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Fusion of data from visual and low-spatial-resolution thermal cameras for surveillance


Academic year: 2020

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Fusion of D ata from Visual and

Low-Spatial-Resolution Therm al

Cameras for Surveillance

Gwynfor Jones

This thesis is subm itted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of Master of


Centre for Advanced Instrumentation Systems

University College London


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This research was undertaken within the P ostgraduate T raining P artnership established

between Sira L td and University College London. P ostgraduate Training P artnerships are a

joint initiative of the D epartm ent of Trade and Industry and the Engineering and Physical

Sciences Research Council. They are aimed a t providing research training relevant to a career

in industry, and fostering closer links between th e science base, industrial research, and


A bstract

This thesis investigates w hether the segm entation of surveillance images can be improved by

fusing low-spatial resolution therm al d a ta w ith high-spatial resolution visual information. The

context of this investigation is the surveillance of sterile zones where an alarm is required

should a person enter the zone and at no other time. T he aim is to reduce false alarm s due to

wildlife movement or changes in environm ental conditions.

C urrent work on the fusion of visual and therm al d a ta employs expensive high-spatial

resolution cameras which preclude m any applications; however the advent of low-cost, low-

spatial resolution therm al cameras is providing new opportunities. This thesis explores the

design issues and advantages in using such an array in conjunction with a visual camera.

A calibration methodology has been designed to allow the mapping of a point in one

image onto the equivalent point in the other despite th e operational constraints of different

imaging modalities, resolutions and lens systems.

Once they are calibrated it is possible to extract areas of interest from the visual

cam era using the information from the therm al. Therefore only the relevant p art of the visual

image is processed allowing a more sophisticated segm entation algorithm to be used.

Processing in the visual domain is initiated by a m ethod of background representation or

change detection.

Segmentation of the highlighted object is achieved using Markov Random Fields. An

im plementation has been developed which extends previous research by fusing d a ta from the

visual and therm al cameras both for static and tem poral image sequences.

A Hidden Markov Model has been developed to classify pixels in the therm al image

for superior extraction of objects of interest over a wide range of operating conditions. This

improves the isolation of the object in th e therm al image compared w ith using a threshold



I would like to take this opportunity to th an k my supervisors Prof. Richard Allsop (C entre for

Transport Studies (GTS) at University College London) , D r John Gilby (Sira L td.), Dr

M ark Hodgetts (formerly of Sira Ltd. now at Cambridge Research Sciences) and Dr Maria-

Alicia Vicencio-Silva (CTS). I would also like to thank Dr Neil Sum pter a t Irisys. Their

support and guidance has been invaluable.

Then to t h e rolling Heav'n itself I cried,

Asking, "What Lamp had Destiny to guide

Her little Children stumbling in t h e Dark?"

And - "A blind Understanding!" Heav'n replied.





M.A., (2001). A Novel Approach fo r Surveillance Using Visual and Thermal Images. Proc. D E R A /IE E W orkshop on Intelligent Sensor Processing. Birm ingham, UK . 14‘^ F ebruary


Conference Presentations

A Novel Approach fo r Surveillance Using Visual and Thermal Images. Proc. D E R A /IE E W orkshop on Intelligent Sensor Processing. Birmingham, UK . 14“^ February 2001.

Bayesian Analysis fo r Data Fusion o f Disparate Imaging System s fo r Surveillance. Joint BM VA/RSS Symposium on Probabilistic Models in Vision and Signal Processing, London,






Pa p e r s... 5

Co n f e r e n c e Pr e s e n t a t io n s... 5




1.1 THIS T H E S IS ... 15

1.1.1 Research...15

1.1.2 Development o f the Thesis...15

1.2 Mo t iv a t io n...17

1.3 Pr e v io u s Wo r k...22

1.3.1 Background Representation...25

1.3.2 Image Analysis Using In fra re d...27 E x istin g IR S y s t e m s ... 30

1.4 Co n c l u s io n s... 30


2.1 In t r o d u c t i o n... 33

2.1.1 Sensor Fusion Strategies...37

2.2 Ap p r o a c h e st o s e n s o rf u s i o n... 39

2.2.1 A Probabilistic A pproach...39 B ayesian P r o b a b ilitie s ... 40

2 .2 .1 .2 .M arkov R andom F ie ld s...42 B ayesian B e lie f N e tw o r k s ...44

2.2.2 D em pster-Shafer...4 ^

2.2.3 Fuzzy L o g ic...4 ^

2.2.4 Neural Networks...4 ^


2.3 Fu s io n o f In f r a r e da n d Visib l e Im a g e s... 52

2.4 Co n c l u s io n s... 55


3.1 In t r o d u c t i o n... 56

3.2 Ca m e r a Sp e c if ic a t io n s...57

3.2.1 F O V and Resolution Issu es...58

3.3 Ca m e r a Ca l ib r a t io n a n d Ge o m e t r ic a l Co n s id e r a t io n s... 59

3.3.1 Lens Distortion M odels...61

3.3.2 Geometry...62

3.3.3 Calculation o f the Geometrical M apping...63

3.4 Ta r g e t Co n s id e r a t io n s... 67

3.4-1 Interpolation - Calculating the Centre o f the Saturation A rea s...69

3.5 Me t h o d o l o g y o f t h e Ca l ib r a t io n Pr o c e s s... 75

3.6 Co n c l u s io n s... 76


4.1 Eq u ip m e n t... 79

4.2 Ca l c u l a t in g t h e Ca m e r a Va r i a b l e s...77

4.3 Re s u l t s... 81

4 .4 Te s t in g t h e Co d e... 83

4.5 Co n c l u s io n s... 90


5.1 Pr o b l e m Do m a i n...95

5.2 Pr e-p r o c e s s in g t h e Im a g e...98

5.3 Th e Ma r k o v Pr o c e s s...100

5.3.1 R e su lts...101

5.4 Ex t e n d in g t h e Ma r k o v Ra n d o m Fi e l d...106

5.4-1 R e su lts...108

5.4-2 Improving the Accuracy o f the Extended Markovian F usion...I l l 5.5 Co n c l u s io n s...120


