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Neuroimaging of Intraparenchymal Lesions Predicts Outcome in Shaken Baby Syndrome


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Neuroimaging of Intraparenchymal Lesions Predicts

Outcome in Shaken Baby Syndrome

Christine Bonnier, MD*; Marie-Ce´cile Nassogne, MD, PhD*; Christine Saint-Martin, MD‡; Bettina Mesples, MD§; Hazim Kadhim, MD, PhD*储; and Guillaume Se´bire, MD, PhD*

ABSTRACT. Objective. Studies of long-term outcome on nonaccidental head injury (NAHI) in young children have shown severe neurodevelopmental sequelae in most cases. For improving the knowledge of outcome and for identifying prognostic factors, additional clinical and cerebral imaging data are needed. The aim of this study was to describe clinical and imaging features over time and to consider their value for predicting neurodevelop-mental outcome.

Methods. A retrospective medical record review was conducted of 23 children with confirmed NAHI, for whom an extended follow-up of 2.5 to 13 years (mean: 6 years) was contemplated. Glasgow Coma Scale scores, severity of retinal hemorrhages, presence of skull frac-tures, cranial growth deceleration, and sequential neuro-imaging data (computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging) were compared with patterns of clin-ical evolution assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale.

Results. Clinical outcome showed that 14 (61%) chil-dren had severe disabilities, 8 (35%) had moderate dis-abilities, and 1 (4%) was normal. A low initial Glasgow Coma Scale score, severe retinal hemorrhages, presence of skull fracture, and cranial growth deceleration were significantly associated with poor developmental out-come. Eighteen of the 23 patients had abnormal magnetic resonance imaging scans. This examination disclosed at-rophy when performed beyond 15 days of injury. Atro-phy seemingly resulted from various brain lesions, namely, contusions, infarcts, and other lesions within the white matter. Presence of intraparenchymal brain lesions within the first 3 months was significantly associated with neurodevelopmental impairment. Severity of motor and cognitive dysfunctions was related to the extent of intraparenchymal lesions.

Conclusions. Early clinical and radiologic findings in NAHI are of prognostic value for neurodevelopmental outcome.Pediatrics2003;112:808 – 814;nonaccidental head injury, traumatic brain injury, child abuse, shaken-infant syndrome, neuroimaging, outcome.

ABBREVIATIONS. NAHI, nonaccidental head injury; SBS, shak-en-baby syndrome; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; GOS, Glasgow

Outcome Scale; GR, good recovery; MD, moderate disability; SD, severe disability; PVS, persistent vegetative state.


onaccidental head injury (NAHI) includes 1 or more of the following: shaking injury, le-sions as a result of direct impact, compres-sion, and penetrating injuries.1 The most frequent

form of NAHI, the so-called shaken baby syndrome (SBS), occurs during the first year of life.2 Death

occurs in 10% to 40% of patients, and most survivors have poor neurologic outcome.3–10 Neurologic

se-quelae include cognitive and behavioral distur-bances, cerebral palsy, blindness, and epilepsy.11–14

Factors of adverse prognostic significance identified to date include ophthalmologic symptoms,7,15–17

sei-zures early after injury,18 high intracranial

pres-sure,19 cranial growth impairment,11,12 and major

neuroradiologic abnormalities such as the “big black brain,” indicating severe edema on computed to-mography (CT) scans.20 Recent prospective studies

established a correlation between neuroimaging and short-term outcome.21,22To our knowledge, there are

no studies correlating the long-term neurodevelop-mental outcome with intraparenchymal lesions in-vestigated by combined CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Thus, the aim of this study was to correlate both early (see “Patients and Methods”) clinical and radiologic findings during the first 3 months after injury, with long-term neu-rodevelopmental outcome in children with a history of NAHI.


