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Výbor pro životní prostředí, veřejné zdraví a bezpečnost potravin


Academic year: 2021

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EVROPSKÝ PARLAMENT 2009 - 2014 Výbor pro životní prostředí, veřejné zdraví a bezpečnost potravin



ze schůzí konaných ve dnech 20. března 2012 od 15:00 do 18:30, 21. března 2012 od 9:00 do 12:30 a od 15:00 do 18:30

a 22. března 2012 od 9:00 do 12:30 BRUSEL

Schůze byla zahájena v úterý 20. března 2012 v 15:08 a předsedal jí Matthias Groote (předseda).

1. Přijetí pořadu jednání

Pořad jednání byl přijat ve znění uvedeném v tomto zápisu. 2. Sdělení předsedkyně

2.1. Status tlumočení

Ve dnech 20. a 22. března odpovídalo tlumočení standardnímu jazykovému profilu výboru, k dispozici bylo tlumočení do všech jazyků s výjimkou estonštiny. Dne 21. března se tlumočilo do všech jazyků.

2.2. Změna ve složení výboru ENVI týkající se skupiny PPE

Paní Sirpa Pietikäinen opustila výbor ENVI, nahradila ji paní Eija-Riitta Korhelová. Přivítání paní Korhelové, která se vrátila do výboru ENVI, jehož členkou byla v letech 1999–2009.

3. Schválení zápisů ze schůzí konaných ve dnech:

• 23.–25. ledna 2012 PV – PE480.834v01-00

• 16. února 2012 PV – PE483.742v01-00


4. Obecné pokyny týkající se rozpočtu na rok 2013 – oddíl III – Komise ENVI/7/09025

• výměna názorů

Vystoupili: Jutta Haug, Giovanni La Via, José Manuel Fernandes, Peter van Dalen, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Lajos Bokros

5. Námitka podle čl. 88 odst. 2: seznam schválených zdravotních tvrzení při označování potravin ENVI/7/08694 2012/2529(RPS) D009312/05 RE – PE483.846v01-00 Příslušný výbor: ENVI – Stanovisko: IMCO –

• projednání návrhu usnesení

Vystoupili: Eric Poudelet (GŘ SANCO), Chris Davies, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Mario Pirillo, Satu Hassi, Renate Sommer, Julie Girling, Pilar Ayuso, Peter Liese, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Carl Schlyter, Linda McAvan, Elisabetta Gardini

6. Rekreační plavidla a vodní skútry ENVI/7/06715

***I 2011/0197(COD) COM(2011)0456 – C7-0212/2011

Navrhovatel: Salvatore Tatarella (PPE) PA – PE480.787v01-00 Příslušný


IMCO – Malcolm Harbour (ECR) PR – PE480.885v01-00 Stanoviska: ENVI, TRAN

• projednání návrhu stanoviska

• lhůta pro předložení pozměňovacích návrhů: 26. března 2012 v 18:00

Vystoupili: Salvatore Tatarella, Holger Krahmer, Martin Callanan, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Carl Schlyter, János Áder, Luis Filipe Girao (GŘ ENTR)

7. Transevropská energetická infrastruktura a zrušení rozhodnutí č. 1364/2006/ES ENVI/7/07673

***I 2011/0300(COD) COM(2011)0658 – C7-0371/2011

Navrhovatel: Pavel Poc (S&D) PA – PE480.523v01-00

Příslušný výbor:

ITRE – António Fernando Correia De Campos


Stanoviska: ECON, ENVI, IMCO, TRAN, REGI • projednání návrhu stanoviska

• lhůta pro předložení pozměňovacích návrhů: 28. března 2012 ve 12:00 Vystoupili: Pavel Poc, Vladimir Urutchev, Yves Cochet, Marina Yannakoudakis, Frieda Brepoels, Catharina Sikow-Magny (GŘ ENER)


o Orthobunyaviru (schmallenbergském viru) ENVI/7/09000

• výměna názorů se zástupci EÚBP a Komise Vystoupil: Franck Berthe (EÚBP)

9. Přechodné bezplatné přidělování povolenek v odvětví energetiky podle článku 10c směrnice o systému obchodování s emisemi (ETS) č 2003/87/ES


• výměna názorů se zástupci Komise

Vystoupili: Yvon Slingenberg (GŘ CLIMA), Bas Eickhout, Chris Davies, Judith A. Merkies, Satu Hassi, Linda McAvan


Schůze byla přerušena v 18:29 a pokračovala ve středu 21. března 2012 v 9:05, předsednictví se ujal Matthias Groote (předseda).


10. Námitka podle čl. 88 odst. 2: seznam schválených zdravotních tvrzení při označování potravin ENVI/7/08694 2012/2529(RPS) D009312/05 RE – PE483.846v01-00 Příslušný výbor: ENVI – Stanovisko: IMCO –

• přijetí návrhu usnesení

Rozhodnutí: návrh usnesení byl zamítnut: pro: 22, proti: 37, zdržel se: 1. Vystoupila: Renate Sommer (viz příloha 1 – prohlášení jménem skupiny PPE) 11. Naše životní pojistka, náš přírodní kapitál: strategie EU v oblasti biologické

rozmanitosti do roku 2020 ENVI/7/06548

2011/2307(INI) COM(2011)0244

Zpravodaj: Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE) PR – PE478.540v01-00 AM – PE480.679v02-00 AM – PE480.669v01-00 Příslušný



Stanoviska: ITRE – Romana Jordan (PPE) AD – PE478.435v02-00 AM – PE480.542v01-00 REGI – Catherine Bearder (ALDE) AD – PE478.368v02-00 AM – PE480.804v01-00 AGRI – Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă


AD – PE480.548v02-00 AM – PE480.860v01-00


PECH – Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE) AD – PE476.103v02-00 AM – PE478.664v01-00 • přijetí návrhu zprávy (viz příloha 2 – hlasovací seznam)

Rozhodnutí: návrh zprávy v pozměněném znění byl přijat: pro: 58; proti: 0; zdrželi se: 4.

12. Vadné silikonové prsní implantáty od francouzské společnosti PIP ENVI/7/08853

Spoluzpravodajové: Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL) Philippe Juvin (PPE) Linda McAvan (S&D) Corinne Lepage (ALDE) Michèle Rivasi (Verts/ALE) Thomas Ulmer (PPE) Oreste Rossi (EFD)

Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR) Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE) Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D)

RE – PE483.688v04-00 QO – PE483.762v03-00

• projednání návrhu usnesení

• schválení otázky k ústnímu zodpovězení

• lhůta pro předložení pozměňovacích návrhů: 28. března 2012 ve 12:00

Vystoupili: Thomas Ulmer, Linda McAvan, Gilles Pargneaux, Antonyia Parvanova, Zofija Mazej Kukovic, Marina Yannakoudakis, Nessa Childers

Rozhodnutí: otázka k ústnímu zodpovězení byla přijata * * *

13. Směrem k summitu Rio+20 ENVI/7/08864

• viz zvláštní souhrnný zápis jako příloha 3

Vystoupili: Lone Loklindt (NP, Dánsko), Adamos Adamou (NP, Kypr), Vicente Aparici (NP, Španělsko), Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Staffan Nilsson (předseda EHSV), Michel Lebrun (člen Výboru regionů), Leo Brincat (NP, Malta), Miguel Fidalgo (NP, Španělsko), Richard Seeber, Helmut Heiderich (NP, Německo), Laurence Rossignol (NP, Francie), Jo Leinen, Antonio Ramos Preto (NP, Portugalsko), Thérèse Snoy (NP, Belgie), Mikolasik Ouzky, Tonis Lukas (NP, Estonsko), Joan Walley (NP, Spojené království), Zofija Mazej Kukovic, Fernand Boden (NP, Lucembursko), Marieke Van Der Werf (NP, Nizozemsko), Gilles Pargneaux, Ewa Wolak (NP, Polsko), Judith Merkies, Vittorio Prodi, Andres Perello Rodriguez, Nikos Chrysogelos, Anna Rosbach, Jolanta Hibner


Schůze byla přerušena ve 12:43 a pokračovala v 15:08, předsednictví se ujal Matthias Groote (předseda).

