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Myocardial Uptake and Pharmacodynamics of Procainamide in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Sustained Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias1


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VoL 266, No.2 Printed in U.SA.


ABBREVIATIONS: VERP, ventricular effective refractory period; VFRP, ventricular functional refractory period; VT, ventricular tachycardia; MPU,

myocardial procainamide uptake; MPC, myocardial procainamide content; F, coronary sinus flow; CT, ventricular conduction time.


Copyright C 1993 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics



and Pharmacodynamics

of Procainamide



with Coronary



and Sustained




DWision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre and the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Accepted for publication April 30, 1993

Little information is available currently regarding the time course

of myocardial accumulation and the onset of the

electrophysio-logic effects of antiarrhythmic drugs in humans. The myocardial

uptake and pharmacodynamics of the antiarrhythmic drug,

pro-cainamide, were studied during i.v. infusion in nine patients with

ventricular tachycardia undergoing electrophysiologic study.

Myocardial procainamide uptake was determined by serial

meas-urements of arterial-coronary sinus drug concentration

differ-ences and measurement of coronary sinus blood flow during a

50-mm procainamide infusion. The myocardial uptake of

procain-amide was 1 0 ± 4% (mean ± S.D.) of the total dose at 50 mm.

Coronary sinus procainamide concentrations equilibrated with

arterial concentrations within 30 mm of the start of the infusion.

However, peripheral venous procainamide concentrations did

not reach equilibrium with the arterial compartment during the

50-mm drug infusion. Changes in the QRS duration, ventricular

conduction time, QTc and ventricular refractory periods

corre-lated in a linear fashion with changes in the plasma procainamide

concentrations. The slopes of the arterial and coronary sinus

concentration-effect relationships were similar and significantly

greater than the slopes of the peripheral venous

concentration-effect relationships (P < .05). Thus, procainamide equilibrates

rapidly, but not instantaneously, in the myocardium. Short-term

electrophysiologic effects correlate best with the arterial and

coronary sinus drug concentrations. During this period, venous

procainamide concentrations do not accurately reflect the

myo-cardial concentration, effects or the eventual steady-state


It is generally assumed that drugs administered intravenously

equilibrate rapidly with the central compartment. Because the

heart is a highly perfused organ, it is often considered to be

part of the central compartment (Kates, 1984). However,

stud-ies correlating the electrophysiologic effects of drugs such as

procainamide, verapamil, bretylium or amiodarone with their

plasma concentrations have identified a dysequilibrium

be-tween the plasma and myocardial levels under nonsteady-state

conditions (Galeazzi et aL, 1976; Anderson et at., 1980; Reiter

et aL, 1982; Connolly et at., 1984). These observations suggest

that the myocardium can behave as a peripheral compartment.

In animal studies, a delay in the onset of the electrophysiologic

effects of bretylium and amiodarone has been correlated with

a delay in the accumulation of these two drugs in the

myocar-dium (Anderson et at., 1980; Connolly et at., 1984). Factors that

may determine the distribution of a drug into the heart include

the ionization and lipophilicity of a drug and regional blood

Received for publication December 14, 1992.

ISupported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta.

2Clinical Investigator, (A.M.G.) Medical Scientist (H.J.D.) and Scholars

(L.B.M., D.G.W.) of the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.

flow (Kates, 1984; Horowitz and Powell, 1986). The time course

of myocardial accumulation of antiarrhythmic drugs is of

po-tential clinical importance because it may be a determinant of

acute drug efficacy.

Delays in myocardial accumulation of antiarrhythmic drugs

might explain the discordant effects of oral and i.v.

administra-tion of antiarrhythmic drugs (Jackman et at., 1982; Echt et aL,

1983; Duff et aL, 1985; Interian et aL, 1991). Of course,

accu-mulation of metabolites will also contribute to this discordance

(Kates et at., 1984). Presently, little is known about the time

course of myocardial accumulation and the onset of

electro-physiologic effects of antiarrhythmic drugs in humans

(Horow-itz and Powell, 1986; Horowitz et at., 1986). Accordingly, the

present study was designed to assess the time course of

myo-cardial accumulation and the onset of electrophysiologic effects during i.v. procainamide infusions.


