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On the Fourier transform and the exchange property


Academic year: 2020

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A simplified construction of tempered Boehmians is presented. The new construction shows that considering delta sequences and convergence arguments is not essential.

1. Introduction

Since Boehmians were introduced, extensions of the Fourier transform to spaces of Boehmians attracted a lot of attention (see [2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9]). In some cases, the range of the extended Fourier transform is a space of functions. In other constructions, the range is a space of distributions or a space of Boehmians.

In this paper, we would like to consider the space of tempered Boehmians presented in [8]. In this case, the range of the Fourier transform is the space of all distributionsᏰ. This work is motivated by [1].

First we recall briefly the construction of the space of tempered Boehmians. A con-tinuous function f :RNCis calledslowly increasingif there is a polynomialponRN such that|f(x)| ≤p(x) for allx∈RN. The space of slowly increasing functions will be denoted byᐃ(RN) or simplyᐃ.

An infinitely differentiable function f :RNCis calledrapidly decreasingif sup

|α|≤m sup x∈RN

1 +x21+···+x2N m

Dαf(x)<∞ (1.1)

for every nonnegative integerm, wherex=(x1,. . .,xN),α=(α1,. . .,αN),αn’s are nonneg-ative integers,|α| =α1+···+αN, and



∂|α| ∂xα1

1 ···∂xNαN

. (1.2)

The space of rapidly decreasing functions is denoted by᏿(RN) or simply᏿. Iff ᐃandϕ∈᏿, then the convolution

f ∗ϕ(x)=

RN f(y)ϕ(x−y)d y (1.3)

is well defined andf ∗ϕ∈ᐃ.

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A sequence (ϕn)᏿Nis called adelta sequenceif it satisfies the following conditions: (a)RNϕn(x)dx=1 for alln∈N,

(b)RN|ϕn(x)|dx≤Cfor some constantCand alln∈N, (c) limn→∞x≥εxk|ϕn(x)|dx=0 for everyk∈Nandε >0.

The space oftempered BoehmiansᏮis defined as the space of equivalence classes of pairs of sequences (fn,ϕn), where fn∈ᐃand (ϕn) is a delta sequence as defined above, satisfying

fm∗ϕn= fn∗ϕm ∀m,n∈N, (1.4)

with respect to the equivalence relation defined by



iffm∗γn=gn∗ϕm,∀m,n∈N. (1.5)

It is shown in [8] that the Fourier transform can be defined for tempered Boehmians and that the range is exactly the space of all distributionsᏰ. Thus, the space of tempered Boehmians can be identified with the space of ultradistributionsᐆ(see, e.g., [10]). In the construction, the particular choice of delta sequences and the fact that the Fourier transform of a delta sequence converges to 1 uniformly on compact subsets ofRNseem to be essential. In this paper, we show that this is not the case. In fact, we give an equivalent construction where convergence plays no role. This approach indicates that the results of [8] follow from a more general principle.

In what follows, we will denote by᏿the space of tempered distributions, that is, the space of continuous linear functionals on᏿. If f andϕ, then the convolution f ∗ϕis defined as (f ∗ϕ)(x)= f(ϕx), whereϕx(z)(x−z). It can be shown that, if

f andϕ᏿, then fϕᐃ. The Fourier transform of a tempered distribution f, denoted by f, is the functional on᏿defined by f(ϕ)= f(ϕ), whereϕis the Fourier transform ofϕ.

2. The exchange property

For a family{ϕj}j∈J= {ϕj}J, whereJis an index set andϕj∈᏿for allj∈J, we define

Mϕj J


j(x)=0∀j∈J . (2.1)

A family of pairs{(fj,ϕj)}J, where fj∈andϕj∈᏿, is said to have theexchange propertyif

fj∗ϕk= fk∗ϕj ∀j,k∈J. (2.2)

Theorem2.1. If{(fj,ϕj)}J has the exchange property and=M({ϕj}J)c (the comple-ment ofM({ϕj}J)inRN), then there exists a uniqueF(Ω)such that

fj=Fϕj ∀j∈J. (2.3)


that this definition ofFis independent ofj. Suppose, for someε >0, we have|ϕj(x)|> ε for allx∈Uand|ϕk(x)|> εfor allx∈V. Then, since fj∗ϕk= fk∗ϕj, we have fjϕk=


fj ϕj =


ϕk (2.4)

onU∩V. Clearly,Fis unique.

We will denote byᏭthe collection of all families of pairs{(fj,ϕj)}J, whereJ is an index set,fj∈andϕj∈᏿for allj∈J, satisfying the exchange property and such that

M({ϕj}J)= ∅.