The medical charts of all patients who were admitted between 1985 and 1998 (n ⫽ 25) to Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels, Belgium, with a diagnosis of NAHI were reviewed retrospectively. The “Child Protection Team” in our hospital es-tablished the diagnosis in each patient according to Duhaime criteria.4These include acute encephalopathy with subdural

hem-orrhages, cerebral edema, retinal hemhem-orrhages, and fractures, in the context of an inappropriate or inconsistent history, commonly with additional evidence of other malicious injuries. Two infants died during the acute period. Brain imaging was not available for 1 of them; these 2 patients were not included in our study because the goal was to correlate imaging with long-term developmental evolution. The remaining 23 patients underwent the full follow-up procedure described in “Outcome Assessment.” Table 1 summa-rizes the clinical and radiologic findings at the acute phase and the long-term outcome in the 23 patients. Mean age at injury was 4.2 months (range: 3 weeks to 13 months). The male-to-female ratio was 3:1. To improve the sensitivity of our study for detecting long-term sequelae, we included only patients who were 3 years

From the *Service de Neurologie Pe´diatrique, ‡De´partement de Radiologie, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Universite´ Catholique de Louvain, Brus-sels, Belgium; §Service de Pe´diatrie Ge´ne´rale, Hopital Robert-Debre´, Faculte´ Xavier-Bichat, Universite´ Paris VII, Paris, France; and储Service de Neuropa-thologie, CHU Brugmann, ULB, Brussels, Belgium.

Received for publication Mar 29, 2002; accepted Feb 12, 2003.


of age or older at the last evaluation. Mean follow-up duration was 6 years (range: 2.5–13 years). The severity of injury was determined using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)23and the

du-ration of impaired consciousness, adapted for infants by Ewing-Cobbs.21,22,24When 2 different GCS scores were available during

the first 24 hours, the lowest one was considered. The initial GCS was always performed in nonsedated patients. In alignment with other studies of brain injury in young children,24we separated our

patients into 2 groups: 1) patients with GCS 9 to 15 with conscious-ness impairment for⬍24 hours and 2) patients with GCS 3 to 8 for at least 6 hours or consciousness impairment for⬎24 hours. All children underwent skeletal radiographs and optic funduscopy within the first 3 days after admission.

Neuroradiologic Assessment

All children had “initial” (ie, within 2 days after admission) clinical and paraclinical investigations. These included at least 1 CT scan. “Early” and “late” imaging (CT and MRI) studies were defined as studies done before and after 3 months, respectively. Early MRI of the brain (T1- and weighted axial, T1- or T2-weighted coronal and sagittal sections) was done in 12 patients, and late MRI in was done 20 patients. Six of 7 infants (patients 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 19, and 23) each had 1 MRI during the first 15 days; in patient 15, MRI was repeated (days 2 and 4). One MRI was performed in each of the 9 children (patients 3, 4, 7, 9, 16, 17, 19, 21, and 23) between days 15 and 90. All images were reviewed by an independent investigator who was unaware of clinical out-come. “Diffuse” lesions were defined as extensive lesions on both sides of the brain affecting at least 3 lobes. We described as “infarcts” lesions presenting the following criteria: 1) MRI show-ing brain parenchymal signal abnormalities correspondshow-ing to isch-emic lesions and 2) a topography strictly localized to an arterial territory.25

Outcome Assessment

The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS),26adapted for infants by

Ewing-Cobbs, was used to assess the overall developmental out-come at last evaluation.21,22 In this score, good recovery (GR)

refers to a return to age-appropriate or preinjury levels of func-tioning; moderate disability (MD) is assigned if the child 1) has a significant reduction in cognitive functioning from estimated pre-morbid levels, 2) has motor deficits including hemiparesis

inter-fering with daily living activities, or 3) is referred for outpatient rehabilitation therapies. Severe disability (SD) is assigned when 1) cognitive scores are in the deficient range; 2) severe motor deficits are present, such as lack of appropriate postural control or ambu-lation; or 3) the child is referred for inpatient rehabilitation. Per-sistent vegetative state (PVS) is defined as total dependence.21,22

TheWechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence27and the

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children28 developmental scales

were used in children aged 3 to 6 years at the time of evaluation, and theWechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised29 and the

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Childrenscales were used in older children.

