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National Certification Programme for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation - aiming to improve practice


Academic year: 2019

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r r r r rd r r The National Ce tification P og amme fo Ca iovascula Rehabilitation – aiming to imp ove

r p actice.

r r r rd r r r r d

Gill Fu ze, P ofesso , Ca iovascula Rehabilitation, Covent y Unive sity, Covent y, UK an Joint

r r r r r rd r

Chai , BACPR/NACR National Ce tification P og amme fo Ca iovascula Rehabilitation (NCP_CR).

d r

Email: e ucation@bacp .com

r r d r rd

Simon Nichols, Resea ch Associate, Unive sity of Hull, Hull, UK an Exe cise Physiologist, Hull Ca iac

r r r r r

Rehabilitation P og amme, City Health Ca e Pa tne ship CIC, Hull, UK.

r r r r rd r r r r d r r

Pat ick Dohe ty, P ofesso , Ca iovascula Health, Unive sity of Yo k, Yo k, UK an Di ecto , National

d rd r

Au it of Ca iac Rehabilitation / Joint Chai , NCP_CR

r r r r rd r r d

Sally Hinton, Executive Di ecto , B itish Association fo Ca iovascula P evention an Rehabilitation

d (BACPR), Lon on, UK

d r r M r d r r d

Alison Iliff, Health an Wellbeing P og amme anage , Public Health Englan , Yo kshi e an the

r r d d rd r r

Humbe Cent e, Lee s, UK an O ina y Office , BACPR

M rd r r d d r

Joseph ills, Consultant Ca iologist, Live pool Hea t an Chest Hospital NHS Foun ation T ust,

r d r d

Live pool, UK an P esi ent, BACPR.

rd r d d r d r d

Ca iovascula isease (CVD) continues to be a lea ing cause of mo tality an mo bi ity in the UK.1It

d r r r d d r r r r

is also a lea ing cont ibuto to health inequalities; e ucing excess eaths f om co ona y hea t

disease in the most ep ive fifth of a eas woul have the g eatest impact on the life expectancy d r d r d r


gap in Englan .2

rd r r d d r r r r

Ca iovascula ehabilitation (CR) is a multi-facete secon a y p evention p og amme which aims to

r r r d d

imp ove outcomes fo people with CVD, with st ong evi ence of clinical an cost-effectiveness,3and

r d d r d r

is ecommen e by the National Institute fo Health an Ca e Excellence (NICE).45The evi ence-d

d r d rd r d r

base se vice stan a s fo elive y67inclu e cent e o home-base options (equally effectived r r d 8), by

d r r d r r

a multi- isciplina y team suppo te by community se vices (such as smoking cessation). The B itish

r rd r r d r d

Association fo Ca iovascula P evention an Rehabilitation (BACPR) ecommen s that a CR

r r d d r d

p og amme shoul be base on seven components which have health behaviou change an

d r r r d r r d d d d

e ucation at thei co e (Fig 1.). Quality assu ance of CR elive y is monito e , assesse an fin ings

d r r d d d d rd

publishe , annually, by the B itish Hea t Foun ation fun e National Au it of Ca iac Rehabilitation

d r r r r d d


r r r r r d r f om a majo ity of CR p og ammes ac oss most of the UK (with the exception of Scotlan ). To ensu e

data secu ity an quality NACR ata is hoste by NHS Digital.r d d d



r d d d rd r r d r r

Despite its st ong evi ence-base an existing stan a s fo se vice elive y, it has become appa ent

r r r r r r d r d r

f om NACR epo ts ove ecent yea s that CR is not elive e equitably ac oss the UK.9Although

r r r r r r d d rd r d r

the e a e exempla y p og ammes, many clea ly fin the BACPR stan a s fo CR elive y to be


aspi ational.10 ddA itionally, it is ifficult fo commissione s, se vice lea s an patients to know d r r r d d

r r r r r d d rd r

whethe a pa ticula CR p og amme oes meet minimum stan a s. Conce ns about the quality of

r r d r d d r

some CR p og amme elive y le the BACPR council an the team at NACR to collabo ate on the

development of a UK-wi e p og amme fo volunta y ce tification of whethe CR p og ammes meet d r r r r r r r r

d rd r d r minimum stan a s fo CR elive y.


