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u u u u u Violationofelectronicopticalselectionrulesinx-rayemissionbynucleardynamics:Time-dependentformulation


Academic year: 2021

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Violation of electronic optical selection rules in x-ray emission by nuclear dynamics:

Time-dependent formulation

S. A. Malinovskaya*and L. S. Cederbaum

Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Theoretische Chemie, Universita¨t Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 229, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

共Received 23 December 1998; revised manuscript received 18 October 1999; published 7 March 2000兲 The resonant photon emission following the excitation of a highly symmetric system to core-excited elec- tronic states is discussed within a time-dependent formulation. Two types of vibrational modes—localizing modes and symmetry breaking but nonlocalizing modes—are considered, named according to their impact on dynamical symmetry breaking and localization accompanying the process. The decay rates are proportional to the population of a coherent superposition of the relevant core states vibronically coupled via the appropriate vibrational modes. This population is essentially a product of partial contributions of the two types of vibra- tional modes mentioned above. The general arguments are illustrated on the CO2molecule. Here, the bending mode is the symmetry breaking but nonlocalizing mode and the asymmetric stretching mode is the localizing mode. The decay rates and total resonant photon emission intensities are calculated in the leading terms approximation of the potential matrix Hamiltonian. The impact of the asymmetric mode on localization and hence on the optical selection rules as a function of time is discussed in detail. It is shown that the vibronic coupling via the bending mode changes the polarization of the emitted light and exerts an impact on the effect of vibronic coupling via the asymmetric stretching mode.

PACS number共s兲: 33.80.⫺b


Owing to modern technologies in synchrotron radiation systematic studies on the impact of nuclear dynamics in vari- ous fields of molecular spectroscopy can nowadays be per- formed关1兴. Nuclear dynamics of molecules undergoing elec- tron ionization or excitation are subjects to different kinds of vibronic coupling effects 关2兴. Vibronic coupling effects are topical both for core and valence ionization or excitation and the subsequent decay. The present paper is devoted to core processes; for work on core processes see, e.g., Refs.关3–8兴.

Systems possessing atoms equivalent by symmetry and, con- sequently, equivalent 1s or other core orbitals exhibit a pe- culiar manifold of vibronic coupling effects. These lead to the phenomenon of dynamical core hole localization which is an essential feature of such systems关9,10兴. More precisely, vibronic coupling between core excited electronic states of different spatial symmetry leads to excitation of appropriate nontotally symmetric vibrational modes which lowers the original symmetry of the system and makes originally equivalent atoms inequivalent. In principle, this type of dy- namical symmetry breaking prevails to all symmetric poly- atomic systems, but some care must be taken studding sys- tems with adjacent equivalent atoms 共see Ref. 关11兴 for details兲. Owing to the initial equivalence of the atoms, the core-excited states are nearly degenerate and easily split into core-localized nondegenerate ones by vibronic coupling. The effect of dynamical core hole localization was first predicted and discussed in Ref.关9兴.

From the detection of ionization or absorption spectra alone it is impossible to deduce whether the excited states are truly localized or delocalized because in both cases the spectra are formally identical 关9,10,12,13兴. It has first been shown in Refs. 关12兴 and 关13兴 that vibronic coupling of core excited states and the related phenomenon of dynamical symmetry breaking and localization can be observed via emission spectra such as x-ray and Auger spectra. For other interesting investigations see Refs.关14–16兴. X-ray emission spectra are fingerprints of vibronic coupling effects and therefore of the vital dynamical core hole localization since they unlock transitions between decaying and final electronic states which are forbidden by pure electronic optical selec- tion rules. For example see Fig. 1: if the core excitation takes place from a gerade ground state兩ito an ungerade interme- diate core-excited state兩⌽u, then by optical selections rules only a final state兩 f of g symmetry is bright, while the op- tical transition to a final state of u symmetry is forbidden.

However, ungerade final states can also acquire photon emis- sion intensity if the intermediate兩⌽u state couples vibroni- cally to the energetically close state of g symmetry. This coupling will populate the兩⌽g intermediate state and a de- cay to final ungerade states takes place. The higher the in- tensity of x-ray emission to these states the stronger the ex- citation of the mode responsible for the vibronic coupling within the manifold of decaying states and, consequently, the stronger the localization effect.

The main goal of the present paper is to arrive at a trans- parent time-dependent description of the formation of reso- nant photon emission intensity during the process of core excitation and the subsequent decay, mediated by vibronic coupling in the manifold of core states. Of particular interest is the identification of the effects of different types of nuclear motions共see below兲. The results obtained are of general va-

*Permanent address: Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry, Insti- tute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia.


lidity for resonant x-ray emission of systems with atoms equivalent by symmetry.

