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Chordiant Decision Management


Academic year: 2021

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Chordiant Decision Management consists of a suite of

applications which are proven, not only to help businesses make better decisions but, equally important, to implement those decisions in each customer contact and monitor the results. This ensures a far more responsive, customer-focused and ultimately successful business.

Chordiant Decision


Decisions, decisions...

The success of a business depends upon the quality of the decisions it makes at each customer contact. Such decisions must reflect the business strategy, the interests of the customer and his or her value and risk to the business. In addition, because of growing customer expectations and increasing competition, businesses are under pressure to provide personalized customer service within mass market cost levels.


Chordiant Decision Management is designed to make all this possible

Decisions about customer interactions must take into account each customer's likely behavior. At each individual contact with the customer the business must consider the relative likelihood of the customer responding to an offer, taking his or her patronage elsewhere or causing some loss to the business. The business that can determine and

implement a personalized management strategy for each customer has the means of ensuring that the most suitable decisions are made in accordance with its overall objectives.

Chordiant Decision Management consists of a suite of applications which are proven, not only to help businesses make better decisions but, equally important, to implement those decisions in each customer contact and monitor the results. This ensures a far more responsive, customer-focused and ultimately successful business.

The science of customer interaction

The effectiveness of Chordiant Decision Management lies in the unique multi-faceted way it approaches each individual customer contact. It is never crude or simplistic. At each contact, there is a decision to be made in the light of four important dimensions: whether the customer will respond or buy, defect to a competitor, cause a loss to the company, or respond positively to a new recommendation, see sidebar story on page 3. We refer to these dimensions as the four Rs of recruitment, retention, risk and recommendation. While the balance of importance between them will vary from one decision to another, together they form the matrix against which every customer interaction should ideally be planned.





Historic data Customer data

Decisions Behavior Decision planning Business monitoring Monitoring database Customers CRM application Interface Decision package Deployment Business rules Segmentation & strategies Strategy management

Predictive models Predictive data mining



Recruitment, Retention, Risk and Recommendation

The customer strategy can only be set once the relative importance of each the four Rs has been decided.

Recruitment: Is the customer likely to respond to the proposition at hand and method of contact? Will they buy? How much will they buy? Which individuals should be offered the best deals because they offer the greatest lifetime value as a customer? Chordiant Decision

Management enables a highly

sophisticated market segmentation and supports business rules based on predictions of likely customer value, response rates and purchase rates.

What Chordiant Decision

Management does...and what makes it unique

The Chordiant Decision Management solution helps you develop relationship management strategies, drawing on your past experience with customers to predict likely future behaviors. It predicts what customers are likely to do and combines predictions with business rules to develop sophisticated strategies, allowing you to preempt and meet their needs as profitably as possible.

Chordiant Decision Management enables those relationship management strategies to be quickly deployed in every customer-facing channel, ensuring that the right proposition, message and terms are communicated to the right customer reflecting your strategy and your customers' likely behavior.

The Four R's

Recruitment:How will a prospect or customer respond to a specific offer? What elements of the offer are most/least attractive to the prospect? Chordiant Decision Management helps define the most attractive offers for each customer and each customer segment. So, you know you're making the right offer to the right customer.

Retention: How likely is the customer to defect to a competitor? What factors drive this behavior? Or how likely are they simply to remain dormant and therefore contribute nothing in return for the investment made in them? Chordiant Decision Management helps by predicting length and stability of relationships.

Risk: What are the financial risks, now and in the longer term, of doing business with a particular customer? Chordiant Decision Management assesses the likelihood of late payments, insurance claims, fraud or bankruptcy as well as setting risk-related limits and conditions. It can also help spot the early signs of default and find which collections strategy is most likely to recover unpaid balances.

Recommendation: What is the likelihood of the customer becoming a champion for the product or service being offered? Or are they more likely to be a product terrorist, dissuading others from buying? Chordiant Decision

Management enables the indirect value of customers to be evaluated.

In essence, Chordiant encapsulates the expertise and judgment of specialist managers and planners and combines their know-how with the powerful predictive capabilities of the system. Chordiant turns experience into understanding, understanding into decisions, and decisions into action. Chordiant Decision Management monitors the successes and failures of your business, your strategies and your predictions, enabling adjustments to be tested and quickly implemented. It helps you create a continual process of

personalized decision making and strategy adaptation that keeps your business on track minute by minute, month by month. Retention Recruitment Strategy Recommendation Risk


Putting Chordiant Decision Management into action Chordiant Decision Management can be put to use in most areas of modern business. Wherever business decisions are made, Chordiant can prove invaluable, by enhancing the quality of those decisions. Chordiant Decision Management has also made a name for itself in the business world: it has already repaid the investment made in it by a number of blue-chip organizations, in a number of different industries.


