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Varicella in Pediatric Orthotopic Liver Transplant Recipients


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in Pediatric






S. McGregor,

MD, Basil J. Zitelli,

MD, Andrew

H. Urbach,


J. Jeffrey


MD, and J. Canton




From the Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh

ABSTRACT. From May 1981 to May 1984, 90 pediatric

patients underwent liver transplantation and 65 patients survived as of May 1986. Two of the nonsurvivors died with complications related to clinical varicella. Of these 67 patients (65 survivors and two nonsurvivors who died of varicella-related causes), 51 patients were determined to be varicella susceptible. Clinical disease developed in no patients with serologic evidence or clinical history of varicella prior to transplantation. Eighteen susceptible patients were exposed and received zoster immune glob-ulin and varicella did not develop. Clinical disease

devel-oped in eight patients despite zoster immune globulin, although one patient received it 96 hours after exposure. Six patients received no zoster immune globulin and clinical varicella developed. In all, varicella developed in 14 patients. Thirteen were admitted to the hospital and treated with intravenous acyclovir. Of those treated, two died of causes related to complications of varicella. The remaining patients treated with acyclovir had mild dis-ease. The one patient not treated with acyclovir also had mild disease. We conclude that patients contracting var-icella after liver transplantation while receiving mainte-nance immunosuppressive agents should be treated with intravenous acyclovir. Generally, when treated with acy-clovir while receiving maintenance immunosuppressive drugs, these patients have mild clinical disease. Patients recently treated with high-dose prednisone and cyclo-sporine may have severe clinical disease resulting in death. Pediatrics 1989;83:256-261; variceila, liver trans-plantation, acyclovir.

Varicella zoster infections are potentially life-threatening illnesses in immune-compromised pa-tients.”2 Pneumonitis, encephalitis, and hepatitis

Received for publication Dec 30, 1987; accepted Feb 23, 1988. Reprint requests to (R.S.M.) Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, One Children’s P1, 3705 Fifth Ave at DeSoto St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3417.

PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1989 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

are among the complications previously re-ported.’ In contrast to the immunocompetent host, visceral dissemination is much more likely to

occur in the immunocompromised patient, and such

dissemination has led to fatal outcomes.3’4 Varicella has been described in patients who have undergone

renal transplantation and who are receiving

aza-thioprine and corticosteroids; however, there are no similar reports in liver transplant recipients receiv-ing maintenance cyclosporine and prednisone as immunosuppressive agents.

Information concerning the varicella status and clinical course of 65 consecutive survivors of liver transplantation was reviewed. In addition, the courses of two patients whose deaths were related

to varicella were examined.




This project was approved by the local institu-tional review board. From May 1981 to May 1984, 90 pediatric patients underwent liver transplanta-tion,6 and 65 patients survived until May 1986. All survivors were followed up by at least one of the authors during the follow-up period. In addition, a detailed chart review was performed and phone

interviews were conducted with the families of these patients. The clinical courses of the two patients

who died of varicella-related causes were also


All patients undergoing pretransplantation

eval-uation had varicella antibody titers determined by indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing as de-scribed by Schmidt et al.7 Information pertaining to varicella exposure of patients in the

posttrans-plantation period and subsequent administration of


TABLE. Clinical Data From Patients Contract ing Varicella A fter Liver Transplantation*

Patient Interval Medications at Medication Severity Varicella

No. After Time of Changes Treatment of Score Titer

Transplan- Varicella During Varicella After



(mg/kg/d) Clinical



Zoster Immune Acyclovir Globulin

(1 vial/lO kg) Cyclosporine Prednisone

190 29 mo 10.5 0.26 None + + Mild NA

191 47 mo 7.4 0.25 None + + Mild +>1:50

226 31 mo 7.1 0.15 None + + Mild Nonimmune

286 35 mo 10.7 0.12 None + + Mild +1:50

301 31 mo 9.4 0.31 None - + Mild +1:40

306 35 d 26.3 0.69t None - + Mild Nonimmune

308 21 d 16.8 1.0 Prednisone

decreased 50%

- + Mild Nonimmune

313 20 mo 10.0 0.6 None + + Mild +1:50

317 30 mo 11.8 0.26 None + (given 96 h +

after expo-sure)

