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Baby Shower Tag Questions


Academic year: 2021

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Baby Shower

Tag Questions

9:30-9:40 Ice Breaker

• What was the best thing that happened this last week? • What was the worst thing that happened this last week?

Those nine months when you or someone you love is expecting a baby are very exciting months. One way that friends often

celebrate before the baby is born is by throwing a baby shower. This is a type of party where women are able to get together and give useful gifts to the mother-to-be. Baby showers are also very helpful for expecting mothers since having a baby means you have to buy a lot of new things! This lesson will introduce some ideas about baby showers so that you will be prepared if you ever are invited to one or even if you decide that you want to help throw one for one of your friends!

9:40-10:00 Vocabulary and Conversation

• gorgeous: very pretty or beautiful

• complement: a kind word or phrase about someone else

• intricate: very detailed, lots of decoration (See cake below.)

• registry: a list of items that people want to receive from a certain store

• assortment: different types or kinds

• craving: strong desire; something that you want very badly

• throw a shower: give a shower



Anne: Good morning, Judy. I saw you at Leslie’s baby shower last weekend, didn’t I?

Judy: Yes, I was there. I thought it was such a fun shower. She got some wonderful gifts, didn’t she?

Anne: Oh yes. That blanket you made for her was gorgeous. It must have taken you days to make it. Judy: Thank you, Anne. That is a really sweet compliment. That blanket did take me a long time to

make because of all the intricate details, but it was worth it to see how much Leslie enjoyed it. Anne: I wish I was creative enough to make something like that. I just bought her something from her


Judy: What did you get her?

Anne: I thought I would just get her an assortment of things that I found helpful when I had my first child. I bought a pacifier since that was something that always helped my baby calm down. I bought some gloves and socks since babies need to keep warm when going outside. And then I bought one of those diaper pails that helps keep out the smell of dirty diapers.

Judy: I’m certain that those gifts will be a huge help in the months to come.

Anne: I’m curious to see who will get the closest in guessing when the baby will be born and how much she will weigh.

Judy: That was fun to guess. I think I ended up guessing that the baby will come one week before the due date and weigh seven pounds, four ounces. What did you guess?

Anne: Since it is Leslie’s first child, I guessed that she would be four days later than her due date. I just guessed on the weight and said eight pounds.

Judy: We will just have to wait and see, won’t we? Well, I had better be going. I’m off to help plan a baby shower for Katie next month. See you soon!

Anne: Enjoy planning. Good bye!

10:00-10:20 Discussion

Here are some questions about baby showers. Discuss them together as a group. It’s not necessary to discuss all the questions; choose the ones that are most interesting to you.

1. Have you ever been to a baby shower? Did you enjoy it or not?

2. Are there any customs that your culture or family participates in before a baby is born? 3. Do you have a certain skill so that you could make a gift for a baby shower (sewing, painting,

crocheting, etc.)? If yes, what?

4. If you were having a baby shower thrown for you, what gift would you hope to receive? 5. Have you ever helped plan a baby shower? If yes, what did you have to do?


7. Some people think it is bad luck to buy things for the baby before they are born. Do you believe that? Why or why not?

8. What kind of food would you have at a baby shower?

9. Sometimes people play games at baby showers. Have you ever played a game at a baby shower? If so, what kind of game?

10. Do you think men would want to be invited to baby showers? 11. What is the best advice you would give a first-time mom?

12. If you have been pregnant before, did you find out if you were having a boy or a girl? If you haven’t been pregnant, would you want to find out? Why or why not?

13. Strange food cravings sometimes accompany pregnancy. What is the strangest food craving you have heard of someone having?

14. What are some of the most popular names for baby boys in your country? What about for baby girls?

15. Have you ever received a thank you note from someone you gave a gift to? Do you think it is important to write a thank you note if you receive a gift?

10:20-10:40 Grammar and Vocabulary: Tag Questions

A tag question is a question that is added onto the end of an affirmative sentence. There are several “rules” to remember when thinking about tag questions.

