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On a Proper Subclass of Primeful Modules Which Contains the Class of Finitely Generated Modules Properly


Academic year: 2020

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Vol. 8, No. 2, 2015, 232-238

ISSN 1307-5543 – www.ejpam.com

On a Proper Subclass of Primeful Modules Which Contains the

Class of Finitely Generated Modules Properly

Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi

, Fatemeh Rashedi

1,2Department of Mathematics, University of Birjand, P.O. Box 97175-615, Birjand, Iran

Abstract. LetRbe a commutative ring with identity andMa unitalR-module. Moreover, letPS pec(M)

denote the primary-like spectrum of M andS pec(R/Ann(M))the prime spectrum ofR/Ann(M). We define anR-moduleM to be aφ-module, ifφ:PS pec(M)S pec(R/Ann(M))given by

φ(Q) =p

(Q:M)/Ann(M)is a surjective map. The class ofφ-modules is a proper subclass of primeful modules, calledψ-modules here, and contains the class of finitely generated modules properly. Indeed, φandψare two sides of a commutative triangle of maps between spectrums. We show that ifRis an Artinian ring, then allR-modules areφ-modules and the converse is true whenRis a Noetherian ring.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 13C13, 13C99

Key Words and Phrases: Primary-like submodule,φ-module, Prime submodule,ψ-module

1. Introduction

Throughout this paper, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unital. For a submodule N of an R-module M, (N : M) denotes the ideal {rR | r MN} and annihilator of M, denoted by Ann(M), is the ideal(0 : M). A submodule P of anR-module

M is said to be prime (orp-prime) ifP 6=M and for p= (P :M), whenever r mP (where

rR and mM) thenmP or rp [5, 11, 12]. The collection of all prime (resp. p -prime) submodules of M, denoted byS pec(M) (resp. S pecp(M)), is called the prime (resp.

p-prime) spectrum of M. Also the intersection of all prime submodules of M containing a submoduleN is called the radical ofN and is denoted by radN. In the ideal case, we denote the radical of an ideal I ofR by pI. An R-module M is said to be a primeful module or a

ψ-module if either M = (0) or M 6= (0) and the map ψ : S pec(M) S pec(R/Ann(M)), defined by ψ(P) = (P : M)/Ann(M), is surjective[9]. If M/N is a ψ-module over R, then p

(N :M) = (radN : M) [9, Proposition 5.3]. A submodule Q of M is said to be primary-like if Q 6= M and whenever r mQ (where rR and mM) implies r ∈ (Q : M) or

Corresponding author.

Email addresses:hfazaeli@birjand.ac.ir (HF. Moghimi), fatemehrashedi@birjand.ac.ir (F. Rashedi)


m∈radQ[7]. The primary-like spectrumPS pec(M)is defined to be the set of all primary-like submodulesN ofM such thatM/N is aψ-module overR. In[7, Lemma 2.1]it is shown that, ifQPS pec(M), then(Q:M)is a primary ideal ofRand sop=p(Q:M)is a prime ideal of

R. In this case, the primary-like submoduleQis also called a p-primary-like submodule of M. Definition 1. We say that an R-module M is aφ-module if either M = (0)or M6= (0)and the mapφ:PS pec(M)→S pec(R/Ann(M))defined byφ(Q) =p(Q:M)/Ann(M)is surjective.

The saturation of a submoduleNof anR-moduleM with respect to a prime idealpofRis the contraction ofNp inM and designated bySp(N). It is known that[4, 10]

Sp(N) ={mM |r mN for somerR\p}.

If pS pec(R) and N is a submodule of an R-module M such that (N : M) ⊆ p and M/N

is a ψ-module overR, thenSp(N+pM)is a p-prime submodule of M [9, Proposition 4.4]. Thereforeρ: PS pec(M)S pec(M)defined byρ(Q) = Sp(Q+pM) is a well-defined map,

where p =p(Q:M). It is easy to see thatφ =ψρ, ψcomposed withρ. Thus, ifφ is a surjective map, so isψ. This means that everyφ-module is aψ-module. We give an example of aψ-module module which is not aφ-module (Example 1). AnR-module M is said to be multiplication module if every submodule N of M is of the form I M for some ideal I ofR

[6]. We show that the multiplicationψ-modules, finitely generated modules, free modules (of finite or infinite rank), faithful projective modules over domains and modules over Artinian rings areφ-modules (Theorem 1, Corollary 1, Theorem 2, Theorem 3 and Theorem 4).



We will useX,XpandXpto represent PS pec(M),S pecp(M)and

{QPS pec(M)| p(Q:M) = p} respectively. Also V(Ann(M)) will be the set of all prime ideals containingAnn(M). We begin with a lemma which will be referred to in the rest of this section.

Lemma 1(cf. [9, Theorem 2.1]). Let M be a non-zero R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) M is aψ-module;

(2) Xp6=;for every pV(Ann(M));

(3) pMp6=Mpfor every pV(Ann(M));

(4) Sp(pM)is a p-prime submodule for every pV(Ann(M)).