Mild +1:200

327 18 mo 13.7 0.29 None - + Mild +1:50

355 29 mo 7.6 0.26 None + - Mild +1:40



18 wk

15 mo

21.0 1.2

7.8 0.79

Cyclosporine stopped


- +

- +

Severe (died)

Mild +>1:128

420 10 mo 15.8 0.79 Cyclosporine


+ + Severe


* Patient No. comes from consecutive pediatric liver transplantation system from Denver-Pittsburgh series. Severity

score is from Feldhoff et al.5 Symbols: +, treated; -, not treated; NA, information not available/patient alive.

t Methylprednisolone, 13 mg/kg IV, nine days prior to varicella.

:1:Methylprednisolone, 10 mg/kg IV, 15 days prior to varicella.

contracted varicella were further questioned as to the clinical course, the pre-varicella immunosup-pressive drugs and dosages, and whether any changes in these drugs or dosages had occurred within a month of contracting varicella. Informa-tion regarding treatment of varicella with acyclovir

and possible reductions in doses of

immunosup-pressive agents was obtained from a parent and then confirmed from hospital records if

hospitali-zation occurred. Clinical severity was assigned by

using the guidelines of Feldhoff et al5 which define varicella as being severe if two of the following criteria are met: (1) fever >38.3#{176}C for more than six days, (2) new rash more than six days from onset of illness, (3) mucous membrane involvement,

and (4) death.


Of this group of 67 patients (65 survivors plus

two nonsurvivors who died of varicella-related

causes), 11 had serologic evidence of varicella infec-tion and five had a history of clinical varicella pretransplantation. Of 51 varicella-susceptible

pa-tients, 47 were successfully contacted by telephone or in person.

Of the 47 susceptible patients, 15 had no known

exposures to varicella and varicella did not develop.

Eighteen patients had one or more known

expo-sures to varicella and received zoster immune glob-ulin within three days of exposure without clinical

varicella developing. Clinical varicella developed in

14 patients. Of these 14 patients, seven received zoster immune globulin within 72 hours but

van-cella still developed, six received no zoster immune

globulin, and one received zoster immune globulin

later than the recommended 72-hour period (96

hours). With the exception of orthotopic liver transplantation patients OLTx (consecutive

pedi-atric liver transplantation patients from

Denver-Pittsburgh series) 306 and 308 (Table), all of the

surviving patients contracting vanicella were receiv-ing maintenance immunosuppression6 consisting of

cyclosponine and prednisone (average doses:

cyclo-sponine 9.6 mg/kg/d divided in two doses per day and prednisone 0.33 mg/kg/d each morning).

The clinical data for 14 patients contracting

var-icella are summarized in the Table. All but one

patient, OLTx 355, were admitted to their local


a dose of 500 mg/m2 per dose three times a day for

a five- to ten-day course. Thus far no cases of

recurrent vanicella have occurred.

Four patients contracted varicella while receiving

higher than usual maintenance doses of

immuno-suppression. Patients OLTx 306 and 308 were in

the immediate posttransplantation period. Patient

306 had finished decreasing daily doses of intrave-nous methyiprednisolone beginning with 13 mg/kg!

d and ending with 1 mg/kg/d four days prior to a

vanicella outbreak. Similarly, 308 had finished

de-creasing daily doses of intravenous

methylpredni-solone beginning with 10 mg/kg/d and ending with 1.5 mg/kg/d 16 days prior to a vanicella outbreak.

The two other patients, OLTx 420 and OLTx 368,

contracted vanicella 7 months and 4 months,

re-spectively, posttransplantation. The following are

summaries of their clinical courses.


