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The Pediatrician and Genetic Screening (Every Pediatrician a Geneticist)


Academic year: 2020

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The Task Force on Genetic Screening

The Pediatrician and Genetic Screening (Every

Pediatriciana Geneticist)

From time to time, the American Academy of

Pediatrics has issued statements@' on the role of screening infants for certain types of hereditary

disease. Although these statements remain valid

in their broadest objective, some of the specific

ways and means have altered with the passage of

time. Moreover, society is now more concerned

about genetic screening as a public endeavor with a potential not only for good but also for harm.

There has been much debate about genetic

screening—some of it informed, some of it

emotional. In response to the growing concerns

about genetic screening, the National Academy of

Sciences (NAS) published a comprehensive report

on the topic.4 Its recommendations are published as an Appendix to this statement. The American

Academy of Pediatrics has convened a Task Force

to consider the specific implications of the NAS

report and its relevance for pediatricians and

their associates. The Task Force's most important

recommendation is that a standing committee be

established to provide expert, ongoing advice on

this pervasive and complex subject.


Screening in the medical context can be in

formally defined as an investigation initiated for reasons other than in response to a patient's

problem or request for help. The formal defini


@ considers screening as “¿thepresumptive

identification of unrecognized disease or defect by the application of tests, examinations or other procedures which can be applied rapidly. Screen

ing tests sort out apparently well persons who probably have a disease from those who probably do not. “¿The screening may be large-scale, and

encompass a whole population (mass screening);

or it may be selective and directed at a high-risk

subgroup. Screening may encompass case finding

which, in contrast to epidemiologic surveys, is the testing of patients to detect incipient or estab lished disease and to bring patients to the highest standards of care available (and counseling in genetic screening).

Diagnosis is a specific activity by which the cause for a finding is sought and defined. Screen ing should be distinguished from the traditional surveillance activities of pediatrics. Screening is usually a short-term, cross-sectional activity; surveillance tends to be a long-term vigil over the

health of persons and populations. The patient









confer an “¿immunity―to the condition being

screened; for example, a negative screening test

for cancer does not eliniinate a later appearance of cancer.

Genetic screening is a search in a population

for persons with genotypes (and phenotypes)

known to be associated with a disease, which may

lead to disease in their descendants, or which may produce initially “¿silent―variation but in a partic

ular environment may incur a specific high risk

for the later appearance of a disease. Accordingly, the objectives of genetic screening are4:

(1) To provide opportunities for medical inter


(2) to provide opportunities for counseling about

reproductive options; and

(3) to collect data pertinent to public health

policy and basic knowledge (research).

Mass screening of newborn infants for the

occurrence of hyperphenylalaninemia is a form of

case finding proceeding to specific diagnosis and treatment of probands with phenylketonuria; it is

an example of the first objective of genetic

screening. Selective screening among the Ashken

azim for carriers of the Tay-Sachs gene is an

example of the second objective. Prospective

screening to examine the epidemiologic compo

nents relevant to persons carrying the genes

which cause hyperlipidemia or a,-antitrypsin

deficiency is an example of the third objective. All persons carry and can pass on mutations in their germ cells. We are said to be different, one

from another, in our genomes at perhaps as many

as 200,000 nucleotide pairs. Most of these muta

tions are inherited; a few arise de novo during our lifetime. Most are silent or “¿neutral―and they are usually present as polymorphisms, which means that they occur in more than 1% of the popula


