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Services Directive: Assessment of Implementation Measures in Member States National Report for Poland


Academic year: 2021

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National Report for Poland

Part Two: Analysis of

national requirements in

specific service sectors

Services Directive: Assessment of Implementation


This National Report has been prepared by Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners for Milieu Ltd. under Contract No MARKT/2011/035/E1/ST/OP with the European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services.

The views expressed herein are those of the consultants alone and do not necessarily represent the official views of the European Commission.

Milieu Ltd. (Belgium), 15 rue Blanche, B-1050, Brussels, tel: 32 2 514 3601; Fax 32 2 514




1. Introduction... 1

2. Retail ... 2

3. Tourism ... 7

4. Food and beverages ... 11

5. Real Estate ... 14

6. Education ... 20

7. Crafts, construction and certification services ... 27

8. Regulated Professions ... 32

9. Conclusions ... 37

National Report Part Two



AA Accounting Act of 29 September 1994 (O.J. No. 121, Item 591, as further amended) – Ustawa z dnia 29 września 1994 r. o rachunkowości (Dz. U. Nr 121, poz. 591, z późn. zm.).

AdA Act on advocates of 26 May 1982 (O.J. 2009 No. 146, Item 1188, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 26 maja 1982 r. o adwokaturze (Dz. U. 2009 Nr 146, poz. 1188, z późn. zm.).

BAA Act on batteries and accumulators of 24 April 2009 (OJ No. 79, Item 666, as

amended) - Ustawa z dnia 24 kwietnia 2009 r. o bateriach i akumulatorach (Dz. U. Nr 79, poz. 666, z późn. zm.).

BIGTOTAO Minister of Finance Ordinance of 16 December 2010 on the minimum amount

of bank or insurance guarantees required in connection with the activities carried out by tour operators and travel agents (O.J. No 238, Item 1584 ) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 16 grudnia 2010 r. w sprawie minimalnej wysokości sumy gwarancji bankowej lub ubezpieczeniowej wymaganej w związku z działalnością

wykonywaną przez organizatorów turystyki i pośredników turystycznych (Dz. U. Nr 238, poz. 1584).

BLA Act of 7 July 1994 the building law (O.J. of 1997 No 89, Item 414) – Ustawa z dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo budowlane (Dz. U. z 1997 r. Nr 89, poz. 414).

BSPO Minister of Finance Ordinance of 8 April 2009 on the powers to provide bookkeeping services (O.J. No. 62, Item 508) – Rozporzadzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 8 kwietnia 2009 r. w sprawie uprawnień do usługowego prowadzenia ksiąg rachunkowych (Dz. U. Nr 62, poz. 508).

CDRA Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and derivate rights (O.J. 2006 No. 90, Item 631, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz. U. 2006 Nr 90 poz. 631, z późn. zm.).

CIACEO Minister of Finances Ordinance of 11 December 2003 on the compulsory insurance of civil liability of the architects and construction engineers (O.J. of 2003 No 220, item 2174) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 11 grudnia 2003 r. w sprawie obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej architektów oraz inżynierów budownictwa (Dz.U. z 2003 No 220, poz. 2174).

CORO Minister of National Education Ordinance of 21 January 1997 on conditions to be met by the organisers of recreation for children and school aged youth, as well as organisation and supervision principles (O.J. of 1997 No 12, item 67) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 21 stycznia 1997 r. w sprawie warunków, jakie muszą spełniać organizatorzy wypoczynku dla dzieci i młodzieży szkolnej, a także zasad jego organizowania i nadzorowania (Dz. U. z 1997 r. Nr 12, poz. 67).

DAAO Minister of Science and Higher Education Ordinance of 22 May 2006 on the scope of data and information in the application for a license to create a non-public university and the collection of fees and on expenses relating to the costs of the opinion (O.J. of 2006 No 99, item 689) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 22 maja 2006 r. w sprawie zakresu danych i informacji objętych wnioskiem o wydanie pozwolenia na utworzenie uczelni niepublicznej oraz sposobu pobierania i


wysokości opłaty na wydatki związane z kosztami postępowania opiniodawczego (Dz. U. z 2006 r., Nr 99, poz. 689).

DSA Act of 6 July 2001 on detective services (O.J. 2002 No. 12, Item 110, as farther amended) - Ustawa z dnia 6 lipca 2001 r. o usługach detektywistycznych (Dz. U. 2002 Nr 12, poz. 110, z późn. zm.).

DWEO Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance of 3 July 2003 on the demolition works carried out by explosives (O.J. of 2003 No 120, item 1135) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 3 lipca 2003 r. w sprawie rozbiórek obiektów budowlanych wykonywanych metodą wybuchową (Dz. U. z 2003 r. Nr 120, poz. 1135).

EFA Freedom of Economic Activity Act of 2 July 2004 (OJ of 2010, No 220, item 1447) Ustawa z dnia 2 lipca 2004 r. o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej (tekst jedn. Dz. U. z 2010 r., Nr 220, poz. 1447).

EFar.A Act on the ecological farming of 25 June 2009 (O.J. No. 116, Item 975) - Ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca 2009 r. o rolnictwie ekologicznym (Dz.U. Nr 116, poz. 975).

EL The energy law of 10 April 1997 (O.J. of 1997 No 54, item 348) – Ustawa z dnia 10 kwietnia 1997 r. Prawo energetyczne (Dz. U. z 1997 r. Nr 54, poz. 348).

ESA Act of 7 September 1997 on education system (O.J. of 2004 No 173, item. 1808) – Ustawa z dnia 7 września 1997 r. (Dz. U. z 2004 r. Nr 173, poz. 1808).

EWAA Act of 22 June 2001 on the performance of economic activity in the manufacturing and marketing explosives, weapons, ammunition, products and technology for military or police use (O.J. No. 67, Item 679) - Ustawa z dnia 22 czerwca 2001 r. o wykonywaniu działalności gospodarczej w zakresie wytwarzania i obrotu materiałami wybuchowymi, bronią, amunicją oraz wyrobami technologią o przeznaczeniu wojskowym lub policyjnym (Dz.U. Nr 67, poz. 679).

EWL Law of 10 July 2008 on extractive waste (O.J. No. 39, Item 865, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 10 lipca 2008 r. o odpadach wydobywczych (Dz.U. Nr 39, poz. 865, z późn. zm.).

FSA Act of 25 October 2006 on food safety and nutrition (O.J. No. 171, Item 1225, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 25 sierpnia 2006 r. o bezpieczeństwie żywności i

żywienia (Dz. U. Nr 171, poz. 1225, z późn. zm.).

GCL Geodesy and Cartography Law of 17 May 1998 (O.J. of 2009 No 42, Item 334) – Ustawa z dania 17 maja 1998 r. Prawo Geodezyjne i Kartograficzne (Dz. U. z 2009 r., Nr 42, poz. 334).

