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Spatial expression of alpha and beta tubulin genes in the late embryogenesis of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus


Academic year: 2020

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Fig. 2. Whole-mountin situdevelopmentalhybridizationofParacentrotus /ividus embryos illustrating thepattern of expression of the aand ptubulinembryonictranscripts(blue stain-ing region).Embryos were photographed with anAxioskop20 (Zeiss)photo microscope eq
Fig. 3. Whole-mountin situ hybridizationtubuli"of the a and ~transcriptsonParacentrotuslividusdeciliatedembryos.The whole-mountin situ hybridization experimentswere performedas describedin Figure 2
Fig. 4. Whole-mountin situhybridizationon 36 hprism-equivalentVPA-treatedembryos.PIf33 tran-script is localized in the thickenedepitheliumof theapicaltuftandintheciliatedband(columnAI, orrestricted to the thickened ectoderm of the apical tuftwhenthe archen
Fig. 5, Northernblotcomparativeanalysis. (AI 10 P.9 of rotal RNAextractedfromgastrula(G) anddeeilistedgastrula(0)embryos.werefractionatedby formafdehyde-agarosegel electrophoresis.blottedontonylonmembraneandhybridizedwitha specific3' UTR oligonucleotideant


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