Pediatricians, as the foremost exponents of

preventive medicine, will play an increasing role

in the counseling of persons who possess genes

which place them at elevated and specific risk for various types of disease. These diseases include

not only the inborn errors of metabolism, which

are the subject of previous Academy statements, but also chromosomal aberrations, multifactorial birth defects, and diseases of later life which have

important genetic components. An estimated one

in ten live births manifests some handicap, minor

or major, which has a genetic component.― Only

7% of pediatricians perceived this frequency in a recent survey of physician attitudes. ‘¿Â°Whereas pediatricians may feel that genetic disease is an infrequent component of their practice, a recent survey'― reveals that, in fact, 30% have had

significant, frequent experience with genetic

disorders in children. Up to one in three pediatric admissions are for birth defects, congenital mal

formations, and disease with some degree of

genetic content pertinent to diagnosis, counsel ing, and treatment. Pediatricians will also need to

know the specific risks their patients incur and

what medical procedure and information can

reduce the prevalence of some common adult

medical problems. Ongoing research is being

carried out to determine, for example, whether

childhood expression of genes causing hyperlipi

demia will influence early-onset coronary heart

disease, whether genes determining aryihydro

carbon hydroxylase activity will have any bearing

on lung cancer, and how many genes determine

our responses to drugs. The rationale for genetic

screening as a significant pediatric endeavor in

many areas will be even more obvious than it is

now as this research unfolds.


The fourth edition of McKusick's Catalogues of

Mendelian Inheritance in Man―lists 2,336 condi

tions—apparently inherited in autosomal domi

nant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked manner. In 1,142 of these conditions, the inheritance pattern is assured. This enumeration is far greater than we

have learned to expect from the simpler com

pendia of inborn errors of metabolism'2 or of

inborn errors of ‘¿â€˜¿Homozygotes

with Mendelian autosomal recessive disease are

encountered “¿rarely―by the physician; they vary

in frequency downward from 1 per 10,000 per

sons (with the important exceptions of conditions such as sickle cell disease, $-thalassemia major,

and cystic fibrosis in specific populations).

However, heterozygous persons, themselves us

ually at little or no risk for the disease but who

can benefit from screening and counseling,

appear at corresponding frequencies which are

much higher—from 2 per 1,000 persons up to sev

eral percent of the population. Consequently,

genetic screening is not an exercise in rare trait

enumeration; it involves genes, their potential

effects, and many people who will need advice

about the significance of their genes for them

selves and their offspring.'4 The real problem will

be to keep abreast of the enumeration and to

know what should be done in response to positive

signals if genetic screening becomes more wide


The Pediatricianas Screener

The pediatrician participates in genetic screen

ing at many levels. His examination of the

newborn infant is a form of

@ A number

of inborn errors of morphogenesis and monogenic

syndromes (e.g., achrondroplasia and osteogenesis

imperfecta), multifactorial congenital malforma

tions or syndromes, and chromosomal aberrations with empirical recurrence risks (e.g., bilateral

dislocated hip and Down's syndrome) can be rec

ognized at birth. The pediatrician acts on these

findings and initiates the chain of events leading to confirmation of diagnosis and genetic counsel

ing. The risk of recurrence among sibs of the

proband is generally high (e.g., 25% to 50%) in the


AdditionalResourcesfor Genetic Screening

Responsibility to the subject does not cease

with the execution of an impeccable screening

test. There are three further levels of commit ment.'''

(1) Retrieval of the Person With a Positive

Test—Evaluation of screening programs has

revealed that follow-up rates are far below 100%

in some programs; and delays in finding the patients are not always compatible with optimal medical intervention for the target disease.

(2) Diagnosis—Confirmation of the positive screening test is required before any further steps are taken. Precise diagnosis must be attained. For example, it is appropriate to treat phenylketonu

na, but benign hyperphenylalaninemia does not

require treatment. Both conditions are detected in the neonatal period by a screening test which signals “¿hyperphenylalaninemia.― Genetic heter

ogeneity, where several, different mutant alleles







phenotype, must always be considered in the

interpretation of a positive screening test. Experi ence with such interpretation at the present time is most likely to be found at regional genetic centers, which can be consulted by pediatri cians.

(3) The Re@onsibility of

Counseling and

Treatment—Management of some genetic diseases

can be readily handled by the pediatrician;

management of others places inordinate demands

even on established teams of experts.'