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms

GMOA Act of 22 June 2001 on Genetically Modified Organisms (O.J. No. 76, Item 811, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 22 czerwca 2001 r. o organizmach genetycznie zmodyfikowanych (Dz.U. Nr 76, poz. 811, z późn. zm.).

ITOTAO Minister of Finance ordinance of 21 December 2010 on compulsory insurance

for clients in connection with the operation of tour operators and travel agents (O.J. No. 252, Item 1690) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 21 grudnia 2010 r. w sprawie obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia na rzecz klientów w związku z działalnością


wykonywaną przez organizatorów turystyki i pośredników turystycznych (Dz. U. Nr 252, poz. 1690).

GPPLO Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance of 15 February 2008 on the granting of powers and professional licenses in real estate management (O.J. of 2008 No 31, item 189) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 15 lutego 2008 r. w sprawie nadawania uprawnień i licencji zawodowych w dziedzinie gospodarowania nieruchomościami (Dz.U. z 2008 r. Nr 31, poz. 189).

LAA Law on legal advisors of 6 July 1982 (O.J. 2002 No. 123, Item 1059, as further

amended) - Ustawa z dnia 6 lipca 1982 r. o radcach prawnych (Dz. U. 2002 Nr 123, poz. 1059, z późn. zm.).

LAV Act of 3 July 2002 Law on aviation (O.J. of 2002 Nr 130, item 1112) - Ustawa z dnia 3 lipca 2002 r. Prawo lotnicze (Dz.U. 2002 Nr 130, poz. 1112).

LHE Act of 27 July 2005 Law on higher education (O.J. of 2005 No 164, item 1365) - Ustawa z dnia 27 lipca 2005 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (Dz.U. z 2005 r. Nr 164, poz. 1365).

LPSAR The License Rules of the Polish ski association - Regulamin licencyjny Polskiego Związku Narciarstwa, text available on the website:


LRT Act of 20 June 1997 Law on road traffic (O.J. of 2005 No 108, poz. 908) – Ustawa z dnia 20 czerwca 1997 r. - Prawo o ruchu drogowym (Dz. U. 2005 r. Nr 108, poz. 908).

LSA Act of 5 July 2002 on provisions of legal services in the territory of Poland by foreign lawyers (O.J. 2000 No. 126, Item 1069, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 5 lipca

2002 r. o świadczeniu przez prawników zagranicznych pomocy prawnej w

Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Dz. U. 2002 Nr 26, poz. 1069, z późn. zm.).

MCCO Minister of Culture Ordinance of 10 February 2005 on the maximum charge for

copies of employees’ related documentation (O.J. No. 28, Item 240) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Kultury z dnia 10 lutego 2005 r. w sprawie określenia maksymalnej wysokości opłat za sporządzenie odpisu lub kopii dokumentacji o czasowym okresie przechowywania (Dz. U. Nr 28, poz. 240).

MPSO Minister of Health ordinance of 13 March 2008 on the conditions for mail order sales of medicinal products without a prescription (O.J. No. 60, Item 374) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 13 Marca 2008 r. w sprawie warunków sprzedaży wysyłkowej produktów medycznych wydawanych bez przepisu lekarza (Dz. U. Nr 60, poz. 374).

NAA Act of 14 July 1983 on national archives (O.J. 2006 No. 97, Item 673, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 14 lipca 1983 r. o narodowym zasobie archiwalnym i archiwach (Dz. U. 2006 Nr 97, poz. 673, z późn. zm.).

OSHMO Minister of Economy Ordinance of 20 September 2001 concerning occupational

safety and health while operating machines and other technical instruments for earth moving, construction and road-building works (O.J. of 2001 No 118, item 1263) – Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 20 września 2001 r. w sprawie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy podczas eksploatacji maszyn i innych urządzeń

technicznych do robót ziemnych, budowlanych i drogowych (Dz. U. z 2001 r. Nr 118, poz. 1263).


PAA Act on Patent Attorneys of 1 April 2001 (O.J. No. 49, Item 509, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 1 kwietnia 2001 r. o rzecznikach patentowych (Dz. U. Nr 49, poz. 509, z późn. zm.).

PAO Minister of National Education Ordinance of 15 December 2010 on practical

apprenticeship (O.J. of 2010 No 244, item 1626) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 15 grudnia 2010 r. w sprawie praktycznej nauki zawodu (Dz. U. z 2010 r. Nr 244, poz. 1626).

PDDA Act of 5 December 1996 on professions of doctor and dentist (O.J. of 2008 No 136, item 857) – Ustawa z dnia 5 grudnia 1996 r. o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty (Dz. U. z 2008 r. Nr 136, poz. 857).

PhL Pharmaceutical Law of 6 September 2001 (O.J. 2008, No. 45, Item 271, as further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 6 września 2001 r. – Prawo farmaceutyczne (Dz.U. 2008, Nr 45, poz. 271, z późn. zm.).

PMA Act of 23 July 2003 on the protection of monuments and the guardianship of

monuments (O.J. of 2003No162, item 1568) - Ustawa z dnia 23 lipca 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami (Dz. U. z 2003 r. No 162, poz. 1568). PNMA Act of 5 July 1996 on professions of nurse and midwife (O.J. of 1996 No 91, item

410) - Ustawa z dnia 5 lipca 1996 r. o zawodach pielęgniarki i położnej (Dz.U. 1996 Nr 91, poz. 410).

PPA Act of 18 December 2003 on protection of plants (O.J. of 2004 No 11, item 94) - Ustawa z dnia 18 grudnia 2003 r. o ochronie roślin (Dz. U. 2004 Nr 11, poz. 94). PPRGO Prime Minister Ordinance of 5 March 2009 determining the professions in the case of

which a procedure of recognition of professional qualifications may be initiated (O.J. of 2009 No 38, item 302) - Rozporządzenie Prezesa Rady Ministrów z dnia 5 marca 2009 r. w sprawie określenia zawodów regulowanych, w przypadku których można wszcząć postępowanie w sprawie uznania kwalifikacji (Dz.U. z 2009 r. Nr 38, poz. 302).

PQA Act of 18 March 2008 on principles of recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union (O.J. 2008 No. 63, Item 394) – Ustawa z dnia 18 marca 2008 r. o zasadach uznawania kwalifikacji zawodowych nabytych w państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej (Dz. U. 2008 Nr 63, poz. 394).

PQD Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (OJ L 225, 30.9.2005, p. 22).

PQSO Minister of Sport and Tourism ordinance of 18 February 2011 on the specific

conditions for obtaining professional skills in sport (O.J. No. 44, Issue 233) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Sportu i Turystyki z dnia 18 lutego 2011 r. w sprawie szczególnych warunków uzyskiwania kwalifikacji zawodowych w sporcie (Dz. U. Nr 44, poz. 233).

PSA Act on the provision of services on territory of the Republic of Poland of 4 March 2010 (O.J. No. 47, Item 278) - Ustawa z dnia 4 marca 2010 r. o świadczeniu usług na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Dz.U. Nr 47, poz. 278).