• Segmenting the market into those to retain, grow, and discard; • Profiling relevant

segments; • Mapping market

research to the customer base;

• Assessing the quality and value of customer data; • Calculating the most

effective level of budget for a campaign.

Customer Care

• Identifying the factors that drive dormancy, non-renewal and exit; • Targeting retention

offers at those likely to leave within 3


Chordiant Decision Management helps you plan decisions


Chordiant Predictive Data Mining analyses the patterns of customer behavior based on previous experience. It audits the quality of the data, infers what is missing, and uses advanced data mining techniques, including genetic algorithm optimization, to produce powerful and reliable predictive Proprietary Info-Tree models as well as conventional Regression and Decision Tree models, creating an intelligent, user-aware automated data mining process.


Chordiant Strategy Director allows you to control the segmentation of the customer base with extensive graphical analysis of the business implications. Strategy Director profiles segment behavior, economics and characteristics and allows you to set strategy

parameters for each segment, such as the action to take, the proposition to offer, etc. These strategies can be graphically packaged with business rules into comprehensive, adaptable customer decision logic; they are then tested and further adapted if necessary.


Chordiant Deployment Manager allows the multi-platform, multi-channel integration of decision support packages with customer handling systems using industry-standard APIs and component technology. Deployment goes far beyond just decision making, automatically preparing for the subsequent monitoring of business performance and compliance and for future developments. Such centrally developed and managed customer intelligence supports thin channels for low maintenance and easy re-use, while providing online, interactive and sophisticated personalization. 1 5 4 2 3 Propensity to refer Propensity to default

Propensityto lapse Decision history

CUSTOM ER CHANN EL INTERF ACE PACKAGE Propensityto buy Business rules



Chordiant Decision Monitor offers structured support for multi-tool analysis. Automated and intelligent agents scan business results for exceptions and advanced reporting techniques provide information on business performance and compliance. The success or failure of predictions, strategies and rules can be assessed, and Decision Monitor highlights when changes need to be made.

The customer interaction decisions to be made in each customer handling system are identified and the available

information determined. Development projects are set up to create the required predictions, strategies and business rules. Chordiant Decision Management creates predictive models based on historic data which can separate customers into segments deserving different treatment based on their predicted behavior. The behavior, economics and characteristics of the segments are then analyzed. Chordiant Decision Management defines the parameters for customer interaction, i.e. how customers are treated,

depending on the segment in which they have been placed. The predictions

and strategies for each of the four key dimensions of recruitment, retention, risk and recommendation are combined by business rules into a decision support package. The business implications of its use are simulated.

Chordiant Decision Management can be integrated seamlessly with Chordiant Marketing, Chordiant Contact Center and Retail Channel solutions, giving you full control of the entire customer interaction process. At the same time, mechanisms are established to capture subsequent decision and behavior data to ensure the organization records exactly how it does business. Interactions with customers require decisions to be made both beforehand and in real time. Customer data is passed to the package which returns the

instructions on how to interact, whether via the branch system, the telemarketing support system, the website, etc. The resultant decision and the basis on which it is made are recorded.

The business monitoring function feeds information on performance and compliance back to planners and managers, who are then able to continually refine the decision support,


• Selecting the right proposition(s) for each customer;

• Identifying the

appropriate time to make an offer;

• Prioritizing visits of each salesman;

• Selecting the most effective follow-up method/time.


• Prompting call center representatives with the most suitable offer; • Benchmarking

performance of salesmen, branches, intermediaries; • Selecting cases for

fast-track treatment or special investigation.


• Tuning proposals and pre-approving applications.

Risk Management

• Approving applications and pricing based on risk; • Setting risk-related limits; • Determining the most

efficient collections strategy.


• Calculating the provision for bad debt;

• Simulating revenues and costs.


• Optimizing channel and product design; • Standardizing customer

handling across divisions; • Assessing the risk and

value in acquired portfolios. BRANCH SALES FORCE CALL CEN TER WEB S ITE


whether this involves creating new models, amending classifications, revising strategies, adapting business rules, or changing how Chordiant Decision Management is deployed.

What happens when a customer contact is made?

Customers interact with an organization through many different channels: branches, intermediaries, direct mail and e-mail, call center, website, sales force, interactive TV etc. Chordiant Decision Management packages have been designed to interface seamlessly with any customer handling system, adding intelligence to the customer interaction, regardless of the channel used. Changes to the way customers are handled can be immediately implemented in every channel with no maintenance required. Using Chordiant, each customer

interaction follows a similar pattern. The Chordiant Advisor application passes the available information about the customer to the interface.

