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Managing JMS Server Configuration


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Managing JMS Server Configuration

Managing JMS Server Configuration





Date created:

Date created:

 August 02, 20

 August 02, 20



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Managing JMS Server Configuration

In the JMS Server Configuration: Overview screen of the SAP NetWeaver Administrator you can view and manage the JMS Provider configuration on the AS Java. You can create and remove JMS resources (connection factories and destinations) and virtual providers. You can configure their current state as well by setting their properties in the Details section.


You have opened the Configuration Infrastructure JMS S erver Configuration function of SAP NetWeaver Administrator.


Managing JMS Virtual Providers

Select JMS Virtual Providers from the Show dropdown menu.

Creating and Removing JMS Virtual Providers

1. To create a JMS virtual provider, c hoose Create. In the dialog box that appears, specify the name of the virtual provider and choose Save. 2. To remove a virtual provider, selec t the virtual p rovider you want to delete and choose the Remove button.

You have to be careful when you delete a virtual provider because this may cause some applications to stop running.

Configuring JMS Virtual Providers

Configuring the Global Default Properties of the JMS Provider Service You can configure global properties of JMS virtual providers via the Config Tool.

1. Start the Config Tool by double-c lic king the configtool script file in <SAP_install_dir>/<system_name>/<instance_name>/j2ee/configtool directory and expand the nodes cluster-data template services  jms_provider  .

2. If neces sary , choose View  Expert Mode .

3. If you want to distribute all of the JMS virtual p roviders y ou have between the server nodes, set the value of hostMultipleVPs key to true. Otherwise you have only one virtual provider on a node and if the number of the virtual providers is larger than the nodes, some of the virtual providers are not started and some of  your applications may s top running.

4. To app ly the changes, you have to restart the App lic ation Server clus ter. Configuring JMS Virtual Providers Locally (per Provider)

1. To manage the properties of a particul ar JMS virtual provider properties , selec t the provider, then choose Edit . 2. In the Details area, choose the Details tab.

3. Customize the settings, as necess ary.

You can also spec ify the local JMS virtual provider properties in the jms-resources.xml deployment descriptor. The following table shows the correspondence between the online-configurable properties and the jms-resources.xml elements:

Property in SAP NetWeaver Administrator Property in jms-resources.xml

DataSource Name dataSourceName

Running Mode runningMode

Clean Up Service Sleep Interval (milliseconds) cleanUpServiceSleepInterval Client Memory Size (bytes) clientMemorySize

Client Consumer Buffer Size (bytes) clientConsumerBuffer Cache Size Limit (bytes) cacheSizeLimit For more information about the properties you want to configure, see Property Reference.

4. To sav e your changes , choose Save.

Creating and Configuring JMS Resources


Task Steps

Create a new topic or queue 1. In the JMS Resource List area, choose Create JMS Topic (or JMS Queue) .

2. In the dialog box that appears , sp ecify the name of the new topic or queue. 3. Select a Virtual Provider and choose Save.

Edit the settings of a topic or a queue 1. Select the topic or queue to be edited in the JMS Resource List . 2. Choose Edit .

3. In the Details area, choose the Details tab.

4. Edit the properties y ou want to change. When ready, c hoose Save. Create a new connection factory 1. In the JMS Resource List area, choose Create JMS Connection

Factory  .

2. In the dialog box that app ears, sp ecify the Lookup Name of the new connection factory.

3. Selec t the Type of the connection factory. 4. S elect a Virtual Provider , then choose Save.

Remove a resource Select the resource to be removed in the JMS Resource List , then choose Remove.

More information about the details displayed for a resource: JMS Details Description

Monitoring the JMS Provider 

You can monitor the JMS Provider using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator. To access the monitors you have to:

1. Op en the SAP NetWeaver Adminis trator and choose  Availability and Performance Resource Monitoring  History Reports . 2. Choose the Monitor Browser tab.

3. Using the Show dropdown list, specify whether you want to display the active or inactive monitors. 4. To disp lay the JMS provider monitors, enter /services/jms in the filter row of the Name column. 5. To disp lay the c onfiguration details of a particular monitor, select the monitor.

The Monitor Details area opens.

6. To switch the selec ted monitor on or off, choose the Activ ate or Deactivate pushbutton, respectively.

7. If necessary , change the values of certain properties of the monitor. You can also restore their serv er-default values. To app ly the changed v alues, c hoose Save.

More Information


JMS Details Description

This is the list of properties that sets up the Topics, Queues, Connection Factories, and Virtual Providers. Some of the properties you can view in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator are purely informative, that is, you cannot edit them.

