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Neuropsychological Outcome of Pediatric Liver Transplantation


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of Pediatric




M. Stewart,









A. Wailer,




MD, PhD*t;



S. Andrews,


From the *universfty of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and Chlldren’s Medical Center of Dallas

ABSTRACT. Children with end-stage liver disease who undergo liver transplantation may have unrecognized

neuropsychological and academic deficits, for which re-mediation programs may be available. Intellectual,

aca-demic, and neuropsychological measures of 28 pediatric

patients who had received successful liver transplanta-tion at least 1 year previously were compared with those

of 18 patients with cystic fibrosis (to control for effects of growth retardation and chronic illness) matched for

age, age at diagnosis, physical growth, and parents’ socio-economic status. Liver transplant patients had signifi-cantly lower scores on nonverbal intelligence tests (mean

± SD for liver transplant vs cystic fibrosis patients: 89.1

± 19.1 vs 105.8 ± 17.6), lower academic achievement, and

lower zscores for age in the areas of learning and memory (-0.68 ± 1.09 vs 0.19 ± 1.24), abstraction and concept formation (-1.73 ± 1.58 vs -0.79 ± 1.37), visual-spatial function (-0.66 ± 1.09 vs 0.10 ± 0.69), and motor function (-0.13 ± 0.85 vs 0.36 ± 0.57). No differences were found

on tests of verbal intelligence, or in alertness and

concen-tration, perceptual-motor, and sensory-perceptual areas.

Cyclosporine levels were found to correlate positively

with motor speed (r = .41, P < .05). Thorough psycho-educational and neuropsychological evaluations should

be considered for pediatric patients who receive liver

transplantation to allow these children to maximize their potential. Pediatrics 1991;87:367-376; pediatric liver transplantation, neuropsychological function, intelligence

quotient, academic achievement.

Assessment of neuropsychological function in children with medical illnesses affecting the brain may provide insights into learning disabilities and

other problem areas of psychological function that

Received for publication Dec 15, 1989; accepted Mar 1, 1990. Reprint requests to (S.M.S.) Dept of Psychiatry, 5th Floor, Children’s Medical Center, 1935 Motor St, Dallas, TX 75235.

PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1991 by the

American Academy of Pediatrics.

are not apparent from standard general measures

of intelligence. The definition of cognitive problems

in specific neuropsychological terms may permit

more appropriate expectations of achievement from

the child, as well as the development of remediation programs specifically targeted for the child’s

diffi-culties. This is especially important as pediatricians focus on “quality of life” issues for children who are

now able to survive diseases that previously resulted in death.

With the advent of liver transplantation, life

expectancy for children with end-stage liver disease

has dramatically improved. While there have been

recent studies comparing the intellectual function of children with liver disease before and after trans-plantation,’4 there are no follow-up investigations

of neuropsychological status. Information on

neu-ropsychological function in this patient population

is important for at least three reasons. First, hepatic

encephalopathy is a frequent sequela of chronic

liver disease, and it may leave subtle deficits in

brain function that are more likely to be detected

by neuropsychological assessment. Second,

neuro-psychological deficits have been documented in

adults with liver disease even when encephalopathy

is not clinically evident.5” Finally, cyclosporine,

an essential antirejection treatment following

transplantation, has well-documented adverse

den-tral nervous system effects when levels are high.12

The impact of normal maintenance doses on

neu-ropsychological function in children has not yet

been examined.

Gross intellectual deficits have been found in children with end-stage liver disease before and

after transplantation,3’ “ but not all children with

liver disease show such deficits. Two important


chil-dren who display mental delays is that they are more likely to have had early onset of liver disease and significantly greater growth retardation.1’ 2

Fol-lowing transplantation, the relationship between

early onset of liver disease and delayed intellectual

function persists.’ The negative impact of early

onset of chronic illness and growth retardation on

mental function has been shown in other

popula-tions.’4 In studies evaluating mental function in

children with liver disease, chronic illness and

growth retardation are confounding factors, and the contribution of these variables to the deficits meas-ured has not been previously parceled out.

When neuropsychological test results of adults

with chronic liver disease are compared with those of control subjects, those with liver disease more often have deficits in visual-spatial and perceptual-motor skills, but their verbal test results and global measures of intellectual function are equivalent to

those of control subjects.” Previous studies have

used only global measures of intellectual function

when evaluating children with liver disease. A

ma-jor limitation of these measures is that patterns of

strengths and weaknesses are missed, and patients

who have subtle deficits of the kind found in adults with liver disease appear to be intact.