* * * 14. Směrem k summitu Rio+20


• viz zvláštní souhrnný zápis jako příloha 3

Vystoupili: Janez Potočnik, Leo Brincat (NP, Malta), Tiberiu Gunthner (NP, Rumunsko), Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Adamos Adamou (NP, Kypr), Miguel Fidalgo (NP, Španělsko), Elena Antonescu, Joan Walley (NP, Spojené království), Vicente Aparici (NP, Španělsko), Judith Merkies, Thérèse Snoy (NP, Belgie), Tonis Lukas (NP, Estonsko), Rovana Plumb, Torben Hansen (NP, Dánsko), Roger Negri (NP, Lucembursko), Richard Seeber, Janezs Vasle (NP, Slovinsko), Bas Eickhout

* * *

15. Multirezistentní tuberkulóza v evropském regionu ENVI/7/08630

• výměna názorů se zástupci Evropského střediska pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí (ECDC), Světové zdravotnické organizace (WHO) a Komise

Vystoupili: Roberto Bertollini (WHO), John Ryan (GŘ SANCO), Marc Sprenger (ECDC), Peter Liese jménem Esther De Lange, Anna Rosbach, Linda McAvan, Christel Schaldemose, Claudiu Tanasescu, Judith Merkies

16. Ochrana zvířat během přepravy ENVI/7/08905

2012/2031(INI) COM(2011)0700

Navrhovatelka: Kartika Tamara Liotard (GUE/NGL) PA – PE485.848v01-00 Příslušný výbor: AGRI – Janusz Wojciechowski (ECR) PR – PE480.640v01-00 Stanoviska: ENVI, TRAN

• projednání návrhu stanoviska

Vystoupili: Kartika Tamara Liotard, Dan Jorgensen, Andrea Zanoni, Julie Girling, Pilar Ayuso


Schůze byla přerušena v 18:19 a znovu zahájena ve čtvrtek 22. března 2012 v 09:00, předsednictví se ujal Matthias Groote (předseda).


17. Schůze koordinátorů viz příloha 4

18. Změna nařízení (ES) č. 726/2004, pokud jde o farmakovigilanci ENVI/7/08833

***I 2012/0023(COD) COM(2012)0051 – C7-0034/2012 Zpravodajka: Linda McAvan (S&D)

Příslušný výbor:

ENVI – Stanoviska: ITRE, IMCO

• výměna názorů

Vystoupila: Linda McAvan

19. Změna směrnice č. 2001/83/ES, pokud jde o farmakovigilanci ENVI/7/08830

***I 2012/0025(COD) COM(2012)0052 – C7-0033/2012 Zpravodajka: Linda McAvan (S&D)

Příslušný výbor:

ENVI – Stanoviska: ITRE, IMCO

• výměna názorů

Vystoupili: Pilar Ayuso, Andrea Zanoni, Françoise Grossetête, Christel Schaldemose, Jolanta Emilia Hibner, Patricia Brunko (GŘ SANCO), Linda McAvan

20. Mezivládní vyjednávací výbor o celosvětovém právně závazném nástroji týkajícím se rtuti


• výměna názorů se zástupci Komise

Vystoupili: Soledad Blanco (GŘ ENV), Anna Rosbach, Françoise Grossetête, Richard Seeber, Pavel Poc, Zofija Mazej Kukovič


V 11:40 se předsednictví ujal János Áder (místopředseda). *

21. Mechanismus monitorování a vykazování emisí skleníkových plynů a podávání dalších informací na úrovni členských států a Unie vztahujících se ke změně klimatu


***I 2011/0372(COD) COM(2011)0789 – C7-0433/2011

Zpravodaj: Bas Eickhout (Verts/ALE) PR – PE483.710v01-00 Příslušný




• projednání návrhu zprávy

• lhůta pro předložení pozměňovacích návrhů: 28. března 2012 ve 12:00

Vystoupili: Bas Eickhout, Elisabetta Gardini, Marita Ulvskog, Chris Davies, Vittorio Prodi, Yves Cochet, Richard Seeber, Arthur Runge-Metzger (GŘ CLIMA)

22. Příští schůze • 25. dubna 2012 od 9:00 do 12:30 a od 15:00 do 18:30 (Brusel) • 26. dubna 2012 od 9:00 do 12:30 a od 15:00 do 18:30 (Brusel) * Schůze skončila v 12:21. * * *


Annex 1

Declaration of the EPP Group regarding the objection pursuant to Rule

88(2) of the list of permitted health claims made on foods

The EPP group has always supported the idea of a scientifically based assessment of the validity of health-related claims on foodstuff. Any health claim made on food must be true and may not mislead consumers.

Unfortunately, the evaluation process of claims submitted for approval has revealed severe shortcomings which can result in unfair treatment and conflicting assessments. In the ENVI committee meeting on 20 March 2012, even the representative by GD SANCO admitted that "the process was not perfect."

Therefore, the EPP group has decided to support the resolution rejecting the list of approved health claims.

Our main concerns are:

• The evaluation of claims by stages can have a discriminatory effect

Products, whose claims have already been rejected under the application procedure for individual claims or in the list are being disadvantaged in comparison to botanical claims or claims on hold, since these claims can be made until their evaluation is finalized. Therefore, the publication of the list is premature.

• The separate evaluation of claims might result in unequal treatment

Given the difficulty to assess botanical claims, the Commission decided to review the evaluation criteria applied in the scrutiny process for this food category and to

evaluate them at a later stage. However, this might result in unequal treatment. We are specifically concerned that pharmaceutical criteria might be applied when assessing foods such as herbal teas. Most foods cannot be up to such a tight standard.