Note that in the definition ofᏭthe index set is not fixed. If f is arbitrary and ω(x)=e−x·x, then{(f,ω)} ∈. In this case the index set has only one element.

If (ϕj) is a delta sequence, then obviouslyM({ϕj}N)= ∅. However, it is possible that

M({ϕj}J)= ∅and{ϕj}does not contain any subsequence which is a delta sequence. Consider, for example, a sequence{ϕj}N such that{ϕj}Nis a partition of unity. More generally, let{Uj}J be an open covering ofRNand let{ϕj}J be such that|ϕ

j(x)|>0 for

x∈Uj. A family{ϕj}J such thatM({ϕj}J)= ∅will be calledtotal.

Lemma2.2. If{ϕj}J and{γk}Kare total, then{ϕj∗γk}J×Kis total.

Theorem2.3. {(fj,ϕj)}J∈if and only if there exists a uniqueF∈(RN)such that

fj=ϕjFfor allj∈J.

Proof. We only need to show that existence of such anF∈(RN) implies the exchange property. Indeed, for any j,k∈Jwe have

fjϕk=Fϕjϕk=Fϕkϕj= fkϕj. (2.5) Definition 2.4. If{(fj,ϕj)}J∈Ꮽ, then the uniqueF∈(RN) such that fj=ϕjFfor all

j∈Jwill be denoted byᏲ({(fj,ϕj)}J) and called theFourier transformof{(fj,ϕj)}J.

Theorem2.5. For everyF∈(RN)there exists{(f

j,ϕj)}J such thatF=Ᏺ({(fj,


Proof. Let{ϕj}Nbe a total sequence such thatϕj∈Ᏸ(RN) for all j∈N, whereᏰ(RN) denotes the space of smooth functions with compact support. Then, for every j∈N, there is an fj∈such that fj=ϕjF. Clearly,{(fj,ϕj)}N∈ᏭandF=Ᏺ({(fj,ϕj)}N).

Let{(fj,ϕj)}J,{(gk,γk)}K∈Ꮽ. If fj∗γk=gk∗ϕj for all j∈J andk∈K, then we write{(fj,ϕj)}J ∼ {(gk,γk)}K. This relation is clearly symmetric and reflexive. We will show that it is also transitive.

Let{(fj,ϕj)}J,{(gk,γk)}K,{(hl,ψl)}L∈Ꮽ. If{(fj,ϕj)}J∼ {(gk,γk)}Kand{(gk,γk)}K∼ {(hl,ψl)}L, then


for allj∈J,k∈K,l∈L. Hence

fj∗γk∗ψl=gk∗ϕj∗ψl, gk∗ψl∗ϕj=hl∗γk∗ϕj (2.7)

for allj∈J,k∈K,l∈L. Sinceis commutative, we have

fj∗ψl∗γk=hl∗ϕj∗γk (2.8)

for allj∈J,k∈K,l∈L. Now fix j∈J andl∈L. SinceM({γk}K)= ∅and (2.8) holds for everyk∈K, we conclude that fj∗ψl=hl∗ϕj for all j∈J andl∈L, which means that{(fj,ϕj)}J∼ {(hl,ψl)}L.

Note that

fj,ϕj J∼

fj∗ψk,ϕj∗ψk J×K (2.9)

for any total family{ψk}K.

Theorem2.6. Let{(fj,ϕj)}J,{(gk,γk)}K∈. Then

fj,ϕj J∼gk,γk K ifffj,ϕj J

=gk,γk K

. (2.10)

Proof. LetF=Ᏺ({(fj,ϕj)}J) andG=Ᏺ({(gk,γk)}K). If{(fj,ϕj)}J∼ {(gk,γk)}K, then

Fϕjγk=fjγk=gkϕj=Gγkϕj (2.11)

for allj∈Jandk∈K. HenceF=G, byLemma 2.2. Now assumeF=G. Then

fjγk=Fϕjγk=Gγkϕj=gkϕj (2.12)

for allj∈Jandk∈K. Hence{(fj,ϕj)}J∼ {(gk,γk)}K. Now we defineᏮ=/∼, the space of equivalence classes. In view of Theorems2.5

and2.6, the Fourier transform is a bijection fromᏮtoᏰ. Consequently,Ꮾcan be iden-tified with the space of ultradistributionsᐆ. We will show that, with a properly defined convergence inᏮ, the spaces are isomorphic.

Note that the space᏿can be identified with a subspace ofᏮvia f [{(f∗ω,ω)}], whereω(x)=e−x·x.