For ease of discussion we illustrate the prevailing mecha- nisms by virtue of two different excitations in a symmetric three-atomic molecule such as CO2. We consider the excita- tion O1s→␴* of an oxygen core electron to a ␴* orbital and the excitation O1s→␲* to a␲*orbital. In the first case the two core excited symmetry adapted states兩⌺gand兩⌺u which arise by exciting a gerade and an ungerade combina- tion of O1s atomic orbitals to ␴* form a vibronically coupled set of states.兩⌺g and兩⌺u are nearly degenerate at the ground state equilibrium geometry and split into symme- try reduced兩⌺1 and兩⌺2 states via the asymmetric stretch- ing coordinate of CO2. Distortion of this coordinate provides a linear CO2 molecule with one CO distance larger than another. The diabatic states 兩⌺1 and 兩⌺2 are localized states: the core part of each wave function is localized on a different oxygen atom. We shall call symmetry breaking nuclear modes which lead to a localization of the core ex- cited wave functions ‘‘localizing modes.’’ The asymmetric stretch is obviously a localizing mode in CO2.

In the second case of O1s→␲* excitation the set of vi- bronically coupled states constitutes the doubly degenerate 兩⌸g and 兩⌸u states. Here we encounter two types of vi- bronic couplings. The first is via the asymmetric stretch as in the first example, and the second is between the components of each of the degenerate states, i.e., between 兩⌸gx and 兩⌸gy and between 兩⌸ux and兩⌸uy. These couplings take place via the doubly degenerate bending mode and is well known as the Renner-Teller effect关17–19兴. Interestingly, the distortion of the bending coordinate also breaks the symme- try, it lowers the symmetry of CO2 from D⬁h to C2v but retains the equivalence of the two oxygen atoms, i.e., the bending mode does not induce localization. We shall denote

modes of this type ‘‘symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes.’’

The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we discuss the matrix Hamiltonian of nuclear motion for various inter- acting states and derive the working equations for the rates of photon emission intensities as a function of time. Considered are excitations of localizing modes, of symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes and their mutual action. The general results of Sec. II are supported and illuminated by examples in Sec. III. The main results are briefly summarized and ana- lyzed in Sec. IV.

II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Resonant photon emission intensity

We introduce as a column vector of dipole matrix ele- ments between an initial electronic state 兩i and a manifold of intermediate electronic states兩⌽d, and W as a row vector of dipole matrix elements between this manifold of interme- diate states 兩⌽d and a final state兩 f to which these states may decay radiatively. Then at time t⫽0 the vibrational ground state兩0of the initial electronic state兩i is excited to the manifold of intermediate states and arrives there as兩0. The wave packet which describes the nuclear motion on the decaying manifold as a function of time then reads 关13兴

兩⌿d共t兲⫽e⫺iHdt兩0. 共1兲 Here Hd is the matrix Hamiltonian governing the nuclear motion on the decaying manifold of states. The intensity of resonant x-ray emission to the final state 兩 f is subjected to the nuclear dynamics on the decaying intermediate states and can be expressed as 关12兴


dtd共t兲兩WW兩⌿d共t兲. 共2兲

The proportionality factor depends on the kinematic fac- tors and is not of relevance here. We shall show below in Sec. II C that expression共2兲 also holds if the excitation is not instantaneous, but performed with a pulse of finite duration.

In other words, Eq.共2兲 is of general validity.

Matrix elements of the dipole moment operator are func- tions of nuclear coordinates and hence,W do not commute with the kinetic energy operator in Hd in general. Here we work in a diabatic basis and the effects of a nuclear coordi- nates dependence are small compared to the effects induced by vibronic coupling. In this case we may use the Franck- Condon principle and consider ,W as constants. In those special cases whereand/or W do depend substantially on the nuclear coordinates, expression共2兲 cannot be further sim- plified and should be used as it is.

For simplicity of presentation we first consider in the fol- lowing without loss of generality the situation indicated in Fig. 1, i.e., two intermediate electronic states兩⌽g and兩⌽u. By optical selection rules only兩⌽u can be reached by pho- ton absorption from the totally symmetric ground state 兩i and decay to final gerade states via photon emission. Unger- ade final states are dark. We have that

FIG. 1. A scheme of the process of core excitation from initial state兩ito vibronically coupled intermediate states of different spa- tial symmetry 兩⌽u and兩⌽g and the subsequent decay to a final state兩 fvia resonant x-ray emission. If兩iis gerade then by optical selection rules onlyucan be reached by the excitation and this state can decay by emission only to gerade final state兩 f. Because of vibronic coupling the optical selection rules are violated and ungerade兩 fcan become bright.


