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Survival of Virus in Chilled, Frozen,


Academic year: 2021

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Chilled, Frozen,

and Processed



Institutefor Food Science and Technology, College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105

Receivedforpublication23January 1970

Samples of whole and shucked Pacific and Olympia oysters, contaminated with

104-plaque-forming units (PFU) of poliovirus Lsc-2ab per ml, were held

refrig-erated at two temperatures,5and -17.5 C. To study the survival of virus in the

oys-ters under these conditions, samples were assayed for virus content at weekly

in-tervals for as long as 12 weeks. Results indicated that poliovirus would survive

in refrigerated oysters for a period varying from 30 to 90 days, depending upon

-temperature. The survival rate varied from 10to 13%. To study the extentof the

hazardpresented by oysters contaminated with virus, samples of whole and shucked

Pacific oysterscontaminated with 104 PFU ofpoliovirus Lsc-2ab per ml were heat

processed in four ways: by stewing,frying, baking, andsteaming. Resultsindicated

that virus in oysters withstood these methods of processing. The survival rate

varied from7 to 10% and appeared dependent upon the processing method used.

Heatpenetration studies showed that the internal temperature in the oyster was

not sufficient to inactivate all of the virus present. These results suggest that not

only fresh but also refrigerated and cooked oysters can serve as vectors for the

dissemination of virus disease ifthe shellfish are harvested from a polluted area.

Epidemiological evidence has incriminated

bi-valve mollusks that have beenfeedingin

sewage-polluted waters as vectors for the enteric virus

disease infectious hepatitis (9, 10, 14, 16-18).

Research by European and East coast workers

has shownthatvirusescansurvive in the sealong

enough to be taken up by shellfish (2, 3, 13).

Similar findings have been reported recently for West coast species (8). The major site of virus

accumulation in these species has proven to be

the digestive tract (11, 12, 15). However, the

extent ofthe hazardpresented bythe survival of

virus, through the processes offreezingor

cook-ing, has not been fully examined. Therefore, a

study was made of virus survival in chilled and

frozen oysters and in oysters processed by

stew-ing, frystew-ing, steamstew-ing, andbaking.This latterstudy

was considered of particular value because the

Pacific oyster, theprincipal oyster grown onthe

West coast, is normally cooked prior to being



Oyster samples. The Pacific oysters (Crassostrea

gigas) and Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) used in

these experiments were obtained from a Shelton,

Wash., oyster grower inlots of48to50oysters.The

shellswerecleanedof externaldebrisandsuperficially

disinfected by dipping ina


hypochlorite solution;

theywere thenrinsed with tap water and dried. Oysters

to be usedin experiments were kept in 5-gal (ca. 19

liters) stainless-steel aquaria to which was added 3,500

mlof filtered seawater of


salinity. Water tem-perature was maintained at 13C bycold-air circula-tion in a constant temperature bath. Aeracircula-tion and

watercirculation were provided by means of air hoses


Virus. Attenuated poliovirus Lsc-2ab was used in

allexperiments. Thisvirus is representative of enteric

viruses and has been used commonly in studies dealing with the uptake ofvirus by shellfish. The strain was

obtained from the Department of Preventive

Medi-cine, University ofWashington. Theseed virus

con-tained 3.5 X 108virus plaque-forming units (PFU)/ ml. Stock viruswas propagated on primary African green monkey (MK) kidney cell cultures. The stock virus pool, diluted withHanksbalanced salt solution (BSS)at30Candadjusted by plaqueformation deter-minationstocontainapproximately108PFU/ml,was

keptat-20Cuntil used.

Tissue culture. Cell suspensions of primary MK

kidney tissue (BBL) were used throughout

experi-ments. Monoayer cultures were prepared in 3-oz

prescriptionbottles (ca. 90 ml).HanksBSS, to which

were added 0.2% Casamino Acids and 10% calf serum, was used for cell growth, and Earle's BSS

containing 2% calf serum was used for cell

main-tenance. Onehundredunits of penicillin G per

millili-ter,100jigofstreptomycin sulfate per ml,and 2.5,igof


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Fungizone per ml were incorporated in all media to preventthegrowthof bacteria, molds,and yeasts.

