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The American Programmer. DB2, UDB and SQL Bookstore


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DB2, UDB and SQL Bookstore

36 books on this page. SQL or Structured Query Language is

the universal language used for accessing data in relational

database systems.

SQL is used in MVS, OS/390, Z/OS, DB2, UDB, MySQL, SQL

Server, Access, Windows and many other systems.

IBM's flagship database system is DB2/UDB or Universal Data

Base. Now just called DB2. DB2 is now available on essentially

all of these platforms: Windows, Linux, Sun's Solaris

Operating Environment, HP-UX, NUMA-Q, AIX, OS/2,

handheld device operating systems such as Windows CE and

the Palm Computing platform.

Relational is the way to go!

Click on any item to find out more, order, or to go to Amazon.com and look around.

We have books by such respected authors as

Craig Mullins

This page was last updated December 06 2005.

The American


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Home > Books > DB2 Books

Most Popular DB2 Book!

DB2 for the COBOL programmer, part 1

By Roger Sanders

If you use DB2 and embedded SQL with COBOL this is the book for you. Find out about the latest features of DB2 and how they fit in with the latest version of COBOL.

This is the best selling book on this page.


Check to see if any new books have

been published on DB2: Books on

DB2 at Amazon.com

IBM Redbooks on DB2

DB2 for the COBOL

programmer, part 2 (2nd


By Garvin and Prince

This is it! A programmer's book! New and up to date, written in the usual Mike Murach style - clean, clear, simple and uncluttered. You'll wear out this book from use.

This is the second best-selling book on this page.

Inspect/Order DB2 for the COBOL

programmer, part 2

Official Introduction to

DB2 for z/OS Version 8

By Susan Graziano Sloan

This is the long-awaited book on DB2 Version 8. The book is for DBA's and applications programmers. It prepares you for DB2 certification.

Inspect/Order Official Introduction to DB2 for z/OS Version 8

DB2 Universal Database

for Client/Server.

(Concepts, Design,

Programming, and


By V. Mitra Gopaul

This book has been flying off the shelf. Catch up with the crowd with this book. Contains a complete reference for DB2 built-in functions and commands. Some readers like it, some don't.

Inspect/Order DB2 Universal Database for Client/Server

DB2 Developer's Guide.

(5th Edition)

By Craig Mullins

Published May 12, 2004. For Version 8 of DB2. The latest edition of a classic book on DB2 for database

administrators and application

programmers. No one can match Craig S. Mullins for knowledge of DB2 and clear presentation style. Your

webmaster has put past editions of this book to good use and considers the money well spent.

Inspect/Order DB2 Developer's Guide (5th Edition)


DB2 for Z/OS and Os/390

Development for

Performance (Volume 1)

By Gabrielle Wiorkowski

For Version 7 of DB2. How to optimize performance beginning with the creation of DB2 objects and indexes. Good design of applications and high performing SQL are covered.

1. Concepts and Components

2. Creating STOGROUPs, Databases, and Buffer Pools

3. Creating Tablespaces 4. Creating Tables and Views

5. Index Usage for Performance 6. Index Design for Performance

7. The Basics of SQL Data Manipulation 8. Concurrency Control 9. Program Development 10. Batch Processing 11. Triggering Actions in DB2 12. Stored Procedures 13. User-Defined Function

14. Program Preparation and Execution 15. Join Performance

16. Subselects and Table Expressions 17. Parallel Processing

18. Programming for Performance 19. The Optimizer

20. Explaining the Access Path Chosen by the Optimizer

21. Load and Check Data Utilities 22. Runstats and Reorganization

23. Copy, Quiesce, Report, Rebuild, Recover, & Rebuild

Inspect/Order DB2 for Z/OS and Os/390 Development for Performance (Volume 1)

DB2 for Z/OS and Os/390

Development for

Performance (Volume 2)

By Gabrielle Wiorkowski

This book is a continuation of the first volume. You will need both volumes. See volume 1 above for the contents. Inspect/Order DB2 for Z/OS and Os/390 Development for Performance (Volume 2)

DB2 Udb for Z/OS V8

DB2 UDB for OS/390

Developer's Quick


By IBM Redbooks

Published December 2003. The latest information on DB2 Version 8 straight from IBM.

