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Vascular Basis for Neural Tube Defects: A Hypothesis


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for Neural






E. Stevenson,

MD, JoAnn

C. Kelly,



S. Aylsworth,

MD, and


C. Phelan,


From the Greenwood Genetic Center and Self Memorial Hospital, Greenwood, South Carolina, and the Biosciences Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

ABSTRACT. A hypothesis is set forth that neural tube

defects are produced by inadequate nutrient supply to the rapidly growing neural folds. According to this hypothe-sis, a delay in establishing blood flow or an aberration of blood supply to neural tissue may interfere with nutrition

and prevent neural tube closure. The hypothesis was

tested by examining the vasculature of fetuses with spinal

neural tube defects. In each case, the arterial supply to

the region of the neural tube defect was disturbed.

Be-cause development of arterial supply to the neural folds predates neural tube closure, these vascular abnormalities

are considered to be primary malformations that lead to

neural tube defects rather than secondary morphologic disturbances resulting from neural tube defects. Pediat-rics 1987;80:102-106, spina bifida, neural tube defect, vas-culature, dysmorphology, embryogenesis.

The neural system, the tissue with the most

prolific growth during the prevascular stage, is the

first to outgrow its nutrient supply. Closure of the

neural tube, we propose, is dependent upon

vascu-larization of the neural system and its supporting

tissues. According to this hypothesis, a disturbance

in the timely development of vasculature may limit

nutrients available to the neural tissue and thereby prevent closure. To test the hypothesis, we infused

and dissected the vasculature of six fetuses with

neural tube defects. The studies demonstrate

dis-turbances in arterial supply to the spine in the

region of the spine defect in each case.




A constant and adequate supply of nutrients is

necessary for the normal development of embryonic

tissues. During the initial weeks of development,

the conceptus receives nourishment from the

cyto-plasm of the ovum, the yolk sac, and, possibly,

uterine secretions. Transition from an avascular to

a vascular organism is a critical benchmark in early

embryonic development. This transition, normally

accomplished during the fourth postconceptional week, is essential for normal development as the

cell mass exceeds its ability to grow, divide, and

differentiate with the nutrients available by

diffu-sion alone. Continued growth and development

re-quire vascular channels to deliver nutrients into the

enlarging cell mass and to retrieve metabolic waste


Received for publication Aug 11, 1986; accepted Sept 26, 1986. Reprint requests to (R.E.S.) Greenwood Genetic Center, 1 Gre-gor Mendel Circle, Greenwood, SC 29646.

PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1987 by the

American Academy of Pediatrics.

Six fetuses demonstrating the spectrum of spinal defects, from the base of the cranium to the lumbar region, were included in this study. All fetuses were detected through maternal serum a-fetoprotein

screening or ultrasound examination during the

midtrimester. Only in case 2 was a positive family

history known.

The arterial system of each fetus was infused through the umbilical artery using a mixture of barium and gelatin. The infusion mixture was pre-pared by suspending 30 g of barium sulfate in 50 mL of warm normal saline and 4 g of gelatin in 50 mL of hot water. While still hot, the gelatin solution

was added to the barium suspension, with stirring

or blending at high speed for five minutes.

Infusion was performed during a one-minute

pe-nod with the barium/gelatin mixture heated to

55#{176}C.Five milliliters or less were adequate to fill

the central arterial system in these fetuses, each

weighing less than 1 kg. Adequate perfusion was

presumed when contrast medium was noted in the

cutaneous arterioles of the distal extremities, trunk,



tal arteries in control fetus and in six fetuses included in study.

removed in block, taking care to leave the aorta in

place from the arch distally. Once the viscera were

removed, the contrast-filled dorsal intersegmental

arteries and their intercostal branches were

imme-diately evident beneath the pleura of the posterior

thoracic wall. In the lumbar area, the dorsal

inter-segmental arteries were embedded in the psoas

muscle and were exposed by the removal of the

anterior layers of muscle.

The size of the dorsal intersegmental arteries,

their position of egress from the aorta, and their

course was noted in each case and compared to the

vascular system of two fetuses without neural tube





A 16-week-old male fetus had the following

mea-surements: weight 225 g, crown to heel length 19.6

cm, crown to rump length 11 cm, and head

circum-ference 12 cm. The fetus had anencephaly and

spinal rachischisis extending from the base of the

cranium to the level of the first lumbar vertebra

(Fig 1). The thoracic intersegmental arteries were

abnormal in number and spacing (Fig 1). Five of

these vessels bifurcated and were distributed to two

thoracic segments rather than the normal one.

