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(SDE) in terms of the corresp onding martin-


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M.A.H. Dempster

Centre forFinancialResearch

Judge Institute ofManagementStudies

University ofCambridge,Cambridge, England.




G.Ch. Gotsis

Hellenic CapitalMarket Commission

Syntagma Sq.,Athens,Greece.

May 1998


Jumping diusion models for nancial prices and returns are nding increasing

application in the pricing of current contingent claims. Generalizing the theory for

a Markov process with continuous sample paths { characterized in terms of its

in-nitesimal generator { we establish existence and uniqueness of solutions to jump

stochastic dierential equations. We adapt the Stroock and Varadhan approach,

whichdevelops avariantofthe`weaksense'solutionofastochasticdierential

equa-tion by formulating it as a diusion process solution of a martingale problem. Our

approach to deriving theintegro-partial dierential equation forthe value of a

con-tingent claimthroughthecorresponding Kolmogorovforwardequationis illustrated

bya generalizationoftherecent workof Babbsand Webberdescribingxed income

derivative valuationinthe presenceof central bankrate changes.

Keywords: jumpingdiusions,Markovprocesses,martingaleproblem,


The concept of jump-diusion Markov process models of nancial prices and returns is

ndingincreasingapplicationinpricingandhedging evermorecomplexcontingentclaims.

Some of these applicationsinclude equity index jumps [24, 18], central bank rate changes

[3, 19], credit rating changes [7], catastrophe risk [1], etc. On the other hand, usually

either formalstatementsare simply assumed correct orpractically restrictive assumptions

are made in setting out the corresponding integro-partial dierential equation (PDE) for

claim valuation and hedging. In this paper, we marshall appropriate results from the

mathematical literature to establish the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to a

generaljump stochastic dierential equation (SDE)in terms of the corresponding

martin-galeproblem statedinterms ofthe innitesimal generatorof the Markov solution process.

Although,forexample,non-Markovianversionsof Heath-Jarrow-Mortoncompatibleshort

term interest rate models are possible [5], Markov models are almost universally used in

practice. We illustrate the use of the solution toa martingale problem for a Markov

pro-cess in a typical nancial application under a risk neutral measure to derive rigorously

the integro-PDE satised by the claim value. The machinery treatedin this papercan be

applied ceteris paribus to all the nancial situations mentioned above { and many more

involving point process events.

A numberofauthorshavestudied the existenceand uniquenessof solutionsto

stochas-tic dierential equationswhosesolutions are termed diusion processes. Loosely speaking

the term diusion is attributed to a Markov process which has continuous sample paths

and can be characterized in terms of its innitesimal generator. The latter is specied

in terms of drift and diusion coeÆcients which have natural interpretations in nancial


There are several approaches to the study of diusions ranging from the purely

an-alytical to the purely probabilistic. The methodology of stochastic dierential equations

(SDEs) was suggested by P. Levy [17] as an `alternative' probabilistic approach to the

deterministic theory of heat diusion and was carried out by K. Ito. [14]. His strong

so-lution is constructed ona given probability space, with respect to a given ltration and a

given Brownian motionW. The idea of weak solution isanotion inwhich the probability

space, the ltration and the driving Brownian motion are all part of the solution, rather


varia-the search for a diusion process with given drift and dispersion coeÆcients in terms of

the martingale problem. Uniqueness of the solution process is required in the sense of its

nite-dimensional distributions and the continuity of its sample paths. Although nding

this processisequivalenttosolving the relatedstochasticdierential equationinthe weak

sense, the SDE is not explicitly involved. Rather, the innitesimal evolution of suitable

functionals of the solution process { specied by the innitesimal characteristics of the

process through its innitesimal generator { are determined up to anadditive martingale

error term.

In this paperwe consider the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the

Stroock-Varadhan[23]martingaleproblemforMarkovsemimartingales,i.e.jumpingdiusions. The

next section contains notation and preliminaries, after which the statements and proofs

of the main results are given in Section 3. Loosely speaking, these theorems imply that

the innitesimal characteristics of a jumping diusion { drift, dispersion, jump rate and

post-jump measure {together with the requirement that itssamplepaths beright

contin-uous and leftlimited, uniquely determine the solution process of the martingale problem.