This study aims to examine intellectual,

ada-demic, and comprehensive neuropsychological

function in children following liver transplantation,

compared with a control group of chronically ill

children with an equivalent age of onset of disease

and degree of growth retardation. If the control

group shows deficits equivalent to those of children with a history of liver disease, then it is possible

that a substantial proportion of the deficits

re-ported in past studies of children with liver disease

may be secondary to chronic illness and growth

retardation. Conversely, if the control group does not show the same degree of intellectual delay, then the deficits are more likely to be specific to liver

disease. If children with a history of liver disease

show the same pattern of neuropsychological

dys-function as occurs in adults with liver disease, this

finding could have important implications. Deficits

in the areas of perceptual-motor and visual-spatial

function could make these children vulnerable to

the development of learning disabilities. Early de-tection of this vulnerability could result in early intervention with the possibility of remediation for future patients.



The experimental group consisted of 14 male and

14 female pediatric patients who had received liver

transplantation between 1 and 4 years prior to

participation in the study (mean ± SD = 26.2 ±

12.3 months, range = 12 through 48 months). The

liver transplant population spans a broad age

grouping. Although it would be methodologically ideal for all subjects to receive the same tests, the numbers of these patients available within a narrow age grouping are quite limited at any single

trans-plant center. Thus a methodological decision had

to be made that would minimize the heterogeneity

of tests while allowing a large enough group to be

included to achieve meaningful statistical analyses. Our lower age restriction was instated to allow the administration of more specific neuropsychological

measures than is possible at very young ages. The

upper age restriction corresponds to the age limit

of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test

Battery for Children. Patients were recruited into the study if they were at least 4 and no more than

14 years old at the time of participation (mean ±

SD = 7.6 ± 2.5 years, range = 4.6 to 13.4 years). While this group is still more heterogeneous in age (and therefore in test taken) than ideal, we made an effort to match this group closely to the control group in relation to age, so that proportionately equal numbers of children within the experimental and control groups would be taking the same tests.

All patients had received liver transplantation at

Children’s Medical Center of Dallas and were re-cruited into the study at the time of annual

reeval-uation following transplantation. Subjects were

considered for inclusion in the study if they had

received liver transplantation at least 12 months prior to the study. Exclusion criteria were factors independent of liver disease that could affect

cog-nitive function: gestational age of less than 34

weeks or birth weight of less than 2000 g; history of perinatal asphyxia; and coexisting diseases such

as cystic fibrosis, renal disease unrelated to hepatic

disease, significant heart disease, or endocrine

dis-ease. Four patients who had seizures during the

posttransplant period underwent magnetic

reso-nance imaging scans. Three of these patients had

evidence of structural neurological damage, ie, brain

infarcts evident on magnetic resonance imaging,

and were not included in our study. The rationale

for exclusion of these patients is that they were

likely to have numerous neuropsychological diffi-culties secondary to factors independent of liver disease per se (eg, the location and size of the

infarct), and it would have been difficult to separate

these problems from those that are of central inter-est in this study.

Diagnoses of patients prior to transplantation

were as follows: extrahepatic biliary atresia (12


intrahepatic biliary hypoplasia (syndromatic type) (4 patients), chronic active hepatitis (2 patients), progressive cirrhosis of unknown cause (1 patient),

hepatoma (1 patient), and hamartoma of the liver

(1 patient). All children were medically stable at

the time of study participation and were tested as

outpatients. Table 1 presents liver and renal

func-tion test values at the time of study participation.

All patients received immunosuppressive therapy consisting of both prednisone and cyclosporine,

administered at the lowest possible levels consistent

with avoiding rejection as well as minimizing side

effects. The prednisone dosage (mean ± SD) was

0.13 ± 0.05 mg/kg per day (range 0.04 to 0.29 mgI

kg per day). The cyclosporine dosage (mean ± SD)

was 11.1 ± 2.9 mg/kg per day (range 5.4 to 17.3 mgI

kg per day). Cyclosporine levels, which were

meas-ured by high-pressure liquid chromatography, were

228 ± 95.9 g/L (range 96 to 521 g/L). One patient

had a cyclosporine level in the toxic range (higher than 400 g/L), measured the day following

partic-ipation in the study. However, on physicians’s

ex-amination for routine purposes on the day of

test-ing, she was not found to have a clinically toxic

cyclosporine level, and therefore her scores were

included in our analyses. Her cyclosporine level 3

days later was in the normal range (265 g/L). The

three excluded subjects had cyclosporine levels

ranging from 86 tg/L to 138 g/L.