Study population. Nine patients undergoing a base-line electro-physiologic study to investigate ventricular tachyarrhythmias partici-pated in this study. There were eight men and one woman with a mean

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1002 Gillis et al. Vol. 266

age of 65 ± 8 (± S.D.) years All patients had documented coronary

artery disease and a prior myocardial infarction. The indications for

the electrophysiologic study were sustained VT in eight patients and

syncope with spontaneous nonsustained VT documented at another time in one patient. The mean VT cycle length was 343 ± 56 msec.

The mean left ventricular ejection fraction measured by the gated

radionuclide technique was 0.26 ± 0.11.

Electrophysiologic study. The patients underwent electrophysi-ologic evaluation in the postabsorptive state after informed written consent was obtained for their participation in this study, as approved by the local institutional review board. The electrophysiologic study protocol has been described previously (Gillis et aL, 1991). All

antiar-rhythmic drugs, including beta adrenoceptor blocking agents, were discontinued for at least five drug half-lives before the study. Two electrode catheters were positioned in the right ventricle: one at the right ventricular apex and one at the right ventricular outflow tract. One electrode catheter was inserted through an 8-French sheath into the left subclavian or right internal jugular vein and the second elec-trode catheter was inserted through a 7-French sheath positioned in the right femoral vein. A short 4-French sheath was inserted in the right femoral artery for blood pressure monitoring.

Stimuli 2 msec in duration with an intensity twice the diastolic threshold were applied to the right ventricular apex. Single, double and triple ventricular extrastimuli were administered after eight beat trains of ventricular pacing at cycle lengths of 600, 500 and 400 msec.

Thereafter, 6 and 12 beat trains of rapid ventricular pacing were

applied, beginning at a cycle length of 300 msec. The cycle length was

decreased by 10-msec intervals until 2:1 ventricular capture was

ob-served. If VT was not reproducibly induced, the stimulation protocol was repeated from the right ventricular outflow tract. The endpoint of the ventricular stimulation was completion of the protocol or induction of sustained VT. Reproducibility in the drug-free state was demon-strated by the induction of VT at least twice in all patients.

Study protocol. After base-line VT induction, the electrode

cath-eter inserted through the internal jugular or subclavian vein was

removed. An 8-French bipolar thermodilution coronary sinus flow

catheter (Webster Laboratories, Baldwin Park, CA) was introduced

and positioned in the coronary sinus with its tip approximately 4 cm

from the os. Correct placement of the coronary sinus catheter was confirmed by the characteristic electrograms and by injection of 3 to 5 ml of radiographic contrast medium. A stable coronary sinus catheter position was confirmed throughout the study. The second electrode catheter remained positioned at the right ventricular apex to determine ventricular refractory periods.

Standard definitions were used to determine electrocardiographic

intervals obtained at a paper speed of 100 mm/sec. RR, QRS and QT

intervals were measured by one investigator. Intraobserver variability

was less than 4%. The mean offive intervals measured at each sampling time was calculated. The rate corrected QT interval (QTc) was

calcu-lated from the formula QTc = QTJ1, with RR in seconds.

Ventric-ular effective and functional refractory periods were determined at a

pacing cycle length of 500 msec. The extrastimulus was progressively shortened by 10 msec until ventricular capture was lost. It was then increased again by 10 msec and progressively shortened by 2-msec intervals until ventricular capture was lost. The VERP was the longest interstimulus coupling interval that did not capture the ventricle (Jo-sephson, 1993). The VFRP was the minimal interval between ventric-ular electrograms measured during ventricular extrastimulation. Ven-tricular conduction time was measured during sinus rhythm as the interval between the right ventricular apex and coronary sinus electro-grams.