Theorem 1. Everyφ-module M over a ring R is aψ-module, and the converse is true in each of the following cases.


(2) M is a non-zero faithfully flat (or in particular a projective) R-module.

(3) M/Sp(pM)is aψ-module over R for every pV(Ann(M)).

Proof. Sinceφ =ψρ, everyφ-module is a ψ-module. (1) Let pV(Ann(M)). Then there exists a prime submodule Psuch that(P:M) =p. SinceM is a multiplication module

P= pM. SupposeqS pec(R) andpq. By Lemma 1, there exists a prime submodule P

such that(P′: M) =q. It follows that P =pMqM = P′. Hence M/Pis aψ-module and soPPS pec(M). Now fromφ(P) =p/Ann(M), we conclude thatφis surjective, i.e., M is aφ-module. (2) LetpV(Ann(M))and(P:M) =p. If M is a projective module, thenpM

is a prime submodule of M by[1, Corollary 2.3]. Also if M is a faithfully flat module, then

pM is a prime submodule by[3, Corollary 2.6]. On the other handM/pM is aψ-module and (pM :M) =pby[9, Corollary 4.3 and Proposition 4.5]. Consequently pM ∈ Xp. Thus M is aφ-module. (3) SinceM is aψ-module,Sp(pM)is a p-prime submodule of M by Lemma 1.

HenceSp(pM)∈ Xp. ThusM is aφ-module.

The following example shows that aψ-module is not necessarily aφ-module. Example 1 (cf. [9, Example 1]). Letbe the set of all prime integers, M = Q


Z pZ and


p∈Ω pZZ, where p runs through. Hence M is a faithfulψ-module overZand

S pec(M) = {M′ = S0(0)} ∪ {pM : p ∈Ω}. Now if φ is surjective, then there exists N ∈ X such thatφ(N) =p(N:M) =0. It follows that(N : M) =0. Since M/N is aψ-module, we have N ⊆ ∩p∈pM =0. But0is not prime and so is not primary-like becauserad 0=0. Hence

N ∈ X/ , a contradiction. Thus M is not aφ-module.

Corollary 1. Every finitely generated R-module M is aφ-module, hence so is the factor module M/N of M by any submodule N of M .

Proof. Follows from Lemma 1 and Theorem 1.

Corollary 2. Let R be a ring of (Krull) dimension0and M be a non-zero R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) mM6=M for every mV(Ann(M))M a x(R);

(2) M is aψ-module;

(3) M is aφ-module.

Proof. (1)⇔(2)follows from[9, Result 3].

(2) (3) Suppose M is a ψ-module. We show that M/Sp(pM) is a ψ-module for every

pV(Ann(M)). Assume (Sp(pM) : M) q for a prime ideal q ofR. Hence pq. Since

d im(R) =0, thenp=q. HenceSq(qM)is aq-prime submodule containingSp(pM). Thus M


Corollary 3. Let R be a domain which is not a field. If a non-zero R-module M is either a divisible module or a faithful torsion module, then M is not aφ-module.

Proof. Use Theorem 1 and[9, Proposition 2.6].

Theorem 2. Every free module is aφ-module.

Proof. Suppose F is a freeR-module andpS pec(R/Ann(F)). It is easy to see thatpF is a prime, and hence a primary-like submodule, ofF. Now we show thatF/pF is aψ-module. Assumeqis a prime ideal ofRcontaining(pF :F). It follows from[13, Proposition 2.2]that (qF : F) =q and hence qF 6= F. ThusqF is a q-prime submodule of F containing pF [11, Theorem 3]. It implies thatF/pF is aψ-module.

Theorem 3. Let R be a domain and M be a faithful projective R-module. Then M is aφ-module. Proof. AssumeM6= (0)andpS pec(R). We show thatpM ∈ X. By[9, Corollary 3.4],M

is aψ-module and hencepM 6=M by[9, Result 2]. It follows from[11, Theorem 3]that pM

is a p-prime, and hence ap-primary-like, submodule ofM. It remains to show that M/pM is aψ-module. Supposeqis a prime ideal ofR containing p= (pM :M). Therefore pM qM

andqMXq. ThusM/pM is aψ-module and soM is aφ-module.

Proposition 1. Let M be a non-zeroφ-module over a ring R. Then the following statements hold. (1) Let I be a radical ideal of R. Then(I M:M) =I if and only if IAnn(M).

(2) mM∈ X for every mV(Ann(M))∩M a x(R).

(3) If M is faithful, then M is flat if and only if M is faithfully flat.

Proof. (1) follows from[9, Proposition 3.1]and Theorem 1.

(2) By Theorem 1,Mis aψ-module. Hence by[9, Result 2],mM6=M. ThusmMis am-prime, and hencem-primary-like, submodule ofM. It remains to show that M/mM is a ψ-module. Assumepis a prime ideal ofRcontaining(mM :M). SincemM a x(R), thenm= pand so

M/mM is aψ-module. ThusmM∈ X.

