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TAPA: Temperature Aware Power Allocation in Data Center with Map-Reduce


Academic year: 2021

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TAPA: Temperature Aware Power Allocation in

Data Center with Map-Reduce

Shen Li, and Tarek Abdelzaher Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Email: [email protected], and [email protected]

Mindi Yuan

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Email: [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper, we analytically derive, implement, and empirically evaluate a solution for maximizing the execution rate of Map-Reduce jobs subject to power constraints in data centers. Our solution is novel in that it takes into account the dependence of power consumption on temperature, attributed to temperature-induced changes in leakage current and fan speed. While this dependence is well-known, we are the first to consider it in the context of maximizing the throughput of Map-Reduce workdloads. Accordingly, we provide a new power model and optimization strategy for temperature-aware power allocation(TAPA), and modify Hadoop on a 13-machine cluster to implement our optimization algorithm. Our experimental results show that TAPA can not only limit the power consumption to the power budget but also achieves higher computational efficiency against static solutions and temperature oblivious DVFS solutions.

Index Terms—data center, map-reduce, thermal-aware opti-mization, energy management, DVFS


In this paper, we develop an algorithm for maximizing throughput of a rack of machines running a Map-Reduce workload, subject to a total power budget. Map-Reduce is a programming model for parallel applications designed by Google [4] that gained significant popularity in data centers. In Map-Reduce, large jobs execute, often one at a time, over significant amounts of data. The research challenge is to optimize the trade-off between job completion time and power consumed. We do so by developing an algorithm that minimizes job completion time (or equivalently maximizes the computational capacity of a cluster) for any given power budget. Various implementations [7], [8], [9] of Map-Reduce have been developed in recent work. We modify Yahoo!’s Hadoop in our implementation to embody our optimization solutions.

Our algorithm is novel in that it accounts for thermally-induced variations in machine power consumption. Prior work on energy-efficiency of Map-Reduce workloads considered power consumption models that are a function of only the energy state and machine load. In reality, both leakage current and fan speed depend on machine temperature. Hence, a higher power consumption is incurred at higher temperatures, even at the same energy state (e.g., DVFS setting) and at the

This work was funded in part by NSF grants CNS 09-16028 and CNS 1040380. 978-1-4577-1221-0/11/ $26.00 c2011 IEEE.

same load. Modifications are thus needed to existing energy management algorithms to account for the aforementioned temperature-dependency of power consumption. While the effect of temperature on leakage current (and, hence, energy) is itself well-known [11], [12], [13], [14], we are the first to consider its implications on performance and energy trade-offs of Map-Reduce workloads.

Our algorithm requires that a power budget be expressed. This can be given by the power supplier. Some data centers do have a fixed peak power budget [16][29] to avoid excessive charges for peak power consumption. Even in scenarios with-out a global power bound, a local power budget is often used as a proxy for controlling heat distribution since most power consumed by servers turns into heat. Some researchers [22], [21] proposed to divide the whole data center into small zones and apply elaborately calculated power budgets to each zone to counter-balance temperature differences and remove hot spots. Finally, even in systems where no power budget exists at any level, it is useful to optimize the power-performance trade-off. This optimization problem can be generically cast as one of maximizing performance for any given input power. Hence, our algorithm maximizes the computational capacity of the cluster (by maximizing the sum of frequencies of all machines in the cluster), without exceeding a stated power budget.

Improving the power-performance trade-off may result in significant monetary savings for data center operators. Hamil-ton et al. [1] estimated that, in 2008, money spent on power consumption of servers and cooling units had exceeded 40 percent of total cost for data centers, which reached more than 1 million per month for a single data center. The cost is still increasing as both prices of energy and scale of data centers are on the rise [2]. The U.S. Department of Energy states that, by 2012, the cost of powering up a data center will surpass the original IT investment [3]. Our experiments show that the temperature-dependent component of power contributes a considerable part to the total power consumption of machines. Given the large variations in temperature among different machines (depending on their placement in the cluster) [15], [17], accounting for temperature dependencies is essential to achieving a more efficient cluster energy usage and hence a non-trivial improvement in data center operation costs.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we summarize the related works of this paper.