Plaque assaytechnique. The assay methodusedwas

essentially that of Hsuing and Melnick (9). The

medium was decanted from monolayer bottles, and

0.5 ml ofappropriately diluted sample was added to

thebottles. Allsamples andallexperiments wererun

in duplicate.Immediately after inoculation, the bottles

were rotatedfive times to insureeven distribution of theinoculum over thecell sheet. Allinoculated bottles wereincubatedat36 Cfor 1 hr and 15 min to allow for

virus adsorption. After incubation, cell sheets were

washed oncewith 4 mlofwarm(30C) Hanks BSS and

thenoverlaidwith 10 ml of growthmedium containing

1.5% purified agar (Difco) and 0.0017% neutral red (BBL).This procedure was conducted in semidarkness to preventphotoinactivationofvirusandcellsheetsby

the neutral red. After the agar solidified, the bottles

were rotated flat side up and then covered and

re-turned to the 36 Cincubator. Bottleswereobservedfor

the appearance ofplaques onthe thirdtofifth days. Each plaque was marked with aMagic Marker pen,

andthetotalnumberobservedwaswritten on the side

of thebottle. Thetotal count on thelast day of

ob-servationwas consideredthefinalcount. Thesumof

the counts oftwo bottles multiplied by the dilution

factorrepresentedthetotalviruscontent in each mil-liliter of inoculum.

Survival of virus in chilled Olympia oysters. To

determine thesurvivalrateof virus inOlympiaoysters heldatstorage temperatures, thefollowing studywas

conducted. Forty-eight 4-year-old Olympia oysters

were exposed to attenuated poliovirus I for 48 hr,

dippedina 1%hypochlorite solutiontodisinfect the

shellsurfaces,washedin distilled water, and sealed in

polymylar pouches, eight per pouch. Samples were

placedinarefrigeratorset at5Candassayedfor virus

content at0,5, 10, 15, 20, 25,and 30days.To

deter-mine the rate of virus inactivation in the various

anatomical regions ofthe oyster, the shellfish were


mantle, and palps were first dissected out, then the

digestivearea, and theremaining body.Ten percent

(w/v) homogenates of each in nutrient broth were

prepared, and thesampleswereclarified bylow-speed

centrifugation (1,200 X gfor 20 min at 10 C) in a

Sorvall RC 2-Brefrigerated centrifuge. Serialdecimal dilutions in nutrient broth were prepared, and all


Survival ofvirus in frozen oysters. Todetermine the

ability of virus to withstand inactivation in frozen

wholeoysters,along-term studywasconducted.Fifty

shucked Pacific oysterswereinoculateddirectlyin the

gut region with an inoculum containing 104 virus

PFU/ml. Theinoculum consisted ofpoliovirus

Lsc-2ab in nutrient broth. The oysters were sealed in

polymylar pouches, fiveto apouch, andquickfrozen

at 36 Cin a blast freezer for 24 hr. Suspensions of

poliovirus (3 ml) in nutrient broth were also quick

frozen for 24 hr to serve as controls. Samples were

removed fromthefreezer and storedfrozenat -17.5

C.Sampleswereassayedfor viruscontent at0, 2, 4,6,

8, 10, and 12 weeks, by using identical assay proce-dures (seeabove).

Survival of virus in stewed, fried, baked, and steamed oysters. (i) For stewed oyster studies, 20 medium-sized shucked Pacific oysters were inoculated with 0.5 ml ofan attenuatedpoliovirus suspensioninnutrient broth containing 104virus PFU/ml. Oyster stew, in milk, was prepared by standard cookbook methods.

Theinoculatedoysterswereplacedinboilingmilk ina

2.5-liter stainless steel kettle. Normal recipe procedure

requiresthe oysters tostewfor5min;however,

cook-ingtime was extended to 8 min. Samples of milk and oysters were removed at0, 2, 4, and 8 min. A 5-ml amountof milk and five oystersconstitutedasample.

The milk was aseptically pipetted into 20-ml sterile

testtubes,and the oystersamplesweresealed in

poly-mylarpouches. Allsampleswerecooledto room

tem-perature (23 C). Samples not assayed immediately

wereheldat-20Cuntiltested.Controls consisted of

inoculated oysters which were not stewed but were

sealed inpolymylar pouchesandheldat-20 Cuntil

assayed. (ii) Forfried oysterstudies,20medium-sized

shuckedPacificoysters wereinoculated witha

polio-virus suspensionin theidenticalmanner described in

thepreceding experiment. The oysterswere prepared

forfrying bystandardcookbookrecipes. Oysterswere

coated inabatterof egg, breadcrumbs,andseasoning

and fried in Wesson Oil at atemperature of 177 C.