Affirmative Negative Expected Answer

(a) You were invited, weren’t you? Yes (b) You bought that, didn’t you? Yes

When the main verb is

affirmative, the tag question is negative, and the expected answer agrees with the main verb.

Negative Affirmative Expected Answer

(c) You weren’t there, were you? No (d) You didn’t buy that, did you? No

When the main verb is negative, the tag question is affirmative, and the expected answer agrees with the main verb.

(e) Did you buy that?

This is a simple yes or no question in which the speaker does not expect one answer or another. He or she is simply seeking information.

The following rule is somewhat advanced in that it deals with the intonation of the speaker. Do not

feel like you have to master this, and if it is too confusing, skip it! It is simply a finer point of

conversational English. Tutors, you will need to illustrate the intonation to help out if possible.


information is correct. The speaker has an idea but is checking to see if that idea is correct.

(g) The shower will be nice, won’t it? A speaker uses falling intonation to seek agreement.

The speaker thinks that the shower will be nice and is almost certain the listener will agree.

In the questions below, show what the expected answer is by choosing “Yes” or “No”. Example:

Question: That baby picture looked exactly like Bethany, didn’t it?

Expected Answer: Yes.

1. She seemed to enjoy the gift very much, didn’t she? Yes/No

2. That was not the best time to say that, was it? Yes/No

3. You made that delicious cake, didn’t you? Yes/No

4. You didn’t know Jo’s mother, did you? Yes/No

10:40-11:00 Bible Study: Crucifixion Luke 23:32 - 47

32-33 Two others, criminals, were led out to be executed with him at a place called “The Skull.” There all three were crucified—Jesus on the center cross, and the two criminals on either side.

34 “Father, forgive these people,” Jesus said, “for they don’t know what they are doing.” And

the soldiers gambled for his clothing, throwing dice for each piece. 35 The crowd watched. And

the Jewish leaders laughed and scoffed. “He was so good at helping others,” they said, “let’s see him save himself if he is really God’s Chosen One, the Messiah.” 36 The soldiers mocked

him, too, by offering him a drink—of sour wine. 37 And they called to him, “If you are the King of

the Jews, save yourself!” 38 A signboard was nailed to the cross above him with these words:

“This is the King of the Jews.”

39 One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it

by saving yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!” 40-41 But the other criminal protested. “Don’t

you even fear God when you are dying? We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but this man

hasn’t done one thing wrong.” 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your

Kingdom.” 43 And Jesus replied, “Today you will be with me in Paradise. This is a solemn


44 By now it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land for three hours, until three

o’clock. 45 The light from the sun was gone—and suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple

split apart. 46 Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I commit my spirit to you,” and with those words he

died. 47 When the captain of the Roman military unit handling the executions saw what had

happened, he was stricken with awe before God and said, “Surely this man was innocent.”

Words You May Not Know:

Execute = to put to death; The Skull = the name of the place where Jesus was killed; crucified = to execute by nailing to a cross; cross = the object on which Jesus was killed; criminal = a person who is guilty of crime; gamble = to bet money; dice = small cubes that

have numbers or signs; crowd = a large number of people; Jewish = of the people, Jews;

scoff = to show no respect; Messiah = Jesus, savior; mocked = to laugh at somebody in an

unkind way; Jews = people of the Jewish faith; prove = to show to be true; deserve = to have a right to something; deeds = bad or good actions; kingdom = the place of God; paradise =


heaven; solemn = serious, sure; darkness= no light; veil = curtain; commit = to dedicate;

stricken (strike) = to hit; awe = feeling of respect; innocent = free from guilt and blame Questions from Luke 23:32 - 47

1. Who died on the cross for your and my sins? 2. Where did Jesus die? (v.32-33)

3. What did the officer and soldiers say when Jesus died on the cross? (v.47)

4. Do you think that you are a good person or a sinner when you read this section of the Bible? (ex; 10 As the Scriptures say, “No one is good—no one in all the world is innocent.”11 No one

has ever really followed God’s paths or even truly wanted to. Rom 3:10)