Statistical Analysis

Student’sttests for unequal variances were used to compare the means of GOS scores (the 4 GOS categories, namely, GR, MD, SD, and PVS, were scored 80, 60, 40, and 20, respectively).


Correlations Between Initial Clinical Findings and Outcome

Fourteen (61%) of the 23 patients evaluated at a minimum age of 3 years had a poor neurodevelop-mental outcome (SD, PVS), 8 (35%) had MD, and 1 (4%) was normal (GR). Thirteen (78%) of the 18 chil-dren with low initial GCS scores (⬍9) had SD or PVS, as compared with only 1 of 5 children with higher initial GCS scores (P⫽0.04). Of the 20 children (20 of 23 [87%]) who had bilateral retinal hemorrhage ini-tially, 12 had retinal detachment or vitreous hemor-rhage; 9 of these 12 had poor outcome (SD or PVS), as compared with 5 of the 11 patients with less severe or no ocular damage (P⫽ .04). Of the 7 children with skull fractures, 6 had SD or PVS, and outcome was significantly worse among the children with skull fractures (P⫽.01).Twelve of the 14 children with a slowing in head circumference growth (⬎2 standard

TABLE 1. Comparison Between “Initial” Clinical and Radiologic Data With Long-Term Outcome Patient Sex/Age at

Injury (Months)

Follow-up Duration


GCS Retinal Hemorrhages*

Skull Fracture/ Other Fractures†

Status Epilepticus/


Pericerebral Collections/ Cerebral Edema

HC Evolution (SD)


1 M/2 5 14 ⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫺/⫹ ⫺/O N MD

2 M/5 6 11 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹*/⫺ ⫺/⫺ bFTPO/- ⫺2SD SD

3 M/13 5 10 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫹ ⫹/⫹ bFTP/- N MD

4 M/2 5 9 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫹ ⫺/⫺ rF, I/D ⫺2SD MD

5 M/4 3 9 ⫺ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bF/- N GR

6 M/1.5 3 8 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D N MD

7 F/7 3 8 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ rFTPO/rH ⫺2SD SD

8 F/6 13 7 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFT/- N MD

9 M/2.5 3 7 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D ⫺2SD SD

10 M/5 10 7 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫹ ⫺/⫹ lFTPO/- ⫺3SD SD

11 M/4 7 6 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫹* ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/1H N SD

12 F/1 7 6 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫹ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/1H ⫺3SD SD

13 M/9 3 5 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫹ lFP/- N MD

14 F/2 13 5 ⫹ ⫺/⫹ ⫹/⫹ bF, I/D ⫺3SD SD

15 M/3 6 5 ⫹⫹ ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D ⫺2SD SD

16 M/4 3 5 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/bO ⫺2SD MD

17 M/6 10 5 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D N SD

18 M/1.5 5 5 ⫹⫹ ⫹*/⫹* ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D ⫺2SD SD

19 M/6 3 4 ⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ rFTPO, it/- N MD

20 M/1 10 4 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹*/⫹* ⫹/⫹ bFTPO, I/D ⫺6SD PVS

21 F/4 7 4 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺/⫺ ⫹/⫹ bF/1H ⫺3SD SD

22 M/4 12 4 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹*/⫹* ⫹/⫹ bFT, I/D ⫺3SD PVS

23 F/3 6 3 ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹*/⫹* ⫹/⫹ bFTPO/D ⫺6SD PVS

ICH indicates intracranial hypertension; F, frontal; T, temporal; P, parietal; O, occipital; I, interhemispheric; b, bilateral; r, right; l, left; it, infratentorial; D, diffuse; H, hemispheric; HC: head circumference; N, normal; SD, standard deviation.


deviations) had SD or PVS, and there was a signifi-cant difference in outcome between children with head growth slowing and those with unaffected head growth (P⫽ .003; Tables 1 and 2).