The read-only property Defining Components for all JMS resources is defined as a separate tab in the Details section. It contains a table with all applications, services, and libraries defined in the jms-resources.xml of a particular JMS resource. Using this p roperty you can find which applic ations, s ervices, and libraries use a specific JMS resource. If the JMS resource is created programmatically in the jms-resources.xml, or in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, that is this resource is not deployed by any applic ation, library, or service, the Defining Components property is empty.

In the Show field, select JMS Resources to display the details related to the JMS connection factories and JMS destinations, Queues and Topics. The properties that are related to durable subscribers are in the Details section and are available only for Topics.

Properties of JMS Resources


Configuration Property Name Default Value Used In Description

Name JMS Top ic, JMS Queue The name that will be used by the application to refer to the Queue, or  the Topic. Later on, this name is used in JNDI lookups.

Destination ID - JMS Topic, JMS Queue The ID of the destination.

Destination Type JMS Top ic , JMS Queue This prop erty shows whether the JMS resource is a Queue, or a Topic. Set Limit to Delivery Attempts Count  true JMS Topic, JMS Queue This property limits the number of  

delivery attempts and points out if the undeliverable messages have to be moved to a dead message queue. Refer also to Maximum


Enable JMSX Delivery Count  true JMS Topic, JMS Queue Switches the optional message property JMSXDeliveryCount on or off. Shows the number of time the message has b een delivered to a customer.

Delivery Delay Interval  2000 JMS Topic, JMS Queue Defines the delay in milliseconds between two consecutive message delivery attempts.

Error Destination sapDefaultErrorQueue JMS Topic, JMS Queue Defines the name of a JMS

destination where dead messages will be moved.

Maximum Delivery Attempts 5 JMS Topic, JMS Queue Defines the maximum number of   delivery attempts. This property is active only if Set Limit To Delivery   Attempts Count is set to true.

Load Balance Behavior  3 JMS Queue Defines the load balance behavior of   the queue in case the destination has more than one consumer. The possible values are:

1 (Exclusive) - the registering of a second consumer fails.

3 (Round-robin) - messages are distributed among all registered consumers in a round-robin fashion.

Client ID "" JMS Connection Factory The Client ID of the connection factory. Connection Type - JMS Connection Factory Displays the type of the connection

factory. Possible values are: ConnectionFactory  TopicConnectionFactory  QueueConnectionFactory   XATopicConnectionFactory   XAQueueConnectionFactory   XAConnectionFactory 

Lookup Name JMS Connec tion Fac tory The JMS Connec tion Fac tory name used in JNDI lookups .

Running Mode XA_MODE JMS Connection Factory The transaction mode the connection factory s upports. The p ossible values are LOCAL, OPTIMIZED,


Configuration Property Name Default Value Description

Instance ID - The unique ID of the instance to which the JMS Virtual Provider belongs.

Instance Name The name of the instance to which the JMS Virtual Provider belongs.

Clean Up Service Sleep Interval (milliseconds) 600000 The time interval in milliseconds after which the Cleanup Service is triggered. The Cleanup Service is responsible for deleting the obsolete JMS messages from the database - these are the expired mess ages and the already acknowledged messages.

Client Memory Size (bytes) 104857600 This is the total amount of memory a JMS client can occupy. The implication of increasing this is that the JMS client will occupy more memory, and thus might affect the p erformance of other c omponents and applic ations.

Destinations Count  - The current number of destinations of the JMS Virtual Provider.

DataSource Name “ The name of the Data Source this Virtual Provider   is us ing for acces sing its persistent store. An empty value indicates that the default (system) Data Source will be us ed. If your app lication uses database p ersistency and has its own Data Source, you may consider configuring the same (applic ation) Data Source to be used by the Virtual Provider of the application. More information: Configuring Transaction-Related JMS Virtual Provider Properties

Running Mode GLOBAL This property determines the clustering behavior of   this JMS Virtual Provider. There are two available options — GLOBAL and LOCAL. More information: JMS Clustering and Failover 

Client Consumer Buffer Size (bytes) 102400 This is the amount of memory a JMS consumer can use for its message buffer (to pre-fetch messages from the server), that is, this is the size of the client-side in-memory mess age cache per c onsumer. The minimum recommended value is the size of  the largest expected message. Values lower than that may lead to suboptimal performance. Cache Size Limit  52428800 The maximum size (in bytes) of the server-side

message cac he per JMS Virtual Provider. The cache is shared among all destinations belonging to this Virtual Provider.


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