Case 2

A 15-week-old female fetus had the following

Fig 1. Top, Location and size of spinal defects in fetuses

included in study; bottom, aorta and dorsal

intersegmen-measurements: weight 148 g, crown to rump length

10.2 cm, crown to heel length 16.5 cm, and head

circumference 13.5 cm. Spinal rachischisis

ex-tended from the fourth thoracic to the fifth lumbar

vertebrae (Fig 1). Craniofacial structures,

extremi-ties, and viscera appeared normal. A marked

dis-turbance of size and distribution of the thoracic

and lumbar dorsal intersegmental arteries was

dem-onstrated (Figs 1 and 2). Only three pairs of tho-racic arteries were present. Two of the three pairs

were hypoplastic, and one artery of the third pair,

arising at the thoracic-lumbar junction bifurcated

and its cephalad branch trifurcated. The three

lum-bar dorsal intersegmental arteries arose centrally from the aorta.

Case 3

A 17-week-old male fetus had the following

meas-urements: weight 260 g, crown to rump length of

14.5 cm, crown to heel length 23 cm, and head

circumference 15.5 cm. The gross appearance was normal except for spinal rachischisis extending

from the seventh thoracic to the fifth lumbar

ver-tebrae (Fig 1). Each of the lumbar intersegmental arteries arose from the aorta as a central trunk. In the thoracic area, the dorsal intersegmental arteries

were irregularly spaced and had numerous

bifurca-tions (Fig 1).

Case 4


Fig 2. Infusion of aorta with barium/gelatin mixture in control fetus without spinal defect (left) and in case 2 fetus (right). In control fetus, 14 dorsal intersegmental arteries arise in regular sequence to vascularize vertebral

measurements: weight 150 g, crown to heel length

19 cm, crown to rump length 12.5 cm, and head

circumference 14.5 cm. Spinal rachischisis

ex-tended from the tenth dorsal to the first sacral vertebrae (Fig 1). There was disturbed egress and course of the dorsal intersegmental arteries in the region of the spinal defect (Fig 1).

Case 5

A 16-week-old female fetus had the following

measurements: weight 157 g, crown to rump length

13.4 cm, and head circumference of 13.3 cm. The

lower extremities were hypoplastic and the spine

had a lumbar rachischisis (Fig 1). Arterial infusion

and dissection demonstrated normal number but

markedly disturbed egress of the dorsal

interseg-mental arteries from the lumbar aorta (Fig 1).

Case 6

An 18-week-old male fetus had the following

measurements: weight 255 g, crown to rump length

bodies, spinal cord, and body wall. In case 2 fetus, dorsal intersegmental arteries show disturbances of caliber, egress from aorta, and distribution (compare to line draw-ing in Fig 1).

16 cm, crown to heel length 26 cm, and head

cir-cumference of 14.5 cm. Spinal rachischisis extended

from the fourth lumbar vertebrae into the sacrum

(Fig 1). The lumbar dorsal intersegmental arteries

were abnormal with bifurcation of one artery,

hy-poplasia of one vessel and absence of one artery

(Fig 1).


These six fetuses with spina bifida demonstrate abnormalities of the arterial supply to the region of

the spine defect. Because embryologically these

ar-teries develop prior to closure of the neural tube,

we propose that the vascular disturbance limited

nutrition to the developing neural tissue and

sup-porting structures, preventing appropriate growth

and closure.

The cardiovascular system is the first to function in the embryo.’’ It is called upon early because of

the paucity of nutrients available in the ovum and

yolk sac and because of the limitations of nutrient


avascular cell mass becomes limited by the distance

nutrients can travel by ebb and flow and by cell to

cell transport. Only with development of the

vas-cular system can the embryonic fields develop into

eumorphic functional organs and systems.

At approximately 18 days after fertilization,

is-lands of angioblasts along the ventrolateral aspects

of the neural tube coalesce to form the dorsal

aor-tas.2’4 Dorsal intersegmental arteries arise from the

aortas while they are yet in the primitive paired

states and intimately associate with the neural groove.5 As the aortas fuse to form a single midline

vessel, the dorsal intersegmental arteries give off

additional branches permitting growth and

devel-opment of the body wall. There are usually 14 pairs

of dorsal intersegmental arteries in continuous

se-quence from the level of the third dorsal to the

fourth lumbar vertebrae.’ The spinal branch of each

of these paired arteries serves the spinal medulla, its membranes, and the vertebrae, whereas other

branches vascularize the body wall. The two dorsal

segments cephalad to this series of arteries are

supplied by branches from the subclavian arteries,

and the segments caudal to the fourth lumbar seg-ment are supplied by a single midline sacral artery.