After base-line measurements were completed, procainamide was administered i.v. through the subclavian vein. Procainamide was ad-ministered in a loading dose of 10 mg/kg administered at a rate of 20 mg/mm. This was followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.075 mg kg’min’ (Wyse et aL, 1987). The mean weight of the patients was 76 ± 9 kg and the mean duration of the loading infusion was 38 ± 4 mm. The mean dose of procainamide administered was 763 ± 184 mg.

Blood samples for the measurement of procainamide were drawn simultaneously from the femoral artery and vein and the coronary sinus. Samples were drawn at base line and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20 mm and every 5 to 10 mm thereafter until 50 mm had elapsed during the procainamide infusion. However, the drug infusion

was continued until the VT induction protocol was completed. The

surface electrocardiograms, intracardiac electrograms, intra-arterial

pressure traces and ventricular refractory periods were also determined

at each sampling time.

Coronary sinus blood flow was measured by thermodilution using

5% dextrose at room temperature administered by means of a constant

volume infusion pump at a rate of 38 ml/min (Horowitz et at., 1986;

Ganz et al., 1971). These measurements were made in triplicate at base

line and after 20 and 40 mm of drug administration.

Drug assays. Procainamide concentrations were measured by

high-performance liquid chromatography (Annesley et at., 1986). The thresh-old sensitivities for detection of procainamide and the metabolite

N-acetyl procainamide were 10 ng/ml or 0.03 tM. The intra-amay

coef-ficient of variation for repeated measurements of procainamide at 1700 ng/ml was 6.7% (n = 24). The interassay coefficient of variation was


Myocardial drug uptake. The transcoronary drug concentration

(AC) was calculated as the difference between the femoral arterial and

coronary sinus procainamide concentrations (Horowitz et at., 1986; Gillis et aL, 1991). The rate of MPU was calculated over the perfusion period from the formula:

MPU = C . F

where MPU is measured in micromoles per minute.

The MPC was calculated for the region sampled by the coronary

sinus catheter from the cumulative MPU data:

MPC = MPC1 + MPU1 -f MPU2

where MPC is measured in micromoles and MPC1 is MPC at the end

of the previous sampling period, MPU1 and MPU2 are the instants-neous MPUs at the beginning and end of the current sampling periods and t is the duration of the current sampling period (Horowitz et a!.,


MPC was normalized to account for patient differences in coronary sinus flow by calculating the ratio MPC/F in micromoles per milliliter

per minute. The percent of drug extracted from the amount of drug

delivered to the myocardium was also calculated.

The myocardium was considered to be a separate compartment in

this study (Galeazzi et a!., 1976; Kates, 1984). The coronary sinus concentration-time data were fit to a one-compartment pharmacoki-netic model:

C = Co(1 - e

where C is the measured coronary sinus concentration, Co is the

estimated steady-state coronary sinus concentration and k,,,,,, is the rate constant of myocardial uptake. Because a loading and maintenance infusion protocol was used, the concentration-time data were fit only using data acquired during the initial loading phase. The T#{189}of the

accumulation of drug in the myocardium was calculated from the rate


Pharmacodynamic calculations. Drug concentration-effect

rela-tionships were determined by plotting electrophysiologic effect (e.g., QRS duration, QTc and ventricular refractory periods) versus femoral arterial and venous and coronary sinus drug concentrations. The data were fit using linear regression analysis. This is an appropriate

phar-macodynamic model because the concentration range evaluated was

small (<2 log units) and well below the concentration at which one

would observe 50% ofthe maximal effect (Holford and Schemer, 1981).

Statistical analysis. The data are presented as mean ± S.D.

Comparisons within groups were made using analysis of variance with

the Newman-Keuls test for multiple comparisons. Statistical signifi-cance was defined as a two-tailed P value less than .05.

