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INFORMATI^KO OP[TESTVO- INFORMATION SOCIETY Skopje, 18.09.2007 godina/Skopje, 18.09.2007Godina/ Year XLV

S O O P [ T E N I E - R E P O R T


Dr`aven zavod za statistika

Skopje, Dame Gruev br.4, Tel.02/3295-600, P.fah 506, Faks 02/3111-336; e-po{ta: publikum@stat.gov.mk, veb-stranica: www.stat.gov.mk

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA State Statistical Office

Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, Phone 3892/3295-600, P.box 506, Fax 3892/3111-336; e-mail: publikum@stat.gov.mk, web-page: www.stat.gov.mk

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Koristewe na informati~ko - komunikaciski tehnologii (IKT) vo doma}instvata Usage of information-communication technologies (ICT) in households

Spored Anketata za upotreba na informati~ko-komunikaciskite tehnologii vo doma}instvata i kaj poedincite, sprovedena vo april 2007 godina, vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina 76,9% od doma}instvata vo Republika Makedonija koristele fiksna telefonska linija, 78,0% koristele barem eden mobilen telefon, 47,1% imale priklu~ok na kabelska televizija, 33,2% imale personalen kompjuter i 16,5% imale pristap na internet od doma.

According to the Survey of ICT usage in households and individuals, conducted in April, 2007, in the first quarter of 2007, 76.9% of the households in the Republic of Macedonia used fixed telephone line, 78.0% used at least one mobile phone, 47.1% were connected to the cable TV, 33.2% had personal computer and 16.5% had access to the Internet at home.

Opremenost na doma}instvata so informati~ko-komunikaciski tehnologii (%)

Households equipped with information-communication technologies (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Fiksna telefonska linija Mobilen telefon TV - kabelska Personalen kompjuter Pristap na internet od doma Satelitska TV 2006 2007 Fixed phone line

Mobile phone

Cable TV

Personal computer

Internet access at home Satellite TV


Doma}instva so internet pristap - tip na internet povrzanost Households with Internet access - type of the Internet connection

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, doma}instvata najmnogu upotrebuvale tesnopojasna internet povrzanost, odnosno, od doma}instvata koi imale internet pristap, 45,7% koristele modem (dial-up), 16,2% mobilen telefon so tesnopojasno povrzuvawe (WAP, GPRS), a 3,2% koristele ISDN za povrzuvawe na internet.

Od doma}instvata so internet pristap {irokopojasno povrzuvawe na internet imale: 21,0% preku

DSL, ADSL tehnologiite, 20,8% preku kabelski modem, 1,2% preku mobilen telefon (UMTS) i 1,5% preku drugo {irokopojasno povrzuvawe, na primer, preku opti~ki kabel.

In the first quarter, 2007, the households mostly used narrowband Internet connection, i.e. 45.7% of the households with Internet access at home used modem (dial-up), 16.2% used mobile phone with narrowband connection (WAP, GPRS), and 3.2% used ISDN for Internet connection.

Broadband connection of the households with Internet access at home, had: 21.0% by DSL, ADSL technologies, 20.8% by cable modem, 1.2% mobile phone (UMTS) and 1.5% by other broadband connection, e.g. optical cable.

Tip na internet povrzanost (%)

Type of the Internet connection (%)

Koristewe na informati~ko-komunikaciski tehnologii kaj poedincite Usage of the information-communication technologies by individuals

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, u~estvoto na korisnicite na mobilen telefon vo vkupnoto naselenie na vozrast od 15 do 74 godini iznesuva 67,7%, dodeka vo istiot period od 2006 godina, u~estvoto e 63,5%.

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, u~estvoto na licata koi upotrebile kompjuter vo vkupnoto naselenie na vozrast od 15 do 74 godini iznesuva 40,9%, dodeka vo istiot period od 2006 godina, u~estvoto e 34,1%.

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, u~estvoto na licata koi upotrebile internet vo vkupnoto naselenie na vozrast od 15 do 74 godini iznesuva 29,7%, dodeka vo istiot period od 2006 godina, u~estvoto e 25,2%.

Share of the mobile phone users in the total population aged 15-74 is 67.7% in the first quarter of 2007, while in the same period of 2006 is 63.5%.

Share of the computer users in the total population aged 15-74 is 40.9% in the first quarter of 2007, while in the same period of 2006 is 34.1%.

Share of the internet users in the total population aged 15-74, is 29.7% in the first quarter of 2007, while in the same period of 2006 is 25.2% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Modem Mobilen telefon Kabelski modem Mobilen telefon Drugo (pr.opti~ki kabel) (dial-up) ISDN Mobile phone-WAP, GPRS DSL (ADSL)

Cable modem Mobile

phone-UMTS Other (optical cable)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Mobilen telefon Kompjuter Internet



Postojat razliki vo koristeweto na informati~ko-komunikaciskite tehnologii kaj poedincite vo odnos na polot, vozrasta i obrazovanieto.

