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Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner


Academic year: 2021

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17–18 March 2014 | novotel on collins, Melbourne

speaker Faculty Includes:

topics to be Addressed:

• Dr Frances Hughes, Chief Nursing and Midwifery

Officer, Nursing and Midwifery Office, Queensland

• Prof Andrew Cashin, Professor of Nursing, Southern

Cross University

• Petrina Halloran, Senior Policy Officer, Nursing

and Midwifery Board of Australia, Australian

Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, (AHPRA)

• Lesley Pearson, Regional Manager, Silver Chain

Group, Primary Health Country WA

• Rebecca Johnson, Director of Nursing – Mental

Health Program and Associate Program Director,

Adult Acute Inpatient Services, Eastern Health

• Brenda Close, Director of Nursing & Midwifery,

Weipa Integrated Health Service and Napranum

Primary Health Care Centre

• Josh Stafford, Director or Nursing & Midwifery,

Aurukun and Mapoon Primary Health Care Centres

• Dan Schiftan, Policy Advisor – Nurse Practitioner,

Nursing and Midwifery Workforce, Department

of Health, Victoria

• Developing Sustainable Nurse Practitioner Models

of Care for the Future

• Supporting Implementation and Professional Growth

of the NP Role

• The New Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Nurse Practitioner Standards

• Attracting Medicare Benefits to Support NP Roles

in Public and Private Healthcare Settings

• Innovative Models of Care Across Primary

& Secondary Healthcare

• Addressing Work Force Issues and Succession

Planning for the Future

• Supporting the Business Case for the NP Role

Through the use of Evidence Based Improved

Health Outcomes

• Recruitment, Selection and Retention Techniques

• Developing the Required Business Tools

to Enhance Productivity


Developing the Role

of the Nurse Practitioner

A conference for organisations and managers looking to better understand,

utilise and grow the role of the nurse practitioner in their health service.

4th Annual

WorKshop A

how to successfully Attract Medicare

benefits for your organisation

DaY 1, Monday 17th March 2014

Peter Larter, Director, Larter Consulting

WorKshop b

strategies to Address Workforce Issues

and succession planning

Day 2, Tuesday 18th March 2014

Claire Austin, Consulting Principal, Sapere Research Group

Endorsed by:

This conference is endorsed by APEC No 090810001 as authorised by Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) according to approved criteria. Attendance attracts 12.5 RCNA CNE points as part of RCNA’s Life Long

Learning Program (3LP)


IIR Conferences: Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia ● PO Box Q1439, Sydney QVB, NSW 1230 T: +61 2 9080 4000 ● F: +61 2 9290 2141 ● E: info@iir.com.au ● www.iir.com.au ● ABN: 66 086 268 313

It is my pleasure to introduce the 4


Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner Conference. The

2014 Conference will act as an interactive meeting place for Hospital Executives, Nursing Management, Project

Officers, Policy Makers and the Nurse Practitioners themselves; across Primary and Secondary Healthcare.

The purpose of the conference series since its beginnings in 2011 has been to provide Health Service

Management with a better understanding of how to best utilise the NP Role, and how to manage the

considerable challenges of implementing the role.

The 4th Annual Conference will facilitate information sharing, stimulate open discussion and offer excellent

networking opportunities; allowing full evaluation of the Nurse Practitioner role within the current health

environment, and a glimpse into the future of the role from a management perspective.

The event will provide a well-rounded update on new standards & changes to the endorsement process

and will allow for full evaluation of models of care specific to unique healthcare environments. It will offer

strategies to help combat work force issues around succession planning and recruitment and will provide

insight on how to attract Medicare Benefits specific to your organisation, and more importantly will deliver

evidence based data in order to better support the business case for the NP role going forward.

Together I hope we can address current challenges, promote understanding of the role and champion

successes within the profession.

I look forward to meeting you at the event,

Best Wishes.

Melanie Healy

Conference Manager,



Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner




+61 2 9080 4090



Interested In sponsorIng or exhIbItIng?

