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On n flat modules and n Von Neumann regular rings


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Received 4 May 2006; Revised 20 June 2006; Accepted 21 August 2006

We show that eachR-module isn-flat (resp., weaklyn-flat) if and only ifRis an (n,n− 1)-ring (resp., a weakly (n,n−1)-ring). We also give a new characterization ofn-von Neumann regular rings and a characterization of weakn-von Neumann regular rings for (CH)-rings and for local rings. Finally, we show that in a class of principal rings and a class of local Gaussian rings, a weakn-von Neumann regular ring is a (CH)-ring.

Copyright © 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

All rings considered in this paper are commutative with identity elements and all modules are unital. For a nonnegative integern, anR-moduleEisn-presented if there is an exact sequenceFn→Fn−1→ ··· →F0→E→0, in which eachFiis a finitely generated freeR

-module. In particular, “0-presented” means finitely generated and “1-presented” means finitely presented. Also, pdREwill denote the projective dimension ofEas anR-module. Costa [2] introduced a doubly filtered set of classes of rings throwing a brighter light on the structures of non-Noetherian rings. Namely, for nonnegative integersn andd, we say that a ringRis an (n,d)-ring if pdR(E)≤dfor eachn-presentedR-moduleE(as usual, pd denotes projective dimension); and thatRis a weak (n,d)-ring if pdR(E)≤d for eachn-presented cyclicR-moduleE. The Noetherianness deflates the (n,d)-property to the notion of regular ring. However, outside Noetherian settings, the richness of this classification resides in its ability to unify classic concepts such as von Neumann regular, hereditary/Dedekind, and semi-hereditary/Pr¨ufer rings. For instance, see [2–5,8–10].

We say thatRisn-von Neumann regular ring (resp., weakn-von Neumann regular ring) if it is (n, 0)-ring (resp., weak (n, 0)-ring). Hence, the 1-von Neumann regular rings and the weak 1-von Neumann regular rings are exactly the von Neumann regular ring (see [10, Theorem 2.1] for a characterization ofn-von Neumann regular rings).

According to [1], an R-moduleE is said to be n-flat if TorRn(E,G)=0 for each n -presentedR-moduleG. Similarly, anR-moduleEis said to be weaklyn-flat if TornR(E,G)= 0 for eachn-presented cyclicR-moduleG. Consequently, the 1-flat, weakly 1-flat, and flat

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2006, Article ID 90868, Pages1–6


properties are the same. Therefore, eachR-module is 1-flat or weakly 1-flat if and only if Ris a von Neumann regular ring.

InSection 2, we show that eachR-module isn-flat (resp., weaklyn-flat) if and only if Ris an (n,n−1)-ring (resp., a weakly (n,n−1)-ring). Then we give a wide class of non weakly (n,d)-rings for each pair of positive integersnandd. InSection 3, we give a new characterization ofn-von Neumann regular rings. Also, for (CH)-rings and local rings, a characterization of weakn-von Neumann regular rings is given. Finally, ifRis a principal ring or a local Gaussian ring, we show thatRis a weakn-von Neumann regular ring which implies thatRis a (CH)-ring.

2. Rings such that eachR-module isn-flat

Recall that anR-moduleEis said to ben-flat (resp., weaklyn-flat) if TornR(E,G)=0 for eachn-presentedR-moduleG(resp.,n-presented cyclicR-moduleG). It is clear but im-portant to see that “allR-modules aren-flat” condition is equivalent to “everyn-presented module has flat dimension at mostn−1.”

The following result gives us a characterization of those rings modules aren-flat (resp., weaklyn-flat).

Theorem 2.1. LetRbe a commutative ring and letn≥1 be an integer. Then (1) eachR-module isn-flat if and only ifRis an (n,n−1)-ring;

(2) eachR-module is weaklyn-flat if and only ifRis a weak (n,n−1)-ring.

Proof. (1) Forn=1, the result is well known. Forn≥2, letRbe an (n,n−1)-ring andN be anR-module. We claim thatNisn-flat.

Indeed, ifEis ann-presentedR-module, then pdR(E)≤n−1 sinceRis an (n,n− 1)-ring. Hence, f dR(E)≤n−1 and so TorRn(E,N)=0. Therefore,Nisn-flat.

Conversely, assume that allR-modules aren-flat. Prove thatRis an (n,n−1)-ring. Let Ebe ann-presentedR-module and consider the exact sequence ofR-modules

0−→Q−→Fn−2−→ ··· −→F0−→E−→0, (2.1)

whereFiis a finitely generated freeR-module for eachiandQanR-module. It follows

thatQis a finitely presentedR-module sinceEis ann-presentedR-module. On the other hand,Qis a flatR-module since f dR(E)≤n−1 (since allR-modules aren-flat andEis n-presented). Therefore,Qis a projectiveR-module and so pdR(E)≤n−1 which implies thatRis an (n,n−1)-ring.