In Section 4, an illustrative application of this practically important result is given to a

contemporaryproblem inmathematicalnance. Howeverthe techniquesdeveloped inthis

paperare much more broadly applicable, as isnoted inthe conclusions of Section 5.

2 Notation and Preliminaries

In this section we review some basic denitions and results from Markov process theory

[8,11, 16, 23].

Throughout the paper (;F;P) denotes a probability space, E is a metric space and

B(E) is the -algebra of Borel subsets of E. A collection fF


g := fF


; t 2 [0;1)g of

-algebrasof setsof F isaltration iF

t F


fort;s 2[0;1). Forastochasticprocess

X we dene F X


:= fX


: 0 s tg to be the algebra which corresponds to the

information known to an observer watching X up to time t. A ltration fF


g is said to

satisfy the usual conditions if it is increasing, right-continuous and F



PfX(t+s) 2BjF X


g=PfX(t+s)2 BjX(t)g (1)

for alls;t0and B 2B(E).

Let L denotea realBanach space with norm kk and let M(E)denote the collection

of all real-valued, Borel measurable functions on E. B(E) M(E) denotes the Banach

space of bounded functions with norm k f k:= sup


j f(x) j. C(E) denotes the

sub-space of B(E) of bounded continuous functions and C


(E) denotes the Banach space of

continuous functions which vanish at innity (in terms of the one point compactication

ofE)equippedwiththisnorm. P(E)denotesthefamilyofBorelprobabilitymeasures onE.

Taking intoconsideration that mostof the stochastic processeswhicharise innancial

applications have the property that they have right and left limits at each time point for

almost every sample path, we denoteby D


[0;1)the Skorohod space of rightcontinuous

functions x : [0;1) ! E with left limits. We take D


[0;1) to be the path space of all

processes considered here for a suitable space E (usually IR n

) and C


[0;1) will denote

the subspace of D


[0;1) containingthe continuous functions x:[0;1)!E.

Dening ametric donE wecan induceatopology onthe spaceD


[0;1). Itisproven

inEthier and Kurtz [11], Theorem 5.6, p.121, thatwith the topology induced by the

Sko-rohod metric D


[0;1) is a separable space if E is separable and is complete if (E;d) is

complete. The processes of interest to us here will take values in a complete, separable

metricspaceE andwill havesamplepathsinD


[0;1)equipped withthe Skorohod


A one-parameter family fT(t);t 0g of bounded linear operators on a Banach space

L with norm kk is called asemigroup i T(0)=I and T(s+t)=T(s)T(t) for alls;t

0. A semigroup T(t) on L is said to be strongly continuous i lim


k T(t)f k=k f k

for every f 2 L; it is said to be a contraction semigroup i k T(t) k< 1 for all t 0.

Wedenea semigroupfT(t)gonL tobemeasurable iT()f isameasurable functionon

([0;1);B[0;1))for each f 2L.


A linear operator A on L is said to be dissipative i k f Af k k f k for every

tobethe innitesimalgenerator of a semigroup fT(t)g on L. Wealso dene:


to be the graph of the full generator ^

A of a measurable contraction semigroup fT(t)g on

L with extended domain D( ^

a bounded linear operator on L, then 0

is said to belong to the resolvent set of A, and


iscalled the resolvent at 0

An operator A on C(E) is said to satisfy the positive maximum principle i whenever

f 2D(A),x

A process X isamartingale withrespect tothe ltration fF


and asub(super) martingale accordingas theequality becomes (). Ifwithrespect to









alln=1;2;:::,wesaythat X isalocal martingale. Allmartingalesare local martingales,

but not conversely. An adapted process X is a semimartingale i it has a decomposition

of the form


0 0

tingale and A has sample paths in D


[0;1) of nite variation, i.e. of bounded variation

oncompact timesets. Local martingales,nite variationprocesses,sub- and

supermartin-gales and (for E := IR


) n-dimensionalstandard Brownian motionW,with uncorrelated

Wiener coordinate processes, are all semimartingales.

Byasolutionofthe martingaleproblem forAwemeanameasurablestochasticprocess

X with values in E and sample paths in := D


[0;1) dened in a probability space

(;F;P),where is the Borel-eld relative tothe Skorohod topology, such that for each

(f;g)2A , i.e. g :=Af,

f(X(t)) Z



g(X(s))ds (4)

is a martingale with respect to the ltration F X


for all f 2 B(E). Equivalently, we say

that P solves the martingale problem for A.