Correlations Between “Early” (Within the First 3 Months After Injury) Neuroradiologic Findings and Outcome

The initial CT scan showed subdural or subarach-noidal hemorrhage in all but 1 of the children (22 [96%] of 23). The hemorrhages were bilateral in 17 children, unilateral in 5, and interhemispheric in 4. Sixteen of the 23 patients had parenchymal edema; the edema was confined to 1 lobe in 1 patient (patient 1), to a vascular territory in 1 patient (patient 16), and to 1 hemisphere in 4 children (patients 7, 11, 12, and 21); the 10 remaining patients had bilateral parenchy-mal edema. Two of the 16 patients had intraparen-chymal hematoma (patients 15 and 18). MRI was performed between day 1 and day 15 (mean: day 4) in 7 patients (patients 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 19, and 23). MRI provided no additional information as compared with CT during the first 15 days, except in patient 19, who had lesions on the MRI (performed at day 1) that were not detected by the initial CT scan on day 0. These lesions consisted of a subdural hematoma in the posterior fossa and a focal lesion in the corpus callosum. In contrast, in all 9 patients who had an MRI between day 15 and day 90 (mean: day 33), this investigation provided additional information on in-traparenchymal lesions as compared with the initial CT scans. Three types of intraparenchymal lesions were seen on MRI done during this period: 1) lobar atrophy of the gray and white matter suggesting residual postcontusion damage (patient 4); 2) arterial infarcts (n ⫽ 4) either at a single site (anterior cere-bral artery, patient 19) or at multiple sites (posterior cerebral arteries, patient 16; carotid artery, patients 7

and 21); and 3) white matter lesions suggesting gli-otic scars (n⫽7), with predominant involvement of 1 hemisphere in 2 patients (patients 7 and 21) and bilateral involvement in 5 patients (patients 9, 16, 17, 19, and 23). The atrophic areas and white matter scars exactly matched the sites of edema seen on the initial CT scans (Tables 1 and 2). Comparison of patients with and without intraparenchymal lesions (Table 2) showed that detection of such lesions by MRI and/or CT during the first 3 months was sig-nificantly associated with severe developmental out-come (P ⫽ .04), particularly when the lesions were diffuse (P⫽.025).

Correlation Between “Late” (>3 Months After Injury) Neuroradiologic Findings and Outcome

Twenty-one children had neuroimaging studies (MRI in 20 patients and CT in 1) ⬎3 months after injury (range: 3 months to 13 years; mean: 5.6 years). Chronic subdural hygroma was found in 4 of these children (patients 9, 15, 17, and 21). Sixteen of the 21 patients displayed parenchymal lesions that were also detectable on the initial CT scans or early MRI. The remaining 5 children (patients 3, 5, 8, 10, and 13) had normal initial and late cerebral imaging. Ten children (patients 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, and 23) had both early (before 3 months) and late (after 3 months) MRI. Comparison of these 2 time points showed that the 3 types of intraparenchymal lesions detected on early MRI scans persisted on late MRI and consisted of the following: 1) atrophy involving temporal and parieto-occipital lobes (patients 4 and 12) indicating residual damage after contusion by direct impact or “contre-coup” injury; 2) arterial in-farcts detected in 9 patients, either at a single site (middle and anterior cerebral arteries in patients 11 and 19, respectively) or at multiple sites (anterior

TABLE 2. Comparison Between Clinical and Radiologic Features and Outcome GOS


Initial GCS score*

9–14 1 3 1 60 [6.3]

3–8 0 5 13 42.2 [3.1]

Retinal hemorrhages*

Absent 1 0 0

Unilateral 0 1 1 52.7 [4.06]

Bilateral 0 4 4

Bilateral⫹complications 0 3 9 40 [4.2]

Skull fracture†

Absent 1 8 7 52.5 [3.09]

Present 0 1 6 34.2 [5.7]

Cranial growth†

No change 1 6 2 57.7 [4]

Deceleration by 2 SD or more 0 2 12 40 [3.6]

Parenchymal lesions within the first 3 mo after trauma*

Not visible 1 3 1 60 [6.3]

Presence of lesions 0 5 13 42.2 [3.1]