• The method of evaluation is too restrictive

The evaluation method of the scientific evidence on some claims appears to be exaggerated for foodstuff. The requirement of clinical trial studies equals the approval procedure for pharmaceuticals. As a result, some decisions on claims contradict nutrition recommendations by internationally respected bodies such as WHO. • The rejection of claims despite favourable EFSA opinion is unscientific The decision by the Commission to prohibit claims on the effect of sodium and fats, although these claims have been positively assessed by EFSA, contradicts the

scientific approach of the evaluation procedure. The argumentation of the Commission that positive advertising should not be allowed on "allegedly" unhealthy products, clearly results from the intention of the Commission to develop nutrition profiles. Since the profiles have yet to be established and have to undergo a scrutiny procedure, the rejection of these positively assessed claims is premature and of political nature. It is not acceptable that the Commission makes political decisions whilst ignoring the European Parliament.


do therefore consider it necessary to have an SME representative in the management board of EFSA

The above concerns reveal that the regulation, in its current form, is not feasible in practice. Given that Article 7 of the new regulation on food information to consumers (No 1169/2011) already covers major contents of the health claims regulation, we propose a general revision of Commission regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

On behalf of the EPP-Group


Item 11 ANNEX2 21.03.2012


Draft Report

on Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 PR – PE478.540v01-00+ AM – PE480.669v01-00 and PE480.679v02-00

Rapporteur : Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




CONS 1 Par. 2 covers Ams 27-35

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens If adopted Ams 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 will fall + CONS 2 Par. 5a(new) covers Ams 51, 52, 59, ITRE 1, 102

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens

If adopted, Ams 51, 52, 59, ITRE 1, 102 will fall


CONS 3 Par. 8, covers Ams 72-75

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR If adopted, Ams 72, 73, 74, 75 will fall + CONS 4 Par. 9a (new), covers Ams 55, 58, 78, 84,90, 115, AGRI7

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR

If adopted, Ams 55, 58, 78, 84,90, 115, AGRI7 will fall


CONS 5 Par. 10, covers Ams 94-101

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, If adopted, Ams 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 will fall + CONS 6 Par. 13, covers Ams 125-137,

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR

If adopted, Ams 125-137, AGRI 4, AGRI 9, AGRI 11, AGRI 12-13 will fall


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




AGRI 4, AGRI 9, AGRI 11, AGRI 12-13 CONS 7 Par. 14, covers Ams 140-154, AGRI 2, AGRI 3, AGRI 8, AGRI 15, ITRE 5

EPP, S&D, ALDE If adopted Ams 140-154, AGRI 2, AGRI 3, AGRI 8, AGRI 15, ITRE 5 will fall

+ CONS 8 Par. 15, covers Ams 158-170, AGRI 6

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens

If adopted Ams 158-170, AGRI 6 will fall + CONS 9 Par. 16, covers Ams 171-179, AGRI 14

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR

If adopted Ams 171-179, AGRI 14 will fall + CONS 10 Par. 17,cover s Ams 187-196

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR If adopted, Ams 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 will fall + CONS 11 Par. 22, covers Ams 224-227, 229, 232

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, GUE If adopted, Ams 224-227, 229, 232 + CONS 12 Par. 23, covers Ams 236 - 238

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR If adopted Ams 236, 237, 238 will fall + COMPRO 13 Par. 22 a (new), covers Ams 230,

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR, GUE

If adopted Ams 230, 231, 234 will fall


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




231, 234 COMPRO 14 Covers Ams 87-89, 91-93,235, 239

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR, GUE

If adopted, Ams 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93,228, 235,239 will fall + COMPRO 15 Par. 28, covers Ams 274,275, 276,277, 278,279, 280,281, 284

EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens, ECR, GUE

If adopted Ams

274,275,276,277,278,279,280,28 1,284,REGI 10 will fall


Paragraph 1 AM 26 Boguslaw Sonik -

Paragraph 2 AM 27 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

Fall if CONS 1 is adopted

Paragraph 2 AM 30 Horst Schnellhardt, Christa Klaß

Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Falls if Ams 27 is adopted Paragraph 2 AM 28 Esther de Lange Fall if CONS 1 is adopted

Falls if 27 or 30 are adopted Paragraph 2 AM 31 Holger Krahmer,

Britta Reimers

Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Falls if Ams 27, 30 or 28 are adopted

Paragraph 2 AM 29 Julie Girling Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Falls if Am 27,30,28 or 31 is adopted,

Possible as an addition to 30 Paragraph 2 AM 32 Kriton Arsenis, Edite


Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Falls if Ams 27, 28 or 29, 30 or 31 are adopted


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 2 AM 33 Karl-Heinz Florenz Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Falls if Ams 27, 29, 30 or 31 are adopted

Compatible with Am 32 Paragraph 2 AM 34 Rolandas Paksas Fall if CONS 1 is adopted

Am tabled to wrong original text

Falls if Ams 27, 30,31,33 or 32 are adopted

No vote

Paragraph 2 AM 35 Boguslaw Sonik: Fall if CONS 1 is adopted Split vote:

- 1st part: the word "all" - 2nd Part

Falls if Ams 27,28, 29, 32 are adopted

Compatible with Ams 30,31,33 or 34

Paragraph 3 AM 36 Julie Girling Deletion of the text as of "in order to meet the EU's 2020 goals ..."


Paragraph 3 AM 37 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Paragraph 3 AM 39 Boguslaw Sonik


Fall if Am 36 is adopted


Paragraph 3 AM 38 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Possible as an addition Split vote(ALDE):

1)Part 1:text without the words "Mainly landowners...private sector."

2)Part 2:These words


- Paragraph 3 a


REGI 1 REGI The initial

sentence"Welcomes...2020" is already covered by par.2.If


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




adopted it will be deleted

Paragraph 3 a (new) AM 40 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 3 bis (new) AM 42 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Split vote: (ECR)

Part 1: "Considers that the ... must be carried out"

Part 2: "these studies should ... their conservation." + (+36/-26/0) + (+33/-29/0) Paragraph 3 bis (new) ITRE 19 ITRE + Paragraph 3 bis (new) ITRE 8 ITRE + Paragraph 3 a (new)

AM 44 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 3 a (new)

AM 45 Elena Oana Antonescu +

Paragraph 3 c (new)

AM 47 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 3 c (new)


Paragraph 4 AM 49 Radvile Morkunaite-Mikuleniene

Original text is not correct No Vote


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 4 AM 50 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis

Possible as an addition Split vote(Greens /EFA): 1)Part 1:the par. without the words"such as ....innovation" 2)Part 2: those words


+ (+38/-23/0) Paragraph 4 AM 52 Rolandas Paksas Falls if CONS 2 is adopted

Possible as an addition Paragraph 4 AM 51 Andres Perello


Falls if CONS 2 is adopted Possible to vote on as a separate paragraph

Paragraph 4 a (new)

AM 53 Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Claudiu Ciprian



Paragraph 4 a (new)

AM 54 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis

See also Am 242 +

Paragraph 4 a (new)

AM 55 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if CONS 4 is adopted Split vote:(ECR)

Part 1: "Calls for more...environmental legislation" Part 2: "emphasises however...environmental legislation" Paragraph 4 a (new) ITRE 4 ITRE +

Paragraph 5 AM 57 Boguslaw Sonik +

Paragraph 5 AM 56 Rovana Plumb +

Paragraph 5 a (new)

AM 58 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 5 a (new)

AM 59 Rovana Plumb Falls if CONS 2 is adopted

Paragraph 5 a (new)

AM 60 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 5 b (new)

AM 61 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 5 c (new)

AM 62 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout - Paragraph 5 c (new) PECH 9 PECH + +56/-6/0 Paragraph 5 c (new) ITRE 9 ITRE + Paragraph 5 c (new)

