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Curriculum Vitae. Ivan Kenneth Gaetz


Academic year: 2021

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Curriculum Vitae

Ivan Kenneth Gaetz

EDUCATION: Doctor of Philosophy, (2004) University of British Columbia Educational Studies, Faculty of Education

Dissertation: An Exploration and Expansion of Bernard Lonergan’s Intentionality Analysis for Educational Philosophy. December, 2003. 330 p.

Master of Education (1990), University of Alberta

Thesis: A Dialectical Resolution to the Conflict of Traditional and Progressive Education: a Whiteheadian Approach. 181 p.

Master of Library Science (1988), University of Alberta

Master of Theology (1985), Regis College (Jesuit), University of Toronto Thesis: Methodical Hermeneutics: Bernard Lonergan’s Treatment of Hermeneutics and Hermeneutical Issues in Method in Theology. 185 p. Master of Divinity (1978), Lutheran Theological Seminary,

University of Saskatchewan

Bachelor of Arts (1975), University of Alberta: Major: History


July 2012 – Present Library Director, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO

Key responsibilities include all aspects of library administration, long range planning, budget development and control, community and public relations, personnel recruitment, hiring and evaluations, overseeing collection

development, information services, circulation, facilities, library automation and computing systems, assessment, participating in college strategic planning and project implementation, donor relations, and participation on various college committees. Participate in leading the library building program, a $45 million project and the central focus of the college’s strategic plan that also includes the design and construction of a new $3 million remote storage facility. Supervise a staff of 30 that includes support positions and 12 professional direct reports. Supervise the administrative operations of the Fine Press of Colorado College.


2001-2012 Dean of the Library, Regis University, Denver, CO

Manage library services of Regis University, an institution in the tradition of Jesuit higher education providing a wide variety of undergraduate, masters and doctoral level programs in many disciplines to over 17,000 students throughout the western United States and around the world (online and on site). The library of Regis University has a faculty of 15 professional librarians and of support staff of 17 as well as a large number of student workers. Responsibilities of the dean include budgeting and accounting (annually $3.2 million), personnel

administration, strategic planning of library services, establishing and maintaining donor relations, and overseeing the operations of six main departments of the Regis libraries as well as Archives and Special Collections. The dean also serves on a number of committees and participates in other activities related to the academic mission of the University, participates in planning and development of the university and contributes to campus life. Since 2007 the dean has co-led faculty development seminars on philosophy of education for faculty cohorts in two-year programs. Founded and edited a new library publication, Collaborative Librarianship (2009- ). Takes a leadership role in the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries. Works closely with the Colorado Library Consortium. Participates in national library organizations, including ALA, ACRL and the library division of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and


2011 - 2012 Wider responsibilities, Dean of the Library, Regis University, Denver, CO Additional responsibilities to the position, below, now include: oversee and manage the creation and development of a Learning Commons at Regis University, including the reconstitution and expansion of the Writing Center, services of Testing and Portfolio (Prior Learning Assessment), and Tutoring services, develop governance structures, appoint persons to fill needed roles, establish budgets, promote the center and its services, lead the planning and operations of new Learning Commons facilities in Clarke Hall (under

construction, completion January, 2013), coordinate Learning Commons services with library services and with other University support services. Serve on the Board of the University Press of Colorado. Envision and led the development of a new scholarly online publication, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, two issues per year, beginning April 2012.

1993 - 2001 Library Director, Regent College, Vancouver, University of British Columbia

Manage all library services for Regent College and Carey Theological College, consisting of 24 faculty members and more than 2,000 full-time and part-time graduate students. Reporting to the Presidents of the Colleges and to their Senates, I had primary responsibility for library budgeting and expenditures, for strategic long-range planning, for the hiring and supervising of 6 (full-time equivalent) staff, for maintaining liaisons with faculty, and for collection development, including selecting, de-selecting and promoting library resources and services. Provided advanced reference service and bibliographic instruction for faculty and students. Participates in the activities of the American

Theological Library Association.

1992 - 1993 Public Library Services Consultant, Peace Library System, Grande Prairie, Alberta Provided information to member libraries throughout Northern Alberta on matters related to all aspects of public library service, editing and producing


newsletters, planning, financing, and leading conferences for school and public librarians, promoting and developing programs to enhance library service. 1991 - 1992 Assistant Head of Technical Services, Union Theological Seminary,

Columbia University, New York, N.Y.

Duties included original English and foreign language cataloguing in full MARC format on RLIN, the overseeing of copy cataloguing, upgrading CIP data, and providing primary catalogue records to the Library of Congress. Responsibilities also included monitoring material and work-flow in the Technical Services Department, and supervising support unionized staff.

