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Saint Anne Catholic Church


Academic year: 2021

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Saint Anne Catholic


January 17th, 2021


The Church is Open for Prayer

Tuesday—Friday 9:00 am—2:00 pm


Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Friday: Adoration/Confession -4:30-5:15pm

Mass at 5:30pm for Physical Healing


Monday—Friday 9:00 am—2:00 pm


Daily Mass:

Tuesday—Friday 8:00 am

Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:30 am

(Special Feast Day Masses, will be listed inside, as they occur)

Novena of the Miraculous Medal

of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Thursday after 8 AM Mass


By appointment with Fr. Chuck

Call office 850-456-5966, option 6



Welcome to St. Anne’s Catholic Church - Bellview

Fr. Chuck Collins, Pastor

[email protected]

5200 Saufley Field Road Pensacola, Florida 32526

Phone: (850) 456-5966 Fax: (888) 734-5151

Email: [email protected]

Bulletin and Website: John Gud [email protected]

Religious Ed: Patricia Root [email protected]

RCIA: Fr. Chuck Collins

Custodian: Ronda Behnke

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Website: News Without Pews: www.saintannebellview.org

Weddings: Please contact church office a minimum of 6 months prior to requested Wedding date.

Baptism: Baptisms are performed between the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Mass, the FIRST Sunday of

each month. Please contact church office a minimum of 1 month prior to requested date.


First Reading:

Speak, Lord, for your servant is

listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19).


Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will

(Psalm 40).

Second Reading:

Your bodies are members of

Christ; glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians

6:13c-15a, 17-20).


The first disciples saw where Jesus was

staying and they stayed with him (John 1:35-42).


Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c;

Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk


Thursday: Heb 7:25-8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk



Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk


or any of a number of readings for

the Day of Prayer

Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9;

Mk 3:20-21

Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor

7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20

Mon January 18 No Mass

Tues January 19

8:00 am ϯby John Gill Barbara Semmelmann

Wed January 20

8:00 am sp John Gud (Birthday) by Valerie Licari Thur January 21

8:00 am ϯBy Fr Chuck Tiffany MacKindrick Fri January 22

8:00 am Healing Mass 5:30 pm


Dennis Meek

by Maria Meek Flanagan

sp Michael Belew

by Kathy Salamida

Sat January 23

4:00 pm Pro Populo (For the Parish)

Sun January 24

8 am ϯ

Roger Flanagan

by Maria Meek Flanagan

Sun January 25

10:30 am Ϯby Pat and Aida Florian Greg Florian (Birthday)

Steve DeLoach, David Britton, Virginia Moretti, Frank & Patricia Dileonan-do, Jason Reynolds, Eleanor Camichael, Marie Ward, Andy & Gert Cicero, Butch & Joan Durden, April, Brooke and Natalie Edwards, Tina Jennings, Pat Kaderly, Dcn Don Krehely, Ursula Mahler, Melanie McCallum, Jack McCurdy, Pat & Roger Odom, Maria Orf, Anna Phillips, Jim Putman, Manu-al SManu-alinas, John Shay, Angel Sifuentes, Howard Justice Strickland. To add/ remove someone to/from the prayer list please call 456-5966 or [email protected].


Prayer List UPDATE

Daisy Frederica wishes to thank all for your pray-ers & support while she was in the hospital!

Every once in a while, we have to begin fresh with our prayer list, to make sure we have room for every-one.

If you or a loved one is still in need of prayer, please let us know. But if we don’t hear from you by the end of the month, we will assume God has answered your prayers and provided some consolation and healing in your life. Thank you for helping us to keep our list up to date!

[email protected] or 850-456-5966

Tuesday: Legion of Mary

8:45-10:15 am

Wednesday: Adoration

8:45-4:00 pm

Thursday: Blessed Hands

12:00-2:00 pm


Paul’s le er to the Romans has been at the

center of re


ec on, conversion, and

contro-versy from the very beginning. Romans: The

Gospel of Salva on is a new eight-week Bible

study we are offering that will help you make

sense of the difficult passages regarding

faith, works of the law, and jus


ca on. It

will give you an authen cally Catholic,

com-prehensive, and simple way to understand

this challenging epistle.

This study will begin

on FEBRUARY 22, 2021-APRIL 25, 2021.

Par-cipants will meet every week to view an

en-gaging video presenta on by Dr. Andrew


ord and Je

Cavins. For more

infor-ma on contact Beth Javier at

[email protected]

or 850-454-4445.

