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August 24 Morning Prayer Bartholomew


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August 24

Morning Prayer


Call to Worship


Cantor Come, let us worship the Lord, All the king of Apostles.

(bow) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

(upright) as it was in the beginning,

is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w



By All Your Saints Still Striving

& # 44 œ

3.2. 1. By


œ œ œ œ

all forlet your

yourus saints praiseblest

still thea -

ú œ œ

striv - pos -Fa - ing,

thertle for andsur -

œ œ

all wor - namedyour

shipBar -

& # œ œ

saints Godthol -

at theo -



mew;Son Your andwe

œ œ œ œ

ho - knowsing ly

notto name, Godhis

O thea -

ú œ œ

Je - Spir - chieve- sus,

mentsit, for butE -

& # œ œ œ œ

ev - ter - know er -

thatnal more Threehe

be wasin



One,true, You Tillfor

œ œ œ œ

rose, allhe our

theat King

ran -the vic - somedAs -

& # ú œ œ

to - num -cen -

rious, sionber that


œ œ œ œ

they standan

might be -a -

wear forepos -

the thetle

.ú œ

crown throne,still.

And MayA -

œ œ

ev - scribewe

er dis -all

& # œ œ

shine pow‘rcern

in yourand

ú œ œ

splen - glo - pres - dor

encery re - andand

œ œ œ œ

ßect - praiseseek,

ed liketo from

Godhim, your youra -

throne. lone.will.

Text: Horatio Bolton Nelson, 1823-1913; alt. by Jerry D. Godwin, b. 1944, © 1985, Church Pension Fund. All rights reserved. Music: MERLE’S TUNE, 76 76 D; Hal H. Hopson, b. 1933, © 1983, Hope Publishing Co. All rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission under OneLicense.net, #A-712825.



(be seated) Psalm 63

¡Oh Dios, tú eres mi Dios, por ti madrugo:

mi garganta está sedienta de ti, mi carne desfallece por ti

como tierra seca, reseca sin agua! Que así te contemple en el santuario viendo tu poder y tu gloria.

Your love is better than life, my speech is full of praise. I give you a lifetime of worship, my hands raised in your name. I feast at a rich table,

my lips sing of your glory.

Si en mi lecho me acuerdo de ti, en mis vigilias medito en ti, porque tú has sido mi ayuda, y a la sombra de tus alas salto de gozo.

Mi vida está unida a ti y tu mano me sostiene. Let those who want me dead end up deep in the grave! They will die by the sword, their bodies food for jackals. But let the king find joy in God. All who swear the truth be praised, every lying mouth be shut.

Antiphon My commandment is this:

love one another as I have loved you. Cantor/All

God, my God, you I crave; my soul thirsts for you, my body aches for you like a dry and weary land. Let me gaze on you in your temple: a vision of strength and glory.

Porque tu amor vale más que la vida, te alabarán mis labios. Que así te bendiga mientras viva, alzando las manos en tu Nombre. Me saciaré como de enjundia y de manteca, y mi boca te alabará con labios jubilosos.

On my bed I lie awake, your memory fills the night. You have been my help, I rejoice beneath your wings. Yes, I cling to you, your right hand holds me fast.

Pero los que intentan quitarme la vida vayan a lo profundo de la tierra; sean pasados a filo de espa- da, sirvan de pasto a los chacales. Pero el rey se alegrará en Dios, el que jura por él se felicitará, cuando tapen la boca a los mentirosos.

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


Daniel 3:56–88

Antiphon There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.

& b 43 Ó œ


œ œ œ

God, you

œ œ œ

heav - ens and

ú œ

all the

ú œ

earth. For

& b œ œ œ

ev - er give glo - ry and

œb œ œ


1. Bless God, all works of creation! Praise and extol the Lord’s name! Bless God, all angels and heavens, waters in heaven’s deep frame!

Bless God, O stars of night. Bless God, pale moon. Bless God, fair shower and sunlight at noon. Bless the Lord, chill of the winter.

Bless God, hot wind and bright ßame! R/. 2. Bless the Lord, new rain in springtime. Bless the Lord, hoarfrost and cold.

Ice and snow, bless God for ever! Bless God as seasons unfold. R/. Day by day, sunlight and darkness of night,

bless God, deep storm clouds and ßashes of light.

Bless God, O earth, ceasing never. Bless God for ages untold. R/. 3. Mountains and hills, rise to bless God.

Bless God, all plants and all trees.

Bless the Lord, all springs, seas and rivers, creatures of fountain and sea. R/.

Bless the Lord, Þsh and all birds of the air. Bless the Lord, tame beast and beast in the lair.