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, 77,8% od ma`ite i 57,4% od `enite koristele mobilen telefon. Vo ovoj period kompjuter koristele 47,9% od ma`ite i 33,8% od `enite, dodeka internet koristele 35,8% od ma`ite i 23,6% od `enite.

Spored polovata struktura, od vkupniot broj korisnici na mobilen telefon, 57,8% bile ma`i i 42,2% `eni, od korisnicite na kompjuter 58,8% bile ma`i i 41,2% `eni, dodeka od korisnicite na internet 60,5% bile ma`i i 39,5% `eni.

There are differences in using the information and communication technologies by individuals according to sex, age and education.

In the first quarter of 2007, mobile phone users were 77.8% of the male, 57.4% of the female. Computer users were 47.9% of the male and 33.8% of the female, and the Internet users were 35.8% of the male and 23.6% of the female.

According to sex, mobile phone users were 57.8% men and 42.2% women, computer users were 58.8% men and 41.2% women, and Internet users were 60.5% men and 39.5% women.

2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007

100 100 100 100 100 100

63.5 67.7 70.3 77.8 56.6 57.4 43.4 49.4 47.0 55.0 39.8 43.8

34.1 40.9 39.9 47.9 28.3 33.8 Computer users w ithin the last 3 months1) 31.3 37.8 36.3 43.9 26.3 31.7

25.2 29.7 30.2 35.8 20.2 23.6 Internet users w ithin the last 3 months1) Korisnici na kompjuter (koi koga

bilo upotrebile kompjuter)

Com puter users (have ever used a com puter)

1) Periodot "poslednite 3 meseci" e prviot kvartal od godinata

1) The period " the last 3 months " is the first quarter of the reference year

Korisnici na kompjuter vo poslednite 3 meseci1)

Korisnici na internet (koi koga bilo upotrebile internet)

Korisnici na internet vo poslednite 3 meseci1)

Internet users (have ever used internet)

Mobile phone users w ithin the last 3 m onths1)

Vkupno lica na vozrast 15-74

godini Total population aged 15-74

Korisnici na mobilen telefon vo poslednite 3 meseci1)

`enski female



ma{ki male

Pol / Sex

Vkupno / Total

Mobile phone Computer Internet

Female Male

Korisnici na mobilen telefon, kompjuter i internet grupirani po pol, prv kvartal, 2007 (%)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 Mobilen telefon Kompjuter Internet Mobile phone Internet Computer 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Nisko Sredno Visoko

Mobilen telefon Kompjuter Internet High Medium Low Mobile phone Computer Internet

Korisnici na mobilen telefon, kompjuter i internet po obrazovni grupi, prv kvartal, 2007 (%)

Mobile phone, computer and Internet users by educational groups, the first quarter, 2007 (%)

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, mobilen telefon, kompjuter i internet najmnogu koristele licata {to pripa|aat na vozrasnata grupa od 15 do 24 godini (89,7% koristele mobilen telefon, 80.0% koristele kompjuter i 66,8% koristele internet), a najmalku od vozrasnata grupa od 65 do 74 godini (17,0% koristele mobilen telefon, 4,1% koristele kompjuter, 3,0% koristele internet).

In the first quarter of 2007, the mobile phone, the computer and the Internet were mostly used by individuals that belong to the age group 15 - 24 (89.7%, 80.0% and 66.8% respectively), and less by the individuals of the age group 65-74 (17.0%, 4.1%, 3.0% respectively).

Korisnici na mobilen telefon, kompjuter i internet po vozrasni grupi, prv kvartal, 2007 (%)

Mobile phone, computer and Internet users by age groups, the first quarter, 2007 (%)

Vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, proporcionalno na obrazovnata grupa, mobilen telefon, kompjuter i internet najmnogu koristele licata so visoko obrazovanie (od niv 87,6% koristele mobilen telefon, 69,9% koristele kompjuter, 55,1% koristele internet), a najmalku licata so nisko obrazovanie (45,2% koristele mobilen telefon, 24,6% koristele kompjuter i 18,8% koristele internet).

In the first quarter of 2007, proportionally to the educational group, the mobile phone, computer and the Internet were being used by the individuals with higher education (of which 87.6% were using mobile phone, 69.9% were using computer, 55.1% were using Internet), and less by the individuals with primary and lower secondary education (45.2%, 24.6%, 18.8% respectively).