Sponsor or Exhibit at the 4th Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner Conference and place your organisation ahead of the competition.

The conference will bring your organisation directly to senior area health service executives, Directors and Managers of nursing, senior Managers from both a public and private health care setting, and indeed the nursing workforce themselves. Whether your goal is to network and make new contacts, introduce products and services, or establish and maintain your

prominence in the industry, we will work with you to develop a solution that meets your objectives. For more information, please contact Damian Dulanovic on (+61) 2 9080 4042 or Damian.Dulanovic@iir.com.au

Australia’s leading healthcare conference provider


4th Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner

8:30 Registration and coffee 9:00 Opening remarks from the Chair

Prof andrew cashin, Professor of Nursing, southern cross University

neW stAndArds In proVIdIng IMproVed CLArItY For the np roLe

openIng KeYnote Address

9:10 saying What We Mean and Doing What We say: The Evolving case of clarity In australian advanced Practice In nursing

We are Approaching an Era Of Rational Workforce Planning Based On Scenario Modelling in Australia, There is a Need to Match the Work to be Done with Those Able to Do it, as Opposed to Planning Based on Tradition Alone.

Addressing the need for nursing to be utilised to its full potential: • Those outside of the profession need to be able to understand

what work is within the scope of the role associated with nursing position titles

• The new Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Nurse Practitioner Standards are considered in terms of their contribution to clarity

Prof andrew cashin, Professor of Nursing, southern cross University

9:40 a Practical Insight into gaining nurse Practitioner Endorsement

• An Insight into Current endorsement processes • Review of the NP registration standard and guideline • Hints for portfolio development

Petrina Halloran, Senior Policy Officer, nursing and Midwifery Board of australia, australian Health Practitioner Regulation agency, (aHPRa)

10:10 The new competency standards in Practice: What are The changes and How The nP can Meet The criteria?

• Comparison of the new standards against the previous competencies

• A brief look at areas that need to be addressed in models developed for Nurse Practitioner Candidates as they near endorsement

• A more in depth look at a couple of the statements and how the NP can meet the criteria

• Discussion around what clinical leadership, best practice and research

amanda collings, Project Officer, Bendigo Health 10:40 Morning tea

InnoVAtIVe ModeLs oF CAre ACross prIMArY & seCondArY heALthCAre 11:10 True gRIT: six Deliverables in the Development of nurse

Practitioners to Wa country

An Insight into the Development of the “True GRIT 6 Service Delivery Model.” The Journey of 2 Innovative Pilot Programs in Rural & Remote Nurse Practitioner Services Across 3 Regions in WA.

• Challenges around building relationships and what collaboration experiences are discovered between public private and NGO sector

• Determining evidence based data and the involvement of research internal and external to Silver Chain Group • Sustainability into the future in non-recurrent programs

by defining the unit cost and developing the Product • Development of business tools to enhance productivity • Marketing and lobbying the role of the Nurse Practitioner

and Primary Health

Lesley Pearson, Regional Manager, silver chain group, Primary Health country Wa

pAneL presentAtIon: prACtICAL eVALuAtIon oF speCIFIC ModeLs oF CAre ACross prIMArY

& seCondArY heALthCAre

11:40 Evaluation of Models of care across Inter-state

• Role Overview & Implementation of Different Models of Care: • Patient Groups Seen By The NP

• Volume Of Referrals

• Impacts To The Organisation, How The NP Role Has Made A Difference?

• What is working Vs. Issues with Role

• Nursing Leadership Examples of Improvements In Quality Of Care

• Collaborative Practice and Consumer Satisfaction • What is needed to support the NP role going forward?