The control group consisted of 11 male and 7

female patients who had a diagnosis of cystic

fibro-sis. These patients were recruited from the Chil-then’s Medical Center cystic fibrosis clinic.

Inclu-sion criteria were (1) diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, and (2) present age between 4 and 14 years.

Exclu-sion criteria were perinatal factors that could in-dependently affect cognitive function, coexisting

disease, and impairment in liver function secondary

to cystic fibrosis. As the control data were gathered

after the experimental group had been tested, the

mean age of diagnosis of the liver transplant

pa-tients was known, and an attempt was made for the

control patients to approximate the experimental group on this variable. All children were medically

TABLE 1. Liver and Renal Function Test Results of 28 Liver Transplant Patients at Time of Study Participation

Measure/Normal Value Mean ± SD Range

Total bilirubin, mg/dL/0-1.5 0.81 ± 0.71 0.3-3.4

Creatinine, mg/dL/0.3-1.3 0.81 ± 0.26 0.4-1.5

‘y-Glutamyl transpeptidase, 75 ± 127 11-614


Aspartate aminotransferase, 72 ± 88 14-429


Alanine aminotransferase, 60 ± 82 8-397


stable at the time of study participation. All cystic

fibrosis patients received a physical evaluation

within 7 days of study participation and were

graded on the modified Schwachman Scale for

cys-tic fibrosis.’5 This scale provides rating criteria on

a scale from 0 through 25, with scores 0 through 5

corresponding to “very poor,” 6 through 10 to

“poor,” 1 1 through 15 to “fair,” 16 through 20 to

“good,” and 21 through 25 to “very good,” for four variables related to progression of cystic fibrosis: (1) activity based on case history, (2) pulmonary

findings and cough, (3) growth and nutrition, and

(4) roentgenogram. Mean ± SD and range for the

group on each variable were as follows: activity,

21.3 ± 3.3 (16 through 25); pulmonary findings, 18.4

± 4.6 (9 through 25); growth and nutrition, 18.8 ±

4.8 (11 through 25); and roentgenogram, 18.4 ± 4.2

(11 through 25).

Children with cystic fibrosis were chosen as

con-trol subjects because they have a history of

life-threatening chronic illness, growth retardation, and varying ages of onset of symptoms leading to

diag-nosis. Comparison of age at evaluation, age at di-agnosis, and growth measures of the two groups is

presented in Table 2. Statistical analyses indicate that the experimental group was not different from

the control group in gender distribution (Fisher

Exact Test, P > .33), age at evaluation, and age at diagnosis. On measures of growth, control patients

were either equally growth retarded or else more

discrepant than were the experimental group from

the healthy-children medians for age and gender.

An additional potentially confounding variable is

socioeconomic status. Members of high

socioeco-nomic groups perform better on the average on tests

of intelligence than do members of low

socioeco-nomic groups.’6 Socioeconomic scale positions

based on the Hollingshead Indices of Social

Position’7 were determined for each family. Both

groups had families that fell into each of the seven scale positions. Four mothers in the liver transplant group and mothers of three children in the cystic fibrosis group did not have a high school education.

This difference was not significant for the two

groups (Fisher Exact Test, P > .74).


The following measures were obtained from all


Psychological Testing. Psychological tests

in-cluded intellectual, academic, and specific

neuro-psychological tests. Testing was conducted by

trained technicians who were “blind” to the

hy-potheses of the study but not to group membership


se-TABLE 2. Age at Evaluation, Age at Diagnosis, and Growth Measures in 28 Liver Transplant vs 18 Cystic Fibrosis Subjects*

* Values are given as mean ± SD (range).

t Analysis of variance.

::Percent of median for age and gender.

§Significant at the .05 level.


Age at evaluation, y Age at diagnosis, mo



Weight for heights Head circumferences

Triceps skin-fold thicknes4 Mean arm circumferences Arm muscle circumferences

Liver Transplant Group

7.7 ± 2.5 (4.6-13.4)

9.9 ± 20.9 (1-101)

95.2 ± 17.9 (53-145)

95.5 ± 5.4 (86-111) 105.8 ± 12.1 (80-138)

99.5 ± 3.0 (92-105) 82.5 ± 36.6 (50-223)

101.4 ± 11.5 (79-127) 104.9 ± 9.7 (84-122)

Cystic Fibrosis Group

7.8 ± 2.4 (4.8-13.3)

9.6 ± 24.7 (0-108)

88.0 ± 15.9 (57-133)

96.4 ± 3.5 (89-104)

94.9 ± 11.0 (76-119) 98.5 ± 4.1 (92-109)

63.6 ± 32.7 (32-175) 92.3 ± 11.8 (64-118) 98.7 ± 8.9 (79-111)




.18 .50


.37 .09 .02 .04

lected to measure several different categories of

abilities. There are several different possible models that conceptualize and categorize brain functions. All include a combination of the following skills: verbal, nonverbal (or visual-spatial), motor, cogni-tive processes such as abstraction, concept forma-tion, and problem solving, attention or

concentra-tion, and sensory-perceptual skills important in

input of information (vision, hearing, and touch).