Localized 0 3 1

Hemispheric 0 0 4

Diffuse 0 2 8

Parenchymal lesions after 3 mo*

Not visible 1 3 1 60 [6.3]

Presence of lesions 0 3 13 40 [3.1]

M indicates mean; SEM, standard error of the mean. *P⬎.01⬍.04.


cerebral arteries, patient 18; posterior cerebral arter-ies, patient 16; carotid artery, patients 7 and 21; other multifocal patterns, patients 20, 22, and 23); and 3) subcortical gliotic scars in the cerebral white matter detected in 14 patients, usually in both hemispheres (13 of 14 patients), with no preferential distribution pattern. Eleven patients had focal (n⫽ 3) or diffuse (n ⫽ 8) lesions of the corpus callosum; 4 of these patients (patients 16, 20, 22, and 23) also had lesions in the cerebellar hemispheric white matter. Finally, comparison of patients with and without intraparen-chymal lesions visualized on MRI performed ⬎3 months after injury showed that the presence of such lesions was significantly associated with a poor neu-rodevelopmental outcome (P⫽.02).

Recovery seemed to be related to the extent of lesions seen by late MRI (Tables 2 and 3). Patients (n⫽10) with diffuse lesions had more severe motor and intellectual impairments and were more likely to have blindness and epilepsy than patients with focal (n⫽4) or hemispheric (n⫽4) lesions. Seven of the 9 patients (Table 3) who had epilepsy belong to the subgroup of “diffuse lesions.” Of these 7 patients with epilepsy, 2 had West syndrome and 5 had poly-morphic seizures. In these patients, epilepsy started immediately after injury in 3 patients and within the first 2 years in 4. Seizures were refractory to treat-ment in 6 of the 7 patients. Among the patients who had no visible lesions on imaging studies (n⫽ 5), 4 had residual disabilities, namely, hemiparesis and mental deficiency (patient 10), visual sensory defect (patient 13), or visuospatial impairment and atten-tion deficit (patients 3 and 8).


Results from our series of patients with NAHI underline the prognostic value of bilateral retinal and vitreous hemorrhages, initial low GCS score, presence of skull fractures, cranial growth decelera-tion, and intraparenchymal brain abnormalities de-tected by neuroimaging during the first 3 months. These clinical and radiologic findings were signifi-cantly associated with poor long-term neurodevelop-mental outcome.

After 3 years, 96% of our patients had disabilities, which were severe (61%) or moderate (35%). This is in agreement with the main reported series13,14,24 in

which 45% to 69% of children had poor outcome. Bilateral retinal and vitreous hemorrhage were asso-ciated in our series with poor neurodevelopmental outcome as that reported in earlier studies.7,16,17The

depth and duration of coma have been shown to predict the outcome of brain injury in older chil-dren.30 This was also the case in our younger

pa-tients. This point is also in agreement with a recent study showing that neurologic outcome at 3 and 12 months was correlated with initial GCS and duration of impaired consciousness.22 The presence of skull

fractures, which indicates shaken impact syndrome, was also associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcome. Shaking without head impact has been reported to cause brain lesions in infants.6,8 –10,31,32

The presence of skull fractures seems to be associated with a worse neurodevelopmental outcome. This was inferred from our results and was pointed out in the literature.2Cranial growth deceleration was

an-TABLE 3. Comparison Between Outcome and the Type of Parenchymal Lesions (MRI) in Our Study Group Parenchymal


n Imaging


GOS Motor


IQ Epilepsy Sensory Impairment

Selective/Multiple Neuropsychologic


Not visible 3 MD MQ: 77 78 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

5 GR — 95 ⫺ — ⫺/⫺

8 MD — 93 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

10 SD Hemiparesis 60 ⫺ — ⫺/⫹

13 MD — 95 ⫺ vi ⫺/⫺

Focal 1 LO MD — 90 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

4 RT,P,O MD — 70 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

2 LF,RT,bP,RO SD Tetraplegia 60 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

19 RT,P,O,CC MD Hemiparesis 75 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

Hemispheric 7 LF, RH, CC SD Hemiplegia 70 ⫺ — ⫺/⫹

11 LH SD Hemiplegia 65 ⫺ — ⫺/⫹

12 LH SD — 60 ⫹ — ⫺/⫹

21 LH,CC SD Hemiplegia 42 ⫺ vi ⫺/⫹

Diffuse 6* bH MD — 70 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

9 bF,bT,RP,bO,CC SD Tetraplegia 40–50 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