Peter Jenkin, Nurse Practitioner – Palliative Care, Resthaven carol Jones, Nurse Practitioner – General Practice, Murray Medical centre

Daniel o’neil, Nurse Practitioner – Emergency, Port Macquarie Hospital

catherine smith, Nurse Practitioner – Perioperative, Healthy Weight clinic

Laura Black, Nurse Practitioner – Primary Health, southern Inland Health Initiative, Eastern Wheatbelt

Panel Facilitator: Kathleen Tori, Course Coordinator for Master of Nursing, La Trobe University

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Developing nP Pathways within Remote & Indigenous communities in Far north Qld

Brenda close, Director of Nursing & Midwifery, Weipa Integrated Health service and napranum Primary Health care centre Josh stafford, Director or Nursing & Midwifery, aurukun and Mapoon Primary Health care centres

rIghts And LIMItAtIons oF np’s WIthIn the MedICAre beneFIts sCheduLe (Mbs)

2:30 nurse Practitioners and the Medicare Benefits schedule (MBs)

• Nurse practitioners and their access to the MBS • Current issues and Future directions

shane Porter, Principal Adviser – Medical Benefits Division,

commonwealth Department of Health

dAY one: Monday 17




17–18 March 2014 | Novotel on Collins, Melbourne

WorKshop A: hoW to suCCessFuLLY AttrACt MedICAre beneFIts For Your orgAnIsAtIon

3:00 attracting Medicare Benefits to support nurse Practitioner Roles in Public and Private Healthcare settings

• Understanding nurse practitioner MBS item numbers and requirements

• An outline of possible conditions under which Medicare can be billed by salaried practitioners in public settings

• Showcasing mixed public/private business models that attract Medicare benefits

• Case study: salaried practitioner attracting Medicare benefits • Links to nurse practitioner business modelling

Peter Larter, Director, Larter consulting 4:15 Afternoon tea

proMotIng CoLLAborAtIon For the Future 4:30 Practical comparison of the clinical nurse consultant Role

& the nurse Practitioner Role, and an overview of Medicare Item numbers Relevant To nP consultations in a Private Hospital setting

• Collaboration between advanced practice roles in delivering patient care

• Aspects of patient care, Non Prescribing Vs. Prescribing • Reducing Length of Hospital Stay

• Providing a continuum of patient care • Business case perspective

• Patient and medical perspectives • Delivery of cost efficient holistic patient care

• Current work in progress with Medicare Item Numbers

Jill Kelly, Nurse Practitioner – Acute Pain Service, st John of god subiaco Hospital

CLosIng pAneL dIsCussIon

5:00 To what extent can the nP role continue to evolve to allow for greater future sustainability and add to nursing as a whole?

• How do we promote the role and engage staff working with the NP?

• The advantages of enabling the full scope of practice? • How do we allow for a viable financial model for the future? • What are the advantages of incorporating ehealth and electronic

medical records?

• What is the Future for the NP Role – where do we go from here?

Invited Panellists:

amanda adrian, CEO, australian nursing and Midwifery accreditation council (anMac)

Belinda Donkin-Evers, Nurse Practitioner, Private Practice Prof Rhian Parker, Associate Professor, ceRaPH, Faculty of Health

Fiona stoker, Clinical Professor, chief nurse and Midwifery officer, Director of Education and Training, DHHs, Tasmania samantha gibson, NEC representative for Western Australia, cnsa

Dr Justine Douthwaite, Senior CMO Emergency Medicine,

nsW Health

Panel Facilitator: Prof andrew cashin, Professor of Nursing,

southern cross University 5:40 Closing remarks from the Chair

5:45 IIR Invites all speakers and delegates to an informal networking drinks reception

8:30 Registration and coffee

9:00 opening remarks: Morning session chair

Karen glaetzer, Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner, southern adelaide Palliative services

essentIAL FACtors reQuIred to estAbLIsh sustAInAbLe np ModeLs For the Future

openIng KeYnote Address

9:10 opening Keynote: optimising the nurse Practitioner Role in Queensland

• The current role of the Nurse Practitioner in Queensland • Opportunities for future development and growth

• Optimising the NP role for better patient care moving forward

Dr Frances Hughes, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer,

nursing and Midwifery office, Queensland 9:30 nurse Practitioners – can They Plug any gap?