When an initial distribution 2 P(E) is specied for the solution process X and (4)

holds, we say that X { equivalently P {is a solution of the martingale problem for (A;)

and without loss of generality write (4) inthe form

f(X(t)) f(X(0)) Z



g(X(s))ds: (5)

If a solution of the martingale problem for (A;) exists and is unique, we say that the

martingale problem for (A;) iswell-posed.

Denoting by the martingale process X with X(0) given by (5), we have for all

f 2B(E)

f(X(t))=f(X(0))+ Z



Af(X(s))ds+(t); (6)

which is a stochastic version of the fundamental theorem of calculus due to Dynkin [8]

involving the 0-mean martingale error . Taking expectations conditional on X(0) = x,


x t


@t E


f(X(t)) AE


f(X(t))=0: (7)

Finally,considertheBorelmeasurabledrift vectorfunctionb :[0;1)IR n

!IR n

; (t;x)!

b(t;x)and volatility matrix function:[0;1)IR n

!IR n


; (t;x)!(t;x):=(

ij (t;x)).

The diusion matrix function a : [0;1) IR n

! IR n


, (t;x) ! a(t;x) := (a


(t;x)) is

dened by the diusion (covariance) coeÆcients



(t;x):= n



ik (t;x)

kj (t;x):

We denea weak solution of the stochasticdierential equation (SDE)

dX(t) =b(t;X(t))dt+(t;X(t))dW(t) (8)

tobea triple f(X;W);(;F;P);fF



where:-(i) (;F;P)is aprobability space.

(ii) fF


g is altration of sub--elds of F satisfying the usual conditions.

(iii) X=X(t);0t<1,isacontinuousadapted IR n

-valuedprocess andXhas sample

paths inC

IR n


(iv) W :=fW(t): 0 t< 1g is ann-dimensional standard Brownian motion and the

following conditions are satised:

(a) Pf R


0 [jb


(s;X(s))j+ 2


(s;X(s))]ds 1g=1holds forevery 1i;j n and

0t <1, and

(b) the integral version of (8)

X(t) =X(0)+ Z



b(s;X(s))ds+ Z



(s;X(s))dW(s) 0t<1 (9)


The following propositions demonstrate the existence ofa unique solution toa martingale

problem for diusions in IR n

and the equivalence of the martingaleproblem solution and

a weak solution to the corresponding stochastic dierential equation. A weak solution to

the SDE (8) induces on C


n[0;1) D


n[0;1) a probability measure P which solves

the martingale problem (A;), for A dened for allf 2B( IR

and conversely.

Proposition 1. Let a(t;x) and b(t;x) be bounded andBorelmeasurable. Suppose that for

every x2 IR

wherethe probabilitymeasures P

1 andP



start-ing from (s;x). Then P

1 =P


, i.e. startingfrom (s;x) there isat most one solution to the

martingale problem (A;) with sample paths in C



Proof : See Stroock and Varadhan [23], Theorem 6.2.3, p.147.

The next generalpropositionshows existence ofsolution processesXtothe martingale

problem in locally compact spacesE such as IR n


Proposition 2. Let E be locally compact and separable and let A be a linear operator on



(E). Suppose that D(A) is dense in C


(E) and that A satises the positive maximum

principle. Denethe linear operatorA

compactication of E, by



solution of the martingale problem for (A ;) with sample paths in D



Proof : See Ethier and Kurtz[11], Theorem 5.4, p.199.

Proposition 3. The existence of a solution P on C


n[0;1) to the martingale problem


t gg

to the stochastic integralequation (9) or, formally, the stochastic dierential equation (8)

with initial condition X(0).

Proof : Since amartingale isa local martingale,we may apply Karatzas and Shreve[16],

Proposition 4.6, p.315, to show the existence of the required weak solution. The converse

follows fromIto's lemmaand will be establishedmore generally in Theorem 2below.

