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Value of acid metabolic products in identification of certain corynebacteria


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Copyright© 1978 AmericanSociety for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Value of Acid Metabolic Products


Identification of




Department ofMicrobiologyandPublicHealth,MichiganStateUniversity,EastLansing, Michigan48824

Received for publication 18 November1977

Acid metabolic products of 23 strainsofhuman and animalpathogenic

cory-nebacteria, representing eightdifferentspecies,weredeterminedbygas

chroma-tography. The results showed that the species examined were metabolically

heterogeneousand couldbepresumptivelyidentified basedonthe acidproducts

produced. Corynebacterium equididnotproduceanyacids; C. renaleproduced

lactate; andC.pyogenesproduced majoramountsoflactate,variable amountsof

acetate, and minor amounts ofsuccinate and pyruvate. C. kutscheri produced

propionate and lactateasmajor products and pyruvateand oxalacetateasminor products. C.diphtheriaeandC.pseudotuberculosis producedmajoramountsof

propionate, acetate, and formate. Inaddition, C.pseudotuberculosis produced

majoramountsofpyruvate andminoramountsofsuccinate, lactate,and

oxalac-etate, whereas C. diphtheriae strains produced minor butvariable amounts of

lactate, succinate, fumarate, pyruvate, and oxalacetate. C. bovis producedacid

products similartothose of C.pyogenesbutwasreadily distinguishablefromthe latter by the lack of hemolysis on blood agar, colony morphology, catalase

reaction, and biochemicals. C.suischaracteristicallyproducedmajoramountsof

ethanol, acetate,and formate and minor amounts of lactate and succinate butno propionate.

It has been well established that metabolic

products represent a firm basis upon which to

differentiate certain bacterial species,

particu-larly anaerobes (28, 38, 39, 43). The metabolic

productsareknowntobe similaramong strains

within eachspecies, are reproducible from cul-ture toculture within astrain, and arerapidly

determinedbygaschromatography (28,39).

Previous studiesshowed thathuman

patho-gen Corynebacteriumacnesandrelated

anaer-obiccoryneforms produce majoramountsof

pro-pionic and acetic acids from carbohydrate

fer-mentation (16, 40, 41). Hence, these organisms

wereexcluded fromthegenusCorynebacterium (48) and were reclassified as propionibacteria

(41). In contrast, the metabolic products

pro-duced by C. suis (52), an animal pathogenic

anaerobic coryneform, are not known, and its relatedness toPropionibacterium acnes and

re-lated anaerobic


is not clear. Also, there have been no systematic studies in the past on the acid metabolic products produced byaerobic tofacultativelyanaerobic human and animal pathogenic corynebacteria. Fujita and

Kodama (18), by qualitative analysis,

demon-strated thatwashedcellsuspensions of C.

diph-t Journal article no. 8341 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.

theriae produce formate, acetate, lactate, and succinate andnodetectablepropionicacid.

Tas-manand Branwijk (55), onthe otherhand,

re-ported that the Tomosik strain of C. diphtheriae producedmajor amounts ofpropionate,acetate,

andformate; ethanol,whenproduced,wasonly

a minor product. In contrast, the Bandoeng

strain of C.diphtheriae producedlargeamounts






amounts of propionate, and traces of ethanol (55). There has been little or no further infor-mation in the last 40 years on the metabolic

products produced by C.


In this

paper, we report the acid metabolic products

produced bystrains ofC.



pseu-dotuberculosis, C.


C.renale,C. bovis,

C.pyogenes,C.equi,andC. suis and theirvalue

in a rapid presumptive identification of the



Bacteria. Reference strains (48) of C. renale (ATCC 19412), C. pseudotuberculosis (ATCC 19410,

NCTC 3450), C. kutscheri (ATCC 15677), C. equi

(ATCC 6939, NCTC 1621),andC. bovis (ATCC7715,

NCTC3224, NIRD 61), aswellasnonreferencestrains 10146, 7699, and 7698and C.equi, wereall obtained

from the American Type Culture Collection,

Rock-ville, Md. Strains SS7-74, BT331-76, BT343-76 and


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BT400-76 of C. pyogenes, BT435-76 of C. bovis,

CE565-73 of C. renale, MM120-71 of C. equi were obtained from G. R. Carter of this department. C.

pyogenes strain 5 and C. diphtheriaestrains1, 2, and

3werefrom theculture collection of our department.