The groupings used in this study are based on

Reitan and Wolfson’s approach.’8 In addition, the

perceptual-motor category has been added to better

compare the findings in our subjects with those

from adults with liver disease. The perceptual-mo-tor category overlaps with the visual-spatial date-gory both theoretically and in tests used to assess function. The rationale used for assignment of tests into one of these two categories was that tests with

a perceptual but not visual component were

in-cluded only in the perceptual-motor category, and

tests with a minimal motor component were

in-cluded only in the visual-spatial category.

The tests administered and the categories of

abil-ity they measure are presented in Table 4. Selected tests will be described in more detail inasmuch as

their distribution profiles will be presented under

“Results.” The Target Test requires the subject to

reproduce designs connecting dots, presented

visu-ally, following a 3-second delay. The score is based on the number of designs that are correctly

repro-duced. The Test of Visual-Motor Integration

con-sists of geometric designs to be reproduced by the

subject using paper and pencil. The test is scored

for accuracy of reproduction. The Marching Test

requires that the subject track a connected series of circles. Part of the test requires alternating

movements of both hands, following the sequence

on the left side of the page with the left hand, and right side of the page with the right hand. This part of the test is scored for number of circles correctly

contacted. The Tactual Performance Test consists

of a formboard into which the subject places blocks

while blindfolded. The memory component of this

test measures incidental learning as at the end of

the test the subject is asked to draw the board and

the blocks from memory. This part of the test is

scored for number of blocks correctly remembered. The intelligence and academic tests yield scores

that are standardized for age, with the normal

population having a mean of 100 and SD of 15. The

neuropsychological tests yield raw scores, which

were converted to z scores for age for each subject,

based on available norms for healthy children.192#{176}

z Scores are standardized scores, obtained by the

following formula: z = (raw score - mean for age)/ SD for age. This conversion allows the individual

child’s score to be compared with those of his or

her age-group of normal children, who have a mean

score of 0 and an SD of 1. For the

sensory-percep-tual category and for the Grip and Name Writing

Tests, no age-normed means and SDs are available. For these tests, the z score was based on the corn-bined group mean and SD of the liver transplant and cystic fibrosis patients. On all tests where lower

scores signify better performance (such as where

the score represents the number oferrors on a task),

the scales were reversed when the z scores were


The academic tests have norms only for children

older than 5 years of age, and so they were not

administered to younger children. The analyses

represent the scores from 24 liver transplant

pa-tients and 14 cystic fibrosis patients. Some of the

specific neuropsychological measures were also

used only for the “younger” (ages up to and

includ-ing 8 years) or “older” (9 years and older) children as required by the Halstead-Reitan battery

stand-ardization. These tests are indicated in Table 4.

Twenty-one children in the liver transplant group


younger than age 9, and 7 in the liver transplant

group and 3 in the cystic fibrosis group were older.

One test proved particularly difficult for some of

the younger children, even though norms do exist

for the age population. This was the Tactual

Per-formance Test, which requires that the child be

blindfolded during the task. Six children in the liver

transplant group and 4 children in the control group

could not tolerate the blindfold. The test was

dis-continued in these cases and their scores were not

included in the analyses. Thus the Tactual

Per-formance Test results are based on scores from 22

patients in the liver transplant group and 14

pa-tients in the cystic fibrosis group. Two children in

the liver transplant group and 1 in the cystic

fibro-sis group had no previous preschool experience, and they were not administered the name-writing tests.

One child in the liver transplant group was not

administered the sensory-perceptual examination

as her parents did not return her to the test session

following a lunch break.

