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Mrs. G. Adra-Khan Principal FEBRUARY Dates to remember: commence. Food Allergies. Workshop.


Academic year: 2021

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Welcome to the 2014 academic year. As this is our first Newsletter for 2014, we extend a warm wel-come to all students and parents, ―old‖ and ―new‖.

Insha’Allah, we will participate together in another happy, produc-tive and successful year at Al-Faisal College.

Welcome to New Staff We extend a warm welcome to all our new teaching and non teaching staff.

Al-Faisal College continues to grow and has increased its staff body to provide students with all necessary educational needs. School Hours

A reminder that for week 1 only, Kindergarten finish their school day at 3:00pm, when they are

ready for collection by parents or authorised adults from the class-room.

School Hours

All K-12 students are expected to arrive at school by 8.25am. Les-sons commence at 8.30am.

Students in Years K-6 will finish school at 3.25pm.

Students in Years 7-12 will finish school at 3:35pm. Please note some senior classes (year 11 and 12) take place between 3:35-4:35pm.

Students who arrive after 8:30am must report to the school office, for a late note. Valid reasons will be sought, and parents may be con-tacted.

stating reason of absence immedi-ately upon arrival back at school. This is to be submitted to class/roll call teacher.

K-6 Student Collection

Parents or authorised adults can collect students at 3.25pm from the following areas:

Kindergarten: Classrooms Year 1: undercover playground Year 2: Classrooms

Year 3: undercover playground Year 4: undercover playground Year 5 and 6 will be dismissed to meet parents

Parents are asked not to wait in the undercover playground.

Student Leaders (K-12)

Congratulation to the students listed below, who have been select-ed to represent and lead their peers in the following positions:

Primary School Captains:

Aishah Navaid Ghazi Adra Primary Prefects: Abbas Al-Hussainawi Fatat Diab Bashir El Saddik Leen Tabboush Mohamed Ajjaward Malak Edres Radwan Hussayni Miaya El-Masri Taha El Zanat Muheba Shukri Tarig Eidam Yasmin

Sangari Zayn Wehbe Ruwayda


Secondary School Captains

Parent Information Evenings

Parent Information Evenings will be held on the following evenings:

High School: 10 February -

3.45-5.00pm Primary 3-6: 11 February - 3:45-6:00pm Infants K-2: 12 February – 3.45-6.00pm Food Allergies

Some students are allergic to the protein in common foods. Con-tact with the food can be life threatening and induce what is called an anaphylactic reaction, usually within minutes of expo-sure. The most common triggers of anaphylaxis are:  Peanuts  Tree nuts  Cow’s milk  Egg  Wheat  Soy, and

 Fish and shellfish

Strict avoidance of the food is extremely important.

Please refrain from including items containing nuts, such as 'peanut butter' or 'nutella' in chil-dren's lunchbox Yours sincerely

Mrs. G. Adra-Khan



AL-FAISAL COLLEGE 149 Auburn Rd, Auburn 9646 1222 9643 8222  alfaisalcol-10 Feb Yr 3+5 Liter-acy classes commence 10 Feb Yr 7-12 Par-ent infor-mation even-ing 10 Feb Yr 7-8 Anti-bullying workshop 11 Feb 3-6 Parent information evening 12 Feb K-2 Parent information evening 17 Feb Yr 9-10 Anti-bullying workshop 18 Feb Y12, 2013 Achievers presentation 18 Feb Enviromen-tors Work-shop. Yr 1 to 4 25 Feb Yr 11 Biolo-gy-Senior Science ex-cursion. Dates to remember:







Year 8 1st Sheeren Khalifa 1st Ali Al Yassin 2nd Mahmoud Al Rifai Emaan Gohar

3rd Zahra’a Ganber Ali

Fatima Falfaly

4th Ilma Akhtar

Hiba Hallak

5th Zahra Zainab Ajjaward

Hibaq Abdirahim Ali

Year 9

1st Younis Menkara

2nd Mohamed Dib

3rd Lina Rehan Ali

4th Zeyneb Ali Mohammed

5th Abdul Aziz Jebara

Laiel Khaled Saadi

Year 10

1st Muhammad Yaseen

2nd Ansar Zafar Iqbal

3rd Noor Ul Haq Tanha

4th Hersi Suleka

5th Usaamah Patel

Year 11

1st Safana Aldajon

2nd Esraa Mohamed Elashwah

3rd Mustafa Emin

4th Hanen Mosowi

5th Ibrahim Ghannoum

School Uniform

All students are expected to be in their cor-rect, appropriate uniform (including school hat) each day. Parents will be contacted and children sent home if this condition is not met.