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VENOUS , . , .


. I -r . 0 10 20 30 40 50 1993 Procainamide Pharmacodynamice



Coronary sinus blood flow Coronary sinus

catheteriza-tion was successful in all nine patients. Coronary sinus blood

flow could not be measured in one patient because of technical

problems. There was variability of coronary sinus blood flow

between patients (range, 34-205 mi/mm) but coronary sinus

flow did not change significantly over time within patients.

The mean coronary blood flow was 114 ± 48 ml/min, 102 ± 57

mi/mm and 105 ± 48 ml/min at 0, 20 and 40 mm, respectively

(P = N.S.).

MPU. Procainamide was detectable in the arterial, coronary

sinus and femoral venous blood by the initial 2-mm sample.

The time course of arterial, coronary sinus and femoral venous

plasma concentrations of procainamide is shown in figure 1.

The product of the coronary sinus flow and the area between

the arterial and coronary sinus procainamide

concentration-time curves represents the amount of procainamide taken up

by the myocardial bed sampled by the coronary sinus flow

catheter (Horowitz and Powell, 1986; Horowitz et at., 1986;

Hayward et at., 1983; Gillis and Keashly, 1991). Procainamide

plasma concentrations were slightly lower in the coronary sinus

samples than in the arterial samples at each sampling time for

the first 30 mm of the infusion (P < .05). In contrast, femoral

venous procainamide concentrations remained significantly

lower than the arterial and coronary sinus concentrations for

the full 50 mm of procainamide infusion (P < .01). The time

to reach peak arterial procainamide concentration was shorter

than the time to reach the peak procainamide venous

concen-tration (table 1, P < .05). The time to reach peak coronary

sinus procainamide concentration was intermediate.

The calculated MPC is shown in figure 2. The MPC reached

a plateau after 30 mm of procainamide infusion. The average

dose of procainamide delivered to the sampled myocardial bed

was 160 ± 76 mol. The average MPC was 13.8 ± 5.9 mol or

10 ± 4% ofthe dose. The regional MPU normalized for coronary

sinus flow was 0.16 ± 0.09 zmol ml’min’. The half-life of

equilibration of procainamide in the coronary sinus plasma was

12 ± 6 mm.

Electrophysiologic effects. The time course of changes in

the QRS duration and ventricular conduction time during

60 -w 40 -< z (_) 20 -0 0 0-TIME (mm)

Fig. 1. Time course of plasma procainamide concentrations. Data are

mean ± 1 S.D. for arterial (0), coronary sinus (CS) and venous (0)



Time to maximum procainamide concentration and

electrophysiologic effects 1wneto Peak ,n Drug concentrations Arterial 30 ± 8 Coronary sinus 34 ± 9 Femoral venous 36 ± 6* Electrophysiologic effects QRS 29 ± 16** VFRP 28±18 VERP 25±16** CT 26±13** QTc 34±8

* P< .01 compared with arterl& concentration. ** P< .05 compared with venous concentration.


LU 0 0.3 _____________ I--- T I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 TIME (mm)

Fig. 2. Time course of MPU. The MPC calculated from the differences in

arterial and coronary sinus procainamide concentrations is shown in the upper panel. The calculated MPU isexpressed relative to coronary sinus flow in the lower panel. The mean data for eight patients are shown.

procainamide infusion are shown in figure 3. Significant

in-creases in the QRS duration and ventricular conduction time

were observed during the first 20 mm of procainamide infusion

(P < .01) and these parameters did not change significantly

thereafter (P = N.S., by analysis of variance). The time course

of changes in VERP, VFRP and QTc during procainamide

infusion are shown in figure 4. VERP, VFRP and QTc increased

during the procainamide infusion (P < .01) and approached

steady state within 20 mm. The times to reach maximum

electrophysiologic effects were similar to the time to reach the

maximal arterial procainamide concentrations but were earlier

than the time to reach the maximal venous procainamide

concentrations (table 1).