6.1 In t r o d u c t i o n... 121

6.2 In c o r p o r a t in g Tim ein t o t h e Ma r k o v ia n Fr a m e w o r k... 123


6.4 C o n c l u s i o n s ...133


7.1 Pr e v io u s Wo r k...136

7.2 Th e Th r e e St a t e Mo d e l...137

'7.2.1 Initial R e s u lts...139

7.3 Tr a in in g t h eE M M ... 141

1.3.1 Results after Training ...145

7.4 The Advantag eof UsingtheE M M ... 147

7.5 Co n c l u s io n s...148


8.1 Co n c l u s io n s... 150

8.2 Dis c u s s io n... 154

8.2.1 Camera Calibration...154

8.2.2 The Markovian Fusion P ro ce ss...155

8.2.3 The Independence A ssu m p tio n...156

8.3 Fu t u r e Wo r k... 156

8.3.1 The Camera Calibration ...156

8.3.2 Investigation o f the Independence Assumption...157

8.3.3 Speeding up the Markovian Fusion P ro ce ss...157

8.3.4 The Segm entation and Classification o f Objects in the Visual D om ain...158

8.3.5 The HMM Procedure...159

8.3.6 Summary o f Future Research...160



A .l In f r a r e d De t e c t o r s...184

A .1.1 Detector Characteristics...188

A .1.2 Optics...190


B .l Th e Pin h o l e Ca m e r a Mo d e la n d Pe r s p e c t iv e Ge o m e t r y...191


B.3 S t e r e o S y s t e m s ...196


C .l Ba y e s ia n Pr o b a b il it ie s... 199

0 .2 Im a g e Se g m e n t a t io nu s in g M R F ...202


D .l In t r o d u c t i o n...205

D.2 An alysisof Object Distributions...207

D.3 Analysisof Backg ro und Dist r ib u t io n s...212

D.4 Co n c l u s io n s...217



Table of Figures

Fi g u r e 2-1 Fu z z y Se t s v s. Cr i s p Se t s...4 7 Fi g u r e 3-1 Ge o m e t r i c a l Re p r e s e n t a t i o n o ft h e Ca m e r a Co n f i g u r a t i o n... 6 4 Fi g u r e 3 -2 Th e Ro t a t i o n a l a n d Tr a n s l a t i o n a l Co m p o n e n t s o f t h e Vis u a l a n d Th e r m a l Ca m e r a

Sy s t e m... 6 4 Fi g u r e 3 -3 Ta r g e t int h e Th e r m a l Im a g e... 6 8 Fi g u r e 3 -4 Ta r g e t int h e Vis u a l Im a g e... 6 9

Fi g u r e 4 -1 Im a g e s Us e dt o Ca l c u l a t e t h e Ca l i b r a t i o n Pa r a m e t e r s...81

Fi g u r e 4 -2 Im a g e su s e d t o Te s t t h e Ca l i b r a t i o n Pa r a m e t e r s... 8 3 Fi g u r e 4 -3 Re l a t i v e Pl a c e m e n t o f Ac t u a l Po s i t i o n s a g a i n s t Pr e d i c t e d Po s i t i o n s in t h e Vis u a l Im a g e... 8 5 Fi g u r e 4 -4 Re l a t i v e Pl a c e m e n t o f Ac t u a l Po s i t i o n s a g a i n s t Pr e d i c t e d Po s i t i o n si nt h e Th e r m a l Im a g e... 8 5 Fi g u r e 4 -5 Th e Pr a c t i c a l Co n s e q u e n c eo ft h e Ca l i b r a t i o n Pr o c e d u r e... 91

Fi g u r e 4 -6 Ex t r a c t i n g t h e Ob j e c t o f In t e r e s ta s Is o l a t e d i n Fi g u r e 4 . 5 ... 9 2 Fi g u r e 4 -7 Is o l a t e d Vis u a l Ob j e c t Ma p p e d f r o m t h e Th e r m a l Im a g e u s in g a n An g l e o f Ro t a t i o n OF 0 R a d i a n s ... 9 3 Fi g u r e 4 -8 Is o l a t e d Vis u a l Ob j e c t Ma p p e df r o m t h e Th e r m a l Im a g eu s in g a n An g l eo f Ro t a t i o n OF 0 .4 R a d i a n s ...9 3 Fi g u r e 5-1 a) Sc e n ew i t h a n o b j e c t o f i n t e r s t, a n d b) t h es a m es c e n e b u tw i t h o u t t h e o b j e c t o f IN TE R E ST ... 9 8 Fi g u r e 5 -2 Di f f e r e n c e Im a g eb e t w e e nf i g u r e s 5 -1aa n d 5 -1b... 9 9 Fi g u r e 5 -3 Ex t r a c t e d Se c t i o n so ft h e Th e r m a la n d Vi s u a l Im a g e s Re s p e c t i v e l y...9 9 Fi g u r e 5 -4 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf r o m t h e Ma r k o v i a n Pr o c e s s...102

Fi g u r e 5 -5 Th e Tr u e Se g m e n t e d Im a g e sf o r Da t a Se t s 1 t o 4 ...103

Fi g u r e 5 -6 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Dat a Se t 2 ...104

Fi g u r e 5 -7 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 3 ... 105

Fi g u r e 5 -8 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 4 ... 105

Fi g u r e 5 -9 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 1 u s in gt h e Ex t e n d e d M R F ... 108

Fi g u r e 5 -1 0 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 2 u s in gt h e Ex t e n d e d M R F ... 109

Fi g u r e 5 -1 1 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 3 u s in gt h e Ex t e n d e d M R F ... 109

Fi g u r e 5 -1 2 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t sf o r Da t a Se t 4 u s in gt h e Ex t e n d e d M R F ... 110

Fi g u r e 5 -1 3 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 1 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t s... 113

Fi g u r e 5 -1 4 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 2 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t s... 113

Fi g u r e 5 -1 5 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re u s l t s f o r Da t a Se t 3 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t s...114

Fi g u r e 5 -1 6 Se g m e n t a t i o n r e u s l t s f o r Da t a Se t 4 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t s...114


Fi g u r e 5 -1 8 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 1 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e

Li m i t sa n dt h e In t e r p o a t e d Th e r m a l Im a g e...116

Fi g u r e 5 -1 9 Ex t r a c t e d Se c t i o n o f t h e Th e r m a l Im a g e f o r Da t a Se t 2 a n d t h e Eq u i v a l e n t Se c t i o n In t e r p o l a t e d...1 1 7 Fi g u r e 5 -2 0 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r d a t a Se t 2 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t s a n dt h e In t e r p o l a t e d Th e r m a l Im a g e... 1 1 7 Fi g u r e 5 -2 1 Ex t r a c t e d Se c t i o n o f t h e Th e r m a l Im a g e f o r Da t a Se t 3 a n d t h e Eq u i v a l e n t Se c t i o n In t e r p o l a t e d... 118

Fi g u r e 5 -2 2 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 3 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t sa n dt h e In t e r p o l a t e d Th e r m a l Im a g e... 118

Fig u r e 5 -2 3 Ex t r a c t e d Se c t i o n o f t h e Th e r m a l Im a g e f o r Da t a Se t 4 a n d t h e Eq u i v a l e n t Se c t i o n In t e r p o l a t e d...119