High school girls (7-12) will be required to wear a white slip-on scarf. The slip-on scarf is worn by many of our girls already on Wednesdays for sport. This eliminates the need and danger of pins and loose wearing material. It is anticipated that all highschool students will wear the slip-on scarf.

School Uniform Shop

School blazers (compulsory during term 2-3) must be ordered by Friday 7 February 2014, otherwise they will not be ready for the start of term 2.

Address: 15/364 Park Road, Regents Park Phone: 9644 7999

Fax: 9644 7988

Email: [email protected]

Scholarships and Awards

The following students achieved academic scholarships for the 2014 academic year: Year 7

1st Safa Rashid

2nd Mohammad Ali

3rd Aneekah Aslam

4th Souad Dib

5th Ayub Mahad Hassan

Year 12 1st Aisha Yaseen 2nd Hayfaa Bakour 3rd Asma’s Hassan Zahraa Falfaly 4th Sadiq Al Amiri

Mouhammed Ali Alsultany

5th Fatima Karagully

Elham Bolbol

1st Place: Full Scholarship (1 year’s tuition


2nd Place: Half Scholarship (2 terms tuition


3rd Place: Half Scholarship (2 terms tuition


4th Place: Partial Scholarship (1 term tuition


5th Place: Partial Scholarship (1 term tuition


(Half scholarships cover the last two terms of an academic year. Partial scholarships cover the last term of any given year.)

School Diaries

All students in Year 2 and above have been issued with an official School Diary. All

homework, assignment, school commit-ments, important dates, excursions etc must

be entered in this diary, which teachers will regularly check.

Parents are asked to familiarise themselves with their children’s diaries and to check them on a regular basis.

They are not to be used to record personal or social information which does not relate to

Course Costs Year 12

Food Technology: $150.00 per year

Visual Arts: $150.00 per year Year 10

Food Technology: $100.00 per year

Visual Arts: $100.00 per year

Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS): $33.00 per year

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (English, Mathematics, Science): $25.00

Year 9

Food Technology: $100.00 per year

Visual Arts: $100.00 per year Year 8

Food Technology and Visual Arts: $100.00 per year

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (English, Mathematics, Science): $25.00

Course fees are to be paid in total to the Office by Friday 7 March, 2014

ICAS Competitions

This year, ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) for English, Mathematics, Science will be compulsory for students in Year 8 and 10. The total cost is $25.00.

Sport Fees

Sport fees cover the cost of PDHPE textbooks, venue hire, activities and transportation.

General Sport: $280.00 (Years 7-10, 2014)

Sport fees must be paid by due date, otherwise students will not be permitted to attend sport.







achievement in literacy and numeracy.

Higher School Certificate Awards

The school Board will award students in Year 12 a sum of $500.00 for each subject in

which they achieve 90% or above (Band 6) in the HSC.

If a student managed to achieve Band 6 in all

subjects undertaken, an additional monetary award will also be issued.

School Locker Application Form

Lockers are available to Year 7-12 students during the school year on a preferred basis. First preference will be given to students with medical problems and then senior students with heavy bag loads. Lockers are available for hire through the school office.

The cost of hiring a locker is $60.00 per year. Students must also pay a $50.00 bond which will be refundable at the end of each year,

provided the locker is in the same condition as when it was made available to the student. If the locker is damaged or requires a locksmith to replace damaged or lost keys or locks, the cost will be deducted from the locker bond.

Students are required to complete the appli-cation for locker hire listed below and return to the office along with payment ($110.00).

School Office

If your child has a medical condition please notify the School Office.

Adolescent School Based Vaccination Pro-gram 2014

In 2014 NSW Health will be offering the following vaccines:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – 3 dose course: Year 7

Varicella (chicken pox) – 1 dose: Year 7 Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis – 1 dose:

Year 7

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – 3 dose course: Year 7 male and female and Year 9 male students only

Parent consent kits for the vaccines will be sent out to parents and contain the following information:

the school.

Defaced, damaged or lost diaries will have to be replaced, at a cost of $18.00 each. Secondary students will not be permitted to attend class without school diaries.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are NOT to be brought to school. Any student caught with a mobile phone will be dealt with severely.