1988 - 1991 Librarian, Alberta Family and Social Services, Edmonton, Alberta

Duties included online and manual cataloguing, reference research, Dialog Database searching, abstracting journal articles for departmental distribution. 1986 - 1988 Student Librarian, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, Alberta

Duties of this part-time position included mainly reference work and the supervision of circulation staff.

1984 - 1986 Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Responsibilities included leading seminars for undergraduate students in education, grading assignments, setting and marking examinations. 1981 - 1984 Executive Director, Sub-Arctic Mission Association,

Northwest Territories, Canada.

Reporting to the Association Board, I was responsible for all aspects of the organization’s operations, including financial and personnel management of a fully accredited 50 bed active treatment hospital, a nursing station, medical staff recruitment, housing, and the promotion and development of the organization.

Recent Publications (1999-2016): Book Chapters:

Ivan Gaetz and Valerie Horton, “Opportunities and Challenges in Creating and Managing a Scholarly Open Access Journal: A Case Study of Collaborative Librarianship.” Brian Doherty, Editor, Handbook of Research on Academic Library Partnerships and Collaborations. Advances in Library and Information Science (book series). ICI Global (2016). Accepted for publication, Spring 2016.

Ivan Gaetz, “Editorial Introduction and Reflection,” in Bern Will Brown, End-of-Earth People: The Arctic Sahtu Dene (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2014), pp. 9-15.

Ivan Gaetz, “Profile of the Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement of 1993,” in Bern Will Brown, End-of-Earth People: The Arctic Sahtu Dene (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2014), pp. 143-145.

Ivan Gaetz, “Annotated Bibliography: Published Books by Bern Will Brown,” in End-of-Earth People: The Arctic Sahtu Dene (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2014), pp. 147-152. Ivan Gaetz, Valerie Horton and Bruce Smith, “Growth Management Solutions,” in Moving


Materials: Physical Delivery in Libraries. Eds., Valerie Horton and Bruce Smith. Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. pp. 105-118.


Peer Reviewed:

Ivan Gaetz, “Bernard Lonergan’s Promise for Educational Philosophy,” Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1 (2015): 5-26.

http://www.jesuithighereducation.org/index.php/jhe/article/view/112/pdf Ivan Gaetz, Yem S. Fong, Joan G. Lamborn and Michael Levine-Clark, “The Alliance Shared

Purchase Plan: A New Experiment in Collaborative Collection Development.” Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 27, no. 1 (2010): 17-39.

Ivan Gaetz, “Collaborative Librarianship: New Light on a Brilliant Concept” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009):1-12.


Ivan Gaetz, Jan Loechell Turner, Diana Sweany and Melissa Stockton. “Collaborating to Serve Alumni with E-Resources: The Regis University Experience.” Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 26, no. 1 (2009): 1-12.

Ivan Gaetz, “The Moral Intelligence of Children—Review Essay” Christian Scholar’s Review, Vol. 26, no. 1 (1999), 153-167.

Professional Articles:

Ivan Gaetz, “Redefinitions and the Growing Importance of Library Collaboration,” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 6, no. 3 (2014): 102-3.

Ivan Gaetz, “Collaborative Librarianship: Five Years and Counting,” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 5, no. 4 (2013): 226-7.

Ivan Gaetz, “Compelling and Necessary Momentum: A Recent Timeline in Open Access,” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 5, no 1 (2013): 1-2.

Ivan Gaetz and Marie Friedemann, “Editorial Introduction to Jesuit Higher Educations: A Journal,” Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, Vol. 1, no 1 (2012): 1-5.

Ivan Gaetz, “Thick and Thin Library Collaboration,” Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 4 no. 3 (2012): 83-84.

Interview in Information Today (Medford, NJ: ITI and ProQuest Information Services, 2009). http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-192438385.html

Ivan Gaetz, “New Horizon in Collaborative Librarianship: the Promise of a Unique Shared Purchase Plan,” The Charleston Advisor. Vol. 8, no. 4 (April 2007): 53-54.


Published Photography:

Ivan Gaetz, “Arctic Moment,” Up Here: This Month in Canada’s Far North, July 2015. pp. 24- 25.

Ivan Gaetz, “A Latticework of Alder Willows on Great Bear Lake,” in The North Magazine (“The North of Scotland’s Premier Lifestyle Magazine”), Winter 2011/12, p. 47. http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1vbve/TheNorthMagazineWint/resources/46.htm. Ivan Gaetz, “Deep Down Things: Photos by Ivan Gaetz” Regis University Magazine, Vol. 19, no.

2 (Spring 2011): 26-27.

Dissertation Abstract:

“An Exploration and Expansion of Bernard Lonergan’s Intentionality Analysis for Educational Philosophy” in Lonergan Studies Newsletter, 25/3 (2004): 3.

Edited Works:

Bern Will Brown, End-of-Earth People: The Arctic Sahtu Dene. Edited, Ivan Gaetz and Jane Gibson (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2014).