Fig u r e 5 -2 4 Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r d a t a Se t 4 u s in g t h e Ex t e n d e d M R F u s in g Co n f i d e n c e Li m i t sa n dt h e In t e r p o l a t e d Th e r m a l Im a g e...119

Fig u r e 6 -1 In i t i a l Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 1 ... 12 7 Fig u r e 6 -2 In i t i a l Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 2 ...128

Fig u r e 6 -3 In i t i a l Se g m e n t a t i o n Re s u l t s f o r Da t a Se t 3 ...128

Fig u r e 6 -4 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 1 w i t h o u t u s in g t h e Th e r m a l In f o r m a t i o n int h e M R F ... 129

Fig u r e 6 -5 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 2 w i t h o u tu s in g t h e Th e r m a l In f o r m a t i o n int h e M R F ... 129

Fig u r e 6 -6 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 3 Wit h o u tu s in g t h eTh e r m a l In f o r m a t i o ni nt h e M R F ... 130

Fig u r e 6 -7 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 1 u s in gt h e Op t i m a l Pa r a m e t e r s...131

Fig u r e 6 -8 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 2 u s in gt h e Op t i m a l Pa r a m e t e r s...131

Fi g u r e 6 -9 Se g m e n t a t i o n o f Da t a Se t 3 u s in g t h e Op t i m a l Pa r a m e t e r s...132

Fi g u r e 7-1 Re s p o n s eo fa Th e r m a l Pix e la sa n Ob j e c t Pa s s e si n Fr o n t o fi t...135

Fi g u r e 7 -2 Tr a n s i t i o n St a t e Di a g r a m s h o w i n g t h e Lin k sb e t w e e n St a t e s... 13 7 Fi g u r e 7 -3 Se q u e n c eo f Im a g e s Sh o w i n g t h e Re s u l t so ft h e H M M An a l y s i s... 13 9 Fig u r e 7 -4 Se q u e n c eo f Im a g e s Sh o w i n g t h e Re s u l t so ft h e H M M An a l y s i s...140

Fi g u r e 7 -5 Se q u e n c e Sh o w i n g t h e Se g m e n t a t i o n d u et o t h e H M M a n dt h e Tr a i n e d H M M 145 Fi g u r e 7 -6 Se q u e n c e Sh o w i n gt h e Se g m e n t a t i o n d u et ot h e H M M a n dt h e Tr a i n e d H M M 146 Fi g u r e 7 -7 Se q u e n c e Sh o w i n gt h e Tr a i n e d H M M Se g m e n t i n ga Co l d Ob j e c tw i t h a Wa r m Sh a d o w... 148

Fig u r e 8 -1 Se g m e n t a t i o n o ft h e Ar e a o f In t e r e s t a s De t e c t e db y t h e Th e r m a l Ca m e r a...152

Fi g u r e 8 -2 Se g m e n t a t i o n o ft h e En t i r e Im a g e...153

Fi g u r e A -1 Bl a c k b o d y Ra d i a t i o n Cu r v e sf o r Di f f e r e n t Te m p e r a t u r e s... 18 3 Fi g u r e A - 2 Ab s o r p t i o n Ba n d s o ft h e In f r a r e d Sp e c t r u m... 184

Fi g u r e A - 3 A Ph o t o n De t e c t o r...186

Fi g u r e A - 4 Th e Py r o e l e c t r i c Ef f e c t...1 8 7 Fi g u r e B -1 Ge o m e t r i c a l Co n s i d e r a t i o n so ft h e Pi n h o l e Ca m e r a Mo d e l in 2 Di m e n s i o n s ( Y = 0 ) . . 191

Fi g u r e B - 2 Pa r a l l e l Ca m e r a Ge o m e t r y... 196


Fi g u r eD-6 Th e r m a l a n d Vis u a l Im a g e so ft h e Ba c k g r o u n d...213

Fi g u r e D-7 Hi s t o g r a m so ft h e Th e r m a la n d Vis u a l Ba c k g r o u n d Im a g e s...214

Fi g u r e D-8 Jo i n t Gr e y Le v e l Hi s t o g r a m (n ot a r g e t) ...214

Fi g u r e D-9 Po o l e d Jo i n t Gr e y Le v e l Hi s t o g r a m (n ot a r g e t) ...215


C hapter 1


“We shall know that we have solved the problem o f computer vision, if our system can come up with answers like 'This is a green cow with 5 legs’. ” [Petrou 99]

Security surveillance is an ever-expanding industry as more organisations feel th e need to

protect their interests. U nfortunately, despite th e num ber of research groups working on or

w ith image processing techniques and algorithm s, the same problems keep occurring. These

are associated w ith the need for any surveillance system to be tolerant to environm ental

changes as well as being able to intelligently interpret a scene and distinguish between those

activities which are illegal, or potentially so, and those which are not. F urther, intelligent

surveillance systems all have the same problems of needing to create an alarm at th e right

point. If th e false alarm rate is high, then th e system becomes redundant. Similarly, if the

system is not sensitive enough then th e system is again m ade redundant. Currently, the

m ajority of surveillance systems have a false alarm rate th a t is too high. T h at is, th e num ber

of false alarm s typically generated by current surveillance systems is sufficient to give rise to a

tendency for the system user to ignore all alarm states w hether tru e or false. It should be

noted however, th a t there will always be a trade-off between th e num ber of false positives and

the num ber of false negatives with the resulting danger of reducing th e num ber of false alarms


This thesis is based around the theory th a t the detection rates of security surveillance systems

can be improved by incorporating low-spatial resolution therm al data. W hilst th e visual

camera will be an off-the-shelf cam era w ith, initially a t least, a focal length of 25mm and an

array size of 756x574 pixels, the therm al array is of new uncooled infrared technology. The

therm al camera is based around a pyroelectric array: in its natu ral form this only detects

change, typically through m otion and tem perature. The array has a spatial resolution of

16x16 pixels and when using a 20mm focal length lens, has a depth of field of about 20

metres. The visual cam era has no such limitations. However, the effects th a t so often inhibit

the performance of visual only surveillance systems - namely environm ental changes - do not

affect the therm al array. F urth er, the cost of this array is at a fraction of th a t typically

associated w ith therm al cameras.

