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Saint Paul Parish Hamilton/Wenham, MA


Academic year: 2021

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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 30, 2019

Elijah and Elisha

Saint Paul Parish


Eucharistic Adoration

Every Saturday from 12:00 Noon until 3:00 pm

in the main church.



Usually the second Sunday of the month at 11:30 am. An instruction for parents and sponsors is held usually the

First Friday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. Contact the Rectory to make arrangements.


Saturday from 3:45 – 4:15 pm in the

Penance Room with special times during Advent and Lent.


Contact the Rectory to receive information. A preparation period of at least six months must be allowed.

Couples are required to attend a Matrimony Preparation Program during this time.

Pastoral Visitation:

The Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick

can be brought to our parishioners confined to their homes. Also, a friendship visit can be made to parishioners.

Kindly contact the Rectory.

Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life:

If you feel called to consider a vocation to the priesthood or

religious life, please speak to the pastor. You are invited to see the Archdiocesan website: www.bostoncatholic.org. We are all asked to support and pray for vocations.

Wills and Bequests:

They have been very helpful to

Saint Paul’s Parish over the years and we hope they will continue to assist the parish in its good works now and in the future. Kindly speak to the pastor and/or Parish Office so that we may answer any question and provide guidance if you desire. Your consideration of a bequest upon death to the parish is very much


50 Union Street

Hamilton, MA 01982


Website: www.churchofsaintpaul.net

Email: stpaulsparish@verizon.net

Fax: 978-468-6538


Reverend Michael Lawlor

Welcome to all new parishioners!

Please introduce yourself after Mass or at the Office.

Music Director

Joseph Cipoletta


Parish Secretary

Lucy Cronan


(978) 468-3617


Grades 1 - 5

Kristen Monahan klmonahan1019@gmail.com



Debra Brown

Grades 6-8

Scott Smith

Grades 9-10

Religious Education Office

is located in the Parish Hall.

There is an elevator for handicapped access to the church located in the rear of the building.

Saturday 4:30 pm

Sunday 8:00 am & 10:15 am

Weekdays 9:00 am, except Thursdays

Mass Schedule

Parish Offices


A Two Way Conversation

Dear Friends,

Mary Ann Glendon, former United States Ambassador to the Vatican and law professor at Harvard University, cautions that our assimilation into society has weakened our spiritual identity. She argues that we have allowed ourselves to be evangelized by the culture. She is further on target when she says that the work of each of us, and the Church, is to evangelize the world. At a time of moral relativism it is good to point out that our moral choices do constitute what we become. Allow us to return to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) which addressed this tension between culture and Church as a framework for our discourse and exchange with one another.

In the Council’s epic work, The Constitution of the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spres), one of the salient themes is the following: the Church does not look upon the world (culture) which is out there as of no value to its being. Conversely, the saving mission of Jesus Christ is something the world cannot ignore. Did not Christ teach us that we had to be leaven for truth and goodness if we are to enter the kingdom? Here the Council was saying that the Church must do the same in her conversation with the world. It is our duty to share with the world that God created and redeemed us. The mission of the Church is to be the steward of God’s saving grace. It is a message of personal redemption and responsibility linked to a divine destiny beyond this life. It is a beautiful message, and in challenging times it is a message that needs to be echoed. AS the Church opened its window to the world so, too, should the world open its window to the Church. Then only can a true conversation take place. The Church speaks of us, who are made in the image of God. As we press forward, together with all people of good will, we understand God has united Himself to each of us. Thus, we hope to share in the paschal mystery and pass from death to life (Gaudium et Spes.#22). There is a common denominator of a transcendent dimension to each human life which makes this dialogue between Church and world paramount.

The Church says to the world that the human person was made for God in His image and likeness and has an immortal value. Often, the world talks back and says your opinion is only as good as our opinion; your bishops’ teachings are only as good as our different levels of professional opinions. This is why clarity must be given to the situation. Our bishops are not just a group among groups, or our Church an organization amidst many other organizations each of which can decide what is right and what is wrong. We cannot forget there is an objective truth, a divine law, and a natural law. The Church is the sign of Jesus Christ, and the Church teaches and guides us in matters of faith and morals. The bishops are the successors to the apostles, and in unity with the pope lead us to understand the truth and to live a virtuous and moral life. There are important and timely moral issues such as abortion, euthanasia, same sex unions, and embryonic stem cell research which need clarity and articulation so that we do not lose our moral grounding.

When Pope St. John Paul II gave us The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) in 1991, it was with the clear vision that we all have a divine destiny. The encyclical has a simple, but a profound, message as we navigate the moral challenges of the day. Human life is a divine gift from God. This life, which is a gift, has an eternal future. Every person is sacred and we must value that sacredness within ourselves as well as the unborn, disabled, and the sick and elderly of every social standing. No one of us should be, and can be, reduced to useless objects instead of persons striving to become closer to God. It is then that we find our true humanity through our Christian faith which is liberating. To see the human person as object is to deny true freedom to the individual. This only cheapens life as true freedom is snuffed out and the violence of tyranny enslaves all of us. The concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dachau are only too fresh in our memories, and profoundly sad reminders of what happens when human life is made cheap and God is forgotten.

