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218 HO KeylessGo (JL_JM_GC) 04-05-02


Academic year: 2021

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Keyless Go

Keyless Go



218 HO Keyless Go 218 HO Keyless Go


These technical training materials are current as

These technical training materials are current as of the date noted of the date noted on the materials, and may be on the materials, and may be revised or updated without notice.revised or updated without notice. Always check for revised

Always check for revised or updated information.or updated information.

To help avoid personal injury to you or others, and to avoid damage to the vehicle on which you are working, you must always refer  To help avoid personal injury to you or others, and to avoid damage to the vehicle on which you are working, you must always refer  to the latest

to the latest Mercedes-Benz Technical Publication and follow all pertinent instructions when tMercedes-Benz Technical Publication and follow all pertinent instructions when t esting, diagnosing or making repair.esting, diagnosing or making repair. Illustrations and descriptions in t

Illustrations and descriptions in this training reference are based on preliminary information and may not correspond to his training reference are based on preliminary information and may not correspond to the final USthe final US version vehicles. Refer to the offi

version vehicles. Refer to the official introduction manual and WIS when available.cial introduction manual and WIS when available. Copyright Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC, 2002 

Copyright Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC, 2002 

Reproduction by any means or by any information storage and retrieval system or translation in whole or part is not permitted  Reproduction by any means or by any information storage and retrieval system or translation in whole or part is not permitted  without written authorization from Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC or its

without written authorization from Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC or its successors.successors. Published by Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC 

Published by Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC  Printed in U. S.A.




•• UnUndederstrstanand td thahat Kt KG iG is a s a susupppplelemement nt to to ththe Se SmamartrtKeKey Dy DAS AS syssystetemm •• EExxppllaaiin n bbaassiic c ccoonncceepptts s ffoorr::


 – LoLockckining & g & ununlolockckining vg vehehiciclele  –

 – StStarartiting ng & & ststopoppiping ng enengiginene

•• DeDescrscribibe le lococatatioion on of Kf KG sG swiwitctchehes, s, cocontntrorol ml mododulule ae and nd anantetennnnasas •• NaName me tthe he KG KG cacardrd-d-depepenendedent nt fefeatatuureress


Advantages of Keyless Go (KG)

Advantages of Keyless Go (KG)

•• KKeeyylleesss s ooppeerraattiioon n ooff:: - Locking and unlocking - Locking and unlocking - Arming and disarming the - Arming and disarming the

alarm alarm

- Starting and stopping of the - Starting and stopping of the

engine engine - Convenience feature - Convenience feature - Accessory circuits - Accessory circuits •

• Unlikely Unlikely that that owner owner will will be be locked locked outout of vehicle with Keyless Go card left

of vehicle with Keyless Go card left inside


Note: SmartKey still works as Note: SmartKey still works as

it did previously  it did previously 


Identifying Keyless Go Option

Identifying Keyless Go Option

•• 2 K2 Keyeyleless ss Go Go cacardrds ss supupplpliied ed wiwith th vvehehiiclclee

•• BoBoth th exexteteririor dor doooor har handndleles has have ve pupush bsh bututtoton fon for lor lockckiningg


 – DoDoor hor hanandldles ses stitill hll havave ine infrfrarared red receceieiveversrs

•• EnEngigine ne ststarart/t/ststop op bubutttton on on on gegear ar seselelectctor or lelevever r 


Prerequisite for Keyless Go Option:

Prerequisite for Keyless Go Option:



Add the components for Keyless GoAdd the components for Keyless Go Note:

Note: Always carry SmartKey Always carry SmartKey in case there in case there is a malis a malfunction in function in the KEYLESS the KEYLESS GO card.GO card. Begin with a DAS3 SmartKey system


Keyless Go Card

Keyless Go Card

Press the button for 

Press the button for > 5> 5 seconds toseconds to switch between

switch between global global andand selectiveselective KG

KG unlockingunlocking • Press button on card briefly to check

• Press button on card briefly to check unlocking mode selected for card

unlocking mode selected for card Selective: LED (1) illuminates Selective: LED (1) illuminates Global: LED (2) illuminates Global: LED (2) illuminates