Unfortunately, using two cameras introduces problems. These involve developing an

approach to calibrating the cameras; the result of which is the ability to m ap points from one

image to the other. Then a means of fusing the d a ta needs to be explored. This thesis

develops a novel calibration methodology th a t allows for the disparity in spatial resolutions,

lens systems, and th e difference in modalities. A fusion algorithm is implemented based

around Markov R andom Fields which have been extended to incorporate th e therm al d a ta as

well as the visual for static images and extended further for use in motion. Finally a Hidden

Markov Model has been developed which classifies therm al pixels for improved extraction of



This Thesis

1.1.1 Research

This research is prim arily dealing w ith the use of two types of imaging equipm ent - a

conventional high-résolut ion visual cam era and a low resolution uncooled therm al detector.

The combination of the two imaging modalities will aim to improve current surveillance

technology by better locating and tracking people as well as categorising their behaviour. The

results of the research will be the proof-of-concept dem onstrations of the algorithm s and

components of the intelligent surveillance system. T he resultant system will be designed for

an outdoor environm ent, typically, a sterile zone w ith few subjects in th e image plane.

The promise of the two cameras in com bination is such th a t many of the environm ental

problems associated with cameras using th e visible spectrum in an outdoor scenario will be

significantly diminished. F urther, this will be achieved at a lower cost th a n would be

obtained with a higher spatial resolution therm al cam era and w ith, ideally, very little

difference in performance.

1.1.2 Developm ent of the Thesis

The structure of th e thesis is as follows.

C hapter 1 - Introduction

Describes the m otivation for this project as well as previous and existing applications and

products. A project definition and synopsis of th e chapters is also given.

C hapter 2 - Sensor Fusion

Discusses sensor fusion and also introduces some of the concepts and algorithm s th a t have


C hapter 3 - C alibration Techniques

Explores current calibration techniques and their relative merits. It also explains why they

cannot be directly applied to this problem. A new methodology suitable for this application is

thus derived.

C hapter 4 - C alibration Results

Introduces the experim ental procedure and tests used in th e calibration process and the

results obtained. Conclusions are draw n as to the accuracy of the results and th e validity of

the calibration algorithm.

C hapter 5 - The Processing of Static Images

Develops the fusion algorithm involved w ith this work. Explores the results from this process

and draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the algorithm

C hapter 6 - Analvsis of M otion Sequences

Extends th e fusion algorithm developed in the previous chapter to motion sequences.

C hapter 7 - Im proving th e Detection of Objects within the Therm al Domain

Describes th e im plem entation of a Hidden M arkov Model to classify pixels in the therm al

image more accurately th an by using a simple thresholding strategy.

C hapter 8 -Conclusions and F u tu re W ork

Draws conclusions from the research and experim ental work carried out. Also suggests


1.2 M o tiv a tio n

In his review paper on surveillance issues, Massios [Massios 98] states th at;

There are at least two distinct difficulties involved in detecting relevant events;


The relevant events have to be in sensor range


Once detected, the events have to he recognised as relevant

Moreover, as D raper [Draper 96] states, the vision problem - being able to identify objects in a scene - is ill defined, requires immense com putation, and m ust operate robustly in widely

varying contexts and under varying illumination. This is an ability as natural to Man as

breathing. However, this inherent a ttrib u te has not, as yet, translated to com puter imaging.

T here has been no construction of a robust autonom ous com puter vision system other th an

th a t for constrained operating conditions. D raper further states th a t as an image is a record

of spatially sampled discrete approxim ations to the scene luminance - which varies as a

function of the incident illumination and viewpoint - it will be further corrupted or degraded

by occlusions, specular reflections, inter-reflections, atm ospheric conditions, lens distortions,

the norm al foreshortening effects of perspective projection and digitisation. He goes on to

suggest th a t in unconstrained domains it is impossible to develop an effective analytical model

th a t inverts or compensates for all of these effects [Draper 96].

Aggarwal [Aggarwal 99] also points out th e problems in designing an object recognition system th a t is functional for a wide variety of scenes and environm ents and is still as efficient as a

situation-specific device. However, both he and Isard [Isard 98b] recognise th a t this (the design of a generic object recognition system) is due to the complexity of the problem and the

fact th a t it (object recognition) involves processing at all levels of machine vision: low-level

processing (edge detection, image segm entation); mid-level processing (representation and

description of p attern shape, feature extraction) ; high-level processing (p attern category


functionality of a com puter vision system. Isard does in fact use this fusion of tw o levels of

d a ta successfully for th e ICONDENSATION algorithm. There he uses colour segm entation to

pick out skin coloured blobs from an image and then uses a contour tracker to follow th a t

object. However although this is application specific, the claim is made th a t this approach is

applicable to a more generalised sensor fusion problem of tracking an object in one m odality

using inform ation from another m easurem ent source.

In fact, D raper proposes th a t before a general-purpose vision system can be produced, there

m ust already be available the means to autom atically construct task specific control strategies

for image processing.

Security surveillance is becoming an integral p art of our lives. Closed circuit television

cameras (CCTV) are visible on the corners of most shopping centres and car parks, in fact

wherever it is deemed appropriate for security and safety reasons.

The main problem w ith CCTV is th a t of monitoring. T h a t is, the problem of employing staff

to m onitor several screens a t once - or worse still, one screen flickering between different

camera views - in th e hope of catching some pre-defined activity be this criminal or simply

one relevant to personal safety. W ith th e average concentration span of less th a n 15 minutes,

even the most diligent of workers would be hard pressed to process all th e information in

front of him continuously over the period of their shift.

T here is, therefore, a need for th e better m anagem ent of CCTV systems and hence, to

improve crime detection and prevention. Section 5(2) of T he Crime and Disorder Act 1998

[Card 98] states th a t there is a requirem ent for the com bination of forces (typically th e police

and local authority) to combat crime. A lthough observation through th e medium of CCTVs


proposition to com bat crime and reduce the workload on an already over-stretched police


As indicated by th e Sira Conference “Collaborations for Success in Sensors and Sensory

Information Processing” held in 1998 (with unpublished proceedings), the present position is

th a t the current deployed systems are relatively "dumb" as they are price driven and not

performance driven. However, C CTV is relatively popular w ith th e public, and th e UK is

strong in the development and application of surveillance systems.

At the same conference it was stated th a t th e typical CCTV images created by current

systems are such th a t the categorisation of even basic objects (e.g. hum an or model,

male/fem ale etc.) can be difficult. Hence developments are required in the:

1) Quality of images,

2) Cueing and event filtering,

3) D ata fusion and image processing, and

4) Inform ation storage and management.

There is also a need to build up a "best practice" approach to cam era positions and lighting.

However, there are other issues th a t need to be addressed. These include affordability of a

system; the intelligence of a system in th a t if an event has been flagged as being of interest is

it clear to the operator why this has been flagged. T here are also issues involved w ith the

storage of information and th e related issue of retrieval for incident accountability. Not least

there are hum an rights issues involving the d a ta protection act.