10 共u兲共g兲,


W⫽W共1,0兲 if 兩f is gerade, W⫽W共0,1兲 if 兩f is ungerade.

The quantity WW introduced in Eq. 共2兲, is in general a matrix of the dimension of the decaying manifold of states.

Now let us discuss the Hamiltonian of nuclear motion Hd. The two diabatic symmetry adapted, i.e., delocalized electronic states 兩⌽g and 兩⌽u are chosen as the basis for the representation of the Hamiltonian Hd. For example, for O1s→␴* transition in the CO2 molecule these states corre- spond to the two resulting nearly degenerate兩⌺g and兩⌺u core states共due to the nearly degenerate oxygen core orbitals 1g and 1u), while for a O1s→␲* transition they corre- spond to the nearly degenerate 兩⌸g and兩⌸u core states.

Each of the states 兩⌸g and 兩⌸u is, of course, by itself degenerate because of symmetry. In this basis the Hamil- tonian of nuclear motion is a matrix which takes on the fol- lowing appearance关12兴:

Hdug兩H兩兩V兩uu典 具典 具gu兩V兩兩H兩⌽gg2i⌫1. 共3兲

H describes the nuclear motion in 兩⌽g and兩⌽u, V is the potential coupling between these states 共interstate vibronic coupling兲, ⌫ is the inverse lifetime of the core excited states, and 1 denotes a unit matrix. For the set 兩⌺g,兩⌺u of core states the dimension of Hd is 2, while for the set兩⌸g,兩⌸u the dimension is 4 and each matrix element presents a 2⫻2 block owing to the two degenerate electronic compo- nents of each state 共more details will be given below兲. The present structure of the Hamiltonian is typical for core exci- tations in highly symmetrical molecules. The nondiagonal elements of Eq.共3兲 describe the interstate vibronic coupling between the electronic states, while a diagonal element re- produces the vibrational structure of the corresponding indi- vidual electronic state. For degenerate decaying states the blocks on the diagonal carry additional information on intra state vibronic coupling between the electronic components of the degenerate state. Examples are the dynamical Renner- Teller effect via symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes which will be discussed below and the distorted Jahn-Teller effect关10兴.

It is useful to transform the Hamiltonian of nuclear mo- tion from the symmetry adapted delocalized to a localized representation. In the present case the transformation matrix is particularly simple

S 1

211 ⫺11 , 共4兲

and transforms the basis 兩⌽u,兩⌽g to the localized basis 兩⌽1,兩⌽2, where the indices 1 and 2 refer to the local sites, e.g., the left and right oxygen atoms in OCO. The construc-

tion of S in a general case is discussed in Ref.关20兴. After this transformation the Hamiltonian assumes the diagonal form

HdL1兩共H⫹V兲兩⌽0 1 2兩共H⫺V兲兩⌽0 22i ⌫1

H0d1 H0d22i ⌫1. 共5兲

For the set兩⌺g,兩⌺u of core states the Hamiltonian HdLis a two-dimensional matrix, and for the set 兩⌸g,兩⌸u of core states Hd1 and Hd2 are themselves blocks of dimension 2.

Hd1 and Hd2 describe the nuclear motion in the localized electronic states each associated to one local site. In general, the number of blocks on the diagonal is equal to the number of equivalent atoms in a system 关10,20兴.

The transformation to a localized representation signifi- cantly simplifies the Hamiltonian of nuclear motion and al- lows us to derive more explicit expressions for the resonant photon emission intensity and to arrive at a transparent time- dependent description of the process. We will turn to the explicit time dependent description in the next section in detail. Here we only mention one result obtained in Ref.关12兴 using a different description. The total photon emission in- tensity is not given by intensities from a priori localized states, i.e., If⫽If 1⫽If 2, where If 1and If 2are the intensities computed for the localized states 兩⌽1 and 兩⌽2, respec- tively. Interestingly, these intensities are If 1⫽If 2

2兩W兩2/2⌫ and do not depend on the nuclear dynamics while the exact intensity If does.

