Funding and Dissemination of Findings from the Personal Education Program (PEP) Publications (reverse chronological order):
Anderson, E.A., Neafsey, P.J., Peabody, S. (2011). Psychometrics for the computer based health care provider relationships scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 19(1), (In Press) Alicea-Planas, J., Neafsey, P.J., Anderson, E. (2011). A qualitative study of older adults and computer use for health education. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 4(1), (In Press) Neafsey, P.J., M’lan, C.E., Ge, M., Walsh, S.J., & Lin, C.A. (2010). Reducing adverse self-medication behaviors in older adults with hypertension: Results of an e-health clinical efficacy trial. Special Technology and Ageing Issue, Ageing International Online First, 08 December DOI 10.1007/s12126-010-9085-9
Lin, C.A., Neafsey, P.J., & Anderson, E. (2010). APRN usability testing of a tailored computer-mediated health communication program. Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 28(1), 32-41. PMCID: PMC2871320
Neafsey, P.J., Anderson, E., Coleman, C., Lin, C.A., M’lan, C.E., & Walsh, S. (2009). Reducing adverse self-medication behaviors in older adults with the next generation Personal Education Program (PEP-NG): Design and Methodology. Patient Preference and Adherence, 3,323-334. PMCID: PMC2792870
Neafsey, P.J., Lutkus, G., Newcomb, J., & Anderson, E. (2009). A pilot program at the worksite to reduce adverse self-medication behaviors. Patient Preference and Adherence. 3, 277-286. Lin, C.A., Neafsey, P.J., Strickler, Z. (2009). Usability Testing by Older Adults of a Computer-Mediated Health Communication Program. Journal of Health Communication, 14(2), 102-118. PMCID: PMC2964868
Neafsey, P.J., Anderson, E., Peabody, S., Lin, C., Strickler, Z. & Vaughn, K. (2008). Beta testing of a network-based health literacy program tailored for older adults with hypertension. Computers, Informatics and Nursing, 26(6), 311-319.
Strickler, Z., Lin, C., Rauh, C. & Neafsey, P.J. (2008). Educating older adults to avoid harmful self- medication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1(1), 110-128.
Lin, C. & Neafsey, P.J. (2008, May). Usability testing of a computer-mediated health
communication program. Proceedings of the International Communication Association Annual Meeting, May 22-26, 2008, Montreal, Canada.
Neafsey, P.J., Jarrin, O., Luciano, S. & Coffman, M. (2007). Self-medication practices of Spanish-speaking older adults in Hartford, Connecticut. Hispanic Health Care International, 5(4), 169-179. Strickler, Z., Neafsey, P.J., Lin, C., &Rauh, C. (2006, Nov.). Formative research for interface design for older adults: Reducing adverse self-medication behaviors. Proceedings of Design
Strickler, Z. & Neafsey, P. (2006). Visual design of interactive software for older adults. In: A. Bennet. (Ed.) Design Studies: Theory & Research in Graphic Design. Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press.
Michel, R., Neafsey, P.J., & Dzurec, L. (2004). Self medication practices among patients taking levothyroxine. Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice, 6(2)
Neafsey, P.J. (2004). Adverse self-medication practices among individuals taking SSRI antidepressants. Home Healthcare Nurse, 22(2), 80-81.
Neafsey, P.J. (2004). Self-medication practices that alter the efficacy of selected cardiac medications. Home Healthcare Nurse, 22(2), 88-100. (CE Article)
Lee, J., Neafsey, P.J., Campbell, M. & Facchinetti, N. (2003). Self-efficacy and knowledge of Connecticut pharmacists concerning nutritional supplementation. Connecticut Pharmacist, 62(4), 8-15.
Strickler, Z., & Neafsey, P.J. (2002). Preventing drug interactions in older adults: A collaborative study. In: J. Frascara (Ed.). Design and the Social Sciences. (pp. 107-124). London: Taylor & Francis.
Neafsey, P.J., & Shellman, J. (2002). Knowledge and self-efficacy of community nurses concerning interactions of prescription medicines with over-the-counter agents and alcohol. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 28(9), 30-39.
Neafsey, P.J., Strickler, Z., Shellman, J., & Chartier, V. (2002). An interactive technology approach to educate older adults about drug interactions arising from over-the-counter self-medication practices. Public Health Nursing, 19(4), 255-262. (Named “Best of Medical Informatics,” International Medical Informatics Association, 2003)
Strickler, Z. & Neafsey, P.J. (2002). Visual design of interactive software for older adults: Preventing drug interactions in older adults. Visible Language, 36(1), 4-28.
Neafsey, P.J. & Shellman, J. (2002). Misconceptions of older adults with hypertension concerning OTC medications and alcohol. Home Healthcare Nurse, 20(5), 300-307. Neafsey, P.J., & Shellman, J. (2002). Senior nursing students’ participation in a community research project: Effect on student self-efficacy and knowledge concerning drug interactions arising from self-medication in older adults. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(4), 178-181. Neafsey, P.J., Strickler, Z., Shellman, J., & Padula, A. (2001). Use of touchscreen equipped notebook computers to deliver health information about self-medication to older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 27(11), 19-27.
