Healthcare Region
Carus Consilium Sachsen
Seite 2 | CCS | Stand: 18.05.2012
- Challenges for the Health Care System
- Establishment of Networks:
Ways of Healthcare in the Future
The Healthcare Region Carus Consilium Sachsen
External Conditions
Healthcare in Germany is shaped by its structural challenges
:Demographic Change
Inefficient Organization and Misallocation
Ungenaue Kalkulation: fehlende Steuerungsmöglichkeiten
Seite 4 | Titel als Fußzeile einfügen | Stand: 18.05.2012
Changes in the number of >80 years old 2005 bis 2025 (%)
Data Base:
How can Innovations reach the Healthcare System?
Scientific Innovations in Healthcare are particularly marked by the improvement of processes and structures and therefore by the extension of what already exists.
Requirements are:
The ability to develop and evaluate new processes and structures•
The ability to implement and evaluate regulations in the system•
The ability to foster scientific progress and transfer the results continuously into the care system•
The ability to translate acquired knowledge to other regionsFrom Wheelwork to Network
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Integrated Care
Managed Care
Seite 8 | CCS | Stand: 18.05.2012
- Challenges for the Health Care System
- Establishment of Networks:
Ways of Healthcare in the Future
The Healthcare Region Carus Consilium Sachsen
UHD as Partner
Innovation & Financing
Quality & Efficiency by integrated care
University Hospital
Pharma-, Biotech Companies
Research Institutes
Medical Technology
Health Insurance
Equal Partnerships
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1. sport and leisure 2. wellness
3. Living and diet 4. tourism
5. health insurance
6. research and development 7. public administration
8. organization of the health care management industry
9. pharmaceutical industry 10. Health business
11. Bio- and genetic engineering 12. medical technology
13. whole sale with health products 14. specialised and retail trade (incl.
15. health care system (hospitals, health care facilities, physicians) •Health Service Research and health-economic analyses
•Cooperation of institutes and organizations
•Co-determination of framework-political guardrails
•Cooperations of different services in health economy
Our Vision
The vision of the Carus Consilium Sachsen is it to deliver continuous care to the population as well as offering prevention, consultation, guidance, training, nursing and medical treatment, in order to enable them to live a long life, to improve their quality of life and to avoid the appearance of different regional earnings quality.
The Healthcare Region Carus Consilium Sachsen is successful if it manages to win a critical number of partners and stakeholders within the region and involve them in the development process of a strategy for the establishment of the Healthcare Region CCS.
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Coswig Moritzburg Radebeul Radeburg Großenhain Dresden Meißen Riesa Wurzen Rochlitz Glauchau Zwickau Freiberg Freital Pirna Kamenz Hoyerswerda Weißwasser Bischofswerda Bautzen Löbau Görlitz Zittau Leipzig Chemnitz Elsterberg Bad Elster Mühlau Klipphausen Wilsdruff Niederschöna/ OT Hetzdorf Possendorf Kreischa Altenberg Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel Gohrisch Bad Schandau
Sebnitz Arnsdorf Radeberg Pulsnitz Rothenburg Ebersbach Ostritz Oderwitz Großschönau
Projects as Framework for Cooperations
The Healthcare Region CCS places its main emphasis on the following core
areas for the orientation and organization of the model project
regionally organised and integrated healthcare
employment, work with young talents and shortage of skilled workers
telemedicine and IT-integration in the healthcare region
communication and transparency
demographics and population-based, comprehensive healthcareCC
S Fok
Seite 14 | CCS | Stand: 18.05.2012 | Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Morgner
S Fok
Aims for the Establishment of a Regional Care Concept
Seite 15 | Integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung der Zukunft | Stand: 18.05.2012
of demand
Creation of
Business plan,
Services of the CCS GmbH
Regulatory Frameworks, business model/ project type (integrated care), Analyses of demand, potential partners, remuneration•
i.e. bringing providers and cost bearers together•
Development of Concepts, Applications
Project Monitoring:
Calculation, Project Management, Communication, Documentation, Quality AssuranceProjects and Events
Strategic Region-specific Partner-sectoral integrating
Regionally organised and integrated Healthcare
Organisation of focus groups,
participation in care and quality studies, establishment of quality circles
SOS Net, SOS Care, care analysis Dementia
Shortage of young professionals and
winning of skilled personnel
Weiterbildungsverbund CCS (Further Education Alliance CCS), Case/Network Management certificate course (DIU, DGCC)
Telemedicine and IT Networking in Saxony
CCS Telehealth/ Tele-Konsil, eHealth, mobile intersectoral care, eFA
(electronic patients files)
Teletumorboard, Telepathology, integrated Stroke Care SOS Net (ESF-Project), Tele Nursing Communication Partnerdialog, Koordinierungsstelle
Gesundheitswirtschaft (Coordination Center Health Economy), SZ advisory council „Medizin heute“, Website CCS, CCS Newsletter, AMiCE
Moderation and Initiation of cooperations, Initiative
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ostsächsischer Krankenhäuser (initiative public relations of hospitals in East Saxony)
Demography and nation-wide healthcare concepts
Modell Project Sebnitz,
Familiengesundheitspaten CCS
(Family Health Godparents)
Seite 18 | Vorschlag zur Kosten-. Und Erlösoptimierung | Stand: 18.05.2012
Perspectives 2012/13: New Contents
Work Areas of the Future:
Topics Projects
Telemedicine and IT-networking in Saxony
(Partners a.o.: T-Systems International GmbH, UHD, TU Dresden)
Communication „Koordinierungsstelle Gesundheitswirtschaft“
(Coordination Center Health Economy) (Partner: DIU)
Project Support SOS-Care / SOS-Net / telemedical counseling of patients with diabetes
Consulting Services report POMERANIA/ Geriatrics project (geriatric care after treatment in hospital/ Case Management)
CCS Telehealth East Saxony: Telematic Networking in the Healthcare Region Carus Consilium
Sachsen in order to overcome the lack of professionals as well as the aftermaths of the demographic development
Carus Consilium Sachsen•
University Hospital Dresden•
University of Technology Dresden•
T-Systems/Deutsche TelekomProjects:
Telenursing, Telepathology, Teletumorbord and SOS-CARE
Seite 19 | Integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung der Zukunft | Stand: 18.05.2012
Strategic Cooperation Telemedicine
TeleHealth Platform
CCS Telehealth
University Hospital Dresden
Telecoaching Telestroke-Care Telepathology Teletumorboard
Partners: Rehab Clinic Nursing Service DUSC DIU Partners: Heart Center Dresden Partners: UKL Hospitals and Clinics in Saxony Onkology Centers Partners: UKL Clinic Freiberg Organ Cancer Centres Oncologic Centers
Project 2: SOS-CARE
On May 2nd, the project „Case Management an den Schnittstellen der integrierten
Schlaganfallversorgung“*, which is funded by the European Social Fund, started in the Healthcare Region Carus Consilium Sachsen.