5. In what ways are we all like the criminals on the cross through the eyes of a Holy and Righteous God?

6. What is the attitude difference between the first and the second thief on the cross next to Jesus? (v. 39-42)

7. What is the promise of Jesus when we confess our sins, repent, and put our faith in Him?

十字架 ー ルカの福音書 23章32−47節 3233イエスだけでなく、ほかに二人の犯罪人が、「どくろ」と呼ばれる場所で処刑されるた めに、引いて行かれました。 刑場に着くと、三人は十字架刑につけられました。イエスは真ん中 に、二人はその両側に。 34 その時、イエスはこう言われました。「父よ。 彼らをお赦しくださ い。 彼らは、自分たちが何をしているかわかっていないのです。」 兵士たちがさいころを投げて、 イエスの着物を分け合うのを、35群衆はそばに立ってながめていました。一方、ユダヤ人の指 導者たちも、イエスをあざけり 「 他人ばかり助けて、このざまは何だ。 ほんとうに神に選ばれた メシヤ(救い主)なら、自分を救ってみろ!」と言いました。 36 兵士たちは、酸っぱいぶどう 酒を差し出しながら、37「ユダヤ人の王様なら、自分を救ったらどうだ!」とからかいました。 38 十字架のイエスの頭上には、「これはユダヤ人の王」と書いた罪状書きが掲げてありました。 39 イエスの横で十字架につけられていた犯罪人の一人が、「あんたメシヤなんだってなあ。 だ ったら、自分とおれたちを救ってもよさそうなもんだ。 どうなんだ」とののしりました。 404 1しかし、もう一人の犯罪人は、それをたしなめました。「この期に及んで、まだ神を恐れない のか! おれたちは悪事を働いたんだから、報いを受けるのはあたりまえだ。だが、このお方は悪 いことは何もしなかったのだ。」42そして、イエスにこう頼みました。 「イエス様。 御国に入 る時、どうぞ、私を思い出してください。」 43 イエスはお答えになりました。「あなたは今日、 わたしといっしょにパラダイス(天国) に入ります。」 44 その時です。 正午だというのに、突然、あたりが暗くなり、午後三時まで、そんな状態が続 きました。 45太陽は光を失い、神殿の幕が、なんと真っ二つに裂けたのです。 46 その時イエ スは、大声で、「父よ。 わたしの_御手におゆだねします!」と叫んで、息を引き取られました。 47 刑を執行していたローマ軍の隊長は、不思議な出来事を見て、神への恐れに打たれ、「確か に、この方は正しい方だった」と言いました。 聖書のことばの意味 十字架=キリストは十字架の上で処刑されました。当時のローマの処刑法で、もっとも残酷な方 法でした。赦(ゆる)し=わたしたちは、キリストがわたしたちの罪のために、十字架に架かっ てくださったことを信じるとき、わたしたちの行いではなく、キリストの正しさによって赦され る。イエスキリスト/メシヤ=救い主、御国=天国、神殿=神を礼拝する場所


 1. あなたと、わたしの罪のためにだれが十字架にかかりましたか? 2. イエスは、どこで死にましたか?(32、33節) 3. 刑を執行していたローマ軍の隊長は、イエスが十字架の上で死んだとき何と言いましたか? (47節) 4. この聖書箇所を読むとき、あなたは正しい人、もしくは罪人だと思いますか?(例;10 聖書に、 次のように書いてあるとおりです。「正しい人は一人もいない。 罪のない人は世界中に一人もいない。11 真実に神の道に従って歩んだ人は かつて一人もいない。そうしたいと心から願った人さえいない。(ローマ3:10-11) 5. 聖なる、正しい神の目を通して十字架の上の犯罪人を見るとき、どのような点で私たちは、彼 らのようですか?
 6. イエスの十字架の隣にいた、最初に語った犯罪人と、2番目に語った犯罪人の態度の違う点と はどのようなところでしたか? (39―42節) 7. 罪を悔い改め、キリストに信仰を持つとき、イエスは、どんな約束をしてくれますか?


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