The interface assembles and passes the information required by Chordiant Decision Management.

The package generates predictions and segments, applies business rules and passes back to the interface the selected predictions and recommended strategy parameters.

The interface supports the customer interaction by delivering product information on different products, warnings of the likely risks and intelligently constructed scripts

to pitch the selected propositions, driven by such parameters as:

• predicted behavior

• probabilities of success for each channel

• action to take • proposition to offer

• terms and incentives to offer • scripts to present

• messages to show • graphics to display • tone of voice/style to use

The details of the decision are recorded for subsequent monitoring.

Managing interactions in real life

The impact of exploiting Chordiant Decision Management is often confidential due to the competitive advantage it brings. The following outlines give you an idea of what you could achieve:


300% improvement in marketing efficiency

For the cost of mailing just 20% of its market, Chordiant Decision

Management enabled a Belgian

publisher to achieve 60% of its previous level of response, significantly improving its marketing efficiency.

800% improvement in marketing efficiency

Chordiant Decision Management helped a Dutch petrol company reach buyers of a recently introduced brand. At the cost of mailing just 10% of the customer base - a segment selected by Chordiant Decision Management - the company was able to contact 80% of its target group.


Creating critical customer data Chordiant Decision Management enabled a major UK building society to add valuable market research to its customer data. Costly research was kept to a minimum, but linked to data known about all customers; Chordiant Decision Management was then able to

accurately place every customer in his or her segment thereby enriching the data available to drive marketing and customer interactions.


20% improvement with 5.5% increase in current account balances

One Italian bank suffered unacceptable levels of defection among current account holders. Focus groups

investigated the causes of closure among distinctive loyalty bands identified and characterized by Chordiant Decision Management - two of which, while only 20% of the customer base, accounted for 87% of the closures. Over nine months, measures individually targeted by Chordiant Decision Management resulted in a 20% migration from lower to higher loyalty bands, defection rates were reduced to 1% and an unexpected but welcome 5.5% increase in average balances.

12% reduction in mortgage redemption In competition with an in-house

developed model, Chordiant Decision Management identified 12% more customers of a major UK bank for retention targeting.

Retaining the right people Chordiant Decision Management performed automatic analysis of the economics of motor insurance renewals enabled a leading UK insurer to target retention activity on those segments both most likely to leave AND most desirable to keep.


2000% return on investment A mid-sized Dutch bank exploited Chordiant Decision Management in its personal lending. Chordiant

simultaneously increased the acceptance rate from 29.8% to 34.5% while

reducing the bad rate from 12.7% to 10.8%. Estimating its gains at over $1 million per year, the bank quotes a 2000% return on its investment in Chordiant Decision Management. Banking on bankruptcy

Chordiant Decision Management helped a Belgian bank specializing in

commercial loans to enter a new market sector, even when no customer data was available. Using published company statistics, Chordiant developed predictions of future bankruptcy enabling a safer expansion into a new sector with a competitive edge in the terms that could be offered.

Identifying irregularities

A large Dutch governmental agency (now privatized) responsible for administering social security laws used Chordiant Decision Management to improve its monitoring of employers' payment behavior. Chordiant predicted deviations in payments of 1% or more from the amount declared. Chordiant Decision Management identified 71% more of the cases requiring

investigation, improving the agency's efficiency and earnings considerably. For more information on how Chordiant Decision Management can help your organization improve recruitment, retention and recommendation rates while reducing your business risk,

contact your local Chordiant Sales Office, or visit us on the web at


World Headquarters Chordiant Software, Inc. 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Tel: 1 408 517 6100 Fax: 1 408 517 0270 1 888 CHORDIANT (1 888 246 7342) European Headquarters Chordiant Software Int'l., Inc. 2 Goat Wharf, High Street Brentford, Middlesex UK TW8 0BA

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8380 0600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8380 0606 www.chordiant.com Learn more about Chordiant solutions

Chordiant orchestrates and automates end-to-end operational business processes for leading retail financial services institutions. Chordiant solutions use rapidly configurable components that enhance multi-channel communications with customers while preserving your investments in systems and data. Discover how Chordiant's process-driven solutions can help your service-oriented business improve productivity, reduce operational costs and increase revenues. Contact your local Chordiant sales office today, or visit us on the Web at www.chordiant.com.

Copyright © 2004 Chordiant Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Chordiant and the Chordiant logo are registered trademarks of Chordiant Software, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


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