Frequent monitoring of the patient, readiness to

handle the myriad problems of the family

abruptly faced with a chronic genetic illness, and

the need to adjust the environment repeatedly to

neutralize the effect of the mutant gene and to

meet the changing physiological requirements of

the growing infant or child can tax the busy

practitioner. For these and other reasons, many

pediatricians welcome the regional genetics

centers to help them through the year-to-year and

day-to-day management

of the patient;

at the

same time, their special knowledge of the patient

can be applied in the best interests of problem



The development of effective genetic screening programs should be matched to the desired objec tives. The Task Force found no simple or uni versal rules for screening which satisfied all objec tives or which answered all questions of pediatri cians at once. Each component of a screening

Mendelian disorders; but even the lower recur

rence risks (e.g., 5% to 10%) which pertain to

many of the multifactorial congenital malforma

tions cause concern to families and must be interpreted to them. The pediatrician's objective

is to show the way to reduce the burden of genetic

illness in the family at risk.''

Many forms of genetic disease are not suscep

tible to clinical recognition prior to the time harm has been done to the proband. And, there is need for a specialized methodology to screen for bio chemical aberrations which can lead to disease in the absence of medical intervention. This type of

screening has been the subject of previous

Academy statements. Although new devel

opments in medical education can help pediatri

cians become increasingly familiar and comfort able with the broad issues and details of medical genetics,

@ Ucoirimunity-centered and regionalized

programs will bring the required assistance for mass and selective screening. The limits of screen ing for inherited disease should be “¿setby the usefulness of the knowledge gained, the costs of obtaining it and its impact on persons tested rather than on the number of tests that can be devised. ‘¿â€˜¿

Criteria for ScreeningTests

The essential criteria for a screening test are that it be reliable, consistent, and accurate; and it must have a high specificity (fraction of healthy persons excluded from detection by the test) and high sensitivity (fraction of affected persons recognized by the test). If the test is designed for mass screening, it should be capable of some degree of automation. The screening procedure

should 1)esubject to a minimum of clerical error;

and the handling of saniples in the field should not

significantly alter their relevant biological prop

erties. Pilot studies should always be performed in

the region where screening will be established to validate the screening method when medical in tervention Or counseling for reproductive options are the ultimate objectives of the screening pro gram. The attendant social, legal, ethical, and economic issues must all be taken into considera tion.


program should be evaluated, taking into consid

eration the regional resources and population

being served.

Screeningfor MedicalIntervention

Screening tests have been devised which detect

biochemical (metabolic) aberration or enzyme

deficiency in probands prior to the development

of disease. Tests for such conditions as hyper

phenylalaninemia, hypertyrosinemia, homocys

tinuria, histidinemia (and histidinuria), galacto semia, gal-1-P-uridyl transferase deficiency, and

thyroid hormone (T4) deficiency have been

applied in the early neonatal period for this

purpose. The history of how screening tests for

hyperphenylalaninemia in the newborn infant

came to be widely used has been reviewed and

interpreted elsewhere. ‘¿As physicians who care

for children, we need to anticipate other appro

priate screening tests which could be applied in

our community. Because those questions have no

simple answers, the Task Force has recommended

a committee mechanism to generate such infor


The specific issue of T4 screening illustrates

some of the problems. The diagnosis of hypothy

roidism in newborn infants is inconsistently made by clinical observation. Harm has usually been done by the time the infant shows typical signs of

