Jari Innanen
Finnish Data Center Forum Ry (FCDF)
FDCF – Finnish data center forum is an association dedicated to the Data
center professionals. It was set up in 2014 in Helsinki, Finland by a group
of data center professionals (by 9 founder companies).
Our target:
To connect various professionals and companies that work in the data
center field in Finland
To arrange events and trainings in the data center area for the members
Activate members to communicate across company borders
To support and fund ISO standardization work in the area
to be a connection point between Finnish and other data center
professionals, customers and service providers
Nobody cannot do everything by
them selves
High knowledge professionals and
contractors are available in Finland
Lots of businesses expected from this
Finnish interest is to take part Global
standardization process
More that 80 individual members
Persons from more than 50 companies
18 partner companies
Ongoing co-operation with:
NDBS- helsinki 24.9.
NxtVn B2B- Forum September – Oct.
Data center Forum.
0 %
35 %
40 %
15 %
10 %
Finland has enough data center
professionals for the industry needs
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Fully disagree
I don't know
0 %
0 %
58 %
37 %
5 %
Finnish data center services are very
well visible abroad
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Fully disagree
I don't know
More education is required
How we get more visibility to
What do you expect from FDCF association as concrete activities?
1. Verkostoituminen ja tiedon jakaminen.
2. Inform the Finnish professionals about the standards, arrange seminars. Help companies network with other professionals and companies in Finland and also help networking with foreing companies as well. Hopefully this assosiation can also promote Finnish services and help foreing companies see Finland more atractive place to locate their data centers.
3. To support finnish data center possibilities
4. To tell possible data center investors that we are fully able to build data centers locally in Finland.
5. Excellent networking possibilities, discussion forums and possible visits
6. Networking, contacts 7. No expectations 8. Knowledge
9. To emphasize the data center operators to utilize the unavoidable waste heat - not just get rid of it. The calculation of PUE is not enough. We can go far behind. That improves the profitability of the company- they can make money with waste heat!. Simulatenous the datacenters turn to more evironmental friendly.
10. Networking, information provider, future trends, seminars 11. Käydä keskustelua valtiovallan päättäjien kanssa siitä mihin
suuntaan Suomea on kehitettävä että Suomi oli globaalisti hyvä paikka perustaa konesaleja.
12. I would appreciate if FDCF really works together to attract companies to build datacenters in Finland by sharing knowledge and experience. Also I think FDCF has a big role to bring credibility to the industry by its members seeing the big picture, 13. Networking
14. Energy re-use issues and standards, DC architectures 15. Information change.
16. Developing and maintaining competitiveness of Finnish datacenter industry, both service providers as related industry 17. To be a contact point to Europe and Globally to 'sell' Finland as a
best possible location for the Data Center business. Share information of the trends to the members. Arrange seminars. 18. Possibilily to meet collegues and share infomation with others.
And learn something what others have done and how.
Training > future trends
Support marketing and visibility
Information change
Develope the Finnish market to
be more attractive and more
What would you recommend Finland to do differently to promote the data
center services?
1. Sopivien DC saittien parempi konseptointi ja markkinointibudjetin kasvattaminen.
2. We should promote more the holistic package: site with all necessary services and experts. Few flyers about the possible sites are not enough. 3. More resources from the government to promote DC possibilities 4. Probably some kind of co-operational marceting among co-location
5. Market or capabilities to outboard. We have excellent political, economical and environmental enablers for data centers
6. The government should take tougher action on DC business promotion. 7. Give welcome gift to new companies, less taxes etc.
8. One new approach would be to really show that we are capable to utilize the waste heat in district heating and other heat demanding needs like Spa's and agricultural production.
9. Actively promote our dc industry, forming capable alliances
10. Tällä hetkellä tiedän vain että Invest in Finland tekee jotain Suomimaineen hyväksi, mutta onko se riittävää.. Varmaan pitäisi olla aktiivisemmin liikkeellä messuilla ja alan eri tapahtumissa.
11. Finland is a rather small country - same as Sweden, Norway and Denmark. We need to work together between the contries to attract 'the big players' But also Finland is uniqe by beeíng very close to Russia and could be a good filter between east and west
12. to telling from finnish climates and stability of the society
13. Finland should marketing more. We have lot of good experts and lot of space to build Data Centers.
14. I think quite a lot has been done.
15. 'Owner' and visibility for the Finnish datacenter services cluster Understanding foregn customers needs and making offerings more professional - and easier to buy Accept international 'standards' (LEED, Tier, ...), not try invent better Finnish versions (Foregn
16. After the sea cable is ready to Germany, make a similar kind of video of Finland opportunities as Digitice has done with all the feature Finland can offer.
17. We have here in Finland many benefits to use, specially reusing the waste energy.
Better international concepts
More resourses from covernment
Co-operation in marketing
Utilize the waste heat
Co-operation with Nordic countries
Promote the benefits
If you would have all the power to decide: What would you do to
speed-up development in data center business in general?
1. Speed up the government consolidation processes. Take the benefits about the heat reuse. Take the datacenter already to the zoning (kaavoitus) plans to be able to make appropriate concepts. 2. Promote Opex focused thinking vs. Capex ideology 3. Secure cheap energy for long period of time.
4. We need direct connections to other Europe and we need offer what is interesting for Europe customers.
5. There should be spesific administrative organ within the government dealing data center issues. If I've understand right now it's kind of a 'no man's land'?
6. Lower dc hardware prices 7. less bureaucracy.
8. I would locate the datacenters in loactions where they could be the source of clean and afforadble heat.
9. Force state and municipalities to consolidate their tiny datacenters into few big ones
10. Jäämeren kuituyhteys heti kuntoon. 5MW energiaveroluokan helpotus niin että yrityksen kaikki salit laskettaisiin siihen mukaan, eikä vain per sali. Jos yrityksellä on vaikka kaksi salia niin niiden yhteiskulutus olisi 5 MW ja sillä saisi verohelpotuksen. Hajasijoittamalla yritys voisi saada työvoimapoliittista tukea henkilöstön palkkaamiseen niin että etäisyys ratkaisee. 500 km päähän sijoitettu toinen sali saa paremman tuen kuin 100 km päähän. 11. We need to collaborate between the private sector and the
governmental sector. This are regarding energy taxes, speed up the building process etc
12. Education
13. Consolidation into larger production units to be more professional and cost competitive (before foreign players do it) Service development utilizing the coming sea cable to Germany 14. Put pressure to our EU MEP's to arrange cheap loan for the
investments. Start planning the DC network across the Finland to be ready when the Arctic Area is ready for commercial business and IT related support is needed.
15. Change taxation.