Adami CRM - Outlook Replication
User Documentation
The new feature of Adami CRM application makes the information exchange with Microsoft Outlook on four levels possible: Contacts, Tasks, Appointments and Mails.
Configuration of <Outlook Replication> functionality (can be made
only by admin users):
- Enter the user’s PC name under the <Administration> (<Verwaltung>) panel <Users> (<Benutzer>) options group <Users> (<Benutzer>) menu option:
- It is not allowed to synchronize Outlook entries from a same Outlook profile being logged with different Adami Vista users. But it is possible to synchronize entries from different Outlook profiles using the same Adami Vista user.
1. Contacts synchronization:
The main level of the synchronization is the Contacts one. The main fields of the contacts from Adami CRM have a correspondent into Outlook so all the important information are transferred from Adami Vista into Outlook (Fig. 1, Fig. 5).
The Contacts synchronization process is based on controlled selection of the necessary contacts into Outlook, therefore this process is split in two steps: in the first one the user must select the desired contacts and the second one is the synchronization itself.
As example of what was described let’s take the contact called Elisabeth Abdel. The contact must be selected and then assigned for synchronization. This could be done from the <Outlook> menu <Assign Workplaces to Outlook Replication> (<Outlook Replikation Hinzufügen>)(Fig.2). A new browser for the confirmation of the selected contacts will open (Fig.3). After the confirmation, the first step of the Contacts synchronization is finished. A list with all the selected contacts could be viewed by accessing the <View Contact List> (<Ansicht Kontaktliste>) browser from the Outlook area (Fig.4)
The second step is the synchronization of the contacts: <Synchronize Contacts> (<Kontakte synchronisieren>) from the Outlook area. So, now all the information of the selected contacts from the first step will be transferred to the Outlook contacts section. Taking again the previous example, in Fig. 5 is shown how this information appears in Outlook.
After the synchronization of the contacts is finished every change which is made will be transferred at the next synchronization process. The Contacts are read-only in Outlook and therefore all the changes must be made in the Adami Vista CRM application and then after the next replication those will be transferred into Outlook as well. Taking again the previous example and changing the City from the Company address from “Wien” to “Wienn” and adding the Title “Prof.” (Fig. 6) it can be viewed that after the synchronization the changes don’t appear anymore (Fig. 7).
2. Appointments synchronization:
The synchronization of the Appointments will transfer the appointments from the last 365 days from one calendar to the other. If we generate one appointment to a specific person in Outlook (in our example we generate an appointment to Mrs. Elisabeth Abdel, Fig. 8), this one will appear in the calendar from Adami Vista after the Calendar synchronization is finished (<Synchronize Calendar> (<Kalender synchronisieren>) from Outlook area). The difference is that in Adami Vista there is generated a plan visit and this one can be changed by right clicking on the appointment and choosing the <Open Visit> option (Fig. 9) and then selecting the <Visit Report> Tab(Fig.10).
Fig. 8
The appointments will be also synchronized with Adami CRM even though some of them have no relation to a contact (Fig. 11, Fig. 12). A visit couldn’t be created from these kinds of appointments.
Fig. 12
3. Tasks synchronization:
Every visit from Adami CRM from the last 365 days will generate a task into Outlook and every task from Outlook from the last 365 days will generate a visit as well, if the logical rules of Adami CRM are followed. To have a correct visit, without any message log after the synchronization, all the mandatory fields from Vista must be filled also in Outlook. Taking again the previous example and
creating a plan visit into Adami CRM for Mrs. Abdel (Fig. 10), after the tasks synchronization <Synchronize Tasks> (<Aufgaben synchronisieren>) from the Outlook area, the plan task appears in Outlook (Fig. 13). Let’s assume that the visit has been done and the task is completed (Fig. 14). After the synchronization succeeded, in Adami CRM can be seen that the visit has been closed (Fig. 15).
Every task must have an assigned contact but the application from the PDA (Agenda Fusion) doesn’t make a clear link between the tasks and the contacts (Fig. 16), so in Outlook the tasks will not have any assigned contact. Similar with the appointments, the information regarding the contact is shown only in the subject of the task. Therefore, the subject should never be changed. Otherwise, the Task cannot be synchronized. After the second tasks synchronization, the contact is identified in Adami CRM and it will be transferred also to Outlook (Fig.17).
The issues of the synchronizations will be shown in the Log Browser which automatically appears if there are some problems during the synchronization. As example we create in Outlook a new visit which doesn’t have an assigned
contact (Fig.18). After the synchronization, the Log Browser will pop up on the screen showing that there is one error message (Fig. 19).
4. Mails synchronization:
The Mails synchronization can be done from the Outlook area <Synchronize Mails> (<Mails synchronisieren>). This functionality will transfer Mails from Outlook to Vista and the transfer will be done only for the following Outlook folders: Inbox, Sent Items and Outbox. Only the mails which are not older than 45 days will be transferred in Vista.
After the synchronization process, the Mails browser will appear displaying the synchronized mails. By double-clicking a record from this browser, an edit mask will open displaying all the details of the mail (Fig. 21).
Fig. 20
The contacts section displays the related Vista contacts to this mail, if they were synchronized before with Outlook (Using the “Synchronize Contacts” functionality): sender and receivers. Also, the synchronized mails of a contact can be viewed from the <Territory Workplaces> (<Ansprechpartner>) browser <View Mails> (<Ansicht Mails>) menu option.
General information Outlook area
There are two different ways of synchronization, all together – first option from the Outlook area – all contacts, appointments, tasks and mails are
synchronized or individually – by clicking only the necessary option of the four, from the Outlook area – Contacts, Appointments, Tasks or Mails.
There are also possibilities to view the synchronized information regarding the contacts, tasks and Mails by choosing one of the View options: View Contact List - Ansicht Kontaktliste - (Fig. 4), View Task List – Ansicht Aufgabenliste - (Fig. 21), View Mail List – Ansicht Mail Liste.
The last option is containing a list with the replication log messages occurred during all synchronizations.
Mandatory fields
To have an error free synchronization the following fields must be filled: a. Contacts
Vista Field Outlook Field
Last Name LastName First Name FirstName Account Name CompanyName City BusinessAddressCity
Zip Code BusinessAddressPostalCode Country BusinessAddressCountry b. Visits
Vista Field Outlook Field
Visit Type Categories Visit Status Status Visit Date StartDate Workplace ContactNames
c. Mails
Received Date Received
Sent Date Sent
Sender Address From To Address To CC Address CC
Subject Subject
Message Message
Is Read Read / Unread
! The field “Work2 tel:” should be never filled on the PDA side or Outlook as it is used to make the link between the existing company and a new contact.