A strain ofC. suis was obtained from M. A. Soltys,

Ontario VeterinaryCollege, Guelph, Ontario. We

ex-perienced considerable difficulty in obtaining larger numbers of authentic cultures of some species, and in such cases the use of only one or two strains was unavoidable.

Culture maintenance. All organisms, except C. suis, were maintained on stock culture agar (Difco)

slants. C. suiswasmaintained on prereduced

anaero-bically sterilized peptone-yeast extract-maltose

(PRAS-PYM) medium as described by Holdeman and

Moore(28),using anaerobic techniques also described

bythese investigators; the carbon dioxide gas phase

was used in all cases. All media were sterilized by

autoclavingat115°C for15min.Slants of sterile stock

culture agar or PRAS-PYM slants were inoculated

with a loopful of lyophile material ofagiven strain

suspended in 0.5 ml of brain heart infusion (BHI;

BBL) broth, incubated at 37°C for 24 to 48 h, and

stored at 4°C. Subcultures were made once every 3

weekstoslants of maintenance medium.

Thepurity of each culture was checked routinely at

eachtransferby examination of Gram-stained smears,

examination ofwet mounts under a phase-contrast

microscope, andstreakingon ablood agarplate (BHI

agar plus5% sheep blood forall cultures, except C.

suis, and PRAS-supplemented BHI-blood agar (28)

for C.suis) for examination of characteristic colonial

features(9, 30, 48, 52).

Preparationofinocula. In thecaseofaerobicto

facultatively anaerobic cultures, inocula for

biochem-ical test mediawere prepared by transferring fresh

stock cultures withasterileloop to 3 ml of sterile BHI

broth contained in foam-plugged tubes (12 by75mm)

andincubated at37°C for 24 to 48 h. A drop of this

culturewastransferredto atube of fresh BHI broth

and incubatedasabove. Aftertwofurthertransfers,a

drop or loopful of these cultures was used as the

inoculum for variousliquidandsolid biochemicaltest


C. suis inoculumwasprepared bythreeserial

trans-fersof theculture in PRAS-PYMbroth, and the third

transfer culturewasused forinoculating various


Biochemicaltestingand gaschromatographic

analyses.Procedures describedpreviously(28)were

used for the biochemical testing of C. suis. For all


(6) were used. For sugar fermentation tests, sterile

Trypticase soy broth (BBL) wassupplementedwith

enough 10%(wt/vol) filter-sterilizedsolution ofagiven

sugarto give afinal concentration of 1% in the


For gaschromatographic analysesof acidmetabolic

products, all aerobic to facultatively anaerobic

cul-tures, except C.pyogenes, were growninBHI broth

supplementedwith 0.3% (wt/vol) dextrose. The

me-diumforC. pyogenesadditionally contained0.0002%

(wt/vol) hemin. Themedia weredispensed in 10-ml

amountsin foam-plugged tubes (18 by 150 mm). C.

suiswasgrown in10ml of PYM broth medium (28)

contained in rubber-stoppered tubes (18 by 150mm).

All tubes were incubated at 37°C for 72 h, by which

timeallthe strains attained maximum growth. Inall

cases,growthwasestimated by measuring the

absorb-anceat 600 nmwithaBausch &LombSpectronic20


Acidificationof thecultures, extraction of the

vol-atile and nonvolvol-atile products, and gas

chromato-graphic procedures were asdescribed by Holdeman

and Moore (28). The kinds and amounts of acids

produced weredeterminedbycomparingtheir

reten-tion times and peak heightsto retention times and

peak heights of a standard concentration of known

acids under thesameexperimental conditions. Strains

withinagivenspeciesgenerally produced similar

met-abolicproducts, unless mentioned otherwise. Results

on gas chromatographic analyses and biochemical

testings representanaverageofatleast two

determi-nations with each strain.


