Binding of Pseudomonas cepacia to normal
human intestinal mucin and respiratory mucin
from patients with cystic fibrosis.
U S Sajjan, … , M A Karmali, J F Forstner
J Clin Invest. 1992;89(2):648-656.
Although not as prevalent as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas cepacia is another opportunistic pathogen which colonizes the lungs of at least some patients with cystic fibrosis. A subgroup of these patients exhibits the "cepacia syndrome", i.e., a rapid clinical deterioration and death within one year. To investigate potential early sites of bacterial attachment, we have measured the specific binding of P. cepacia isolates from cystic fibrosis (CF) sputa to both CF and non-CF mucins purified from respiratory and intestinal secretions, respectively. As shown in microtiter binding assays, clinical isolates from 19/22 patients were found to bind to both mucins, with the highest specific binding exhibited by isolates from eight patients, seven of whom later died with the cepacia syndrome. No differences were observed in the binding capacity of the two (CF versus non-CF) mucins. Binding was specific, saturable, and not influenced by tetramethylurea, a disruptor of hydrophobic associations. Individual sugars were ineffective as hapten inhibitors, as were several lectins. Mucins treated by reduction/alkylation or chloroform/methanol extraction showed enhanced bacterial binding, findings which were attributed to exposure of
underlying binding sites. Deglycosylation procedures indicated that mucin receptors for P. cepacia include N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine, probably linked together as part of core oligosaccharide structures. P. cepacia isolates also bound to buccal
epithelial cells, and mucin partially inhibited the binding of those isolates of […]
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Binding of Pseudomonas cepacia
Human Intestinal Mucin
and Respiratory Mucin from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
UmadeviS.Sajjan,MaryCorey,Mohamed A.Karmali, and JanetF.Forstner
Research Institute,HospitalforSickChildren, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X8, Canada
Although not as prevalent as Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Pseu-domonascepaciais another opportunistic pathogen which col-onizes the lungsofatleastsomepatients with cystic fibrosis.A
subgroup of these patients exhibits the "cepacia syndrome", i.e.,arapid clinical deteriorationanddeath within one year. To
investigate potential early sites of bacterial attachment, we havemeasuredthespecific binding ofP.cepacia isolatesfrom
cysticfibrosis(CF)sputa tobothCF andnon-CFmucins
puri-fied from respiratoryandintestinal secretions, respectively. As shown in microtiterbindingassays,clinical isolates from19/22
patients werefound tobindto both mucins, with the highest
specificbinding exhibited by isolates from eight patients,seven
of whomlaterdied withthecepacia syndrome.Nodifferences
wereobserved in the binding capacityof the two (CF versus
non-CF)mucins. Bindingwas specific, saturable, and not in-fluenced by tetramethylurea,adisruptor of hydrophobic associ-ations. Individualsugars wereineffectiveashapteninhibitors,
as wereseverallectins. Mucins treated byreduction/alkylation
orchloroform/methanolextraction showed enhancedbacterial binding, findings whichwereattributedtoexposureof underly-ing binding sites. Deglycosylation procedures indicated that mucin receptors for P. cepacia include N-acetylglucosamine andN-acetylgalactosamine,probably linked togetheraspartof
coreoligosaccharidestructures. P.cepaciaisolates also bound
tobuccalepithelial cells,andmucinpartiallyinhibited the bind-ing of those isolates ofP.cepaciathatalso had the abilityto
bindtomucin. We speculate thatspecific bindingof P. cepacia
tosecretedmucinsmaybeanearlystepin thepathogenesisof thecepaciasyndrome.(J.Clin.Invest.1992.89:648-656.)Key words: mucin adhesion*carbohydratereceptors *buccal
epithe-lial cells *bindingassays *mucin competition
Pseudomonascepacia, awell knownplantpathogen,wasfirst describedasanopportunistic pathogenincysticfibrosis
Preliminaryreportsofthiswork haveappearedinabstract form(1990. Pediatr. Pulmonology. Suppl. 5:196A; and 1991. Glyconjugate J. 8:209).Address correspondence to J. F. Forstner, M. D., Ph.D., The Hospi-talfor Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Room 3423, Toronto, OntarioM5G 1X8, Canada.
Receivedforpublication7 June 1991and in revisedform 11 October 1991.
1.Abbreviationsused in this paper: BEC, buccal epithelial cells; CF, cystic fibrosis;dpm,disintegrations per minute; FEV1,forced
expira-patients in the early 1970s (1). Unlike Pseudomonas
aerugi-nosa,thisorganisminfectsasmall percentage of CFpatients.
Over the last 20years, however, theprevalence of P. cepacia infection in CF has graduallyincreased in some centers(2, 3).
A recent survey at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, suggested that approximately 40% ofatotal of 500 CFpatients
are nowcolonized with this organism.Theinfection isbelieved
tospread bynosocomialtransmission(4, 5)butonceacquired,
the clinical course is quite variable. Some patients show no
particular alterationin thecourseoftheirdisease,someshowa
mildly accelerated decline, while others succumb to arapid declineinpulmonaryfunction withfever,elevationof
erythro-cytesedimentationrate,leukocytosis, and resistanceto
antibi-otictherapy, culminatingindeath withinseveral monthsto a year.Thisrapidfatal deterioration has been called the "cepacia syndrome"(2,6). Very little is known about thepathogenesis
of thissyndromeorthe virulence factorsresponsible,although
severalpotential virulence factors have been described forP.
cepacia, including proteolytic, hemolytic, lipolytic, and
sac-charolytic activities (7, 8). Unfortunately,evidencethat
pulmo-narypathology isadirectresultofthese factorsisnonexistent
or atbestveryweak.
Kuehnetal.(9) reportedthat both CF and non-CF P.
cepa-cia isolates bind to respiratory epithelial cells, and suggested
thatpolarpilion P. cepacia mayplaya role inadhesion and
initiation of infection.In contrast,Saimanetal.(10) suggested
thatoutermembraneproteinsofP. cepacia mediateadhesion
torespiratorycells. Krivanetal.(I1)havedemonstrated that selectedCF and non-CFP.cepacia andP.aeruginosa isolates
also bind invitrotoasialoglycolipids,with thespecificreceptor sequencein eachcasebeing N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)(
1,4galactose (GAL).