We hope you can join us!

Registra on is available in the Parish

office-beginning January 11, 2021.


Educational Material on the Danger of Abuse -

The overwhelming majority of our clergy and lay leaders are hardworking individuals who are dedicated to serving the people of God in our parishes and schools. All of us together are responsible for making sure that all of our ministries are as safe as possible for our children and vulnerable adults. Each of us has a responsibility to educate ourselves about the real danger of abuse. For help with online courses and other safety matters, please contact the Diocese Office of Safe Environment at 850-435-3570.

Victims of Abuse -

The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing the hurting hearts of sexual abuse victims and has established Victims Assistance Coordinators who are experienced and trained counselors and are available to help persons who have been sexually abused by a priest, deacon or other church personnel. Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee; 850-435-3536. Diocesan Abuse Hotline: 850-435-3536.


St. Anne's News Without Pews

Go to


and view

the calendar, upcoming events, ministries,

and articles about activities. We also have

an "Email Tree" with over 200 members. To

subscribe, please send your contact

information in an email to

[email protected]

or follow us on

Facebook @stannebellview

Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee


Follow the diocese for all events, news and so

much more! #ptdiocese #thechurchfullyalive

Televised Mass

To comfort the sick or shut-ins, is available in

the Pensacola area at 10:30 a.m. Sundays on

Cox cable channel 12, (WJTC/UPN Mobile).

Relevant Radio

Talk Radio for Catholic Life

Assisting the Church in the New Evangelization by providing relevant programming through media platforms to help people bridge the gap between faith and every day life.


or get the


Studio Line: 888-914-9149 Prayer Line: 888-577-5443 Donor Line: 877-291-0123

PARISH REGISTRATION: Registration forms for new parishioners are available in the back of church, in the church office, or on our website. Also, please notify the office of any changes in your family registration information (such as address, email or phone number changes. Or if you are moving away from our parish.) Thank you!

BULLETIN: Deadline is 10 days before published Sunday. Email [email protected]

E-GIVING! Electronic Giving is quick and easy! Just log in to our website: saintannebellview.org and click on the blue Online Giving button. Choose your fund (Offertory, Building Fund, Holy Days, etc.), how much and how frequently you want to contribute (weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, annually). You can log-in once with your email and a password, or set up a profile for repeat giving. It is ESSENTIAL to keep track of your info for future changes (we cannot make changes for you.) For customer service, call 800-675-7430.

Please patronize our sponsors! This bulletin is made possible through their support.





Amazon Smiles has generated over

$800 to At Anne this year!

Do you shop on Amazon? Would you like to give to St. Anne at the same time? You can sign up to have a portion of most Amazon purchases given to St. Anne by using Amazon Smile. This is a non -profit part of Amazon that will give a percent of all qualifying orders to any charity that you would like. St. Anne is now a charitable organization on Amazon for you to support. The best part, there is no cost to you the subscriber. All you need to do is log into your existing amazon account using the website smile.amazon.com. Then you can search for “St Annes Catholic Church-Belleview”

Additional Confession Times:

In the Church

Wednesday 9:00-10:00 am

& 3:00—4:00 pm

Thursday 9:00 – 10:00 am

Evening of Healing is back!

In the Church this Friday!

Adoration and Confession

4:30 pm—5:15 pm


5:30 pm

Eucharistic Healing Following Mass

January 22nd : Resentment

The call of the young boy Samuel into

the Lord’s service is always a favourite.

It is easy to imagine the boy lying,

doz-ing on his mat in the half-darkness,

hearing the voice murmur ‘Shmuel’ (the

Hebrew form of his name). Was it really

a call, was it the old prophet calling, or

just the wind in the pillars of the

Tem-ple? He has all the directness,

willing-ness and simplicity of a child, the sort

of qualities needed for the Kingdom of

God. Often, however, in the same way

we do not know whether an ‘inspiration’

is really the call of God or our own

im-agination. Prayer and advice help in

discerning the genuine call from a

mad-cap scheme! Others may know us

bet-ter than we know ourselves, and God’s

call is always fitted to our true nature.

This Weekend’s

2nd collection is

for BURSE Club!



St. Anne Church

5200 Saufley Field Rd

Pensacola, FL 32526


Contact: John Gud (850) 495-1019


Publisher 365

Adobe 9.0

Windows 10

Printer: Toshiba eStudio 5540c

Sunday Date: 01/17/2021

Transmission Time: 11:00 am


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