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XSS Cross Site Scripting


Academic year: 2021

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XSS – Cross Site Scripting

Jörg Schwenk

Horst Görtz Institute

Ruhr-University Bochum Dagstuhl 2009



Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications that enables

attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross-site scripting carried out on websites accounted for roughly 80.5% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of 2007.[1] Their

effect may range from a petty nuisance to a significant security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by the vulnerable site and the nature of any security mitigation implemented by the site's owner.



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


Browser-based protocols

Internet Webserver A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t F la s h R e a l P D F M a lw a re Application Server Database DNS PKI


Browser-based protocols

Internet Webserver A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t Application Server Database


Browser-based protocols

2: HTML+JS www.example.org A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t 1 www.css-repos.com library.js.net 4: CSS 3 6: JS-Lib 5


Web Origins and Browser DOM


document document.location

HTML loaded from www.example.org


JS loaded from www.example.org

CSS loaded from www.css-repos.com

JS-Lib loaded from library.js.net


grants access rights to origin www.example.org


Browser-based Cryptographic protocols:

SOP (Same Origin Policy)


Cookies Form

Name Account Amount Schwenk 443232 66,43 Script1 Document2 Script1: GetCookie Script2: Modify Account Script3: Send/ Request data


Origin: https://banking.bank.com:443 Origin: http://attacker.org:80



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


Reflected XSS (non-persistent)

• Angreifer übergibt Skriptcode über einen eigens präparierten Hyperlink an das Opfer • Typisches Angriffsziel: Suchfunktionen in Webseiten


Reflected XSS (non-persistent)

• Normale URL, die eine Suche auf der Webseite triggert:


• Resultat: <p>Sie suchten nach: Suchbegriff</p>

• Präparierte URL: http://example.com/?suche=<script type="text/javascript">alert("XSS")</script>

• Resultat: <p>Sie suchten nach: <script


Reflected XSS (non-persistent)

A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t victim.com attacker.org 4: HTML + JS-XSS (active) 3: GET+ JS-XSS 2: HTML + JS-XSS (inactive) 1



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


Stored XSS (persistent)

Beispiel eBay

Phisher erstellt Angebot

Bettet im Angebot „bösartigen“ Code ein

Code kompromittiert „Bieten-Button“

Benutzer wird zur Eingabe seiner Zugangsdaten aufgefordert, wobei diese Seite vom

Angreifer stammt

Benutzer gibt seine Zugangsdaten preis


Stored XSS (persistent)

A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t victim.com attacker.org 3: HTML + JS-XSS 2: GET 1: HTML + JS-XSS 1



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

Consider the following webpage located at

http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html <HTML> <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE> Hi <SCRIPT> var pos=document.URL.indexOf("name=")+5; document.write(document.URL.substring(pos, document.URL.length)); </SCRIPT> <BR>

Welcome to our system …



DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

Typical use: http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html?name=Joe <HTML> <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE> Hi <SCRIPT> var pos=document.URL.indexOf("name=")+5; document.write(document.URL.substring(pos, document.URL.length)); </SCRIPT> <BR>

Welcome to our system …



DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

Result of: http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html?name=Joe <HTML> <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE> Hi Joe <BR>

Welcome to our system …



DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

Result of: http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html?name= <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> <HTML> <TITLE>Welcome!</TITLE> Hi <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> <BR>

Welcome to our system …



DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

Avoid detection by server side filtering:

http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html#name= <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>

• # indicates that the string following this character is a fragment

identifier, i.e. it is only an indication to the browser which part of the document to display

• The string following # is thus never sent to the server, but it is stored in DOM-properties like document.location or document.URL


DOM based XSS (Local XSS)

A J A X e n g in e R e n d e ri n g J a v a s c ri p t victim.com attacker.org 4: HTML 3: GET 2: HTML + JS-XSS (inactive) 1: GET

<a href=http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html#

name= <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>>Klick me!</a>

GET welcome.html HTTP 1.1 host: www.vulnerable.site

5: XSS executed during (local) rendering



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


Server Side: Blocking

• If unsolicited content (e.g. Overlong cookies) is detected, processing of the http request is blocked.

• Instead, e.g. A static webpage can be displayed.