PSDAR Rules of Certification Committee of Polish scuba diving association - Regulamin Komisji Certyfikacyjnej Polskiego Związku Płetwonurkowania, text available on website: http://www.pzp-n.pl/files/reg_cert.pdf

Pst.L Postal law of 13 June 2003 (O.J. 2008 No. 189, Item 1159, as further amended) – Ustawa z dnia 12 czerwca 2003 r. – Prawo pocztowe (Dz. U. 2008 Nr 189, poz. 1159, z późn. zm.).

PTAO Minister of Finance Ordinance of 17 November 2010 on the professional practice of candidates for tax advisers (O.J. No. 230, Item 514) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 17 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie praktyk zawodowych kandydatów na doradców podatkowych (Dz. U. Nr 230, poz. 514).

QEINO Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy Ordinance of 28 April 2003 on

detailed rules to establish qualifications for persons engaged in the operation of equipment, installations and networks (O.J. of 2003 No 89, item 828) – Rozporządzenie ministra gospodarki, pracy I polityki społecznej z dnia z dnia 28 kwietnia 2003 r. w sprawie szczegółowych zasad stwierdzania posiadania kwalifikacji przez osoby zajmujące się eksploatacją urządzeń, instalacji i sieci (Dz. U. z 2003 r. No 89, poz. 828).

RABA Act of 25 March 2011on reducing administrative barriers for citizens and businesses (O.J. of 2001 No 106, item 622) - Ustawa z dnia 25 marca 2011 r. o ograniczaniu barier administracyjnych dla obywateli i przedsiębiorców (Dz.U. 2011 Nr 106, poz. 622).

REMA Real Estate Management Act of 21 August 1997 (O.J. of 2010 No 102, Item. 651) – Ustawa z dnia 21 sierpnia 1997 r. o gospodarce nieruchomościami (Dz. U. z 2010 r., Nr 102, poz. 651).

RQL Act of 18 March 2008 on the rules governing recognition of professional

qualifications acquired in EU Member States (O.J. of 2008 No 63, item 394) – Ustawa z dnia 18 marca 2008 r. o zasadach uznawania kwalifikacji zawodowych nabytych w państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej (Dz. U. z 2008 r., Nr 63, poz. 394). RQSO Minister of Sport and Tourism ordinance of 24 March 2011 on adaptation training and

skills test in the course of the proceedings for the recognition of qualifications for professional coaches and sports instructors (O.J. No. 102, Item - Rozporządzenie Ministra Sportu i Turystyki w sprawie stażu adaptacyjnego i testu umiejętności w toku postępowania o uznanie kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodów trenera i instruktora sportu (Dz. U. Nr 102, poz. 51).

RTA Act of 6 September 2001 on road transport (O.J. of 2007 No 125, item 874) – Ustawa z dnia 6 września 2001 r. o transporcie drogowym (Dz. U. z 2007 r. Nr 125, poz. 874). RTHGA Act of 31 March 2004 on the railway transport of hazardous goods (O.J. of 2004 Nr 97, item 962) – Ustawa z dnia 31 marca 2004 r. o przewozie koleją towarów niebezpiecznych (Dz. U. z 2004 r. Nr 97, poz. 962).

SA Act on sport of 25 June 2010 (O.J. No.127, Item 857) Ustawa o sporcie z dnia 25 czerwca 2010 r. (Dz. U. Nr 127, poz. 857).

SAA Act of 26 October 1989 on education sobriety and countering alcoholism (O.J. 2007 No. 70, Item 473, a further amended) - Ustawa z dnia 26 października 1982 r. o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi (Dz. U. 2007 Nr 70, poz. 473, z późn. zm.).


SGO Act of 15 December 2000 on professional self-governments of architects, civil engineers and town planners (O.J. of 2001 No 5, item. 42) - Ustawa z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. o samorządach zawodowych architektów, inżynierów budownictwa oraz urbanistów (Dz.U. 2001 No 5, poz. 42).

SPDA Act of 27 March 2003 on Special Planning and Development (O.J. 2003 No. 80, Item 717) - Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. w sprawie planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennego (Dz. U. 2003 Nr 80, poz. 717).

TCA Act on tax consulting of 5 July 1996 (O.J. 2011 No. 41, Item 213) - Ustawa z dnia 5 lipca 1996 r. o doradztwie podatkowym (Dz. U. 2011 Nr 41, poz. 213).

TFO Minister of Transport and Construction Ordinance of 28 April 2006 on the technical functions in the construction industry (O.J. of 2006 No 83, item. 578) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Transportu i Budownictwa z dnia 28 kwietnia 2006 r. w sprawie samodzielnych funkcji technicznych w budownictwie (Dz. U. z 2006 r. No 83, poz. 578).

TGO Minister of Sport and Tourism ordinance of 2 March 2011 on tourist guides and tour guides (O.J. No. 60, Item 302) - Rozporządzenie Ministra Sportu i Turystyki w odników turystycznych i pilotów wycieczek (Dz. U. Nr 60, poz. 302).

THGA Act of 28 October 2002 on road transport of hazardous goods (O.J. of 2002 No 199, item 1671) – Ustawa o przewozie drogowym towarów niebezpiecznych (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 199, poz. 1671).

TIA Act of 21 December 2000 on technical inspection (O.J. of 2000 No 122, item 1321) – Ustawa z dnia 21 grudnia 2000 r. o dozorze technicznym (Dz. U. z 2000 r. No 122, poz. 1321)

TIO Council of Ministers Ordinance of 16 July 2002 on the types of technical devices subject to technical inspection (O.J. of 2002 No 120, item 1021) – Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 16 lipca 2002 r. w sprawie rodzajów urządzeń technicznych podlegających dozorowi technicznemu (Dz. U. z 2002 r.No120, poz. 1021)

TSA Act of 29 August 1997 on tourists services (O.J. 1997 No. 133, Item 884, as

amended) - Ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o usługach turystycznych (Dz. U. 1990 Nr 133, poz. 884, z późn. zm.).

UEEEA Act of 29 July 2005 on used electric and electronic equipment (O.J. No. 180, Item 1495, as amended) - Ustawa z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o zużytym sprzęcie elektrycznym i elektronicznym (Dz. U. Nr 180, poz. 1495, z późn. zm.).

WA Law on waste of 17 April 2001 (O.J. 2007, No. 39, Item 251, as further amended) – Ustawa z dnia 7 kwietnia 2001 r. o odpadach (Dz.U. 2007 Nr 39, poz. 251, z późn. zm.).