Autopsyspecimens ofCFlung (12)and ferretlung (usedin
aCF model system) (13),haveshown thatrespiratory
patho-gens ingeneral tend to localize withinluminalmucus
secre-tionsrather than adheretocells. Toourknowledgenoreports
ofP.cepacialocalization in CF lungs have beenpublished.
In anefforttoexplorepotentially important earlyeventsof
P. cepacia infection in CFpatients at the Hospital for Sick ChildreninToronto,weundertookastudyofthebindingofP. cepacia isolatestopurifiedhumanmucins. Ourgoalswere to
discover whether therewas specific binding ofP. cepacia to
mucins, whether binding wasdifferent for non-CF intestinal mucinthanfor CF tracheobronchial mucin, and whetherwe
could obtain information about thespecificreceptorstructures on mucins involved in P. cepacia adhesion. In addition we
explored thebindingofP.cepacia isolatestobuccalepithelial
cellsand theabilityof mucinstointerfere with thisbinding.
tory volumein 1 s; Gal, galactose; GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine;
GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; SIM,smallintestinalmucin; TBM,
©TheAmericanSocietyforClinical Investigation, Inc. 0021-9738/92/02/0648/09 $2.00
strainsand culture conditions
Fromsputumcultures of 22patientswithcystic fibrosis,whowere seen
in theout-patientclinicorwhowerehospitalizedfor briefperiods
dur-ing 1986to 1989, 53 clinical isolates ofP. cepaciawere identified.
Although theseisolatesweresent tothe Center for DiseaseControl, Atlanta, Georgia,forribotype analyses,the resultsarenotyet available.
Therefore precisestrain differences(if any)amongst the isolatesare
unknown. Identification ofP. cepaciainthe Clinical Microbiology Laboratorywasmadeonthe basis of identification schema outlinedby
Gilardi(14), includingcolonialmorphologies, odor,and
Gram-nega-tivestainingof motilerod-shapedbacteria.Inaddition,isolateswere
catalasepositive, weaklyoxidasepositive,didnotfermentglucose,gave
good growthonMcConkey medium,wereresistant topolymyxinB
sulphate (10 mg/liter),gavepositive glucoseoxidation reaction(Hugh
and Leifson medium) andpositive growthinSimmon's citrate
me-dium. Results ofspecific tests used todistinguish P. cepaciafrom
closelyrelatedspeciesinPseudomonas RNAgroupII included
nega-tivearginine dihydrolase activity, positive hydrolysisof O-nitrophenyl-fl-D-galactopyranoside,andpositiveesculinhydrolysis (formostof the
isolates).Each culturewassuspendedinsterilewater,transferred onto
brain heart infusionagarplates,grownfor 36-48 h at370C,andthen
maintainedat-70'Cinvialscontaining5% trisodium citrate in 40%
In preparationforbinding studies,bacteria weresubculturedon
brain heartinfusionagarplates,grownfor 36-48h,andsinglecolonies
inoculated into 10mloftrypticasesoybroth(Difco Laboratories, Inc.,
Detroit, MI) supplementedwith 0.1mCiof[3H]sodiumacetate(ICN
Biomedicals Inc., CostaMesa, CA) (sp act 2.5 Ci/mmol)or
[35SJL-methionine(New EnglandNuclear ResearchProducts, Boston, MA) (spact800Ci/mmol).Bacteriaweregrownunder aerobic conditionsin
anOrbit shaker(CanLab, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)at 150rpm
for 16-18h at37°C.The brothwascentrifugedat 10,000g for10min at4°C,and the bacterialpelletwashed three times with 20 vol of PBS
pH 7.0 containing0.1% BSA (fraction V, essentially globulin free; SigmaChemicalCo.,St.Louis, MO).Thepelletwasresuspendedinthe
samePBS-BSAsolution togiveaconcentration suitableforsubsequent bindingassays(0.1ODat650nmwasequalto 2.52x
CFU/mlasdeterminedby plating seriallydilutedbacteria).
Selected information on each patient from whom isolateswere ob-tainedwasenteredroutinelyinto the CFpatientdataregistryat the
Hospitalfor Sick Children. On the basis of severalclinicalparameters,
including pulmonaryfunctiontests(FEV1,forced vitalcapacity,chest
threegroupsatthe timeeach isolatewasobtained:i.e., advanced, mod-erate, ormild severity ofillness. Followup mortalitydataon each
patientwere maintainedaspartof theongoingdataregistryatthis
Purification of
mucinsTracheobronchial mucin(TBM)fromcombinedsputaofCF patients,
and small intestinal mucin (SIM) from ileal secretions ofa
and aminoacidswere performed,asdescribedintheaccompanying
Modifications ofintestinal mucinstructure
Reduction andalkylation.Mucin(377 ,ugasproteinor3.7mgasdry
wt)wasmixedwithDTT(10 mM)in0.05 MTrisHCl buffer pH 8.6 containing1%SDS,boiled for 5min,cooledtoroomtemperature,and
alkylatedwithiodoacetamide(20 mM)for1hatroomtemperaturein
the dark. Excess reagentswereremovedby dialysisfor 24 hagainstsix
Delipidation.Fivesequentialchloroform:methanolextractions of
mucin(20mgdry wt)werecarried outbythemethodofSlomianyet al.
(16) to remove potential lipid contaminants. Extracts were pooled, concentrated by rotary flash evaporation, and redissolved in 100 y1 of chloroform:methanol (2:1 vol/vol) for subsequent use in thin layer chromatography. Theresidual mucin was used in bacterial binding or hapteninhibition assays.
Desulfation. Mucin (3.77 mg) was treated with 4 ml of 0.05 MHCl in drymethanol at370Cfor4h asdescribed bySlomiany et al. (17), neutralized with 1 M NaOH,dialyzed againstthreechanges of distilled H20,and concentrated byfreezedrying.Mucin sulfatewasmeasured by the method of Silvestrietal.(18) before and after methanolic-HCl
Deglycosylation.(a)Partialdeglycosylation was accomplished by subjectingmucin(27 mg)to twosequentialtreatmentswith trifluoro-methanesulfonic acid (TFMS):anisole (2:1) for 2 hat00Casdescribed by Edgeetal.( 19).