T4 deficiency. A biochemical method to detect T4

deficiency in blood soon after birth would be

desirable. Congenital deficiency of thyroid func tion is relatively common (about 1 per 7,000 live births), and it is treatable. There are many bene

fits to early treatment, and the cost of late

diagnosis is clearly high. Why should there not be

T4 screening in every community now that a

screening test has been developed?― The answer

is complex. Not all T4 deficiency is sporadic

cretinism. Heterogeneity of cause is apparent in

the existing field trials, and facilities for diagnosis

are essential. A rapid and complete patient re

trieval system is required if the test is to be

effective in permitting early diagnosis and treat

ment. A regional system of efficient sample de

livery is also essential. Deterioration of the

sample will generate false-positive tests, particu

larly when the specimen is allowed to warm; as a

result, unnecessary call-back requests can plague

the program and cause unwanted anxiety for phy

sician and patient. To ensure high specificity and

sensitivity, accurate and rapid diagnosis, and

appropriate treatment and counseling, a highly

structured, centralized T4 screening laboratory

with back-up facilities'7 and satellite centers

expert in endocrinology and genetics are re

quired.―' This type of screening would be an

expensive solo program, but, as an addition to an

established program already applying knowledge

to the patient with genetic disease,'4 screening for

T4 deficiency in newborn infants is a marginal


The example of thyroid hormone screening

illustrates why this statement cannot answer

questions about when, why, how, where, and

what of specific genetic screening; it also illus

trates the need for a standing committee of the

Academy to provide ongoing guidance.

Screening for Counseling for Reproductive


Screening tests have been devised which detect

biochemical deviation or partial enzyme defi

ciency; these indicate a genetic carrier state in

persons who are otherwise healthy. This nonpro

band-oriented type of prospective screening is

useful when it is desirable to provide carriers with

information about reproductive risks and op


In recent years, there has been a proliferation

of screening tests for carriers of the Tay-Sachs and

sickle cell genes. Tay-Sachs carrier screening

programs have, in general, been good; however,

the sickle cell trait screening programs have ex

perienced many pitfalls and disappointments.

Despite the multitude of problems which have

arisen regarding this type of prospective screen ing, physicians cannot ignore their responsibilities or they will not be serving the best interests of their patients.

Prenatal screening for chromosomal aberra

tions, neural tube defects, and certain inborn

errors of metabolism in the fetus has also been

successfully carried out recently. The latter form of proband screening, as well as the screening for carriers of genetic disorders, must be closely tied to an array of technological resources. Although the laboratory tests may not be carried out in the physician's office, he is an important participant in the diagnosis and counseling. The physician's awareness of the issues in genetic screening will permit him to sponsor and participate in effective

programs within the community.

Screeningfor Research

Some of the ill-advised, proposed legislation for

screening illustrates the confusion that arises

when research is not clearly distinguished from

service. Research screening, performed according to all the pertinent legal and ethical standards, is important.4 For example, there is still a need to evaluate: (1) The carrier state in cystic fibrosis; (2)



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serum creatinine phosphokinase activity as an index of the carrier of Duchenne muscular dystro phy; (3) histidinemia and the role of dietary treatment; (4) the significance of a,-antitrypsin phenotypes in the pathogenesis of lung disease related to inhaled pollutants; and (5) the role of screening for autosomal dominant forms of hyper cholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia in ear ly life; and the role of dietary and drug treatment

in the prevention of coronary heart disease in

middle age.

Research on genetic diseases must not be aban

doned, as some suggest, simply because it is

fraught with uncomfortable issues. Campaigns

against “¿bad―habits in smoking and diet as a mode of disease prevention are no substitution for definitions of specific risks for specific persons.

The potential value of genetic screening is the

preventive measures available to those screening reveals to be at specific risk. Therefore, the Task Force reaffirms the validity of continuing

research on genetic screening in a society

concerned with the burdens of gene-influenced

disease in early and later life. Pediatricians will be participating in the development and implemen tation of this research.


The relationship of pediatricians to genetic

screening will depend on their personal experi

ence. There can be no omniscient guidelines for

the role of the pediatrician as an advocate for

children with genetic disease because knowledge

about genetic screening, counseling, and treat ment is constantly and rapidly evolving. The following recommendations deal with this chang

ing situation.