d r r r

We un e took a th ee-stage p ocess10to: 1) captu e the views of commissione s, se vice staff an r r r d

r r r r d d d d d d

patients on whethe a ce tification p og amme was nee e , an what woul be inclu e in the

r d d rd r r d r r

p ocess; 2) evelop minimum stan a s fo ce tification; an 3) pilot the ce tification p ocesses.

d rd r d d r r d d

The minimum stan a s we e evelope by a g oup of expe ts in CR (both aca emic an clinical)

d d d rd

base on the publishe BACPR stan a s6(Table 1). Whe e possible, the minimum stan a s a er d rd r

develope f om me ian UK ata given in the NACR Annual Repo t, an these stan a s a e up ated r d d r d d rd r r d

r d d r

each yea following publication of new NACR ata. It is hope that, by annually up ating the

d rd d d r dr r

minimum stan a s against the publishe ata, it will be possible ove time to ive imp ovements

d r r r d r d d r d

in UK elive y of CR to match the best epo te wo l wi e. In futu e, as NACR ata quality

r r r r r d d

imp oves, it will be possible to assess patient-level outcomes fo CVD isk facto e uction an

r r r r r r r

inco po ate ta gets fo these to be met as pa t of the ce tification p ocess.




r r r r rd r Following the successful pilot, the BACPR/NACR National Ce tification P og amme fo Ca iovascula

d d r r r

Rehabilitation (NCP_CR) was launche in July 2015, an this enables CR p og ammes to volunta ily

r d rd d r

apply fo assessment against the minimum stan a s. Gui ance is available f om

d r

e ucation@bacp .comwhich outlines the application p ocess an gives the cu ent minimum r d rr

d rd

stan a s. CR r rp og ammes can equest thei NACR NCP_CR epo t an use this to assess whethe r r r r d r

r d rd r

they a e likely to meet the minimum stan a s. Following payment of a small fee (to cove

d r r d r r d d

a minist ation costs) they can apply fo an assessment to be un e taken by th ee in epen ent

r r r d r

membe s of the NCP_CR assessment panels. F om this they eceive fee back on whethe they meet

rr d rd r d rd r r d r r

cu ent minimum stan a s o not. Those that successfully meet stan a s a e ce tifie fo th ee

r d r d r r r d r r r r

yea s, an a e given gui ance on imp ovements that will be equi e p io to ece tification. These

r r r d r r r r r

successful p og ammes can use the BACPR/ NACR ce tifie logo on thei pape wo k fo the th ee

r r r d r r d d d

yea ce tification pe io . Those that a e unsuccessful a e given gui ance of what nee s to be one

d rd d d r r r d r r

to meet the minimum stan a s, an this can inclu e mento ship f om a ce tifie p og amme if

d d r r d rd r r

wishe . To ate, 18 CR p og ammes have successfully met the minimum stan a s fo ce tification,


f om 24 applications.



r r





r r



P og amme ce tification not only offe s an oppo tunity fo CR p og ammes to be ecognise



d r




fo high quality ca e, but also to un e take an objective self- iven eflective app aisal of the

r r







p og amme’s st engths an

unha nesse

potential. Du ing the application p ocess,

r r



d r



d d


p og ammes a e encou age to c itically evaluate cu ent local p actice an i entify thei


r r





own st ategies fo se vice evelopment. The assessment panel encou age this app oach an


d d




p ovi e a vice an

suppo t to each team to help them achieve thei objectives. The





i entification of specific evelopmental st ategies is essential if UK CR teams a e to continue




to st ive towa s health ca e excellence.


r r



d d d r


Comp ehensive p og amme fee back p ovi e

u ing the application p ocess will help CR


r r




specialists justify fu the

t aining an

continuing p ofessional

evelopment. Locally,

r r



r r


d rd

p og amme ce tification will imp ove patient ca e th ough continually ising stan a s

r r

r r




amongst p og ammes maintaining thei ce tifie status. Whilst ce tification will ensu e the

d rd


r r



implementation of minimum stan a s, the th ee-yea ly eview p ocess also aims to


r r d r

d rd




rd r dr

The UK has a t ack eco


iving excellence in CR. One of the challenges of

r r

r r


contempo a y health ca e emains se vice inequality. The NCP_CR has the potential to





d d



ensu e equitable se vice p ovision, imp ove patient outcomes an

elive inte national





excellence in CR. It is hope that NHS commissione s will eman nothing less than a CR




r r

se vice with these aspi ations.