Section III demonstrates how power consumption relates to temperature and presents our system design. Implementation details are described in Section IV. Finally, our experimental results are shown in Section V.


Current cluster energy saving policies cover several different basic techniques, such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) [10], [18], [19], [20], [30], workload distri-bution [23], [24], [28], as well as tuning machines on and off [25], [27], [26]. While much work considered energy mini-mization, other literature [16], [29] focused on maximizing service capacity under a power constraint. Few papers consider temperature as a parameter when designing energy saving policies. Given that most power consumed by servers turned into heat, some algorithms, such as OnePassAnalog [21] , use the amount of power as a proxy of workload, and assign an amount of power to each server inversely proportional to the server’s inlet temperature. Moore et al. designed the Zone-Based Discretization (ZBD) algorithm [22] to improve the granularity of load and power distribution. When one server consumes more power than it is assigned, this server will “borrow” power from its neighbor servers, i.e., neighbor servers have to use less power than assigned. Banerjee et al. [28] proposed Highest Thermostat Setting (HTS) algorithm to smooth out hot spots and increase the set point in CRAC. In their algorithm, each serversi has its own thermostat setting

requirement (TSR), which indicates the highest possible set point of CRAC to satisfy si’s cooling demand. They rank

servers by TSR in descending order and place workload according to this ranked list. The CRAC are set to lowest TSR of all servers.

Dean et. al. [4] first proposed Map-Reduce as a pro-gramming paradigm for distributed computing. They divide machines into one master node and several worker nodes. The master node chops data and passes the chunks to mapper nodes who generate intermediate results that are then aggregated on the reducers into the final result. Their original paper did not address energy concerns. Since then, much literature addressed energy efficiency in Map-Reduce. For example, Chen et. al. [5], [6] discuss statistics of Map-Reduce workloads and suggest possible strategies to improve its energy behavior. Their experiments show that batching and staggered launching of batched jobs can help save energy. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first in considering the effect of the dependence of power consumption on temperature in the context of investigating energy-cost trade-offs of Map-Reduce workloads.


The power consumption of one machine consists of two components: static and dynamic. The static component is incurred even when the machine is idle. The dynamic com-ponent depends on several parameters, such as CPU utiliza-tion, disk utilizautiliza-tion, and CPU frequency. Both components depend on temperature as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The

30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Temperature (Co) Power (Watt)

Fig. 1: Maximum Performance

30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Temperature (Co) Power (Watt)

Fig. 2: Minimum Power

0 100 200 300 400 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time(s) CPU Temperature(C o) node1 node2 node3 node4 node5 node6 node7 node8 node9 node10 node11

Fig. 3: Temperature Differences in Our Cluster: The cluster is running a computational intensive Map-Reduce job with 1 master node and 11 worker nodes. All machines locate in the same rack with different height. CPU frequencies of all worker nodes are set to the maximum value and the temperature set point of CRAC is set to 65Fo.

figures show the relationship between temperature and power in experiments where we run a CPU-intensive program to keep CPU utilization of the machine at 100%. The ambient temperature is then changed by controlling the set point of the CRAC unit. The CPU fan in our server (Dell PowerEdge R210) does not have a constant speed option. Instead, we measure the relationship between temperature and power in two cases; one where the fan policy was set to maximum performance (Fig. 1) and one where it is set to minimum power (Fig. 2). We can clearly see that, in both cases, power consumption increases as temperature rises, even though the load remains the same. In commercial data centers, heat is not uniformly distributed. The temperature differences can reach about 10Co in the same aisle [15]. The thermal gap can be even larger between CPUs in different server boxes. Figure 3 illustrates measured temperature variability in our tested. Hence, it is possible to improve energy savings by better exploiting temperature differences. In this section, we present the optimization problem that guides our work and demonstrate our solution details.