(1) A standing committee or subcommittee

should be established to: act as a coordinating body on issues concerning genetic diseases; inform pediatricians and their associates of new

developments in genetic screening, counseling,

and treatment of genetic disease; provide expert

advice to Fellows on problems arising in the

course of these developments; and formulate policy for consideration by the Executive Board of the Academy.






ics is desirable for all Fellows. Academy chapters can foster postgraduate courses and programs.

The Academy's journal, PEDIATRICS, should

continue to keep pace with events in genetics.

(3) The pediatrician and his associatescan—as

individuals and as members of a hospital staff, scientific societies, and local committees—partici

pate in the development of public policy on

genetic issues.






retrieval, diagnosis, and follow-up should be iden tified and be available to the pediatrician.

(5) The Academy should determine the effi cacy of current screening practices for hyper

phenylalaninemia and should encourage changes

where indicated. The criteria and indications for

screening of galactosemia and thyroid hormone

deficiency should also be considered at the earliest opportunity.





legal basis of genetic screening are complex and

deserve detailed consideration and review.





sponsibility in screening will vary from one city,

state, or region to another. An instrument to

assure an orderly plan for screening, regardless of

location, might be a Commission for Screening

I Representation on the commission

should include the public, the medical profession,

educators, public health authorities, the legal

profession, and legislative asseml)ly.

These proposals are intended to provide a

“¿medicalhome― for the patient who has “¿comein

from the cold―—thepatient with genetic dis



















JR., M.D.



1. Committee on Fetus and Newborn: Screening of newborn infants for metabolic disease. Pediatrics 35:499, 1965.

2. Statement of an Ad Hoc Committee: Compulsory


disease. Pediatrics 39:623, 1967.

3. Committee on Children With Handicaps: Phenylketo nuria and the phen@lalaninemias of infancy. Pediat

rics 49:628, 1972.

4. Committee for the Study of Inl)orn Errors of Metabo lism: Genetic Screening: Programs, Principles and Research. Division of Medical Science, Assembly of Life Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, 1975.

5. \Vilson JMG, Juogner G: Principles and Practice of Screening for Disease. Public Health Paper No. 34. Geneva, WHO, 1968.

6. \Vhitby LG: Screening for disease: Definitions and criteria. Lancet 2:819, 1974.

7. Sackett DL, Holland \VW: Controversy in the detection of disease. Lancet 2:357, 1975.

8. Harris H, Hopkinson DA: Average heterozygosit@ per

locus in man: An estimate based on the incidence of

enzyme polymorphisms. Ann Hum Genet 36:9, 1972.

9. Trimble BK, Doughty JH: The amount of hereditary disease in human populations. Ann Hum Genet


10. Rosenstock IM, Childs B, Simopoulos AP: Genetic

Screening: A Study of the Knowledge and Attitudes of Physicians. National Academy of Sciences,


11. McKusick VA: Mendelian Inheritance in Man: Catalogs

of At@tosomal Dominant, Autosomal Recessive, and X-Linked Phenotypes, ed 4. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1975.

12. Stanburv JB, Wyngaarden JB, Fredrickson DS (eds): The

Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, ed 3. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1972.

13. Holmes LB: Inborn errors of morphogenesis: A review of localized hereditary malformations. N Engi J Med 291:763, 1974.

14. Clow CL, Fraser FC, Laberge C, Scriver CR: On the application of knowledge to the patient with genetic disease. Prog Med Genet 9: 159, 1973. 15. Genetic Disorders: Prevention, Treatment and Rehabil

itation. Geneva, WHO Techn Rep Series 497,


16. Dussault JH, Coulombe P. Laberge C, et al: Preliminary

report on a mass screening program for neonatal hypothyroidism. J Pediatr 86:670, 1975.

17. Bt,ist NRM, Murphey WF, Brandon GR, et al: Neonatal screening for hypothyroidism. Lancet 2:872, 1975.


1. Genetic screening, when carried out under controlled

conditions, is an appropriate form of medical care when the f ollowing criteriaare met:

a. There is evidence of substantial public benefit and acceptance, including acceptance by medical practitioners.