ITRE 10 ITRE Split vote:(ECR)

Part 1: "Considers that...human generations" Part 2: "Reiterates...implementation" + + Paragraph 5 c (new) ITRE 11 ITRE + Paragraph 5 c (new) ITRE 13 ITRE + Paragraph 5 c (new) ITRE 22 ITRE - Paragraph 5c (new) REGI 4 REGI +


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 5 c (new)

ITRE 20 ITRE Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:"Calls on the Commission ....maintaining them"

2)Part 2:"in order to ...conditions required" + - Paragraph 5 c (new) ITRE 21 ITRE + Paragraph 5 c (new)

ITRE 1 ITRE Falls if CONS 2 is adopted

Paragraph 5a (new)


Paragraph 6 AM 63 Julie Girling -

Paragraph 6 AM 64 Boguslaw Sonik Possible as an addition +

(+33/-30/0) Paragraph 6 a (new) AM 65 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + (+32/-31/0) Paragraph 6 a (new)

AM 66 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela - Paragraph 6 bis (new) AM 67 Andres Perello Rodriguez

Split vote: (ECR) Part 1: "Expresses

concern...treated as a priority" Part 2: "and addressed ... grants them."



Paragraph 6 bis (new)

ITRE 3 ITRE Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:"Emphasises that ...favourable state" 2)Part 2):"calls on the Commission...instruments available"



Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 6 a (new) REGI 12 REGI +

Paragraph 7 AM 68 Julie Girling -

(+30/-33/0) Paragraph 7 AM 69 Kriton Arsenis, Edite


Falls if Am 68 is adopted +

(+32/-31/0) Paragraph 7 AM 70 Daciana Octavia Sârbu,

Claudiu Ciprian Tanasescu


Paragraph 7 a (new)

AM 71 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 8 AM 73 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Paragraph 8 AM 75 Esther de Lange

Fall if CONS 3 is adopted Very similar:

to be voted together

Paragraph 8 AM 74 Boguslaw Sonik Falls if CONS 3 is adopted Split vote:

Part 1: Falls if 73-75 are adopted

Part 2:possible as an addition Paragraph 8 AM 72 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if CONS 3 is adopted

Possible as an addition

Paragraph 8 bis (new)

AM 77 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso


Paragraph 8 a (new)

AM 78 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 4 is adopted Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:"Given the... best practices"


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




2)Part 2:"in order to warrant ...investments " Paragraph 8 b (new) AM 79 Esther de Lange + Paragraph 8 b (new) ITRE 6 ITRE + (+36/-26/0) Paragraph 9 AM 80 Julie Girling Deletion of second sentence -

Paragraph 9 AM 81 Mairead McGuinness, Esther de Lange

Falls if Am 80 is adopted Split vote(ALDE): Part 1:"Strategies"

Part 2 "in cooperation with the different stakeholders"

Part 3:"and particularly farmers" - (+31/-32/0) + (+42/-21/0) - Paragraph 9 AM 82 João Ferreira, Sabine


Falls if Am 80 is adopted -

Paragraph 9 AM 83 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Compatible with Ams 80,81 and 82


Paragraph 9 a (new)

AM 84 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if CONS 4 is adopted

Paragraph 9 a (new)


Paragraph 3 a (new)

AM 43 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Info to general public: +

Paragraph 9 a (new)

AM 85 Anja Weisgerber Split vote(S&D + Greens /EFA):

- 1st Part:"Welcomes the


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




intention... protection provisions but without the words:

"to draw up directives for the relevant local authorities" - 2nd Part:those words - 3rd part:and to....principles - + (+32/-30/0) Paragraph 12 a (new)

AM 116 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach

falls if Am 85-part 1 is adopted F

Paragraph 12 a (new) AGRI 18 AGRI + Paragraph 12a (new) REGI 13 REGI + Paragraph 12 a (new)

ITRE 2 ITRE Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:Stresses that ...over this topic" 2)Part 2 :"notes furthermore...conservation measures" + + Paragraph 8 a (new) AM 76 Anja Weisgerber + Paragraph 12 bis (new) AM 119 Andres Perello Rodriguez + Paragraph 12 a (new) REGI 9 REGI + Paragraph 12 b (new)


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 12 b (new) ITRE 14 ITRE + Paragraph 12 b (new) ITRE 15 ITRE + Paragraph 12 b (new) ITRE 12 ITRE + Paragraph 9 A (new)

AM 86 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 9 b (new)

AM 92 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if COMP 14 is adopted

Paragraph 9 a (new)

AM 87 Chris Davies Falls if COMP 14 is adopted Split vote:

1)Part 1 ("recommends ... and amphibians")

2) Part 2("The option of... should be fully assessed") Falls if 92 adopted

Paragraph 9 a (new)

AM 89 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if COMP 14 is adopted Falls if Am 87,part 1 is adopted

Paragraph 9 a (new)

AM 88 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Falls if COMP 14 is adopted Split vote: (ECR)

Part 1: "Call on the Commission...Red List" Part 2: "must ...regulation" Part 3: "in order threatened species."


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 9 bis (new) AM 90 Andres Perello Rodriguez

Falls if CONS 4 is adopted

Paragraph 9 b (new)

AM 91 Chris Davies Falls if COMP 14 is adopted

Paragraph 9 c (new)

AM 93 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if COMP 14 is adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 94 Holger Krahmer Falls if CONS 5 is adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 95 Julie Girling Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Am 94 is adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 101 Mairead McGuinness, Esther de Lange

Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Ams 94 or 95 adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 96 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Ams 94,95 or 101 are adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 97 Horst Schnellhardt, Christa Klaß

Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Ams 94, 95, 96 , 101 or 96 are adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 98 Riikka Manner, Eija-Riitta Korhola

Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Ams 94, 95, 96 or 101 are adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 100 Boguslaw Sonik Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Falls if Ams 94, 95, 96 or 101 are adopted

Paragraph 10 AM 99 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if CONS 5 is adopted Compatible to all Ams

Paragraph 10 a (new)

AM 103 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 3 b (new)

AM 46 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Falls if Am103 is adopted -

Paragraph 10 a (new)


Paragraph 11 AM 108 Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Claudiu Ciprian


(noise + light) -

Paragraph 11 AM 106 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

(no loss of agric.land) -

Paragraph 11 AM 105 Mairead McGuinness, Esther de Lange

(urban +rural) +

Paragraph 11 AM 104 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Falls if Am105 is adopted (rural)


Paragraph 11 AM 107 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Possible as an addition +

Paragraph 11 a (new) AM 109 Holger Krahmer + (+32/-29/0) Paragraph 11 a (new)

AM 110 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy green infrastructure +

Paragraph 11 a (new)

ITRE 7 ITRE Idem +

Paragraph 11 a (new)

REGI 7 REGI Idem +


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 12 AM 112 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if Am 111 is adopted F

Paragraph 12 AM 113 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Possible as an addition +

Paragraph 12 AM 114 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

(amendment only applies to the ES version)


Paragraph 12 a (new)

AM 115 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if CONS 4 is adopted

Paragraph 10 bis (new)