A. Optimization

The performance objective of our target system is to maxi-mize the computational capacity of a cluster while satisfying power constraints. The power consumption of a machine is a function of temperature and frequency. Let Ti(t) andfi(t)

denote the temperature and frequency of machine i at time

t respectively. We first take frequency as a continuous value in optimization. We will show how to select frequency from available options in section III-B. The power consumption


Pi(t) =G(Ti(t), fi(t)). (1)

According to our measurements, shown in Section IV-C, the formulation below fits observed data very well.

Pi(t) = 0.0069×Ti(t)2+ 7.3865×fi(t)2+ 0.0405×

fi(t)×Ti(t)0.4351×Ti(t)6.9793×fi(t) + 61.1205

The purpose of our optimization is to find the right fre-quency for each machine such that the sum is maximized. The algorithm re-computes the solution periodically at fixed intervals. Note that, when a machine keeps running at high utilization, the CPU temperature does not change very quickly. Thus, each time when calculating the frequency for the current time period, we use the most recent reported temperature of each machine from the previous period(t−1)as a constant to estimate the power consumptionPi(t). In this way, we take the temperature dynamics into consideration in the equation, and, at the same time, we calculate the optimal frequency assign-ment. Intuitively, we are using CPU frequency to compensate the power contribution made by CPU temperature dynamics. Thus, we get a new estimated power equation:

Pi(t) =αi(t−1)fi(t)2+βi(t−1)fi(t) +γi(t−1), where, αi(t−1) = 7.3865, βi(t−1) = 0.0405×Ti(t−1) + 6.9793, γi(t−1) = 0.0069×Ti(t−1)20.4351×Ti(t−1) +61.1205. (2) In this equation, the value of αi(t 1), βi(t− 1), and

γi(t−1)may vary for different machines due to their different

individual CPU temperature as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, the optimization problem can be formulated as shown below.

maximize n i=1 fi(t) s.t. n i=1 Pi(t)< Pb where Pi(t) =αi(t−1)fi(t)2+βi(t−1)fi(t) +γi(t−1). (3) The beauty of this problem is convexity. For each t, the objective function is linear. Since αi(t) > 0, each quadratic

Pi(t)in the only constraint is positive definite and thus convex,

so is their sum. Obviously, the definition domain is also convex. As a result, the problem is convex. Furthermore, the Slater’scondition is also satisfied, because we can easily find at least one interior point in the feasible set after checking the constraint. Hence, the KKT condition is sufficient for the optimality of the primal problem. In other words, we can exactly obtain the optimum by solving the KKT conditions because the duality gap is zero.

Introducing Lagrange multiplier λ for the constraint, we define: L(f(t), λ) = n i=1 fi(t) +λ( n i=1 (αi(t−1)fi(t)2 +βi(t−1)fi(t) +γi(t−1))−Pb), (4)

where f(t) denotes the frequency vector of each machine (i.e.,f(t) = [f1(t), ..., fn(t)]). Note that, the original problem

described in equation 3 has an optimal point atf∗(t), if and only if there exists the optimal point (f∗(t),λ) that maximizes equation 4 with respect tof(t). We then check the stationarity of the KKT conditions: ∂L(f(t), λ) ∂λ = n i=1 (αi(t−1)fi(t)2+βi(t−1)fi(t) +γi(t−1))−Pb= 0, ∂L(f(t), λ) ∂fi(t) = 1 +λ(2αi(t−1)fi(t) +βi(t−1)) = 0.

Finally, from the 2 equations above, we get the optimal solution which also indicates the new frequency assignment for each machine.


= (

n i=14αi(1t−1)










βi(t−1) 2 4αi(t−1)









) =















To calculate the optimal frequencies, we need to know the temperature of all machines in the cluster. Hence, there should be a global node that is responsible for the calculation. Fortunately, Map-Reduce itself provides the master node that collects information from all nodes through heartbeat mes-sages. We add a temperature field in the heartbeat message and a frequency field in the return value. The size of heartbeat message may range from tens of bytes to hundreds of bytes depending on different MapReduce cluster setup. Appending a four-byte float number will not lead to much network overhead. We discuss the implementation details in Section IV. The formulation above also indicates that the computational complexity is linear for both λ andfi(t). Thus, even though

the optimization is done by a single centralized node, it will not consume too much computational resources.