3 Main Results

We dene a jumping diusion to be a solution process X in IR n

of the jump stochastic

dierential equation

dX(t)=b(t;X(t ))dt+(t;X(t ))dW(t)+X(t ); (13)

wherethe jump saltus X( ) ofX atthe jump epoch has innitesimal characteristics

at (t;x) 2 [0;1) IR n

given by (t;x) and Q(t;x;). Here 2 B([0;1) IR n

) is the

nonnegativejumpratefunctionandQ: [0;1)IR n

!P(IR n

)isthepost-jump (transition

probability)measure. ThetermX(t )iszeroatnon-jumpepochst2[0;1). The

remain-inginnitesimal characteristics ofXaretheBorelmeasurabledrift b : [0;1)IR n

! IR n

and volatility matrix : [0;1) IR n

! IR n


as before.

First we state the generalisation of Ito's rule for semimartingales.

Proposition 4. Suppose X is a semimartingale in IR n

with decompositionof the form


t =X

0 +B

t +M



forBanadaptedprocessofnitevariationandMalocalmartingale,andletf : IR ! IR

be twice continuously dierentiable with bounded rst and second derivatives. Then


isthe quadratic covariation, i.e. the

instanta-neous covariance, of X


Proof : See Elliott [10], p.132,where the result isobtained for IR . The extension to IR n

is straightforward.

3.1 The martingale problem for time homogeneous jumping


We consider rst the time homogeneous case of the martingale problem and dene the

bounded post-jump measure Q : E ! P(E) to have the property Q(;B) 2 B(E) for all

B 2B(E).

Proposition 5. Let (E,d) be complete and separable and let grA


B(E)B(E), the

jump rate 2B(E), Q be a bounded jump measure and A


be given by


Suppose thatforevery2P(E) there existsasolution oftheC



for (A


;). Then for every 2 P(E) there exists a solution of the D


[0;1) martingale

problem for (A

1 +A


Proposition 6. Let L be a family of functions which is dened on a Borel subset of IR n

and is closed under addition, scalar multiplication and weak-convergence. If L contains

all twice continuously dierentiable functions with compact support, then L contains all

bounded Borelfunctions and is separating.

Proof : See Dynkin [8], Lemma 5.12, p.160.

Proposition 6 enables us to make use of the following theorem of Ethier and Kurtz

to show the uniqueness of the solution to the martingale problem for jumping diusions

by setting the separating set L := B( IR

), the space of twice continuously

dierentiable functions on IR n

which vanish at innity.

Proposition 7. Let E be separable and let grA B(E)B(E) be linear and dissipative.

Suppose there exists a linear operator A 0

such that grA 0

and L is separating. Let 2 P(E) and suppose X is a solution of the

martin-gale problem for (A;). Then X is the Markov process corresponding to the semigroup on

L generated by the closure of A 0

and uniqueness holds for the solution of the martingale

problem for (A;).

Proof : See Ethier and Kurtz[11], Theorem 4.1, p.182.

We nowstate our rst essentially originaltheorem.

Theorem 1. Consider a diusion process generator A


) with locally bounded and Borel measurable drift coeÆcients b

i and

diusion coeÆcients a


, anda jump process generator A


with jump rate 2B(IR n



). Then there exists a Markov processX which is the unique solution of the

martingale problem for (A=A

1 +A

2 ;).

Proof: In ordertondasolution tothemartingaleproblem usingProposition7wemust

have a dissipative operator, so we need to prove that A:=A

1 +A


is dissipative. Indeed

for x


:=argmaxf(x) we have that


both satisfy the positive maximum principle.

The proof now follows directlyfrom Propositions5, 6and 7.

So the martingale problem (A;) inthe time homogeneous case is well-posed.

Of course { analogous to the C


[0;1) case { the solution of the martingale problem


[0;1) meansthe (weak) solution of the jump SDE corresponding

to(;b;) with anadded jump term with innitesimal characteristics and Q.

Theorem 2. A Markov processX in IR n

isthe unique solution of the martingaleproblem

for (A := A

1 +A


;) of Theorem 1 if, and only if, X is the unique weak solution of the

time homogeneous form of the jump stochastic dierential equation (13) given in integral

form by

with initial condition X(0).

Remark: The last integral in(20) is ageneralized Itointegral with semimartingale


arbitrary stopping time <1 a.s.

Suppose rst thatX isthe correspondinguniquesolution ofthe local martingale

prob-lem for (A;) stopped at . Then applying Proposition 4 for the stopped version of the


sequence of stopping times %1 a:s: yields the result.