An interesting side point is th a t due to th e spatial resolution of the therm al cam era it is a

non-intrusive detection mechanism. T h a t is, there is no way of identifying the person or

object in the image by the therm al image alone. There is m ounting concern over the number


watching. Not only in the sense th a t the operators should be ever vigilant but also th a t they

are not watching th a t which they shouldn’t (such as w atching for indiscreet behaviour being

carried out by members of th e public who are known to the operators). There are also

feelings am ongst sections of th e public of a loss of privacy due to th e proliferation of cameras

as well as concerns th a t there is no means of watching th e w atchers [Brin 98]. These topics

are merely noted here but the interested reader is pointed to David B rin’s book The Transparent Society [Brin 98] for an exposition on how society could adapt to technological advances such as surveillance systems.

T he Police Scientific Development B ranch (PSDB) has investigated one of the theoretically

easiest applications of security cameras: looking at sterile zones. These are areas between two

perimeter fences. Nobody is allowed between the fences, so it should be easy to detect

intruders. Yet the m ajority of the systems tested by the PSDB give unacceptably high false

alarm rates. These are generally caused by environm ental changes.

So, any surveillance system th a t is being produced m ust be useable. In the age where

financial resources available for crime fighting are declining, a lot of money is being spent on

lower paid staff using high-technology equipm ent which can and will create problems. One

solution is to use “more intelligent” equipm ent. It is, however, im portant not to sell

technology for technology’s sake. A low-cost solution m ight not be as "good" in the

technology stakes as another im plem entation, bu t it might be b etter in th e reduction of crime.

Similar work has been carried out by Verlinde et al [Verlinde 2000]. Here they attem p t to solve the problem of autom atic verification of a person. Applications include control access to

restricted (physical and virtual) environm ents [Verlinde 2000]. Typical examples include secure

tele-shopping, withdraw ing cash from A T M ’s (A utom atic Teller Machines) etc. C urrent

approaches typically only verify possession and knowledge (e.g. having the correct personal


biometrics for identification purposes is emerging. Biometrics characterise or measure

personal attrib u tes such as voice, face, gait analysis, eye (iris-pattern, retina-scan), finger

prints, etc. These are popular because they ca n ’t be forgotten and are really personal which

makes it harder for fraudulent use. However, more th an one biometric measure is typically

required due to th e tem poral variation in each of the characteristics and measurements.

Verlinde uses d different experts in a parallel fusion scheme. An expert provides a decision based on one particular biometric. A m ulti-dimensional classifier then combines all the


In this application, as w ith surveillance, there is a requirem ent for th e m inim isation of errors.

Verlinde recognises th a t there are two types of error [Verlinde 2000];

False Rejection (FR) - when a client is rejected as being an im postor, and

False Acceptance (FA) - when an im postor is accepted as a client.

They further define the overall error rates as

False Rejection R ate (FR R) = num ber of F R s/num ber of client accesses

False Acceptance R ate (FAR) = num ber of F A s/num ber of im postor accesses

And an overall error rate as

T otal E rror R ate (TER) = (num ber of FA 4- num ber of F R ) /to ta l num ber of


T otal Success R ate (TSR) = 1 - T E R

However, they do recognise th a t care should be taken when using either T E R or T SR as they

will be biased if the FA or F R are high. F urth er, th a t the T E R will always be closer to the

rate for th a t type of error (FA or FR ) which has been obtained using th e larger num ber of

accesses [Verlinde 2000].


to cope w ith the numerous challenges th a t this would bring. The approach to A utom atic

Target Recognition (ATR) th a t is outlined in this paper involves th e construction of a

statistical background model using a set of tex tu re filters [Messer 99]. These filters are

designed using Principal Component and Independent Component Analysis on randomly

sampled sections of training data.

Oliver [Oliver 98] also recognises the im portance of a low false alarm ra te in his paper, which

describes the development of a system to detect and classify interactions between individuals.

He also states th a t it is possible to achieve a very low false alarm rate whilst still m aintaining

good classification accuracy on all targeted behaviours.

1.3 P r e v io u s Work

Previous work in this area carried out at the C entre for T ransport Studies at UCL has been

aimed mainly a t quantifying the use of confined spaces by people on foot and detecting

unusual features of such use. Research has also been carried out on the estim ation of speed

and direction of traffic flow using image processing techniques [Zhang 95]. It is now being

directed tow ards improving the safety of railway stations in out-of-the-way areas and late at

night, but using only visual imaging. The use of other modalities is not discounted though.

So far very little work has been carried out in th e field of the fusion of infrared and visible

images. However, w ith the reduction in cost of therm al imagers and a large interest in the

academic and commercial sectors in d a ta fusion, more work is being carried out in this area.

There is, though, a plethora of visual image processing packages available on th e m arket, from

optical character recognition to sophisticated surveillance software. Some of the surveillance

software available is described by Young [Young 97a]. F u rth er to these products are the


Passwords [Passwords] was developed by a European consortium of companies and academics in response to vandalism and crime in m etro stations. The direct expense caused by

vandalism typically runs into tens of thousand of pounds each year. The indirect costs are

th e loss of passengers due to th e feeling of insecurity brought on by the vandalism. The

processing system was designed to run on a Pentium II platform w ith a processing speed of 5

seconds for each frame. The later version of Passwords, R T P W , the speed was to increase to

between 1 and 3 images per second.

CROM ATICA ([Deparis 96], [Cromatica]) was designed to view, and hence control, pedestrian flow in large enclosed spaces such as interchange stations. In this respect, it was designed to

detect crowd incidents and reduce delays, collect and analyse crowd densities and flows, to

reduce the am ount of tim e spent on public transport journeys as well to increase the level of

security by autom atic incident detection.

Video Tracker [Primary] is a video m otion tracker which has had good reports on i t ’s functionality. The tracker, unlike m any of its com petitors, has good discrim ination between

hum an movement and environm ental changes th u s reducing the false alarm rate. T he success

of this product is shown in the clients who have now installed Video T racker on their

premises, this includes an installation a t the infamous Klong Phem Prison in Thailand.

ASSET-2 [Smith 95] is designed to detect and track vehicles. A slightly different application to th a t which is being proposed, but th e end product has been used successfully on infrared

images. It can also successfully find and track m ultiple objects in an image field with little or

no cam era calibration.

The Profile system created by Zeda-abm ([BBC], [Zeda]) is a face recognition system th a t uses the size and location of facial features (i.e. eyes, nose, m outh etc.). Due to the uniqueness of


using such a relationship is th a t th e cranial structure changes very little after physical

m aturity is reached in the teens. Zeda-abm claims th a t disguises are of little use as they

rarely disguise th e salient features. F urther, th e face does not need to be frontal or even of a

good pictorial quality. Six-month trials have been carried out by Tham es Valley Police with

some success. However, before the system can be used, a facial m ap needs to be created of

every person in the existing photographic database. Zeda-abm already has a strong world­

wide police customer base w ith its m any security related products which also include a photo-

fit system th a t can used w ithin the Profile set-up.