• Can be misused to perform DoS attacks:


Server Side: Stripping and Replacing

• PHP strip_tags() removes potentially dangerous characters

from user input

• If this seems too rigid, $allowable_tags can be defined; this may open doors for XSS in single web applications

• Stripping substrings is complex: e.g. Stripping „fromCharCode“ from „fromCfromCharCodeharCode“

• Character replacement is more reliable, but can nebertheless be circumvented (Amazon AWS attack)


Server Side: Escaping

• Potentially dangerous characters like < are prepended with a

backslash character: \<

• Potential problems with unicode characters may lead to SQLi • innerHTML and CSS attacks


Server Side: Encoding

• PHP htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() encode

potentially dangerous characters

• May be bypassed with e.g. UTF7 encoding of attack vectors:


+Adw-script+AD4-alert(1)+Adw-/script+AD4-Server Side: Rewriting

• HTMLPurifier for PHP, AntiSamy for Java, SafeHTML for Windows Server environments

• Web application want to allow posting of harmless HTML • Different approaches:

– Only regular expressions: broken

– HTMLPurifier: Build new DOM tree, match this tree aganinst XHTML DTD, remove non-matching elements

– Google Caja: rewrites Javascript (+HTMl + CSS) code, may result in code expansion (1 line -> 130 lines)


Client Side Filtering

• Server does not see complete code that is rendered by the browser – innerHTML


– Flash Parameters


Client Side: IE XSS Filter

• Checks for matches between Request URL fragments and the resulting HTML markup

• Problems with detecting fragmented attack vectors (because they are only

completed by the markup parser)

Markup Parser

Network Stack

IE XSS Filter

Request URL


Client Side: Webkit/Google Chrome XSS


• Works similar to IE XSS Filter • Different position



Network Stack







Client Side: NoScript XSS Filter (Firefox)

• Rewrites URL parameters if URL request goes to a trusted site • insecure.php?a="><img/ src= onerror=alert(1) • Is changed to • insecure.php?a=> img%2Fsrc= ONERROR=ALERT 1 #some_random_number

HTML Parser

Network Stack


Request URL to Trusted Site


Content Security Policy


Example 2: Auction site wants to allow images from anywhere, plugin content from a list of trusted media providers (including a content

distribution network), and scripts only from its server hosting sanitized JavaScript:

X-Content-Security-Policy: allow 'self'; img-src *; object-src media1.com media2.com *.cdn.com; script-src trustedscripts.example.com

Example 4: Online payments site wants to ensure that all of the content in its pages is loaded over SSL to prevent attackers from eavesdropping on requests for insecure content:


IFrame Sandboxing

Sandboxed Iframes: New feature in HTML5 • No script execution

• No plugin execution

• No top oder parent access • No form submissions

• ... Only display static HTML


Javascript Sandboxing

• JSReg: purely written in Javascript, uses regular expressions, often broken.

• Dojo Sandbox: blocks access to sensitive DOM properties, broken in 2010 (e.g. Unicode escapes)

• Rhino and LiveConnect: Run Javascript inside an Java applet, which has its own Javascript parser – should be safe, broken by Heiderich et.al.



1. Web Origins, Browser DOM and the Same Origin Policy

2. Reflected XSS

3. Stored XSS


5. Classical Countermeasures

6. JSAgents


Microsoft Identity Managment

Jörg Schwenk Lehrstuhl für Netz- und

Datensicherheit 38

Ausblick: Cross Site Request Forgery

Schritt 2: Einloggen des Opfers bei



attacker.org Victim

1: Login auf NY Times Webseite

2: Anschauen der Webseite des Angreifers

3: http-Link (z.B. in einem <img>-Tag) enthält Query-String mit dem Befehl, eine E-Mail an collect@attacker.org zu senden.

http://www.freedom-to- tinker.com/blog/wzeller/popular-websites-vulnerable-cross-site-request-forgery-attacks


Microsoft Identity Managment

Jörg Schwenk Lehrstuhl für Netz- und

Datensicherheit 39

Ausblick: Cross Site Request Forgery

http://www.freedom-to- tinker.com/blog/wzeller/popular-websites-vulnerable-cross-site-request-forgery-attacks

1. ING Direct (ingdirect.com) – Status: Fixed

2. YouTube (youtube.com) – Status: Fixed

3. MetaFilter (metafilter.com) – Status: Fixed

4. The New York Times (nytimes.com) – Status: Fixed.


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