B. Frequency Selection

One problem in a real system is that machines have a limited number of discrete frequencies. However, the optimal frequen-cies we get from the calculation above are real numbers. The naive solution is to use the nearest frequency. However, such rounding offers no guarantee about the resulting total power consumption of the cluster. As shown in Fig. 6, the power consumption of adjacent frequencies differs tens of watts on a given machine. For large clusters, this naive solution can there-fore lead to a potentially large power variation from the budget (for example, if all frequencies were rounded up upwards). Instead, we minimize the sum of the differences between the optimal continuous frequency allocation and the rounded-up frequencies. Let F denote available frequencies for each machine,F = [F1, ..., Fn], whereFi< Fi+1. Let the optimal frequency be contained in one interval fi(t)(Fki, Fki+1].

Thus, the problem can be formulated as:

maximize n i=1 xiFki+ ¯xiFki+1, s.t. n i=1 xiPi(Fki) + ¯xiPi(Fki+1)< Pb where xi∈ {0,1},x¯i= 1−xi. (7)

In this formulation,xi indicates whether machine ishould

use frequencyFkiorFki+1. Note thatPi(Fki)is a coefficient

since Pi(·)and Fki are both known. Thus,X = [x1, ..., xn]

is the only variable in this formulation. Unfortunately, it is an NP-Complete problem, since we can easily reduce knapsack problem to our frequency selection problem in polynomial time. Thus, instead of searching for the optimal solution, we employ a simple heuristic approach, randomized rounding, to solve this problem. Letqi denotes the probability for machine

ito chooseFki+1. We setqi as:

qi=| Pi(Fki)−Pi(fi)


|, (8)

so that the expectation of the resulting power consumption equals the power given by the optimal solution. Of course, this strategy will also lead to a deviation from the optimal point to some degree. However, our optimization and frequency se-lection parts are totally independent. Thus, a better frequency selection algorithm can be easily plugged into TAPA. Since there is still a chance that the frequency assignment vector given by TAPA will violate the power budget. Therefore, we apply a small slack to the global power cap to reduce this problem (i.e., TAPA takesPb−Δas input instead of directly

using Pb). The optimization runs on the master node. Given

that the master node is one single point inside the cluster, it can become the bottleneck of the whole system. So, the master node will only inform worker nodes with their optimal continuous frequency. The discrete frequency selection is done by the worker nodes themselves.

Fig. 4: Our cluster: there are 20 DELL PowerEdge R210 servers are available to use in this rack. Our experiments use 13 of them. When conducting experiments, all other machines are powered on and keep in idle status.


In this section, we first specify the hardware used in our experiments. Then we demonstrate how we modify the heartbeat message. Finally, we show the experiments to derive power model.

A. System Setup

Our evaluation involves 13 DELL PowerEdge R210 servers as shown in Fig. 4. Each server has a 4-core Intel Xeon X3430 2.4GHZ CPU. There are 11 available frequencies for each core: 1.197GHZ, 1.330GHZ, 1.463GHZ, 1.596GHZ, 1.729GHZ, 1.862GHZ, 1.995GHZ, 2.128GHZ, 2.261GHZ, 2.394GHZ, and 2.395GHZ. CPU turbo boost is turned off to avoid unnecessary dynamics. The server itself is equipped with CPU temperature sensors, and we collect the reading via lm sensor module. There are two options available for the fan speed of our servers: minimum power and maximum performance. Both of them employ a closed feedback loop to dynamically determine proper fan speeds. As shown in Fig. 3, the characteristic of temperature power relationship does not change much for two fan configuration options. There is only a constant difference between them. So we choose the minimum power option in all our experiments to minimize the power consumed by fans. We useHadoop−0.20.2as an implementation of Map-Reduce. One machine is nominated as a dedicated master node, i.e., TaskTracker and other programs for executing tasks are not running on master node. We use Liebert MPH Monitored-Power distribution unit to supply power for the rack, and directly collect readings from the power unit. The temperature of the server room is set to 65


