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INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM DOMINICANS 800 years Intellectual, linguistic and cultural heritage. Call for Papers


Academic year: 2021

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800 years

Intellectual, linguistic and cultural heritage

Call for Papers

DATES : 1st-3rd September, 2016

PLACE : Convent of Santo Domingo, Caleruega (Burgos-Spain)


University of Valladolid In collaboration with:

University of Alicante - Rey Juan Carlos University – Complutense University of Madrid - Autonomous University of Madrid - University for Foreign Students in Perugia (Italy), University of Leuven (Belgium), Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci (Belgium), Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and University of Ricardo Palma University in Lima (Peru);

R & D project Ref.: FFI2014-59140-P Catalogue and Study of the Translation Works of the Spanish and Latin American Dominicans



The Order of Preachers (OP), or Dominicans, founded by Saint Dominic de Guzmán in 1216, had in Spain its most important province, being Caleruega in Burgos the birthplace of the founder.

From the beginning, Dominicans considered study an essential part of their vocation. Saint Dominic, himself a student at the Studium of Palencia, sent his brothers to the major European universities (Paris, Bologna and Oxford) to acquire the necessary training for carrying out their preaching and to eventually become teachers. Another outcome of such zeal for academic training was the creation by the order of renowned universities in America and Europe, like the universities of Sto.Domingo (Dominican Republic) in 1538, S. Marcos de Lima (1551), La Plata or Charcas (Bolivia), Santa Fe de Bogota (Colombia), Manila (1611) or, more recently the Angelicum University in Rome; and also institutes of philosophy and theology such as San Esteban College of Theology in Salamanca.

The Dominican friars extended over all continents, and their missionary, anthropological and cultural endeavors found in language and translation the path of Revelation as well as the fundamental tool for spreading their knowledge during the eight hundred years of their existence.

The purpose of this colloquium is to bring together a team of researchers to analyze and discuss the importance of the intellectual, linguistic, cultural and traductological heritage of the Dominican Order.

This International Colloquium will consist of three sessions: an afternoon session on day one; a morning and an afternoon sessions on the second day; and a final morning session for the third and last day. All sessions will include guest lectures and papers accepted by the Scientific Committee, followed by open discussions, all of which will be published in a variety of formats.

The program includes a number of cultural activities that will allow participants to acquaint themselves with Saint Dominic’s birthplace, in Caleruega, the convent and the Order.


Both experienced and pre-doctoral researchers, teachers, students and all those interested in the subject matter.


Both on-site and off-site papers will accepted for presentation at the Colloquium, and for publication, if approved by the Scientific Committee.


All papers selected by the Scientific Committee for presentation at the Colloquium or sent for the occasion will be published in electronic format (pre-congress internet edition), and later in paper format.



A certificate of attendance and/or participation will be issued for each registered participant at the Colloquium.


PARTICIPANTS : General : 50 € Reduction (*): 30 €

(*) Students and unemployed SPEAKERS:

With attendance: 120 € Without attendance: € 100 (Accommodation NOT included)

Scholarships: A scholarship for free tuition will be granted to one novel researcher from each university partner for the presentation of papers.




Hotel El Prado Meninas, Caleruega (Burgos-Spain)


Bed and breakfast: 45 € (VAT included) (Price per person/day)

Reservations and information: www.pradodelasmerinas.com Tel: +34 947534244

E-mail: [email protected]



Notice title and summary acceptance: May 20, 2016 Deadline for submission of written paper: July 31, 2016 Deadline for registration of participants: August 15, 2016


Antonio Bueno Garcia (Director)

David Perez Blazquez and Elena Serrano Bertos (Secretaries)


Teresa Amido Lozano Cristian Cámara Outes María Delgado Alfaro Marie-Hélène García Díaz Anastasia Ionova Alina Popescu Nadchaphon Srisongkram Zhang Zhongli SCIENTIFIC COMITTEE :

Juan Antonio ALBALADEJO MARTINEZ (University of Alicante) José MaríaALONSO DEL VALOFM (Cultural Centre Cardinal Cisneros) Maria Cruz ALONSO SUTIL (University of Rey Juan Carlos)

Lieve BEHIELS (University of Leuven-Belgium)

PilarBLANCO GARCÍA(Complutense University of Madrid)

Agustí BOADAS LLAVAT OFM (Archivist of the Convent La Inmaculada) Enrique CÁMARA ARENAS (University of Valladolid)

Francisco Javier CAMPOS AND FERNÁNDEZ DE SEVILLA OSA (Real University Centre Escorial Maria Cristina)

Sixto José CASTRO RODRIGUEZ OP (University of Valladolid) Carmen CUÉLLAR LÁZARO (University of Valladolid)

Jesus Antonio DIAZ SARIEGO OP (Provincial of the Province of Hispania) Bernardo FUEYO SUÁREZ OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) DianellaGAMBINI(University for Foreign Students in Perugia)


Ramón HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) JanaKRÁLOVÁ(Charles University in Prague-Czech Republic)

Rafael LAZCANO GONZÁLEZ (Collaborator of Real Academy of the History)

Ricardo DE LUIS CARBALLADA OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) César Luis LLANA SECADES OP (Convent of Santa Rosa, Lima-Peru)

Ana MaríaMALLO LAPUERTA(University of Valladolid)

Jose Antonio MARCÉN TIHISTA OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) HugoMARQUANT(Haute École Léonard de Vinci - Belgium),

Ángel MARTÍNEZ CASADO OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) PilarMARTINO ALBA(University of Rey Juan Carlos)

Jose Antonio MERINO ABAD (Pontifical University "Antonianum", Rome-Italy)

Antonio OSUNA FERNÁNDEZ-LARGO OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) Jesus MariaPALOMARES IBÁÑEZ(OP) (University of Valladolid)

LuisPEGENAUTE RODRÍGUEZ(University of Pompeu Fabra)

Moses PÉREZ MARCOS OP (Regent of Studies of the Province of Hispania)

Francisco RAFAEL PASCUAL OCSO (Cistercium,Abbey of Viaceli, Cóbreces - Cantabria)

Rufina ClaraREVUELTAGUERRERO(University of Valladolid)

Lázaro SASTRE VARAS OP (Faculty of Theology "San Esteban", Salamanca) GiovannaSCOCOZZA(University for Foreign Students in Perugia, Italy) IsabelSERRA PFENING(Autonomous University of Madrid)

RosarioVALDIVIA PAZ-SOLDAN (University of Ricardo Palma in Lima) María del Pino VALERO CUADRA (University of Alicante)

Miguel Ángel VEGA CERNUDA (University of Alicante)


E-mail :[email protected]

University of Valladolid: Antonio Bueno García

Faculty of Translation and Interpretation Campus Duques of Soria, 42004 Soria (Spain) Tel . : +34 975129136 / Fax : +34 975129101 [email protected]


University of Alicante:

David Perez Blázquez and Elena Serrano Bertos Department of Translation and Interpretation PO Box 99 -. 03080 Alicante (Spain)

Phone : +34 965903400 - ext. 2963 [email protected] / [email protected]


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