(2) Mimic the proof of (1), whenEis a cyclicn-presented replace,Eis ann-presented.

Note that, even if allR-modules are 2-flat, there may exist anR-module which is not flat. An illustration of this situation is shown in the following example.


LetAbe a ring, letEbe anA-module, andR=A∝Ebe the set of pairs (a,e) with pairwise addition and multiplication defined by

(a,e)(a,e)=(aa,ae+ae). (2.2)

Ris called the trivial ring extension ofAbyE. For instance, see [7,9,11].

It is clear that every Noetherian nonregular ring is an example of a ring which is not a weak (n,d)-ring for anyn,d. Now, we give a wide class of rings which are not a weak (n,d)-ring (and so not an (n,d)-ring) for each pair of positive integersnandd.

Proposition 2.3. LetAbe a commutative ring and letR=A∝Abe the trivial ring exten-sion ofAbyA. Then, for each pair of positive integersnandd,Ris not a weak (n,d)-ring. In particular, it is not an (n,d)-ring.

Proof. LetI:=R(0, 1)(=0∝A). Consider the exact sequence ofR-modules

0−→Ker(u)−→R−→u I−→0, (2.3)

whereu(a,e)=(a,e)(0, 1)=(0,a). Clearly, Ker(u)=0∝A=R(0, 1)=I. Therefore,I is m-presented for each positive integermby the above exact sequence. It remains to show that pdR(I)= ∞.

We claim thatI is not projective. Deny. Then the above exact sequence splits. Hence, Iis generated by an idempotent element (0,a), wherea∈A. Then (0,a)=(0,a)(0,a)= (0, 0). So,a=0 andI=0, the desired contradiction (sinceI =0). It follows from the above exact sequence that pdR(I)=1 + pdR(I) since Ker(u)=I. Therefore, pdR(I)= ∞ and thenRis not a weak (n,d)-ring for each pair of positive integersnandd. Remark 2.4. LetAbe a commutative ring and letR=A∝Abe the trivial ring extension of AbyA. Then, for each positive integern, there exists an R-module which is not a weaklyn-flat, in particular it is notn-flat, byTheorem 2.1andProposition 2.3.

3. Characterization of (weak)n-von Neumann regular rings

In [10, Theorem 2.1], the author gives a characterization ofn-von Neumann regular rings ((n, 0)-rings). In the sequel, we give a new characterization ofn-von Neumann regular rings. Recall first thatRis a (CH)-ring if each finitely generated proper ideal has a nonzero annihilator.

Theorem 3.1. LetRbe a commutative ring. ThenRis ann-von Neumann regular ring if and only ifRis a (CH)-ring and allR-modules aren-flat.

Proof. Assume thatRisn-von Neumann regular. ThenRis a (CH)-ring by [10, Theorem 2.1]. On the other hand,Ris obviously an (n,n−1)-ring since it is an (n, 0)-ring. So, all R-modules aren-flat byTheorem 2.1.

Conversely, suppose thatRis a (CH)-ring and allR-modules aren-flat. Then,Ris an (n,n−1)-ring byTheorem 2.1and hence Ris ann-von Neumann regular ring by [10,


The “(CH)” and “all modules aren-flat” properties inTheorem 3.1are not comparable via inclusion as the following two examples show.

Example 3.2. LetRbe a Pr¨ufer domain which is not a field. Then

(1) allR-modules aren-flat for each integern≥2 byTheorem 2.1since each Pr¨ufer domain is an (n,n−1)-domain;

(2)Ris not a (CH)-ring sinceRis a domain which is not a field.

Example 3.3. LetAbe a (CH)-ring and letR=A∝Abe the trivial ring extension ofA byA. Then

(1)Ris a (CH)-ring by [11, Lemma 2.6(1)] sinceAis a (CH)-ring;

(2)Ris not an (n,d)-ring for each pair of positive integersnanddbyProposition 2.3. In particular,Rdoes not satisfy the property that “allR-modules aren-flat” byTheorem 2.1.

Now, we give two characterizations of weakn-von Neumann regular rings under some hypothesis.

Theorem 3.4. LetRbe a commutative ring and letnbe a positive integer.

(1) IfRis a (CH)-ring, thenRis a weakn-von Neumann regular ring if and only if all R-modules are weaklyn-flat.

(2) IfRis a local ring, thenRis a weakn-von Neumann regular ring if and only if each nonzero proper ideal ofRis not (n−1)-presented.