B. Modify Heartbeat Message

A Map-Reduce cluster consists of a master node and many worker nodes. More specifically, for Hadoop, there is a Job-Tracker program running on master node and a TaskJob-Tracker program running on each worker node as shown in Fig. 5. The TaskTracker sends heartbeat messages to inform JobTracker



Fig. 5: Hadoop Cluster: There is one master node and several worker nodes in a Hadoop cluster. The JobTracker running on master node is responsible for task assignment while the TaskTracker running on worker node will launch tasks and re-port available slots to JobTracker. JobTracker and TaskTracker communicate with each other via Heartbeat message and its return value.

that the worker node is alive. In the heartbeat message, the TaskTracker will also indicate whether it is ready to run a new task. JobTracker responses a return value to TaskTracker which includes response ID, the interval for next heartbeat and probably information about a new task if the TaskTracker is ready. This structure grants global information to master node which is naturally suitable to run some centralized optimization algorithms.

We add a CPU temperature field to the heartbeat message. TaskTrackers sense the CPU temperature of its hosting ma-chine and update this information before sending out heartbeat. In this way, JobTracker knows temperatures of all machines. JobTracker periodically calculates optimal frequencies for the cluster and sends it back via the return value of heartbeat. The calculation interval can be a tunable parameter which indicates the trade-off between optimization overhead and agility to dynamics. As discussed in section III-A, the computational complexity of our optimization algorithm is linear. Thus, it will not introduce much overhead even if the cluster contains thou-sands of machines. The JobTracker only returns the optimal frequency and the frequency selection is done by worker nodes in order to reduce computation overhead on master node. C. Power Equation

Because of temperature differences, the power consumption of one machine can be different even though it is running at the same frequency and same utilization. Understanding the relationship between CPU frequency, temperature and power consumption is crucial for conducting proper optimization. Fig. 6 shows how frequency and temperature influence power consumption.

Each core is running the same CPU bounded program which keeps the CPU utilization at 100 percent. Fig. 6 shows the result for 11 experiments which cover all 11 available frequencies. From the figure, it is obvious that different CPU frequencies will lead to different CPU temperature steady state. But we have to notice that if we are using DVFS,

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 1.197 1.463 1.729 1.995 2.261 2.395 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Frequency (GHZ) Temperature (Co) Power (Watts)

Fig. 6: Relationship between frequency, temperature and power: running under different CPU frequencies can cause about 45 Watts power consumption differences while thermal differences can cause about 15 Watts.

the machine does not always running at the steady state temperature because 1) frequency is changing from time to time and switch to lower frequencies will help to decrease CPU temperature, 2) as shown in Fig. 3, even if the machine is running at the highest CPU frequency, it takes relatively a long period of time to reach its steady state. In real aggressive dynamic DVFS systems, the CPU may not stay such a long period of time at the same frequency. Thus, each bar in Fig. 6 is a possible state in our system.

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Frequency (GHZ)

Average Power Consumption (Watts)

Fig. 7: Frequency and Power

30 40 50 60 70 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 Temperature (Co)

Average Power Consumption (Watts)

Fig. 8: Temperature and Power Dots in two pictures above show the average value of data collected from experiments. Curves are derived from quadratic regression based on the observed data. As we discussed before, it is not reasonable to use only steady state data to plot these figures since the machine state keeps changing while running a dynamic DVFS algorithm.

Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show how power consumption relates to one parameter when the other one is fixed. (Fixed at 35 Co

and 2.395GHZ respectively) We can see that they both fit well with a quadratic curve, i.e., there should be a quadratic item for both frequency and temperature in the power equation. We use a simple equation to predict power consumption.

