CopyrightC 1977 AmericanSociety forMicrobiology PrintedinU.S.A.
Antibody-Dependent Cellular
Complement-Dependent Antibody Lysis
Simplex Virus-Infected Cells
Methods of Detecting
THANGAMANI SUBRAMANIAN ANDWILLIAM E. RAWLS* Department of Pathology,McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada
Received for publication24January 1977
Anantibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) assaywasused todetect antibodiestothe herpes simplex virusesinhumansera. The
utilized therelease of 5'Cr fromBHK-21cellsinfected with the viruses, hamsterperitoneal
exudate cells as effector cells, and antiviral antibodies in human sera. The
technique was found to be far more sensitive than complement-dependent antibody lysis of infected cells and virus neutralization. The ADCC assaywas
useful in detecting antibodies in sera that had low titers or no antibodies
detectable by other methods. In a sample of100serafromuniversity
40were positive by complement-dependent lysis whereas 73 were positive by ADCC. Of400serafromwomenwith cervical cancer, 17didnothave detectable antibodies bymicroneutralization orcomplement-dependent lysis; however,all sera werepositiveby ADCC, suggesting that all of thewomenhad beeninfected inthe past withone orboth types of herpes simplex virus.
The percentage of adults without detectable antibodiestoherpes simplex viruses (HSV) has
been found tovaryin
stud-iescarriedout indifferent populations (4, 6,
10-13,15-19, 21, 28, 31). Since minimalfluctuation
in antibody titers has been observed in most individuals followed prospectively (3, 5, 7-9,
25),theabsence of detectable antibodies implies that the individual had not been infectedinthe
past. These seroepidemiological observations suggest population differences in past infec-tions with the viruses; however, it is possible thatantibodies donotpersistat high levels in
all infected individuals (3, 8, 30). Thus, the
antibodies may reflectnotonlydifferencesinpast infection rates, but also differencesin antibody persistence.
Recently, it was demonstrated that cell-me-diated lysis of antibody-coated target cells is a
sensitive method of detecting antibodies to
HSV (20, 24, 27). In the present study, the
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) techniquewas utilized forquantitation ofHSVantibodiesinhumansera. Asreported by others (24, 27), wefound the ADCC methodtobe much more sensitivethan virus
neutrali-zationorcomplement-dependent antibody lysis of virus-infectedcells. Inaddition, asignificant proportionofserafromadults without
detecta-bleantibody bythelatter methodswere found
to containantibodies detectable by the ADCC
Sera. Selectedconvalescent-phase sera from
pa-tients who experienced clinically apparent infec-tions withHSVtype 1(HSV-1)orHSVtype2 (HSV-2)wereusedtoexaminethevariables of the ADCC technique. Serum sampleswerecollected from 100 students attending McMaster University. These samples were collected without regard to specific illness from studentsattending the health clinic and
werefelttoberepresentative of the study group. In addition, selected sera from previously described studieswereutilized(12,22, 29). These included 30
sera(12)and 34 sera(22)found tohavelowtitersor
nodetectableantibodies to HSV-2 by microneutrali-zation, and 60 sera (29) found to have low or no
detectable antibodies by complement-dependent an-tibody lysis of virus-infected cells. The sera were storedat -35°C and heat inactivatedat56°Cfor30 minprior touse in the assay procedures.
Target cells. The KOS strain of HSV-1 and the HV-219 strain of HSV-2 were used (26).Monolayers
of BHK-21 cells in 75-cm2 tissue culture flasks (Corning Glass Works,Corning,N.Y.)wereinfected
atamultiplicity of 3 to 5plaque-forming units per cell, and adsorption of the viruswasfor1h at23°C. Themonolayers were then overlaidwithEagle
min-imal essential mediumsupplemented with5%fetal bovine serum and antibiotics(penicillin, 100U/ml;
streptomycin,100iLg/ml).Tothecultureswasadded 200
of51Crassodium chromate (NewEngland 551on February 7, 2020 by guest
Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass.), and the cultures wereincubatedat37°C. After18hof incubation, the cells were monodispersed by using 0.025% trypsin and0.02% ethylenediaminetetraacetate in buffered saline without calcium and magnesium ions. The cells were then washed five times with tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-buffered saline containing 2% fetal bovine serum. After the final wash, the cellsweresuspended in minimal essential medium with10%fetal bovineserumata concentra-tion of 105 viable cells per ml. BHK-21 cells not infected withviruswerelabeled with 51Crina simi-larfashion and served ascontrols.