Inspect/Order DB2 Udb for Z/OS V8

Reference Guide

By Gary Joehlin

Great SQL syntax examples! Create tables, SELECT, DB2 commands. Buy this book and prevent costly mistakes! Inspect/Order DB2 UDB for OS/390 Developer's Quick Reference Guide

DB2 for z/OS and OS/390

Version 7 Performance

Topics (IBM Redbooks)

By IBM Redbooks

Finally, this is available at Amazon! This is the definitive guide to what's new in Version 7 of DB2 UDB regarding performance. It has many examples and should answer most of your questions.

Inspect/Order DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 Performance Topics (IBM Redbooks)

Large Objects with DB2 for

z/OS and OS/390 (IBM


By IBM Redbooks

With the implementation of LOBs we can exploit the functionalities of the DB2 family and the capacity that DB2 for z/OS provides today. The

introduction of these new data types implies some changes in the

administration processes and programming techniques. This book shows you these techniques. Published July 2002.

Inspect/Order Large Objects with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 (IBM Redbooks)

DB2 Java Stored

Procedures Learning by


By IBM Redbooks

Not Version 7. This IBM Redbook aims to give the reader an in-depth

understanding of the techniques and

Integrating XML with DB2

XML Extender and DB2

Text Extender


issues associated with the

development of DB2 stored procedures written in SQLJ and JDBC. The

extensive collection of sample code presented in this book and included on the accompanying CD-ROM was designed to run against DB2 UDB Server across the OS/390, Windows, and UNIX platforms.

Inspect/Order DB2 Java Stored Procedures Learning by Example

This is about XML Extender. Note it was published in Dec 2000, so it's not about Version 7.

Inspect/Order Integrating XML with DB2 XML Extender and DB2 Text Extender

DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification

Exam 703 Study Guide

By Roger E. Sanders

Prepare for IBM's DB2 family fundamentals exam with this book. Obtain IBM's stamp of approval for DB2 Version 8. This is IBM's official Exam 703 self-study guide.

Inspect/Order DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification Exam 703 Study Guide

DB2 Universal Database

SQL Developer's Guide

By Roger E. Sanders, Janet Perna

The title is very much like too many others - that's unfortunate, because this book is just what the programmer needs. Version 6 for this edition. Inspect/Order DB2 Universal Database SQL Developer's Guide

Sams Teach Yourself DB2

Universal Database in 21


By Susan Visser

The DB2 Reference 'bible' A book and a CD/ROM, tutorial on the basics of DB2.

Inspect/Order Teach Yourself DB2 Universal Database in 21 Days

DB2 Universal Database

for OS/390

by Susan Graziano Sloan

An Introduction to DB2 for OS/390 Version 7

Inspect/Order DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for OS/390


DB2 High Performance

Design and Tuning

By Susan Lawson, Richard A. Yevich

There are not many books on tuning DB2 on the mainframe. For the IBM Mainframe, does not cover UNIX, NT and OS/2.

Inspect/Order DB2 High Performance Design and Tuning

DB2 Universal Database in

the Solaris Operating


By Tetsuya Shirai

* The only Solaris-specific guide for IBM's DB2 UDB V6.1 database * DB2 performance monitoring in Solaris environment * DB2/Solaris clustering and failover, step-by-step

Inspect/Order DB2 Universal Database in the Solaris Operating Environment


Microsoft® SQL Server

2000 For Dummies®

By Anthony T. Mann

The author explains administrative matters in SQL Server 2000, issues of database design, Structured Query Language (SQL), and integration of SQL Server databases into larger information systems. Reviews are less than perfect.

Inspect/Order Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 For Dummies®

SQL Server 2000

Developer's Guide

By Michael Otey

A guide for the database developer. Reference on SQL Server 2000, with code examples. Covers Transact-SQL's DDL, and DML as well as ADO, DAO, and RDO.

Inspect/Order SQL Server 2000 Developer's Guide

Understanding SQL and

Java Together: A Guide to

SQLJ, JDBC, and Related


DB2 UDB for OS/390

Developers Quick

Reference Guide

By Gary Joehlin


By Jim Melton

Two very different languages got married to produce the most powerful, new, in demand language: SQLJ. This is a guide to the language and its use. Some readers like it, some don't. Inspect/Order Understanding SQL and Java Together

MVS-Training. Catch up on all the new features of DB2/UDB that you aren't aware of. I just started a consulting assignment with DB2. This book is already worn out from use... (and everyone keeps borrowing it) Inspect/Order DB2 UDB for OS/390 Developers from MVS-Training

Database Administration:

The Complete Guide to

Practices and Procedures

By Craig Mullins

No one else seems to be able to present highly technical information in a way that you can absorb. If you are or want to be a DBA you need this book. Inspect/Order Database Administration: The Complete Guide to Practices and Procedures

All in 1 DB2 Administration

Exam Guide with CD-ROM

By Roger Sanders

Available used.