P = 0.0069×T2+ 7.3865×f2+ 0.0405×f×T 0.4351×T 6.9793×f+ 61.1205


20 30 40 50 60 1 1.5 2 2.5 50 60 70 80 90 Temperature(Co) Frequency(GHZ) Power(Watts)

Fig. 9: Our power model and observed data: Every dot shows the average power for one temperature-frequency pair according to our measured data.

Regression result is shown in Fig. 9 which fits well with our observed data. The average error is about 0.106 watts which is relatively small comparing to the total power consumption of one machine.


Our evaluation includes five different settings, one with our temperature-aware DVFS algorithm enabled (TAPA), three static policies with CPU frequencies set to maximum, mini-mum and median respectively, and one temperature-oblivious DVFS policy proposed in [30]. All experiments involve 11 worker nodes, one master node, and one logging node which is responsible for logging the real power readings from the power unit. We call themTAPA,MAX,MIN,MED, andDVFS below for short. For the DVFS one, we use their final control formulation shown in Equation 9 ,

fi(k) = fi(k−1)

Tjl∈Sicjlrj (Us−u(k))fi(k−1) +Tjl∈Sicjlrj

. (9)

Descriptions of all symbols are shown in Table I. Since this experiment focuses on computational intensive jobs, we set the Us to 0.9. In Map-Reduce framework, master node will

assign new task to a worker node whenever there is empty slot on that node, which keeps every core busy. So the estimated execution time for each processor can be set to the length of one control period, i.e.,TjlSicjlrjis replaced by a constant

value. We apply a 1,000 watts power budgets to TAPA with 50 watts slack, i.e., TAPA will try to keep the power consumption below 950 watts.

All of the experiments with different settings run the same computing PI job with 6,000,000,000 sample points, an exam-ple job provided by the original Hadoop-0.20.2 release. We configure each machine to hold 4 slots since each of them has 4 cores. The mapper class here generates random points in a unit square and then counts points inside and outside the inscribed circle of the square. The reduce class accumulates point count results from mappers and use this value to estimate

Symbol Description

fi(k) CPU frequency in the kth control period

Us CPU utilization set point

u(k) measured CPU utilization in periodk Tjl subtask of TaskTj

Si set of subtasks located at processor Pi

cjl estimated execution time for subtask Tjl

rj calling rate of task Tj

TABLE I: Symbols for temperature oblivious DVFS

PI. For the mapping phase, the cluster is computation intensive since all worker nodes are busy calculating and the traffic in the network is mostly heartbeat messages and its return value. When this job reaches its reducing phase, the network starts to become busy because many data need to pass from mappers to reducers.

A. Temperature Differences

First, we show the temperature differences for all worker nodes of MED and TAPA experiment in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 respectively. The settings of MED offers roughly the same computational capacity as TAPA since they take almost the same period of time to finish the same computational intensive job as shown in Fig. 15. Compared with Fig. 6, the thermal effect is even severe in this experiment. In MED experiment, the neighbors of each machine also generate a lot of heat. So the heat cannot be drained as easy as in one machine cases. We can conclude at least two benefits brought by TAPA from the comparison. Firstly, the maximum temperature difference between nodes in MED reaches 20Co, while it is only about 5Coin TAPA. It is obvious that TAPA achieves much smaller temperature deviation than MED. Secondly, the temperature of the hottest node reduces from 68Co to 48Co. Although we do not take removing hot spot as a direct objective, reducing energy cost by reducing frequency achieves this as a bonus effect. These two benefits are very meaningful in data centers. Smaller deviation means that the cooling part does not have to be over-provisioned. Operators can set the CRAC to a much higher target temperature. It can be a big saving from the cooling side. Lower temperature can help to increase system stability and lengthen device life time. So, it is another save in the long run. For each machine, there is a temperature drop in the tail. We think it is the time point when the map tasks have been finished and the whole cluster changes to the dedicated reduce phase. So, at this time point, the job changes from computation intensive to communication intensive and the utilizations of CPUs decrease to low status.