The total photon emission intensity Ifcan be expressed as a sum of two contributions, one of which is just the incoher- ent contribution (If 1⫹If 2)/2 of photon emission intensities from both localized states兩⌽1,兩⌽2 and the second term is related to a ‘‘coherence strength’’ which decreases with in- creasing interstate vibronic coupling. The total photon emis- sion intensity to gerade and ungerade final states reads关12兴


2 共1⫾C12兲, 共6兲

where C12 is the coherence strength

C12⫽⌫ Re0

dt e⫺⌫t0兩eiHd1te⫺iHd2t兩0. 共7兲

Without vibronic coupling C12⫽1 and, hence, Ig

2兩W兩2/⌫ and Iu⫽0 as dictated by optical selection rules. Vibronic coupling lowers the value of C12and reduces the coherence of photon emission from the localized states 兩⌽1,兩⌽2 until finally for C12→0, Ig⫽Iu⫽If 1⫽If 2, as if the states were a priori localized.

The abovementioned result that the optical selection rules in resonant x-ray emission are violated in symmetric systems by vibronic coupling and its relation to dynamic localization are of general validity. The particular expression for the emission intensity If depends, however, on the number of equivalent atoms and on the type of modes active in the system. Expression 共6兲 is valid for a set of two vibronically


interacting core excited states of any symmetric molecule with two equivalent atoms, for example, the 兩⌺g and兩⌺u states of CO2. The energy gap between these states is small compared to the frequency of the vibrational mode共i.e., they are nearly degenerate兲 and can be neglected in practical cal- culations关9兴. It is also valid for states like the 兩⌸gand兩⌸u states of CO2 as long as we are not concerned with nuclear modes which lift the degeneracy of the states. In CO2 this degeneracy is lifted by the bending mode which is a symme- try breaking but nonlocalizing mode. The influence of such modes on selection rules and dynamic localization is one of the subjects of the present paper.

In principle, the two manifolds 兩⌺g,兩⌺u and 兩⌸g,兩⌸u can also interact vibronically with each other.

In CO2 there are indeed indications关21兴 that both manifolds may be close in energy and, therefore, vibronic coupling between them cannot be a priori excluded. Many results of the present theory, in particular the basic expression共2兲, are also valid in such cases with the appropriate Hd. The ex- plicit discussion of these more intricate situations is, how- ever, beyond the scope of the present paper.

B. Time-dependent formulation: State populations and decay rates

It is convenient to express the relevant quantities in the delocalized, symmetry adapted, as well as in the localized picture. The wave packet 共1兲 of the nuclear motion in the decaying manifold of symmetry adapted core excited states is easily rewritten with the use of the Hamiltonian HdL 共5兲 describing the dynamics in the localized states:

兩⌿d共t兲⫽S e⫺iHdLtL兩0, 共8兲 where S is the delocalized-to-localized transformation matrix 共4兲 and L is the dipole column vector in the localized rep- resentation

L 1

211. 共9兲

The wave packet has components of g and u symmetry and reads


共10兲 兩⌿g(u)共t兲12e⫺(⌫/2)t共e⫺iHd1t⫿e⫺iHd2t兩0.

It is readily seen that initially, i.e., at time t⫽0, the gerade component vanishes兩⌿g(0)⫽0 according to the optical se- lection rule. At later times 兩⌿g(t) acquires nonvanishing contributions if and only if vibronic coupling between the core excited states兩⌽gand兩⌽u is present共see Sec. III for explicit examples兲.

The wave packet in the localized representation reads 兩⌿dL共t兲⫽e⫺iHdLtL兩0. 共11兲

Similarly to 兩⌿d(t), this wave packet also possesses two components


共12兲 兩⌿1(2)共t兲 1


The consideration of the evolution of the wave packet 共11兲 on the localized potential energy surfaces, schematically shown in Fig. 2, gives a transparent dynamical picture of the photon emission process. Initially the wave packet 兩⌿d(0) is created in the vicinity of the crossing point of the two potential surfaces. This point is at the equilibrium geometry of the system before excitation. In time the wave packet splits into the two components 兩⌿1(t) and兩⌿2(t) which propagate independently each on a localized potential sur- face and decay coherently to a final state.

A comparison of Eqs. 共10兲 and 共12兲 immediately gives 兩⌿g(u)共t兲 1

2兩⌿1共t兲⫿兩⌿2共t兲. 共13兲

Note that the minus sign relates to the gerade wave packet, i.e., to that wave packet which is associated with the gerade core excited electronic state 兩⌽g.

