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T s u n a m i s a n d S t o r m S u r g e s


Academic year: 2021

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Me a s ur e s ag a ins t Ea rt hq uak e s ,

T s u n a m i s a n d S t o r m S u r g e s

January 22, 2013


Flood, Storm Surge and Tsunami Control Workshop

1. Flood damage in the past

2. Planning and maintenance of coastal

protection facilities

3. Efforts after the Great East Japan


Regarding Measures against Earthquakes,

T s u n a m i s a n d S t o r m S u r g e s


The situation of ground in coastal areas of the

Tokyo Port



-September, 1917 Typhoon: highest recorded water levels

in the past

(A.P.+4.21 m)

- August, 1949 Typhoon Kitty

(A.P.+3.15 m)

External seawalls in the Koto and Chuo areas are:

A.P.+5.6 m(T.P.+4.47)

Flood damage of the Tokyo Port in the past


The 1917 Typhoon

(September 30,1917)

Lowest air pressure:

953 hPa

Maximum wind speed:

40 m/s

Damage situation:

1,324 people dead and missing (500 people

in Fukagawa and Shinagawa)

Over 3,100 boats, ships and barges turned over (Yokohama


Photo: from ‘Photo Collections of the Great Kanto Earthquake’

Typhoon Kitty

Typhoon No.10 (August 27 through September 5 in 1949)

Outbreak period:

9 p.m. on September 21 through 9 p.m. on

September 27 in 1959

Air pressure:

986 hPa (lowest: 956 hPa)

Maximum wind speed:

110 knot (analyzed by the US Navy)


135 deaths, 25 missing, 479 injured

As the typhoon passed at high tide, a

storm surge occurred in the Kanto area

A.P.+3.15 m was recorded in Tokyo

Widespread damage to boats and

ships occurred in the port and harbor

Out of 90 boats and ships at anchor at

the Yokohama Port, 26 sank

Serious flood at Kinshicho Shakomae of the Tokyo Toden


Typhon Ise Bay

9 p.m. on September 21 through 9 p.m. on September 27 in1959

Lowest air pressure:



Maximum wind speed:




4,697 death, 401 missing, 38,921



The Comprehensive Plan of Protection from Storm Surges

was established

and undertaken in the following year.


Typhoon Kitty

(August) ⇒

The Disaster Support Project for Civil Engineer


undertaken in the following year.

1956 Establishment of

the Coast Act


Typhoon Ise Bay

(September in Nagoya area)

The Plan for Special Measures against Storm Surges in Tokyo Port

was established

and undertaken in the following year.


Seawalls for Koto and Chuo areas were completed


Inner embankment for Koto area was undertaken



Partial amendment to the Coastal Act


) ‘Protection




Establishment of the Basic Tokyo Bay Coast Conservation Plan



Emergency Maintenance Plan for Coastal Protection Facilities of Tokyo Port



Typhoon No.12

Outbreak period:

9 a.m. on August 25 through 3 p.m. on September 5 in 2011

Lowest air pressure:

965 hPa

Maximum wind speed:

35 m/s


73 deaths,19 missing,104 injured

Amount of rainfall per hour:

Observed severe rain which exceeds

120 mm

Accumulated amount of rainfall:

Reached 2,433 mm at the maximum

Typhoon No.15

(9 p.m. on September 12 through

3 p.m. on September 22 in 2011)

Lowest air pressure:

949 hPa

Maximum wind speed:

50 m/s


16 deaths, 2 missing, 337 injured

The most powerful typhoon after the war

among the

typhoons which made landfall in eastern Japan




Tsunami Generated by the Great East Japan


(March 11, 2011)

The TMG Bureau of Port and Harbor

The TMG Bureau of Port and Harbor

s Response

s Response

(situation of closing of the Tatsumi floodgate on March 11)

(situation of closing of the Tatsumi floodgate on March 11)

Situation of closing of the Tatsumi Floodgate

(closing was completed at 3:06 p.m. on March 11)

The Tatsumi Floodgate

(before closing)

The Tatsumi Floodgate

(after closing)