AM 102 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Falls if CONS 2 is adopted

Paragraph 12 a (new)

AM 117 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout - Paragraph 12 a (new) AM 118 Rolandas Paksas + (+46/-14/0) Subheading 4 a (new)

AM 121 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

New title for a subheading +

Paragraph 12 b (new)

AM 122 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 12 c (new)

AM 123 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 12 d (new)

AM 124 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 12 d (new)


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 12 d (new) AGRI 12

AGRI Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 128 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 125 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Am 128 is adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 127 Mairead McGuinness Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 128 or 125 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 131 Karin Kadenbach, Edite Estrela

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Am 128 is adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 134 Karl-Heinz Florenz Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Am 128,125 or 127 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 129 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 128 ,125 or 127 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 133 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 125 or 127 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 132 Holger Krahmer, Britta Reimers

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 125 or 127 are adopted

Split vote: (ECR)

Part 1: "Recalling...such as" Part 2: "cross compliance" Part 3: "the

single...biodiversity." Paragraph 13 AM 126 Christa Klaß Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Falls if Am 125 or 127 are adopted


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 13 AM 137 Julie Girling Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 125,127,133,132 or 126 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 130 Pilar Ayuso, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines

Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams

125,127,133,132,126 or 137 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 135 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams

125,127,133,132,126,137 or 130 are adopted

Paragraph 13 AM 136 Rovana Plumb Falls if CONS 6 is adopted Falls if Ams 127,133,132,126 or 137 are adopted

Paragraph 13 A (new)

AM 138 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils

Split vote(S&D):

1st part: Emphasises.... certain region

2nd part: rest of the AM

+ - Paragraph 13 bis (new) AM 139 Andres Perello Rodriguez + Paragraph 13 bis (new)

AGRI 4 AGRI Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Paragraph 13 bis (new) AGRI 5 AGRI + Paragraph 13 bis (new) AGRI 13

AGRI Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Paragraph 13 bis (new)


AGRI Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Paragraph 13 bis (new)



Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 14 AM 140 Julie Girling Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Deletion

If adopted Ams 141-154 fall Paragraph 14 AGRI 2 AGRI Falls if CONS 7 is adopted If adopted Ams 141-154 fall "does not support the suggested greening component"

Paragraph 14 AM 141 Elisabeth Köstinger, Herbert Dorfmann, Elisabeth Jeggle, Peter Jahr, Albert Deß

Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 adopted Compatible with AGRI Am 2 If adopted Ams 142-154 fall Paragraph 14 AM 142 Christa Klaß Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Falls if Am 140 or141 adopted Compatible with AGRI Am 2 If adopted Ams 143-154 fall Am 142 includes:

- deletion Part 2 on welcoming the 30% greening

- deletion Part 3 on increasing ecological focus area (EFA) up to 10%

Paragraph 14 AM 143 Horst Schnellhardt Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 or 141 or142 adopted

Compatible with AGRI Am 2 Am 143 includes:

- acknowledging in stead of welcoming the proposal to green the CAP

- deletion of concrete % of greening needed

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

-request for less bureaucratic and more flexible measures


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 14 AM 145 Pilar Ayuso, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines

Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 or 141 or142 or 143 adopted

Am 145 includes:

- weakening of call for greening in Part I

- taking note in stead of

welcoming the proposal to green the CAP

- deletion of concrete % of greening needed

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

- addition of text to favour greening through Pillar II Paragraph 14 AM 144 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Falls if Am 140 or 141 or142 or 145 or 143 adopted

Am 144 includes:

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

- extension of + more flexible non exhaustive list of greening measures

Paragraph 14 AM 146 Boguslaw Sonik Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 or 141 or142 or 145 or 143 or 144 adopted Am 146 includes:

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

Paragraph 14 AM 149 Anja Weisgerber Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if 140,AGRI 2,141,142,or 145 are adopted

Am 149 includes:

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

- allow Habitat Directive Annex I areas to be included in the EFAs


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




- allow farmers to choose which areas to set aside for EFA

Paragraph 14 AM 147 Mairead McGuinness Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 , 141 142 , 145 143 144 , 146 or 149 adopted Am 147 includes:

− calls for greening of entire CAP (not only Pillar I)

− deletion of 30% - deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

- extension of + more flexible non exhaustive list of greening measures

Paragraph 14 AM 150 Holger Krahmer, Britta Reimers

Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 ,141 ,142 , 145 143 , 144 , 146 or 149 adopted Compatible with Am 147 Am 150 includes: - deletion of concrete % of greening needed

- extension of + more flexible non exhaustive list of greening measures

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%

Paragraph 14 AM 148 Karl-Heinz Florenz Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 or 141 or142 or 145 or 143 or 144 or 146 or 147 adopted

Am 148 includes:

- welcomes 7% EFA but IA required

- deletion Part 3 on increasing EFA up to 10%


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 14 AM 152 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Ams

140,141,142,145,143 144 ,146 ,147 ,148 or 149 are adopted

− keeps 30% − -no crop rotations − 7% EFA as standard Paragraph 14 AM 153 Nick Griffin Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Falls if Ams 140 ,141 or 142 are adopted

Paragraph 14 AM 151 João Ferreira Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Ams 140 or 142adopted Possible as an addition to all other former amendments (Am 141 --> 153)

Stresses food production function of CAP

Paragraph 14 AM 154 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if CONS 7 is adopted Falls if Am 140 is adopted Possible as an addition to all other former amendments (Am 141 --> 154)

"reiterates call for area based support for Natura 2000 network under pillar I"

Paragraph 14 a (new)

AM 155 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 14 a (new)

AM 156 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 14 b (new)

AM 157 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 14 b (new)


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 14 b (new)

AGRI 6 AGRI Falls if CONS 8 is adopted

Split vote(S&D):

1st part: whole text without "without leading to

discrimination against existing agri-environmental measures" 2nd part: these words

Paragraph 14 b (new)

AGRI 8 AGRI Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 158 Julie Girling Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Deletion

AM 162 Horst Schnellhardt Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am158 is adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 159 Holger Krahmer Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am158 is adopted Split vote:

1) First part "and

simplified":falls if AM158 or 162 are adopted

2)Second part: rest of the am : possible as addition to AM 162 Paragraph 15 AM 160 Anja Weisgerber Falls if CONS 8 is adopted

Falls if Am 158 is adopted, possible as an addition to Am 162 or 159

AM 167 Mairead McGuinness Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am 158 is adopted Split vote:

1)First part:"Environmental standards with harmonised..) 2) Second part: "applicable at farm level:falls if 160 is adopted


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 15 AM 161 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Herbert Dorfmann, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am158 is adopted Split vote:

1)First part"..after 2014": (falls if 159 is adopted) 2)Second part: Falls if

AMs159,162 or 167 are adopted Paragraph 15 AM 170 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 8 is adopted

Falls if Ams 158,159,160 or 162 are adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 169 Pilar Ayuso, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines

Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am 158 is adopted

AM 168 Karin Kadenbach, Edite Estrela

Falls if CONS 8 is adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 163 Karl-Heinz Florenz Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Ams158,161or 162 are adopted;possible as an addition to other amendments

Paragraph 15 AM 164 Daciana Octavia Sârbu Falls if CONS 8 is adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 165 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Am158 or 164 are adopted