(b)Totaldeglycosylation wasachieved bysubjectingthepartially deglycosylated mucinto"reverse"f,-eliminationasoutlinedby Ger-ken etal. (20).Briefly, this entailedtheadditionof0.1 Maceticacidtoa
solution ofpartly deglycosylated mucin(6.4mg in 1 mlof distilled H20)tobringthe pH to 4.5,incubationwith sodiummetaperiodate (200 mM) at 4°C overnight in the dark,destruction of excess periodate by the addition of sodiumiodide/sodium thiosulphatereagent(1:1vol/
vol200 mMNal and 800 mM Na2S203), and incubation for 12 hat
4°C.Thedeglycosylated mucinwasthendialyzedat4°C against dis-tilledH20for 3 d and freeze dried.
Proteolytic digestion.Mucin (3.7 mg)wasincubated with 754tLgof protease(typeXlV,Sigma Chemical Co.) in PBS pH 7.2 for 24 hat
37°Casdescribed earlier(21). PMSF(2mM)wasthen added and the mixture dialyzed for 24 hagainst distilledH20.No attempt wasmade
to removeresidualpronasefromtheretentate.
Periodate treatment. Sodium metaperiodate (0-100 mM) was addedtomucin-coatedmicrotiterwells andincubated for1 h at 37°C. After washingthe wells, standardbacterial binding assays were per-formed. Moredetails ofthe procedureare provided in Results (Ta-ble IV).
binding to mucin
Microtiterplateassays.Binding ofP. cepaciatoeither SIMorTBM wasperformedin wells ofpolyvinyl microdilutionplatesasdescribed
intheaccompanying paper (15) with a minormodification, namely, thatthroughout the assay PBScontaining 0.1%BSAwasusedinstead of PBS alone.This modification didnotaffectspecific binding,it sim-ply reducedbackgroundbindingtoBSA.Specific bindingtomucinwas
calculated insomeexperiments by subtractingthedisintegrationsper minute (dpm)ofBSA-bound bacteria from thedpmofmucin-bound bacteria,and theresultingvalue then convertedtoCFU/,ggmucin. In otherexperiments specificityofbindingtomucinwasexpressedas a
bindingratio R, which is the dpm boundtomucindividedby dpm boundtoBSA. In hapteninhibition experimentsthe R valuefor bind-ing of controls (no hapten) was used as a reference (0% inhibition) to facilitatecomparisonswith samples exposedtohaptens.
Slot-blotbindingassays.Native or modified mucins (50-500 ng as protein) were slot-blotted onto 0.45-,gm nitrocellulose membranes (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA) in a slot-blot system manifold II(Schleicherand Schuell Inc., Keene, NH), washed, and blocked with 3%gelatinfor 1 hat37°C. The membrane was then incubated with
"S-labelledP.cepacia(2-3 x 109CFU/ml) in PBS-BSA pH 7.0 for 1h at 37°C. Afterwashing,themembranesweredried,incubated for 5 min inrapidautofluor enhancer (New England Nuclear,Boston,MA)
andexposedtoX-OMATARfilm (EastmanKodak,Rochester,NY) for 4-5 d.Intensityof slotswasjudged visuallyandbyscanning densi-tometryby theuseofalaser(UltrascanXL; PharmaciaLKB,Uppsala, Sweden).
Thin layer chromatography overlayassay. Chloroform:methanol
extractsof mucin(10gl)aswellaspurifiedreferenceglycolipids (1-2
Aig)wereseparated bythin layer chromatographyonsilicagelusing
Theglycolipidstandards were kindly supplied by Dr. C. Lingwood, Division ofMicrobiology, Hospital for Sick Children, and included asialoandmonosialo gangliotetraosyl ceramides, asialoandmonosialo gangliotriosylceramides, globotetraosyl-, globotriosyl-,and lactosyl cer-amides(asialo GMl, GMl, asialo GM2, GM2, Gb4, Gb3, and LC, respectively).Thesilicaplateswereeither stainedwith Orcinol reagent (SigmaChemicalCo.,St. Louis, MO) (22)andvisualized, orblocked with1% gelatin overnightat370C,incubatedwith 10 ml of35S-labelled P. cepacia (3 X 109 CFU/ml) for 1 h at 370C,washedsix timeswith PBS-BSA, airdried,andprocessedforautoradiography.The method wasessentiallythe same asthatdescribed by Hansson et al. (23).
Hapten inhibitionassay. Potential haptens were preincubated with 3H-labelled bacteria for1 h at37°C, followedbymeasurement of bacte-rialbindingtomucinby themicrotiterbinding assay protocol. Further details forspecificexperimentsaregiveninfigure legendsortables in Results.Individualcarbohydrates used as haptens were obtained from
SigmaChemical Co. Lectins (Helixpomatia, wheat germ agglutinin, peanutagglutinin,andUlexeuropaeusI)werepurchasedfrom Biocarb Chemicals, Lund,Sweden.
Buccalepithelialbindingassay. Binding of3H-P.cepacia tobuccal
epithelialcells(BEC)wasdetermined byfollowingthe methodof Doig
etal.(24). To testtheeffect ofmucin on P. cepacia binding to BEC, 3H-bacteriawerefirst incubatedwith mucin (25-200
for1hat37°C,the mixturewasthen incubated with BEC,and the assay was continuedasusual.
Statistical comparisons ofbinding results, Rvalues, andpulmonary functiontests(FEV1),wereperformed byStudent's t testusing Stat-works, Cricket Software, Philadelphia,PA.
LinearregressionsofLangmuirisotherm plots were computed by Cricket graph,(CricketSoftware)and theslopes foreachisolatewere thencompared witheach otherby multiplelinearregression analysis
usingSASStatisticalSoftware, Cary,NC.
orrespiratory mucin Initialbinding experiments involvedtheincubation ofafixed concentration (1.0-1.5 X 109 CFU/ml) of3H-labelled P.cepa-ciafor 1 hat37°Cinmicrotiterwells coatedwith either
puri-fied normal human SIMorCF TBM.Radioactivity (dpm) of
bacteria boundtomucinwasdividedby dpmofbacteria bound
toBSA-coated wellstogeneratea
ofbindingtomucin.Rvalues>2.0weretakentoindi-cate a
for mucin (25). Incontrastto P.aeruginosastrains(15)sevenof the
isolates ofP.cepacia exhibitedpreferential
bindingtomucin.Nomajor differencesin
between the normaland CF mucinswereobserved(Table I).