The volatile and nonvolatile acid metabolic

products of the corynebacterial species studied

and their key biochemical characteristics are

presented in Table 1. The results showing the

ability of different corynebacterial species to

grow anaerobically on BHI-blood agar in

GasPak anaerobicjars (BBL),using GasPak

dis-posable CO2 + H2 envelopes (BBL), are also

presented in Table 1. The results showed that

theCorynebacteriumspecies examinedare

met-abolically heterogeneous andthat each species

produces distinctiveacidmetabolicproducts.

C. equi, animportant causeofpneumoniain

foals (see references 7 and 10), was first

de-scribedby Magnusson (37) and waslater shown

to cause anumber of infectionsinseveral other

species ofdomestic animals (7, 29, 37) and in

humans (20, 27). This is theonly

corynebacte-riumpathogenic for animals that did not

pro-duce acidfrom anyof the



(Table1; 23, 31, 48),althoughit grew very well

inthese tubes. Itfailedtogrowanaerobicallyon

BHI-blood agar

plates (Table

1), but gave



onthesamemedium under

aero-bic conditions.


none of the six

strains of C.


used in this



detectable acid end



were different from the others



Pre-viousstudiesalso showed thatC.


isdifferent from C.


and related animal

patho-gens (48)inmycolic acids,inproducingasalmon

pink pigment, in biochemical


and in

producing large mucoid colonieson blood agar

(7, 9, 11, 22, 23, 32,48). Severalnumerical

taxo-nomic studies also


established that C.



different from


members ofthe genus

Corynebacterium (15, 26, 31,



related to





VOL. 7,1978

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+++++ + +

++ + + +

+ +++ +


+ I++ +

a. I




+ + + + + +

+ +1 +

+I+ +++ +

c_c:SU _ X

r u _ X> ur








- I.,


_. _



should be placed in the "rhodochrous" group

(31).Goodfellowand Alderson recently proposed

r thatC. equibelongsin thenewly createdgenus

Rhodococcus (21).

C.pyogenes (48) is reported to be the most

frequently isolated bacterium from pyogenic conditions in domestic animals(7, 44) and is also knowntocauseserious infections inhumans(1, 8, 17, 35, 36, 56). Our results (Table 1) showed

that C. pyogenes is different from the other species, except C. bovis, in producing major

amounts oflactate, minoramounts of acetate,

and trace amounts of succinate and pyruvate;

onlyoneof the fivestrainsexamined produced major amounts ofacetate. Reddy and Cornell (Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1977, 151, p. 163) recently studied 19 strains of C.

pyogenes, including the5used in thisstudy,and

showed that all the strains produce major

amounts offormate, acetate,and succinate and

variable amounts of lactate in media supple-> mented with bicarbonate. In contrast, major

. amountsof lactateand minor amountsofacetate

were produced when bicarbonate was deleted

- C from their medium. Reddy and Cornell also

showed that this organism grows well either aerobicallyorunderstrict anaerobic conditions

intheir medium.


= z C.pyogeneswas theonly speciesincluded in

* thisstudythatwas catalase negative, liquefied gelatin,andproducedacidcoagulationand

pep-tonization inlitmus milk (Table 1;9, 30,47-49).

,< v <: 1ll ,It also produces characteristic pinpoint, whitish,




ofhemolysisisatleast twice the diameter of the

.-c colony. Previous studies also showed that C.