Fryingtimewasextendedfromthe5to8 min called

for in therecipeto10min.Samplesof five oysters each

wereremoved for assayat3-,6-,and10-minintervals,

sealed, in polymylar pouches, allowed to cool, and

tested. Thezero-hour andcontrolsamples consistedof

inoculatedbutunprocessed oysters. (iii)Forthebaked

oyster study, 20 medium-sized Pacific oysters were

inoculatedwith poliovirus, as describedin preceding

experiment,and thenpreparedby standard cookbook

methods.The oysterswererolledinabatterofeggand

breadcrumbs, plus seasoning, and then bakedfor 20

mininanovenat121.5 C.Sampleswereremovedfor

assayat5, 15, and 20 min.Oystersusedaszero-hour

and control samples were inoculated and rolled in

batter but not baked. (iv) For the steamed oyster study,25medium-sized Pacific oysters were placed in three5-gal (ca. 19liters) aquariacontaining3,500 ml of filteredseawater (28% salinity) at 13 C. To each

aquariumwas added sufficient poliovirus Lsc-2ab to

yieldacount of 105 virusPFU/ml of seawater. The

oysterswerecontaminatedfor 48 hr and then removed from the aquaria. Shell surfaces were disinfected by

dippingina1%hypochloritesolution and then rinsed

in distilled water and dried. Oysters used in

experi-ments wereplacedin metal pans and held under

flow-ing steamfor 30 min in an autoclave. Samples were

removedat0, 5, 15, 20, and 30 min, byusing metal tongs. They were placed in polymylar pouches and allowed to cool to25Cbefore beingassayed.The con-trolsampleswerecontaminated oystersnotsubjected


Temperaturedeterminations. Temperature determi-nationsweremadein allprocessing studies to correlate therateofvirus inactivationwiththerise in

tempera-ture inside processed shellfish. All processing proce-dures were repeated in duplicate with noncontami-nated oysters. Four oysters were used in each experiment.Athermocouple wirewasinserted intothe

on January 20, 2021 by guest



gut areaof eachshellfish,and the temperaturechange

was recorded on a Brown Recording Potentiometer.

The shellfishwereprocessedasdescribed above.Thus,

temperature increase inside the shellfish could be

determinedfor theduration of eachprocessing

proce-dure. To insert thermocouples into oysters uscd in

steamingexperiments,smallholes (4 mm)weredrilled

into thebills of the shells andthermocouplewires were inserted. The thermocouple wires were taped down withplastic tape to prevent them fromslippingoutof theshells.


Survival of virus in chilled olympia oysters.

Poliovirus inOlympia oysters proved to be very

stable under storage conditions (Table 1). After

5 days of storage at 5 C, virus numbers in the

oysters were reduced by


with 75% ofthe

totalvirus still viable in the digestivearea. After

15 days of storage, the total virus count was

reducedby 60%, with


ofthetotalvirus still surviving in the digestive area.

Because ofdecomposition, it wasimpossibleto

dissect the oysters after more than 15 days of

storage. A second studywasmade over a30-day

periodin which virus survival in thewhole oyster

was measured. Results aresummarized inFig. 1.

After10days ofstorage, therewaslessthan alog reduction in the total virus present and 46% of

the virus were still viable. After 30 days of

storage, the oysters were badly decomposed. At

this time, the total virus count wasreduced by2

logs, but 13% of the virus stillremained viable

evenunder these conditions.

Survival ofvirus in frozen oysters. Poliovirus

was found to be very stable in whole Pacific

TABLE 1. Recovery ofpoliovirus from the organs

andbodyof0. lurida stored for15days

at5 C




Sample (days) Virus PFU/g ofvirus survival

Gill, mantle, palps 0 3.8 X 102 2.4

Body 1.74X 103 9.4

Digestive area 1.36 X 104 88.2

Gill, mantle, palps 5 2.6 X 102 1.6

Body 1.36X 103 8.8

Digestive area 1.18 X 104 75.4

Gill, mantle, palps 10 1.46X 102 1.0

Body 6.8 X 102 4.4

Digestive area 6.4 X



Gill, mantle, palps 15 5.0 X 102 0.32

Body 6.90X 102 4.4

Digestive area 5.70 X 103 36.3

oystersheld in the frozen state. Loss of virus titer

wasgradual during the entire period of the study

(Fig. 2). After 4 weeks of storage, the total virus count was reduced by little more than 0.5 log. By 12 weeks of storage, the original virus titer in the

oysters was reduced by one log. Approximately

91% of the virus was viable after 2 weeks of storage, 40% was still viable at 6 weeks, and 10% still survived after 12 weeks of storage (Table 2).