Exploration of the factors which are essential for the sustainability of NP positions: Using 6 years of experience managing NP roles. • Case studies of roles which have been implemented successfully

and those which have been vacated or have not been filled • The extended use of these roles in publicly funded Primary Health Care with the advent of Medicare Locals in proposing a number of potential roles proposed for NP’s

• The importance of planning, organisational and clinical supervision • The role of the line manager in supporting the role

catherine Turner, Medicare Local after Hours Program Manager, Hunter Medicare Local nsW

10:00 Establishing a sustainable and comprehensive nurse Practitioner Model

Development of the REACH (Roaming Education and Community Health) Clinic: An informative overview of the strategy behind building a financially sustainable Nurse Practitioner model. • Needs analysis undertaken resulting in provision of care

to marginalised and vulnerable population groups including homeless, homeless youth, migrant and refugee children, aged care and mental health

• Making use of whole workforce and clinicians working to the full scope of their practice

• Developing a research agenda and linking with industry • Work readiness on completion of training

• Generalist Nurse Practitioner Vs. Specialist Nurse Practitioner

Kylie Mayo, Clinical Director, Roaming Education and community Health clinic

dAY tWo: tuesday 18






+61 2 9080 4090




4th Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner

Jemma Weidinger, Nurse Practitioner, Roaming Education and community Health clinic

10:30 Beginnings to Future: Building a sustainable nurse Practitioner Workforce in Mental Health

In 2009 an opportunity was presented by the Victorian Dept. of Health to undertake a short term project to scope the viability of NP roles within the Mental Health Sector. Nursing workforce strategy has since been articulated across the organisation, Clinical Governance is now clearly defined within the service and supervision structures are clearly articulated for Nurse Practitioners and Candidates.

• How does an NP scope of practice differ to a senior mental health nurse?

• What are the clinical leadership responsibilities of an NP? • An overview of workflow improvements with respect to NEAT • Establishing the case for a Nurse Practitioner

• Clinical Governance and stakeholder engagement • Supervision and support structures

Rebecca Johnson, Director of Nursing – Mental Health Program and Associate Program Director, adult acute Inpatient services, Eastern Health

11:00 Morning tea

11:20 opening remarks: afternoon session chair Daniel o’neil, Nurse Practitioner – Emergency,

Port Macquarie Hospital

AddressIng WorKForCe Issues & supportIng proFessIonAL groWth

11:30 supporting nurse Practitioner Professional growth

• Strategic alignment: aligning the NP role to organisation and service strategy

• NP governance: who should NPs report to?

• The evolution of the Monash Health NP Professional Panel • NP’s as mentors and the role of clinical supervision • Getting your Nurse Practitioners working together

Jo Begbie, Deputy Director of Nursing and Midwifery – Professional Practice, nursing and Midwifery Education & strategy, Monash Health

WorKshop b: strAtegIes to Address WorKForCe Issues And suCessIon pLAnnIng

12:00 Tackling Work-Force Issues:

• How to Best Tackle Workforce Issues in the current health environment?

• Challenges around Recruitment, Selection and Retention specific to the NP role

• Implementation of NP into Workforce: How Management Can Best Facilitate Introduction of the Nurse Practitioner role? • Creating a Consistent Approach to training and education

– creating a training framework • Practical advice for succession planning

claire austin, Consulting Principal, sapere Research group 1:15 Lunch

CAse studIes: IMpLeMentIng A stAte-WIde ApproACh 2:15 The Victorian nurse Practitioner Mentoring Pilot

This Pilot Brought Together 20 Candidates (Mentees) That Had Been Supported By The Victorian Nurse Practitioner Program (VNPP) & 20 Nurse Leaders From Around Victoria. • Expressions of interest lead to all mentors being Directors

of Nursing or Nurse Practitioner endorsed for greater than 3 years, who volunteered to participate and committed to an 18 month relationship and 3 workshops