We now introduce the populations

ng(u)共t兲⫽g(u)共t兲兩⌿g(u)共t兲 共14兲 which are the weights of the total wave packet 兩⌿d(t) on the gerade and ungerade core excited electronic states. To FIG. 2. Schematic drawing of the diabatic potential curves of the ground and the core excited localized states in the antisymmet- ric stretching direction. Propagation of the components of the ex- cited wave packet on two localized potential surfaces: The wave packet which is vertically excited from the electronic ground state into the core excited localized states splits into two components 1(t)and兩⌿2(t)which propagate each on the potential surface of its ‘‘own’’ localized state. The coherent superpositions 兩⌿1(t)

⫾⌿2(t)determine the emission intensity.


express this quantity by the wave packets on the localized states we use Eq.共13兲 and obtain


2关n1共t兲⫹n2共t兲兴⫿Re1共t兲兩⌿2共t兲, 共15兲 n1共t兲⫽n2共t兲⫽2

2 e⫺⌫t,

where n1(t) and n2(t) are the populations of the localized core excited states. These populations are equal and simply decay exponentially. They do not depend on the nuclear dy- namics. The populations of the symmetry adapted states, on the other hand, are modified by an interference term, which provides a transfer of population from the 兩⌽u electronic state to兩⌽g and backwards depending on the details of the prevailing nuclear dynamics. This interference term is related to the coherence strength共7兲.

In the following we make contact between the state popu- lations and emission intensities. The intensity of resonant photon emission as a function of time is

If共t兲⫽0 t

dt⬘具d共t兲兩WW兩⌿d共t. 共16兲

Introducing the rate of emission dIf共t兲

dt d共t兲兩WW兩⌿d共t兲 共17兲 and assuming the Franck-Condon approximation for WW 共see Sec. II A兲 the rates of emission to gerade and ungerade final states read


dt ⫽兩W兩2nu共t兲, dIu共t兲

dt ⫽兩W兩2ng共t兲. 共18兲 The rate of emission to a gerade共ungerade兲 final state is proportional to the population of the ungerade 共gerade兲 de- caying 共core excited兲 intermediate state. This result is very sound: by dipole selection rules a gerade共ungerade兲 state can only decay to an ungerade 共gerade兲 state and the decay de- pends on how strongly the decaying state is occupied. The populations change in time due to vibronic coupling. Initially only the兩⌽u decaying state is populated. As time advances population flows to the兩⌽gdecaying state via vibronic cou- pling and opens the channel for the emission to a final state of u symmetry.

Using Eqs.共14兲 and 共13兲 the rate of emission can readily be expressed by the wave packets on the potential surfaces of the localized core excited states

dIg共t兲 dt 兩W兩2

2 1共t兲⫹⌿2共t兲兩⌿1共t兲⫹⌿2共t兲, 共19兲 dIu共t兲

dt 兩W兩2

2 1共t兲⫺⌿2共t兲兩⌿1共t兲⫺⌿2共t兲.

It is seen that the rate of resonant x-ray emission intensity is proportional to the population of the coherent superposition of the localized core states. What happens if the core excited states were a priori localized? This would lead to an inco- herent superposition of these states and neglecting the inter- ference term in Eq. 共19兲 we obtain


dt dIu共t兲 dt 兩W兩2

2 n1共t兲⫹n2共t兲兩W兩22 2 e⫺⌫t.

共20兲 The emission rates are equal and do not depend on nuclear dynamics.

Now let us consider more explicitly the situation of de- caying states such as the 兩⌸g and兩⌸u core states in CO2. Each of these states is degenerate by symmetry and has two components, e.g., 兩⌸gx and 兩⌸gy. The equations derived above can readily be transferred to explicitly exhibit the de- generate character of the states共see Sec. III C for additional details兲. In doing so it is important to take into account the orientation of the polarization vectors of the polarized excit- ing and emitted light. For the sake of transparency of presen- tation we concentrate here on linearly polarized light propa- gating along the molecular axis. As shown in the Appendix the anisotropy of the emission intensity is then a function of only one angular parameter—the angle⌰ between the polar- ization vectors of exciting and emitted light. We denote the molecular axis by z and the angle between the polarization vector of the exciting and emitted light and the x axis by and, respectively. The basic equation共17兲 then reads dIg,t

dt ⫽兩W兩2cosux共t兲⫹sinuy共t兲兩cosux共t兲

⫹sinuy共t兲 共21兲

and by interchanging the g and u subscripts one obtains the equation for the rate of intensity of a final ungerade state.

The intensity rates now depend on⌰⫽and are propor- tional to the self-overlap of the coherent superposition cos兩⌿ux(t)⫹sin兩⌿uy(t) of the nuclear wave packet com- ponents on the兩⌸ux and兩⌸uy states.