Bless the Lord, children, for ever! Bless God in jubilant prayer! R/. 4. Bless God, all just, faithful servants.

Priests of the Lord, bless God’s name.

Spirits and souls who love justice, holy ones, sing and proclaim. R/. Humble of heart, bless the Lord with your song,

for unto God all your praises belong.

Bless God, the Lord of all heavens! Bless God, for ever the same! R/.

Text: Bernard Mischke, osc, © 1968, Crosier Fathers and Brothers. All rights reserved. Music: Eugene Lindusky, © 1968, Crosier Fathers and Brothers. All rights reserved.


Psalm 149 Please stand for this canticle of praise.

Antiphon You are my friends, if you do what I command you. 2 Choirs

Sing a new song, you faithful, praise God in the assembly. Israel, rejoice in your maker, Zion, in your king.

Dance in the Lord’s name, sounding harp and tambourine. The Lord delights

in saving a helpless people. Revel in God’s glory,

join in clan by clan.

Shout praise from your throat, sword flashing in hand

to discipline nations and punish the wicked, to shackle their kings and chain their leaders, and execute God’s sentence. You faithful, this is your glory! Alleluia!


& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


All (bow) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

(upright) as it was in the beginning,

is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalmody Doxology



(be seated)

Cantor You have made them rulers over all the earth.

All They will always remember your name, O Lord. Over all the earth.

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


Canticle of Zechariah


Antiphon On the foundation stones of the heavenly Jerusalem, the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb are written; the Lamb of God is the light of that holy city.


Our Father

Concluding Prayer

& b 44 œ œ œ œ œ

3.2. 1.

Child,Mer - Blessed

youcy are you,

cameshall toO pre -

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Lordour pare

Al -an - a

might - ces - path -

tors,y! way,

œ œ œ

Un -ho - proph -

toly et

& b œ œ

cov -Is - of

ra - oure -

œ œ ú

nantel God

youwas most

came, made; high;

œ œ œ œ œ

brought bringoath

re -to us

demp - word,A -

tionbra -


& b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

hamto Lord

youryou for -

peo - hon - gives

ored:ple, you,

œ œ œ œ œ


“Loved now

usof is

God,in your

yourbe sal -

œ œ ú

notho - va -

lya - tion

name. fraid!” nigh!”

& b œ œ œ œ

House Freed

You, fromof

O thoseDa - God,

whovid, will

œ œ œ œ œ

cho - comeseek

sento to

ser - harmsave

vant, us,us

œ œ œ œ

seeswe in

maythe the

proph - serve shades

youe - of

& b œ œ œ ú

with -cy death

ful - andout

Þlled: fear, night:

œ œ œ œ œ

allall from

whoour our

dayshate sins

usin you

œ œ œ

willho - lib -

notly er -

& b œ œ œ œ

tri - jus - ate

umph, tice,


œ œ œ œ œ

wein lead

yourare our

res - love, steps

cuedtill to

œ œ ú

youas peace

youap - and

willed. pear. light.

Text: Bernard Mischke, osc, alt., © 1965, Crosier Fathers and Brothers. All rights reserved. Music: HOLY MANNA, 87 87 D; William Moore’s The Columbian Harmony, 1825.


August 24

Evening Prayer


Call to Worship


Cantor Come, let us worship the Lord, All the king of Apostles.

(bow) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

(upright) as it was in the beginning,

is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.

& á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w



The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King

& ## 44 œ

3.2. 1.

TheirTh’e -To

œ œ œ œ

you,faithter - Re -in nal

deem - Christ,gifts


œ œ œ œ

Lord,now Christ

pre -we the

vailed;King,cry theirthatth’a -

& ## .œ œ œ

hope,youpos - woulda

tles’ lightjoinglo -


œ œ# œ œ

themnev - let

oner us

failed,sing,high yourtheirand

œ œ œ œ

ser - loveall

vants,a - with

blazewho hearts


& ## œ œ œ œ

gracepath - glad -

waysnessim - plore,trod

raise forto due

œ œ œ œ

leadev - hymns

themerof andto thank -

for - th’e -ful

œ œ œ œ

ter -ev - love and

naler - praise.


Text:Aeterna Christi munera, attr. to St. Ambrose of Milan, 340-387; tr. by John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, Hymnal Noted, 1852, alt. Music: REX GLORIOSE MARTYRUM, LM; Katholische Geistliche Gesänge, Andernach, 1608.



(be seated)

Psalm 116:10–19

Tengo fe, aun cuando dije:

¡Qué desgraciado soy!; aunque dije espantado:

Los humanos son mentirosos. What gift can ever repay God’s gift to me?