Stewed oyster studies. The inactivation of

poliovirus in stewed oysters was relatively rapid.

The stewing process caused the oysters to split

open after 2 min of cooking time, thereby releas-ing some of the virus into the hot milk. This fact probably accounted for some of the virus

inacti-vation.However, evenafter 8 min of stewing, 10%

of thevirus still survived in the oyster, and 7%

wasrecovered from the milk (Table 3).

Fried oyster studies. Theinitialinactivation of

poliovirusin the oyster was slow, with 61 % of the



0l -i I.0o 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time,days

FIG. 1. Survival of poliovirus in Olympia oysters refrigeratedat5Cfor 30 days.

4.0 3.0 \ ZZ, 2.0-.0h -I .0-0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time, weeks

FIG.2. Recovery ofpoliovirus fromPacific oysters frozenat -36Candheldinthefrozen stateat - 7.5

C. 4.0- 3.0-2-0-1c.-v7

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virus still viable after 3 min ofprocessing. The

virus were rapidlyinactivated as processing

con-tinued (Table 4). When the exper.iment was

terminated, after 10 min of frying,the virus count

had been reducedby approximately2.5logs. This

representsa 13% survival of poliovirus.

TABLE 2. Recovery of poliovirus from Pacific

oystersfrozen at -36 Cand storedfor


Time(weeks) VirusPFU/gof oyster virusPercent ofsurvival

0 1.03 X 104 100 2 9.7 X 103 94.1 4 9.4 X 103 91.1 6 4.2 X 10' 40.7 8 2.9 X 10' 28.1 10 2.0 X 10' 19.4 12 1.0 X 103 9.7

TABLE 3. Recovery of poliovirus from oysters processedby stewing

Sample Processing VirusPFU/g Percentof Internal time(min) orM1 survival temp (C)

Oyster 0 1.0X 104 100 18.5 2 2.7 X 102 27 33.5 4 1.4X 102 14 57.0 8 1.0 X 102 10 75.0 Milk 0 0 0 2 1.4 X 102 14 4 1.2 X 101 12 8 7.0 X 101 7

TABLE 4. Recoveryofpoliovirusfrom friedoysters processedfor8min

Processing VirusPFU/g Percent Internal time(min) ofsurvival temp(C)

0 1.2 X 104 100 23.0

3 7.6 X 10' 61 40.0

6 4.4 X 102 36 72.5

8 1.7 X 101 13 100.0

TABLE 5. Recovery of poliovirus from baked oystersprocessedfor20min

Processing VirusPFU/g Per cent Internal time(min) of survival temp(C)

0 1.9 X 104 100 25

5 4.6 X 103 24.2 41

15 3.9 X 102 20.5 68

20 2.7 X 101 12.7 90


inactiva-tionwasinitally rapid butdeclined asprocessing

proceeded (Table 5). Virus titer wasreduced by

approximately2.5 logs after20min of baking, at

whichtime the experimentwas terminated. Virus

titerwasrapidly reduced during thefirst 5 minof

baking, with only 24% ofthe virus still surviving

at this time. However, at the conclusion ofthe

study, 13% ofthe virus still survived in the baked


Steamed oyster studies. The inactivation of

poliovirus in steamedoystersappearedtoprogress

in four distinct stages, two ofrapid decline and

two of longer, more gradual decline. The total

viruscountwasdecreased by 1 log after 15 min

of steaming and by 2 logs atthe end ofthe

ex-periment. At this time, although theoysters had

been steamed for 30 min, approximately 7% of

theviruswas still viable (Fig. 3).

Heat penetration studies. The results of heat

penetration determinations for the above studies

arepresented inTables2through 6. Temperature

risewasrapid insideoystersprocessed by stewing

and frying, but less so in baked and steamed

oysters. Routinely, exposure to a temperature of

4.0-, 2 0- _ __ Q 0-0 FIG. 3. oysters. 5 0 15 20 25 30 Time, minutes

Kinetic of poliovirusinactivation insteamed

TABLE 6. Temperature increase in the digestive

area ofPacific oystersprocessedby


Time(min) Temp(C)

0 15.0 5 38.4 10 50.2 15 60.0 20 67.2 25 88.0 30 93.7 35 100.0

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70 C for30 min is required to fully heat-inactivate

poliovirus (1). In these studies, 6.5 min of heating

was required for stewed oysters to reach this

temperature, 5.5 minforfried oysters, 16 min for

baked oysters, and 20 min for steamed oysters.

