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University Arms Hotel, Cambridge


Academic year: 2021

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Traffic Management Plan


University Arms Hotel, Cambridge

Prepared By: James Batterbee

Number: M1342 / Rev B










General Description of the Project

The site is located within the city centre, with roads on both West / North elevations (Regent Street / Park Terrace), together with a pedestrian & cycle route along Regent Street into Parkers Piece (park amenity).

Redevelopment of the University Arms Hotel with the works comprising of:

• Asbestos removal and demolition of part of the hotel adjacent to Regent Street / Park Terrace.

• New build on the footprint of the demolished area from new basement to roof level. • Asbestos removal, part demolition, façade retention, new fourth floor / roof, major

refurbishment and fit-out of the 1870’s and 1920’s elements to back of house and public areas with a total of 192 guest rooms together with complete new installation of building services.

• The works will include internal car parking and external hard landscaping.

Strategy Overview

This Traffic Management Plan has been formulated in accordance with conditions 15 and 24 of planning permission 14/0897/S73, main logistic principle areas of concern being:

o Movement and control of muck away lorries (all loading and unloading should be undertaken off the adopted highway).

o Contractor parking, both demolition and construction phases, all such parking should be within the curtilage of the site and not on street.

o Movements and control of all deliveries (all loading and unloading should be undertaken off the adopted public highway).

o Control of dust, mud and debris onto the public highway.

o Contractors access / egress arrangements for vehicles, plant and personnel, including the location of construction traffic routes to and from site.

o Working within permitted hours / delivery times for Construction and Demolition activities.

o Screening and hoarding details.

o Access and protection arrangements around the site for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.

o Strategy for interference with public highways, including permanent and temporary

realignment, diversions and road closures.

Early discussions with the County Highways and Cambridge City Council Parks Authority have been undertaken to ascertain the construction methodology associated with this development.


All works must be planned to minimise the impact and disruption to existing occupiers of nearby buildings, visitors and residents. Whilst construction activities audible at the extremes of the site boundary may only take place between the hours of 08:00 – 18:00hrs Monday to Friday and 08:00 – 13:00hrs on Saturday, as controlled by condition 15 of the planning permission.

Our delivery times and preferred routes strategy has been developed in discussions with County Highways and due to their requirements, we are proposing construction hours outside of those prescribed by planning condition 15 (c).

These being as follows:

o Articulated vehicles must be unloaded and away from Regent Street entrance prior to 06:50am.

o Some works may be allowed on a Sunday to avoid disruption to the traffic system i.e. road closures possible on a Sunday to Park Terrace and the corner of Regent Street / Parkers Piece.

o No restrictions been advised for rigid vehicle deliveries / collections.

We have discussed the requirement to maintain segregation and safe passage for

pedestrians and cyclists of Cambridge with the highways team and City Council officers as part of the pre-construction planning.

All pedestrians will have their ‘right of way’ maintained with limited interaction with the construction process. Segregation has been implemented as part of the general strategy. The proposed traffic route has been developed in conjunction with the County Highways for deliveries to / from the site and is summarised as follows:

• Vehicles to site:

o Articulated vehicles are to travel through Emmanuel Street (permitted prior to 06:30am), turn left into St Andrew’s Street and turn into site for unloading.

o Rigid vehicles are to travel up Regent Street and turn right into site for unloading and distribution.

• Vehicles from site:

o Articulated vehicles will leave the site and travel down through Regents Street.

o Rigid vehicles will leave having turned round in the site, travel down Park Terrace and turn right into Parkside.

For vehicle routes into site please refer to drawing number SK002 (appendix 2 of this document).


A temporary crossover modification is required to provide vehicle access and egress to and from site. This will be positioned on the existing footway on Regent Street, together with a pedestrianised access point adjacent to the former pavilion (East elevation).

There will be no on site car parking permitted and MCL will primarily promote the use of the Park & Ride service in to and out of Cambridge, see drawing number SK001 (appendix 1 of this document).