These software packages are, however, not th e limit of technological advancem ent in the area

of visual surveillance. Numerous research groups throughout the W orld are looking at ways

of detecting people in unconstrained environm ents, tracking them and analysing their


Model-based tracking systems are popular. Leeds University uses active shape models in two

dimensions and 3-D geometric models are used by Reading. These two universities have

combined their respective systems to create A n Integrated Traffic and Pedestrian Vision System [Remagnino 97]. The system has been able to autom atically analyse and describe simple image sequences such as those obtained from CCTV coverage of car parks etc.

However, initialisation of the system and detection of new objects entering th e scene is

through m otion - i.e. change firom an established background image. T he background image

- against which each new image is com pared - is updated using a tem poral m edian filter

[Remagnino 97].

Active Shape Models and Active Contour Models have been applied successfully as tracking

algorithm s by numerous research groups [Blake 95, Cootes 94, 95, Fenster 00, Ivins93]. These


[Ivins93]. However, some means of selecting th e general area w ithin the image to apply the model is required.

1.3.1 Background Representation

A n algorithmic analysis o f digital image sequences attempts to interpret changes between consecutive image frames. A n im portant starting point fo r such interpretation attempts is the hypothesis that observable interfram e differences should be attributed to relative m otion between the image sensor and objects in the scene [Hsu 82].

T here are a num ber of approaches to constructing th e background representation of an image

scene. The simplest is to subtract a reference image from th e current image - i.e. Change

D etection [Bichsel 94, Hsu 82, Rosenfeld 81, Rosin 95, 97, Sshoo 87, Stringa 00, Young 97, 98]. Only those things th a t have changed will be highlighted. However, in unconstrained environm ents

once th e lighting changes due to, perhaps a change in cloud cover, the m ajority of the image

will be highlighted. A simple approach to remove this problem is to continuously update the

reference image. Bichsel has created an illum inant invariant operator th a t essentially uses a

low-pass filter to remove the high-frequency com ponent of th e original image. These high-

frequency com ponents are then isolated from the image and form the illum inant invariant

image [Bichsel 94]. A lternatively (or perhaps in com bination) a thresholding strategy can be applied. This can be a single value applied to the entire image in much the same way as the

M axim um Likelihood E stim ate is applied in a M arkovian segm entation technique. Or a more

adaptive process can be used such as Thresholding using Relaxation [Rosenfeld 81]. Sahoo


binarised image will depend heavily on the threshold set. Care is required in applying any

threshold on w hat is deemed to be significant grey level difference between two consecutive

frames. If this is set too high th en significant features m ay be removed; too low a threshold

and significant features are lost am ongst the noise [Hsu 82].

More complex approaches to change detection are tim e averages of images, adaptive Gaussian

estim ation or K alm an filtering to derive the background to be subtracted. W hile these

algorithms have been implemented for real-time applications they tend not to be robust and

often detect the leading and trailing edges of large objects as well as being subject to noise

effects and susceptible to small motion effects [Crimson 98]. There is, however, a danger of over pre-processing th e image. Bearing in mind th a t each stage will potentially discard

im portant information. Moreover, for this research segmenting the object is not a

requirement - there is already an algorithm developed for th at. So, for example, the work by

Stringa [Stringa 00], which uses statistical soft morphology before binarising the image, is outside the rem it of this work.

For the “Forest of Sensors” project at M IT, Crimson [Crimson 98] and Stauffer [Stauffer 1998]

report the creation of a robust detector th a t adapts to th e observed scene. By making each

pixel an independent statistical process, the observed intensity at each pixel can be recorded

over the previous n firames. This can then be optimally fitted w ith a m ixture of K Gaussians, thus reflecting th e expectation th a t samples of the same scene point are likely to display

normal noise distributions and th e expectation th a t more th a n one process may be observed

over tim e [Crimson 98]. The results are impressive, it does track objects in real-tim e in an unconstrained environm ent and appears to be tolerant to lighting changes, long-term scene

changes etc. F urther, different types of images have been used - not ju st grey scale - such as

RGB and HSV. However these are achieved using a Silicon Graphics m achine which is out


Using a SG 02 machine, com putational speeds of 11 to 13 frames (of 160 by 120 pixels) per

second were achieved.

McKenna and others a t Queen M ary College have also used m ixture models to track groups

of people in colour and have extended this work to model simple interactions between

individuals/ groups of people and objects [McKenna 00, McKenna 99, Raja 98].

W ork carried out by th e Vision and Robotics L aboratory in Kings College London for the

CROM ATICA project has produced an application th a t can accurately construct the

background of an indoor scene (Liverpool Street Tube Station, London) [Davies 95, Departs 96].

By using a statistical estim ation approach, foreground objects can be removed from the scene.

An accurate representation of the (static) background is then achieved. This, however, has

only been used in semi-controlled lighting conditions (i.e. indoors).

Meanwhile Young [Young 97b, Young 98] has compared various techniques used for change detection in image sequences. Change occurs when corresponding pixels in the two images

have sufficiently different intensities [Rosin 95]. It is, however, difficult to quantify w hat is significant. Low-level change techniques need to discrim inate between those changes which

are significant and those which are not. Hence, th e techniques need to differentiate between

illum ination change and changes in the scene. F urth er, there is also the need to consider the

spatial neighbourhood of a pixel since tem poral differences alone contain no information

regarding the causes of change [Young 97b].

1.3.2 Image Analysis using Infrared

Image analysis in th e infrared seems to have been limited to astronom ical research and

defence purposes w ith the emphasis on high-spatial resolution imagers rather th a n more


(typically infrared and visual), past research seems to have been more intent on th e analysis

of individual pixel values within the therm al image as opposed to th e image itself. Even with

th e ever-decreasing cost of therm al imaging equipm ent, the work in this area (therm al image

analysis) is alm ost non-existent.

Like visual images, therm al images are represented as an intensity m ap typically in 8-bit or

16-bit grey-scale or colour (RGB) representation. To th a t extent th e image processing th a t

can be carried out on the visual image can also be carried out on th e therm al. This project

will typically be dealing with 8-bit grey-scale images.