Underexperimental conditions, only in the case of

steaming did the actual internal temperature of

theprocessed oysters attain that of input

(proces-sing temperature).Thiswasasexpectedandis due

in part totheprocessing timesused and in part to

the kinetics of heatpenetration.


Survivalof virus in chilled Olympia oysters. It

has been reported that enteroviruses would

per-sist foraconsiderable lengthoftime ininoculated,

chilled, commercial food products. Thus, Lynt

(14) observedthat type 1 poliovirus and typesBi

and B6 coxsackievirus would survive for at least

1 month in representative samples of

commerci-allyprepared foods stored at 10 C. The results of

ourstudiesarein agreementwith the observation

of Lynt and show that virus can survive for a

considerable length of time in chilled oysters.

After 15 days of storage at5 C, the total

polio-virus remaining in the Olympia oysters was

reducedby only60%.Significantly,three-fourths

of the remaining virus was recovered from the

digestivetract.After 30daysof storage,although

the oysterswere badly decomposed,



poliovirus was still viable, indicating that the

breakdown products of oyster decomposition

havelittle effectonthe virus.

Thesefindingsaresignificantsince theOlympia

oyster, a small cocktail oyster, is normally not

held either ingrocery orhousehold refrigeration

formorethan 5days.Obviously, refrigerationfor

thislength of timewillnotbe sufficientto

inacti-vate evenlownumbers ofvirus.

Thereasonsfor theprolonged survivalofvirus inshellfish are notknown. Thetendency ofvirus

to aggregate and their incorporation by ionic

bonding into shellfish mucous may be meansby whichvirus areableto survive in chilled oysters.

However, further research is needed to clarify


Survival ofvirus in frozen oysters. Lynt (14)

reported thatpoliovirustype 1 andcoxackievirus

types Bi and B6 would survive for 5 months in

inoculated frozen foods held at -20C, findings

subsequently confirmed by Heidelbaugh and

Giron (6). Results of the present studies with

Pacific oysters show that virus also survive for

considerable lengths of time in frozen oysters. In

our studies, the titer of poliovirus in frozen

Pacificoysterswasreducedby less than10% after

4weeksof storageat -17.5 C, and byonlyone

log after 12 weeks ofstorageat this temperature.

The de facto survivalofvirus in frozen oysters

is ofpublic health significance. Since the advent

ofmodern freezing techniques, there is

consider-able interstate shipment of frozen shellfish. If the

shellfishareharvested froman areacontaminated

with virus, or if the animals become secondarily

contaminated during handling, freezing will not

inactivate these pathogens. Hence, these shellfish

can serve asvectorsforthe dissemination of virus


Survival of virus in stewed, fried, baked, and

steamed oysters. Viruses are known to be

in-activated by heat, which causes coagulation and

breakdown of the virus protein coat. However,

the medium in which viruses are held has been

shown to influence virus sensitivity to thermal inactivation (4, 19, 20).

Results ofprocessingstudiesshowthatvirus in

oysters survived the inactivating effects ofheat.

Survival ofthe virus ranged from 7 to



different homecooking procedures. Virus

resist-ance to inactivation wasinfluencedby the method

of processing used. Thus, virus survival was

greaterin fried and baked oysters (13%) thanin

steamed and stewed shellfish


It has been proven that most of the virus in

contaminated oysters is found in the digestive


(11, 15).

Theheat penetration studies have

shownthat,attheprocessingtimes normally used

to cook oysters, the internal temperature of the

shellfish is not sufficient to inactivate all of the virus which maybe present.

These findings are of great public health

sig-nificance, since it is often assumed that cooked

oystersare ipsofacto safe foods. Webelieve that

the possible accumulation by, and survival of,

virus in marine foodproductsis anareain which

moreresearch should be conducted.


This researchwassupported by Public Health Service grant UI01039-05fromthe National Center for UrbanandIndustrial

Health,ConsumerProtection,andEnvironmentalHealthService. LITERATURE CITED

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on January 20, 2021 by guest



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on January 20, 2021 by guest



FIG. 2. Recovery of poliovirus from Pacific oysters frozen at -36 C and held in the frozen state at - 7.5
TABLE 2. Recovery of poliovirus from Pacific oysters frozen at -36 C and stored for


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