twoisolatesthat showed thegreatestmucinbindingvalues(PC 5 and 7),experimentswereconductedtodiscover theoptimum conditions of time(0.5-3 h), temperature
(22-37°C),and pH(5.8-7.5),forbinding.The results (not shown) indicated that 1 h at 37°C and pH 7.0gavethe bestbinding, and theseconditionsweretherefore used in subsequentbinding
orbinding/inhibition studies. Forthreeisolates thatwere
ex-ploredindetail (PC 5, 7, 24),specificbinding dependedupon
bacterial concentration and exhibited saturationat a
concen-tration of- 4-5 x 109 CFU/ml. Fig. 1ashowsarepresentative
plot forone isolate (PC 7)andFig. 1 bthederivedLangmuir isotherm, whichgave a linearregression line suggestive ofa
singletype ofnoninteracting mucin receptors. Fig.2shows that thebindingofPC7 tointestinal mucinwas80-90%inhibitable
TableLBinding ofP. cepacia Isolateto Mucins
dpm bound dpm bound R value
Isolates Mucin toBSA(a) tomucin(b) (b/a)
PC 1 SIM 70(69-73) 218 (170-254) 3.1
TBM 70 (69-73) 238 (197-273) 3.4
PC 2 SIM 785 (714-872) 2849 (2780-2902) 3.6 TBM 785 (714-872) 2506(2234-2644) 3.2
PC 3 SIM 71(61-78) 285 (264-297) 4.0
TBM 71(61-78) 256 (247-275) 3.6
PC 4 SIM 41(21-61) 169(133-194) 4.1
TBM 41(21-61) 167(152-185) 4.1
PC 5 SIM 96(94-99) 801(770-850) 8.3
TBM 96(94-99) 833 (805-886) 8.6
PC7 SIM 58(52-63) 2820(2515-3035) 48.3
TBM 70(66-75) 3515 (3116-3710) 50.2
PC18* SIM 35 (29-42) 43 (35-51) 1.2
PC 24* SIM 27(22-36) 640(557-703) 23.7
3H-P.cepacia isolates (1.0-1.5X 109CFU/ml) were tested for binding
tomicrotiterwells coatedwithBSA(control), SIM, or TBM. R values
>2.0 wereconsidered toreflect specific bindingto mucin. Values of dpmarethe average (± total rangeobtained) ofthreeindependent bindingexperiments. * BindingtoTBMwas notdetermined.
by preincubatingthe bacteria witheither SIM orTBM solu-tions before carrying outstandard microtiter bindingassays.
Forthe threeisolates, Langmuir isotherms permitted
calcula-tion of values for N(saturation of mucin sites expressed as
mucin)(Table II).Multiplelinearregression analyses of theisothermsindicated thatdifferencesinbindingvaluesamongst
the isolateswerestatistically significant. However,the Kand N
values wereall within one order ofmagnitude, which likely
reflectssimilarity ofbacterial adhesins andcommon,but
per-haps not identical, mucin receptors. In later experiments, whichweredesignedtoprobe the identityof mucinreceptors, wefrequently used both isolates PC 5 and 7(and in selected
casesboth mucins)to ensure thatour findings wouldnotbe
restrictedto onestrain-specificmechanismof mucin binding. Hydrophobic interactions,which playanimportantrolein
P.aeruginosa bindingtomucin or BSA(15),were notfound to
influenceP. cepaciabindingtomucin,asjudged bythetotal lackof effectoftetramethylurea(0.05-0.4 M)uponthe
bind-ing of eitherPC 5orPC7 tomucins (notshown). This result in
additiontotheunequivocal specificityofP.cepacia bindingto
mucin(versus BSA),madeitunnecessary to resort to
solution-phase assaysas wasdoneearlier forP.aeruginosa ( 15). Survey
From 22patientswithcysticfibrosis whovisited theoutpatient
clinicor werehospitalized during 1986to1989,therewere53 P.cepacia isolates obtained. The clinicaldatarelevanttoeach
patientatthetime the isolatewasobtained and thesubsequent
clinicalcourseof eachpatient (up untilDecember 31, 1990)
weredocumentedandstoredin theCF PatientDataRegistryat
theHospitalfor Sick Children.Eachisolate(atafixed bacterial concentration of 1.2x I09CFU/ml)wastested for itscapacity
1 2 3
xlO 94 5
70 60
0 1 2 3 4 5
9Figure 1. (a)Binding ofP. cepacia to tracheobronchialmucin.An
aliquot of150
of3H-P.cepacia(PC7)(2X 108-4X 109 CFU/ml) was added tomicrotiterwells coated with tracheobronchial mucinorBSA (0.52Agprotein/well), incubated for 1 h at37°C,andafter washing four times to remove nonbound bacteria, wells were counted for boundradioactivity. Mucinbindingvalues were correctedfor nonspecific BSA binding. Each value represents the mean (±SEM) of sixindependent bindingexperiments. U, unbound bacteria(CFU/ml x 109); B,boundbacteria(CFU/,ugmucin dry wt).(b) Langmuir iso-therm plotof the data of Fig. 1 a.
study period. Therefore a total of 19 out of the 22 patients produced38isolateswhichdid bindtomucin,andthese were segregated and grouped accordingtothe severity of illnessof thepatientatthe time ofP. cepaciaisolation(TableIII).
R values varied within each group, but the average was highest in the isolates of those patients judgedto haveadvanced
disease(group a).Sixof the eight patients in groupadiedwith severeillness within oneyear(three withinonemonth) ofthe time the last isolate was obtained. Three of these six had R
values> 20.0,whilethe otherthreehadvaluesof1 1.8, 5.7,and 2.5, respectively. Therewere twoadditional patientswith ad-vanceddisease whoseRvalues are notincluded in Table III because none of their isolates boundto mucin. Oneofthose patients died with severe illness, but the lastisolate available from that patient was obtained10months before death,and we
therefore donot knowwhetherthe Rvaluemight have become positive had it beentestedduring that time. Theother patient with advanced disease(but R < 2.0) is still alivedespitealow FEV1(i.e.,22% ofpredicted). Despitethetestingofmanyofhis
isolates,nomucin-binding activityhas ever beenobserved.In
summary, therefore, most patients with P. cepacia and
ad-80 ;; j
z b
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Figure2. Inhibition of 3H-P. cepacia bindingtoimmobilized intes-tinal mucinby preincubationwith intestinalortracheobronchial mucin.3H-labellel P.cepacia (2.55 X 108CFU/ml)(isolatePC7)
werepreincubateawith intestinal(SIM)orCF tracheobronchial
mu-cin(TBM)0-150,ug/mlfor 1 hat370CinPBS,and then 150Mlof each mixturewereaddedtomicrotiterwellspreviouslycoated with intestinal mucinorBSA. Standardbindingassayswereperformed
asdescribedinMethods and corrections made fornonspecificBSA
binding.Inhibitionwascalculatedasapercentageof control(0%
in-hibition)containingnomucin inpreincubationmixtures. Each value is themeanofthreeindependent bindingassays and barsrepresent the total range of values obtained. o,TBM;*, SIM.