1). Its feasibility has been investigated and it has been

found that benefits outweigh costs; appropriate public edt, cation can be carried out; test methods are satisfactory;

laboratory facilities are available; and resources exist to deal with counseling, follow-up, and other consequences of testing.

C. An investigative pretest of the program has shown that costs are acceptable; education is effective; informed consent

is feasible; aims of the program with regard to the size of the

°From Committee for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metab

olism: Genetic Screening: Programs, Principles and Re search. Washington DC, National Academy of Sciences, Division of Medical Science, Assembly of Live Sciences, NRC, 1975.

sample to be screened, the age of the screenees, and the set ting in which the testing is to be done have been defined; laboratory facilities have been shown to fulfill requirements for quality control; techniques for communicating results are workable; qualified and effective counselors are available in

sufficient nu,nber; and adequate provision for effective ser

vices has been made.

d. The means are available to evaluate the effectiveness

and success of each step in the process.

2. Screeningfor phenylketonuria should be continued, and

additional studies directed to its improvement should be

supported. Although hindsight reveals that screening pro grams for phenylketonuria were instituted before the validi

ty and effectiveness of all aspects of treatment, including

appropriate dietary treatment, were thoroughly tested, current assessment reveals that case finding methods are

reasonably efficient, the means for moving from test to definitive management are adequate, and the appropriate

dietary treatment is harmless and effective. Experiences in

screening for phenylketonuria, both favorable and adverse,

constitute a valuable resource for guidance in the design and

operation of future programs. It is important that these

experiences be kept in mind and used where appropriate.




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a. In the absence of sufficient public knowledge of human

biology and genetics, the difficulties of arousing concern

over genetic diseasescannot be overcome, since even long

standing attempts to educate the public regarding traditional preventive health measures have had variable success.

b. In the short run, the educational aspects of genetic

screening must consist of special campaigns devoted to each

program. Sufficient knowledge of genetics, probability, and

medicine leading to appropriate perceptions of susceptibility

to and seriousness of genetic disease and of carrier status cannot be acquired as a consequence of incidental, acci dental or haphazard learning.

1 1. Screening authorities could improve the effectiveness of public education by studying and employing methods devised and tasted by professional students of health behavior and health education. The use of the mass commu

nication media and other techniques to change attitudes and behavior has not been particularly successful, partly because of failure to follow the appropriate precepts.

12. Continuing education courses for physicians should place emphasis on human genetics and particularly on the practical application of population genetics. In medical

schooLs the study ofgenetics should be included in courses of

epidemiology and preventive medicine, as well as in courses of medicine, pediatrics,and obstetrics.Such emphasis would

raise the level of genetic knowledge of physicians and would increase their orientation toward preventive medicine so

that they would be able to take an active role in genetic screening.

13. Schools of medicine, public health and hygiene, and

allied health sciences, as well as universities, should receive

support for programs to set standards and train persons to inform and counsel participants in screening programs. Such counselors are already in short supply.


14. Participation in a genetic screening program should

not be made mandatory by law, but should be left to the

discretion of the person tested or, if a minor, of the parents or legal guardian.

15. Identifying information obtained throng/i genetic

screening should not be made available to anyone other than the screenee except with the permission of the screenee or, in the case ofa minor, with the permission ofthe parents or legal


16. Screening authorities should consult regularly with

lawyers and other persons knowledgeable in ethics to avoid social consequences of screening that may be damaging.

These take the form of invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality, and other transgressions of civil rights, as well as psychological damage resulting from being “¿labeled―

or from misunderstandings about the significance of diseases and carrier states. The usefulness of or need for legislation to protect the participants in screening programs from such

dangers should be reviewed from time to time.

17. For states considering legislation mandating genetic screening, the Committee recommends examination of a law creating a Board on Hereditary Disorders such as that pro


3. Responsibility for the organization and control of

genetic screening programs should be lodged in some agency

representative of both the public and the health professions.