The intelligence and academic tests are widely

used measures with well-documented reliability and

validity. The neuropsychological tests were

ob-tamed primarily from the Halstead-Reitan and

Rei-tan-Indiana Neuropsychological Test Batteries for

Children.’9 The Halstead-Reitan batteries have

been validated by extensive research in a number

of clinical conditions.’8

Growth Measures. Growth measures were all ob-tamed within 1 week of the neuropsychological evaluation. Weight, length or height, head

circum-ference, triceps skin-fold thickness, and midarm

circumference were measured. Arm-muscle

dircum-ference (measured in centimeters) was calculated

as follows: midarm circumference (cm) - [3.14 x

triceps skin-fold (cm)] = arm-muscle

circumfer-ence. All measures were performed by trained

die-titians using the standardized methods previously

described.’’ Growth measures were expressed as

percentage of the ideal relative to the median of the

National Center for Health Statistics standards for

sex and age.223 Growth measures are missing for

two liver transplant patients.

Age of Onset. Age of onset of disease was indicated

by date of diagnosis, obtained from medical records

maintained by the liver transplant office or cystic

fibrosis clinic.

Clinical Parameters. Cyclosporine dosage and

clinical measures of liver and renal function for

each liver transplant patient at time of evaluation

were obtained from the National Institutes of

Health-sponsored liver transplant registry

main-tamed by the liver transplant program at our

insti-tution. Cyclosporine dosages were adjusted by one

of the authors (W.S.A.), the liver transplant

sur-geon, and levels were obtained in all cases within 36 hours of study participation.

Educational Parameters. Information about classroom placement was obtained from all parents.

Parents were asked to indicate whether the child

was receiving special education and whether he or she had ever repeated a grade.

Data Analyses

For the initial analyses, summary z scores were

calculated for each subject to represent his or her performance in each of the eight categories of

abil-ity. z Scores for all tests within each category of abilities were summed and averaged to obtain the

summary score for that category. Summary scores

have been used by other investigators of neuropsy-chological data,24 and are appropriate for the

follow-ing reasons. Neuropsychological skills are assessed using a variety of different tests for each category

of ability, and individual scores are not directly

comparable across tests. A summary score for each

category of ability allows performance in skill areas, rather than results of specific tests, to be compared.

This is particularly important where the tests are

modified in any fashion for different ages within each experimental group, as it allows the data to be pooled within each group. Further, initial analysis

of the summary scores significantly reduces the

high likelihood of the type I error that would exist if scores were compared separately for each of these tests.

The initial analyses compared summary z scores

in the eight categories of ability for the two groups

by means of analysis of variance. Following the

initial analyses, where significant differences (de-fined in our study as P < .05) were found, the scores

on the individual tests were also compared by using

analyses of variance.

Information about school placement was

com-pared for the two groups by means of the Fisher

Exact Test.

A secondary aim of this study was to investigate

the relationship between cyclosporine levels and

neuropsychological function. Again, initial analyses

were conducted by computing the Pearson

correla-tion coefficient for summary z scores to cyclospor-me levels. Where the correlation reached signifi-cance (P < .05), further analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between cyclosporine levels and performance on specific tests.


Table 3 presents the summary z scores of the

liver transplant and cystic fibrosis patients. Initial



From 28

4. Scores on Intellectual, Liver Transplant and 18

Academic, and Neuropsychological tests, Obtained Cystic Fibrosis Patients*

Category of Ability/Testt Transplant


Control Subjects


-1.21 ± 1.38 -0.10 ± 0.93

-0.09 ± 1.57 0.41 ± 1.39 -0.50 ± 1.29 0.70 ± 2.01


WISC-R Verbal IQ

WISC-R Performance IQ

WRAT-R Reading (S)

WRAT-R Spelling (5)

WRAT-R Arithmetic (5)

Learning and memory Target Test (Y)

Tactual Performance Test Memory


Abstraction-concept formation Category Test

Matching Pictures Test

Color Form Test (Y) Progressive Figures Test (Y)

Alertness and concentration

Tactual Performance Test (correct)

Memory Localization Perceptual-motor

Test of Visual Motor Integration

Marching Test (Y) Dominant hand Nondominant hand Both hands

Tactual Performance Test Dominant hand

Nondominant hand

Both hands

Trailmaking Test (0)

Part A

Part B


Test of Visual Motor Integration Individual Performance Tests (Y)

Matching Figures

Matching Vs Star

Concentric Squares


TABLE 3. Means and Standard Deviations for Summary z Scores for Ability for 28 Liver Transplant and 18 Cystic Fibrosis Patients*