Proof. (1) LetRbe a (CH)-ring. IfR is a weak (n, 0)-ring, thenR is obviously a weak (n,n−1)-ring and so eachR-module is a weaklyn-flat byTheorem 2.1(2). Conversely, as-sume that eachR-module is a weaklyn-flat. Then,Ris a weak (n,n−1)-ring byTheorem 2.1(2). Our purpose is to show thatRis a weak (n, 0)-ring. LetEbe a cyclicn-presented R-module and consider the exact sequence ofR-module

0−→Q−→Fn−2−→ ··· −→F0−→E−→0, (3.1)

whereFiis a finitely generated freeR-module for eachiandQanR-module. Hence,Qis a

finitely generated projectiveR-module by the same proof ofTheorem 2.1(1). Therefore,E ism-presented for each positive integermand soEis a projectiveR-module by mimicking the end of the proof of [10, Theorem 2.1] sinceRis a (CH)-ring.

(2) If each proper ideal ofRis not (n−1)-presented, thenRis obviously a weak (n, 0)-ring. Conversely, assume thatRis a local weak (n, 0)-ring. We must show that each proper ideal is not (n−1)-presented. Assume to the contrary thatIis a proper (n−1)-presented ideal ofR. Then,R/Iis ann-presented cyclicR-module, soR/Iis a projectiveR-module sinceRis a weak (n, 0)-ring. Hence, the exact sequence ofR-modules

0−→I−→R−→R/I−→0 (3.2)


thenIis not a proper ideal, a desired contradiction. Hence, each proper ideal ofRis not


Remark 3.5. InTheorem 3.4(2), the conditionRlocal is necessary. In fact, letRbe a von Neumann regular ring (i.e., (1, 0)-ring) which is not a field. Then,Ris a weak (1, 0)-ring and there exist many finitely generated proper ideals ofR.

IfRis an (n, 0)-ring, thenRis a (CH)-ring by [10, Theorem 2.1]. The (1, 0)-ring is a (CH)-ring. So we are led to ask the following question.

Question 1. IfRis a weak (n, 0)-ring for a positive integern≥2, does this imply thatRis a (CH)-ring?

IfRis a principal ring (i.e., each finitely generated ideal ofRis principal) or a local Gaussian ring, we give an affirmative answer to this question.

For a polynomial f ∈R[X], denote byC(f)—the content of f—the ideal ofR gener-ated by the coefficients of f. For two polynomials f andg inR[X],C(f g)⊆C(f)C(g). A polynomial f is called a Gaussian polynomial if this containment becomes equality for every polynomialg inR[X]. A ringRis called a Gaussian ring if every polynomial with coefficients inRis a Gaussian polynomial. For instance, see [6].

Proposition 3.6. LetRbe a weak (n, 0)-ring for a positive integern≥2. Then (1)Ris a total ring;

(2) ifRis a principal ring, thenRis a (CH)-ring; (3) ifRis a local Gaussian ring, thenRis a (CH)-ring.

Proof. (1) Leta( =0) be a regular element ofR. Our aim is to show thatais unit. The idealRaisn-presented for each positive integern sinceRa∼=R(sinceais regular), so R/Raisn-presented for each positive integernby the exact sequence ofR-modules 0 Ra→R→R/Ra→0.Hence,R/Rais a projectiveR-module (sinceRis a weak (n, 0)-ring) and so the above exact sequence splits. ThenRais generated by an idempotent, that is, there existse∈Rsuch thatRa=Reande(e−1)=0. Buteis regular since so isa(since Ra=Re). Hence,e(e−1)=0 implies thate−1=0 and soRa=R, that is,ais unit.

(2) Argue by (1) and sinceRis principal.

(3) Let (R,M) be a local Gaussian weak (n, 0)-ring. By the proof (case 1) of [6, Theorem 3.2], it suffices to show that eacha∈Mis zero divisor. ButRis a total ring by (1). There-fore, eacha∈Mis a zero divisor and this completes the proof ofProposition 3.6.


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[5] D. E. Dobbs, S.-E. Kabbaj, N. Mahdou, and M. Sobrani, When isD+M n-coherent and an (n,d

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[6] S. Glaz, The weak dimensions of Gaussian rings, Proceedings of the American Mathematical So-ciety 133 (2005), no. 9, 2507–2513.

[7] J. A. Huckaba, Commutative Rings with Zero Divisors, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 117, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988.

[8] S.-E. Kabbaj and N. Mahdou, Trivial extensions of local rings and a conjecture of Costa, Com-mutative Ring Theory and Applications (Fez, 2001), Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., vol. 231, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003, pp. 301–311.

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Najib Mahdou: D´epartement de Math´ematiques et Informatique, Facult´e des Sciences et Techniques F`es-Sa¨ıss, Universit´e S. M. Ben Abdellah, F`es BP 2202, Morocco


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