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Invest in DeFi, Redefine Your Yield. Powered By


Academic year: 2021

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Invest in DeFi, Redefine Your Yield

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Invest in DeFi, Redefine Your Yield


02 The forces to be dealt with (in economics) are, however so numerous, that it is best to take a few at a time; and to work

out a number of partial solutions as auxiliaries to our main study. Thus we begin by isolating the primary relations of supply, demand and price in regard to a particular commodity. We reduce to inaction all other forces by the phrase

‘other things being equal’: We do not suppose that they are inert, but for the time we ignore their activity. This scien- tific device is a great deal older than science: it is the method by which, consciously or unconsciously, sensible men have dealt immemorial with every difficult problem of ordinary life.

Alfred Marshall, Principle of Economics, 1890

A cross-chain borrowing and lending protocol for NFTs, liquidity positions, synthetics, and yield-bearing assets, powered by the Cardano blockchain.

Unlock your assets and transform your yield.



A New Paradigm Brings

New Challenges & New Opportunity

And like with any real paradigm shift, these new ways of conceptualizing capital aren’t just

creating novel standalone asset classes living in a vacuum--they are swallowing the

incumbent system whole.

Decentralized financial applications are upend- ing “business as usual” and redefining, simply put, what we consider to be possible.

However, this progress is double-edged.


Create user-friendly platforms which support their continued usage and growth.

Increase these assets’ usefulness and interoperability.




Paribus’ mission is to unlock the true potential of these assets, evolving them into interporable financial instruments, capable of being used within DeFi protocols, on any chain and all within an intuitive, easy to use platform.


The Old Word Comes of Age


Alternative Assets Become Conventional

Historically, these assets have been fraught with pain points--until DeFi, until Paribus.

And while DeFi alleviates some of these, like retail access, for example, many remain. Today’s decentralized protocols have opened the gates to a new financial world, but there is still work to be done. It could be said that while we now, finally, have the pieces in place, we’ve yet to stack them in the right order.

The types of assets available to be leveraged on Paribus can be characterized as alternative or exotic assets. In traditional

finance, this can mean anything that doesn’t conform to the most common investment vehicles like stocks or bonds. Art, wine, private equity, collectibles and other things that are tough to hold in a standard portfolio would all be examples.


While groundbreaking in many ways, today’s most powerful blockchain-based alternative assets still tend to be

one-dimensional. Once brought or created on-chain, the value tends to be “locked” and no longer accessible. For example, you need to wait for the underlying asset to return a yield, or otherwise perform, and then “unwind” your position.

Stagnant alternative assets are not nearly as productive as they could be considering the potential of today’s DeFi protocols.

The Problem with NFTs &

Other Alternative Assets in DeFi



In addition to the fundamental unproductiveness, we often see issue related to:

Fungibility Liquidity

Unpredictable Returns

Opportunity Cost

Variable Supply and Demand Fair Market Value ROI




Asset Modeling

All assets aren’t created equal, and this is especially true when looking at DeFi primitives.

Each one carries unique challenges with respect to creating interoperable vehicles for value; particularly when considering what’s needed for liquid, effective markets.


09 The Paribus protocol seeks to model these problematic assets, and offer DeFi users layered leverage across various protocols

and interoperability across any chain

Some of the problems we see are:

Liquidity Positions

- Deep liquidity is required for efficient markets - Requires markets on top of markets


- Non-Fungible

- Impossible to liquidate through conventional methods - For NFT’s like art or collectibles, value is subjective.

- Fair market value is difficult to determine instantly and efficiently.

Yield-Bearing Assets

- Only as reliable as the protocol that issued them - Can trend toward illiquid


- Underlying collateral subject to liquidation - Systemic protocol risk




Interoperable Value,

Unlocked & Leveraged

We have set out to transform the exotic into the everyday, the alternative into the conventional.

Paribus is a cross-chain borrowing and lending protocol for NFTs, liquidity positions, synthetics, and yield bearing assets, powered by the Cardano blockchain. The aim of the protocol is to unlock the value held in these assets which tend to be more difficult to rehypothecate, predict, model and rely upon.

Through Paribus’ lending markets, we will allow previously

stagnant assets to be utilized more efficiently and within other DeFi protocols.