Categories of

Category of Ability Transplant Patients

Control Subjects


Intellectual/academic -0.88 ± 1.23 -0.02 ± 0.82 .013

Learning and memory -0.68 ± 1.09 0.19 ± 1.24 .016

Abstraction and concept formation -1.73 ± 1.58 -0.79 ± 1.37 .044

Alertness and concentration -0.29 ± 1.28 0.55 ± 1.68 .096

Perceptual-motor -0.76 ± 1.78 0.03 ± 1.54 .130

Visual-spatial -0.66 ± 1.09 0.10 ± 0.69 .012

Motor -0.13 ± 0.85 0.36 ± 0.57 .036

Sensory-perceptual -0.13 ± 0.81 0.20 ± 0.75 .172

* z Scores were obtained for each category of ability by combining and averaging z scores

for age for all tests within the category. A population of normal children will have z scores

with a mean of 0 and SD of 1. Values are given as mean ± SD. t Analysis of variance.

:1:Significant at the .05 level.

92.0 ± 16.4 89.1 ± 19.1 82.8 ± 21.5 80.5 ± 22.8 80.9 ± 22.1

-0.90 ± 1.36 -1.82 ± 1.03 -2.57 ± 3.60 -1.91 ± 2.83

-0.09 ± 1.57

-0.50 ± 1.29

-1.55 ± 1.02

-0.34 ± 1.52 -0.14 ± 2.07 -1.62 ± 1.15

0.15 ± 2.21 -0.29 ± 2.46 -0.83 ± 6.17

-0.02 ± 2.14 -1.50 ± 3.71

-1.55 ± 1.02

-0.02 ± 1.20 0.27 ± 1.17

-0.04 ± 0.76 0.26 ± 0.87

98.8 ± 18.9 105.8 ± 17.6 99.8 ± 7.7 97.1 ± 9.5 94.2 ± 14.3

-0.14 ± 1.45 -2.12 ± 0.75 -0.41 ± 2.85 -0.82 ± 2.72

0.41 ± 1.39

0.70 ± 2.01

-0.54 ± 0.79

0.40 ± 1.07

0.67 ± 1.71

-1.26 ± 1.41

0.94 ± 2.14 0.32 ± 2.66 0.09 ± 4.58

0.93 ± 0.87

-0.94 ± 2.88

-0.54 ± 0.79

0.33 ± 0.69 0.91 ± 0.65 0.04 ± 0.92 0.37 ± 0.94


TABLE 4. Continued

Category of Ability/Testt Transplant Patients

Control Subjects


Trailmaking Test (0)

Part A -0.02 ± 2.14 0.93 ± 0.87 .490

Part B -1.50 ± 3.71 -0.94 ± 2.88 .823

Target Test (Y) -1.21 ± 1.38 -0.10 ± 0.93 .011

Motor .036

Finger Oscillation

Dominant hand -0.14 ± 1.94 0.52 ± 1.06 .192

Nondominant hand 0.09 ± 2.06 0.58 ± 1.46 .385

Grip Strength

Dominant hand -0.27 ± 0.96 0.43 ± 0.93 .019

Nondominant hand -0.28 ± 0.97 0.44 ± 0.91 .015 Name Writing

Dominant hand -0.04 ± 1.07 0.07 ± 0.91 .728

Nondominant hand -0.08 ± 1.07 0.12 ± 0.89 .544

Sensory-perceptual .172

Auditory, visual, and tactile Imper- 0.04 ± 0.98 -0.06 ± 1.06 ceptions

Finger Recognition -0.20 ± 1.02 0.30 ± 0.92

Fingertip Symbol/Number Writing -0.23 ± 0.95 0.33 ± 1.00

Tactile Form Recognition -0.16 ± 1.17 0.23 ± 0.64

* Intelligence and achievement test scores are standard scores (mean = 100, SD = 15 in normal population). All others are z scores (mean = 0, SD = 1 in normal population).

Values are given as mean ± SD.

t WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised; WRAT-R, Wide Range

Achievement Test Revised; (5) indicates test administered to school-age children; (Y)

indicates test administered only in the “younger” children’s battery; (0) indicates test

administered only in the “older” children’s battery.

: Analysis of variance.

§Significant at the .05 level.

liver transplant group scored significantly lower

than the cystic fibrosis control group in the areas of intellectual/academic function (P < .013), learn-ing and memory (P < .016), abstraction and concept

formation (P < .044), visual-spatial skills (P <

.012), and motor skills (P < .036). No difference was found between the two groups on tests that measure alertness and concentration,

perceptual-motor function, and sensory-perceptual function. Table 4 presents scores on individual tests.

