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Robert C Foulk, PhD. Experience. Volunteer Experience. Bob is on the ballot for this November election


Academic year: 2021

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Robert C Foulk, PhD

Bob is on the ballot for this November election [email protected]


Candidate for Upper Arlington City Council at Upper Arlington City Council

August 2015 - Present (2 months)

With nominating petition signatures now verified, I would like to formally announce my candidacy for Upper Arlington city council and would ask everyone to review the campaign web site, www.uaforfoulk.org, to read about my concerns and positions. Through the web site you can ask me specific questions, register you concerns about city governance, request a yard sign that will be delivered next month, offer to volunteer and of course donate to help with campaign expenses. I ask for you vote, your trust and very much look forward to a successful campaign and being able to represent and balance the concerns and views of all residents, not just those invited to the table. If you agree with what I stand for as a candidate please consider donating or volunteering through http://www.uaforfoulk.org/donate/ and thank you for any consideration.

Vice President at My Home Solutions, LLC

September 2013 - Present (2 years 1 month)

In-home service and handyman company serving Upper Arlington, Hilliard, Grandview, Clintonville, Worthington and Dublin. www.my-home-solutions.com

Owner and Principle Consultant at R C Foulk and Associates

1991 - Present (24 years)

Specialized in all aspects of small business and not-for-profit IT.

IT Administrator at Council for Older Adults

April 2008 - January 2014 (5 years 10 months)

Vice President, Consultant at Integrated Data Systems

2005 - 2013 (8 years)

Small business IT consultant with particular focus on insurance and human services organizations. Only occasional projects in recent years owing to the focus on My Home Solutions, LLC.

Chief of Information Services at Ohio Department of Aging

August 1984 - September 1991 (7 years 2 months)

Volunteer Experience


August 2004 - Present (11 years 2 months)

Nationwide, breed-specific dog rescue organization. www.paphaven.org

Board of Directors at Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center

January 1992 - December 1996 (5 years)

Board member for a community settlement house that provided a wide array of services to challenged families in the community.


English (Native or bilingual proficiency)

Latin (Elementary proficiency)

Skills & Expertise

Project Management Customer Service Business Management Quality Assurance Personnel Management

Business Process Management Negotiation Budgets IT Management Policy Team Building Research Design

Statistical Data Analysis IT Solutions Business Intelligence Security Process Improvement Team Leadership Quantitative Analytics System Administration Microsoft SQL Server Data Analysis IT Operations Program Development Community Outreach Public Speaking Nonprofits Leadership Microsoft Office



The Ohio State University

PhD, Social Work, 1979 - 1984


Scuba diving, photography, geology, policy analysis, gardening, small animal rescue


An Evaluation of the Out Client Program

Report for the United Way of Franklin County, Ohio June 1, 1976 Authors: John Behling, PhD, June Hopps, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

The Development of a User Oriented Algorithm for the Generation of Prediction Configurations Using Qualitative Data.

Masters Thesis June 15, 1978 Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

The State of Black Columbus: 1980.

Published by the Columbus, Ohio Urban League 1980 Authors: Gwen Gilbert, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

Employment and Jobs Issues in the Columbus Metropolitan Area.

Presentation to a community forum sponsored by the Columbus, Ohio Junior League, 1981 Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Youth Perceptions of Employer Standards.

Report submitted to the National Institute of Education 1982

Authors: Richard Miguel, PhD, James Weber, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

The Effects of Vocational Education and Work Experience on the Accuracy of Youth's Perceptions of Employer Standards.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Montreal, Canada, 1983

Authors: Lawrence Hotchkiss, PhD, Richard Miguel, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

Child Maltreatment: An Examination of Models of Causation and the Issue of Standardized Instrumentation.

Doctoral Dissertation, Ohio State University 1984 Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Youth's Perceptions of Employer Standards: Effects on Employment Outcomes and Employer Evaluations.

Report submitted to the National Institute of Education 1984 Authors: Richard Miguel, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

An Examination of Maltreatment Causation.

Paper accepted for presentation at the Fifth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Montreal, Quebec 1984


An Examination of Child Maltreatment Causation.

Paper presented at the National Symposium on Doctoral Research and Social Work Practice, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1985

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

The Design and Implementation of a Microcomputer Information Network for Area Agencies on Aging.

Invited presentation at the combined conference of the National Association of State Units on Aging and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging in Seattle August 1986

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

An Orientation to Computer Use in the Human Services.

Presentation at the Seventh Annual Multidisciplinary Institute on Aging, Columbus, Ohio October 1986 Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Youth Outreach Project: An Assessment of the First Year.

Funded by the United Way, the City of Columbus, the Columbus Public Schools, and the Columbus Foundation May 1987

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD, Jerry Bean, PhD

Study that examined the implementation effectiveness of a community outreach program focused on youth gangs and violent youth.

A Survey of Human Service Needs of Columbus Youth.

Study funded by the Human Services Department of the City of Columbus, Ohio September 1987 Authors: Gwen Gilbert, PhD, J.N. Upton, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD, M.M. Fonow, PhD

Needs Assessment as a Tool in Program Planning.

Presentation at the Eight Annual Multidisciplinary Institute on Aging, Columbus, Ohio October 1987 Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Youth Outreach Project: 1987-1988 Program Year Evaluation.

Fnded by United Way, the City of Columbus, the Columbus Public Schools, and the Columbus Foundation, June 1988

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Study that examined the impact of a youth gang intervention program

Profiles and Projections: The Older Population of Fayette, Highland, Pickaway, Pike, and Ross Counties.

Report examining needs in the older adult population funded by the Paint Valley Mental Health Board March 1989

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Measuring and Monitoring Client-Based Outcomes.

Presentation at the First National Case Management Conference, Foundations for Success: A Blueprint for the Future September 19, 1990

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Planning a Needs Assessment: Issues and Approaches.

Presentation at the Eleventh Annual Multidisciplinary Conference on Aging, Columbus, Ohio November 20, 1990


Measuring and Monitoring Client-Based Outcomes.

Adminstrative institute addressing the implementation of various outcome monitoring procedures presented at the Sixth Annual Ohio Case Management Conference, Cleveland, Ohio November 19, 1991

Authors: Robert C Foulk, PhD

Factors that Influence the Occurrence and Seriousness of Adverse Incidents in Residential Facilities.

Journal of Social Service Research, 16(3) March 1992 Authors: Nolan Rindfleisch, PhD, Robert C Foulk, PhD

Using EMDR to Enhance Learning with Adults Who Have Learning Disabilities.

Presentation at the EMDR International Association Conference, Denver, Colorado July 29, 1996 Authors: Laura Weisel, Ph.D., Robert C Foulk, PhD


Robert C Foulk, PhD

Bob is on the ballot for this November election [email protected]


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