cellsarearrested in the


phaseof the cellcycleby 1 mMdibutyryl cyclicAMP for 24

h. While completely viable at 24 h their survival at 72 h is profoundly reduced. By contrast, CEM cells have virtually no

alteration in cell cycle distribution and virtually no reduction insurvivalatconcentrations of dibutyryl cyclicAMPnecessary

to arrestS49 cells


c-mycin S49versus CEM Cells. Surprisingly, CEM cells appeartoregulatec-myc message in much thesame manner as

S49 cells. Theamountof c-myc message is increasedinCEM cells relative to S49 cells but the half-life, as measured by

actinomycin D treatment, is only slightly


in CEM cells by Northern blotanalysis (Fig. 6 C). Cyclic AMP has similar effects on c-myc message in S49 versus CEM cells again demonstrating a half-life of 20 to 40 min. (Fig. 6 A). Pretreatment with


(3 h) increases the half-life

suggesting protein synthesis is necessary to transduce part of

thecyclic AMP effect(Fig.6 B).Averyinteresting phenomena occurs whendibutyryl cyclicAMP isaddedto



treated cells. In S49 cells the combination of



and cyclic AMP has little effectorperhaps shortens the half-life of c-myc messengerRNA whereasinCEM cells itvastly

prolongs the c-myc message half life (Fig. 6 D). When the half-life of c-myc messenger RNA is determined


theRNase protection assay therate ofdiminution issomewhat slower in CEM cells than S49 cells(Fig. 3, graphatthebottom)probably



Exp 1mM






Exp OOILM 500;iM 1mM 2mM 5mM


Figure5.Cell cycledistributionand cAMP

sensi-tivity ofS49andCEM cells.Exponentially

grow-ing S49 and CEM cells were exposed to varygrow-ing concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and har-vested at 24 h for cytofluorimetry and 72 h for cellviability. Cytofluorimetric cell cycle

distribu-tion is shown above the propordistribu-tionofcells in

each cell cycle phaseand the survival at 72 h

compared with exponentially growing cells. S49

93.4 34.8 27.0 26.7 29.1 33.4 34.0 cellsdoubling time is 12-14 h whereas CEM

3.2 41.2 36.1 39.5 38.7 35.3 32.4 cellsdouble every 24 h which lengthened to 29

3.4 23.9 36.8 33.8 32.2 31.3 33.6 h whencultured in media containing5mM

dibu-14.4 100.0 92.3 82.0 78.9 81.2 80.8 tyryl cyclic AMP.

becausetheassayismoresensitive. Inmostexperiments the

c-myc expression in CEM cells treated with dibutyryl cAMP is

undetectable at 24 hby RNase protection when the cells are


S49 wild type versus the "Deathless" mutant. We also compared these cell lines to the mutant S49 cell line called

Deathless(D-)that willarrestinGI phase (TableI)but which

is viableduringprolongedexposureto agentsthat elevate cyclic

AMP(Table II). Deathless has similar viabilitytocyclic AMP elevationasS49cellsthat havedefectsinthe PKA

phosphoryla-tion pathway. Interestingly, all of the S49 derived cell lines


A o 330 1 2h 41 6h 12h 24h


0 30 l1 21 41 61' 12h 24t'

, L- 'im :. Amt




cAMPplus cyclohexamide






(wild type, KIN- and D-) are sensitive to dexamethasone whereas,ourCEM cellsarenot(20).Comparingc-myc

expres-sion inS49 wild-typeversus Deathlessduring cyclic AMP

in-duced cellcyclearrestrevealsasharp decline inc-myc messen-ger RNA concentrations during GI cell cycle arrest in

wild-typecells, whereas,c-mycexpression fromboth theP1 andP2

promoterpersisted foratleast24 h inDeathless (Fig. 7).


Earlier observations on the effect of cyclic AMP on S49 T

lymphocytes suggestedthatribonucleotidereductase, alate GI message, wastranscriptionally inactivated by cyclicAMP (16).

Inpreliminary studies, I investigatedothergenesexpressed

ear-lier in GI phaseto determine ifeventspriortothe expression

ofribonucleotide reductase are affected by cyclic AMP. The surveyincludedc-fos, v-ki-ras,egr-1,c-myb andc-mos. There

was no detectable expression ofegr- in S49 cells and there was no difference in expression of v-ki-ras, c-myb or c-mos

between exponentially growing S49 cells andcyclic AMP in-ducedGI arrested S49 cells.Othershave shownadecrease in

c-Ki-ras andc-myb as well as c-mycin glucocorticoid treated

cells (21). There is a 50% decline in c-fos message during

cyclicAMPinducedGI arrest. These resultscontrastwith the dramatic decline inc-mycmessageduring GI arrest.SinceMyc proteinisalso short lived(22),theseobservationsledustothe