The great gift of the Council was to give the Church and the world the teaching that the human person can reach Christ. This is possible because Jesus Christ first came to us to restore our human dignity and to make possible eternal salvation. The Church must always remain true to her identity. She must be the leaven of truth and articulate the following message to the world:

1. All life is a gift from God.

2. Each person has a transcendent dimension.

3. The human person needs to hear the story of redemption and responsibility.

It could be a great conversation between the Church and the world. The conversation begins by our witness to the faith.

Father Michael Lawlor





Saturday, June 29 4:30: Anthony Ciampa Sunday, June 30 8:00: Eileen Larkin 10:15: Parishioners of St. Paul Monday, July 1

St. Junipero Serra, Priest 9:00: John & Mary Pietrantonio

Tuesday, July 2


9:00: Joseph & Margaret Finnegan

Wednesday, July 3

Saint Thomas, Apostle 9:00: Kathleen Keefe

Friday, July 5

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

9:00: June & Anthony Passaretti & John Driscoll

Saturday, July 6

4:30: Parishioners of St. Paul

Sunday, July 7

8:00: William & Elsie Bailey 10:15: Leo & Mary Hanlon

2019 GR A N D A N N U A L

Thank you to our parishioners who have

responded to the needs of our parish with their Grand Annual gifts. We need approximately 10%

more, so your gift would be most appreciated.

● Your support will assist your parish in the ways Fr. Lawlor has described in his letter to parishioners, including planning for two known priorities which require attention at this time: 1) a new rectory roof and 2) new rectory windows.

 Please consider a one-time gift or a pledge over three convenient payments, including the option to electronically fund your payment through WeShare. Kindly contact Lucy Cronan in the Parish Office at 978-468-2337.

 If you need the Grand Annual Pack and envelope, you may find them at all doors of the church. All Grand Annual payments can be left in the collection basket or mailed to the rectory.

Together let us make this year’s Grand Annual a great success for our Parish needs.

Thank you!!!

New Roof on Rectory


Www.MassTimes.org is a website that offers information to those looking for a weekend Mass while traveling throughout the United States. By en-tering the zip code of the city/town you will be visiting, the names and ad-dresses of churches as well as Mass times will be provided. You may also call 1-800-MASSTIMES or 1-800-627-7846.



We are happy to announce upon

receiving nominations to serve on our

Parish Pastoral Council followed by two

weeks of prayer the following nominees

were selected by lot on June 16.

Patricia Donahue

Stephen Dowd

Alana Mitchell

Steve Rainville

Paul Roberts

We look forward to their service and

thank them for the care and support they

have given to the parish.

Role of the Parish Pastoral Council:

Assist the pastor in his leadership role of

planning and reviewing evangelization,

worship, religious education and service

activities within the parish.

Missionary Co-Op


July 13th and July 14th

Each parish is assigned a

missionary speaker during the

course of the year to speak to

parishioners about their service to the Universal Church

either here in the States or abroad. We hope you will be

generous in your response to the Missionary Co-op


Please welcome Father Tony Lalli, a Xaverian Missionary

priest who served in Brazil for 15 years, and will speak at

Masses the weekend of July 13 and 14. He will speak about

the pastoral services and efforts of the Xaverian Missionaries

in 21 countries around the world to raise awareness about the

need to spread the Good News to the more than one billion

people in the world who have yet to hear it proclaimed.




30, 2019

In the spirit of love and joy we welcome the

following new babies to our Parish


Kai Michael Colancecco

Ellla Catena Tissera

Jace Douglas Gilbert

Who were brought to the Lord through the

Sacrament of Baptism. May the grace of the

C a l l i n g a l l c h i l dr en wh o w i l l b e e n t er i ng G r a d e 1 Re l i g i o us E du c at i o n in S e pt e m b e r.

GRADE 1 REGISTRATION...If you have a child who will be entering Grade 1 in September, please let us know. In addition, if you have friends in your community or your neighborhood with soon-to -be 1st graders, please have them contact the

parish office at: 978-468-2337 or send an email to: stpaulsparish@verizon.net for information.

Our Grade 2 First Penance/First Communion Program is a two-year program. We will need your child’s baptism certificate at time of registration before being placed in Grade 1 or Grade 2 classes.

Online Giving with WeShare

If you’ve never given online, now

is a great time to start! Giving

online helps you manage your

budget, give more intentionally,

and avoid the need to remember

to bring cash to Mass. It helps

your parish by giving a dependable donation income weekly

or monthly.