Milieu Ltd

Brussels National Report for Poland, July 2011 /1

1. Introduction

National measures implementing Articles 14, 15 and 16(2) of the Services Directive

The main act transposing the Services Directive into the Polish legal order is the Act on Provision of Services in the Territory of the Republic of Poland (PSA) of 4 July 2010 which came into force on 10 April 2010. The PSA is a horizontal legislative instrument which applies to all services, except for those explicitly excluded from its scope. Article 4.1 of PSA introduces a general rule that service providers from another Member State may temporarily provide services in the territory of Poland, without having to be entered in any business register (i.e. register of business activities of natural persons; register of entrepreneurs in the national court register). PSA also specifies that the temporary provision of the service by service providers from another Member State may be subject to the requirement to obtain a certificate (“certyfikat”), concession (“koncesja”), licence (“licencja”), authorisation (“zezwolenie”), approval (“zgoda”), entry in the register of regulated activity (“wpis do rejestru działalności regulowanej”) or on another appropriate register (“inny właściwy rejestr”), if provisions of specific laws impose such an obligation on the grounds of public policy, public security, protection of public health or the natural environment (Article 4.2). However those provisions have caused some interpretative problems, which were mentioned in Part One of the Report (Section1.1). PSA provisions do not seem to cover all the requirements specified in Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Services Directive. This was the reason why there was a need to examine provisions of the sector-specific laws to check their compliance with those Articles, especially because the aforementioned PSA made additional amendments to existing laws. Thus, it can be stated that implementation of Articles 14, 15 and 16(2) of the Services Directive has been done mostly via the sector-specific law. Articles 14, 15 and 16(2) of the Services Directive have been implemented by laws (Acts of Parliament) and Ordinances (regulations issued by governmental authorities, aimed at implementing a provision of a law).

In some of the sectors considered in this Report, there is no single act which regulates the conditions on which one can provide services on the Polish territory. This is why in some cases legislation which was only indirectly connected with a specific sector had to be analysed. For example in the retail sector, conditions for opening large and medium-sized physical retail outlets are specified in the legislation on construction activities. There is also no direct legislation for ambulant trade and trade via vending machines. In Poland both ambulant trade and trade via vending machines are treated like any other economic activity, so the provisions of the Freedom of Economic Activity Act of 2 July 2004 (EFA) should be applied. Generally the same can be stated of the food and beverages sector, where the provision of food and beverages is treated as an economic activity.

Other sectors (such as tourism, real estate, construction and regulated professions) are generally regulated by a single act which covers almost all areas of that sector, laying down inter alia conditions

for providing services in the territory of Poland. On the basis of that act many executive regulations tend to be issued. With regard to the education sector, the provision of vocational education services has been regulated by separate laws. Different requirements apply to: training for drivers transporting hazardous goods; training for candidate advisors on safety matters related to transport of hazardous goods; training for railway carriers transporting hazardous goods; trainings regarding trading, packaging and application of plant protection products; training for recreation managers for children and youth and for camp counsellors; training authorising to act as an instructor of practical apprenticeship; training of aviation personnel, to name but a few.

Unfortunately, the Polish authorities did not communicate all the relevant implementation measures to the European Commission. A list of all the relevant acts and ordinances is found in Annex I to this Report.


Milieu Ltd

Brussels National Report for Poland, July 2011 /2

2. Retail

2.1 Overview

Polish legislation contains a wide variety of legal instruments connected to the retail sector. For this sector, the following laws and regulations were reviewed:

• the Act of 7 July 1994 on Building Law (BLA)

• the Act of 27 March 2003 on Special Planning and Development(SPDA)

• the Act of 26 October 1982 on education sobriety and countering alcoholism (SAA)

• the Act of 24 April 2009 on batteries and accumulators (BAA)

• the Act of 29 July 2005 on used electric and electronic equipment (UEEEA)

• the Act of 22 June 2001 on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOA)

• the Act of 18 December 2003 on protection of plants (PPA)

• the Minister of Health ordinance of 13 March 2008 on the conditions for mail order sales of medicinal products without a prescription (MPSO)

• the Act of 22 June 2001 on the performance of economic activity in the manufacturing and marketing explosives, weapons, ammunition, products and technology for military or police use (EWAA)

• the Act of 25 June 2009 on the ecological farming (EFar.A)

• the Postal Law of 13 June 2003 (Pst.L)

• the Act of 21 December 2000 on technical inspection (TIA)

• the Act of 14 July 1983 on national archives (NAA)

• the Act of 6 July 2001 on detective services (DSA)

• the of 25 October 2006 on food safety and nutrition (FSA)

• the Energy Law of 10 April 1997 (EL)

• the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and derivate rights (CDRA)

• Minister of Culture Ordinance of 10 February 2005 on the maximum charge for copies of employees’ related documentation (MCCO)

2.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis Article 14 checklist

Finding Reference Prohibited requirements

Situation pre-implementation

Situation post-implementation


14(1) Requirements based directly or

indirectly on nationality or residency √ √ None identified

14(5) Economic tests √ √ None identified

14(6) Involvement of competing operators

in the decisions of competent authorities

√ √ None identified

14(7) Obligations to obtain financial

guarantees or insurances from operators established in the same Member State

√ √ None identified

Findingswith respect to the Article 14 prohibitions


Milieu Ltd

Brussels National Report for Poland, July 2011 /3

2.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis Article 15(2) checklist

Reference Requirements to be evaluated Finding Notes

15(2)(a) Quantitative or territorial restrictions X Retail sale of alcohol – limited points of sale

(Article 12 SAA)

Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses

The sale of alcoholic beverages can be examined under the food and beverages sector as well. Points of sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 4.5% alcohol which are destined for sale either at the point of sale or outside it, are set out in a municipal council resolution (Article 12(1) SAA). The limitation in the number of points of sale of alcoholic beverages aims at restricting the availability of alcohol, as defined in the Municipal Program of Prevention and Resolving Alcohol Problems (Article 12(4) SAA). Even though there is no explicit justification, according to the experts such a provision seems to be justified for public order, public security and public health reasons. On the other hand, it could be argued that the same goals can be achieved by respecting Article 15 SAA, according to which alcoholic beverages must not be sold to persons whose behaviour indicates that they are in a state of intoxication, to persons under 18 years old and to those who would like to buy it on credit or pledge. Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14(1) SAA, the sale, serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages is forbidden in schools and other educational or care institutions and dormitories, in workplaces and places of catering staff, in locations of mass gatherings, in public transport, in premises occupied by the military and internal affairs bodies, as well as in barracks and temporary accommodation for military units. There is also a ban on the sale, serving and consumption of beverages containing more than 18% alcohol in training centres and holiday homes (Article 14(3) and 14(4) SAA).

Two more restrictions were found in the retail sector connected with retail distribution of services, this is the requirement of specific legal form and the restriction on fixed tariffs. With regard to the former, for the transmission of gaseous fuels or electricity, the transmission system operator must operate as a joint stock company (Article 9k EL). The justification for this restriction seems to stem from the aims of EL, and entails public policy, public security and environmental protection.