Neafsey, P.J. & Strickler, Z. (2001, April). Beyond deconstruction: Addressing conflicts between graphic design culture and the needs of older adults. Proceedings of INCLUDE 2001, An International Conference of Inclusive Design and Communications. Helen Hamlyn Research Centre and the Contemporary Trends Institute, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
Neafsey, P.J. & Shellman, J. (2001). Adverse self-medication practices of older adults with hypertension attending blood pressure clinics. Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing
Practice.5(1): []
Neafsey, P. & Strickler, Z. (2000, May). Communication design for preventive health care: Preventing drug interactions in older adults. Proceedings of the Politecnico di Milano Design + Research Conference, Milan, Italy. pp. 428-435.
Neafsey, P.J. & Strickler, Z. (1999, September). Preventing drug interactions in older adults: A collaborative study. Proceedings of the Design and the Social Sciences International Working Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
Shellman, J. & Neafsey, P.J. (1999). Preventing Medicine Conflicts from Self-Medication: Training Manual for Senior Community Health Nursing Students. Storrs, CT: UConn School of Nursing.
Neafsey, P.J. (1999). Preventing Medicine Conflicts. (Booklet). Storrs, CT: The University of Connecticut School of Nursing.
Neafsey, P.J. (1998). Immediate and enduring changes in knowledge and self-efficacy following home-study by computer of The Pharmacology of Alcohol. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 29(4), 173-181.
Neafsey, P.J. (1997). Computer-assisted instruction for home study: A new venture for continuing education programs in nursing. J. Continuing Education in Nursing, 28(4), 3-12. Neafsey, P.J., Palmer, H.A. & Murdock, J. (1995). OTC medication recommendation practices among nurse practitioners in Connecticut. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners, 7, 445-452.
Murdock, J. & Neafsey, P.J. (1995). Self-efficacy measurements: An approach for predicting practice outcomes in continuing education? Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 26 (4) 158-165.
Lutkus, G., Newcomb, J. & Neafsey, P.J. Reducing adverse self-medication in older workers with hypertension. Poster presented at the Advancing Toward Health: Evidence-based Nursing Applications (ATHENA) Research Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT April 23, 2009
Lutkus, G., Newcomb, J. & Neafsey, P.J. Reducing adverse self-medication in older workers with hypertension. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), Boston, MA, March 21, 2009
Neafsey, P.J., Lin, C.A., Peabody, S. Personal Education Program – Next Generation. Poster presented at the Advancing Toward Health: Evidence-based Nursing Applications (ATHENA) Research Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT April 19, 2007
Peabody, S., Lin, C., Strickler, Z., Segarra, V., Rauh, C. & Neafsey, P.J. Usability testing for the Personal Education Program – Next Generation (PEP-NG): An Interactive Self-medication Behavioral Intervention System for Older Adults. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), Providence, RI, April 12, 2007 Lin, C., Neafsey, P.J., & Strickler, Z. (2006, October). Usability testing of the Personal Education Program – Next Generation (PEP-NG). Paper presented at Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Strickler, Z., Lin, C., Neafsey, P.J., & Rauh, C. (2006, October). Developing intelligent, user-centered, interactive tools for health behavior change. Paper presented at Targeting and
Tailoring for Health Interventions, Center for Health Communication and Marketing, University of Connecticut.
Strickler, Z., Lin, C., Neafsey, P.J., & Rauh, C. (2006, September). Consumer self-help tools: Reducing adverse drug interactions in older adults. Paper presented at the Health Care Communications Forum 2006, The Harvard Club, Boston, MA.
Strickler, Z., Neafsey, P., Rauh, C. & Lin, C. (2006, April). User-centered design prototyping: Preventing drug interactions in older adults. Paper presented by Z. Strickler at Visual
Communication Design Colloquium, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Neafsey, P., Jarrin, O., Luciano, S., & Coffman, M. (2006, April). Self-medication practices of Older Hispanics. Poster presented at the UConn School of Nursing ATHENA Research Conference, Storrs, CT.
Neafsey, P., Jarrin, O., Luciano, S., & Coffman, M. (2006, April). Self-medication practices of Older Hispanics. Poster presented at The Bridge to the Future Science Mentorship Program Annual Conference, University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC), Farmington, CT.
Luciano, S., Neafsey, P., Jarrin, O., & Coffman, M. (2005, April). Self-medication practices of Spanish Speaking older adults in Hartford, CT. Poster presented at the UConn School of Nursing Research Day, Storrs, CT.
Luciano, S., Neafsey, P., Jarrin, O., & Coffman, M. (2005, April). Self-medication practices of Spanish Speaking older adults in Hartford, CT. Poster presented by S. Luciano at the UConn Frontiers of Undergraduate Research, Storrs, CT.
Neafsey, P.J. Preventing Medicine Conflicts with Touchscreen Technology. Presentation and exhibition at Diabetes and Medication Management & Telehealth Technology for Home Care, Home Care Assoc. of New York 3rd Annual Clinical Technology Conference, Albany, NY, Oct. 5-6, 2004.