B. React to Dynamics

One objective of our work is agile reaction to dynamics. In Fig. 12, we can see how our algorithm reacts to the temperature dynamics. This figure shows the relation between the frequency summation and the temperature trend. As shown in Fig. 11, different servers has similar temperature trend. Thus, we only use temperature curve from one machine to


0 200 400 600 800 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Time(s) CPU Temperature(C o) node1 node2 node3 node4 node5 node6 node7 node8 node9 node10 node11

Fig. 10: Temperature differences for MED

0 200 400 600 800 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time(s) CPU Temperature(C o) node1 node2 node3 node4 node5 node6 node7 node8 node9 node10 node11

Fig. 11: Temperature differences for TAPA

show this trend without making the figure too complicated. At the beginning, the temperature increases very fast because the cluster just switched from idle to full utilization status. TAPA immediately decreases the computational capacity of the whole cluster to curb power consumption below the budget. As the system keeps running, the temperature changes which will lead to different power consumption. In order to compensate temperature differences, our strategy decreases total CPU frequency when temperature increases and increases total CPU frequency when temperature decreases.

C. Power Consumption

In this section, we show the comparison among TAPA, MAX, MIN, MED, and DVFS based on their power con-sumption and efficiency. Fig. 13 shows the experiment result. The power budget is set to be 1000 watts with 50 watts slack for TAPA. For other approaches, the power budget does not apply to them since they do not have mechanisms to control power consumption. From Fig. 13, we can see that TAPA makes full use of the power budget without violating it. In MAX experiment, the power consumption rises with time. It is because the machines gets hotter and hotter when running this computational intensive job. It is amazing that the power gap caused by temperature reaches about 200 Watts in

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 80 88 96 Sum of Frequency (GHZ) Time(s) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 80020 40 Temperature of node 7 (C o) Frequency Temperature

Fig. 12: React to dynamics: the curve with squares is the frequency summation of the whole cluster while the curve with circle shows the temperature dynamics of one machine which can represent the trends of the whole cluster.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Power (Watts) Time(S) MIN13 MAX6 TAPA DVFS MED

Fig. 13: Power consumption and running time

our small cluster. The power consumption does not increase remarkably in MIN because machines are set to use the lowest frequency, with which the temperature can only reach about 34

Coas shown in Fig. 6. For the MED experiments, the average temperature is about 55Cowhich leads to a 5 percent increase in total power. This also matches with our experiments result shown in Fig. 6. For the DVFS experiment, since all worker nodes stay in very high utilization status in map phase, the CPU frequency keeps increasing until it reaches the upper bound. So it shows a similar result as MAX. At the tail of each curve, there is a sudden drop of power. We believe it is because the cluster is transferring from mapping phase to reducing phase. And the CPUs no longer run at a high utilization.

Fig. 14 shows the frequency summation efficiency of five scenarios. The efficiency is defined as Fs

P , where Fs is the

frequency summation of the whole cluster and P is the power consumption. It is clear that TAPA is more efficient to transform power into computational capacity when compare with other solutions. As shown in Fig. 15, TAPA uses about 25% less energy when comparing to the thermal-oblivious DVFS solution and about 5.6% less energy when comparing to the most efficient static solution, MED. Given the huge expenditure spent on data center power supply, TAPA will


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time (s) Efficiency (GHZ/100Watts) TAPA MAX MIN MED DVFS

Fig. 14: Frequency summation efficiency

Fig. 15: Energy consumption and Job Duration

help to achieve significant savings. VI. CONCLUSION

In this paper, we present TAPA, a temperature-aware power allocation scheme for data centers using Map-Reduce tech-nology. We employ DVFS technique and modify Hadoop to evaluate our algorithms. TAPA takes advantage of the archi-tecture of Map-Reduce to minimize communication cost while achieves global optimal point. Its computational complexity of optimization algorithm is linear. Thus, even though it is conducted on a single centralized node it is still scalable to thousands of machines. Our experiment results show that TAPA can curb the power consumption very well in dynamic environments. At the same time, TAPA is much more efficient compared to static solutions and thermal-oblivious solution.


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