Paragraph 15 AM 166 Rovana Plumb Falls if CONS 8 is adopted Falls if Ams158,159,160 161 or 162 are adopted;

possible as an addition to Ams 163,164,165,168,170

Paragraph 15 a(new)

ITRE 5 ITRE Falls if CONS 7 is adopted

Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:Stresses,however,that ...agricultural sector"

2)Part 2: " and believes ...production"


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 15 a(new) AGRI 7 AGRI +

Paragraph 16 AM 179 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 9 is adopted

Paragraph 16 AM 171 Mairead McGuinness Falls if CONS 9 is adopted Falls if Am179 is adopted

Paragraph 16 AM 172 Julie Girling Falls if CONS 9 is adopted Compatible with Am179 and/or Am171

Paragraph 16 AM 173 Horst Schnellhardt, Christa Klaß

Paragraph 16 AM 175 Karl-Heinz Florenz

Falls if CONS 9 is adopted


Paragraph 16 AM 174 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Herbert Dorfmann, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if CONS 9 is adopted Split vote:

1)First part:"in all Member States"-falls if AM172 is adopted

2)Second part: the sentence added

Paragraph 16 AM 176 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 9 is adopted

Paragraph 16 AM 177 Karin Kadenbach, Edith Estela

Falls if CONS 9 is adopted Split vote:

1)First part:" currently ... benefits :Falls if 171 is adopted 2)Second part: rest of the am. Paragraph 16 AM 178 Sandrine Bélier, Bas


Falls if CONS 9 is adopted Compatible with all other amendments ;if adopted ,will be integrated;


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 16 a(new)

AM 180 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils + Paragraph 16 a (new) AM 181 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + (+37/-24/0) Paragraph 16 bis (new) AM 182 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso


Paragraph 16 a (new)

AM 183 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 16 a (new)

AM 184 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 16 b (new)

AM 185 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

See also Am 138 +

Paragraph 16 c (new)

AM 186 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout - Paragraph 16 c (new) AGRI 14

AGRI Falls if CONS 9 is adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 187 Horst Schnellhardt

Paragraph 17 AM 188 Julie Girling

Falls if CONS 10 is adopted

Both identical :Deletion

Paragraph 17 AM 194 Pilar Ayuso, Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines

Falls if CONS 10 is adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 189 Christa Klaß Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Falls if Ams 187 -188 or 194 are adopted


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 17 AM 191 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 10 is adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 190 Horst Schnellhardt Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Falls if Ams 187 - 188 , 194,189 or 191 are adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 192 Nick Griffin Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Falls if Ams 187 - 188 or 194 are adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 193 Karin Kadenbach,Edite Estrela

Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Falls if Ams 187 - 188,194, 189 or 190 are adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 195 Esther de Lange Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Falls if Am 187 - 188 or 194 are adopted

Paragraph 17 AM 196 Mairead McGuinness Falls if CONS 10 is adopted Split vote:

1)Part 1:"....Examine ...as a potential opportunity."

Falls if Ams 187-188,194,195 or 191 are adopted

2) Part 2:rest of the am: possible as an addition Paragraph 17 a (new) AM 197 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 17 a (new)

AM 198 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Paragraph 17 a (new)

AM 199 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils

Split vote: (ALDE)

1)Part 1:Text without the words "promoting the placement of people in rural areas" 2)Part 2:These words



Paragraph 17 b (new)

AM 200 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 17 a (new)

AM 201 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout - (+18/-44/0) Paragraph 17 a (new)

AGRI 9 AGRI Falls if CONS 6 is adopted

Paragraph 17 a (new) AGRI 10 AGRI + Paragraph 17 a (new) AGRI 16 AGRI + Paragraph 17 a (new) AGRI 17

AGRI Falls if CONS 4 is adopted

Paragraph 17 a (new)



Paragraph 18 AM 204 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 18 AM 202 Nick Griffin -

(+30/-30/0) Paragraph 18 AM 203 Kriton Arsenis, Edite


Possible as an addition +

Paragraph 18 PECH 1 PECH +

Paragraph 18 a (new)

AM 205 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Paragraph 18 A (new)

AM 206 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 18 a (new)

AM 207 Elena Oana Antonescu +

Paragraph 21 a (new)

PECH 4 PECH Falls if Am 207 is adopted F

Paragraph 18 b (new)

AM 208 João Ferreira, Sabine Wils

Split vote (S&D):

1st part: Stresses that .... marine research

2nd part: rest of the AM



Paragraph 19 AM 209 Julie Girling Deletion -

Paragraph 19 AM 210 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils

Falls if Am 209 is adopted -

Paragraph 20 AM 212 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela

Split vote(ALDE):

1)Part 1:"Calls on ...are fully respected"

2)Part 2:"to this end ....precautionary basis"



Paragraph 20 AM 211 Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Claudiu Ciprian Tanasescu + Paragraph 20 a (new) PECH 2 PECH + Paragraph 20 a (new) PECH 3 PECH + Paragraph 20 a (new) PECH 6 PECH + Paragraph 20 a (new) AM 213 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy +


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 20 a (new)

AM 214 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 21 AM 215 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 21 AM 216 Nick Griffin Split vote :

1)First part " of less

valuable...discards...cetaceans." Compatible with Am 215 2)Second part: "Harbour....addressed": possible as an addition + (+40/-22/0) -

Paragraph 21 AM 217 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils - Paragraph 21 a (new) AM 218 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 21 bis (new)

AM 219 Peter van Dalen +

Paragraph 21 a (new)

AM 221 Kriton Arsenis +

Paragraph 21 a (new)

AM 220 Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Claudiu Ciprian Tanasescu Falls if Am 221 is adopted F Paragraph 21 b (new) AM 222 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 21 c (new) AM 223 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 21 a (new)

PECH 5 PECH Covered by par 2 No


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 21 a (new)

PECH 8 PECH Covered by par 6 - 9 and by par. 27 and 28 and the Ams on those pars. No vote Paragraph 21 a (new) PECH 10 PECH + Paragraph 21 a (new) PECH 11 PECH + Paragraph 21 a (new) PECH 12 PECH + Paragraph 21 a (new) PECH 13 PECH +

Paragraph 22 AM 228 Chris Davies Falls if COMP 14 is adopted ( 2nd paragraph= original paragraph 22)

Paragraph 22 AM 227 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach

Falls if CONS 11 is adopted

Paragraph 22 AM 224 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if CONS 11 is adopted Possible as an addition

Paragraph 22 AM 225 Riikka Manner Falls if CONS 11 is adopted Possible as an addition

Paragraph 22 AM 226 Gaston Franco Falls if CONS 11 is adopted Idem

Paragraph 22 AM 229 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if CONS 11 is adopted Idem

Paragraph 22 a (new)

AM 230 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 22 a (new)

AM 231 Sirpa Pietikäinen Falls if COMP 13 is adopted Falls if 230 is adopted

Paragraph 22 a(new)

AM 232 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils

Falls if CONS 11 is adopted

Paragraph 22 bis (new) AM 233 Andres Perello Rodriguez - Paragraph 22 b (new)