1. Flood damage in the past

2. Planning and maintenance of coastal

protection facilities

3. Efforts after the Great East Japan


Regarding Measures against Earthquakes,

T s u n a m i s a n d S t o r m S u r g e s

Basic Tokyo Bay Coast

Conservation Plan


A.P+ 5.6 - 8.0 m A.P+ 5.6 - 6.3 m A.P+ 5.1 - 6.3 m A.P+ 4.6 m 防 潮 堤 水門 排 水機 場 高潮 降雨 降雨 河 川 堤 防 内部 護岸 河 川 運 河 強 制排 水 強制 排 水 地区内の雨水は 外海に強制排水 水門と防潮堤で高潮・津波を 防御 防 潮 堤 水門 排 水機 場 高潮 降雨 降雨 河 川 堤 防 内部 護岸 河 川 運 河 強 制排 水 強制 排 水 防 潮 堤 水門 排 水機 場 高潮 降雨 降雨 河 川 堤 防 内部 護岸 河 川 運 河 強 制排 水 強制 排 水 防 潮 堤 水門 排 水機 場 高潮 降雨 降雨 河 川 堤 防 内部 護岸 河 川 運 河 強 制排 水 強制 排 水 地区内の雨水は 外海に強制排水 水門と防潮堤で高潮・津波を 防御 運 河 平均満潮位 (A.P.+2. 1m) 高さ A.P.+3.0m 伊勢湾台風級の高潮時の水位 水門閉鎖時の水位 雨水を 強制排水 外海 高さA.P.+4.6m∼8.0m (潮位+波浪)

Protect storm surges and tsunamis by external seawalls (38 km), floodgates (19 gates) and pump stations (4 stations)

Protect lives and property of the citizens of Tokyo from storm surges and tsunamis by typhoons

Situation of coastal protection facilities in seacoast of the Tokyo Port

Disaster Functions for Tsunamis and Storm Surges of the Tokyo Port


Flood gat e P u m p s t a t i o n

Introduction of Coastal Protection









Land Lock


Pump Station


Inner Embankment


Image Figure of

Embankment for Crabs

High Tide Management Center



High Tide Management Center


Construction of Coastal

Protection Facilities


Measures for Earthquake

Resistance Embankment


Placement Situation of Steel

Pipe Pile


Installation Situation of Panels


Situation after Maintenance





















Risk of being unable to close the

floodgates due to disaster

Maintaining functions by

earthquake resistance measures

Measures for earthquake resistance have been implemented for floodgates preferentially

where have risk of causing serious flood damage when disaster occurs.

Image of Measures for Earthquake

Resistance of Floodgates








General Figure of Seismic Reinforcement

of Floodgates

1. Flood damage in the past

2. Planning and maintenance of coastal

protection facilities

3. Efforts after the Great East Japan


Regarding Measures against Earthquakes,

T s u n a m i s a n d S t o r m S u r g e s



Estimated Damage by the Earthquake Division of the Disaster Prevention Council of Tokyo

– Distribution of seismic intensity

-Estimated Damage by the Earthquake Division of the Disaster Prevention Council of Tokyo

– Height of tsunamis

-*Values in figure are showed in the Tokyo Pail (T.P.) (T.P.+0.0 m = A.P.+1.134m)

(A.P.+3.64m) (A.P.+3.60m) (A.P.+3.68m) (A.P.+3.24m) (A.P.+3.74m) (A.P.+3.19m) (A.P.+3.40m)


Point of View for Tsunamis at the Tokyo Port

Seawall maintenance by the Plan for Storm Surges has enough height for tsunamis

Water levels by storm surgesWater levels by tsunamis

According to simulation results, height of tsunami is 1.6 m at the maximum (including value of crustal movement). Expected highest tide levels when tsunami comes is: mean sea level of spring tide A.P.+2.1m +height of tsunami 1.6m =A.P.+3.7m

This is lower than expected water levels at storm surge.

Simulation results regarding Tsunamis

想定地震 マグニチュード 津波高(m) 出典 大正関東地震


0.9∼1.2 平成3年9月(東京都防災会議) 東海・東南海・南海


0.0∼1.0 平成15年12月(中央防災会議) 首都直下型地震


0.0∼0.5 平成17年7月(中央防災会議) 元禄関東地震


(地殻変動量含む)最大1.6 平成24年4月(東京都防災会議) Maximum AP+3.7 m

Part of increased water level by storm surge

Incoming wave component

At the bottom of the ground

Tidal datum

Mean sea level of spring tide Storm surge deviation Element of the wave Maximum AP+8.0 m Height of storm surge Height of tsunami A.P.4.1 - 5.1 m

Wave height of tsunami in closed-off section of bay generally tends to become higher in the order below when the shape of bay is grouped into four general categories of bag-shaped, straight line-shaped, horseshoe-shaped, and V-shaped.

・From t he N ational Res earc h I nstitute for Earth Science and Disast er Preventi on websit e

・Figures are extract ed from (descripti on was partially changed f or extrac t) the Tsunami Engineering Laborator y of Graduat e Sc hool of Engineering, T ohoku U niversit y website and the Research Study Report r egarding Meas ures against Ts unamis and Liquef action (the si x prefec tures research meeting f or earthquake measures in May, 1984).