hypothesis that cyclic AMP cell cycle arrest is the result of

inhibitionofc-myc geneexpression. Thec-mycprotein product

isthoughttobeatranscriptionalactivator(atleast when

hetero-dimerized with MAX)andnecessaryforproliferation. Indeed,

in somecell lines excessive expression ofc-mycis associated

withincreasedviability and constitutive expressionofornithine

decarboxylase mRNA (23). This hypothesis might, in turn,

account forthe decreased transcription ofthe genesencoding

the two subunits ofribonucleotide reductase. This hypothesis

Figure 6.c-mycGeneExpression inS49versusCEM T lymphoma cells

exposedtocyclic AMP, actinomycinDandcycloheximide. Northern

blotanalysiswasperformedonS49orCEM cellsattimepoints

indi-cated afterexposuretodibutyryl cyclicAMP(1 mM) alone (A)or afterpre-exposure(3 h)tocycloheximide (B) actinomycin D (5


ml)alone(C)orwithdibutyryl cyclic AMP (D). Equivalent loading and transferwasdeterminedbyhybridization withan18 SmouseRNA

probe filtered by densitometry.Therewas< 10% variation in 18S RNA

hybridization by densitometry.

Table 1. Percentof Cellsin



Control dbcAMP(1 mM)

CEM 57.0 61.5

S49WT 54.2 85.2

D- 37.5 84.2

KIN- 38.2 37.9

Gl S G2/M


Table II. Survival at 72 h (EC50)

dbcAMP Dexamethasone Forskolin


CEM 1,800 >7,200 87

S49WT 70 38 8

D- 450 14 50

KIN- 780 23 300

was investigated by analyzing the mechanism of cyclic AMP inhibition of c-myc gene expression in a variety of different T lymphoma cell lines.

The expression of c-myc is an attractive target for cyclic

AMPcell cycle arrest since it is closely linked to lymphoid cell proliferation. For example, c-myc dysregulation is associated with transformation of lymphoid malignancies and c-myc is expressed early in the mitogenic response of lymphocytes. Sup-pression of c-myc exSup-pression by antisense oligo nucleotides can inhibit entry into S phase (24). More recently, it has become clear that uncontrolled c-myc expression, while hastening the cell cyclethrough GI phase shortening, (25) leads to apoptosis. Themechanism of c-myc induced apoptosis is unknown but can beprevented by the bcl-2 gene that encodes a mitochondrial protein. The physiologic down-regulation of c-myc involves the FOSprotein which binds to anegative regulatory sequence in the c-myc promoter(26, 27).

Iconfirmed the observations of others that the c-myc gene isexpressed at relative stable levels through the cell cycle (28). However, theprecipitous decline in c-myc gene expression be-fore any change in cell cycle distribution, coupled with the return ofc-myc expression soonafter removal ofcyclicAMP

and beforeG1 exit suggests that c-myc geneexpression might

indeed beclosely linkedtoG1 cellcyclearrest.Thishypothesis



=_. = .. ._1 1



Oh lh 6h

is strengthened by the uniform correlation of persistent c-myc geneexpression withcyclic AMP resistance inS49Tlymphoma mutantcell lines with deficient PKA activity.

Given the similarity ofc-myc messenger RNA

concentra-tions when cellsareexposed to cyclic AMP or actinomycin D,

Iwas surprised by the results of the transcription run-off studies. Basedonprevious studies bynumerousinvestigatorsIexpected that the mechanism of cyclic AMP inhibition of c-myc gene expression would be attenuation (29-33) which usuallyoccurs atthe end of the first exon (34) (that is unexpressed) although has been reported to occur between the P1 and P2 promoter (35, 36).

The transcription run-off studies however show no

signifi-cant attenuation for several hours, which is well beyond the time period when c-myc message concentrations become unde-tectable. By 1hthere appearstobea30% decline in transcrip-tional initiation and an additional 10% decrease in transcript elongation. Atthispoint the message concentration is virtually undetectablesuggestingthatcyclicAMP affectsc-mycmessage

stability in S49 cells. Since c-myc mRNA stability may be

altered by protein binding, PKA dependent phosphorylation could influence this effect. A similar effect has been notedin

glucocorticoid treated Tlymphoma cells (37).