Because the emission intensity is a function of one angu- lar parameter only, the choice of the polarization of the ex- citing light, which determines the initial condition at time t

⫽0 of 兩⌿ux and兩⌿uy, is irrelevant by itself. In the present work we choose the initial condition which leads to equal populations of兩⌸ux and兩⌸uy, i.e.,/4. If desired, it is easy to rewrite all the equations derived below for other ini- tial conditions using the Appendix. The rate of emission in- tensity with the same polarization as the exciting light,

⫽0, takes the following appearance:

dIg共0,t兲 dt 兩W兩2

2 ux共t兲⫹⌿uy共t兲兩⌿ux共t兲⫹⌿uy共t兲. 共22a兲 We recover expression共18兲 if we interpret 兩⌿g and兩⌿uas the superposition of their components, i.e., as 兩⌿ux⫹⌿uy


and analogously for the gerade symmetry. The total coherent ungerade population of the core excited states then reads

nu共t兲⫽ux共t兲⫹⌿uy共t兲兩⌿ux共t兲⫹⌿uy共t兲 共22b兲

and an identical expression is valid for the gerade popula- tion. Equaton 共19兲 holds as well if we note that 兩⌿1,2(t) there has to be interpreted as兩⌿1,2x(t)⫹⌿1,2y(t).

A few relevant remarks on the impact of various kinds of nuclear modes are in order. In the absence of vibronic cou- pling the gerade state will not be populated and the usual optical selection rules hold, i.e., there is no influence of nuclear dynamics. In the presence of interstate vibronic cou- pling and absence of intrastate coupling共e.g., Renner-Teller coupling within a 兩⌸ state兲 only the localizing modes are active. The symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes, such as the bending mode in CO2, stay inactive and can be ne- glected. In this case x兩⌿yx兩⌿xy兩⌿y, and Eq.共22兲 boil down to the same equations as those found for nondegenerate core excited states. Except for a trivial factor 2 the degeneracy can be discarded. As soon as symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes are active, i.e., intrastate vi- bronic coupling constants are non-negligible, the full expres- sions共22兲 must be considered. Some subtle effects then arise even if the localizing modes are inactive. The above is illus- trated in some detail by the examples studied in Sec. III.

Until now we did not mention totally symmetric modes, i.e., modes which do not break the symmetry of the mol- ecule. The impact of these modes on absorbtion and emis- sion spectra is very prominent in many cases. They also have a considerable impact in vibronic coupling situations where they are denoted tuning modes 关2兴. In spite of their impor- tance for the understanding of the spectra, their impact on the total intensities of absorption and emission spectra of core excited states is usually negligible 关12兴. Since small varia- tions of totally symmetric modes do not lift the quasidegen- eracy of the vibronically interacting core states, they become separable from the other modes to a good approximation and do not influence the total intensity. This intensity changes only due to dynamical localization which is not done by the totally symmetric modes. These modes are only of relevance if different sets of states 共such as g,u and g,u) interact with each other. This nongeneric case is not in the scope of the present work. We, therefore, discard totally symmetric modes in the examples discussed in Sec. III.

In nonlinear polyatomic molecules and in linear ones with more than three atoms we can easily anticipate that the classes of localizing and symmetry breaking nonlocalizing modes can be broken down to subclasses of modes each having its own typical impact on dynamical localization. For instance, if several atoms equivalent by symmetry are present, some of the localizing modes may lead to a local- ization on a group of atoms rather than on a single atom. In a X4molecule of symmetry D4h, for example, all four atoms are equivalent and the excitation of the antisymmetric out- of-plane vibration B1u distorts the symmetry to C2v and the core component of the core excited state localizes on a group of two equivalent atoms.

C. Generalization to narrow-band excitation

In the preceding subsections we have discussed the inter- relation between the population of the core excited states and the intensity emission rate after a sudden excitation from an initial electronic state which is typically the ground state of the system. In the next section we investigate these quantities as a function of time for several examples. A sudden excita- tion at time t⫽0 corresponds to an excitation with a light pulse (t), i.e., to a broad-band excitation in frequency space. Modern technologies enable the use of pulses of vari- able band width. And recently it has been beautifully dem- onstrated that the x-ray emission intensities after pulse exci- tation of CO2 vary strongly with detuning of the pulse off resonance关14,15兴.

In the following we show that the results derived in the preceding subsections for broad-band excitation hold also for a general pulse. The only change which has to be made is to substitute the nuclear wave packet 兩⌿d(t) on the manifold of core excited states after broad-band excitation 共1兲 by the correct expression for that after excitation with a general pulse关22兴



d t¯ eiHd( t¯⫺t)g共 t¯兲兩0, 共23兲

where g(t) is the excitation function of the pulse. For broad- band excitation, g(t)(t), and Eq. 共1兲 is immediately re- covered.