2006 2007 2006 2007

100 100 100 100

sekoj den 62.8 61.5 43.5 48.0 every day

najmalku edna{ nedelno 28.9 29.1 40.2 38.8 at least once a week

najmalku edna{ mese~no 7.0 7.5 13.5 10.4 at least once a month

pomalku od edna{ mese~no 1.3 1.8 2.8 2.8 less than once a month

doma 55.7 64.3 32.0 40.8 at home

na rabota 25.9 25.4 17.0 22.0 at work

vo u~ili{te, fakultet 16.6 19.9 19.3 18.9 at place of education

10.1 18.0 9.3 15.1 at another persons home

42.5 39.6 54.4 48.7 elsewhere (Internet café, other pubic


1) Periodot "poslednite 3 meseci" e prviot kvartal od godinata

1) The period " the last 3 months " is the first quarter of the reference year



Lica koi koristele / Persons that used

Korisnici na kompjuter / internet vo poslednite 3 meseci

Computer / Internet users within the last 3 months


15 - 74 - STRUCTURE

vo drugi domovi (na rodnini, prijateli) na drugo mesto (pr.: internet-kafé i drugi javni mesta)

kompjuter / computer internet / Internet

^estota na koristewe kompjuter / internet vo poslednite 3 meseci

Frequency of computer / Internet usage within the last 3 months

Mesto na koristewe kompjuter / internet vo poslednite 3 meseci

Place of computer / Internet usage within the last 3 months

Namena na koristeweto internet vo prviot kvartal, 2007 Purpose of the Internet usage in the first quarter, 2007

Od licata na vozrast od 15 do 74 godini koi upotrebuvale internet vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina, 92,5% internetot go koristele za komunikacija, kako na primer, za primawe/pra}awe elektronska po{ta (82,1%), komunicirawe preku Chat, Mirc, ICQ, MSN (52,4%), telefonirawe (33,4%).

Od korisnicite na internet vo ovoj period, 84,0% prebaruvale razni informacii na internet i barale on-net uslugi, a najmnogu za nao|awe informacii za prizvodi ili uslugi (50,1%) i za igrawe, simnuvawe na igri, sliki, muzika (49,1%).

Internetot za obuka i obrazovanie (odnosno za steknuvawe novi znaewa, konsultacii i sl., kako i za barawe informacii za obrazovanie, obuka, kursevi koi se nudat na internet ili sledewe na kursevi na internet) go koristele 27,2% od korisnicite na internet.

Vo ovoj period, veb stranicite na organite na upravata gi posetile 13,2% od korisnicite na internet za da najdat/dobijat odredeni informacii, ili za simnuvawe oficijalni formulari i ispra}awe popolneti formulari.

E-bankarstvo (razni uslugi na bankite preku internet) ili nudele/prodale proizvodi/uslugi preku internet (na pr.: preku aukcii na internet) koristele 6,8% od ovaa populacija.

92.5% of the persons aged 15-74 that used the Internet in the last three months were using Internet for commu-nication, for example receiving/sending e-mails (82.1%), for communication like Chat, Mirc, ICQ, MSN (52.4%), telephoning (33.4%).

Of the Internet users in this period, 84.0% were searching information and requesting on-net services, mostly for finding information about goods or services (50.1%) and for playing or downloading games, pictures, music (49.1%). The Internet for training and education (i.e. for acquiring knowledge, consultancies and similar or looking for information dealing with education, training/courses offered or following online courses) was being used by 27.2% of the Internet users.

13.2% of the Internet users in this period were visiting the web sites of the government (e-government) for finding/obtaining some information or downloading official forms or sending filled in forms.

6.8% of this population used e banking (various bank services via Internet) or offered/ sold goods/services via Internet (e.g. through auctions via Internet).


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Komunikacija Prebaruvawe informacii Obuka i obrazovanie Uslugi na e-vlada E-bankarstvo, proda`ba na proizvodi, uslugi

E-nara~aki na proizvodi, uslugi

Obuka za upotreba na kompjuter Training on computer use

Obuka ili kursevi (od najmalku 3 ~asa) od koj bilo aspekt na upotreba na kompjuter imale 36,2% od licata koi koga bilo koristele kompjuter, dodeka ostanatite (63,8%) nemale vakva obuka.

Podatocite poka`uvaat deka najmnogu lica, 17,7%, obukata ja imale pred pove}e od 3 godini, a najmalku, 4,0%, obukata ja imale vo poslednite 3 meseci, smetaj}i od momentot na anketiraweto.

Training or courses (of at least 3 hours) on any aspect of computer use took 36.2% of individuals that have ever used computer, while the rest of them (63.8%) have never taken one.