A similar restriction – i.e. a specific legal form is required – is applied to the collective management of copyrights and derivate rights. However, in this case service providers must operate as an association (Article 104 CDRA), and according to the experts it seems that this restriction is not justified. It is noted that collective management of copyrights and derivative rights is no longer restricted by a ban on applying fees lower than those set out in the remuneration tables approved by the Copyright Law Committee. This ban was included in Article 109 CDRA which was repealed by Article 1(6) of the Law of 8 July 2011 amending the Law on Copyright and Related Rights (O.J. No. 152, Item 1016). Polish legislation no longer requires that service providers who would like to carry out the activity of storing personal and payment data for employers for a definite period of time must take the form of a capital association. Now this service can be performed by an entrepreneur who is a legal person or entity without legal personality (Article 51a(3) NAA). It was amended by Article 25 of the PSA. With regard to the restriction on fixed tariffs Polish legislation maintains the one connected with the storing of personal and payment data for employers (for a definite period of time). Fees for making copies of employees’ related documentation should not be higher than provided for in the specific provisions of the MCCO. This seems to be justified by the reason of public policy and public security.


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2.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis Article 16(2) checklist

Reference Prohibited requirements Finding Notes

16(2)(a) Obligation to have an establishment in the

territory where the service is provided √ None identified

16(2)(b) Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a

registration X 1. Registration in the General Inspectorate of Environmental Protection of service providers introducing batteries, accumulators and electric and electronic equipment into circulation (Article 18 BAA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by environmental protection reasons.

2. Registration in the General Inspectorate of Environmental Protection of service providers introducing, collecting and recycling used electric and electronic equipment (Article 7 UEEEA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public health and environmental protection reasons.

3. Authorisation issued by the Minister of Environment for service providers introducing GMOs into circulation (Article 41 GMOA) - in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public health and environmental protection reasons.

4. Registration by the voivodeship inspector of plant protection and seed science of service providers active in the packaging or trade of plant protection products (Article 64 of the PPA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public health and environmental protection reasons.

5. Permit issued by the Minister of Economic Affairs or by the marshal of the voivodship for the wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages (Article 9 SAA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public security and public health. 6. Permit issued by the competent Mayor, dependent on the location of the point of sale for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption either on or off site (Article 18 SAA) - in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public security and public health reasons.

7. Permit issued by the Minister of Health for sales of medicinal products by post without a prescription only by public pharmacy or pharmaceutical outlets (Article 2 and 6(3) MPSO) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public health reasons.

8. Concession issued by the Minister for Internal Affairs for the marketing of weapons and explosives (Article 12 EWAA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public security and public policy reasons.

9. Permit issued by the Minister of Agriculture for the control and certification of ecological farming (Article 5 EFar.A) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public health and public security reasons.

10. Authorisation or registration of postal services (other than postal services provided in the general interest) by cross-border service providers (Article 6(6) Pst.L) – to the views of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public


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security and public policy reasons.

11. Permit (“uprawnienie”) issued by the relevant technical inspection body for repairing and modernizing technical equipment as well as manufacturing, repairing and modernizing materials and elements used for these activities (Article 9(1)(a) TIA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public security reasons.

12. Registration by the voivodshp marshal for service providers who store personal records and payroll (Article (51a)(1) and 51b NAA) – in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public security and public policy.

13. Declaration of providing temporary detective services on Polish territory issued to the Minister of Internal Affairs (Article (3a)(1) DSA) - in the view of the experts this requirement would appear to be justified by public order.

16(2)(c) Ban on setting up an infrastructure √ None identified 16(2)(d) Application of specific contractual

arrangements between the service provider and the recipient restricting the provision of the service by the self-employed

√ None identified

16(2)(e) Obligation to possess a specific identity


√ None identified

16(2)(f) Requirements affecting the use of

equipment √ None identified

16(2)(g) Restrictions on recipients √ None identified

Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses

Article 16(2) requirements noted in the retail sector are only connected with the obligation to obtain an authorisation, permit, concession, obligation, registration from the competent authorities or make a declaration to the competent authorities. Authorisation schemes are required for the distribution of GMOs, the provision of postal services (other than postal services provided in the general interest). Permits are required for the distribution of alcohol, mail order sales of medicinal products without a prescription, the control and certification of ecological farming products and the repairing and modernizing of technical equipment as well as materials and elements used for these activities. Concessions are issued for the distribution of weapons and explosives. In most cases distribution of specific products such as batteries, accumulators, electric and electronic equipment, used electric and electronic equipment and plant protection products, requires registration with the competent authorities. There is no indication in the sector-specific laws of the grounds on which different requirements are applied. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases it is possible to deduce them from the general aim of the sector-specific legislation and they are mostly related to the protection of public security, environment and public health. It should be noted that the Minister of Health Ordinance of 13 March 2008 on the conditions for mail order sales of medicinal products without a prescription (MPSO) implements the provisions of the Pharmaceutical Law of 6 September 2001 (PhL), which has been excluded from the scope of the PSA. The same has to be pointed out according to the EWAA.

2.5 Conclusions for retail sector

The opening of large and medium-sized retail outlets does not require a special additional authorisation from an administrative body under Polish legislation. It was previously required by the provisions of the Law of 17 May 2007 on the creation and operation of large commercial buildings

(LLCB), but it was annulled by the Polish Constitutional Court on 8 July 2008 (sygn. K 46/07). The requirement was considered to be inconsistent with the principle of freedom of establishment provided for in the Polish Constitution. The consent of the mayor or the positive opinion of the municipal council or city council is no longer required to build a store of 400 m2. Now the construction of such


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such a facility an investor only needs to get permission from the governor (Articles 32-33 BLA) and respect provisions of the SPDA. An application for a building permit shall inter alia include a decision

on building and land development, if the land on which the object is to be built, is not covered by the local zoning plan. Areas for which it is mandatory to draw up a local zoning plan, including the areas of deployment of retail sales area of over two thousand m2, should be selected in the study of

conditions and directions of zoning (Article 10(2) point 8 SPDA). Commercial buildings over two thousand m2 will only be created there, where zoning plans are enacted.

There are no specific provisions concerning ambulant trade and vending machines. They are treated as a form of economic activity and must be registered in the city or municipal office. If it concerns the sale of food from a means of transport it should also be reported to the competent authority and be approved by the competent local district sanitary inspector (Article 62 FSA). An exception concerns moving or temporary objects, and cars that have been approved for use by food inspection authorities in other Member States. They do not have to be approved in Poland, but only registered (Article 63(2) FSA). To provide ambulant trade in a defined area, a suitable civil-law contract should be established and a request for a place or position to conduct this trade submitted. The list of these places and positions should be determined by regional or local authorities.1

Requirements for retail distribution of products and services which are applied in Polish legislation concern generally the obligation to obtain an authorisation, permit, concession, obligation to enter in a special register or obligation to notify its services provision to a competent authority in the form of a declaration.