Concentration-effect relationships. Linear

concentra-tion-effect relationships were observed when the

electrophysi-ologic effects were plotted versus the procainamide arterial,

coronary sinus and femoral venous plasma concentrations. The

means of the slopes of these concentration-effect relationships

are shown in table 2. The slopes describing changes in QRS

duration, ventricular conduction time, VERP, VFRP and QTc

in relation to the plasma procainamide levels of the arterial

and coronary sinus blood were similar in each instance. In

contrast, the slopes of the femoral venous concentration-effect

relationships for these electrophysiologic parameters were

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40 -20 0-15 -10 5-U 0 U, E U) 0 U 0 a, E I-C) 0-T 1 0 10 20 30 40 50



Correlation coefficient oflinear regression. p .< .05 vs. arterial and coronary sinus data. *_ P< .01vs. arterial and coronary sinus data.

130 -i 0 0 0 A 100 -0 VENOUS A CS 0 ARTERIAL

1004 Gillis et al. Vol. 266

TIME (mm)

Fig. 3. Time course of change in GAS duration and CT during the

procainamide infusion in nine patients. The data are the mean ± 1 S.D.


50 U


60 0 10 20 30 40 50 TIME (mm)

Fig. 4. Time course of change in VERP, VFRP and QTc during

procain-amide infusion in nine patients. The data are the mean ± 1 S.D.

steeper (P < .05). Examples of these procainamide

concentra-tion-effect relationships are shown in figure 5.

VT induction. During the base-line drug-free

electrophysi-ologic study, sustained VT was induced in eight patients and

nonsustained VT (15 sec) was induced in one patient. The

mean VT cycle length in these patients was 343 ± 55 macc.

After a 50-mm procainamide infusion, sustained VT remained

inducible in six patients. No ventricular arrhythmia was

in-duced in three patients. The mean VT cycle length after

pro-TABLE 2

Concentration-effect relationships Thedataaremean±1 S.D.

Merl Coronary Sinus Femor Venous QRS Slope (msec/,M) 0.49 ± 0.48 0.49 ± 0.47 0.86 ± 0.76* A. 0.82 ± 0.12 0.84 ± 0.15 0.78 ± 0.16 CT Slope (msec/zM) 0.14 ± 0.06 0.14 ± 0.06 0.26 ± 0.15* R 0.64 ± 0.25 0.68 ± 0.22 0.66 ± 0.23 VERP Slope (msec/,M) 0.59 ± 0.33 0.64 ± 0.38 1 .31 ± 1.06* A 0.79 ± 0.09 0.82 ± 0.09 0.74 ± 0.12 VFRP Slope (msec/M) 0.57 ± 0.24 0.62 ± 0.24 1 .1 5± 0.51* A 0.72 ± 0.12 0.81 ± 0.07 0.72 ± 0.13 QTc Slope (msec/,M) 0.93 ± 0.40 1.00 ± 0.35 2.09 ± 0.70** A 0.75 ± 0.11 0.81 ± 0.07 0.83 ± 0.07 .; 120 -0 E C,, 0 110 -0 10 20 30 40 50



Fig. 5. Examples of procainamide concentration-effect relationships for

ORS duration in one patient. The lines were fitted by linear regression

analysis (CS, coronary sinus). The slopes and correlation coefficient (A)

of the analysis were 0.79 msec/,M for A = 0.96; 0.40 msec/,M for A =

0.95; and 0.40 msec/M for A = 0.97 for the femoral venous, coronary

sinus and arterial concentration-effect relationships, respectively.

cainamide was 343 ± 99 macc (n = 6), before procainamide, it

was 349 ± 67 msec (P = N.S.). The cycle length of VT induced

during procainamide infusion did not correlate with

procaina-mide plasma concentrations. Although the myocardial content

ofprocainamide was lower in drug responders (10.4 ± 4.0 imol)

compared with patients who remained inducible (18.2 ± 3.8

imol, P < .05), the procainamide content normalized for

dif-ferences in coronary sinus flow was similar in responders (0.17

± 0.15 tmol mr’min’) and drug nonresponders (0.17 ± 0.05

imol ml’min’, P = N.S.). Differences in the procainamide

concentration-effect relationships for QRS duration,

ventricu-lar conduction time, VERP, VFRP or QTc between

procaina-mide responders and nonresponders were not observed.