This is necessary because of the public nature of genetic screening and its use of public facilities. It is also essential

because such screening carries some potential for invasion of privacy, “¿labeling,―breach of confidentiality, and psycho

logical abuse. The agency might take its authority from local or state government or from regional representation of a

federal program.

4. Public representation is necessary both in determining

that a new screening program is clearly in the public interest and also in the design and aperation of any such program. This is because genetic screening is likely to affect, for one

test or another and perhaps for many, every member of the population.

5. Screening agencies should consult regularly with local medical societies, stimulating their cooperation and participa

tion. This is important in order to give genetic screening the

maximum public and professional acceptance.

6. The aims of genetic screening should be clearly formu

kited and spelled out by the initiators of any screening program and should be publicly articulated with percLiion and candor. Thus there will be no possibility of a mistaken impression that the program is intended to be an instniment

of discrimination or is devoted to any “¿eugenic―cause. 7. Some degree of standardization of screening projects is

desirable. Demographic diversity, inequality of financial and

educational resources of the various states, and the individu ality of initiators of screening projects all lead to variation in the design, quality, and cost of screening programs. Stan dardization might be achieved by some national agency that could act as a clearinghouse for ideas and techniques, set standards, and exert quality control.

8. Regional programs with laboratories and other facilities

based on population numbers rather than political subdivi siori.s should be developed to make screening services of high

quality available equally to all. Such programs would avoid

the low priority currently given to genetic screening in states of low population density and low budget and would prevent the hardship otherwise suffered by the relatively few persons in such states to whom screening would be beneficial.

9. In the future, genetic screening should be regarded as

one among several preventive health measures and its devel

opmnent should take place in the context of the evolution of

health care in general. New projects should be dictated by

general principles governing genetic screening rather than by pressures originating in the special qualities of particular diseases.


10. It is essential to begin the study of human biology,

including genetics and probability, in primary school, contin uing with a more health-related curriculum in secondary


posed by the Council of State Governments' Committee on

Suggested State Legislation.


18. Research in genetic screening should be governed by

the rigorous standards employed in laboratory investigation.

Special efforts should be made to evaluate all aspects, even of

routine procedures, and the social and ethical ramifications

of screening in the lives of the persons tested should be

investigated. So far, experience in genetic screening is insufficient to foresee and to forestall all possible untoward

side effects. Accordingly, it should be approached in an

experimental mood. At present, it is impressions that prevail,

rather than data collected and analyzed according to scien tific n,les.

19. It- is important that screening be used to study the

natural history of genetic disorders for which there is no

treatment at this time. Such research, in which the object of screening is to discover the full range of expression of the

disease, will further the development of new methods of treatment and can provide the control data needed to eval uate proposed treatments. Particular effort must be exerted to protect individuals identified by such screening against the psychological and social hazards that attend all screening programs, but whose impact may be enhanced by the lack of an effective treatment.

20. Research should be supported in adapting discoveries

of new genetic characteristics of screening purposes. This

research includes increasing the number and quality of tests, reducing their cost, building regional networks of laborato

ries and other facilities to broaden and improve service, and

designing simple, inexpensive, and effective treatments for newly discovered diseases. The acquisition of genetic knowl edge is proc@ethng exponentially, and much of it is germane to the aims of genetic screening.

21. Research to discover polymorphic alleles occurring in

high frequency should receive more substantial support. Certain common alleles have been shown to be associated with disease, and it is predictable that many more will a,lso be implicated.



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AAP Task Force on Genetic Screening

The Pediatrician and Genetic Screening (Every Pediatrician a Geneticist)


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American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 1976 by the been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has

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Organoleptic evaluation of treated olive fruits showed that fruit with water treatment was found best followed by fruits which were treated with brine solution.. Keywords:

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L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la rentabilité financière de l’oignon et de la pomme de terre dans le groupement de Mudaka en territoire de