Inspect/Order All in 1 DB2

Administration Exam Guide with


Complete Guide to DB2

Universal Database

By Don Chamberlin

Good for a beginner. The reviews are all over the place. This is not OS/390, not Z/OS, not version 7. For Windows NT, OS/2, AIX, and several Unix platforms.

Inspect/Order Complete Guide to DB2 Universal Database

DB2: The Complete


By Roman B. Melnyk

This is a very interesting and useful book. It is not primarily for the programmer, so you won't find everything you need about

programming in it. It has A LITTLE about Version 7, so don't expect to find out all that's new with Version 7 with this. Available used at a very low price.


Inspect/Order DB2: The Complete


SQL/400 Developer's


By Paul Conte

SQL/400 Developer's Guide is an outstanding resource for anyone - beginners, students, programmers and database administrators - who needs to learn Structured Query Language and/or the AS/400 database - DB2 UDB/400. Reviewers like this book for learning SQL/400.

Inspect/Order SQL/400 Developer's Guide

Database Design and

Programming for DB2/400

By Paul Conte

Conte, senior technical editor for NEWS/400 magazine, provides a thorough introduction to the design and implementation of application

databases on IBM's AS/400. Inspect/Order Database Design and Programming for DB2/400

SQL Queries for Mere

Mortals: A Hands-On

Guide to Data Manipulation

in SQL

By Michael J. Hernandez

The authors recognize that SQL queries usually come about as a result of questions from human beings, and so usefully spend a fair bit of time showing how to convert questions into SQL.

Inspect/Order SQL Queries for Mere Mortals


SQL: The Complete


By James R. Groff

Second edition. Published Aug. 2002. SQL--the core technology behind enterprise from Oracle, Informix, Sybase, IBM, Microsoft, and others--the backbone of a $5 billion industry. Coverage of XML and Web services, along with updates covering IBM DB2 Version 7.2, SQL Server 2000, Sybase, and Oracle9i Release 2.

Inspect/Order SQL: The Complete Reference

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Unleashed (2nd Edition)

By Ray Rankins

For system and database

administrators, not for developers. What you need to administer SQL Server 2000.

Inspect/Order Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Unleashed (2nd Edition)

SQL Server 2000

Programming by Example

By Fernando G. Guerrero

History and introduction to Microsoft SQL Server. In-depth Transact-SQL (T-SQL) tutorial (including T-SQL data types and flow control statements) A practical and hands-on guide. Inspect/Order SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example

Understanding DB2(R):

Learning Visually with


By D. D. Chamberlin

Guide to DB2 V8.2. For DBAs, developers, and end users. Published Feb 2005.

Inspect/Order Understanding DB2(R): Learning Visually with Examples

DB2 for Windows for


By Paul C Zikopoulos

DB2 Version 8: The

Official Guide


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DB2 for Windows For Dummies is your key to managing, accessing, and protecting data. It includes tried-and-true tips for designing, creating, and maintaining your databases. This friendly guide, technically reviewed by IBM, will help you find out just what DB2 can do for you. These pages offer easy-to-understand explanations on installing and configuring DB2. From designing custom databases to creating useful tables, this reference has got you covered.

Inspect/Order DB2 for Windows for Dummies

By Paul C. Zikopoulos

Straight from IBM, A team of DB2 experts shows experienced DB2 professionals exactly how to make the most of DB2 Version 8 in any environment -- Linux(r), UNIX(r), or Windows(r).

Inspect/Order DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide Microsoft SQL Server 200... Brian Larson New $32.99! The Microsoft Data Wareh... Joy Mundy New $31.50! Used $30.30! Professional SQL Server ... Brian Knight New $32.99! Used $28.99! Sams Teach Yourself SQL ... Ben Forta New $10.19! Pro SQL Server 2005 Thomas Rizzo New $26.39! Used $25.17! Delivering Business Inte... Brian Larson New $32.99! PHP and MySQL Web Develo... Luke Welling New $35.08! Used $25.45! PHP and MySQL for Dynami... Larry Ullman New $16.49! Used $11.26! Beginning PHP 5 and MySQ... W. J. Gilmore New $26.39! Used $19.25! (Prices may change) Privacy Information


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