AM 234 Sirpa Pietikäinen Falls if COMP 13 is adopted Part 2(Calls on the

Commission....guidelines)falls if 230 is adopted (= identical) Paragraph 22 b


AM 235 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils

Falls if COMP 14 is adopted

Paragraph 23 AM 236 Gaston Franco Falls if CONS 12 is adopted

Paragraph 23 AM 237 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis

Falls if CONS 12 is adopted Compatible with Am 236 Falls if 89 is adopted,except the word "native"

(in am 89 only "non-native") Paragraph 23 AM 238 Sirpa Pietikäinen Falls if CONS 12 is adopted

Compatible with Am 236

Paragraph 23 AM 239 Julie Girling Falls if COMP 14 is adopted Compatible with Am 236 Paragraph 23 bis (new) AM 240 Gaston Franco - Paragraph 23 a (new) AM 241 Julie Girling + Paragraph 23 a (new) AM 243 Gaston Franco -


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 23 a (new)

AM 242 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

See also Am 54 +

Paragraph 24 AM 244 Julie Girling Deletion -

Paragraph 24 AM 245 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Falls if Am 244 is adopted - Paragraph 24 a (new) AM 3 REGI + Paragraph 24 a (new)

AM 246 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Split vote:

- Part 1(Encourages....in the whole territory):possible as an addition to REGI 3

-Part 2:Falls if REGI 3 is adopted



Paragraph 24 a (new)

AM 252 Elena Oana Antonescu Falls if REGI 3 and /or Am 246 are adopted


Paragraph 24 a (new)

AM 247 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach + Paragraph 24 a (new) AM 248 Chris Davies + Paragraph 24 a (new) AM 249 Sirpa Pietikäinen + Paragraph 24 b (new)

AM 253 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis

Split vote:

1)Part 1:(Calls on ...third countries)

2)Part 2:"...and to take

measures...trade agreements" Falls if 249 is adopted



Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




3)Part 3:"...supports the Commission proposal....trade agreements"


Paragraph 24 b (new)

AM 256 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Possible as an addition to Am 253,Part 3


Paragraph 24 b (new)

AM 254 Sirpa Pietikäinen Possible as an addition to Am 253,Part 3 (overlaps will be cancelled)


Paragraph 24 a (new)

AM 250 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout


Paragraph 24 a (new)

AM 251 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 24 b (new)

AM 255 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout + Paragraph 24 c (new) AM 257 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 24 d (new) AM 258 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy + Paragraph 24 d (new) REGI 14 REGI +

Paragraph 25 AM 259 João Ferreira Deletion -

Paragraph 25 AM 260 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if Am 259 is adopted +

Paragraph 25 AM 261 Elisabeth Jeggle, Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

Falls if Am 259 is adopted Compatible with Am 260


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 25 AM 262 Mairead McGuinness, Esther de Lange Falls if Am 259 is adopted Compatible with Am 261 + Paragraph 25 a (new)

AM 263 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach + (+31/-30/0) Paragraph 25 a (new) ITRE 17 ITRE + Paragraph 25 a (new)

ITRE 18 ITRE Split vote (ALDE):

1)Part 1:"Welcomes the Commission's...2020 strategy ,and"

2) Part 2:"agrees that well-designed ... sectors concerned" 3) Part 3:"in view of the 2014 - 2020 ...fully achieved"




Paragraph 26 AM 264 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso


Paragraph 26 AM 265 Julie Girling Possible as an addition to Am 264


Paragraph 26 a (new)

AM 266 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach


Paragraph 26 a (new)

REGI 10 REGI Covered by COMP 15 no


Paragraph 26 a (new)

AM 267 Kriton Arsenis, Edite Estrela


Paragraph 26 a (new)


Paragraph 27 AM 268 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 27 AM 269 Julie Girling +

(+31/-29/0) Paragraph 27 AM 270 Sandrine Bélier, Bas



Paragraph 27 a (new)

AM 271 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 27 b (new)

AM 272 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 28 AM 273 Holger Kramer,Britta Reimers

+ (+32/-29/0) Paragraph 28. " AM 275 Horst Schnellhardt,

Christa Klaß

Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Falls if Am 273 adopted

Paragraph 28 AM 276 Karl-Heinz Florenz

Paragraph 28 AM 281 Mairead McGuinness, Esther de Lange

Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Identical:

Fall if Am 273 or 275 adopted

Paragraph 28 AM 279 Sandrine Bélier, Bas Eickhout

Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Falls if Am 273 is adopted

Paragraph 28 AM 280 Boguslaw Sonik Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Falls if Am 273 is adopted

Paragraph 28 AM 277 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Falls if Am 273 is adopted

Paragraph 28 AM 278 Julie Girling Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Possible as an addition


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Paragraph 28 AM 274 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if COMP 15 is adopted Possible as an addition

Paragraph 28 a (new)

AM 282 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton Arsenis


Subheading 9 a (new)

AM 283 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 28 a (new)

AM 284 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Falls if COMP 15 is adopted

Paragraph 28 a (new)

AM 285 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


Paragraph 28 b (new)

AM 286 João Ferreira, Sabine Wils

Split vote(S&D):

1st part: whole text without the words "which, despite the remarkable....EU budget" 2nd part: these words


+ Paragraph 28 b


REGI 8 REGI green public procurement +

Paragraph 28 b (new) REGI 5 REGI + Paragraph 28 b (new) REGI 6 REGI +

Citation 1 a (new) AM 1 Esther de Lange

+ Citation 2 AM 2 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Citation 2 AM 3 Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Pilar Ayuso

Citation 2 a (new) AM 4 Boguslaw Sonik

Falls if Ams 2-3 are adopted F Citation 2 b (new) AM 5 Boguslaw Sonik

Reference to the same document

as Am13 +

Citation 8 a (new) AM 13 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy

Falls if Am5 is adopted

F Citation 2 d (new) AM 7 Boguslaw Sonik

+ Citation 2 c (new) AM 6 Boguslaw Sonik

+ Citation 4 AM 8 Elisabeth Jeggle,

Elisabeth Köstinger, Thomas Ulmer

+ Citation 4 a (new) AM 9 Edite Estrela, Karin

Kadenbach, Kriton

Arsenis +

Citation 4 a (new) AM 10 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Citation 8 b (new) AM 14 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy

+ Citation 8 c (new) AM 15 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy

+ Citation 6 a (new) AM 11 Mairead McGuinness,

Esther de Lange +

Citation 6 b (new) AM 12 Mairead McGuinness,


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by




Recital B AM 16 Andres Perello Rodriguez

- Recital C a (new) AM 17 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy

+ Recital B a (new) AM 18 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Recital B b (new) AM 19 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Recital B c (new) AM 20 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Recital C a (new) AM 21 João Ferreira, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils


(+29/-33/0) Recital C a (new) AM 22 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela -

Recital C a (new) AM 23 Esther de Lange

+ Recital C b (new) AM 24 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Recital C c (new) AM 25 Kriton Arsenis, Edite

Estrela +

Paragraph 3 a (new)

AM 41 Edite Estrela, Karin Kadenbach, Kriton

Arsenis +


Paragraphs/Ci tations/Recitals


Tabled by





AMENDED 58 0 4

Annex 3 33 Members from 20 Parliamentary Chambers in 19 EU Member States participated in the inter-parliamentary committee meeting on "Rio+20" on 21 March in Brussels. The event was organised by the EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) with the support of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments. Meeting

documents, background information and photos are available on the ICM website. Session I: Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

ENVI Chair Matthias Groote MEP (S&D, DE) welcomed the participants and gave the floor to Lone Loklindt, Chairwoman of the Environment Committee of the Danish Parliament and keynote speaker for the first session. Ms Loklindt underlined that the outcome of the Rio+20 should be a "focused and political declaration" setting out a shared vision for change, as well as goals with agreed time-frames. There is an urgent need to reform the institutional

framework for sustainable development to accelerate global action.