Theorem2.7. There exists a delta sequence(ϕn)such that for everyT∈,T=[{(fn,ϕn)}N] for some fn∈.

Proof. Let (ψn) be a delta sequence such thatψn∈Ᏸ. Then, for anyT∈Ꮾ, we have


3. Algebraic properties and convergence

Ꮾbecomes a vector space with the operations defined as follows:

λfj,ϕj J

=λ fj,ϕj J

, λ∈C,

fj,ϕj J

+gk,ψk K

=fj∗ψk+gk∗ϕj,ϕj∗ψk J×K

. (3.1)

If [{(fj,ϕj)}J], [{(gk,ψk)}K]Ꮾandgk∈᏿for allk∈K, then we can define

fj,ϕj J

∗gk,ψk K

=fj∗gk,ϕj∗ψk J×K

. (3.2)

It is easy to check that these operations are well defined. Note that, in view of

Theorem 2.7, the definition of addition can be simplified.

Definition 3.1. LetT0,T1,T2,. . .∈Ꮾ. It is said that the sequence (Tn) is convergent toT0

and is written asTn→T0if there exists a total family{ϕj}J such that

(a) there exist tempered distributions fj,n, where j∈J andn∈N, such thatTn= [{fj,n,ϕj}J] for alln=0, 1, 2,. . .,

(b) fj,n→fj,0in᏿asn→ ∞for everyj∈J.

Theorem3.2. The Fourier transform is an isomorphism fromto.

Proof. Note that, sinceTn→T0inᏮif and only ifTn−T00, it suffices to prove

conti-nuity at 0.

AssumeTn→0 inᏮ. Then there exist tempered distributions fj,n, where j∈J and

n∈N, such thatTn=[{(fj,n,ϕj)}J] for alln=1, 2,. . .and fj,n→0 in᏿asn→ ∞for everyj∈J. Ifψ∈Ᏸ, then there arej1,. . .,jksuch that suppψ⊂


m=1suppϕjm. Then


n→∞Tnψ=nlim→∞ k

m=1 Tnϕjm



m=1ϕjm 2

= k


lim n→∞fjm,n



m=1ϕjm 2 =0,


since limn→∞fj,n=0 for everyj∈J, by continuity of the Fourier transform in᏿. This proves continuity ofᏲ:Ꮾ, because limn→∞Tnψ=0 infor everyψimplies limn→∞Tn=0 inᏰ.

Now assume limn→∞Tn=0 inᏰ. ByTheorem 2.7, there exists a delta sequence (ϕj),

j∈N, such that for everyn∈Nwe haveTn=[{(fj,n,ϕj)}N] for somefj,n∈ᐃ. Let (ψk),

k∈N, be a delta sequence such thatψk∈Ᏸfor everyk∈N. Then limn→∞Tnϕjψk=0 in ᏿for every j,kN. SinceT

nϕj= fj,nfor every j,k∈N, we have limn→∞fj,nψk=0 in ᏿, which implies limn→∞fj,nψk=0 in. But


fj,n,ϕj J

=fj,n∗ψk,ϕj∗ψk J×K




The authors would like to thank Dennis Nemzer for helpful comments.


[1] D. Atanasiu,Fourier transform and the Boehme property, to appear in Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.

[2] V. Karunakaran and N. V. Kalpakam,Boehmians and Fourier transform, Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.9(2000), no. 3, 197–216.

[3] V. Karunakaran and R. Roopkumar,Ultra Boehmians and their Fourier transforms, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.5(2002), no. 2, 181–194.

[4] V. Karunakaran and V. B. Thilaga,Plancherel theorem for vector valued functions and Boehmians, Rocky Mountain J. Math.28(1998), no. 4, 1321–1342.

[5] V. Karunakaran and T. Venugopal,A new space for Fourier transform, Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.9(2000), no. 2, 133–148.

[6] P. Mikusi ´nski,Fourier transform for integrable Boehmians, Rocky Mountain J. Math.17(1987), no. 3, 577–582.

[7] ,The Fourier transform of tempered Boehmians, Fourier Analysis (Orono, Me, 1992), Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., vol. 157, Dekker, New York, 1994, pp. 303–309. [8] ,Tempered Boehmians and ultradistributions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.123(1995), no. 3,


[9] D. Nemzer,The Boehmians as an F-space, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, California, 1984.

[10] A. H. Zemanian,Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis, Dover, New York, 1987.

Dragu Atanasiu: School of Engineering, Bor˚as University, Bor˚as, SE 501 90, Sweden

E-mail address:dragu.atanasiu@hb.se

Piotr Mikusi ´nski: Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-1364, USA


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