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Windows Movie Maker Digital Video Editing (PC) Note: If you are using a Mac then refer to the instructions on the class website


Academic year: 2021

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GRC 119 Assignment 8 Windows Movie Maker Digital Video Editing (PC)

1. Download video supplemental files 2. Download a CC licensed video

3. Create a Windows Movie Maker project 4. Previewing Clips

5. Adding clips to movie 6. Previewing movie

7. Tighten movie by trimming clips 8. Adding transitions

9. Adding a CC licensed soundtrack 10. Adding titles

11. Exporting video and uploading to YouTube 12. Embedding in a webpage


2 Assignment Overview:

This week we will be editing a movie using Windows Movie Maker. Digital video editing on computers has become very common due to faster processors, better software, adaptation of digital camcorders, and a desire by users to make their own movies. With the popularity of websites like YouTube, users want to quickly shoot, edit, and publish their own movies to the web. Windows Movie Maker has continually been the easiest program on the PC for beginners to quickly pick up video editing. We will use Windows Movie Maker to make a nicely customized movie, which we will export to a high quality wmv video file. Wmv video is the Microsoft video codec used for encoding video into a digital compressed format that is web friendly for both Mac and Pc computers. We will use Windows Movie Maker to export our video as a wmv file and then upload to YouTube, a website popular for sharing your videos with friends.

Windows Movie Maker Intro:

Windows Movie Maker is included with older PC Operating Systems. Windows 7 / 8 users will have to download and install the program. Windows PC users can download here:




Please note: these instructions were written using an older version of movie maker, if you are having problems working with the program and completing the required tasks please email the Instructor for more help.

Step 1 – Download video supplemental files

• We are going to need sample video clips for our movie.

• Download the sample files off of our class website and unzip folder http://sites.csn.edu/cg/avalentiner/119/sample/a8wmv.zip

• The download file is very large so it may take a long time to download. • You will need to unzip this folder

• Recommended, create a video folder on your desktop and place all files inside this folder • Place video folder somewhere we will be able to access, we will refer to this folder as the

video assets folder

• Preview the videos we will use for your video, find folder and double click on each file. If you are having trouble viewing you may need to update your Windows Media Player. • Note: If you want to use your own video clips instead of the sample videos you must

make sure they are legal to post on YouTube, they should be sized approx 640x480, and you will need a minimum of 30 different video clips, all clips must be in the .wmv format (recommended)

Step 2 – Download a CC licensed video

• Required, download at least 1 creative commons video, ideally sized 640x480. • Navigate to the following or a similar CC video site:


• Use search box at website to search for topic like car race (or whatever the topic of your movie).

• Select a movie in or order to preview and then play movie.

• Look for a video ideally sized 640x480 and .wmv (recommended for Pc’s)



• In order to download the file, Rt+click on the windows link (.wmv) and save file into your video assets folder.

Other notable CC video sites:

ü http://www.archive.org/details/prelinger

ü http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Video

ü http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Video#Featured_Video_Sites

Step 3 – Create a Windows Movie Maker project

• The following instructions are for Pc computers. If you are using a Mac then refer to the alternative instructions mentioned on the first page of this assignment.

• Open Windows Movie Maker

• Start>All Programs>Accessories>Windows Movie Maker

• Under Movie Tasks (on the left side) for step 1 Capture Video, select the option "Import video"

• Navigate to the folder containing the videos you want to use. Select all the videos in the folder by shift+click on the first and the last video or control+click on each video individually you want to select.

• Under the center area you will see the videos appear in Collection: Collections • File>Save Project

Step 4 – Previewing clips

• Under the center area you will see the clips appear in Collection: Collections • You can preview any of the clips by double clicking on a particular clip • Find a video you might be able to use for the beginning of your movie



• Drag the desired first video clip down to the Storyboard timeline, drag to the very bottom and far left

• Play your movie by clicking on the play storyboard button above the first clip

Step 5 – Adding clips to movie

• Click on the Show Timeline button.

• Once you have added a clip to your movie you can edit the beginning of the clip or the end of the clip by dragging either the left or right sides of the clip. Drag the sides inward to trim a clip or drag the side outward to extend the length of a clip, only can go out if clip has extra footage after the current outpoint

• Drag additional videos down to the timeline, drag to the right of the last clip in the timeline

• Repeat steps adding videos to your movie until you have approx 30 video clips added to your movie

• Make sure to also include the clip that you downloaded off of the web at the beginning of the assignment

• Note, the max length of any clips added to your movie should be about 10 seconds. This means when your movie is watched none of the clips edited into your movie will be longer than 10 seconds. Your final movie needs to be at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds long. If necessary you can reuse only a few of the clips.

• Play your entire movie by clicking on the play button above the first clip

Step 6 – Previewing movie

• Preview your movie by clicking on the Play button

• Recommended, organize your movie so that is has a logical beginning, middle and end • Rearrange clips to desired order

• Make sure the first clip establishes the scene with an opening shot that helps to start out the movie


6 Step 7 – Tighten movie by trimming clips

• In this next step we are going to trim the clips so that the movie is tighter and plays at a more interesting pace

• Select each clip and try to trim any extra footage which is not necessary to tell your story • Customize movie to your liking

• Click on the Rewind Storyboard button and then click on the Play Storyboard button. • Remember there are two timeline views Show Timeline and Show Storyboard, toggle by

clicking on the timeline button (next to the play and rewind buttons). • Preview movie again

• Move clips around if it helps tell the story better • Pressing the delete key would delete the selection

• Once you have added a clip to your movie you can edit the beginning of the clip or the end of the clip by dragging either the left or right sides of the clip, must be in Timeline view

• Adjust movie so its length is at least 2 minutes and 30 seconds (10 minutes max)

Step 8 – Adding transitions

• In order to make our movie transition from clip to clip we will next add some transitions • Required, add a 2-3 second Fade Through Black at the very beginning and at the very


• Select any clip in your timeline you want to add an effect to and then rt+mouse click and select Video Effects

• Under Available Effects select an effect option and then click on the Add>> (button) and then Ok. This adds the effect to the selected clip.