14 LF,bP,bO SD MQ: 50 62 ⫺ — ⫺/⫹

15 LF,RT,bP,RO,CC SD MQ: 77 50 ⫹ — ⫺/⫹

16 bF,bO,CC,Cb MD — 85 ⫺ — ⫹/⫺

17 bF,RT,bP,bO,CC,Cb SD Hemiplegia ⬍45 ⫹ vi ⫺/⫹

18 bF,RO,CC SD Tetraplegia 30–50 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

20 bH,CC PVS Tetraplegia ⬍30 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

22 bH,CC PVS Tetraplegia ⬍30 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

23 bH,CC,Cb,BG PVS Tetraplegia ⬍30 ⫹ bl ⫺/⫹

* Patient 6 underwent CT only.

† Selective neuropsychologic problems included visuospatial and attention deficiencies in patients 3 and 8; slowness and attention deficiency in patients 1, 4, 6, and 16; and speech retardation without mental retardation in patient 19. Multiple neuropsychologic impairment indicates mental retardation and psychiatric symptoms.

CC, indicates corpus callosum; Cb, cerebellum; BG, basal ganglia; MQ, Motor Quotient, according to Bayley Scale54; vi, visual impairment;


other sign of adverse prognostic significance in our study. This is in keeping with earlier data.11,12 It is

noteworthy that in the series studied by Barlow, severe initial seizures and presence of intracranial hypertension predicted poor neurodevelopmental outcome.18,19Our results are in agreement with this


MRI is recognized as the most sensitive tool for detecting brain lesions in NAHI.33–37 Previous

pro-spective studies showed a correlation between intra-parenchymal lesions visualized on brain imaging and short-term outcome.21,22Our retrospective study

is in line with these results. Our results show, in addition, that the reported poor neurodevelopmental outcome in NAHI persists in the long-term. To our knowledge, our study is the first to link early and late MRI findings to long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Our results showed that MRI done 15 days or more after injury disclosed evidence of 3 etio-pathogenic mechanisms leading to atrophy, namely, contusions, infarcts/stroke, and white matter scars (Fig 1). Infarcts were detected in 50% of our patients.

In another series, similar lesions (called “infarcts/ edema”) were reported in one third of 15 patients with NAHI.22The pathophysiologic mechanisms

un-derlying stroke in NAHI remain unclear. Strangula-tion has been suggested as a possible cause of infarc-tion in the distribuinfarc-tion of the carotid artery.38,39

However, arterial wall dissection, which was long underrecognized in children, is now known to be among the leading causes of arterial ischemic stroke in the pediatric age group.25,40Injuries such as direct

cervical blow or stretching of the neck may be re-sponsible for most cases of arterial dissection. These mechanisms may be implicated in NAHI. Another plausible mechanism for stroke may be fat embolism, a classic complication of long-bone fractures. Such fractures were present in 5 of our patients (patients 11, 18, 20, 22, and 23). Direct intracranial damage (tearing, thrombosis) to the arterial wall could also be another underlying mechanism. Additional neu-roradiologic studies, for instance, using MR angiog-raphy, may provide more insights into the mecha-nism of infarcts/stroke in NAHI.


