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Determining what sets of trees can be the clique trees of a chordal graph


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DOI 10.1007/s13173-011-0048-0 S I : G R A P H C L I Q U E S

Determining what sets of trees can be the clique trees of a chordal


Pablo De Caria·Marisa Gutierrez

Received: 24 October 2011 / Accepted: 31 October 2011 / Published online: 22 November 2011 © The Brazilian Computer Society 2011

Abstract Chordal graphs have characteristic tree represen-tations, the clique trees. The problems of finding one or enu-merating them have already been solved in a satisfactory way. In this paper, the following related problem is stud-ied: given a familyT of trees, all having the same vertex setV, determine whether there exists a chordal graph whose set of clique trees equalsT. For that purpose, we undertake a study of the structural properties, some already known and some new, of the clique trees of a chordal graph and the characteristics of the sets that induce subtrees of every clique tree. Some necessary and sufficient conditions and examples of how they can be applied are found, eventually establish-ing that a positive or negative answer to the problem can be obtained in polynomial time. If affirmative, a graph whose set of clique trees equalsT is also obtained. Finally, all the chordal graphs with set of clique trees equal toT are char-acterized.

Keywords Chordal graph·Clique tree·Minimal separator·Clique

1 Introduction

1.1 Definitions

For a graphG,V (G)andE(G)denote the sets of its ver-tices and edges, respectively. A subset ofV (G)iscomplete

P. De Caria·M. Gutierrez (


CONICET, Departamento de Matemática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina


P. De Caria


if its elements are pairwise adjacent inG. Acliqueis a max-imal complete subset. The family of cliques ofGis denoted byC(G).

The subgraph induced by AV (G), G[A], has A as vertex set, and two vertices are adjacent inG[A]if and only if they are adjacent inG.

Given two verticesuandvin the same connected com-ponent ofG, auv-separatoris a setSV (G)such thatu andv are in different connected components ofGS:= G[V (G)S]. It isminimalif no proper subset ofShas the same property. We will just sayminimal vertex separatorto refer to a minimal set separating some pair of nonadjacent vertices. The family of minimal vertex separators ofGwill be denoted byS(G).

LetF be a family of nonempty sets.F isintersecting if every pair of members ofF has a nonempty intersection. F isHellyif the intersection of all the members of each in-tersecting subfamily ofF is not empty.F isseparatingif, for everyvFFF, the intersection of all the members ofF containingvequals{v}. Theintersection graphofF, L(F), has the members ofF as vertices and all the pairs of members ofF with nonempty intersection as edges. The intersection graph ofC(G), denoted byK(G), is called the clique graphofG.

LetT be a tree, andv, wV (T ).T[v, w]is the set of vertices in the path ofT fromvtow. If the edgevwis not inT andvwE(T )is such thatv, wT[v, w], the tree obtained by removingvw fromT and adding vwto it is denoted byTvw+vw.


Fig. 1 A familyT of trees and the graphsHT andHT∗ . Each edge ofHT is labeled with the two elements ofE(T)that the trees must exchange to get one from the other. Each edgeeeofHT∗ is labeled with all the pairs of trees that can exchangeeandeto get one from the other

the graph such thatV (HT)=E(T), wheree, eE(T), e=e, are adjacent if and only if there existsTT such thatTe+eT. For each connected componentHof HT∗ , we defineP (H)=uvV (H){u, v}. For an example of the graphsHT andHT∗ , see Fig.1.

1.2 Notions on chordal graphs and clique trees

Given a cycleC, achordis defined as an edge joining two nonconsecutive vertices of C.Chordal graphs are mostly defined as those for which every cycle of length greater than or equal to four has a chord. Chordal graphs have been widely studied, partially due to the fact that they arise in the solution of many practical problems.

Many characterizations have been found for chordal graphs. One of them says that a graph is chordal if and only if each minimal vertex separator of the graph is complete [2]. Now we proceed to discuss the characterization most re-lated to the subject of this paper.

Given a graph G andvV (G),Cv denotes the set of cliques of G containing v. The collection of the sets Cv, vV (G), receives the name of dual clique family of G. More generally, given AV (G), we define CA= {CC(G): AC}.T is aclique treeofGif V (T )=C(G) and, for every vV (G),Cv induces a subtree of T. It is not difficult to see that clique trees can also be defined as those for which, for every tripleC1, C2, C3of cliques ofG, C3∈T[C1, C2]implies thatC1∩C2⊆C3.

Clique trees are characteristic to chordal graphs, i.e., a graph is chordal if and only it has at least one clique tree [10]. The family of clique trees ofGwill be denoted by



It is our interest to mention some of the basic structural properties of clique trees, as they will be necessary for the

remainder of the paper. First, we note that clique trees can be characterized as maximum weight spanning trees:

Theorem 1 [9]LetGbe a chordal graph,and letK(G)w

be the graph obtained fromK(G)by assigning each edge

CCthe weight|CC|.Then,T is a is a clique tree ofGif and only if it is a maximum-weight spanning tree ofK(G)w.