Effector cells. Peritoneal exudate cells from golden Syrian hamsters (Lakeview/Charles River, Newfield, N.J.) were used as effector cells. Adult hamsterswereinjected intraperitoneally with 5 ml ofsterile paraffin oil. Theanimalsweresacrificed 3 days later, and the peritoneal exudate cells were harvested from the peritoneal cavity by lavage with Hanks buffered saline. The cellswerewashed twice with buffered saline and suspendedatthe required concentration in minimal essential medium con-taining 10% fetal bovineserum.
ADCC assay. The test serum was appropriately diluted in minimal essential medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum. To 0.2 ml of the diluted
seruminglass tubes (12 by75mm)wereadded0.4 ml oftarget cells and 0.4 ml of effector cells. The tubes were gently shaken and then incubated at 37°C inahumidatmosphere of95%air and 5%CO2. Atthe end of the incubation period (usually8or20 h), the tubes werethoroughly agitated and centri-fugedat1,500rpmfor 3min(IEC PR-J centrifuge)to sediment unlysed cells and cell debris. A 0.5-ml samplewascarefully removed from thetopof the 1-mlreaction volume and transferredto aclean test tube. The radioactivity of each of the 0.5-ml frac-tionswascountedinaBeckman automaticgamma counter. The percent specific release of 51Cr was calculatedby the formula:
2 x cpmoftopfraction
-x 100 cpmoftopfraction
+ cpmofbottomfraction where cpm is counts per minute. As controls, all assaysincludedreactionmixtures to which diluent
was added instead of effectors cells or instead of
serum and in which uninfected cells were substi-tuted fortargetcells.Theassayswereperformedin triplicate, and the valuesfrom the three determina-tionswereaveraged. Analysisof variations of
tripli-catevalues indicated thatspecificrelease ofgreater than5%above control valueswasunlikelytooccur by chance (P<0.01)and,therefore,wereconsidered positive for antibody activity.
For quantitation, the data werenormalized and expressedas percentcytotoxicity. Thiswas accom-plished by assigning the value of 0%tothe releasein control mixtures containing known antibody-nega-tive serum and 100% to the release observed in mixturescontainingexcessantibody. The reciprocal
of theserumdilutionthatproduced50%cytotoxicity was taken as the titer ofantibody in the ADCC
assay. The method of expression of results is exem-plified in the data shown in Table 1. The percent specificrelease forcontrol mixtures was about 37, and that for the positive antibody control was 68. The values of 37 and 68% were taken as 0 and100%,
respectively, and the mean percent specific release forthe unknown,48, represents 35% onthisscale.
Complement-dependent lysis of cells by anti-body. Antibodiesto the surface antigen of BHK-21
cells infected withHSV-1 and HSV-2 were also
as-sayedby addingguinea pigcomplement to sensitized
cells. Detailsofthis procedure were previously
de-scribed (14).
Neutralizingantibodies. Thepresence of neutral-izingantibodies was detected by mixing virus and serumandthen assayingforsurviving
plaque-form-ing virus. Details of the plaque reduction test are
described elsewhere(23). RESULTS
Variablesof the ADCCtechnique. Since we wished to use the ADCC test for assaying anti-body activity, several combinations of readily available targetand effector cells were
exam-ined. These included BHK-21 and RK-13 cells infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2 as target cells and peritoneal exudate cells, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and spleens cells from rabbits and hamsters as effector cells. The most satisfactory resultswereobtained withvirus-infected BHK-21cells and hamster peritoneal exudate cells.