To establish the relation of Eq.共23兲 to the rate of emission intensity we use equation 共16兲 of Ref. 关22兴 for the nuclear wave packet 兩⌿f(E,t) on the final electronic state and the basic expression关13兴

If共E,t兲⫽f共E,t兲兩⌿f共E,t兲 共24兲 for the emission intensity collected up to time t at the energy E of the emitted particle, here photon. For t→⬁ the above expression gives the Auger or the x-ray emission spectrum.

The total intensity collected up to time t is determined by integrating If(E,t) over the energy E. After this integration one obtains with the aid of Eqs.共16兲 and 共12兲 from Ref. 关22兴


dt ⫽2 Im⫺⬁

dEf共E,t兲兩W兩⌿d共t兲. 共25兲

Using Eq. 共16兲 of Ref. 关22兴 again leads to


dEf共E,t兲兩⫽id共t兲兩W 共26兲

and inserted into Eq.共25兲 readily gives dIf共t兲

dt d共t兲兩WW兩⌿d共t兲, 共27兲 where we have incorporated trivial factors into the definition of W. Obviously, this expression is identical to that derived in the preceding subsection for broad-band excitation, see Eq. 共17兲.


All relations derived in the preceding subsections are thus also valid for excitation with a general pulse g(t). For nuclear wave packets on the core excited states one must use the above expression共23兲.

The numerical evaluation of the wave packet兩⌿d(t)ex- cited with a general pulse is discussed in detail in Ref.关22兴.

Once this wave packet is computed the evaluation of the intensity rate共25兲 is straightforward. Nevertheless, one may expect a variety of interesting phenomena by varying the excitation function g(t). Their investigation is beyond the scope of the present paper. Here we would just like to dis- cuss briefly the interesting case of strong detuning of the excitation pulse off resonance. It has been explicitly shown in Ref. 关22兴 that due to strong detuning the wave packet 兩⌿d(t)generally vanishes fast after the pulse duration. This shortens the lifetime of the wave packet from 1/⌫, in the cases of broad-band and narrow-band on resonance excita- tions, to some effective value eff. Consequently, the vi- bronic coupling has less time to be active and the intensity of those final states which are dark without vibronic coupling is substantially reduced. At very strong detuning nuclear dy- namics does not take place at all and these states are dark as predicted by purely electronic optical selection rules.


In this section we discuss three time-dependent examples of nuclear dynamics involved in the process of core excita- tion and the subsequent decay via resonant x-ray emission.

Schematically this process is described in Fig. 1. In the first example the vibronic coupling of the decaying states will be considered via excitation of a localizing mode. This model applies, for instance, to O1s→␴*core-valence transitions in CO2, where the localizing mode is the asymmetric stretching mode. By this mode the symmetry of the molecule is reduced from D⬁h to C⬁v and the phenomenon of dynamical core localization can take place. The model is also applicable to those O1s→␲* transitions where the Renner-Teller cou- pling共via the bending mode兲 is weak. Of course, the model can also be applied to any polyatomic molecule with two atoms equivalent by symmetry, where the action of the lo- calizing mode共s兲 dominates over that of the other modes.

The second example is devoted to the study of the impact of a symmetry breaking nonlocalizing mode in a symmetric lin- ear molecule. It applies, for instance, to O1s→␲* excita- tions in CO2, where bending reduces the symmetry from D⬁h to C2v, but preserves the equivalence of the two oxy- gen atoms. In the last example the combined action of a localizing and a symmetry breaking nonlocalizing mode is investigated.

Here, a remark on the numerical evaluation of the rates of photon emission intensities is in order. If the decaying state is excited with a general pulse and/or several modes are ac- tive, we refer to Ref. 关22兴 for an efficient algorithm. In the specific examples discussed below共broad-band excitation兲 it sufficed to diagonalize the matix Hamiltonians Hd and to compute the rates by inserting completeness into the corre- sponding expressions. The Hd were represented in a basis of one- and two-dimensional harmonic oscillators for the

stretching and bending modes, respectively. The diagonaliza- tion and integration over time were performed using standard methods关23兴.