• The LEDs will also indicate how card was • The LEDs will also indicate how card was last used for vehicle locks

last used for vehicle locks

Locking: either LED is red Locking: either LED is red

Unlocking: either LED is green Unlocking: either LED is green • If LEDs do not light: replace batteries • If LEDs do not light: replace batteries

2 batteries used 2 batteries used



•• AAftfter er ununllocockiking ng wiwitth h KeKeylyleess ss Go Go cacardrd::  –

 – WiWith th dodoor or opopenen, s, seaeat ct can an be be adadjujuststeded  –

 – WiWith th dodoor or clclososeded, e, engnginine oe offff::

•• TapTappinping starg start butt button on gton on gearearshishift twft twiceice, wit, withouhout actut actuatiating foong foott brake allows seat adjustment

brake allows seat adjustment

•• TapTappinping stag start burt buttotton onn once, wce, with fith foot oot brabrake acke actuatuated ted stastartsrts engine and allows seat adjustment

engine and allows seat adjustment •• KKeeylyleesss Gs Go co caarrdd-d-deeppeennddaannt t mmeemmoorryy


 – ShSharared ed sesettttinings gs fofor br bototh ch carardsds

•• BotBoth carh cards fods for one vr one vehiehicle pcle provrovide iide idendentictical meal memormory posiy positiotionsns

Seat Operation with Keyless Go

Seat Operation with Keyless Go


KG Start / Stop Button Duties

KG Start / Stop Button Duties

• A valiA valid transmitter d transmitter card must card must be inside be inside the passenger the passenger compartmentcompartment •

• Gear Gear selector leselector lever muver must be st be in Pin Parkark •

• Engine may Engine may shut off if shut off if vehicle is vehicle is started with card, started with card, card is removedcard is removed and then vehicle is driven

and then vehicle is driven



•• 1 f1 for or eaeach ch dodooor (r (AA2/2/38 38 && A2/40)


•• 3 i3 in tn trurunnk ak arerea a (A(A2/2/3131,, A2/35 & A2/36)

A2/35 & A2/36)

•• 1 i1 in n cecentnter er coconsnsolole (e (A2A2/6/60)0)

•The KG module is connected to the antennas through discrete wiring •The KG module is connected to the antennas through discrete wiring •All antennas are activated during a lock or unlock request

•All antennas are activated during a lock or unlock request

•Only the two door antennas are activated when starting engine •Only the two door antennas are activated when starting engine

•The KG module can only activate a transmitter card if card is within 1.5 •The KG module can only activate a transmitter card if card is within 1.5 meters

meters (~ 5 feet)(~ 5 feet) of vehicle’s KG antennas (125kHz signal)of vehicle’s KG antennas (125kHz signal)

Keyless Go Antennas

Keyless Go Antennas


Receiving from Key Card

Receiving from Key Card

•• KKeey y ccaarrd d pprroodduuceces s 331155MMHHz z ssiiggnnaall •• RReecceeiivveed bd by uy uppppeer rr riigghht wt wiinnddshshiieelldd

antenna (4) antenna (4)

•• AAnntteennnna a (4(4) i) is s coconnnneecctteed d tto o rriigghhtt antenna amplifier module (A2/65) antenna amplifier module (A2/65)

•• SSiiggnnaal sl seennt tt to Oo OCCP tP to bo be ce coonnvveerrtteed td too digital signal and placed on CAN-B digital signal and placed on CAN-B

Antennas: Antennas: 1 = FM1 1 = FM1 2 = FM2 2 = FM2 3 = FM3 3 = FM3

4 = FM4 & Central Locking 4 = FM4 & Central Locking

(Viewed from inside vehicle)


KG Antenna Zones

KG Antenna Zones

• Card in zones A, B or C = external KG locking & unlocking possible • Card in zones A, B or C = external KG locking & unlocking possible • Card in zone D = KG starting is possible

• Card in zone D = KG starting is possible

• Card in zones D or E = external KG locking not possible without a 2nd key • Card in zones D or E = external KG locking not possible without a 2nd key