10-year-old white boy, OLTx 420, 10 months

posttransplantation for intrahepatic biliary atresia,

received zoster immune globulin within 24 hours of

exposure to an infected sibling. Ten days after

exposure he had laboratory findings of abnormal

liver function (SGOT 150 lU/L, SGPT 200 lU/L)

and received a single intravenous dose of

methyl-prednisolone for presumed rejection. Seventeen

days after exposure, one single vesicle developed on his back which persisted without scabbing for the

next five days with no medical intervention. Four

additional vesicles then developed over his back

and he was transferred to Children’s Hospital of

Pittsburgh 3 weeks after having received zoster

immune globulin. When admitted, he was noted to

be lethargic and in marked respiratory distress. His temperature was 39.7#{176}C,and he had vesicular

le-sions on his oral mucosa as well as his trunk.

Bilaterally, his breath sounds were decreased.

Lab-oratory findings at the time of admission included

SGOT 198 lU/L and SGPT 239 lULL. Chest

radio-graph initially showed a right-sided pleural effusion but progressed to bilateral pneumonitis. His respi-ratory distress rapidly progressed to respiratory

failure, and mechanical ventilation was required.

Subsequently, hypotension, renal failure and a din-ical course consistent with adult respiratory distress

syndrome occurred. Despite treatment for ten days

with acyclovir, broad-spectrum antimicrobial

agents, vigorous respiratory support, and peritoneal

dialysis, he died of intractable respiratory failure

16 days after admission. Postmortem examination

revealed extensive damage to the lungs consistent

with adult respiratory distress syndrome, renal

tu-bular damage, and focal areas of hepatic necrosis;

however, no organisms or evidence of viral

inclu-sions were found.

Patient OLTx 368, a 4”/i2-year-old Hispanic girl

18 weeks posttransplantation for biliary atresia,

had returned to her home in South America. She

did not have a known varicella contact. Twenty

days prior to a vanicella outbreak, she finished a

repeat “cycle”9 of oral prednisone because her liver

enzyme values were elevated (SGOT 122 IU/L,

SGPT 315 IU/L) and rejection was presumably

occurring. Nine days prior to a varicella outbreak,

she received 1 g of intravenous hydrocortisone, after

which the following values were recorded: SGOT

40 lU/L and SGPT 154 lU/L. Clinical varicella

then developed. Because of the lack of availability

in her home country, she received neither zoster

immune globulin nor acyclovir until her transfer to

our hospital two days after onset of vanicella. When

admitted she was noted to have decreased mental

status. She had oral vesicles and multiple

hemor-rhagic trunk vesicles. SGOT and SGPT values were

both >1000 lU/L. Her clinical course was that of

increasing tachypnea and hypotension requiring

admission to the intensive care unit. Despite

treat-ment with zoster immune globulin, acyclovir, and

-y-globulin, her condition rapidly deteriorated.

Re-fractory metabolic acidosis and intractable

hyper-kalemia led to a fatal dysrhythmia within 24 hours

of admission. Hepatic necrosis and vanicella

hepa-titis were found during autopsy.



normal host response to vanicella zoster virus

infections involves both humoral and cell-mediated immunity.’#{176}’9 Cradock-Watson et al’2 found that

IgG, IgA, and 1gM antibodies appear two to five

days after onset of the rash and peak 14 to 21 days

into the illness. IgG then decreases to low levels

but remain indefinitely and IgA and 1gM disappear

by 12 months.’2 The protective significance of these

titers has been questioned because patients with

congenital pure humoral immunodeficiency states,

such as primary a--y-globulinemia, respond to

van-cella as normal hosts.1#{176}

Cell-mediated immune responses to varicella

have been studied by numerous investigators,’3’7 and vanicella zoster virus exhibits specific response

patterns when studied in lymphocyte

transforma-tion tests.’5 In addition, Bogger-Goren et al’4 iden-tified several patients without a history of varicella

who were seronegative for varicella zoster virus20

yet had demonstrable vanicella zoster virus-specific proliferation in their lymphocytes. They concluded

that a host’s humoral and cell-mediated immune

responses to varicella may be independent.