NCP_CR is one metho

in which CR p og ammes can


emonst ate this commitment.



r r r r rd r

The National Ce tification P og amme fo Ca iovascula Rehabilitation has been successfully

d rr r r r d r

launche within the UK. Cu ently it is a volunta y p og amme, but it is hope that commissione s of

r r r r d r d rd

CR will inc easingly equest p og ammes to emonst ate that they meet these minimum stan a s

rd r r r d r r r r

in o e to imp ove ca e an outcomes fo people with CVD ove the next few yea s. Ensu ing equity

d r d r d r r r

of access to CR an imp oving consistency of elive y shoul inc ease long-te m behaviou change

d r r d r d r r r d d

an cont ibute to a e uction in CVD- elate health inequality. Fo fu the etails an copies of the

d r d d rd

Gui ance fo applicants (which inclu es the full minimum stan a s) please email:

d r


r Refe ences

d r r r M

1. Townsen N, Bhatnaga P, Wilkins E, Wick amasinghe K, Rayne .

Ca iovascula


r d


statistics, 2015

. Lon on: B itish Hea t Foun ation, 2015.d r r d

d d d r

2. Public Health Englan Epi emiology an Su veillance team.

The Segment Tool

. 2016; Available r

f om:http://finge tips.phe.o g.uk/p ofile/segmentr r r .

d r dr d r M r r r d

3. An e son L, Ol i ge N, Thompson DR, Zwisle A-D, Rees K, a tin N, Taylo RS. Exe cise-base

rd r r r r r d r r d

ca iac ehabilitation fo co ona y hea t isease: Coch ane systematic eview an meta-analysis.

Jou nal of the Ame ican College of Ca iology





r d r

4. National Institute fo Health an Ca e Excellence.


yoca ial infa ction: ca iac ehabilitation an








r rd

r d

p evention of fu the ca iovascula

isease. CG172

. Lon on: NICE, 2013.d

r d r

5. National Institute fo Health an Ca e Excellence.

Ch onic hea t failu e: management of ch onic






r d


r d

d r r

hea t failu e in a ults in p ima y an secon a y ca e, CG108

. Lon on: NICE, 2010.d

r r rd r r d

6. B itish Association fo Ca iovascula P evention an Rehabilitation.

Stan a s an co e

d rd d r


r r

d r

d d

components of ca iovascula p evention an

ehabilitation: 2n E ition

. Lon on: BACPR,d 2012.

r d r

7. National Institute fo Health an Ca e Excellence.

Ca iac ehabilitation se vices: commissioning





gui e

. Lon on: NICE, 2013.d

r d r d r r

8. Taylo RS, Dalal H, Jolly K, Zawa a A, Dean SG, Cowie A, No ton RJ. Hombase ve sus cent e-d re-d r

base ca iac ehabilitation.

Coch ane Database of Systematic Reviews



d rd

9. National Au it of Ca iac Rehabilitation.

Annual statistical epo t 2015



. Lon on: B itish Hea td r r d

Foun ation, 2015.

r r r r r r r r

10. Fu ze G, Dohe ty P, G ant-Pea ce C. Development of a UK National Ce tification P og amme fo rd


r Figu e 1.

r rd r r


Table 1

d rd r r rd r r r d r d

The 2016 minimum stan a s fo ce tification of ca iac ehabilitation p og amme elive y an the

data which emonst ates that they a e met. d r r

Minimum stan ad rd Data equi ement r r

d r r

1. The elive y of the seven co e components of CR Name lea fo each componentd d r

r d d r

2. An integ ate multi isciplina y team At least th ee p ofessions within the team r r

d r rr d r r

3. I entification, efe al an ec uitment of eligible

patient populations

r d r r r rd

Offe e at least to p io ity g oups of myoca ial

r r r r r

infa ction, post evascula isation, hea t failu e

r d r

4. Ea ly initial assessment an eassessment of patient

d d nee s an

r rd d

% patients with eco e a) baseline assessment

d d

& b) en of CR assessment is ≥ national me ian

r r r r d d

5. Ea ly p ovision of a CR p og amme with efine r

pathway of ca e

r r rr r Time f om efe al to sta t of CR is ≤ national

d me ian

r r r d

Du ation of CR p og amme is ≥ national me ian

d d


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