I^ MI pyogenes wasdistinct from C. diphtheriaeand _^ =; ;related animal pathogens in cell' wall

composi-'-c tion andserologyand innotcontainingmycolic

X+ > acids(13, 14, 22). Furthermore, several


X^ cal taxonomic studies showed that C.pyogenes

i strainsare quite homogeneous as agroup (46),

x but are distinctly different from other human -;,X9: and animal pathogenic corynebacteria (26, 31).

< Inconfirmation ofourprevious results (45),we

3 ' + s showed thathemin is highly stimulatoryfor the

+1 ^ .,growth ofthis organism but not for the other




proposed previously




iD ofdissimilarities between C.pyogenes and the

:ZE other





to exclude

, thisorganismfrom thegenusCorynebacterium.

:sX, C. pyogenes appears to be very similar to -i actinomyces in beinggrampositive, nonsporing,

XE non-acid-fast, facultatively anaerobic, and

non-. <nmotile; in morphology, in being negative for =indole and urease, in being catalase negative : (Actinomyces viscosus isanexception); in con-taining a b-type cytochrome; in having the



E b

0. <




-s z

2 =


on February 7, 2020 by guest




sugarsrhamnoseandglucose, but not arabinose,

and thediamino acid lysine in its cell walls; in

producing acetic, formic, lactic, and succinic

acids, but

notpropionic acid, fromcarbohydrate

fermentation;and inserological relationships (7,

9,41, 47-50, 54). Slack and Gerencser (50) have

also noted the close relationship between C.

pyogenes andActinomyces species.

At the present time, there is general, if not

universal, agreement that among the animal

pathogenic corynebacteria, only C. renale, C. bovis, C. kutscheri, and C. pseudotuberculosis,

whichareclosely relatedtothe type species C.

diphtheriae, should remain in the genus

Cory-nebacterium and that C. equi and C. pyogenes,

whicharequite differentfrom the other species

(as discussed


should be excluded from

the genus (2, 21, 23, 31, 48). Several numerical

taxonomic studies have shown that C. diphthe-riae and the four animal pathogenic species

mentioned above are very similar and form a

close cluster(15,26,31,53).Cumminsand Harris

(14) andCummins (13) showed that C.

diphthe-riae, C. pseudotuberculosis, C. renale, C.

kutscheri, and C. bovisaresimilar in containing

arabinose andgalactoseasthe majorsugar

com-ponents,meso-diaminopimelicacid asthe major

diaminoacid,and a commonpolysaccharide

an-tigenin theircell walls. C. pseudotuberculosis,

C. renale, and C. kutscheriwerealso similarto



in containing

dihydromenaqui-nones having eight isoprene units, whereas C.

bovis was an exception in containing

dihydro-menaquinone with nine isoprene units (11).

Thesefive specieswerealso showntobesimilar

intheirmycolic acidcontent(22, 32). In view of


it was interesting to observe their metabolic


productsproduced (Table 1).

C. bovis (48) is


regardedas a

com-mensal on cow's udder but may occasionally

causeclinical mastitis (10). Althoughthis

orga-nism was

readily distinguishable

from C. py-ogenes onthe basisof biochemical


colony morphology,

and in




produc-ingmajoramountsof lactate andminoramounts

of acetate,


and pyruvate

(Table 1);

strain BT 435-76wasdifferent fromATCC7715


producing major

amountsof acetic acid. This

relativelyminorstrain variation isnotsurprising



and Skerman (30)

previ-ously demonstrated variation in biochemical

characteristicsamong strains of C. bovis.

C. renale causes




pyelo-nephritis in


but other animals are also



Thisis the

only corynebacterium

pathogenic to animals that produced alkaline

coagulation and peptonization in litmus milk

(Table1; 7, 9, 12,48),Ourresults alsoshow that

it is distinct fromothers inproducing lactic acid

as thesole major product (Table 1); one of the

twostrains tested(ATCC 19412) producedtrace

amounts of acetate, propionate, pyruvate, and succinate.