Subcortical gliotic scars were the most common intraparenchymal lesions in our series. We sug-gest that these lesions result from the shearing and tearing injuries described in association with accel-eration-deceleration effects in both children and adults41– 49 and/or from hypoxic axonal damage as

suggested by recent neuropathologic studies tar-geted on patients who presented a very rapid fatal evolution.50,51 In our series, scarring was diffuse; it

involved the white matter subjacent to the neocortex in all affected patients and the corpus callosum in the majority. Most of our patients had grade 2 axonal injury as defined by Adams et al,52which is

associ-ated with a high likelihood of poor outcome. Our results are consistent with those of the radiologic work by Levin et al,53in which the corpus callosum

was shown to be particularly vulnerable to mechan-ical injury, especially in young children.

Another goal of our study was to determine in which time frame neuroimaging provides the best information in NAHI. Between days 1 and 14, when edema is predominant, both MRI and CT scan de-tected intraparenchymal lesions; MRI provided ad-ditional data on the distribution of the lesions and disclosed a small pericerebral hematoma and a focal lesion in the corpus callosum in 1 patient. Thus, as compared with CT scan, very early MRI (between days 1 and 14) did not provide additional data of crucial importance for evaluating the prognosis. In contrast, when performed between 0.5 and 3 months after injury, MRI yielded important information on the distribution and mechanisms of the lesions in all patients. These findings further confirm that changes on brain imaging evolve over time36 and that early

brain imaging (especially before day 15) does not unravel the full extent of damages. The anomalies that we detected by MRI between 0.5 and 3 months were correlated with neurodevelopmental outcome. For instance, stroke was associated with a poor out-come in 78% of children and white matter injuries in 82%. When done beyond the first 3 months after injury, MRI did not provide additional significant information and did not modify the prognostic con-clusions drawn from earlier imaging data. Some lim-itations of the prognostic value of MRI could come from the retrospective method that we used. How-ever, we do not think that such limitations would influence our results in an important way, because the timing and number of neuroradiologic examina-tions were relatively homogeneous in our popula-tion. In fact, timing and number of MRI in our pa-tients were not different in the clinically well-appearing patients as compared with the others. Thus, patients who looked well clinically did not undergo fewer examinations, and consequently focal lesions would not have been missed.

Finally, in our series, the severity of sequelae was shown to be related to the extent of brain lesions. However, we found no correlation between the to-pography of lesions and outcome. This point re-quires additional exploration involving detailed neu-ropsychologic assessments in larger series of NAHI patients, preferably using prospective studies.


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“Academic institutions do not seem to be doing nearly enough to protect against the risks [of conflict of interest]. . . According to one study published in 2000, only 3 of 250 medical schools and research institutions insisted that investigators dis-close their financial conflicts to patients before enrolling them in clinical experi-ments or drug trials. Only 7% of these institutions required their researchers to disclose such conflicts to journals publishing their research. Only 1 of the 10 leading medical schools receiving the greatest amounts of federal funding flatly prohibited investigators from doing clinical research on products of firms with which they had significant financial ties. Most of these merely required disclosure to university officials.”

Bok D.Universities in the Marketplace. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2003


DOI: 10.1542/peds.112.4.808



Hazim Kadhim and Guillaume Sébire

Christine Bonnier, Marie-Cécile Nassogne, Christine Saint-Martin, Bettina Mesples,


Neuroimaging of Intraparenchymal Lesions Predicts Outcome in Shaken Baby


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DOI: 10.1542/peds.112.4.808



Hazim Kadhim and Guillaume Sébire

Christine Bonnier, Marie-Cécile Nassogne, Christine Saint-Martin, Bettina Mesples,


Neuroimaging of Intraparenchymal Lesions Predicts Outcome in Shaken Baby


located on the World Wide Web at:

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TABLE 1.Comparison Between “Initial” Clinical and Radiologic Data With Long-Term Outcome
TABLE 2.Comparison Between Clinical and Radiologic Features and Outcome
TABLE 3.Comparison Between Outcome and the Type of Parenchymal Lesions (MRI) in Our Study Group
Fig 1. MRI illustrating the radiologic evolution in 2 patients. A and B, Head injury occurred in patient 18 when he was 1.5 months of age.MRI performed 5 years after trauma: T1-weighted sagittal (A) and T2-coronal (B) sections, showing a necrotic lesion in


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