Al-though the role of cell-mediated immunity in


ad-quired immunodeficiencies, malignancies, or

im-munosuppressive drugs’8 affecting T cell function

are also associated with increased complications with varicella. Because both cyclosporine and

pred-nisone are known to depress cell-mediated

immunity2#{176}22 our patients seem to be at particular

risk for complications of varicella zoster virus


Corticosteroids have frequently been implicated

as a significant risk factor for complications and

fatalities associated with varicella.2326 Falliers and

Ellis27 suggested that steroid use in pediatric pa-tients with asthma, at the equivalent dosage of

prednisone 5 to 10 mg/d (mg/kg doses unavailable),

if unassociated with underlying immune disease,

does not pose exceptional problems in patients

con-tracting varicella. Feldhoff et al5 concluded that

prednisone at doses of 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg/d did not

affect severity or outcome of varicella infections in

renal transplant recipients. Ten of our 14 patients contracting varicella were receiving “maintenance” doses of prednisone (0.12 to 0.36 mg/kg/d, mean 0.28 mg/kg/d). Nine ofthe ten patients were treated

with acyclovir, with or without previous zoster

im-mune globulin and all responded to vanicella in a

similar manner as nonimmunocompromised hosts. Although our results are consistent with the

expe-rience of Feldhoff et al5 and Falliers and Ellis27 in

that “low-dose” prednisone may not significantly

effect outcome of the clinical course of varicella, it should be highlighted that seven of these patients receiving “low-dose” prednisone also received zoster

immune globulin which may have blunted the

“nat-ural” course of their vanicella zoster virus


Evaluating the role of cyclosponine in altering

the hosts response to viral infections is difficult

because there are no published studies in which

patients receiving cyclosporine alone were

evalu-ated. However, in a population of patients with

nephrotic syndrome receiving cyclosporine without

prednisone, only one patient contracted vanicella

while receiving cyclosporine (6 mg/kg/d) alone.

Treatment consisted of withholding cyclosporine

which resulted in relapse of the nephrotic syndrome

but no complications from vanicella (Dr Emir

Te-jani, personal communication, November 1987).

The effect of cyclosporine in our patients was

evaluated via dosages rather than cyclosporine

1ev-els, because levels were not available for these

pa-tients. Future studies should address this.

With respect to cyclosponine, we studied two

groups of patients: ten patients receiving low doses

of cyclosporine (7.1 to 13.7 mg/kg/d, mean 8.6 mgI

kg/d) and the four patients, OLTx 306, 308, 368,

and 420 receiving higher doses (15 to 26 mg/kg/d,

mean 19.9 mg/kg/d). The patients receiving

low-dose cyclosporine did well clinically with zoster

immune globulin and acyclovir therapy, suggesting

that low-dose cyclosponine when combined with

low-dose prednisone may not adversely affect

van-cella outcome if patients are treated with specific

antiviral therapy and/or zoster immune globulin.

One patient, OLTx 355 (Table) receiving

low-dose prednisone and low-dose cyclosporine received

zoster immune globulin after a known vanicella

exposure but did not seek medical attention during his vanicella infection. Although he did not receive

acyclovir, he behaved no differently than the other

nine patients receiving similar doses of

immuno-suppressive agents. Two possible explanations for

this patient’s benign course are proposed. First, and

most likely, zoster immune globulin could have

altered his clinical course and ameliorated what

may have been a more serious disease. Second, he

may have had cell-mediated immunity to vanicella

without measurable serum antibody, similar to

pa-tients described by Bogger-Goren et al.’4

Cyclo-sporine and prednisone may have depressed

cell-mediated immunity enough to allow infection or

reinfection to occur, while his remaining

cell-me-diated immunity provided some residual protection accounting for his mild clinical course.

We surveyed seven other pediatric liver

trans-plantation programs in North America during

March 1987 and found only one additional patient

with post-liver transplantation-acquired vanicella

while receiving maintenance cyclosponine and

pred-nisone who received neither zoster immune globulin

nor acyclovir. His cyclosponine dose, however, was

empirically decreased, and he had no complications

from vanicella. Three other patients could be

iden-tified with post-liver transplantation-acquired

van-icella who received zoster immune globulin and

acyclovir while receiving maintenance prednisone

and cyclosporine. Their courses paralleled our

pa-tients with mild cases.