C. kutscheri (syn., C. murium; 48), first

de-scribed by Kutscher in 1894 (33), was known to cause pulmonary infections, sometimes in epi-demicproportions, in mice (5) and rats (19). It

appeared distinct from the other organisms in

producing major amounts of propionate and

lac-tate andminor amountsofpyruvate and

oxal-acetateand innotproducingacetate orformate

(Table 1). It is moreclosely relatedto C.

diph-theriae and C. pseudotuberculosis thanto

oth-ers,butiseasily distinguishable from thesetwo

species in fermenting sucrose and hydrolyzing

esculin (Table 1). It is further distinguishable

from C.pseudotuberculosisin being

nonhemo-lytic and from C. diphtheriae in producing

urease(Table 1).



(syn., C. ovis; 48)is an

important animal pathogen and is knowntobe

the causative agentof ulcerativelymphangitisin horses and caseous lymphadenitis in sheep (4, 7). Italsocausesinfectionsin otheranimalsand

inhumans (3, 4, 7, 25,36). As discussedabove,

it isclosely relatedtoC.




composition and


in being lysogenized

by C. diphtheriae phages and synthesizing

diphtherialtoxin, incontaining similar mycolic

acids and menaquinones, and on the basis of

numerical taxonomic studies (2, 15, 22, 23, 31,

48, 53). However,the present results (Table 1)

show that it is


different from C.


py-ruvate and considerable amounts of succinate

(0.8 meq/100

ml). Although

both C.

pseudotu-berculosis and C.




amountsofformic, acetic, andpropionic acids,

theformerspecies producedonly about half the

amounts of acetic and


acids asthose

produced by C.




pseudotuberculosis is


from the

latterby itsabilitytoproduce betahemolysison

blood agarand




1; 9,


Itshould alsobe noted that C.




fromall the other

animalpathogenic corynebacteriastudiedonthe

basisof acid end


(Table 1).

C. diphtheriae, the well-known causative

agent of humandiphtheria (2, 48),


causes infections inanimals




strainsexaminedweresimilar in


ma-jor amounts of volatile



for-VOL. 7,1978

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mate,andpropionate, but showed considerable heterogeneity in the nonvolatile acids produced. Strain 1produced minoramountsoflactate and succinate andtracesofoxalacetate; strain2 pro-duced minor amounts of succinate only; and strain 3 produced major amounts offumarate,

pyruvate, and oxalacetate but no succinate or

lactate(Table1). Our resultsaresimilartothose of Fujita and Kodama (18) and Tasman and Branwijk (55) in showing differences among strains of C. diphtheriae in acid products. It should also be noted that C.diphtheriae and C. pseudotuberculosis are similar to propionibac-teria (41) inproducing majoramountsofacetate

and propionate and minor amounts of lactate and succinate. However,propionibacteria appar-ently either donotproduce formateorproduce only minoramountsofthis acid(41), whereas C. diphtheriae and C.pseudotuberculosisproduce majoramountsof formate (Table 1).

C.suis, a catalase-negative, nonsporing, obli-gately anaerobiccoryneform,wasoriginally iso-lated by Soltys and Spratling (52) fromcasesof cystitis andpyelonephritis in pigs. Several other casesofurinary infections by C. suis have since been reported (34, 42, 51). It is quite different from theothercorynebacterial species examined inproducing majoramountsofacetate,formate, and ethanol and trace amounts oflactate and succinate. Unlike other anaerobiccoryneforms, nowreclassified aspropionibacteria (41), it did

not produce majoramounts or propionic acid. Theseresults andseveral other lines ofevidence (J.Wegienk and C. A. Reddy, unpublished data) indicate that C. suis does not belong either in thegenusCorynebacterium (48) orinthegenus Propionibacterium (41).


Weacknowledge C.P.Cornellfor hisable technical

assist-ance,JonWegienekfordetermining the metabolic products ofC.suis,and G. R. CarterandM. A.Soltysforsupplying cultures.


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Cleve-land Clin.Q. 37:207-214. VOL. 7,1978

on February 7, 2020 by guest



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