The influence of different concentrations of effectorcells was examinedby sensitizing 51Cr-labeled BHK-21 cells that had or had not been infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2; sensitization
was carriedout by incubating the target cells
TABLE 1. ResultsofatypicalADCC assayusing 51Cr-labeled BHK-21 cellsinfectedwith HSV-1 Effec- cpmof cpmof Spe- yo
:f ev Antibody bottom top cific toxic cells toHSV-1 frac- frac- release ityo
tion M t %1:50a None 3,511 792 37
3,482 788 37 0
3,540 796 37
None Positive 3,122 676 36
control 2,936 686 38 0
3,029 681 37 1:50 Negative 3,324 726 36
control 3,566 804 37 0
3,445 765 36
1:50 Positive 2,940 1,520 68
control 2,842 1,484 69 100
2,891 1,502 68 1:50 Unknown 3,158 1,010 48
serum 3,096 1,026 50 35
3,127 1,018 49
aFiftyperitoneal exudatecellsto onetarget cell.
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with 1:50 dilutions of sera for 1 h. Different numbers of hamster peritoneal exudate cells
were added, and 20 h later the lysis oftarget
cellswasassessed. Theoptimum target:effector cellsratio was foundto be1:50 forBHK-21cells infectedwith HSV-1 (Fig. 1)and1:200for
BHK-21 cellsinfected with HSV-2 (Fig. 2).
The rate ofdestruction of sensitized target cellswas examinedbysensitizingthecells with
serum,adding peritonealexudate cells at a ra-tio of 1:50 for HSV-1 and 1:200 forHSV-2, and
then terminating the reaction after various
pe-riods of incubation. Specific destruction was
evident after 4 h ofincubation and increased
rapidly thereafter (Fig. 3). Maximum specific lysis was attained by 8 h ofincubation, after
which increased lysis in the presence of
anti-body wasassociatedwith anincreased nonspe-cific lysis. Somewhat similar results were
ob-tained with cells infected by HSV-2; specific
lysis was initially detectedat 4 hand increased rapidly until8 h. Nonspecificlysisat 20hafter infectionwasless forHSV-2-infected cells than forHSV-1-infected cells (datanotshown). The
differences between lysisinthe presence of
an-tibodies and inthe absence of antibodies were
U a W 75 1W 12i 1W 175 200
FIG. 1. Effect of varying numbers of effector cells
on the lysis ofBHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1. Symbols: 0, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1 and sensitized with serum containingneutralizing
anti-bodies to HSV-1; A, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1 and sensitized with serum not containing detectable neutralizing antibodies to HSV-1; 0,
BHK-21cellsinfectedwithHSV-1 and not sensitized; A, uninfected BHK-21 cells sensitized with serum containing neutralizing antibodies to HSV-1.
FIG. 2. Effect of varyingnumbers of effector cells on the lysis of BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-2. Symbols: 0, BHK-21 cellsinfected with HSV-2 ancs sensitized with serumcontainingneutralizing anti-bodies to HSV-2; A, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-2 and sensitized with serum not containing neutralizingantibodies; 0, uninfected BHK-21 cells sensitized withserumcontaining HSV-2 antibodies.
FIG. 3. Kinetics oflysis of BHK-21 cells infected
with HSV-1 by hamster peritoneal exudate cells.
Symbols: 0,BHK-21cellsinfectedwithHSV-1 and sensitized with serumcontaining neutralizing anti-bodies to HSV-1; A, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1 and sensitized with serum lacking neutraliz-ingantibodies toHSV-1; 0, uninfected BHK-21 cells sensitized with serumcontaining neutralizing
anti-bodies toHSV-1. VOL. 5, 1977
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maximal at 8 h forHSV-l-infected cells and at 100 20 hforHSV-2-infected cells.
The influence of decreasingconcentrations of
-antibody isdepictedinFig. 4. Withincreasing serum dilution, there was a decrease in the
percent cytotoxicity. The reciprocal of the se- so / rum dilution that produced a 50% cytotoxicity
wastaken as the antibody titer. In the ADCC 70
assay, the slopes of the dose-response curves
wererelatively flat, andthe titersof sera upon g / repeat assays were more variable than the
titersfor thetype 1 serumusedinthe 0 50experiment
shown inFig.