Neafsey, P.J. Using technology to enhance older adults’ function, independence, and safety. Presentation at Enhancing Geriatric Nursing Education for Undergraduate Nursing Programs (John A. Hartford Foundation), Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, June 10, 2003.
Neafsey, P.J., Shellman, J., & Chartier, V. (2001, April). Delivery of health information to active older adults via touchscreen equipped laptops. Paper presented by J. Shellman at the 13th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Atlantic City, NJ.
Neafsey, P.J., Shellman, J. & Chartier, V. (2001, April). Delivery of health information to active older adults via touchscreen equipped laptops. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau International, Rocky Hill, CT.
Neafsey, P.J., Shellman, J. & Chartier, V. (2001, April). Delivery of health information to active older adults via touchscreen equipped laptops. Poster presented at the UConn School of Nursing Research Day, Storrs, CT.
Chartier, V., Roy, J., & Neafsey, P.J. (2001, April). Delivery of health information to active older adults via touchscreen equipped laptops. Poster presented by V. Chartier and J. Roy at the UConn Frontiers of Undergraduate Research, Storrs, CT.
Neafsey, P.J., Shellman, J., & Chartier, V. (2000, November). Using touchscreen equipped laptops at blood pressure clinics to educate older adults about drug interactions arising from self-medication. Poster presented at the American Public Health Assoc. Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Gosselin, R., Beebe, A., Chartier, V., Renfrew, P, & Neafsey, P.J. (2000, May). Using touchscreen equipped laptops at blood pressure clinics to educate older adults about drug interactions arising from self-medication. Poster presented at UConn School of Nursing Research Day, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Neafsey, P.J, Shellman, J., & Strickler, Z. (2000, March). Preventing drug interactions in active older adults. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Newport, RI.
Neafsey, P.J. Drug-nutrient Interactions Update 3-hour workshop using touchscreen equipped laptop computers for the CT Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) staff, Dec. 16, 1999.
Rauh, C. & Neafsey, P.J. (2006). Personal Education Program – Next Generation: Data
Architecture. Univ. CT, Storrs, CT. (Database captures self-reported medication behaviors and triggers tailored educational responses and interactive animations.)
Rauh, C., Strickler, Z., Lin, C., & Neafsey, P.J. (2006). Personal Education Program – Next Generation: Interface. Univ. CT, Storrs, CT. (Touchscreen interface to enable health care providers to enter patient data and medication regime and to enable older adults to self-report medication behaviors, respond to knowledge and self-efficacy items, and access a “Personal Education Program” tailored to the user’s specific medication behaviors.)
Manuscripts Under Review:
Alicea-Planas, J., Neafsey, P.J., Anderson, E. Using Technology to Enhance Patient Visits; The Nurse Practitioner Perspective
Grants and Contracts:
Date Funder Title Amount
2011-2012 UConn Adverse Self- $1,500
Faculty medication Behaviors in Small Grant College Students Award
P.J. Neafsey, PI
2005-2009 NIH-NHLBI Reducing Adverse $1,039,593 1 R01 HL084208-02 Self-Medication
P.J. Neafsey, PI Behaviors in Older
Adults with
Toner Award Hypertension $5,000
P.J. Neafsey, PI
2008 UConn Reducing Adverse Self- $1,000
Faculty medication Behaviors in Small Grant Workers with Hypertension Award
P.J. Neafsey, PI
2004-2006 UConn Self-medication $3,000
Summer Practices of
Undergraduate Spanish Speaking (Surheil Luciano) Older Adults
Research Fund
P.J. Neafsey, PI
1998-2002 Donaghue Preventing Drug $239,914 Medical Interactions in Active
Research Older Adults Foundation
P.J. Neafsey, PI
2001-2003 UConn Self-Medication $1,000
Research Practices of Foundation; Individuals Taking
UConn Levothyroxine
Undergraduate $3,000
(R. Michel) Research Fund P.J. Neafsey, PI
2001-2003 UConn Self-efficacy and $1,000 Research Knowledge of
Foundation Community Pharmacists P.J. Neafsey, PI Concerning Nutrient
1996-1998 UConn Development and $1,900
Research Evaluation of an
Foundation Interactive Computerized P.J. Neafsey, PI Education Program for
Older Adults
1994-1998 UConn Development of $3,664
Institute for Instructional Programs Teaching in Pharmacology for and Learning Nursing Education P.J. Neafsey, PI
1991-1993 Autodesk Corp. Development and $4,733
Educational Evaluation of Computer Grants Program Assisted Instructional
P.J. Neafsey, PI Materials for Nursing Education in Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
1991 UConn Development and $1,000
Research Evaluation of Computer Foundation Assisted Instructional
P.J. Neafsey, PI Materials for Nursing Education in Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
1990 UConn Knowledge and Prescribing $1,000
Research Practices of Advanced Foundation Practice Nurses Concerning J. Mudock PI OTC Medications