If there are specific reasons or circumstances for students requiring to bring a mobile phone to school, they may do so, by leaving it with the Office staff throughout the day or in morning check, and collecting it in the afternoon. This may be done only with prior approval from the Principal.

After-School Detentions

After-school detentions will take place after school from 3:35-4:35pm, on Tuesdays (Primary {terms1-4} and Wednesdays (Secondary {terms 1-4}).

The easiest way to avoid detention is to obey school rules and to treat other people with courtesy and respect.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is not permitted on school grounds. Students caught chewing gum will be issued with an after-school detention.

Enrolment Policy

Please note, if a parent withdraws a child to attend another school without the Principal’s approval, other siblings will lose their places at our College.

National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) Tests

NAPLAN is a mandaroty test for all Aus-tralian students in Years 3,5,7 and 9. Testing will take place in the same week for all year groups.

Testing will take place over three days:

 Tuesday 13 May—Language Conven-tions(Spelling, grammar and Punctua-tion) and Writing

 Wednesday 14 May—Reading

 Thursday 15 May—Numeracy

This program will test student performance in writing, reading, language and numeracy. The results will provide diagnostic infor-mation to parents and schools about student

- A consent form for parents/guardians to sign

- A Question and Answer sheet

- Information on the privacy issues surround-ing collection of personal health details

Parent Reminder –Entry/Exit School Buildings

A reminder to all parents and guardians that student access during school hours is not per-mitted. For safety reasons, parents must not enter the school building to access children during teaching hours. Parents who wish to speak to staff may organise an interview time with staff, through the student diary or via the front office.

All school visitors must report to the front office (Auburn Road side) for any other en-quiries.

Escorting students to school or collecting them at the end of the day must be done through the side gate entrance. Parents and other visitors cannot come through the front building entrance (unless attending to the Office).

Parents of Kindergarten students are also asked to leave their children with Kindergar-ten staff and vacate the assembly/playground area as soon as possible.

Pram access to school playground is only possible via Auburn Road entry/exit.

Year 12 Achievers Presentation

This year’s HSC Achievers Presentation will be held on Tuesday 18 February 2014 at

10:00am (Upper hall). This presentation is to acknowledge and congratulate the year 12 students of 2013, for their achievements in the Higher School Certificate examinations. Al-Faisal College will provide light snacks and refreshments for all invited guests, par-ents and studpar-ents at the conclusion of the official ceremony.


2013 HSC Results

Congratulations to all our Year 12 students, teachers and par-ents on their efforts and achievempar-ents during the 2013 academ-ic year.

Al-Faisal College achieved a ranking of 96 and gained a place in the top 100 NSW schools participating in the HSC, out of Approximately 650 secondary schools.

The following students achieved Band 6 (90+) for a Board of Studies course, or in the case of extension courses, Band 4:

2013 HSC Distinguished Achievers List

Suzie Agha

90 Biology

91 Chemistry

92 Mathematics

Mohamed Naboulsi

91 General Mathematics

Ezma Hassan Ayubi

90 Biology

Ayat Naji


92 English Advanced

95 Legal Studies

Houda Boucetta


Tamim Rahman

92 Senior Science

Heba Dahroug

93 Arabic Continuers

Abdallah Anis Raja

90 Business Studies

90 Chemistry

91 English Advanced

94 Mathematics

Ibrahim Dannaoui

92 Mathematics

Mohammed Khaled


91 General


92 Senior Science

Rashaka Faiz

90 English Advanced

Asma’s Hassan

91 Arabic Continuers

Zahraa Falfaly

94 Mathematics

Khaled Yehia

91 Business Studies

90 Chemistry

92 Mathematics

91 Physics

Khouloud Kamalmaz

90 Business Studies

91 English Advanced

92 Arabic Continuers

Abdul Karim Zreika

94 Mathematics Ext. 1


95 Mathematics Ext. 2


2013 ATAR Results

The ATAR is used by Universities and other institutions (either on its own or in conjunction with other selection criteria) to rank applicants for selection into tertiary courses.

The following students achieved commendable ATAR ranks:

Al-Faisal College students also achieved 80 Band 5 awards, placing in the top 20% of the State, in the following courses:


Abdul Karim Zreika


Khaled Yehia


Abdallah Anis Raja


Khouloud Kamalmaz


Ayat Naji


Suzie Agha


Band 5 Awards (top 20% in the

State 80





Business Studies






English (Stand)


English (Adv)


Food Tech.




Legal Studies


General Maths






Senior Science


Visual Arts


Arabic Continuers






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