• The pilot has been formally evaluated and it is hoped that the resulting report will guide the development of an ongoing Victorian NP mentorship program

Dan schiftan, Policy Advisor – Nurse Practitioner, nursing and Midwifery Workforce, Department of Health, Victoria 2:45 adopting a state-Wide approach to Palliative care nurse

Practitioner Development in south australia

• The rationale for developing a state-wide approach • NP Pathway program description

• Reflecting on the successes and challenges of the programme

• Program status: 2014

• One NP candidate’s experience of the program

Karen glaetzer, Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner,

southern adelaide Palliative services

Heather Broadbent, Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner,

southern adelaide Palliative services 3:50 Closing remarks from the Chair 4:00 Close of Conference & Afternoon Tea

WorKshop LeAder proFILes:

peter Larter

Peter Larter is a Primary Health Care Consultant with qualifications in Health Economics, Politics, and Education & Training.

Peter is passionate about improving the health of local communities, and assisting health organisations and providers to access government funding for the provision of health and social services. Peter has worked in both Commonwealth and Victorian Health Departments and Medicare Locals; is Secretary of Eating Disorders Victoria and a board member of registered charity Health Australia & Tanzania.

Claire Austin

Claire Austin has 16 years Senior Management Health Sector experience, including extensive strategic and operational leadership as a Chief Executive in the New Zealand and Australian health sectors at National, State and Local levels of primary care.

Claire specialises in Health Workforce issues, Primary and Rural Health Care Policy, Health Reform and Service Development, Health Practitioner Regulation and Health Sector Organisation Strategy & Change Management. Claire has in-depth knowledge of health workforce issues including issues of attraction, recruitment and distribution in primary and rural health care settings.


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sTaY connEcTED

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Cancellations must be advised in writing at least 10 working days prior to the event. An administration fee of $550 (inc 10% GST) will be incurred for cancellations. A refund will not be given if a delegate fails to attend or cancels within 10 working days prior to the event. Informa reserves the right to cancel, alter the content and/or speakers on any program. Paid registration fees will be fully refunded for cancelled events. Fully paid delegates unable to attend will be provided with on line access to speaker presentations post event. Substitutions can be made at any time before the event without penalty. We do not refund airfares or hotel expenses if the event is cancelled.

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Business attire is suggested along with a jacket in case the conference room is cool.

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Please visit us online for our full privacy policy at www.iir.com.au/privacy. Database amendments can be sent to database@iir.com.au or by calling +61 2 9080 4090 asking for the database department.

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Payment must be made prior to the event or admittance will not be permitted. A tax invoice and confirmation letter will be emailed to the attendee upon completion of a valid registration. Payment may be made by EFT, cheque or credit card. Credit card payments will not be accepted by email or fax and must be made via our secure credit card gateway.

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A.B.N. 66 086 268 313

Registration Fees Include:

Entrance to the relevant conference package purchased, refreshment breaks, lunch, online access to available speaker presentations (five working days post event). Please note travel and accommodation is not included. Ticket sharing is not available.

Accommodation & Travel:

For your convenience, please access this event via our website and click on the ‘Venue, Accommodation and Travel’ tab or call the Lido Group on 1800 817 339.

4th Annual Developing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner

17–18 March 2014 | novotel on collins, Melbourne

Registration Details

REGISTER EARLY & SAVE $220 Book & pay on or before 14 February 2014Early BirD ratE Book & pay after 14 February 2014StaNDarD ratE


Conference Only (17–18 March 2014) $1695.00 $169.50 $1864.50 $220 $1895.00 $189.50 $2084.50

Use your QR Reader App on your smartphone

and scan this code to take you directly to the

secure registration page.

Conference Venue:

Novotel on Collins, Melbourne

270 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone (03) 09667 5800 URL www.novotelmelbourne.com.au 10 560

The Future of the Nurse

Practitioner Role from a

Management Perspective;

Time to Focus on

Sustainability, Collaboration


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