(3) The sufficiency is clear. Suppose that M is flat. Hence by part (2), we havemM 6=M for everymM a x(R). This implies thatM is faithfully flat.

We give an elementary example of a module which is not aφ-module.

Example 2. TheZ-moduleQis flat and faithful, but not faithfully flat. So,Qis not aφ-module, by Proposition1.


Proof. SupposeMis a non-zeroφ-module overR. HenceMp6= (0)for everypV(Ann(M)). AssumeqS pec(Rp/Ann(Mp)). We setq= (q′)c, the contraction ofq′inR. It is easy to check thatqis a prime ideal ofR. We show that there exists aq′-primary-like submoduleQp ofMp

such that Mp/Qp is aψ-module. Since Rp is a local ring, ppq′ ⊇Ann(Mp)⊇ (Ann(M))p. Taking the contraction of each term of this sequence of ideals inR, we have that


Hence qS pec(R/Ann(M)). Since M is a φ-module overR, there existsQ ∈ X such that p

(Q:M) =q. Thus by[7, Theorem 3.8]Qp is aq′-primary-like submodule in Mp such that

Mp/Qpis aψ-module and hence Mpis aφ-module overRpfor everypV(Ann(M)).

Theorem 4. Let R be a ring. Consider the following statements. (1) R is an Artinian ring.

(2) Every R-module is aφ-module.

(3) Every R-module is aψ-module.

(4) mM6=M for every R-module M and mV(Ann(M))M a x(R).

(5) d im(R) =0

Then (1) ⇒(2) ⇒ (3) ⇒ (4) ⇒ (5). Furthermore, if R is a Noetherian ring, then the above statements are equivalent.

Proof. (1)⇒(2)Let M be a non-zeroR-module. ThenAnn(M)6=R. SinceR is Artinian, we haveR=R1× · · · ×Rn, wheren∈Nand eachRi is an Artinian local ring. First we assume that n= 1, i.e.,R is an Artinian local ring with maximal ideal m. Since J(R), the Jacobson radical ofR, equals tomandJ(R)is T-nilpotent,mM6=Mby[8, Theorem 23.16]. Thus every

R-module is aφ-module, by Corollary 2. Now assumen≥2 and letmibe the maximal ideal of the local ringRifor every 1≤in. Letmbe a maximal ideal ofRcontainingAnn(M). Clearly mis the formR1× · · ·Ri1×mi×Ri+1× · · · ×Rnfor somei. Without loss of generality we may

assume thati=1, i.e.,m=m1×R2× · · · ×Rn. Again, by Corollary 2, it suffices to show that

mM= (mR2× · · · ×Rn)M 6=M. On the contrary, suppose that(mR2× · · · ×Rn)M =M.

Take M1 = (R1×(0)× · · · ×(0))M. It is easy to verify that R1 ∼= R/(0)×R2× · · · ×Rn and hence M1 can be expressed as anR1-module by definingr1x1 = r1(1, 0,· · ·, 0)x1 forr1R1

andx1∈M1. We may assume thatM16=0, for otherwise we have

R1×(0)× · · · ×(0)⊆Ann(M)⊆m1×R2× · · · ×Rn,

a contradiction. Thusm1M16=M1 by using casen=1. On the other hand, for each

xM,(1, 0,· · ·, 0)xM = (mR2× · · · ×Rn)M. Thus for each xM,

(1, 0,· · ·, 0)x = Ps


where 2 ≤ in and 1 ≤ js. Multiplying the former equation by (1, 0,· · ·, 0), we get (1, 0,· · ·, 0)x (m1×(0)× · · · ×(0))M for each xM. It follows that

(R1×(0)× · · · ×(0))M⊆(m1×(0)× · · · ×(0))M

and som1M1=M1, a contradiction.

(2)⇒(3)follows from Theorem 1. (3)⇒(4)follows from[9, Result 2].

(4) (5) Suppose p be a prime ideal of R and K the quotient field of R/p. We know that

K is a non-zero divisible R/p-module. Let 0 6= r +pR/p. Then (r +p)K = K implies that Ann(K) +R/p(r+p) =R/p. Otherwise, if Ann(K) +R/p(r+p)6= R/p, then there is a maximal ideal m/p ofR/p containing Ann(K) +R/p(r+p). ThusK = (r+p)K ⊆(m/p)K

follows that(m/p)K =K, contradicting the assumption in (4). Now, letAnn(K)6= (0). Take

r+pAnn(K)and hence by the above argumentAnn(K) =R/p, i.e.,K= (0), a contradiction. ThusAnn(K) = (0). HenceR/p(r+p) =R/pfor any 06=r+pR/p. Thusd im(R) =0. (4)(5)follows from[2, Theorem 8.5].

The following is now immediate.

Corollary 4. Let R be a domain. Then the following statements are equivalent. (1) Every R-module is aφ-module;

(2) Every R-module is aψ-module;

(3) R is a field.


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