By modeling each asset type individually, the various risk profiles, appropriate tradeoffs, and most impactful features can be carefully mapped,

resulting in a platform that

evolves with the emerging

research and protocols.


Alfred Marshall, Principle of Economics, 1890 11

Our Ethos:

“[Economists answer] a complex question, studying one bit at a time, and at last combining his partial solutions into a more or less complete solution of the whole riddle. In breaking it up, he segregates those disturbing causes, whose wanderings happen to be inconvenient, for the time in a pound called Caeteris Paribus.”


12 Collateralized NFT


NFT Staking

Liquidity Position Collateralized


Liquidity Positions Staking

Yield-Bearing Assets as Collateral

Lend, Borrow or Stake Synthetic


Paribus Features

Paribus’ features and protocol would be designed to evolve with new crypto asset classes, capturing the value stored in the emerging universe of interconnected blockchains.

Our protocol will channel this monetary energy in previously impossible ways, creating even more opportunities for investors.


13 Leverage already performing assets and double down on their earning power.

Borrow against your AMM liquidity positions, allowing you to leverage up while staking or earning through providing liquidity.

Market-specific staking pools for LP tokens from multiple blockchain based liquidity pools.

Borrow against your investment, freeing up your

capital while the underlying NFT appreciates in value.

Pool value with other like-NFTs, earning yield on your NFT assets.

Tokenize your NFT value for use in other DeFi protocols.





Yield- Bearing

Assets Synthetic


Leverage already performing assets and double down on their earning power.

Increasing capital efficiency or investment flexibility, across any chain.



Consider a few practical examples:

Before Paribus: Buy and hold, waiting for the asset to appreciate in value. Your capital is locked while you hope for the market to eventually price the asset in your favor before searching for a potential buyer.

After Paribus: After purchasing your NFT, you put it to work within the protocol. By pooling it with other like NFTs, you are able to extract interoperable value based on the current market price. Use this to trade, earn or even rehypothecate while the underlying asset appreciates.


The significant amount of capital sitting handicapped in AMMs is more efficient and able to generate stronger returns across 16 multiple protocols on any chain.

The value path is no longer binary:

After Paribus: After depositing your liquidity, you bring your LP token to the Cardano platform. With your representation of locked value, you can collateralize a loan, and then re-use that capital in another protocol. You can provide more liquid- ity, yield farm for rewards, or long other assets

--significantly multiplying your potential returns.

Invest Transform Explore Realize profit

Before Paribus: Provide liquidity on an AMM and earn fees. Until you withdraw, the capital is stagnant with a hard ceiling on its earning power.


PBX token holders are also entitled to a percentage of fees earned by the protocol, relative to their

stake. The bigger the stake, the greater the tier, and the larger the percentage earned.

The PBX Token





Q2 2021 - Public IDO

Q3 2021 - Paribus MVP v1.0

Q4 2021 - Full Migration to the

Cardano Blockchain



Our Team

Executive Leadership

Deniz Dalkilic



wilsonalexanderdavis simon-kruse

Wilson Davis


Simon Kruse


Deniz Dalkilic is a Software Engineer with 9 years of experience in developing small to large (distributed) systems, primarily focusing on

backend development with the use of technologies such as; Java, GoLang and Python.

Deniz, has been involved in the blockchain space for the past 5 years and has been building (and

co-founding) decentralised platforms for the people regardless of their physical locations. Deniz

is particularly interested expanding blockchain (and decentralisation) ideas beyond its boundaries

and always looking out for opportunities to offer cryptocurrencies to masses.

Wilson Davis is a multifaceted financial specialist and business development expert from the

traditional financial sector. His extensive experience in working with Fortune 200 c ompanies, from operations and trading to investment banking, has contributed to his in-depth knowledge of financial systems. Wilson

has successfully implemented effective and efficient campaigns, and built connections which

have closed deals with highly successful clients and companies. Wilson’s simultaneous passion for

art has given him a unique insight into the future of the NFT market space.

With an extensive background in professional software development, Simon has been in the blockchain space since 2016. In that time, he has been focused on bringing value to development teams at leading projects through consulting, management and development work (playing a

critical role in the development of Orion’s proprietary technology). His passion for breaking

down development barriers coupled with his pragmatic approach to building enables him to identify problems and solutions with ease to get

the best results for his teams.



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