T e n d e n c y o f w a v e h e ig h t o f ts u n a m i High Low

The strength of tsunami comes from the ocean w ill be focused on both sides. Since it is squeezed into a narrow area suddenly,

energy of tsunami w ill overlapand focused on a narrow range.

Wave height amplifies and suddenly increases w hen it comes close to the closed-off section of bay.

Development of tsunami coming in to the bayis smaller compared to v-shaped bay. How ever, w ave height w ill become higher and amplify w hen it comes closer to the closed-off section of bay. When a distant tsunami occurs, it w ill be larger than v-shaped bay in the closed-off section of bay.

As for seacoast w ith less asperity, it is very similar to the case of horseshoe-shaped bay w hen sea bottom is relatively steep . How ever, w hen it is gradual, the strength w ill decay by the sea bottom frictionand the w ave height w ill not be higher because the effects w hich increase w ave height w ill be negated as it becomes shallow .

Width of strength of tsunami w hich coming in from mouth of bay becomes narrow er in the entrance of the bay. Since the closed-off section of the bay is w ide, the strength of tsunami w ill disperse after it comes into the bay. Also,sea bottom friction w ill increase as depth of the sea becomes shallow, w hich w ill decrease the strength. Thus w ave height w ill not be higher in closed-off section of bay.

■V-shaped bay ■Horseshoe -shaped bay ■Straight line-shaped bay ■Bag-shaped bay

Tsunami and Coastal Shape


Recommendations on how flood control measure associated with earthquakes and tsunamis should

be taken (summary


・A Technology Verification Committee for Flood Control Measure Associated with Earthquakes and Tsunamis (chairman: Chuo University professor Tadashi Yamada) which includes academic experts made recommendations, from a point of view of results of emergency surveys, on measures that Tokyo should take from here on.

・Recommendations were summarized in August, 2012.

For tsunami

○According to the estimated result of the Disaster Prevention Council of Tokyo, water levels of tsunami will be lower than height of seawalls by storm surge plan, so safety will be secured by originally planned height.

Earthquake resistance measure

○For coastal area and lowlands where the ground is low and have a possibility of flood damage, measures for largest possible earthquake ground motions such as magnitude 8.2 subduction zone earthquake should be taken for the future.

Water resistance measure

○Measures should be implemented in order to maintain functions of electricity and mechanical equipment of floodgates, pump stations, pump locations, and water reclamation centers when flood occurs due to damage of seawalls and floodgates.

Floodgate operation

○Introduction of remote control system should be considered in order to make sure the prompt closing of floodgates, land locks, and tide gates for storm surge that require operation at actual places.

○Enhancement of functions, such as maintenance of backup facilities and multiplexing of communications network, should be conducted for facilities that the remote control systems has already been introduced.

For promotion of measures from here on

Measures should be promoted based on the new results of considerations by the

Central Disaster Prevention Council regarding earthquakes and tsunamis.


Basic Policy of Tokyo 1


Implement measures to maintain functions of each facility and prevent flood by tsunamis

when magnitude 8.2 subduction zone earthquakes occur.

Point of View

Changing height of seawalls is not necessary as the height of seawalls of the current plan has

enough height for estimated tsunami height.

Enhancement for earthquake resistance should be conducted for magnitude 8.2 subduction

zone earthquakes estimated by the Disaster Prevention Council of Tokyo.

Prevent flood for electricity and mechanical equipment for each facility.

Promote maintenance by considering priority.

A large scale of lower ground area such as area below sea level

Low ground behind seawalls


Basic Policy of Tokyo 2

Earthquake resistance measure Water resistance measure Floodgate operation

○For seaw alls and embankments, maintain functions w hich prevent flood by conducting reinforcement for damage and subsidence.

○For floodgates, maintain function of opening and closing of the gate by conducting reinforcement of gateposts and enhancement of fixing of equipment.

○For pump locations, maintain w ater pumping function by conducting earthquake resistance for building frame.

○Locate pow er receiving and transforming equipment and emergency pow er system for floodgates and pumps higher than storm surge height.

○For equipment combined w ith facilities such as pumps, maintain their functions by w ater-tightness of the opening.

○Take measures for estimated height of tsunami at w ater reclamation centers and others.

○Establish tw o hubs of the High Tide Management Center w hich controls floodgates in order to operate by either one of tw o hubs if one of each become malfunction, and conduct multiplexing of communications netw ork as w ell.

○Allow administrators of each facility to immediately share information through using communications netw ork such as optical fiber or w ireless netw ork that set in highly earthquake resistance sew erage pipe.


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