In this context, Ms Loklindt endorsed the proposals made in the Rio+20 "zero draft" outcome document, such as the integration of sustainable development in the over-arching structure of the UN General Assembly, the transformation of the UN Commission on Sustainable

Development into a Sustainable Development Council, and welcomed an upgrade of the UN Environmental Programme. Ms Loklindt underlined the fact that the EU is a driving force for a green economy, and that Rio+20 provides a unique opportunity for the world to make concrete and ambitious commitments. "Parliamentarians should take the opportunity to participate and influence the outcome", Ms Loklindt said.

In the ensuing debate, 13 national Parliamentarians and 12 MEPs took the floor, as did the

Summary Note

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting

Towards the Rio+20 Summit

European Parliament, Brussels


Parliamentarians call for new institutional framework

The vast majority of participants agreed that the institutional framework for sustainable development was in need of reform. The proposal to strengthen UNEP was explicitly

welcomed by Jo Leinen MEP (S&D, DE), Thérèse Snoy et d'Oppuers (BE, Chambre/Kamer), Marieke van der Werf (NL, Tweede Kamer), Staffan Nilsson, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Michel Lebrun, Member of the Committee of the Regions of the EU.

Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE, NL), who will lead the EP's delegation to the Rio+20 Summit, underlined that a new "WTO"-style organisation for the environment, together with an

International Criminal Court for the Environment were needed. Mr Adamos Adamou (CY, House of Representatives) said that conflicts of competence between the various UN agencies needed to be avoided. Leo Brincat (MT, Kamra tad-Deputati) stated that the institutional infrastructure needed to be "beefed up", while Miguel Fidalgo (ES, Senado) supported the proposals for a new institutional architecture. Richard Seeber MEP (EPP, AT) suggested that the UN should support cooperation in cross-border river basins. Gilles Pargneaux MEP (S&D, FR), said that we have a "big problem" concerning governance and that a WTO-style

organisation for the environment would be an interesting idea. Vittorio Prodi MEP (S&D, IT) agreed that we needed to take a "fresh look" at international structures.

Tõnis Lukas (EE, Riigikogu) said that we have to be "very wise" when creating new

institutions, to avoid new bureaucracy. According to Miroslav Ouzký MEP (ECR, CZ), there is a danger of "getting lost" in institutional discussions.

Actions, not words: Rio needs concrete commitments

Vicente Aparici (ES, Senado) spoke of Rio+20 as "a very important opportunity" for achieving real sustainable development. Many speakers emphasised the need to agree concrete targets and timelines at Rio+20, including Leo Brincat (MT, Kamra tad-Deputati), Helmut Heiderich (DE, Bundestag), Jo Leinen MEP (S&D, DE), Fernand Boden (LU, Chambre des Députés) António Ramos Preto (PT, Assembleia da República), Judith A. Merkies MEP (S&D, NL) and Nikos Chrysogelos MEP (Greens/EFA, EL).

Miguel Fidalgo (ES, Senado) stressed that the current economic crisis must not be an excuse for neglecting environmental commitments, a warning which was echoed by Andres Perello Rodriguez MEP (S&D, ES). Zofija Mazej Kukovič MEP (EPP, SI) spoke of the importance of changing our thinking and lifestyles if we want to achieve sustainable development. Mobilising public opinion, pushing governments

Laurence Rossignol (FR, Senate) stressed that national Parliaments play an important role in mobilising public opinion, and feared an unsuccessful outcome to the summit if public opinion were not fully behind it. Joan Walley (UK/House of Commons) also underlined the important role of Parliamentarians in raising awareness on the subject of sustainable development. Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP (ALDE, NL) said that participants should not underestimate their role in pushing governments to be more ambitious on Rio+20. Ewa Wolak (PL, Sejm), Jolanta Emilia Hibner MEP (EPP, PL), Staffan Nilsson (EESC President) and Gilles Pargneaux MEP (S&D, FR), reiterated the importance of involving civil society in the Rio+20 process.


Lone Loklindt (DK/Folketinget) acknowledged that many of the goals of the 1992 'Earth Summit' had not been achieved, and that we now have to raise awareness of sustainable development. Loklindt underlined that some small steps towards sustainable development had been made during the past 20 years, but that now, a huge leap forward was needed.

ENVI Chair Matthias Groote MEP (S&D, DE) concluded by saying that the discussions showed a great deal of convergence between participants and high-lighted the importance of communicating Rio+20 to the public.

Lunch debate hosted by EP Vice-President Anni Podimata on behalf of President Martin Schulz

In her lunch speech, EP Vice-President Anni Podimata (S&D, EL) emphasised that members of national Parliaments and the European Parliament have a prominent role to play in the preparations for Rio+20. She underlined that we have to make full use of the opportunities offered by the Lisbon Treaty and enhance the existing cooperation between Parliamentarians. Session II: A Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication

ENVI Chair Matthias Groote MEP (S&D, DE) gave the floor to Janez Potočnik,

Commissioner for the Environment and keynote speaker for the second session. Mr Potočnik stressed the important role of Parliaments in the process, especially after the conference as it is the parliaments that hold the governments - that will make commitments in June - to account, and that will be instrumental in ensuring that the commitments are not forgotten about until Rio +40.

Mr Potočnik explained that the concept of a Green Economy is not a new one; we have, until now, referred to it under the name of "resource efficiency". The over-arching objective is to decouple resource use and its impacts from economic growth, which requires a legislative approach, changes in our behaviour as producers and consumers, and the involvement of the private sector. Mr Potočnik further stressed that the Commission's roadmap to resource efficiency is perhaps a European approach, but the problem is a global one. Global megatrends make resource efficient growth a necessity - in fact an inevitability - for rich countries and poor countries; for resource-rich countries and for resource-poor countries. The next few months, our task will be to explain this logic, and to overcome the immediate presumption that there is some hidden and selfish motive behind the whole concept of a green economy, and that it is not a matter of green protectionism. We further wish to stress that green economy is not in competition with the other pillars of sustainable development; an inclusive green economy ought to be seen rather as one of the main vehicles to actually achieving sustainable development, not only in Europe but also globally. Mr Potočnik called on the Parliamentarians to help in getting this message across at every opportunity in the coming months.

Mr Potočnik explained the latest state of the art on the negotiations leading to the Rio+20 Summit, and on the development of the EU position. In March, the European Council adopted conclusions that we should work towards clear operational targets and concrete action at


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