4 were 1:20by
com- uplement-dependent lysis and 1:290 by ADCC, ; 40 whereas the titers for the type 2 serum were W 1:125 by complement-dependent lysis and c 30
1:5,500byADCC.Thus,the ADCC method was l
found to be more sensitive than the
comple-ment-dependent lysis ofinfected cells by anti- 20
Therate ofbinding ofantibody to the target 10 I
cells was found to be very rapid (Fig. 5). The
maximum rate ofbindingwasobservedinthe
first few minutes of the reaction, andbinding 0 10 20 30 40 50 00
_100 100 FIG. 5. Kinetics of binding ofantibodyto target
cells. The kinetics of antibodybinding to target cells
90.-90 was assayed by mixing 0.5 mlofa 1:5 dilution of
so. so at4C. Atintervals,10p4ofthe reaction mixturewas
removed and diluted in10 mlof cold diluent. The 70 \ \ 'Q.\ 70 Q cells were washed three times and then mixed with
\ > ¢effector
cells. Thepercentcytotoxicityin theseexperi-ments is
in relation tothecytotoxicity
ob-tained whenexcessantibodywas notremoved, which so
50 ~ t \ \ \ - " 2 was taken as 100%. Symbols: 0, BHK-21 cells in-u fected withHSV-2 and reacted with HSV-2 antise-40
o \ \ ' 40 i rum; 0, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1 and
re-U acted withHSV-1 antiserum.
~30 30
20 \ \< 20 was
essentially complete by
30 min. For the!2~ \ \sera tested, 15 to 25% additional cytotoxicity
10 S \D 10 wasobserved ifthe excessantibodies werenot
removed fromthe reaction mixture. The results
10 20 40 00
I of these experiments also demonstrate thatSERUMDLUnON induction of cell cytotoxicity is brought about
FIG. 4. Effects of serum dilution oncytotoxicity of by antibodybound to thetargetcells and not by
BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2. Sym- a direct attachment of free
to effector bols: 0, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1, sensi- cells.tized with varying dilutions of HSV-1 antiserum, Analysis of sera from college students.
and reactedwith effector cellsat a ratio of 1:50; 0, From the above analysis, a standardized test of BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-1, sensitized with ADCC was adopted in which HSV-1 target cells varying dilutions of HSV-1 antiserum, and lysed were reacted with effector cells at a ratio of 1:50 with complement; A, BHK-21 cells infected with
HSV-2, sensitized with varying dilutions of HSV-2 and
for 8 h, and HSV-2 target cells antiserum, andreactedwitheffector cells at a ratioof wereacd
of1:200; A, BHK-21 cells infected with HSV-2, sensi- 1:200 and incubated for 20 h. Sequential serum tizedwithantiserum toHSV-2, and lysed with com-
collected fromtwopatients
with acuteplement. ulcerativepharyngitis were
on February 7, 2020 by guest
bodies by the ADCC method and by comple-ment-dependent lysis. HSV-1wasisolated from
throat swabsofboth ofthese patients. The ki-neticsoftheappearanceofantibodieswere
sim-ilar in bothpatients by both techniques;
how-ever, thetiters obtained bythe ADCC method were muchhigher than those obtained by
com-plement-dependent lysis (Fig. 6).
In preliminary analysis ofsera from college
students, wefound a largepercentage
serone-gative by complement-dependent lysis (data
notshown). Therefore,sera werecollected from
100students and tested by
complement-depend-ent lysis and by ADCC at a dilution of 1:10
(Table2). All serapositive by
complement-de-pendentlysiswerealso positivebyADCC;
how-ever, 33 sera positive by the ADCC method
titered lessthan 1:10bycomplement-dependent lysis. These data suggest that a substantial
proportion ofthe student population had been infected with HSV-1 in the past but did not possess antibodies of sufficient titer to be de-tectedbycomplement-dependent lysis.