Anal-yses of variance were performed only when the test

contributed to a summary score in an area where

there were significant differences between the liver

transplant and control groups; thus only these P

values are reported. All neuropsychological tests

data are presented as z scores and can be compared with those obtained by normal, healthy children

who have a mean of 0 and SD of 1 on the tests.

Intelligence and academic test scores are presented

as IQ or standard scores (mean = 100, SD = 15 in

the normal population).

On tests of intellectual and academic function, the liver transplant patients scored significantly lower (P < .005 to .051) on all variables except

Verbal IQ, on which the two groups did not differ (P > .20). The differences in school placement for

the two groups were not statistically significant (P values > .10): 6 of the 24 school-age children in the liver transplant group and 1 of the 14 in the cystic

fibrosis group were receiving special education

serv-ices. Seven of the liver transplant children had

repeated a grade compared with 2 of the cystic

fibrosis patients. To assess whether the liver

trans-plant patients were receiving the special services

they need given their academic deficiencies, the

number of children with a 15-point or greater

dis-crepancy between IQ and academic standard score

(the criterion used by many school systems to

qual-ify a child for special education services for the

learning disabled) was also determined. Eighteen of

the liver transplant patients had a 15-point or

greater discrepancy between their IQ and academic achievement, and 5 of these patients were receiving special education.

On tests of neuropsychological function, the liver transplant group showed significantly poorer func-tion on the Target Test (P < .011), Localization

component of the Tactual Performance Test (P <


70--6 -4



70--6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 .1 .2 #{149}3







30-. 20-

10--6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 .1 ‘2 .3


-6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 .1 .2 .3
















so-% 60-




‘10-Figure. Distributions of z scores for age on selected neuropsychological tests in liver transplant patients and cystic fibrosis control subjects, with scores for the normal

popu-lation indicated by the curve. Significance levels for the difference between the liver

transplant and the cystic fibrosis groups for each of the tests are as follows: Tactual

Performance Test, Memory Component, P > .05; Test of Visual Motor Integration, P <

.001; Marching Test, Both Hands Component, P > .05; and Target Test, P < .011.

TABLE 5. Relationship Between Cyclosporine Levels and zScores for Age on Neuropsychological Tests

Meas-uring Motor Function in 28 Children After Liver Trans-plantation

Category of Ability/Test r df Pt

Motor summary score .41 26 <.05

Finger Oscillation Test

Dominant hand .41 26 <.05

Nondominant hand .32 26 <.10 Grip Strength

Dominant hand .09 26 >10 Nondominant hand .08 26 >10 Name Writing

Dominant hand .22 24 >10 Nondominant hand .14 24 >.10

* for significance for the Pearson correlation


Form Test (P < .063), and the Matching Vs Test

(P < .064).

Distribution profiles for a selected group of tests are provided in the Figure. These tests were selected

to highlight the differences between the groups.

Descriptions of these tests are given under

“Meth-ods.” The four profiles show scores for the two

groups relative to each other as well as to the

normal population. On the Tactual Performance

Test (Memory component), the scores of all three

groups were very similar. On the Marching Test

(both hands component), the two experimental groups had similar scores, but both had abnormal results compared with normal children. On the test of Visual Motor Integration and the Target Test, the cystic fibrosis control subjects had scores simi-lar to those of normal subjects, but the liver

trans-plant group had a curve displaced below the mean

for the control subjects.

Initial analyses revealed a significant positive relationship between motor function and cyclospor-me levels (r = .41, P < .05). Correlation coefficients

for the relationship between cyclosporine levels and

individual test scores in the motor category are

presented in Table 5. These results indicate that

children with higher levels of cyclosporine had

bet-ter function primarily on the Finger Oscillation Test, a test of tapping speed.


Children who had received liver transplantation

at least 1 year prior to participation in the study,

when compared with age- and socioeconomic


equivalent age of diagnosis and degree of growth

delay, showed deficits on measures of intellectual

and academic function and on specific

neuropsy-chological measures. These findings suggest that

the physiological and psychosocial impact of

chronic, life-threatening disease, and the growth retardation secondary to the nutritional problems

of liver transplantation, are not sufficient to

ad-count for the cognitive deficits observed in the liver

transplant sample. Our control group consisted of chronically ill children. The deficits observed in the

liver transplant population were even greater when

their performance was compared with that of nor-mal age-peers. Our findings are based on a relatively small group of children who were heterogeneous for

age, and they should be replicated with larger, more

homogeneous groups observed prospectively after diagnosis of end-stage liver disease.