carriedanon-mucin-bindingstrain and is stillalive,
andonewithalow R value(< 2.0)died.In sixmoderatelyillpatients (group b),theaverageR value
There was onedeath in group b, and it occurredwithin threemonthsofthelast isolate obtained. The R value
was23.7andthe FEV1 was63,butwithinaveryshortperiod
thereafter the clinical condition of the patient deteriorated
sharply. Nofurther isolatesorFEV1 measurements were ob-tained
the three monthsbefore death.Ifweassumethatthis
and add his R value to the data for group a, the difference betweengroupaand bbecomes statistically significant (i.e.,P=
OneothermoderatelyillpatientwascolonizedwithTableII. ValuesofNandKforP.cepacia BindingtoMucins
Isolate Mucin N K
CFU/Ilgmucin ml/lgmucin
PC 5 SIM 1.46(+0.1 1)X 107 1.34(±0.19)x 10-9 PC 24 SIM 3.01(±0.16)x 107 3.29 (±0.23) x 10-10 PC 7 SIM 6.08(±0.98)x 107 3.33 (±0.70) x 10-1° PC 7 TBM 1.66(±0.29)x 108 1.23 (±0.32) x 10-'
Langmuirisothermswereconstructed from the results of binding
ex-perimentsof 3H-labelled P. cepacia(1 x 107-5 x 109CFU/ml)to
immobilized SIMorTBM in microtiter wells. For each concentration of bacteria sixbinding experimentswerecarriedoutper isolate and thebindingtomucin corrected for nonspecific binding to BSA. The average number ofbindingsitesonthemucin,N(±SEM),andthe association constant, K(±SEM),werederived from the intercept('/ KN)andslope('IN),respectively. Figures in brackets represent SEM.
Table III. Correlation of P. cepacia Binding to Mucin and Clinical Severity ofDisease
Number of Number of Binding
Severity of positive patients parameter
disease isolates who died R±SEM FEV1±SEM
(a) Advanced 13 6 15.98±3.49 33.6±2.19
(b) Moderate 12 1 8.49±1.84 64.7±3.27
(c) Mild 13 0 6.85±0.82 82.0±3.19
P. cepacia isolates were labelledwith3H-acetate,concentrated to 1.2 X 109 CFU/ml;and testedfor their binding to intestinal or respiratory mucins inmicrotiter bindingassays. Specific binding to mucin, R refersto aratioof mucin bindingdivided by BSA binding, and was determined fromthreeindependent bindingassays.Patients who died didsowithinthe three year studyperiod(1986 to 1989). Statis-ticaldifferencesweresignificant for comparisons ofR valuesof group a versus c(P=0.0 18),but notfora versus b(P=0.077) or b versus c(P=0.41).If datafromoneclinicallyanomalouspatient(R
=23.7) in group b (see text) are placed in group a the P valuefora versus b would be<0.05. Comparisons ofFEV1 values gave P =
<0.001 foraversusb,a versusc, and b versus c.
P. cepaciawhich did not bind to mucin, and this patient
re-mains clinicallyunchangedfouryears later.
Themild group (c) contained nine patients with isolates which bound to mucin. The average R value was significantly lower than that ofgroup a (P= 0.018) but not group b (P
=0.41).There were two otherpatientsinthe mild group whose isolates did not bind to mucin, and those patientswere still
aliveasofDecember31, 1990.
Mucin receptors
P. cepaciaTodiscoverthe natureofthe receptorsitesonmucins which
areresponsible for the adhesion ofmucin-binding isolates,a number ofexperimental approaches were taken. These in-cluded the useofselectedhapten inhibitors ormucins of al-teredcomposition orstructure. In mostexperiments purified
smallintestinal mucinwasused rather than tracheobronchial
mucindue to greateravailability oftheformer, and most
ex-perimentswereperformed withisolates PC 5and/orPC 7.
Treatment with sodium
MucinandBSA-coated wells were incubated in the darkfor1 h
at37°Cwithincreasing concentrations of NaIO4,washedfour
times withPBS,and the residual boundproteinmeasuredby
the methodofSorensonetal. (26).No loss ofboundprotein (0.52 ,g protein)occurredfor either BSAormucin (not shown)
asresult ofperiodate treatment. IsolatesPC5and PC 7were then added andthe usualbinding assayperformed.Asshown in Table IV for SIM, periodate treatment caused a gradual decreaseinPC 5 and PC 7binding to mucin, which suggests thatmucin carbohydratesareinvolvedasreceptors. No
signifi-cance couldbeattached to thepercentagedifferences between thetwo isolates since the concentration of bacteria added in eachcase wasdifferent.
carbohydrates or lectins as inhibitors
Hapten inhibition studies were carried out by preincubating PC5 orPC7(1 x I09 CFU/ml)for1 hat 37°C with individual monosaccharides which included D-fucose, D-glucose,
D-galac-Table I V.Effect ofSodium Metaperiodate on P. cepacia Binding to Intestinal Mucin
Binding (percent of control)
NaIO4 PC 5 PC 7
0 100 100
6.2 72(68-75) 63(59-70)
12.5 30(20-36) 49 (47-53)
25.0 20(16-25) 41 (4046)
50.0 5(4.1-5.7) 27(23-30)
100.0 3(2.8-3.6) 13(12.7-13.4)
NaIO4(0-100mM) was added tomucin-coated microtiterwells and incubatedfor 1 hat 37°C in the dark. The wells were then washed four timeswithPBS-BSA.3H-labelled bacteria(1.34 x I09 CFU/ml for PC5 and 5X I0O CFU/ml forPC7)wereaddedintriplicateto wellsandbindingmeasured asdescribedin Methods.Similarly treated BSA-coated wellswereused to correctfornonspecific binding. Control(noperiodate)bindingdatawerenormalizedto100%.Values represent the mean and total rangeofvaluesobtained(brackets).