Conversely, if X is aweak solution of (20) withX(0),then using Proposition4 we

may conclude for f 2C


0and hence the integralrepresents a0-meanmartingale process, as required. Applying

Proposition 6 yields the result for f 2 B(IR n

) and we may conclude from Proposition 7


Let us now consider processes whose parameters vary in time { the common situation in

nancial applications.

In general let grA B([0;1)E)B([0;1)E). Then a measurable E-valued

process X with X(0) is the solution of the martingale problem for (A;) i for each


isa0-meanmartingalewithrespecttotheltrationF X


. Mostofthebasicresults

concern-ing martingale problems can be extended to the time-dependent case by considering the

space-timeprocess X 0

(t):=(t;X(t)). Itfollows that inthe time-dependent case the linear

operator A

Specializingtothecase E := IR n

ofthe practicalinterest,thedriftanddiusion

coeÆ-cientsarisingfromtheSDE (8)nowalso dependonthe timet anddenethe second-order

dierential operator (10). Thisleads tothe following result.

Theorem 3. Considerthetime-dependentdiusionprocessgeneratorA


onB(IR n


is the weak closure of


) with locally bounded and Borel measurable drift coeÆcients b

i and

diusion coeÆcients a


and the jump process generator



f(t;x)=(t;x) Z


with jump rate 2 B([0;1) IR ) and bounded jump transition probability measure

Q:[0;1) IR n

!P( IR n


Then there exists a Markov process X in IR n

which is the unique solution of the

mar-tingale problem for (A=A

1 +A

2 ;).

Proof : The proof follows directly from Theorem 1 using the space-time process X 0


dened above.

Finally,westate without proof the straightforward generalization ofTheorem 2.

Theorem 4. A MarkovprocessXin IR n

istheunique solutionof themartingaleproblem

for (A := A

1 +A


;) of Theorem 3 if, and only if, X is the unique weak solution of the

jump stochasticdierential equation

dX(t)=b(t;X(t ))dt+(t;X(t ))dW(t)+X(t ) (27)

given in integral form by


t =





s )ds+





s )dW

s +



0 d(X

s X



) (28)

with initial condition X(0).

4 Application to Fixed Income Derivatives

As atypical applicationof the above results tocontingent claimsanalysis we consider the


bank rate changes. They modelled the term structure of interest rates as involving two

correlated state variables : the oÆcial short rate r and the market short rate or state of

the economy X.

We suppose given a probability space (;F;P) and the ltration F


generated by a

real-valued Wiener process W. The -algebra F



the authorities may possess greater information at time t than is embodied in F


. Trade

takes place ina xed nite time interval [0,T].

Ourversionofthemodelinvolvestwoprocesses: theoÆcial shortrate randadiusion

process X in IR n 1

. The vector process X represents the state of economy { including

the market short rate { which, together with the oÆcial short rate r, drives the market's

assessment of the likelihood of the authorities changing the level of r.

We have a savings account whose initial value iscontinuously compounded atinterest

rate r by the factor



(t)=exp Z




: (29)

Babbs and Webber characterise the spot (instantaneous) oÆcial interest rate r as a

pure jump process with jumps of xed sizes. At each point in time the probability of a

jump ofsize c


occurringinthe next innitesimal timeintervalÆtisgiven by ageneralized

Poisson process N


with state-dependent intensity

j :=


(X) as



The process r satises

dr= J


j=1 c

j dN


; (30)


1 ;c




representthejump sizesandN


isapointprocesscountingthe number

of jumps of size c


since time zero and possessing apredictable intensity

j .

Bounds are needed for both r and the


's. Namely, there exists a lower bound r

l ower

and an upper bound r


such that each


vanishes when r+c

j 62 [r

l ower ;r

upper ] and

there exists a constant k such that

P[ sup






tobedrivenbothbyitsown levelrandthestate oftheeconomyX {including themarket

rate { and the joint evolution of r and X is assumed to be Markovian. The dynamics of

X are given by

dX(t)=b(t;r(t );X(t ))dt+(t;r(t );X(t ))dW(t); (31)

whereWisvectorstandard Brownianmotionin IR n 1

and b(;;)and(;;)are locally

bounded and Borel measurable. The evolution of r is given by a pure jump stochastic

dierential equation

dr(t)=r(t ) (32)

withsuitable innitesimal characteristics (t;r;x)and Q(t;r;q;x)allowingarbitraryjump