In contrast to patients with adult-onset liver

disease, children show deficits on global intellectual measures as well as specific neuropsychological measures, and these deficits persist following

trans-plantation. The reason for the difference between

adults and children with liver disease may relate to the fact that the developing brain is more

vulnera-ble to the cerebrotoxic effects of liver disease, and

the deficits in function may therefore be more per-sistent, even after normal liver function is restored.

The greater vulnerability of the developing brain

has been documented,25 and the more serious con-sequences of earlier-onset brain dysfunction have been shown in other conditions.26

Perceptual-motor skills have been found to be diminished in adults with liver disease. While the

perceptual-motor grouping score was not

signifi-cantly different in our two groups, it is notable that

there was a dramatic difference on the Test of

Visual-Motor Integration (see Figure) between the

liver transplant group and both the cystic fibrosis

control subjects and normal children. This test has

an important perceptual and fine-motor

compo-nent, and performance on this test has been found

to correlate with the acquisition of academic skills in the early school years.27

The neuropsychological deficits observed are likely to have negative consequences for daily

ad-aptation and to be chronic (inasmuch as the

pa-tients were at least 1 year postoperative). It is

notable that on tests that have to do with input of

information (alertness and concentration and

sen-sory-perceptual groupings), the two groups were not

significantly different. Rather, the liver transplant

children had difficulty in “higher level” abilities,

such as abstract thinking, logical analysis, and flex-ibility of thought and memory. Such deficits are

likely to have significant impact on the manner in

which these children adapt and learn. There is a

growing interest in rehabilitation programs for

neu-ropsychological dysfunctions in the pediatric

pop-ulation,28 and remediation is available but not

uti-lized for these patients.

The reasons for the academic difficulties noted on the standardized tests taken by children who

have received liver transplantation are not

corn-pletely clear. Their neuropsychological difficulties

may relate to their academic difficulties, as visual-spatial deficits have been associated with learning disabilities.29’ 30 In addition, these children had

likely missed instruction because of frequent school absences, in contrast to the cystic fibrosis subjects,

who were a relatively well group of children and

had missed very little school. Despite their

ada-demic deficits, fewer than a third of the liver trans-plant patients were receiving the special education

services they needed. Parents and teachers may be hesitant to recognize and/or draw attention to the

special needs of these children because expectation of their performance is low. While understandable,

this approach may not be in these children’s best

interest, as it deprives them of the remedial services

they need.

Does the cystic fibrosis group provide an

ade-quate control to the liver transplant group? They were not as acutely ill as the liver transplant

pa-tients had been prior to transplant, and most cystic fibrosis patients had their disease well under

con-trol. However, this group of patients did have a

life-threatening chronic illness, with early diagnosis

and growth retardation that was even greater than

that of the liver transplant patients. In addition, the liver transplant patients at the time of

evalua-tion were all at least 1 year postoperative and in

comparatively good health. Other attributes of the

liver transplant population for which no control

was provided, ie, acute medical crises prior to

trans-plantation and major surgery followed by a period

of relatively good health and normal function, are

specific to the transplant population. The use of a

different transplant population such as children

who have received kidney transplant, while

con-trolling for some of these factors, could introduce

other confounding variables inasmuch as kidney

disease is known to be associated with central nerv-ous system effects.3’

The significant relationship between a test of


to clarify the relationship between cyclosporine

1ev-els and neuropsychological function.


Liver transplant patients have intellectual, ada-demic, and neuropsychological deficits.

Remedia-tion in all three areas is often available but not

utilized for these children. Our findings suggest that careful neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations should be undertaken for this

popula-tion, inasmuch as in many cases these children

have both underlying neuropsychological deficits

and frequently unrecognized difficulty in achieving

in school commensurate with their potential.


This study was supported by the Clinical Research Center, Pediatric Subunit, US Public Health Service

grant MO1-RR00633.

We thank Betsy Fyock, RN, and Elizabeth Foster, RN,

for their help with subject recruitment and clinical data gathering, and Margareta Benser, RD/LD, and Alice Cunningham, MS, RD/LD, for obtaining the anthropo-metrics.


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and Janice Nici

Sunita M. Stewart, David A. Waller, Ricardo Uauy, Walter S. Andrews, Cheryl Hiltebeitel

Neuropsychological Outcome of Pediatric Liver Transplantation


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and Janice Nici

Sunita M. Stewart, David A. Waller, Ricardo Uauy, Walter S. Andrews, Cheryl Hiltebeitel

Neuropsychological Outcome of Pediatric Liver Transplantation


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