Goal: Development and Implementation of integrated care for stroke patients, supported by case management.
Partners are a.o.: German Association for Care and Case Management, AOK Plus, Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfallhilfe.
*Case Management at the Interface of Integrated Stroke Care
Stroke Care East Saxony Network (SOS-NET)
Quality-Assured Case Management in the Region East Saxony (SOS-CARE)
Hospital Carl
Stroke Center Hospital 1 Hospital 2 Hospital 3 ….. SOS-NET Stroke Unit Telemedicine Transfer of Quality Standards Quality AssuranceSOS-NET Structure
SOS-NET Current Status
Tele-Partner Tele-Partner in Preparation DUSC Regional Secondary Center Regional Stroke Unit 18.05.2012
Prevention Emergency After Care
Acute- Care
Reha- bilitation
Healthcare Chain Stroke
Optimized Acute Care
Good Access to Rehabilitation BUT
Need for Optimization at the interfaces
Need for Optimization in aftercare
5. BOOT and IV Contract
Help after a Stroke –
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Prävention Management Notfall- Versorgung Akut- Nachsorge
1.Patient Pathway and quality-assured regional Case Managements
2. eFA(Case File) incl. Workflow Management
3. Certification Course Case Management
4. Evaluation Concept
Prevention Emergency Management
Solution Sketch
Case Managers work on an electronic workplace in clinics within the SOS-Net
Monitoring of current treatment locations and constitution of the patient
Support of the CM in the treatment process of the quality assurance model (QUIS)
Administration and standard security of patient data via
eFA(electronic case file)
Electronic transfer of data and applications to secondary institutions
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Project 3: Familiengesundheitspaten
What it is:
The project „Familiengesundheitspaten“ (Family Health Godparents) is a joint project of the Carus
Consilium Sachsen (CCS) GmbH and the University Child-Woman‘s Center at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (UHD).
Time Frame: 01.09.2011– 28.02.2015 Area: Dresden
Winning of honorary family godparents as constant contact persons and confidants of the family. The family godparents accompany during trips to the authorities and pass information
on regional offers around children.
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General Goals:
• Support of the health-related and social development of children in the first three years of their lives • Strengthening of the parents-child-relationship/ strength of the family
• Establishment of networks for the demand-oriented offers for pregnant women and families respectively fathers and mothers with children up to the age of three
• This offer is made to ALL families from the city of Dresden that expect children/already have children • Regardless of their heritage, nationality, social status…
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Project 4: AMiCE
> Already established amicable network of 8 European Medical and Educational Institutions
> Coordination of the network by the Healthcare Region Carus Consilium Sachsen and therefor tight personell linkage to the University Hospital Dresden, which has the presidency over the network from 2011-2013
> Exchange in fields of research, education, management, healthcare
> Admission of further partners in the future possible
AMiCE – Participating Hospitals
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Goals of the AMiCE-Network
> Enhancement of the European University Hospital network‘s activities in the following 3 years
> Aim: To increasingly interlink the activities of the European Healthcare Regions and intensify the
cooperation“ (Prof. Albrecht, Chair of the AMiCE Network 2011-2013)
> Initiating and organisational support of joint projects of the member hospitals in the areas of medical education,
research and healthcare on the European level
> Joint formulation of the agenda of the eight members and their institutions to the EU and bundling of regional
network activities of similar orientation
> Research and processing of information via potential EU funding in the areas of research, education and
healthcare as well as transfer of those to the members
1) "Amicable Network of Academical Medical Centres in Europe"
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Strategische Positionierung für die Zukunft:
- Herausforderungen an das Gesundheitssystem
- Netzwerkbildung:
Versorgungsformen der Zukunft?
Die Gesundheitsregion Carus Consilium Sachsen
The (regional), operative Management Company as organizational framework
Seite 33 | Integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung der Zukunft | Stand: 18.05.2012 Quelle: nach Greuel, 2010