KG Locking Components

KG Locking Components

• S47s2(left) S47s2(left) and and S48s2(right)S48s2(right) - Black button on door  - Black button on door  handle


- Convenience closing of  - Convenience closing of  windows with these buttons windows with these buttons only- movement stops when only- movement stops when button is released button is released • S62/21 • S62/21 - Trunk switch - Trunk switch

These are all

These are all direct inputs to direct inputs to KG. KG. This signal causes This signal causes KG to KG to activate antennas activate antennas toto request proper card signal plus checking for cards left inside vehicle.


• S47b1(left) and S48b1(right) • S47b1(left) and S48b1(right)

- Capacitive sensor discharges when - Capacitive sensor discharges when handle is touched

handle is touched

- Power to sensor is shut off: - Power to sensor is shut off:

•after 72 hours without use •after 72 hours without use •after 10 attempts without card •after 10 attempts without card (play protection)

(play protection)

• S47s1(left) and S48s1(right) • S47s1(left) and S48s1(right)

- Door pull contact - Door pull contact

- Wakes up KG and unlocks door if  - Wakes up KG and unlocks door if  power to capacitive sensor has been power to capacitive sensor has been shut off 

shut off 

- Used for emergency opening - Used for emergency opening feature-movement stops when feature-movement stops when

KG Unlocking Components

KG Unlocking Components

Note: If unlocked using Keyless Go, Note: If unlocked using Keyless Go, vehicle will re-lock after 30-40

vehicle will re-lock after 30-40 seconds if no door is opened seconds if no door is opened


KG Unlocking (Lift) Solenoid

KG Unlocking (Lift) Solenoid

•• LL1122((lleefftt) ) aannd d LL1122//22((rriigghhtt))  –

 – SoSollenenooid id aat t eaeach ch dodooor r   –

 – QQuiuickckly ly ununllococks ks ththe de doooor r  where the request was where the request was made prior to pneumatic made prior to pneumatic unlocking


KG Unlocking Components

KG Unlocking Components

•• SS113344  –

 – MeMechchananiicacal ll locock sk swiwitctchh  –

 – SiSigngnalals Ps PSE SE to to igignonore re ununlolock ck rereququesestt  –

 – PSPSE iE innfoformrms Ks KG vG viia Ca CANAN-B-B •• SS8888//88

– UUnnlloocck k hhaannddllee  –

 – InInfoformrms Ps PSE SE of of an an ununlolock rck reqequeuestst  –

 – PSPSE iE innfoformrms Ks KG vG viia Ca CANAN-B-B  –

 – OnOnly ly trtrununk k lilid d wiwill ll ununlolockck

•• UpUpon on clclososining, g, ththe te trurunk nk lolockcks as agagainin and alarm is reset

and alarm is reset

•• KG KG wiwill ll nonot at allllow ow trtrununk tk to lo locock ik if af a card is left inside

card is left inside S134


KG Lock / Unlock Basic Concept

KG Lock / Unlock Basic Concept

Door handle or trunk Door handle or trunk

locking button locking button C C A A N N B B

Vehicle locks / unlocks Vehicle locks / unlocks

8 8 Keyless Keyless Go Go module module 1 1 Front windshield Front windshield antenna antenna 4 4 315MHz 315MHz 5 5 OCP OCP Trunk release &

Trunk release & mechanical lock mechanical lock status status CA CAN-BN-B 6 6 C C A A N N B B All antennas: All antennas: “Card ID request” “Card ID request” 2 2   C   C A A  N  N -  -  B   B EIS EIS “Card Authorized?” “Card Authorized?” 7 7

Card receives request Card receives request and transmits answer  and transmits answer 





KG Locking / Unlocking Notes

KG Locking / Unlocking Notes

•• If If boboth th cacardrds as are re nenear ar eaeach ch ototheher wr whehen en engnginine ie is sts stararteted bd by my meaeans ns of of  Keyless Go,