The two patient deaths (patients 368 and 420)

reaffirm the general fear of varicella in the patient

receiving immunosuppressive agents. The fact that

that the deaths occurred in patients receiving high

doses of immunosuppressive agents suggests that

recent high doses of steroids combined with higher

cyclosponine doses may have predisposed our

pa-tients to more serious complications and death.

Two patients’ (OLTx 306 and 308) clinical courses

were much like our patients receiving maintenance

dose immunosuppression, despite higher

immuno-suppressive doses. This may be explained by the

duration of immunosuppression and the duration


and prednisone for 35 days and 21 days,

respec-tively, and varicella developed in both while they

were being observed in the hospital, diagnosis was

made within 24 hours of the rash, and treatment

with ten days of acyclovir was instituted early in

the disease. Patients 368 and 420 were seen two

days and five days, respectively, into their illnesses,

after 40 weeks and 18 weeks, respectively, of

im-munosuppressive medications.

Although varicella titers were not obtained for

all of these patients after infection, three of the 11

patients for whom this information is known have

nondetectable vanicella titers more than 2 months

after infection. (Vanicella was confirmed clinically

by one of the authors in all three patients and in

the two patients tested, No. 306 and No. 308, Tzank

tests were positive.) This suggests that humoral

immunity did not occur or at least antibodies did

not develop in measurable quantities in a

signifi-cant percentage of patients receiving

immunosup-pressive drugs. None of these 11 patients have been

reinfected, even though two of them have had

known reexposures. Recurrent vanicella has been

noted in other immunocompromised patient

groups.’ We are currently in the process of

eva!-uating cell-mediated immunity specific to vanicella zoster virus in these patients.

Based on our sample of 14 patients, it seems that, in the child receiving low doses of

immunosuppres-sion treated with intravenous acyclovir, vanicella

should be tolerated without complications. Zoster

immune globulin may further contribute to a milder

clinical course. Patients treated with high doses of

steroids and cyclosponine within 3 weeks of clinical vanicella are at high risk for dissemination and fatal complications, and they require prompt treatment.

Currently, we recommend the administration of

zoster immune globulin within 72 hours of vanicella

exposure in patients with no documented history of

vanicella pretransplantation or no demonstrable

serum antibody regardless of immunosuppressive dosages. Should clinical vanicella develop, intrave-nous acyclovir at doses of 500 mg/m2 per dose every

eight hours should be started within 24 hours of

eruption of the skin rash and continued for seven

to ten days. With this regimen, liver transplant

recipients receiving maintenance immunosuppres-sion should tolerate vanicella infection without se-rious complications. It is unclear whether patients

receiving maintenance immunosuppressive

regi-mens can tolerate infection without specific

anti-viral therapy, although the small collective

expeni-ence of two patients is promising. Perhaps the best

hope to protect against varice!la infection, however,

would be administration of vanicella vaccine to sus-ceptible individuals prior to transplantation.3#{176}


We thank Melinda A. Suska for her expert secretarial

assistance and Sharon A. McGregor, MD, for her editorial assistance.


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The authors report three cases of unexplained prenatal intraventnicular

haemorrhage (IVH) in three term infants. In the first two cases the suspected diagnosis of prenatal IVH was made a few hours after delivery, in accordance

with the ultrasonographic feature of clots in the ventricles, whereas in the third

case prenatal ultrasonography was suggestive of hydrocephalus with intraven-tnicular clots.

Noted by J.F.L., MD

From Zorzi C, Angonese I, Nardelli GB, et al: Spontaneous intraventnicular




Gartner, Jr

Robert S. McGregor, Basil J. Zitelli, Andrew H. Urbach, J. Jeffrey Malatack and J. Carlton

Varicella in Pediatric Orthotopic Liver Transplant Recipients


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Gartner, Jr

Robert S. McGregor, Basil J. Zitelli, Andrew H. Urbach, J. Jeffrey Malatack and J. Carlton

Varicella in Pediatric Orthotopic Liver Transplant Recipients


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The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on

American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.


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