I n addition, we offer the convenience of

paying Religious Education fees online with WeShare.

It’s easy to sign up today:



Reminder to Parents...While at St. Paul,

children should never go to the restroom

alone. We are happy that you feel so safe

here, but please remember that we are in a

building that is wide open and has multiple

entrances. For the safety of our children, please do not

allow them to wander unsupervised and please do not ever

allow them to go the restroom unaccompanied by a parent.

It is Registration time.

Registration: PREP, (Gr. 1-5),

EDGE (Gr. 6-8) &

SPYM (Gr. 9&10)

Registration Forms have been emailed to all current PREP, EDGE, and SPYM families.If you did not receive your registration, please be sure to contact the director of your child’s program:

Your timely response and payment will greatly help

us in our planning for September. As we did last

year, we are offering the option of paying enrollment fees online through the WeShare


Grades 1-5: Kristen Monahan klmonhan1019@gmail.com Grades 6-8: Debra Brown spymnotes@gmail.com Grades 9 & 10: Scott Smith spymnotes@gmail.com

W e a r e i n n e e d o f C a t e c h i s t s t o t e a c h o u r c h i l d r e n . P a r t o f w h a t m a k e s t h e S t . P a u l R e l i g i o u s E d u c a t i o n P r o g r a m s o w o n d e r f u l i s t h e f a m i l i e s t h a t g i v e o f t h e i r t i m e a n d t a l e n t s t o h e l p d r a w o u r c h i l d r e n c l o s e r t o G o d a n d J e s u s . C a t e c h i s t s w o r k a s a t e a m w i t h t h e i r c l a s s e s a n d t h e R e l i g i o u s E d u c a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t p r o v i d e s l e s s o n p l a n s , e n r i c h m e n t a c t i v i t i e s a n d s u p p o r t . W e w o u l d l o v e f o r y o u t o c o n s i d e r h e l p i n g u s t h i s y e a r . A v e r y s p e c i a l t h a n k y o u t o t h o s e f a m i l i e s w h o h a v e a l r e a d y s a i d “ y e s ” t o t h i s c a l l . W e w o u l d n o t b e a b l e t o d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u .

Please give some thought to joining our choir!

The choir is off during the summer months,

however, we invite all parishioners to

prayerfully consider joining the choir after

the summer recess. No experience necessary. If you have any

questions, please speak with Joseph at the organ following Mass.




30, 2019

Saint Paul’s Centennial 2021-2022

We are in search of stories about St. Paul’s through

the years. As you can see in this photo, there was a

time when English ivy grew over the exterior of the

rectory and church, as well.

In the coming weeks, we’ll share photos of the rectory

and church grounds through the years.

Keep an eye on this space!

R E Q U E S T F O R P R A Y E R S . . . A t o u r

parishioners’ request or with permission,

we list those who are sick or in the hospital

and wish to be remembered in our prayers:

Nicole Bagley, Sofia Hurtado, James Fanning, Gloria Noe,

Jennifer Arapoff, Michelle Broderick, Grace Ferreira,

Paul Ferriera, Ben Hutchinson, Samuel Laforme, Mary

Moran, Cecile Nickola, Karla Pippins, Sharon Short,

Adriana Swanson, Jennifer Todd, Kathleen Tuscano,

Nancy Walsh, Tanner Watson, Ben Whitt and for all our

parishioners who are sick, for our homebound

parishioners and those confined to nursing facilities and

hospital, as well as, the sick and the suffering known only

to God.

Mass Ministries:

Weekend of July 7


:30 Mass

EMC: E. Donahue

Lector: B. Collins

Altar Server:

8:00 Mass

EMC: B. DiPalma, M. Groesbeck

Lector: A. Smyth

Altar Server:

10:15 Mass:


: J. Brao, J. Smail

Lector: J. Whelan

Altar Server:



Please consider joining us for any period of time between noon and 3:00 pm for Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. We have a wonderful core of parishioners who participate weekly but we need more of you to help us as we pray for:

 Vocation to Priesthood and Consecrated Life  For all the married couples of our parish

 For the Intentions of all our parishioners, even as we

remember those who have been away from their Father’s house that they may soon return.

There are so many graces to be received and peace to those who visit with the Lord. He’s there for you.

Looking Ahead...


The Archdiocese of Boston requires that all clergy,

lay ministers, staff, teachers and any volunteer 18

years of age or over, who have direct contact with

children and young adults attend a Virtus training

session. We only need to do this once.

Virtus Training Sessions

Tues., September 12 & Thurs., October 3

at 7:00 pm in the church hall.

If you are a volunteer in our parish and have not yet

attended a Virtus training, please plan to attend one of

the dates above. If you anticipate teaching or chaperoning

for Religious Ed field trips/


be sure you attend

one of these workshops.


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