I raise the cup of freedom as I call on God’s name! I fulfill my vows to you, Lord, standing before your assembly. Costosa es a los ojos del Señor la muerte de sus amigos.

¡Por favor, Señor, que soy tu siervo, siervo tuyo, hijo de tu esclava, rompe mis cadenas!

I bring a gift of thanks, as I call on your name.

I fulfill my vows to you, Lord, standing before your assembly, in the courts of your house, within the heart of Jerusalem.

Antiphon You are the ones who have stood by me.

Ustedes son los que han permanecido conmigo. Cantor/All

I believe, even as I say, “I am af- flicted.” I believe, even though I scream, “Everyone lies!”

¿Cómo pagaré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? Alzaré la copa de la salvación invocando el Nombre del Señor. Cumpliré al Señor mis votos en presencia de todo el pueblo.

Lord, you hate to see your faithful ones die. I beg you, Lord, hear me: it is I, the servant you love, I, the child of your servant. You freed me from death’s grip.

Te ofreceré un sacrificio de alabanza, invocando el Nombre del Señor. Cumpliré al Señor mis votos en presencia de todo el pueblo en los atrios de la casa del Señor, en medio de ti, Jerusalén.

& # á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


Psalm 126

Antiphon I have lived among you as one who ministers to others.

& # 22 ú ú

2.1. Lord, When wethe

œ œ ú

prayLord brings you,

ú œ œ

hearus ourto

ú ú

weep-Zi -ingon

ú ú

we,as weit

ú ú

seems, sow ourare

& # ú ú

seedsin ina




ú œ œ

GrantThen thatour

ú ú

mouth we mayis

ú œ œ


reap withre -

ú ú

laugh - joic -ing,ter

& # ú œ œ

andÞll ourour

ú ú

tongue barns withfor

ú œ œ

praise man -su -y




ú œ œ

LordIt ouris


ú ú

God, keepa -

& # ú œ œ

mongus butthe

ú ú

faith -na -tions,ful,

ú ú

“Godtrust -holdsing

ú ú

youyou throughin

ú ú

highall oures -


teem.” fears.

Text: Bernard Mischke, osc, © 2007, Crosier Fathers and Brothers. All rights reserved.

Music: TANTUM ERGO, 87 87 87; Eugene Lindusky, © 1960, Crosier Fathers and Brothers. All rights reserved.


Ephesians 1:3–10 Please stand for this canticle of praise.

Bless God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed us from heaven through Christ with every blessing of the spirit.

Before laying the world’s foundation, God chose us in Christ

to live a pure and holy life. God determined out of love to adopt us through Jesus Christ for the praise and glory of that grace granted us in the Beloved.

By Christ’s blood we were redeemed, our sins forgiven

through extravagant love.

With perfect wisdom and insight God freely displayed the mystery of what was always intended: a plan for the fullness of time

to unite the entire universe through Christ.

Antiphon I no longer call you servants, but my friends, for I have shared with you everything I have heard from my Father.

2 Choirs

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


All (bow) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

(upright) as it was in the beginning,

is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalmody Doxology



(be seated)

Cantor Tell all the nations how glorious God is.

All Make known God’s wonders to every people. How glorious God is.

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w

& b á œ œ w


á œ œ w á œ œ w á œ œ w


Canticle of Mary


Antiphon When all things are made new, and the Son of Man is enthroned in majesty, you will sit in judgment over the twelve tribes of Israel.


& # 43 jœ œ œ

5.4. 3.2. 1. To

FromYour YouYou

you,this mer - raisedcast

dayO thecy your

.œ jœ œ œ

God,all might -goes

ser - shallmy

toy vant

soulcall fromall Is -

gives whome their

ra -

.œ jœ œ œ

praise, blest,

fear, thrones

el, ForIn FromAnd

Re - you,you raiseage mem-

havemy upto b’ring

& # .œ jœ œ œ œ

1.2. 3.4. 5.

Sav - doneage those your

greatior andof

e - thingsI

lowto ter -

forre - allde - nal

.œ jœ œ œ œ

grace,gree; parts.me. joice.

YouAs YourOf


fromfeed armall low -

theofof greatli -

.œ Jœ œ œ œ

hun -old strengthnames ness

yougry yoursyouto

didas allis did

fore - youris

there -

& # jœ œ œ

5.4. 3.2. 1.

own;tell near;best, gard,

TheTo YouFor Ex -

richA - scat - youalt -

bra -de - haveingter

.œ jœ œ œ œ

hampart those changedme

andin whomy by

pov -all havedes - your

hiser - proudti -


race.ty. hearts.ny. choice.

Text: J. T. Mueller, 1885-1967, alt. Music: O WALY WALY, LM


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