Should this not plausible due to opening times, then there are other 24/7 multi storey car parks available within the proximity of the city centre site.



All vehicles en-route will enter site via the entrance off Regent Street, which will be controlled by a gateman. On arrival the vehicle will then be traffic marshalled through the site.

The procedure for vehicle movements thereafter is as follows:

(i) All drivers will report to the site gateman or a member of McL logistic staff who will discuss and explain the Traffic Management Plan to the driver of the vehicle, ensuring that he is aware of the traffic routes.

(ii) Contact will then be made with the relevant sub-contractor on site via phone, advising them of the delivery (maximum 10 minute waiting time permitted).

(iv) Prior to delivery a member of McL staff will determine availability of space within the site area and either allow/disallow the vehicle entry to the site area in advance of a delivery being made.

(v) Only when instructed by the McL staff will the vehicle be allowed to enter the site

and proceed through the site, where he will be guided through the site area utilising the designated traffic routes, by the Sub-contractor’s Banksman.

For detailed vehicle / pedestrian routes please refer to drawing numbers SK003 and SK004 (appendices 3 and 4 of this document).


Having loaded or unloaded the vehicle, the following procedure will apply:

(i) The driver will ensure that the load is secure (if applicable). This will be achieved using ropes, straps, netting or canvas tarpaulins. The gateman will ensure this procedure is executed prior to allowing the driver to leave the site.

(ii) The gateman / traffic marshal will temporarily stop immediate traffic, pedestrians and cyclists on Regents Street when vehicles leave and enter the site entrance.


2.3 RULES:

(i) All vehicles entering site are to be regularly maintained vehicles. (ii) Obey all Safety and Traffic signage.

(iii) Beware of pedestrians and site operatives at all times. This will be enhanced by the attendance of the McL gateman.

(iv) Signage, perimeter hoarding, traffic barrier systems and a physical barrier will be erected to keep vehicles separate from site pedestrians.

(iv) No parking directly outside the site is permitted.

(v) Beware of other vehicles on site.

(vi) Be considerate and polite to all road users and pedestrians.

(vii) Sub-Contractors are at all times to ensure that their Banksman accompanies moving

/ reversing vehicles.

(viii) 5 mph speed limit to all vehicles on site.


3.1 Vehicle loading / unloading

Loading of vehicles will be via forklifts, Luffing jib crane, hiabs, loading lorries, i.e. “muck away” or imported material. All methods will be detailed in a specific method statement retained in the McL site office. All operatives associated with their use shall be duly trained and competent to do so, have undertaken a site induction and understand the risk and method statement associated.

When using the crane, only loads that have been assessed and form part of the site lifting plan shall be permitted the use of the crane.

3.2 Securing loads

All vehicles are to be checked prior to leaving the construction area in order to confirm the security of all loads. If and when necessary, loads will be secured using ropes, straps, netting or tarpaulins.


A Banksman will, at all times, accompany all construction vehicles entering / leaving the site. He will guide every vehicle until such time they enter the construction area and assist the


vehicles in leaving the site.All vehicles shall be brought to a standstill and engines turned off when idle.


The following signage will be deployed entering the site and within the grounds:

(i) 5 mph speed limit

(ii) Public communication boards

(iii) No reversing without Banksman

(iv) Caution moving traffic

(v) No unauthorised plant past this point

(vi) Restricted area signs

(vii) Warning traffic crossing

(viii) Keep clear

(ix) No parking

(x) Highway warnings leading up to the project along Regent Street / Park Terrace Parkers Piece for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycle users.


This Method Statement will be issued to the following:

(i) All contractors – Initial Package @ Pre Start Health & Safety Workshop / Induction

(ii) All suppliers


Please see (attached as appendices) the following documentation:

o Appendix 1 - drawing number SK001 – park and ride services into Cambridge. o Appendix 2 - drawing number SK002 – routes into site.

o Appendix 3 - drawing number SK003 – site logistics plan.

o Appendix 4 - drawing number SK004 – site access / egress strategy. o Appendix 5 - existing site photography – 3 number slides.


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