Keyless Go, one card one card may no may no longer operate longer operate locks. locks. Cure by Cure by startingstarting with each card separately

with each card separately

•• In In SeSelelectctivive une unlolockicking ng momodede: I: If a pf a pasassesengngerer’s d’s doooor har handndle le is gis graraspspeded,, the vehicle will unlock Globally


Control Modules Working with KG

Control Modules Working with KG

OCP provides antenna signal, PSE provides trunk lock/unlock OCP provides antenna signal, PSE provides trunk lock/unlock information, ESM provides start/stop button and Park position information, ESM provides start/stop button and Park position



KG Module Connectors

KG Module Connectors

1) Left trunk antenna 1) Left trunk antenna 2) Right trunk antenna 2) Right trunk antenna 3) Rear bumper antenna 3) Rear bumper antenna

4) Left door components, brake switch, 12V, ground 4) Left door components, brake switch, 12V, ground

5) Right door components, center console antenna, CAN-B, 5) Right door components, center console antenna, CAN-B,

ESM (start/stop button & park position), ESM (start/stop button & park position),


KG Messages in Cluster Display

KG Messages in Cluster Display

Press button on card Press button on card

An LED will light if battery OK An LED will light if battery OK



If engine is running, locate card in order to If engine is running, locate card in order to lock, unlock or restart vehicle

lock, unlock or restart vehicle Card may still be in trunk

Card may still be in trunk Use Smartkey if necessary Use Smartkey if necessary



Displays when attempting to lock from Displays when attempting to lock from outside while card is still in vehicle outside while card is still in vehicle Remember-Vehicle can be started if  Remember-Vehicle can be started if  card is left inside


KG Messages in Cluster Display

KG Messages in Cluster Display



Upon opening driver’s door  Upon opening driver’s door 





If gearshift button is touched or  If gearshift button is touched or  driver’s door is opened with engine driver’s door is opened with engine running and gear selector in any running and gear selector in any position except Park


KG Engine Start /Stop Components

KG Engine Start /Stop Components

•• SS22//33  –

 – StStarart / t / ststop op sisigngnal al prprovovidideded to ESM

to ESM  –

 – ESESM pM prorovvididees ss sigignnal al to to KGKG •• PPaarrk k ppoossiittiioon n oof f ggeeaarrsshhiifftt


 – ESESM pM prorovvididees ss sigignnal al to to KGKG  –

 – KG KG cacannnnot iot ininititiatate ste starartiting ong or r  stopping of engine if not in stopping of engine if not in Park


•• SS99//11 –

– BBrraakke e lliigghht t swswiittchch  –

 – SiSigngnal al prprovoviideded d tto o KGKG through a discrete wire through a discrete wire

KG Engine Start Component

KG Engine Start Component


KG Engine Start Basic Concept

KG Engine Start Basic Concept

Start button Start button Brake switch Brake switch Park position Park position EIS EIS   C   C A A  N  N - -  B  B 7 7 Keyless Go module Keyless Go module 1 1 Passenger  Passenger  compartment compartment antennas: antennas:

“DAS code request” “DAS code request”

2 2 OCP OCP 5 5

Card receives request Card receives request

and transmits and transmits 3 3 125kHz 125kHz Front windshield Front windshield antenna antenna 4 4 6 6 C C A A N N B B Engine starts Engine starts C C A A N N C C 8 8


KG Cards: “Replacement” and

KG Cards: “Replacement” and “Additional”


•• A KA KG cG caarrd cd caan bn be ae assssiiggnneed d tto ao anny oy of tf thhee eight key rails in EIS

eight key rails in EIS

•• But But , KG module can only manage two, KG module can only manage two cards


•• DaData ta exexchchanange ge ffrorom m cacard rd to to EEIS IS iis ds donone ae ass for start authorization

for start authorization (via OCP & CAN-B)(via OCP & CAN-B) •• EIEIS aS aututhohoririzezes ls locockikingng, u, unlnlocockiking ng & D& DASAS

with card as it does for SmartKey with card as it does for SmartKey

•• NeNew cw carardds cs canannonot t be be leleararnned ed whwhiile le SSDS DS iiss connected - after erasing the old card in connected - after erasing the old card in memory, disconnect SDS