A. O1s\␴*transition: Excitation of the asymmetric stretching mode

Owing to the two nearly degenerate core orbitals 1g,1u, the transition O1s→␴*originates in two共nearly兲 degenerate core excited states 兩⌺g and 兩⌺u, vibronically coupled via the asymmetric stretching mode. The energy gap between these core states is negligibly small, ⬃10⫺3 eV, compared to the frequency of the vibrational mode u

⫽0.291 eV and these states are considered as exactly de- generated. Then in a linear vibronic coupling model the Hamiltonian of nuclear motion in the delocalized representa- tion reads关9,12,13兴

Hd␭QH0u ␭QH0u2i⌫1, 共28兲

where H012u( Pu2⫹Qu

2)⫹Ev, Ev is vertical energy dif- ference between the initial and decaying states, Qu is the 共dimensionless兲 asymmetric stretch coordinate, and Puis the corresponding conjugate momentum; the vibronic coupling between electronic states of different spatial symmetry 兩⌺u,兩⌺g is described by interstate coupling constant ␭.

With the transformation 共4兲 to the localized representation Hd is readily diagonalized giving Hd1,2⫽H0⫾␭Qu. Using Eq.共15兲 and the results obtained in Ref. 关12兴, the population of the core excited decaying states can be expressed explic- itly in this model


2 e⫺⌫t共1⫿ef2(cosut⫺1)兲, 共29兲 where f2⫽2(␭/u)2. As shown in Sec. II B, the rate of pho- ton emission intensity to a final state is proportional to the population of the decaying state of appropriate symmetry for the transition to this final state 关see Eq. 共18兲兴.

The populations ng,nu as a function of time are depicted in Fig. 3 in units of 2 for the parameter values u

⫽0.291 eV 关24兴, ⌫⫽0.14 eV 关25兴 (⌫/u⫽0.48), and

␭/u⫽0.68 关26兴. The physical quantities discussed here de- pend only on the ratios ⌫/u and␭/u. We have chosen these ratios to apply to a real system (CO2) and that is why we have also reported above the individual underlying pa- rameter values.

From Fig. 3 it is clear, that only the ungerade core excited state is initially populated and thus only the final gerade state is bright at t⬇0. The population oscillates in time and flows from the 兩⌺u to the 兩⌺g state and vice versa via the vi- bronic coupling mechanism. At short time the flow is to 兩⌺g, i.e., ng⬃t2, and the final ungerade state becomes bright too. In the figure the sum over populations ng⫹nu, shown as a solid line, is nothing but the function 2e⫺⌫t and dem- onstrates the exponential decay of the total population of the intermediate state manifold.


The flow of population and, hence, the increase of emis- sion intensity to the final ungerade state, which is dark in the absence of vibronic coupling, increases if the vibronic cou- pling increases. This is best demonstrated in Fig. 4, where the total photon emission intensity as a function of the inter- state coupling constant ␭ is presented 共see also Ref. 关12兴兲.

Figure 4 also demonstrates an increase of the intensity of originally dark states on the cost of the bright ones as the lifetime of the decaying states grows. This can be easily understood from the time dependence of the populations ng

and nu depicted in Fig. 3. The longer the lifetime, i.e., the smaller ⌫, the smaller the exponential damping and, hence, the larger the absolute amount of population flow.

The ratio of the populations of the core excited states ng(t)/nu(t) carries much information on the process induced by vibronic coupling. It is equal to



1⫹ef2(cosut⫺1) 共30兲

and does not depend on the inverse lifetime ⌫. In Fig. 5共a兲 this ratio is depicted as a function of time for two values of

␭/u. In the present paper it is periodic because H0 in Eq.

共28兲 is harmonic and takes on its maximum at multiples of t/u:

FIG. 3. Populations of gerade and ungerade core excited states vibronically coupled via the asymmetric mode Quas a function of time. The parameters used are␭/␻u⫽0.68 and ⌫/␻u⫽0.48. Dotted curve: population nu(t) of theustate; long dashed curve: popu- lation ng(t) of the兩⌺gstate; solid curve: e⫺⌫twhich corresponds to the total population nu(t)⫹ng(t) or, equivalently, n1(t)⫹n2(t) of two localized states兩⌺1and兩⌺2.

FIG. 4. The total photon emission intensity from the兩⌺g,兩u decaying states as a function of interstate coupling constant␭ for several values of the inverse lifetime⌫ of these states. The lower 共upper兲 set of curves corresponds to the transition to a forbidden, i.e., ungerade共allowed, i.e., gerade兲 final electronic state 兩f关12兴.

FIG. 5. The ratio of populations ng(t)/nu(t) as a function of time.共a兲 The parameters used are ␭/␻u⫽0.68 共long dashed curve兲 and ␭/␻u⫽0.85 共dotted curve兲. The ratio of populations n1(t)/n2(t) of the localized states兩⌺1and兩⌺2is indicated by a solid horizontal line. 共b兲 As above, but for a very large value



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