In the present study, we have characterized the myocardial

accumulation and pharmacodynamics of the antiarrhythmic

drug procainamide in humans.

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Myocardial drug uptake. The procainamide concentration

in arterial blood equilibrated with that in the myocardium

within 30 mm of the start of the drug infusion. The myocardial

accumulation of procainamide (10 ± 4% of the dose) is more

extensive compared with that of lidocaine and mexiletine

ob-served by other investigators using the same technique

(Horow-itz et aL, 1986). However, Horowitz et aL studied the myocardial

accumulation of lidocaine and mexiletine after a rapid i.v. bolus

compared with the continuous i.v. infusion used in the present

study. The higher myocardial accumulation of procainamide

cannot be explained by higher lipophilicity because

procaina-mide is more hydrophilic than is lidocaine or mexiletine

(Court-ney, 1987). However, the myocardial accumulation of drugs is

inversely related to the extent of plasma protein binding (Gillis

and Kates, 1986). Because mexiletine and lidocaine, but not

procainamide, bind to plasma proteins (Bigger and Hoffman,

1990), this factor may account for the differences in the

myo-cardial accumulation of these drugs.

Although arterial procainamide concentration equilibrated

with that in the myocardium within 30 mm, a gradient persisted

between the arterial concentration and the femoral venous

concentration throughout the drug infusion period. This is

consistent with a continued distribution of procainamide in the

more peripheral compartments, including skeletal muscle.

Ho-rowitz et at. (1986) have observed a similar pattern for

mexile-tine and lidocaine. Chiou et aL (1981) have also observed higher

femoral arterial to venous concentration ratios for

procaina-mide and other antiarrhythmic drugs during acute i.v. infusion

in rabbits. This difference likely reflects a high uptake of this

drug in the leg muscle. It is possible that higher venous

concen-trations would have been measured if right atrial or pulmonary

arterial samples had been collected. However, in many clinical

and pharmacodynamic studies, peripheral venous samples have

been collected during acute drug infusions and the varying drug

concentrations can significantly influence data interpretation (Chiou, 1989a, 1989b).

The MPU, when normalized for differences in coronary sinus

flow, did not discriminate between drug responders and

non-responders. Thus, global procainamide uptake is not a critical

determinant of the antiarrhythmic response.

Pharmacodynamics of procainamide. The changes in

QRS duration, ventricular conduction time, VERP, VFRP and

QTc most closely paralleled the changes in the plasma arterial

procainamide concentrations. The times to reach maximal

dcc-trophysiologic effects were similar to the times to reach peak

arterial procainamide concentrations but significantly less than

those to reach peak venous procainamide concentrations. The

values for the coronary sinus were intermediate to those for

arterial and femoral venous blood.

All procainamide concentration-effect relationships were

un-ear. This is not surprising in view of the narrow concentration

range evaluated (Holford and Sheiner, 1981). The slopes of the

arterial and coronary sinus concentration-effect relationships

were similar. However, the slopes of the venous procainamide

concentration-effect relationships were greater than the other

two. Other investigators have also described linear plasma

venous concentration-effect relationships for procainamide

after loading and maintenance infusions similar to those used

in the present study (Morady et aL, 1988; Liem et a!., 1988).