memory, disconnect SDS

“Programming transm


KG Module Replacement

KG Module Replacement

•• KKG G kkeey y ccaarrdds s aannd d EEIIS S kkeey y rraaiillss must be reassigned using a must be reassigned using a learn-in procedure

learn-in procedure

•• SSttaar r ddiiaaggnnoossiis s ttooool l nnoot t rereqquuiirreedd

The procedure for reassigning the cards to

The procedure for reassigning the cards to a replacement Keyless Go control module is a replacement Keyless Go control module is explained in WIS: GF80.61-P-4103Rexplained in WIS: GF80.61-P-4103R

Trunk, Left side Trunk, Left side


Keyless Go (KG)

Keyless Go (KG)

In Diagnostic Assistance System, from Main groups menu, select: In Diagnostic Assistance System, from Main groups menu, select:

- Functions covering all control modules > Drive authorization > Keyless Go - Functions covering all control modules > Drive authorization > Keyless Go - Control units > Body > KG_Keyless Go

- Control units > Body > KG_Keyless Go

Group: 80.61

Group: 80.61


Control unit unit designation: designation: N69/5N69/5 U

U..SS. . IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn:: MMYY2200001 1 WW222200//CC221155 MMYY2200003 3 RR223300 M

Maajjoor r ccoommppoonneennttss:: TTrraannssmmiitttteer r ccaarrddss KG control module KG control module

Pushbutton start/stop switch Pushbutton start/stop switch Door antennas (1 each)

Door antennas (1 each) Trunk area antennas (3) Trunk area antennas (3)

Door handle switches (3 each) Door handle switches (3 each)

Unlocking (lift) solenoids (1 per door) Unlocking (lift) solenoids (1 per door) Trunk switch (1)

Trunk switch (1) M

MIILLss:: NNoo


Waarrnniinng g mmeessssaaggees s iin n IICC?? YYeess D

DTTC C ccaappaabbllee?? YYeess C

Coonnttrrool l uunniit t aaddaappttaattiioonn?? ““AAssssiiggn n ttrraannssmmiitttteer r ccaarrd d tto o kkeey y ttrraacckk”” Re


Acronym List

Acronym List


CAANN--BB CCoonnttrroolllleer r AArreea a NNeettwwoorrk k B B ((bbooddyy)) C

CAANN--CC CCoonnttrroolllleer r AArreea a NNeettwwoorrk k C C ((eennggiinnee)) D

DAASS DDiiaaggnnoossttiic c AAssssiissttaanncce e SSyysstteemm D

DAASS33 DDrriivve e AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioon n SSyysstteem m ttyyppe e 33 E

EIISS EElleeccttrroonniic c IIggnniittiioon n SSwwiittcchh E

ESSMM EElleeccttrroonniic c SShhiifft t MMoodduullee K

KGG KKeeyylleessss GGoo O

OCCPP OOvveerrhheeaad d CCoonnttrrool l PPaanneell P





Fuunnccttiioon n oof f KKeeyylleesss s GGoo IInnttrroodduuccttiioon n oof f tthhe e NNeew w SSLL--CCllaassss M

Mooddeel l SSeerriiees s 223300 pppp..6622--6633 Model Year 2002 USA Models

Model Year 2002 USA Models

129,170,203,208,210,215,220 pp.48-57 129,170,203,208,210,215,220 pp.48-57 Key

Key Chart Chart and and DAS DAS identification identification Info Info bulletin bulletin > > Parts Parts Distribution Distribution #IB-600401#IB-600401 KG

KG Component Component Location, Location, WIS: WIS: group group 80.6180.61 Purpose, Design,Function

Purpose, Design,Function K

KG G aanntteennnna a ffuunnccttiioonn WWIISS: : ggrroouup p 8822..6622 Re

Remmovoviingng,i,insnstatallllining dog door hor hanandldlee WISWIS: AR: AR7272.1.10-0-PP-2-2440000N (2N (21515/2/2220)0) S


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