1 As an example see Decree of the President of Warsaw No. 1153/2008, available on website: http://www.targowiska.um.warszawa.pl/Handel/TargowiskaArticle.aspx?article=aktyPrawne


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3. Tourism

3.1 Overview

The tourism sector is generally regulated in Poland by laws and implementing regulations. For this sector, the following laws and regulations were reviewed:

• the Act of 29 August 1997 on tourist services (TSA)

• the Minister of Finance Ordinance of 21December 2010 on compulsory insurance for clients in connection with the operation of tour operators and travel agents (ITOTAO)

• the Minister of Finance Ordinance of 16 December 2010 on the minimum amount of bank or insurance guarantees required in connection with the activities carried out by tour operators and travel agents (BIGTOTAO)

• the License Rules of the Polish Ski Association (LPSAR) 2

• the Rules of Certification Committee of Polish Scuba Diving Association (PSDAR)3

• the Minister of Sport and Tourism Ordinance of 2 March 2011 on tourist guides and tour guides (TGO)

• the Minister of Sport and Tourism Ordinance of 18 February 2011 on the specific conditions for obtaining professional skills in sport (PQSO)

• the Act on Sport of 25 June 2010 (SA)

• the Minister of Sport and Tourism Ordinance of 24 March 2011 on adaptation training and skills test in the course of the proceedings for the recognition of qualifications for professional coaches and sports instructors (RQSO).

The most important legislation in this sector is the TSA. Its provisions concern activities of tour operators (“organizator turstyki”), tourist agents acting only upon customers’ request in order to enter into contracts for the provision of tourist services (“pośrednik turystyczny”), travel guides and tour guides.

From all of these professions, only tour operators and tourist agents are regulated professions and require entry in the relevant register (Article 4 TSA).

3.2 Prohibited requirements – Article 14 analysis Article 14 checklist

Finding Reference Prohibited requirements

Situation pre-implementation

Situation post-implementation


14(1) Requirements based directly or

indirectly on nationality or residency √ √ None identified

14(2) Requirements limiting the

establishment of service providers to one Member State

√ √ None identified

14(3) Requirements limiting the choice of

the service provider between principal and secondary establishment

√ √ None identified

14(5) Economic tests √ √ None identified

14(7) Obligations to obtain financial

guarantees or insurances from operators established in the same Member State

√ √ None identified

2 Text available at: http://www.pzn.pl/gfx/pzn/files/licencje/regulamin_pzn_licencje.doc 3 Text available at: http://www.pzp-n.pl/files/reg_cert.pdf


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Findingswith respect to the Article 14 prohibitions

None of the Article 14 prohibited requirements were identified in the tourism sector.

It is noted that tour operators and travel agents from other Member States should have financial guarantees in their Member State of establishment. If that amount is less than the amount required for entrepreneurs having their establishment in Poland, then tour operators and travel agents from other Member States have to present an additional bank or insurance guarantee (Article 5(1a) and (1b) TSA). The obligation of obtaining such a special financial guarantee or insurance is also provided for in provisions of the Minister of Finance ordinance of 21 December 2010 on compulsory insurance for clients in connection with the operation of tour operators and travel agents (ITOTAO) and the Minister of Finance Ordinance of 16 December 2010 on the minimum amount of bank or insurance guarantees required in connection with the activities carried out by tour operators and travel agents (BIGTOTAO). This obligation arises at the latest on the date of the application to the register of tour operators and travel agents which is provided by voividship marshal (Article 3 ITOTAO). Copies of renewals of contracts concerning bank or insurance guarantee and contracts of insurance on behalf of clients have to be submitted to the voivodship marshal no later than fourteen days before the deadline of the previous contract (Article 5(1) point 3 TSA). According to the experts, the general recognition by Polish authorities of such guarantees already possessed by tour operators and travel agents from another Member State seems to be in line with the Services Directive’s provisions. What could be problematic is an obligation for tour operators and travel agents from other Member States to submit additional guarantees in cases when their “home” insurance cover is lower than the amount required by Polish regulations (ITOTAO and BIGTOTAO). However it has to be stated that provisions of TSA or BIGTOTAO do not say that the additional financial guarantee must come from a Polish institution. The experts consider that this requirement would fall under Article 14(7) only if the additional financial guarantee had to be obtained from a Polish institution.

3.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis Article 15(2) checklist

Reference Requirements to be evaluated Finding Notes

15(2)(a) Quantitative or territorial restrictions √ None identified 15(2)(g) Obligations to apply fixed minimum or

maximum tariffs

√ None identified

Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses

Polish legislation seems to comply with the Article 15(2)(a) and (g) provisions.

3.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis Article 16(2) checklist

Reference Prohibited requirements Finding Notes

16(2)(a) Obligation to have an establishment in the

territory where the service is provided

√ None identified

16(2)(b) Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a


X 1. Registration for tour operators and tourist agents (Article 4(1) and 7(2) TSA).

2. Registration for providers of training to travel guides and tour guides (Article 24(1) in connection with Article 22(5) TSA).

3. Licence for ski and diving schools (Article 4 LPSAR, Article 4 PSDAR).

16(2)(c) Ban on setting up an infrastructure √ None identified 16(2)(d) Application of specific contractual

arrangements between the service provider and the recipient restricting the provision of


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the service by the self-employed

16(2)(e) Obligation to possess a specific identity

document X 1. Card and ID for travel guides and tour guides (Article 18(1) TGO). 2. Card for sports instructors (Article 13(2) PQSO).

16(2)(f) Requirements affecting the use of equipment √ None identified

16(2)(g) Restrictions on recipients √ None identified

Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses

Travel agents and tour operators are not regulated professions in Poland, so Article 7 of the PQD does not apply. The Register for tour operators and tourist agents is maintained by the voivodship marshal (Article 4(1) and 7(2) TSL). The provision according to which tour operators and agents had to be supervised by a person of appropriate education and experience in order to be registered has been repealed. Registration is also required for providers of training to travel guides and tour guides; this register is also maintained by the voivodship marshal (Article 24 in connection with Article 22(5) TSL). Such training may only be given by individuals or organisations entered in the register.

The confirmation of powers of travel guides and tour guides is evidenced by possessing a card and ID, worn in a visible place while on duty. They are issued by the voivodship marshal. This ID card is valid for a period of five years from its issuance (Article 18(1) TGO). Possession of a card and ID is to be understood as confirmation of the competence of travel guides and tour guides. When performing their duties, they must present this document at the request of persons authorised to perform checks, such as police officers and municipal police (Article 18(5) TGO).

Sports instructors, like ski and diving instructors are required to have a special card to enable their identification while revealing their qualification (Article 13(2) PQSO). According to us this obligation seems to be justified by public policy and public security reasons. The profession of sport instructor is a regulated profession in Poland. Providers of special courses for sport instructors are required to obtain the consent of the Minister of Physical Education after providing evidence that they have qualified teachers and a didactic base (Article 41(8) and (10) of SA). However, it does not seem to be in line with the principle of proportionality as a declaration by cross-border providers of special courses for sport instructors should be sufficient. Only the profession of sport instructor is a regulated profession in Poland and therefore the declaration foreseen in Article 7 of the PQD applies and benefits from the derogation in Article 17(6) of the Services Directive. It is not extended to those who provide special courses for sport instructors, whose activity has to be assessed under provisions of the Services Directive. The experts consider that the consent requirement seems to be too onerous to be justified by public security and public policy reasons.