The prolongation c-myc message with cycloheximide pre-treatment is expected since a number ofrapidly turned over

transcripts are stabilized by protein synthesis inhibition (38). However, thedivergent response of S49 cells and CEM cells

tothe combination ofactinomycinDanddibutyryl cyclicAMP

isunanticipated. In S49 cells the two agents may be additive whichwould be consistent withcyclicAMP induced message degradation whereas in CEM cells the effect is the opposite. Clearly, if cyclic AMPphosphorylatesaprotein responsiblefor

c-myc degradation in S49 cells thatevent does not happenin

CEM cells.Infact, underthese conditions themessageis


Theobservation that CEM cells respondtocyclicAMPby





_MUI~ 404


Oh lh



Figure 7.c-myc geneexpressioninwild-typeS49 TlymphomacellsversusthemutantS49cellline "Deathless" (D-).Cultures



x 107 cells wereexposedtodibutyrylcAMP(1mM)for the times shown thenharvested forRNAextraction.Aliquotswerestained withpropidium

iodideforcytofluorimetry. Theproportion ofcells in GIphasewas54%(wild type-0 h); 85%(wild type-24 h);38%(Deathless-0 h);84% (Deathless-24 h).The RNaseprotectionassaywasperformedasdescribedforFig.3. Whenadjustedfor variation inloadingtherewas asteep decline in c-mycexpressioninwild-typecellstoundetectable levels at24h,whereas in Deathlesscells, there ispersistanceofc-myc


during GI arrest.







diminishing c-myc gene expression while continuingto prolifer-ate, calls into question the role of c-myc gene expression in T

lymphocyte proliferation. Clearly,this line of Tlymphomacells appears to not require c-myc gene expression for continued proliferation, although we cannot exclude the possibility that very small amounts of c-myc messenger RNA persist and are

adequate to permit proliferation. Conversely, continued expres-sion of c-myc can occur under circumstances whenthe cells are

growth arrested. For example, CEM cells exposed to cyclic AMP and actinomycin D continue to express c-myc but are growth inhibited (as in Fig. 6 D). Thus, c-myc expression ap-pearstobe neither necessarynorsufficient for CEMlymphocyte proliferation. Perhaps, there is some redundancy in the

tran-scriptional activation that the MYC protein normally provides which would permit CEM cells to circumvent the cyclic AMP effect. Other members ofthemycfamily, suchasN-myc,which

is known to be expressed in CEM cells (39), could provide this function. Further study will be necessary to determine if this hypothesis is valid. Alternatively, these CEM cells may have ablock distal to the purported convergence point between cyclic AMP and glucocorticoid induced apoptosis (15) since this cell line is resistanttoboth agents (see Table II) although

someCEMcell lines are sensitive toglucocorticoids (20). By contrast, Deathless is sixfold resistanttodbcAMP andForskolin but sensitivetoDexamethasone(TableHI). However, Deathless arrests in GI phase as readily as wild-type S49 cells (Table I). Thus, G1 cell cycle arrest is not always associated with

de-creasedc-mycexpression and, conversely, decreased c-myc ex-pression is not always associated with G1 cell cycle arrest.

While c-myc down-regulation and cyclic AMP cell cycle

arrest could be mechanistically related in some cell types, it

couldbe aprotective rather than cytotoxic effect. Persistant c-myc expression is linked to apoptosis and, by contrast, cAMP

Gl arrest is reversible (at least initially). It is possible that cAMP GI arrestis aphysiologic mechanism to down regulate lymphocyte proliferation and the down-regulation of c-myc ex-pression prevents cell death and permits reversal. Preliminary datafromourlaboratory which supports this hypothesis is that constitutive expression of c-myc may be lethal to S49 cells. Analogous experiments in a human pre-B cell line Reh have alsoshown thatconstitutive expression ofc-myc did not reverse cAMP-induced cell cycle arrest (40). Inducible expression of introduced vectors encoding the c-myc protein may help answer thequestion of whether cyclic AMP GI cell cycle arrest in S49 cells is mechanistically linked to c-myc gene expression.

However, comparison of c-myc expression in S49 wild type cells with theDeathless mutant (41)clearlyindicatethat c-myc downregulation isnotanabsolute requirement forGI cell cycle

arrest in S49 cells. Furthermore, it suggests that c-myc down-regulation may be more closely associated with apoptosis than

cellcycle arrest. In summary, the relationship of c-myc expres-sion tocellcycle progression and viability is complex and ap-pears to vary between cell types even within the lymphoid lineages. In S49 mouse T lymphoma cells cyclic AMP down-regulation of c-myc expression appears to be more closely

re-lated toaloss of viability than


cell cycle arrest.


JayaKuchibotla and Holly Peng participated inpreliminaryexperiments

in this project. Edwardine Nodzenski provided technical assistance. The

RNase protection assays wereperformed by Andrew Wagnerand Ed

Desjardins (DepartmentofPharmacology andPhysiology, University

of Chicago). We thank NissimHayfor hiscommentsandsuggestions.

The single stranded c-myc probes were provided by David Bentley

(ICRF, London).

Support for theseinvestigationswasprovidedby the Arthritis

Foun-dationof Illinois.


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