Founder and Associate General Editor, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal. 2012-2014.

Founder and General Editor, Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009) to present. (As of December 2015, total “views” of all item published exceeded 550,000.)

General Editor, Check It Out!: A Newsletter of Regis University Libraries, 7 volumes, 2001— 2008.


American Library Association, current.

Association of College and Research Libraries, current. Library Leadership & Management Association, current.

Oberlin Group, An Association of Liberal Arts College Libraries, current. Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, Member Council, current.

Member, Board of Directors, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, 2015-2017. Library Deans Conference, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, 2001-2012.

Professional Work and Appointments since 2000:

Member, Colorado College Strategic Planning Task Force, 2012-2013.

Colorado College, Comprehensive Library Review and Analysis Team, 2011, Tutt Library, Colorado College, Colorado Springs. Report submitted; “External Review, Colorado College, Tutt Library” (January, 2012), 25 p.


Board Member, University Press of Colorado, May, 2011 – 2012.

Member, Regis University Personnel Complaint Investigation Team, 2007 – Chair, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Member Council, 2011-2012. Chair, Colorado Academic Library Consortium 2008-2009, Past-Chair, 2009-2010. Chair, “Task Force 4: Scholarship” Regis University Accreditation Self-Study, 2006-2008

(For the Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association) Board Member, Colorado Academic Library Consortium, 2006 – 2010

Chair, Regis University Task Force on Intellectual Property and Copyright, 2005— Chair, Shared Collection Development Committee, Colorado Alliance, 2004— 2009 Secretary/Board Member, Colorado Academic Libraries Consortium, 2004—2006 Chair, Colorado Academic Libraries Futures Summit, 2004-2005.

Member, Institutional Repository Task Force, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, 2003—2005 Chair, ATLA Taskforce II, on Theological Library Education, 2002-2004.

Chair: Member Council, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, 2002-2003. Chair, Expert Referral Network, Colorado Alliance, 2002-2003.

Chair, Taskforce on AJCU Libraries and JesuitNET, 2002-2003.

Member of the ATLA Taskforce on Theological Library Education, 2001-2002.

Courses Delivered:

“Ignatian Scholars Seminar” College for Professional Studies, Regis University, 2007 – 2014.

(Faculty development seminars offered annually, 6 full-day seminars in year one; 4 half-day seminars in year two, included topical presentations on educational methodology.) Educational Philosophy: A Survey of History and Themes (Philosophy 465, Fall, 2007), Regis


Educational Philosophy: Themes and Developments from a Jesuit Perspective (Philosophy 465, Fall, 2005), Regis University.

“A Jesuit Model of Education” for the course, Theological Education East and West (APPL/INDS 720), February 2, 2001, Regent College, University of British Columbia.

Studies in Phase Two of Lonergan’s Theological Method (Directed Study) Spring 2001, Regent College, University of British Columbia


Explorations in the Methodological and Spiritual Theology of Bernard Lonergan (Directed Study) Fall 2000, Regent College, University of British Columbia

Readings in Modern Protestant Thought (Required course for Master of Theology students) Spring 2000, Regent College, University of British Columbia

Public Services in Theological Librarianship (Directed study)

Spring 2000, Regent College, University of British Columbia Modern and Postmodern Epistemology (Directed study)

Spring 2000, Regent College, University of British Columbia

Conferences/Workshops/Presentations since 2000:

Presentation: “Advocating for the Library and Library Resources” for Creating the Leaders of Tomorrow, American Theological Library Association, Chicago, IL. April 21, 2015. Presentation: “Open Source, Open Access and Content Creation by Academic Libraries”: to Joint

Conference of Library Deans, Information Technology Vice Presidents and Educational Technology Directors, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Boston College, March 7, 2012.

Presentation: Regis University Operations and Improvements Seminar: Regis University Learning Commons; Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, January 25, 2012.

Presentation: Regis University Board of Trustees, Academic Affairs Committee: Regis University Learning Commons; Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, January 20, 2012.

Workshop: “Editing in an scholarly online open access environment” Regis University faculty and staff. January 19, 2012.

Chair: Colorado Academic Library Consortium Summit, Denver, CO. May 21-22, 2010. Presented: “Regis University Digital Repository” to AJCU Library Deans Conference, Fordham

University, NYC, April 29-May 1, 2010.

Speech, ALA Midwinter Conference, Denver, CO, January, 2009. Introducing Collaborative Librarianship

Presented: Business Models for Open Access Publishing, to Humanities Faculty Digital Scholarship Initiative, University of Colorado at Boulder, November 19, 2009.

Presented: “Collaborative Librarianship: A New Online Journal” and “Shelf2Life: Rejuvenating Legacy Print Collections.” AJCU Annual Library Deans Conference, Loyola Chicago University, Chicago IL, April, 2009.