A unique weak solution of the vector jump stochastic dierential equations (31)-(32)


Theorem 5. Let b and be locally bounded and Borel measurable and let 2 P(IR n



(31)-(32) corresponding to (;b;;Q;) if, and only if, there exists a unique solution of the


IR n

[0;1) martingale problem for (A;), where A isgiven by the weak closure of

A 0

f(t;r;x) =


@t +


2 n


i=1 n


k=1 a


(t;r;x) @




i @x

k +



i=1 b






+ (t;r;x) Z

(f(t;q;x) f(t;r;x))Q(t;r;q;x): (33)

Proof : This result is a directapplication of Theorem 4.

In particular the stochastic dierential equation (31) has a weak solution X in the

probability space (C





system [3] exists.

Proof : Forthe Babbs-Webber model the jump rate is given by

(t;r(t );X(t )):= J




(t;r(t );X(t ) (34)

and the discrete jump transition measure isgiven by


(t;r(t );X(t )

(t;r(t );X(t ))

for r(t)=c


+r(t ); j =1;::: ;n; (35)

and 0 otherwise.

A yield curve can be represented in termsof the prices of zero coupon(pure discount)

bonds of all maturities 2 (0;T]. Babbs and Webber [3] represent the price of a pure

discount bond in terms a partial dierential-dierence equation { a special case of an

integro-partial dierential equation { which the values of the bond must satisfy. We give

here a more generalresult { rst forthe case n:=2 forcomparison with [3].

Let B[t;;r;X] to be the price of a pure discount bond at time t maturing at time


Theorem 6. For X a scalar process the pure discount bond prices B satisfy the

integro-partial dierential equation

@B[t ;;r;x]


+ b


@B[t ;;r;x]


+ 1



(t;r;x) @


B[t ;;r;x]

@x 2

+ (t;r;x) Z


fB[t;;q;x] B[t ;;r;x]gQ

(t ;r;dq;x)

= B[t ;;r;x]r(t ) (36)

where b



and Q

is the risk-adjusted post-jump measure under any appropriate

equivalent martingalemeasure ~


applied to the present value f(t;r;x) := e

is the market price of risk and that under Q

the original oÆcial short

rate process r is replaced by r


)ds, a martingale. ~


could be taken to be the minimal equivalent martingale measure in the sense of [11] for

the incomplete marketcaused by the unpredictability of oÆcial short rate jumps. In this

case under ~

P the process r 2

hr;ri,centred by itsquadratic variation compensator hr;ri

[10, 20], is a martingale and expected squared losses due to oÆcial short rate jumps are


Extending Theorem 6 to the vector process X for arbitrary n, equation (36) must be

replaced by

where wenow consider the pure jump process r to be the rst coordinate of X.

Finally,wenote that this generalization remains valid whenapplied toan appropriate

versionofthe generalvectorjump stochastic dierential equation(27)or(28)inthe

state-mentofTheorem4. Thisallowsanyofthelastn 1coordinatesofXtobediusions,pure

jump processes or jumping diusions with arbitrarytime and state dependent correlation


In this paperwe have given a rigorous pathto the derivation of the integro-PDE satised

by the value of contingent claimsbased onsemimartingale { i.e. jumpingdiusion {price

orrateprocesses. Ourapproachthroughtheuniquesolution oftheStroock-Varadhan

mar-tingaleproblemisequivalenttouniqueweaksolutionof thecorrespondingjumpstochastic

dierentialequationwhichexpresses thenancialanalysts'intuition. Applicationstoclaim

valuation andhedging are numerous forunderlyings whichinclude jumpingequity indices,

oÆcial short rates, credit spreads, catastrophe risks, etc. Note that the results we have

presented { unlikethose inthe previous literature [24, 15,9, 18,21]{allowthe correlated

nancialvariablesunderlyingthemodelstobeanarbitrarycombination ofdiusions,pure

jump processesand jumpingdiusionswithtime andstate varyingcorrelation. Ina

forth-comingpaper we will present some computational results for such processes.


This work is based in part on the second author's doctoral dissertation [13 ] written under the

supervision of therst author while both were membersof theInstitute for Studies inFinance

and theDepartment of Mathematics intheUniversity ofEssex, Colchester, England.


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