The pixel intensity in an image is proportional to the q uantity of therm al energy lying in the

infrared spectrum and coming from the corresponding point in the 3D scene [Caillas 94]. This energy is generally the sum of two components; (1) radiant energy due to the self­

emission of objects - Eraj, and (2) radiant energy reflected or transm itted by objects due to

external radiation sources - T he radiant energy received by an optical system allows the

recovery of the physical properties of th e surface of th e object. U nfortunately, the

determ ination of th e origin of is not possible if we only know th e pixel intensity. This

essentially means th a t w ithout knowing th e tem perature of objects w ithin a scene â priori,

there is no way of knowing th e effect each object has on the overall pixel intensity. In

particular, is directly related to the tem perature of th e surface by th e well-known

Stephan-B oltzm an law [Caillas 94].

The objects being observed by the optical system can be categorised as either th e target or

the background. The target is the object to be detected by th e sensor: it m ust be

distinguished from the background sources. The background consists of all radiation sources

received by the detector, excluding the object of interest. Hence, th e background can be


There has been an extensive am ount of work on th e calculation of background radiation and

how to account for its effects on therm al images [Kruse 97, Nand 87, Nand 88, Pau 83, Seyrafi 93].

This has led to the creation of algorithm s and tables approxim ating the am ount of

background radiation inherent in different m aterials such as concrete, grass, etc.. There are,

however, lim itations to some of the algorithm s created. For example, th e approach

undertaken by N andhakum ar and Aggarwal [Nand 88] is limited to outdoor scenes th a t are illum inated by bright sunlight. F urther, Black [Black 94] uses the same algorithm bu t w ith the assum ptions th a t it is daytim e, cloudless and imaged using a parallel projection (from

above) and there is no illum ination from reflected or scattered light. This typifies the

attitu d e taken by similar research in this field.

P au [Pau 83] takes a more helpful attitude. It suggests th a t when there is no available d a ta for the background radiance, two m ethods can be used to model it. One m ethod in particular

is of interest. This is a statistical background representation which can be used for

exemplifying simple scenes. It uses P lanck’s equations to calculate th e background radiance

from th e probability distributions of the position and tem perature of the point of interest.

One application of therm al image processing th a t has been found involves low-resolution

photo-sensing units to calculate pedestrian flow w ithin corridors [Mudalay 79]. It was found th a t the device could provide a pedestrian count to at least 95% accuracy cheaply, reliably

and inconspicuously. This latter property is quite im portant, as hum ans tend to object to

being controlled or observed and also display enormous curiosity tow ards unfamiliar objects


Existing IR Systems

The m ajority of products are either cooled therm al cameras, typically for m ilitary

applications, or uncooled therm al imagers which were developed for the m ilitary m arket but

have now moved into the commercial sector. B oth have reasonable spatial resolutions

(typically 320x240 pixels). Due to the reduction of m ilitary m arkets, other applications for

therm al imaging are being exploited. These include, fire detection, industry specific

applications - such as detecting hot spots on electricity pylons - and security applications.

The m ajority of the uncooled systems are similar in size to a video cam era and as such -

especially w ith the therm al resolution currently available - extremely useful. However, it

seems th a t the image processing techniques prevalent in th e visible imaging systems currently

available, are not being transferred across to therm al systems. In one case, the instance of a

hot spot appearing on the screen was enough to cause an alarm state. Moreover, th e cost of

these systems is still quite high, about £10,000 for a hand held therm al camera. The

emphasis at th e m om ent is to sell high resolution (both therm ally and spatially) cameras a t a

significantly lower cost th an th e cooled cameras. This thesis will not involve the use of these

high resolution cameras, instead a low resolution cam era will be used. As has already been

mentioned in the earlier p arts of this chapter, very little work has been conducted in the

fusion of the two imaging modalities. W hat little work has been done is concerned with

m ilitary applications rather th an commercial.



There is a wide variety of therm al imaging equipm ent currently available. This varies from

expensive, cryogenically cooled, high resolution to cheap (relatively) uncooled lower resolution

detectors. Typically the therm al equipm ent used for image processing has had high spatial

resolution and the images have all been taken in near perfect conditions. This is not a luxury


conditions and under the constraint of low spatial resolution in th e therm al camera. The fact

th a t w hat work has been carried out has been accomplished w ith cooled therm al arrays is

interesting, but doesn’t detract from th e validity of the work carried out in this study.

R ather, it enhances th e potential novelty.

The literature surveyed within this chapter is not intended to do justice to th e whole range of

publications available on therm al imaging, bu t rath er to focus on papers th a t deal w ith the

fusion of visual and therm al. However the review is sufficient to indicate th a t the processing

th a t is typically carried out seems intent on th e categorisation of objects through the

calculation of radiance models th a t are calculated from the pixel intensity. Due to th e spatial

resolution of the therm al cam era considered here, this is not an available approach for this

study. It is also indicated th a t th e fusion of infrared and visible images is an untapped

resource and a valuable method of scene analysis. Therm al imaging for surveillance purposes

is still in an embryonic stage w ith the new uncooled cameras being used, typically, to detect

heat sources for industrial applications. These include finding hot spots on wiring, friction

points etc.. T he security applications are equally limited, more for the detection of fires

within buildings th a n illegal hum an activity. Thus, no products have been found th a t use the

two modalities in com bination, although interest is being generated in this area w ith the onset

of cheap uncooled infrared detectors.

Similarly there is far more published research on surveillance techniques using image

processing th an has been cited in this chapter. There is a vast am ount of ongoing research on

the inter-related topics of autom atic targ e t recognition, behaviour modelling and

classification, and background representation. Again th e fact th a t no one system has been

adopted is an indication of the difficulty of the problem and perhaps th a t a new approach is


W hilst the algorithm s developed w ithin this thesis do not provide a panacea for all difficulties

w ith surveillance systems, this study encourages th e view th a t inform ation content is far more

im portant th a n the am ount of data. F urth er, th a t by combining two imaging sensors of

vastly disparate spatial resolutions th e analysis of unconstrained environm ents can be

achieved. To th a t end, this thesis investigates w hether th e segm entation of surveillance

images can be improved by fusing low-spatial resolution therm al d a ta w ith high-spatial

resolution visual information. The context of th e investigation is the surveillance of sterile

zones where an alarm is required should a person enter th e zone and at no other time. The

aim is to reduce false alarms due to changes in environm ental conditions and wildlife


Chapter 2

Sensor Fusion

Sensor Fusion - th e process of combination of autonomously gathered observations from

numerous sensors into a single coherent source of information.

Sensors are devices th a t collect d a ta from the world around us; w ithout sensors there would

be no data. Thus throughout this chapter the term s Data Fusion and Sensor Fusion are used synonymously.