tose, D-mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosa-mine, andN-acetylneuraminicacid (20 mM). The mixture of
3H-bacteriaandmonosaccharide was then added to mucin- (or
BSA-)coated wells andbindingmeasured in the usual fashion. Noneofthe sugars inhibitedbacterialbinding to mucin. Simi-larly there was no inhibition by the disaccharides Gal
1,3GalNAc,Gal 3 1,6 GlcNAc,Gal
1,4 GlcNAc,orGlcNAcf3
1,4 GlcNAc used at concentrationsof2.5 and5.2 mM (not shown).Inseparateexperimentsthefollowing lectins(5-25 ,ug/ml) were individually incubated for 1 h at 37°C in mucin- (or BSA-) coated wells:helixpomatia,peanutagglutinin, Ulex Eu-ropaeus I, and wheat germ agglutinin. After four washes to removenonboundlectins,3H-P. cepacia(PC5 or PC7)were
added andbindingassays carriedout.Onceagainnoinhibition
wasobserved (notshown),suggestingthat thesimple
monosac-charidesor disaccharides suchasGalNAc,Gal ,B1,3 GalNAc, fucose,and,B-linked GlcNAc, respectively,didnotprovide spe-cific mucin receptor sitesforthe bacteria.
mucinSince Krivanetal.(11)havedemonstratedbinding ofselected
strains ofP. cepacia toasialoglycolipidsGM1 andGM2, we
wishedtoconfirm thisfinding fortheisolatesPC 5 andPC7.In
addition,sequentialchloroform:methanol extractions of intes-tinal mucin(20 mg)wereperformedtodiscoverwhether the
mucinpreparationcontained anylipid contaminants capable
ofbindingP.cepacia.Glycolipidstandards(1-2 ug)aswellas 10Ml ofmucinextract(fromatotalof 100Ml)wereseparated by
thin layerchromatographyonsilicagelandsprayedwith Or-cinol reagent.Aminor band of free sugars(?)wasdetectednear
the solventfront in the mucintract(Fig.3a) butno
recogniz-ableglycolipidcomponentswerefound. Sincethesensitivityof detectionwas - 0.5
ofglycolipid,themucinglycolipidcon-tamination was judged to be negligible (i.e., <0.05% by
weight).35S-labelledP.cepaciawereoverlayedontoduplicate (Orcinol-free)TLCplates,washed,andsubjectedto
con-a -;, bindingtomucin bypeanutagglutininorby Gal( 1,3GalNAc disaccharidemadeit unlikely thatcoreGal
1,3 GalNAc units of mucinweresufficient to account for the observed bacterialbindingtomucin.
.,, :.. *.
.: :
.s '' ...., @
1 2 3 4 5 6
r.~~-,F, S~
'''as s s
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3. Thin layer chromatography of lipids and bacterial overlay with"S-P.cepacia. (a) Standardglycolipids ( 1 -2Mg)were subjected
toTLC and detected by Orcinol spray 1 =lactosylceramide(LC),2
=Gb3, 3=
4=asialoGM1,5=GM2 and asialo GM2. Lane 6,lipidextractfrom 2 mg of intestinal mucin. (b) Duplicate TLC plateswerenotstained but were blocked with1%gelatin overnight at 37°C,washed, and then overlaid with"S-labelledP. cepacia(PC 5, 2 x 109CFU/ml)andincubated for 1 h at 37°C.After further wash-ing to remove nonbound bacteria, TLC plates were subjected to au-toradiography(5-7 d exposure to Kodak x-ray film). Bacteria boundto standard asialo GM1 (lane 4) but not to mucin lipid extract (lane 6).
cluded thatourpreviouslyobserved bacterial binding to mucin wasunlikely to have been due to contaminating glycolipids.
Theonly positiveband was that of theasialo-GMl standard.
Asialo GM2 didnotbindeither PC 5 or PC 7. A consideration
of the differencesbetween the two glycolipids suggested that the receptor structurespecific forPC5 and PC 7 might be the
disaccharide Gal (3 1,3GalNAConasialoGM1.This
disaccha-ride isalso commonin mucin core 1 or core 2 oligosaccharides
(30). However, the previous lack of inhibition of P. cepacia
Chemical and enzymatic treatmentofmucin
Both hapten inhibition and directP. cepaciabinding studies
wereperformedon intestinalmucinsamplesbeforeandafter delipidation, desulfation, partialortotaldeglycosylation,thiol
reductionandalkylation,ordigestion withpronase. Composi-tional analyses of the mucins were carried out to monitor
changes in the mucinas aresult of eachtreatment(Table V)
and to assist in theinterpretationofbindingresults. No
signifi-cant changesinamino acid profileswerenoted(exceptfora 25% decreasein aspartic plus glutamic acid content after
pro-nase treatment). Carbohydrate composition, however, was al-teredin severalcases:delipidationcaused anunexplained24%
decrease infucose(21.8 to 16.6%),desulphation with metha-nolicHC1causedamajor decrease in thetwoacid labile resi-dues fucose (62%) and sialic acid (59%), aswell as a loss of
sulphate(98%); TFMS (partial deglycosylation) causedatotal
lossof fucose, sialic acid,andgalactose,aswellas an83%
de-creasein GlcNAc anda57%decreaseinGalNAc. Reduction/ alkylation andpronase treatmentscausednomajor changesin
carbohydrate. TFMS plus 'reverse'(-elimination(total degly-cosylation) released all ofthe mucin carbohydrate. Thetreated
mucinswerethen usedaspotential hapteninhibitors in
stan-dardmucin (SIM) bindingassaysafterpreincubationwith 3H-P.cepacia (PC 5) at370C for1 h. As shownin TableVI,totally deglycosylated mucinwas noteffectiveas ahapten inhibitor,
whereasdelipidated,and reduced/alkylatedmucinswere more
effective inhibitors than untreated (control) mucin. Desulfated mucin (whichwasalso reduced insialic acid andfucose)was
thesame asuntreatedmucin. Themosteffective inhibitorwas
thepartiallydeglycosylated(TFMS-treated) mucin which
con-tained only GlcNAcandGalNAcresidues.Pronasedigestion
wells,whichrenderedmucin bindingdatainvalid.