Data show that the most of the persons, 17.7% had this training more than 3 years ago, and the least, 4.0%, had training within the last 3 months, considering the time of the survey.


E-banking, selling goods, services Training and education

E-purchases of goods, services Finding information

E-government services

Najmalku, odnosno 2,8% od licata koi upotrebile internet vo ovoj period (ili samo 0,8% od celnata populacija), nara~ale/kupile proizvodi ili uslugi preku internet za privatna upotreba. Naj~esto se nara~uvale slednite proizvodi: elektronska oprema, filmovi, muzika, knigi, spisanija, vesnici, e-learning materijali.

The least, i.e. 2.8% of persons that used the Internet in this period (or only 0.8% of the target population) ordered/bought goods or services via the Internet for private purpose. The most frequently goods ordered were: electronic equipment, films, music, books, magazines, newspapers, and e-learning materials.

4.0% 3.5% 11.0% 17.7% 63.8% Vo poslednite 3 meseci Pred 3 meseci do 1 godina Od pred 1 godina do 3 godini

Pred pove}e od 3 godini

Nemale obuka Over 3 years before Before 3 months to 1 year In the last 3 months

Before 1 year to 3 years

Namena na koristeweto internet vo prviot kvartal, 2007

Purpose of the Internet usage in the first quarter, 2007

Obuka za upotreba na kompjuter, prv kvartal, 2007



Predmet na istra`uvaweto e dostapnosta i koristeweto na informati~ko - komunikaciskite tehnologii (IKT) vo doma}instvata i od poedincite vo Republika Makedonija vo prviot kvartal od 2007 godina.

Celta e da se dobijat informacii za toa vo kolkava mera i kakva e dostapnosta do odredeni informati~ko-komunikaciski tehnologii i na~inot na nivnoto koristewe od strana na naselenieto vo Republika Makedonija.

Edinici na posmatrawe se doma}instvoto i izbranoto lice (poedinec), ~len na toa doma}instvo.

Doma}instvo esekojasemejna ili druga zaednica na lica vo koja tie zaedno `iveat i zaedni~ki gi tro{at svoite prihodi za podmiruvawe na osnovnite `ivotni potrebi (domuvawe, ishrana i drugo), bez ogled na toa dali site ~lenovi postojano se nao|aat vo mestoto kade {to e naseleno doma}instvoto.

Poedinec e ~len od izbranoto doma}instvo na vozrast od 15 do 74 godini.

Podatocite se pribirani so anketa, po pat na popolnuvawe na pra{alnik (obrazec IKT.3).

Anketata se sprovede od 16 do 26 april 2007 godina na celata teritorija na Republika Makedonija, vrz baza na primerok so koj se opfateni okolu 0,09% od vkupnoto naselenie i 0,35% od doma}instvata.

Ramka za izbor na primerokot na doma}instva za ova istra`uvawe se podatocite od Popisot na naselenieto, doma}instvata i stanovite vo 2002 godina.

Od 1995 doma}instva izbrani vo primerokot, so 1808 se ostvari kontakt, od niv 1752 doma}instva gi ispolnuvaa kriteriumite da bidat anketirani. Od onie koi u~estvuvaa vo Anketata, stapkata na odbivawe e 5,6%, a stapkata na odgovor 91%.

Vo istra`uvaweto se koristeni metodolo{kite osnovi i preporakite na Eurostat od istra`uvawata za statisti~ko merewe na informati~koto op{testvo na Evropskata unija za 2007 godina, koi se vo soglasnost so regulativata na EU broj 1099/2005.


Survey subject is the access and usage of information - communication technologies by household and individuals in the Republic of Macedonia, 2007.

The goal of the survey is to measure the degree of accessibility and the degree of usage of some information - communication technologies by the population in our country.

The observation units are household and a person, member of the household.

Household is every family or other community of persons in which they live together and jointly spend their income to satisfy the basic life necessities (householding, feeding, etc.), regardless whether all the members are constantly present in the place.

Individual person is one member of the particular household aged 15 to 74.

The data were collected by face-to-face interviewing of selected households and individuals, by filling in questionnaire (IKT.3) The survey was conducted from 16 to 26 April 2007, on the whole territory of the country, based on the sample in which 0.09% of the individuals and 0,35% of the households are covered.

The frame for households selection were the data of Census of the population, households and dwellings, 2002.

From the chosen households (1995), contact was made with 1808 households, of which 1752 met the criteria to be interviewed. From those that took part in the survey the refusal rate was 5.6%, and the response rate was 91%. Eurostat's methodology and recommendations from the surveys for statistical measuring of information society in EU-countries for 2007, according to the Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2005, are implemented in this ICT survey.


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