Analysisofserafrompatients with cervical
neoplasia. Antibodies to HSV-2 havebeen
as-sociated with squamous cell carcinoma ofthe
FIG. 6. AntibodytitersdeterminedbyADCCand by complement-dependent lysis in sera ofpatients with acute herpetic pharyngitis. Symbols: 0, sera
frompatient1testedbyADCC;0,serafrompatient 1 testedbycomplement-dependent lysis; A,serafrom patient 2 tested byADCC; A, sera frompatient2
testedbycomplement-dependent lysis.
asmall percentage ofpatients
withcancer do not have detectable antibodies to
HSV-1orHSV-2. Toevaluate whether the
sero-negativity of thesewomenrepresented the
ab-sence of past infection or levels of
below detection
the usual assaymethods,
sera found
by microneutralization
ADCC(Table 3).
While4.3%ofwomenwith invasive cancerlacked antibodiestoHSV-2by
the conventional
all had antibodies detectableby
the ADCC method. There wasalsoasubstantial decrease in the percentage of
women with carcinoma in situ and of control women when their sera wereanalyzed
ADCC.To confirm these
50 sera fromwomenwithcervical
and 50 serafrom control women were each divided into threesamples
for antibodies to HSV-1 andHSV-2by
three methods. Theseserawereselected on the basis of low or absent titers of
microneu-tralization orby
TABLE 2. Seronegativity of college studentsas determinedbyADCC andcomplement-dependent
No. HSV-la
Method teste
Posi- Nega-tive tive
Complement-dependent 100 40 60
ADCC 100 73 27
aSeratested atadilutionof1:10.
TABLE 3. Seronegativity ofcasesof cervical neoplasia and control women asdeterminedby
Negativeforantibodiesto HSV-2b Disease statea
stud- Conventional ADCCid methodc DC
No. % No. %
Invasive carci- 400 17 4.3 0 0 noma
Carcinoma in 115 15 13 4 3.5
Controls 523 92 17.6 23 4.4
aStudy subjectswerederived from three studies
and are not comparable with respect to ages and
socioeconomic status.
bNegativeat aserumdilutionof1:10.
cAntibodies analyzed bycomplement-dependent lysisorbymicroneutralization.
VOL. 5, 1977
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Theresults of theseassays(Table4) supportthe conceptthatsomeindividuals without
detecta-ble antibody by the neutralization test or by
complement-dependent lysis hadantibodies de-tectable by ADCC. All of the sera that were
negative by complement-dependent lysis but positive by ADCC were assayed by the ADCC
technique, using uninfected BHK-21 cells as
targetcells; nonecontained antibodiesto
unin-fectedcells, suggesting that the lysis of infected BHK-21 cells in the ADCC represented
virus-specific antibody. Furthermore, 21 of the sera
were titrated for antibody by
complement-de-pendent lysis and ADCC. A correlation was
observed between titers obtained by the two methods (Fig. 7). Of the 10 serawith titers of
1:500 or less by ADCC, 7 had no detectable
antibody by complement-dependent lysis. All
serawith ADCCtiters ofgreaterthan 1:500 had antibodies detectable by
Lysisof cells byantibodytosurfaceantigens
and effector cells from nonimmune animals is thought to represent theterminal sequence of events initiated by attachment of effector cells through Fcreceptorstotheantibody molecules (20, 27). Pertinenttothisstudyistheexquisite sensitivity of this reaction for detectionof anti-body. Lysis of cells infected with HSV by anti-viral antibodies and mouse peritoneal exudate
cells (20) and humanperipheral blood cells (24, 27) waspreviously described. We found thata
continuous line of baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21) infected with either HSV-1orHSV-2
canbe readilylysed with human antibody and
hamster peritoneal exudate cells. As reported by others (24, 27), we found the ADCC assay
capable of detectingantibodiestothese herpes-viruses at serum dilutions several hundred
times greaterthanby the standard neutraliza-tiontestorbycomplement-dependentantibody
lysis of virus-infected cells. Shore et al. (27)
were unable to differentiate past infections
with HSV-2 by the ADCC assay, and we also wereunabletoclearly make thisdistinction by
theassay wedeveloped(unpublished data).