Someofthe treated mucinswere nextused indirect binding
experiments performedasslot-blotbindingassayswith 35S-la-belledP.cepaciaoverlay andautoradiographicdetection. BSA providedanegative control. Fig.4 wasconsistent withthe
re-sults of Table IV in showing thatbindingwas strongest for TFMS-treated (partially deglycosylated)mucin, moderately in-creasedabove controlfordelipidated mucin,andnegligiblefor totally deglycosylated mucin.Pronase-digested mucinwasthe
same asuntreatedcontrol mucin. Desulfated mucinwas not
tested duetolackof material.
Taken together, both the hapten inhibition and direct bind-ing experiments suggest that core oligosaccharide structures
containingGalNAc and/or GlcNAcprovidedthe bestreceptor structuresforP. cepacia. Theenhancementofbinding by
re-ducingagentsand lipidextractionwerejudgedto have been
causedby conformational modifications(ineither thepeptide
ortheoligosaccharidemoieties ofthemucin)which "unmask"
of other
mucinsinbinding studies
Asialoporcinesubmaxillarymucin,which containscore
car-bohydrate chains having the structuresGalNAc-(ser/thr) or
Gal (31,3
withorwithouta1,2linked fucoseTableV. CompositionofHuman IntestinalMucinBefore and After Various Chemical and EnzymaticTreatments
Reduced Pronase Partially Totally
Mol% Notreatment Delipidated Desulfated andalkylated treated deglycosylated deglycosylated
Asp+Glu 12.8 14.7 12.4 13.6 9.7 12.1 13.2
Ser+Thr+Pro 52.8 48.0 49.8 50.2 51.7 49.4 49.0
Gly+Val+Ala 16.9 16.5 18.0 17.1 16.2 17.4 18.4
Ile+Leu+Phe 11.3 13.3 12.6 10.0 13.9 13.3 11.3
Rest 6.2 7.5 7.2 9.1 8.5 7.8 8.1
Fucose 21.8 16.6 8.3 19.8 18.5 ND ND
Galactose 23.0 26.1 36.3 25.3 25.3 ND ND
N-acetylglucosamine 45.1 46.6 43.3 42.5 45.2 68.3 ND
N-acetylgalactosamine 8.4 7.6 11.4 8.3 8.8 31.7 ND
Sialic acid 1.7 3.1 0.7 4.1 2.2 ND ND
Sulphatenmol/jgprotein 0.45 NT 0.007 NT NT NT NT
Each value represents the averageof twodeterminations.ND means notdetected. NT means not tested.Amino acids were analyzed by the Pi-cotag system(WatersAssociates,Toronto,Canada)after hydrolysisin 6 M HC1for24 h at 110C. Carbohydrates wereanalyzedbytheBio LC-HPLC(DionexCorp., Sunnyvale, CA) systemafterhydrolysis in 2 Mtrifluoroaceticacidfor2 h at0C.Pronase-treated samples probably contained residualpronase,therefore amino aciddata may not bereliable.Sulphate was assayed by thebarium-rhodizonatemethodof Silvestri
residues (27), as well as asialo ovine submaxillary mucin, which containsmainly a-linked GalNAcasthemajor carbohydrate (28), were compared with normal SIM in microtiter binding studiesof 3H-P. cepacia (2.5X I09 CFU/ml of PC 5). Porcine submaxillary mucin bound P. cepacia only 1/7 as much as
SIM, and ovine submaxillary mucin did not exhibit any spe-cificbinding (not shown).Theseexperimentssuggested, by
ex-clusion, that neither a-linked core GalNAc-norGal
1,3 Gal-NAc inmucinsaresufficientto act aseffectivereceptors. Since O-glycans are the dominant chains in mucincarbohydrates, the presence of GlcNAc linked to core GalNAc residues inhumanSIM or TBM would thus seem to be necessary for opti-mumbinding.
effect of mucin on P. cepacia binding to buccal
Intheprevious paper (15) mucinswerefoundnotto interfere with the binding ofP.aeruginosa to buccalepithelial cells. In
Table VI.Inhibition ofBindingofP. cepaciatoHumanIntestinal Mucin inthePresenceofTreatedMucinsUsed
Hapten Percentinhibition
Nohapten 0
Untreatedmucin (control) 28.5±2.57
Delipidatedmucin 57.9±3.75
Reduced and alkylatedmucin 57.3±6.26
Desulfatedmucin 26.6±4.20
TFMS-treated mucin 75.3±2.60
TFMS plus reverse ,B-eliminated mucin 3.3±0.68
3H-labelledP.cepacia(PC 5isolate) (2.65 X 109CFU/ml)were preincubatedwith each hapten (5-10 ug/well) for 1 h at 37°C, and themixture then addedtomucin-coatedwells as in standard mucin-bindingassays. All valueswerecorrectedfor nonspecific bind-ingtoBSA. In the absenceofhapten, the R value was 15.5. Each value represents the mean(±SEM) for six independent experiments.
thecase ofP.cepaciawe obtained adifferentresult,butonlyfor
isolates whichwere known tobecapable of bindingtomucin.
Isolates PC 5, PC7(whichcanbind tomucin) and PC 45,PC
61 (whichdo not exhibitspecific bindingtomucin),werefirst
testedfor their abilitytobind tobuccalepithelial cells, (2-3
r- 0.6
CO c0
0 0.2
Figure 4. Slot blot direct assay ofP.cepacia bindingtochemicallyor
enzymaticallymodified mucinsamples. Samples containing 50, 100, and500 ng of mucinproteinwereslot-blottedontonitrocellulose membranes, washed, and then blocked with 3%globulin-freeBSA in TBSfor1 hat37°C. Afterfurtherwashing, sampleswereincubated overnightwithI'S-labelledP.cepacia (PC 5, 3.6 x 109CFU/ml), washedsix timesto removenonboundbacteria, and thensubjected
tofluorography.Overlaysfor500-ng samplesareshownonthe bot-tom;densitometryonthe top. 1,BSA(control);2, untreatedmucin (TBM); 3,chloroform:methanol-treated mucin;4, TFMS-treated mucin, 5,pronase-treatedmucin; 6,TFMS +reverse,B-eliminated
mucin;7, untreated mucin(SIM).
X 105BEC/ml)underconditionssimilarto those used
previ-ouslyfor P. aeruginosa(I15,24).Allfour PC isolatesboundina
saturablefashion, reachingvalues of52,64, 16,and 36CFU/
BEC at bacterialconcentrations of 1.0 x 109,1.0X 109,2X 108,
and 5X 108CFU/ml for PC 5, PC 7, PC 45, and PC61, respec-tively.