Presented: “Employment Prospects for New Grads” Colorado Library Association Annual Conference, Denver, November, 2008.

Presented: “Academic Library Outreach to Alumni” Library Deans Conference, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Omaha, NE, May 1-3, 2007.


Presented: “The Crisis in Reading in Higher Education” Jesuit Conversations, Regis University, November 8, 2006

Chaired: “Shared Collection Development Initiatives” Colorado Association of Libraries Annual Conference, November 11, 2005

Presented: “Shared Collection Development,” All Alliance Conference, Denver, CO. September 17, 2004.

Chaired: “Shared Collection Development” Workshop, Regis University, Denver, CO. August 9, 2004. Chaired: “All Alliance Conference” Denver, CO. February 20, 2004.

Presented: “Handling the Tough Stuff” ATLA Annual Conference, St. Paul, June 2002. (two sessions) “E-Reserves: A Proposal to Improve Library Service.” Presentation to librarians at Regis University,

Denver, CO. December 13, 2000.

“Academic Librarianship: the Next Ten Years” Presentation to librarians and administrators, Okanagan University College, Kelowna, B.C. November 22, 2000.

Other Professional and Service Opportunities:

Member, Dean of the Libraries Search Committee, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, March – June, 2015.

Chair, Search Committee for Dean of the College for Professional Studies, May 2010-January 2011 Member, Regis University Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 2010

Regis University Self Study Accreditation (North Central) Steering Committee, 2006-2009: Member, Kitchen Cabinet, Chair, “Acquisition, Discovery and Application of Knowledge” task force. External Examiner, Library Tenure Review, Colorado School of Mines, Fall, 2006

Contributions (cited) to Colorado Department of Education. Colorado State Library, Moving Libraries Forward: a Roadmap for Colorado Library Cooperation. Strategic Plan 2006-2010. The State Library: Denver, CO, 2006. 12 p.

Volunteer, March of Dimes, Spring, 2009, 2010, 2011, Denver, CO Volunteer, Project Angel Heart, 2004—2008

Regis University, Mentoring Program, 2003—2011 (mentor)

Chair: Task Force on Library Issues related to JesuitNet, AJCU, 2002-2003 Chair, Alliance, Member Council, 2002-2003

Chair: Expert Referral Network Taskforce, CARL Alliance, 2001-2002 Vice Chair, Alliance, Member Council, 2001-2002


ATLA Mentoring Program – Mentor a new Member from Brigham Young University, Utah, 2001-2002 Consultant: Comprehensive evaluation of library resources, facilities and services, with

recommendations to the College Board, (FGBI), Eston, Sask., including an onsite evaluation of a library for sale in Los Angeles. January – April, 2001.

Faculty Review Committee of the Vancouver School of Theology, November and December, 2000, evaluation of the Seminary Librarian; make recommendations for re-appointment.

Conference Participations since 2000:

American Library Association, Annual Conferences, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 - present American Library Association, Mid-Winter Conferences, 2009 - Present

AJCU Library Deans Conference, Boston College, Boston, MA, April, 2012

AJCU Library Deans Conference, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, April 2011 AJCU Library Deans Conference, Fordham University, New York, NY, April, 2010

AJCU Library Deans Conference, Loyola Chicago University, Chicago, IL, April 2009 AJCU Library Deans Conference, University of San Francisco, CA, April 2008 AJCU Library Deans Conference, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, April 2007 AJCU Library Deans Conference, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY, May, 2006 AJCU Library Deans Conference, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, May 2005 AJCU Library Deans Conference, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, May, 2004 AJCU Library Directors Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April 2-5, 2003

AJCU Library Directors Conference, Washington, DC, April 7-10, 2002 AJCU Library Directors Conference, Seattle, WA, April 23-35, 2001

Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Director’s Symposium, Berkeley, CA, March 2008 Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Director’s Symposium, Berkeley, CA, March 2007 Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Director’s Symposium, Berkeley, CA, March 2006 Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Director’s Symposium, Berkeley, CA, February 2005 Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Director’s Symposium, Berkeley, CA, February 2004 ATLA Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2008

ATLA Annual Conference, June 2003

ATLA (American Theological Library Association) Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN, June 2002 ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2011

ALA Midwinter Conference, Denver, CO, January, 2009 ALA Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June 2003 ALA Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2002 Digitization Conference, Las Vegas NV, November 2003 JesuitNet Conference, Cincinnati, October 2002

Colorado Association of Librarians (CAL) Annual Conference, Keystone, CO, October 2003 CAL, Keystone, October 2002

Colorado Academic Library (CALC) Summit, Vail CO, May 31-June 1, 2001 CALC Organizational Meeting, Colorado Springs, October 23, 2001 CALC – Annual Meeting, Crested Butte, June, 2002


Western Conversations Conference – USF, San Francisco, October 12-14, 2001


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