With regards to ski or diving schools, a licence must be issued by the Polish Ski Association (Article 4 LPSAR) and the Polish Scuba Diving Association (Article 4 PSDAR) respectively.

3.5 Conclusions for tourism sector

Generally regulations connected with the tourism sector mainly provide for registration obligations, for example registration of tour operator and tourists agents. Registration is also mandatory for those who would like to provide training courses for tourist guides and tour guides. With regard to providing training courses for sports instructors, like ski or diving instructors, consent from the competent authority at governmental level is required. They also have to possess a special card or ID issued by the competent Polish authority, in these cases, the voivodship marshal. A special licence is further required for those persons who would like to establish ski or scuba diving schools. Car rental is not currently directly regulated in Polish legislation. It seems that an appropriate legal basis for this activity will be the EFA in case of establishment. In case of cross-border provision of services Article 4(1) of the PSA seems to apply, which provides that service providers from another Member State may provide cross-border services under the terms of the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union without the need to obtain entry into the register of entrepreneurs or business records.


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4. Food and beverages

4.1 Overview

The food and beverages sector in Poland is generally regulated by laws. The following two laws were reviewed:

• the Act of 26 October 1982 on education sobriety and countering alcoholism (SAA)

• the Act of 25 October 2006 on food safety and nutrition (FSA)

Setting up bars, restaurants and catering establishments in Poland is treated as an activity of collective nutrition undertaking (“zakłady żywienia zbiorowego”). It is defined as undertaking performing activities in the framework of organized nutrition of consumers. As such it has to satisfy appropriate sanitary conditions. This is the reason why provisions of the FSAare applied in this sector. If such an undertaking would like to sell alcohol, as nearly all bars and restaurants do, it has to obtain a special authorisation.

4.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis Article 14 checklist

Finding Reference Prohibited requirements

Situation pre-implementation

Situation post-implementation


14(1) Requirements based directly or

indirectly on nationality or residency √ √ None identified

14(5) Economic tests √ √ None identified

Findingswith respect to the Article 14 prohibitions

Polish legislation does not contain any requirements prohibited by Article 14.

4.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis Article 15(2) checklist

Reference Requirements to be evaluated Finding Notes

15(2)(a) Quantitative or territorial restrictions X Retail sale of alcohol – limited points of sales

(article 12 SAA)

Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses

For details see first paragraph of Section 2.3 on retail.

4.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis Article 16(2) checklist

Reference Prohibited requirements Finding Notes

(16(2)(a) Obligation to have an establishment in the

territory where the service is provided

√ None identified

16(2)(b) Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a


X 1. Authorisation for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption at its place of sale issued by mayor (mayor, town president), appropriate to the location of the point of sale (Article 18(1) SAA).


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on the market of materials and articles intended for food contact producing or marketing foods, in the registry maintained by the competent state district sanitary inspector (Article 64(1) FSA).

16(2)(c) Ban on setting up an infrastructure √ None identified 16(2)(d) Application of specific contractual

arrangements between the service provider and the recipient restricting the provision of the service by the self-employed

√ None identified

16(2)(e) Obligation to possess a specific identity


√ None identified

16(2)(f) Requirements affecting the use of equipment √ None identified

16(2)(g) Restrictions on recipients √ None identified

Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses

Authorisation is needed for the sale, serving and consumption of beverages containing more than 4.5% alcohol in open-air events. Such activities may take place only in the areas designated by the municipal council (Articles 15(5) and 12(1) SAA). The permit is issued for a definite period of not less than four years (Article 18(9) SAA). This period is shorter for those entrepreneurs whose business is event organisation and, in those cases, it is issued for up to two years (Article 181(4) SAA). According

to the experts those limitations seem be justified for public health and public security reasons. The above-mentioned provisions seem to be applicable also to the operation of outside terraces in restaurants and bars as well as operators intending to provide catering services on a cross-border basis. Nevertheless, according to Article 2(2) PSA for cross-border providers of catering services the competent authority will recognise the requirements met in another Member State such as certificates or other documents issued by the competent authority of that State.

Entities operating on the food market must apply to the state sanitary inspection in order to be registered in the register of establishments producing or marketing foods (Article 65(1) FSA). This requirement seems to be justified by reason of public health and public security, and seems to by proportionate.

4.5 Conclusions for food and beverages sector

Setting up a bar, restaurant or catering establishments in Poland is treated as a business activity. To do this, one has to enter in the register of establishments producing or marketing foods, which is maintained by a competent state district sanitary inspector. It is important to ensure proper nutrition conditions and therefore, in the experts’ opinion, it seems to be justified by public security and public health. When alcoholic beverages are to be sold in a bar, restaurant or catering service, a special authorisation is needed. They may be sold, served or consumed only in designated areas - areas designed in a special resolution of the municipal council. In general, those regional quantitative and territorial restrictions were connected to the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages near primary and secondary schools. Its general aim is to protect public security and public health, and therefore seems to be justified according to the experts.


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5. Real Estate

5.1 Overview

Real estate services are highly regulated in Poland. The main piece of legislation is the Real Estate Management Act of 21 August 1997 (REMA), which regulates three professions that are essential for the functioning of the real estate market in Poland: namely, real estate valuer (“rzeczoznawca majątkowy”), real estate intermediaries (“pośrednik w obrocie nieruchomościami”) and property managers (“zarządca nieruchomości”).

The REMA has been amended by the PSA in order to be made compatible with the Services Directive. Under the previous legislation services in the field of property valuation, brokerage in real estate and property management could only be provided by entrepreneurs established in Poland. Other important acts are: the Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance of 15 February 2008 on the granting of powers and professional licences in real estate management (GPPLO) and the Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance of 30 July 2010 on the improvement of professional qualifications by real estate valuers, real estate agents and property managers. Specific issues relating to the insurance of real estate valuers are regulated in the Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance on the compulsory insurance of civil liability of real estate valuers of 12 October 2010. Specific issues relating to the insurance of real estate intermediaries are regulated in the Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance on the compulsory insurance of civil liability of the real estate intermediaries of 12 October 2010. Specific issues relating to the insurance of property managers are regulated in the Minister of Infrastructure Ordinance on the compulsory insurance of civil liability of the property managers of 12 October 2010. Provisions of the Act of 18 March 2008 on the rules governing recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU Member States (RQL) have also been analysed.

The real estate valuer determines the value of real estate as well as machinery and equipment permanently connected to the property. Determining the value of the property falls within the exclusive competence of the valuers. The right to practice is acquired upon entry in the central register of valuers maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure. From the date of registration, the valuer is entitled to pursue the occupation and use the professional title "the valuer". According to Article 174(6) of REMA, conducting the business of real estate valuation in Poland is possible providing that the activities falling within the scope of real estate valuation are carried out by professional valuers. REMA regulates the forms in which the valuer can exercise his profession. The valuer may exercise his profession individually or under the partnership as well as under the employment relationship or a civil contract with the entity carrying out activities in the field of property valuation (Article 174(7) of REMA).