At similarconcentrations ofbacteria andBEC, the reported binding of P. aeruginosa (PAK) is - 181 CFU/BEC (29),
which suggeststhat there may be more receptor sites on BEC for P. aeruginosa than forP. cepacia.
Table VII presents the results of hapteninhibition
experi-ments in which P. cepaciaisolates werepreincubated with
dif-ferent concentrations of mucin beforetestingtheirbindingto
BEC. Only PC 5and PC 7bindingwereinhibitedsignificantly
by mucin, and the maximum inhibition obtained wasabout 60%.PC 45 and PC 61 (the non-mucinbinding isolates)were
not inhibited. All four strains therefore haveadhesins capable of bindingtoBEC,butit islikelythat theseadhesins, (aswellas
the specific receptorsites forthem on BEC), differ from the specific adhesins (andreceptors)involved inmucinbinding. Discussion
Clinical isolatesofP. cepaciaobtained fromthe sputum of 19 out of 22colonizedpatientswithcysticfibrosiswereobserved to adhere to non-CF and CF mucinsofthe intestinal and
respi-ratory tracts, respectively. There was nopreference ofany of
theisolates tested for CF mucin versusnon-CF mucin. Thus the specificreceptorsonmucinsare
normalmucincomponents present in the respiratory and gastrointestinal
tracts. The overallquantityand accessibility of mucin within
theairways ofpatients with CF may therefore be
determinants ofP. cepaciacolonization. Isolatesvaried
some-what in theextent (saturation) andaffinity of their adherence to mucin, which suggests that the number(and possibly the nature) of the bacterial adhesin(s) for mucins vary amongst
TableVII. EffectofMucinon P. cepaciaBinding
Percentbinding ofcontrol
Mucin PC 5* PC 7* PC45$ PC61t
0 100 100 100 100
25 74(72-76) 68 (66-70) 113(104-128) 104(102-107) 50 59(54-51) 48(47-51) 110(105-115) 103(87-109) 100 58(52-66) 60(53-66) 113(106-119) 103(98-106)
150 ND 52(47-56) ND 95(87-100)
200 ND 40(36-47) ND 87(81-98)
3H-labelled PC 5, PC 7, PC 45,orPC 61(2X 108or1 X 109CFU/ml)
werepreincubated with mucin (0-200,g/ml)for 1 hat
then addedtobuccalepithelialcells(1.5or5X I05cells/ml)andincubated forafurther 1h at370C.Thereaction mixturewasfilteredonapolycarbonatefilter and theretentatecounted.Bindingin the absence of mucin (control)(100%)was23, 17, 21,and 10CFU/BECfor PC 5, PC 7, PC 45, and PC61,respectively.ND,notdetermined. * Iso-lates knowntobind; $ isolates knownnot tobindspecificallyto
PC5 and PC7)
were chosen for a moredetailed examination of the
process. In eachcase
to mucinwasspecific
than to BSAcontrols),
saturable withincreasing
with mucins(SIM
assays.Thesecharacteristicswerenotobserved inear-lier studies withP.
which showednopreferential
interactions didnotparticipate
in therecep-tor-mediated
had no effect onbinding.
In contrast, P.aeruginosa
to mucin(and
was found to be almostcom-pletely
The 'naked'peptide
of mucinappeared
sincepronasedigestion (which
or'naked'areasofmucins) (21)
innature.Sodiummetaperio-datetreatmentof mucininhibited
asdid removal ofall
'reverse' 13-elimination.Al-though
GlcNAc and
which were almostcom-pletely
werepotentinhibitors. Theonly
onthe TFMS-treatedmucinwereGlcNAc and
linked in theconfiguration
of GlcNAca
both) (i.e.,
core4mucinoligosaccharide configuration [30]).
Asshown in
assaysof PC 5 toasialo ovinesubmaxillary
mucin andasialoporcine
submaxillary mucin,
GalNAc-peptide (Ser/Thr) or-Gal
Thereforeitappearstobenecessarytohave GlcNAclinkedtoGalNAcfor
bacterial adhesion.Synthetic
will be used infutureexperiments
the bestconfigurations.
including reduction/alkylation
chloroform/methanol extraction,
asjudged by hapten
studies. Sincereducing
agents act to break disulfidebonds andtorelease the
8-kD "link"glycopeptide
mucin, (but
leave theremaining carbohydrates
chains inafashionthatexposed
receptors.Chloroform:methanol extraction may also have
contami-nants. Since
mucin exhibited greaterbacterialbinding
than intactmucin,
it ishighly
that mucinreceptors forP.
contaminants inthemucin
The isolates of P.
that bound to mucin weregrouped
of illness ofeachpatient
atthe time the isolate was obtained.
the number ofsamples
average mucinbinding
R values tended to segregatewithsevere illness
whilethosewiththe lowestaver-ageRvaluessegregatedwith mild illness(groupc).Thesedata
between the extent ofmucin binding and progressive lung dam-age. Itwill be necessary in the future to carry out a prospective study to discover whether colonization withmucin-bindingP.
cepacia is a poorprognostic signinpatients with cystic fibrosis.
Experiments comparing the effects of mucin on P. cepacia
bindingto buccalepithelialcells suggestedthat thoseisolates
that are capableof bindingtomucin (i.e., PC 5 and PC 7) were inhibited (in part) from binding to BEC by added mucin,
whereas thoseisolates (i.e.,PC 45 and PC 61) with no specific affinity for mucin, wereinsensitivetoaddedmucin.One might expect apriorithatbindingtomucinin vivo would be protec-tive, since it would retard accessof bacteriatorespiratory
epi-thelialcells and subsequent lung damage. On the other hand,
withinareasof stasisin the lung, secreted mucin may simply
provide a reservoir for mucin-binding P. cepacia strains, therebyfacilitating colonization. Ourfuture effortswill be
di-rected toisolating andcharacterizingthemucin-specific
adhe-sin(s) ofP. cepacia.
Financial assistance for this work was provided by the Canadian Cystic FibrosisFoundation. Dr. U. Sajjanwastherecipient ofaCanadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation postdoctoralfellowshipaward. The authors areindebted to Ms. AnneRobson, Division ofMicrobiology, Hospital
for Sick Children, for identification andprovision ofPseudomonas cepacia isolates.
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