However, several investigators have observed hysteresis, i.e.,

greater prolongation of the ventricular conduction time at a

similar plasma concentration after cessation of the

procaina-mide infusion (Scheinman et at., 1974; Galeazzi et at., 1976;

Liem et aL, 1988). Giardina and Bigger (1973) also observed such a hysteretic effect in some patients after rapid intermittent i.v. injection. We did not observe hysteresis during the

procain-amide infusion for any of the arterial, venous or coronary sinus

concentration-effect relationships. This may be explained by

the rate or the relatively short duration of the procainamide

infusion. In the latter case, sufficient time had not passed to

allow for the effects of N-acetyl procainamide to be observed.

In fact, significant accumulation of the metabolite, N-acetyl

procainamide, was not observed in the present study.

Further-more, a washout phase was not performed in the present study.

Potential limitations. Although coronary sinus

catheteri-zation is an important method for measuring the myocardial

accumulation of drugs in humans, the technique has some

limitations. The thermodilution technique may underestimate

the actual flow rates (Rossen et aL, 1992). The estimate of

myocardial drug accumulation is an assessment only of that

region being drained by the coronary sinus and the size of this

region will vary between patients as a function of vascular

anatomy, coronary lesions and the position of the coronary

sinus catheter. For example, a significant proportion of left

anterior descending artery flow is drained through routes other

than the coronary sinus (Nakazawa et a!., 1978). Furthermore,

the uptake of a drug may not be homogeneous in patients with

coronary artery disease and previous myocardial infarction

(Karagueuzian et aL, 1986). Moreover, abnormal blood flow to

the region being sampled by the coronary sinus catheter might

cause a delay in the uptake of drug in that region. For these

reasons, coronary sinus concentration-effect relationships may

not reflect global myocardial concentrations.

Clinical implications. During i.v. infusion of procainamide,

the drug accumulates rapidly but not instantaneously in the

myocardium, reaching equilibrium with the arterial

compart-ment only 20 to 30 minutes after the start of therapy. The

maximal electrophysiologic effects closely parallel the

myocar-dial accumulation time course of procainamide. Thus,

assess-ment of antiarrhythmic drug efficacy should be delayed for at

least 30 mm after the start of therapy.

Previous investigators have observed discordant effects of

antiarrhythmic drugs when comparing i.v. and oral

administra-tion. The drugs encainide and lorcainide prolong atrial and

ventricular refractory periods only after oral administration

and these effects have been attributed to accumulation of

electrophysiologically active metabolites (Jackman et aL, 1982;

Echt et at., 1983). Interian et at. (1991) recently reported

discordance of procainamide effects on the suppression of the

induction of VT in a study that compared i.v. administration

with the results of oral testing. In this series, sustained VT was

inducible during oral procainamide therapy in 65% of patients

in whom sustained VT could not be induced after i.v.

procain-amide infusion despite achieving similar plasma procainamide

levels in both studies. Duff et at. (1985) also found a similar

response when comparing i.v. and oral quinidine for the

suppression of VT. In the present study, venous procainamide

concentrations did not reach equilibrium with the arterial

compartment during more than 50 mm ofdrug infusion. During

this period, venous concentrations do not accurately reflect the

myocardial concentration, effects or the eventual steady-state

relationships. Indeed, under these conditions, venous plasma

concentrations will significantly underestimate the effective

drug concentration in drug responders. Thus, these important

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1006 GlIlis et al Vol. 266

arteriovenous concentration gradients during nonsteady-state

conditions may explain, in part, the apparent discordance in

antiarrhythmic efficacy that has been observed when others

compared similar concentrations of antiarrhythmic drugs

dur-ing acute i.v. and chronic oral administration (Duff et at., 1985;

Interian et aL, 1991).


The authors thank Leslie Masters and Marilyn Devlin for manuscript prepa-ration and the electrophysiology nursing staff of Foothills Hospital for their help with this study.



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Send reprint requests to: Anne M. Gillis, M.D., Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 4N1.

at ASPET Journals on September 15, 2016



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