Brokerage in real estate is provided by professional intermediaries (real estate agents) under the terms of REMA. The conditions for providing services by real estate agents in Poland are analogous to the conditions applying to real estate valuers. The right to practice is acquired upon entry in the central register of real estate intermediaries maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure. From the date of registration the intermediary is entitled to pursue the occupation and use the professional title "the real estate intermediary". Conducting business of brokerage in real estate in Poland is possible providing that the activities related to the brokerage are carried out by licensed intermediaries (Article 179(3) of REMA). The real estate intermediary exercises his profession individually or under the employment relationship or a civil contract with the entity carrying out activities in the field of brokerage in real estate.

Property management in Poland is performed by licensed property managers. The right to practice is acquired upon entry in the central register of the property managers maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure. From the date of registration the manager is entitled to pursue the occupation and use the professional title "the property manager". According to article 184(3) of REMA conducting


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business of real estate management on Polish territory is possible providing that the activities falling within the scope of property management are carried out by property managers. Property managers can only act on the basis of a property management contract (Article 185(2) of REMA).

Therefore, the ability to conduct business in real estate in Poland is open to everybody provided that the activities falling within the scope real estate valuation, brokerage in real estate and property management are carried out by professionals.

Surveyors and cartographers are regulated professions in Poland (in the vast majority of cases one person performs both professions at the same time). The main regulation in this field is the Act of 17 May 1998 Geodesy and Cartography Law (GCL).4 Many executive regulations have been issued on the grounds of that act.

5.2 Prohibited requirements – Article 14 analysis Article 14 checklist

Finding Reference Prohibited requirements

Situation pre-implementation

Situation post-implementation


14(1) Requirements based directly or

indirectly on nationality or residency

√ √ None identified

14(2) Requirements limiting the

establishment of service providers to one Member State

√ √ None identified

14(7) Obligations to obtain financial

guarantees or insurances from operators established in the same Member State

√ √ None identified

Findingswith respect to the Article 14 prohibitions

As regards real estate services none of the prohibited requirements in Article 14(1), (2) and (7) of the Services Directive were found in Polish legislation.

5.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis Article 15(2) checklist

Reference Requirements to be evaluated Finding Notes

15(2)(b) Obligation for the service provider to take a

specific legal form

√ None identified

Comment: there is no requirement as to the specific legal form that providers of real estate services have to take. However, they must keep in mind that activities falling within the scope of real estate valuation, brokerage in real estate or property management can be carried out only by professionals. Similar rules apply to surveying and mapping services.

15(2)(c) Requirements relating to the shareholding of

companies √ None identified


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Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses

Under Polish legislation, providers of real estate services are not obliged to take a specific legal form and there are no requirements related to the shareholding of companies.

5.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis Article 16(2) checklist

Reference Prohibited requirements Finding Notes

16(2)(a) Obligation to have an establishment in the

territory where the service is provided

√ Poland has abolished the requirement that only entrepreneurs established in Poland could provide real estate evaluation services, brokerage in real estate services as well as property management services.

16(2)(b) Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a


√ 1. According to Article 174(3)(b) of REMA, the right of the real estate valuer to practice is acquired upon entry in the central register of valuers maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure.

According to Article 179(4) of REMA the right of the real estate intermediary to practice is acquired upon entry in the central register of real estate intermediaries maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure.

According to Article 184(4) of REMA the right of the property manager to practice is acquired upon entry in central register of property managers maintained by the Minister of Infrastructure.

However, as explained in Article 29(2) of RQL, within the framework of provision of cross-border services, a service provider shall not be required to acquire a permission for the pursuit of a regulated profession or activity issued by a professional organization or a competent authority, to be a member of a professional organization, to have been registered in a professional organization or to have been entered into a professional register held by a competent authority. Accordingly real estate valuers, intermediaries and managers are formally not required to be entered in the central register. They are howeverrequired to make a declaration as foreseen in Article 7 of the PQD. Under Article 30(1) of RQL, prior to the first provision of services in Poland cross-border service providers shall submit to the competent authority a written declaration of their intention to provide a certain type of service.

2. The right of the real land surveyor or cartographer to practice is acquired upon entry in the register maintained by the Surveyor General of Poland. However, as can be deduced from article 29(2) of RQL land surveyors and cartographers from EU Member States do not have to be registered in a professional organization or to have been entered into a professional register held by a competent authority. They are only required to make a declaration as foreseen in Article 7 of the PQD. Under Article 30(1) of RQL, prior to the first provision of services in Poland cross-border


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Brussels National Report for Poland, July 2011 /15

service providers shall submit to the competent authority a written declaration of their intention to provide a certain type of service.

On the other hand, according to the PPRGO5 a

competent authority may initiate the procedure for the recognition of qualifications in the case of: -surveyor entitled to perform independent functions in geodesy and cartography within the scope of geodetic altimetric, engineering and inventory surveys; -surveyor entitled to perform independent functions in geodesy and cartography within the scope of basic geodetic surveys; -surveyor entitled to perform independent functions in geodesy and cartography within the scope of geodetic services for investments; -surveyor entitled to perform independent functions in geodesy and cartography within the scope of photogrammetry and teledetection if the service provider intends to provide services on the territory of the Republic of Poland for the first time.

16(2)(c) Ban on setting up an infrastructure √ None identified 16(2)(d) Application of specific contractual

arrangements between the service provider and the recipient restricting the provision of the service by the self-employed

√ None identified

16(2)(e) Obligation to possess a specific identity

document √ 1. Entries to the central register of real estate valuers, real estate intermediaries as well as property managers are made simultaneously with the issuance of the certificates of granting power or professional licenses (i.e. a special document with a photo issued by competent authority) (Article 46(1) of the GPPLO6). However, taking

into account Article 29(2) of RQL, as regards real estate valuers, real estate intermediaries and property managers from another Member State of the European Union temporarily providing services in the territory of Poland such a certificate will not have to be issued.

2. According to Article 45 of GCL professional licenses are granted by the Surveyor General of Poland together with the issuance of the certificate of professional license. Taking into account Article 29(2) of RQL, as regards land surveyors and cartographers from another Member State of the European Union temporarily providing services in the territory of Poland such a certificate will not have to be issued.

16(2)(f) Requirements affecting the use of equipment √ None identified

16(2)(g) Restrictions on recipients √ None identified

Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses

As explained above, Poland has abolished the requirement that only entrepreneurs registered in Poland could provide real estate evaluation services, brokerage in real estate services as well as property management services. Issues related to the recognition of the qualifications acquired in another country are regulated by the RQL.

According to Article 29(2) of RQL, cross-border service providers shall not be required to:

5Available at:



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