In tro d u ctio n

Sensor fusion is the joining of d a ta from m ultiple sources of information. At a practical level,

sensor fusion is the technology th a t allows us to collect d a ta through m ultiple sensors, thereby

enabling us to increase our knowledge, its accuracy and th e confidence w ith which it may be

applied [Oakley 96]. For this application some sense of merging inform ation will be required to

combine the disparate images th a t will be obtained of a scene.

Thus far, fusion techniques for therm al and visual sensors seem to have revolved around the


to provide inform ation about absorptivity and relative orientation of the viewed surface which

is required for the correct estim ation of th e surface heat fluxes. T o this end the therm al

equipm ent has had high spatial resolution and th e images have all been taken in near perfect

conditions. This is not a luxury available to this project. The fusion process will need to be

able to work in all w eather conditions and under th e constraint of low spatial resolution in the

therm al camera.

Sensor fusion is not th e only approach th a t has been advocated for improving current object

recognition/ image processing systems. O ther work th a t has occurred due to the realisation of

the inadequacy of the single-pass strategy of the hypothesis-veri^ paradigm , is the

development of feedback control strategies [Mirmehdi 88]. Again, th e aim of this approach is

to com bat the difficulties of poor d a ta and th e link between weak features and weak

hypotheses. To meet this aim, feedback strategies for more robust hypothesis generation are

proposed [Mirmehdi 88]. However, although this technique could be adapted for multi-sensor

purposes, any system so devised would not be fully utilising the inform ation available and

therefore, although being superior to a single cam era system, would not be advantageous to

use in this instance.

For an in-depth analysis of not only sensor fusion techniques and applications bu t also fusion

strategies, the books by Brooks [Brooks 97] and Abidi [Abidi 92] are highly recommended. This chapter is not designed to replicate th e work described w ithin these books and a condensed

form would not do this vast subject area justice. For th e interested reader th e papers by Pohl

[Pohl 98] and W ang [Wang 00] describe the basic concepts, potential applications, approaches and performance evaluation techniques of m ultisensor fusion for purposes of image analysis.

Sensors are devices th a t collect d a ta from th e world around us. There are numerous kinds of

devices and ways of recording sensor observations. These range from inexpensive cameras to


inevitably, are inherently unreliable as they each have a limited accuracy, are subject to noise

(to some degree) and will - under certain circum stances - either function incorrectly or fail


T he disadvantages of using a single sensor system lie w ith uncertainty ra th e r th an

imprecision. This uncertainty can be due to missing features (for example, occlusions), un­

explicit observations and sensor restrictions (e.g. you can ’t use a video cam era for radar

purposes). Moreover, as M urphy [Murphy 96] states, while missing observations can be compensated for by active perception techniques, a different view may not make up for

incomplete or ambiguous observations. These problems can be removed by using a sensor

fusion strategy.

Using multiple sensors has the advantages of;

Redundancy => by using m ultiple sensors a system can cope w ith individual sensor failure.

Combination => m ultiple m odality observations can be used to infer features in an

environm ent th a t would be unobtainable using a single sensor. Moreover, by using

m ultiple sensors a system can often become less sensitive to noise and tem porary

“glitches” [Brooks 97].

Cost => several cheaper sensors integrated into a system can often provide a superior system

th an th a t of a single more expensive sensor.

U ltim ately, sensor fusion should combine inputs from m any independent sources of limited

accuracy and reliability to give inform ation of known accuracy and proven reliability [Brooks 97]. Also, as Abidi [Abidi 92] comments, the fusion process could involve a single sensor over an extended tim e period as opposed to m ultiple devices taking simultaneous readings.

However, ju st because a single sensor system isn’t working to requirem ents, m ultiple sensors


w hether th a t sensor is stand-alone or p art of a network. Im portantly, no m atter w hat system

is being implemented it m ust produce a correct decision on a sufficiently large num ber of

occasions. To make this decision, regardless of anything else, th e system m ust be well

informed and react in a tim ely manner. The larger th e quantity of information, th e longer

th e com putational time.

K adota [Kadota 94] also recognises the potential problems of using m ultiple sensors as a

universal remedy for all system difficulties. He recommends th e development of some rational

m ethod of calculating performance im provem ent th a t will occur (or not) as a result of d a ta

fusion. As he points out, even if the im provem ent in performance is substantial, th e cost of

th e integration may not justify it. However, in his conclusions he points out th a t for a pair of

com plem entary systems, integration is w arranted if neither system meets th e minimum

requirem ent of detection performance and resolution bu t the combined system is able to do


In M urphy’s paper on the biological and cognitive foundations of sensor fusion [Murphy 96],

she discusses the requirem ent for a sensor fusion system to be able to adapt to, or at worst

case, degrade gracefully under given typical sensor problems (for example continuous sensor

errors or complete sensor failure), as well as unexpected environm ental changes. Hence, the

functionality of a sensor fusion system should include th e context of th e intended task and the

influence of the environment on th e sensing.

W hile research on d a ta fusion algorithm s has m atured into a field of its own [Ng 00], there is

increasing interest in Sensor M anagement (SM) [Bossé 00, Kokar 01, Ng 00]. This has evolved out of th e need for multi-sensor systems to be entirely autonom ous and therefore be able to,

where required, prioritise and schedule tasks, make effective use of often limited resources and

perhaps most im portantly be able to reconfigure and support system degradation due to


outlined by M urphy , K adota and others. Sensor m anagem ent is, however, beyond the scope

of this research.

There are a num ber of different levels of abstraction th a t fusion can take place in. Luo (in

Abidi [Abidi 92]), has tabulated the more relevant differences between each of th e levels. Simply, symbol-level fusion merges locally m ade decisions (i.e. those m ade a t each individual

sensor); feature-level fusion merges th e param eters concerning features obtained from the

sensors; and pixel or signal level fusion is concerned w ith th e com bination of raw d a ta signals.

As is discussed in Brooks [Brooks 97] the higher the level of fusion th e smaller the am ount of information transm itted throughout the system. However, this also means th a t less

information is available to the decision making process. Thus, a t a lower fusion level more

informed decisions are possible due to th e increased level of detail available about an


2.1.1 Sensor Fusion Strategies

There are a num ber of fusion strategies th a t can be adopted for a given system. The more

common approaches are given below. O ther approaches th a t are not discussed are concerned

w ith decentralised and distributed detection fusion strategies. As their names imply, these

approaches involve sensors in different geographical locations often w ith some processing

occurring at each sensor. This is in the form of either compression of th e d a ta as is often the


Figure 2-1 - Fuzzy Sets vs. Crisp Sets
Figure 3-3 Target in the Thermal Image
Figure 3-4 Target in the Visual Im age
Figure 5-2 DiCference Image between Figures 5-la and 5-lb.


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