Al-though it providesnoadvantageover
neutrali-zationassays or assaysinwhichcomplementis
used with respect to ease ofperformance and
cost,the ADCCtest isclearly useful in
detect-ingHSVantibodies atlow concentrations. Antibody titers to the HSV tend to remain relativelyconstant throughout adult life (5, 8,
9, 25, 31). Yet, when comparing populations living in different socioeconomic settings,
dif-ferences areobserved bothinthepercentageof
the populations with detectable antibodies to
the viruses and inthe meanantibody titers of
those who are seropositive (1, 4, 6, 10-13, 15,
17-19, 21, 28, 31). This suggests that environ-mental factors influence the antibody levelsin
humans. A decreaseofantibodiesto
undetecta-blelevels has been observed in a few children
afterprimaryherpetic gingivostomatis (8, 30). Antibody titers appear to rise rapidly among
these children, with the reappearance of virus
intheoral secretions. These observations
sug-gestthat, after aprimary infection, some
indi-viduals do not have a persistence ofantiviral
antibody detectable by standard methods. Itis
possible that establishment oflatent infection
may be required for the maintenance of
anti-bodies at a given level. Individuals not estab-lishingalatent infectionduringaninitial expo-sure to the virus could become susceptible to
become latently infected. Reinfections and/or
recurrence maythusresultinthedevelopment ofincreased levels ofantibodies in certain
pa-tients (2, 3, 8, 25, 30). Ifthis istrue, the
envi-ronmentfactorsfostering increasedexposureto theviruses wouldnotonlyinfluencethe proba-bility of being infected initially, but also
in-creasetheprobability ofbeingreinfected. This
couldaccountfortheobserveddifferences in the
percentagewith antibodies and the differences in mean antibody titers among the seroposi-tives indifferent social settings.
TABLE 4. Seronegativityofselectedsera from women withcervical neoplasia and controlwomenas determined bythreetechniques
Negativefor HSVantibodiesa
Disease state No.studied Neutralization Complement-dependent ADCC
Cervical neo- 50 22 22 21 25 4 4
Controls 50 30 30 30 40 9 9
a Allassays wereperformedat aserum dilution of 1:10.
bCases ofinvasivecarcinomaandcarcinoma in situincluded.
on February 7, 2020 by guest
I 1moeo
<10 10 20 40
TITER BYCOMPLEMENT-DEPENDENT LYSIS FIG. 7. Comparison oftitersofantibodiesto HSV-2 obtained by complement-dependent lysis and by
Bycomplement-dependentantibody lysis,we
foundantibodiestothe HSVin 40% ofthe col-lege students examined. This finding is in
agreement with those of Glezen et al. (7) and
Smith et al. (28), who found between 30 and 48% of college studentswithneutralizing anti-bodies totype 1 virus. However, by using the
more sensitive ADCC assay, we were able to
detectantibodies in 73%ofourstudent
popula-tion. Approximately 33% of the students
ap-pearedtohave been infected inthepastbut did
not maintain antibody titers sufficient to be detectedby theless sensitive method.
Seroepidemiological studies have shown an
association betweenantibodiesactivityto
HSV-2andcarcinomaofthe cervix(1,4, 6, 10-12,
16-18, 21). Accordingtothe standard antibody as-say techniques, not all women with cervical cancer show evidence of past infection with
HSV-2 (21). Thisimplies that infection by the virusmaynotbea necessaryfactorinthe
gene-sis of the cancer. However, we were unable to
antibod-iesto HSV-2 among400 cancer cases. This
ob-servation suggests that essentially all women
with cervical cancer have been infected with
eitherHSV-1orHSV-2.If, aspostulatedabove,
establishment oflatency is requiredto main-tain antibody titer levels detectable by
stan-dard assays, thenour datasuggest that some womenmaydevelop cervical neoplasia without
Weareveryappreciative of theassistanceof Toni Fran-cisco,CarolLavery,and ElaineJaggard.
Thestudywasmadepossible thoughagrantfromthe National Cancer InstituteofCanada.
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