• Repeat steps adding an effect to each clip. You should add effects to all of your clips in your movie. Adding a transition between different clips helps the viewer feel more comfortable with any changing sceneries.



• Toggle the timeline, click on the Show Storyboard button

• Click in the box in between the first and second slide. Next, find the drop down menu at the very top that says Collections, click on down arrow of menu and change to video transitions. Find Fade and drag in between the first and second slides.

• Repeat steps for the remaining slides/images, adding various video transitions throughout your entire slideshow, add a transition in between each of your images

• Add various transitions in between the other clips • Preview movie

• Adjust transitions as desired

Step 9 – Adding a CC licensed soundtrack

• Next we want to make our movie more interesting to view by adding some music

• Required, find a legal song to use as our soundtrack, find a CC licensed song which gives you the permission to use.

• Find and download a CC licensed song in an mp3 format, recommended site Jamendo or CCmixter

http://www.jamendo.com/en/ http://ccmixter.org/

• In order to download the file look for a download link, Rt+click on the mp3 link, save file into your video assets folder.

• Required, write down the name of the artist and the song so we can give them credit or attribution.

Other notable CC music sites:

ü http://creativecommons.org/legalmusicforvideos/ ü SoundClick, http://www.soundclick.com/



• Next click on the Show Timeline button (next to the play and rewind buttons) • Notice how there are three layers, Video, Audio/Music and Title Overlay.

• Add a soundtrack to the Audio/Music layer. Soundtrack should play for the duration of your slideshow. If necessary repeat the audio so that the audio plays during the whole movie. Windows Movie Maker will allow you to import wav, aif, and mp3 files. File>Import into Collections will allow you to import your audio file. Then you will need to drag from Collections onto the Audio/Music layer.

• Adjust audio settings like volume and audio fade in and out as desired

• Make sure the soundtrack plays for the duration of your movie. You can also adjust the audio within a video clip by selecting the clip and adjusting via the Audio Adjustments window, click on the speaker of a selected clip.

• It is recommended you turn the audio completely down on all of your individual video clips that do not have any usable audio. We will have the soundtrack provide the audio for our movie.

• Note, one of the limitations of WMM is we can’t add multiple audio tracks

Step 10 – Adding Titles

• Next, we are going to add some titles to our movie

• Click on Tools>Titles and Credits. Choose add title at the beginning of the movie or one of the other listed options.

• Add an opening title for your movie like “The Race for Water”

• Make sure both the opening and closing title appear long enough for the viewer to read them, it is recommended they each display for at least 10 second.

• You must also add a similar Title with closing credits to the end of your movie

• Make sure that you include your full name in the closing credits and the Artist and the song name being used as your soundtrack.

• Preview the movie



• Select the My computer option for Movie location option • Enter a file name for your saved movie

• Save it to an a8 folder inside your 119 folder, click on Browse • For the movie setting, leave the default setting Best Quality… • Click on Next

• After export finishes, use Explorer to find your file and double click on file to preview within the Windows Movie Player

• Loggin to your YouTube account, http://www.youtube.com

• Upload your wmv video by clicking on "Upload" button within your YouTube page (top right in You Tube). Your video is limited to 10 minutes and 1024 MB.

• Make sure to mention the Artist and Song you are using and that it is CC licensed. YouTube provides fields for adding a Title, Description, Tags, Category, and Privacy. • Make sure to keep Privacy option the default Share your video with the world… • Save changes

• Uploads usually take at the most1 minute per MB on a high-speed connection, and converting your video also takes a few minutes, approx 20minutes before you can actually view your youtube movie.

• Click on go to my videos, select your video

• On your video page, find and click on the Share field, and then select Embed option and then select and copy code

• You will need to copy the “Embed code” to embed video inside a new webpage in the next step.

• Once uploaded to YouTube you will need to copy this “Embed code” to embed video inside a new webpage in the next step, the copied code will be pasted in the body using the code view within DW.

• Return to Windows Movie Maker and save project (if possible) and exit.

Step 12 – Embedding in a webpage

• Open up DW, create a new webpage, name movie.html save into a new A8 folder • Make sure to create an A8 folder and save page inside this folder.



• Switch to code view inside DW, paste code inside body.

• Very important, if DW prompts you to convert your embed code you must say no. If you say yes your video will not play.

• Switch back to Design view

• Somewhere within the page type out a name for your slideshow movie, your complete name and the artist and song used in your movie, for example:

“Vegas Nights” By Adam Valentiner

Soundtrack by: John Doe, “Red Lights Green City”

• Make sure to add a unique title to this page, goes inside <title> of your webpage. • Style page as desired, you may want to add a stylesheet to this page.

• Save page, must save inside an a8 folder, and preview html page in a browser. • Video should play

• Add a link on your index.html (course management page) for A8, should link to movie.html (or whatever you called it) inside the A8 folder.

• Upload both pages to your webhost using DW.


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