Because of the rapid growth of the neural folds

and adjacent supporting structures in the early

stages of embryonic development, we infer that

progress toward completion of neural tube

forma-tion would be hindered by diffusion constraints and


dependent upon timely vascularization of these

tissues.”6’7 The neural tube is vascularized by an

abundance of arteries, including the internal

ca-rotid artery to the brain and pairs of arteries arising at each of the approximately 30 somites to the

hindbrain and spinal cord. The cervical

interseg-mental arteries coalesce into the vertebral arteries, bilateral trunks that supply the cervical cord,

hind-brain, and anastamose with the internal carotid

arteries. The dorsal and lumbar intersegmental

ar-teries remain as individual, bilateral branches from

the aorta supplying the spinal cord, vertebrae, and

body wall.

Neural tube closure begins at the level of the fourth somite, near the future craniospinal junc-tion, and proceeds in rostral and caudal

direc-tions.68 At 20 days after fertilization, human

em-bryos showing the first evidence of closure have

seven somites.”68 The arterial system, although

still primitive, is represented by well-defined dorsal

aortas prior to this stage.2 Developmental progress of the dorsal intersegmental tributaries of the

aor-tas has not yet been defined in the few embryos

available from the early somite stage.

By conjecture, one might suggest that the initial

somite development and neural tube closure in the

midembryo region occurs because of their proximity

to the developing cardiac tube. Early pulsations

from the cardiac tube may move blood to the

mi-dembryo region better than to the more distant

caudal and cranial regions.

According to our hypothesis, neural tube closure

follows and is dependent upon vascularization of

the neural folds. The available human embryos

from this developmental stage support the concept

that at least the major arterial channels are present prior to neural tube closure. The dissections of fetuses with defects of neural tube closure presented

in this article demonstrate major disturbances of

the arterial supply to the region of the defects. We

have previously demonstrated the vascular

patho-genesis of sirenomelia, a condition with lumbar

spina bifida in 10% of cases.9 In sirenomelia, a

vascular steal exists that siphons blood from the

aorta at the level of the diaphragm, depriving

tis-sues vascularized by tributaries of the abdominal

aorta of adequate nutrients for normal embryonic


Evidence for the vascular basis of anencephaly

has been reported by Vogel and McClenahan’#{176} and

Vogel.”2 They demonstrated anomalous vascula-ture in anencephalic specimens and suggested that the cerebral vessels never become connected to the

systemic circulation. The failed arterial

connec-tions prevent adequate nutrition to the cranial

neural tissue, resulting in anencephaly. Other

non-neural malformations that have been shown to have

a vascular pathogenesis include nonduodenal

intes-tinal atresias, gastroschisis, sirenomelia, acardia,

defects of branchial arch derivation, and limb

re-duction defects.9”’8

Our hypothesis and dissection findings support

the view that spina bifida occurs because of failure of neural tube closure rather than because of over-distension and rupture of a previously closed neural

tube, as suggested by Gardner and Breuer.’9

Our findings suggest that neural tube defects, one

of the most common serious birth defects, may

occur because of a disturbance of embryonic vas-culature. This expands the range of malformations attributed to faulty vasculature and gives reason to

redirect the search for the underlying heritable and

environmental forces that may contribute to the formation of neural tube defects.


We thank Drs Harold A Taylor, Robert A. Saul, John

Koepke, Fred Dalldorf, Keith Nance, David Kaufman,

Brian Shiro, David Walker, David Slater, Roger Bley,



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Metabolites of the active ingredients of marijuana may be detectable in urine

for up to 10 days after a single smoking session. However, most individuals

cease to excrete detectable drug concentrations in 2 to 5 days. Metabolites can

sometimes be detected several weeks after a heavy chronic smoker (several

cigarettes a day) has ceased smoking. (Employee Drug Screening-Detection of

Drug Use by Urinalysis. Single copies available from the National Clearinghouse

for Drug Abuse Information, P0 Box 416, Kensington, MD 20795.)

Submitted by Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration




Roger E. Stevenson, JoAnn C. Kelly, Arthur S. Aylsworth and Mary C. Phelan

Vascular Basis for Neural Tube Defects: A Hypothesis


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Roger E. Stevenson, JoAnn C. Kelly, Arthur S. Aylsworth and Mary C. Phelan

Vascular Basis for Neural Tube Defects: A Hypothesis


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American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.


Fig 1.Top,Locationandsize of spinaldefectsin fetusesincludedin study;bottom,aortaanddorsalintersegmen-
Fig 2.Infusionof aortawithbarium/gelatinmixtureincontrolfetuswithoutspinaldefect(left)andincase2fetus(right).Incontrolfetus,14dorsalintersegmentalarteriesarisein regularsequenceto vascularizevertebral


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