Corollary 1 LetGbe a chordal graph,T a clique tree of

G, C1C2∈E(T )and C3, C4∈C(G) such that C1, C2∈ T[C3, C4]andC1∩C2⊆C3∩C4.Then,TC1C2+C3C4 is also a clique tree ofG.

Proof It is known from the definition of clique trees that C1, C2∈T[C3, C4]implies thatC3∩C4⊆C1∩C2. There-fore,C3∩C4=C1∩C2. By Theorem1,T is a maximum-weight spanning tree ofK(G)w, soTC1C2+C3C4is also a maximum-weight spanning tree. Therefore,TC1C2+

C3C4is a clique tree ofG.

It is also useful to know what edges can be found in the clique trees of the graph. Two cliquesC1andC2are a sep-arating pairifC1∩C2separates each pair of vertices such that one is inC1−C2and the other is inC2−C1. As cliques are complete subsets of vertices, this definition implies that C1∩C2is a minimal vertex separator.

Theorem 2 [3]LetGbe a chordal graph,SS(G),and

C1, C2∈C(G).Then:

Sis the intersection of two cliques forming a separating pair.

C1C2 is an edge of at least one clique tree of Gif and only ifC1andC2are a separating pair.

These and other properties appearing in [3] were funda-mental to show the important role minimal vertex separators play in analyzing clique trees. They were particularly useful for us in the development of the work [1], focusing, among other things, on the subsets that induce subtrees in clique trees. This paper can be viewed as a sequel of it, with sev-eral of its concepts and ideas being used below.

1.3 The problem to be studied


To our knowledge, the reverse problem has not been stud-ied and is of theoretical importance to us. More clearly, take a familyT of trees on the same vertex setV, the problem being to find a chordal graphGsuch that


(G)=T, when possible. Our goal is to show that this can be done in poly-nomial time with respect to|T|and|V|by exploiting the structural properties of clique trees and the sets that induce subtrees in them.

In Sect.2, we find several necessary conditions which are very effective in detecting many negative instances of the problem. They are derived from several interesting proper-ties of clique trees and its edges, which are listed and proved. In Sect.3, necessary and sufficient conditions on which the exact solution of the problem is based are found, and the structure of the graphs with given set of clique trees is discussed. This requires, among others, two results that we consider important in themselves. Namely, we find a new way to characterize clique trees (see Theorems7and3), and we give a necessary and sufficient condition for two graphs to have the same clique trees (Theorem6).

2 Necessary conditions

T will be a fixed tree family throughout this section. Several properties about the clique trees of a chordal graph will be listed and proved, and the necessary conditions forT to be the family of clique trees of a chordal graph inferred from them will appear below.

Recall that


(G) is used to denote the family of clique trees of a chordal graph G. The following result can be proved as a consequence of Theorem1.

Proposition 1 Let G be a chordal graph. Then Hτ (G) is connected.

Necessary condition number 1 HT is connected.

For example, according to the first necessary condition, the trees of Fig.2cannot be all the clique trees of a chordal graph. For this family, the graphHT consists of two vertices that are not adjacent, since we cannot get one tree from the other by removing an edge and adding another.

We have already seen a necessary and sufficient condition for an edge to be in the setE(τ(G))of edges each being in at least one clique tree ofG(see Theorem2). Now we write another statement:

Fig. 2 This is not a family of clique trees of a chordal graph because the first necessary condition is not satisfied

Proposition 2[7] LetGbe a chordal graph,andT a clique tree ofG.Then,C1C2∈E(τ(G))if and only if there is an edgeC3C4inT[C1, C2]such thatC1∩C2=C3∩C4.

The consequent necessary condition is the following:

Necessary condition number 2 For all TT and eE(T),e=uv,there existseE(T ),e=uv,such that

u, vT[u, v]andTe+eT.

The trees of Fig.2do not satisfy this condition either. In fact, if they satisfied the condition, the first condition would have been satisfied too.

Now we proceed to characterize the graphHτ (G)∗ :

Proposition 3 LetGbe a chordal graph,andC1C2, C3C4 be two different elements of E(τ(G)). Then, C1C2 and C3C4are adjacent inHτ (G)if and only ifC1∩C2=C3∩C4.

Proof Suppose thatC1C2andC3C4are adjacent inHτ (G)∗ . LetT be a clique tree ofGsuch thatTC1C2+C3C4is also a clique tree. Then,C1, C2∈T[C3, C4], soC3∩C4⊆ C1∩C2. Furthermore, by Theorem1,|C1∩C2| = |C3∩C4|. Therefore,C1∩C2=C3∩C4.

Conversely, suppose thatC1∩C2=C3∩C4. Let S= C1∩C2, and letA1, A2, A3, A4be the set of vertices of the connected components ofGSintersectingC1, C2, C3, C4, respectively. Also, letB be the set with the vertices of the other connected components, if any. Then, by Theorem2, A1=A2andA3=A4. We consider three cases:

(1) A1, A2, A3, A4are all different: LetT1be a clique tree of G[A1∪BS] andTi,i=2,3,4, a clique tree of G[AiS]. Let T =T3+C1C3+T1+C1C2+T2+ C2C4+T4. Now we prove thatT is a clique tree. Let vV (G). IfvS, thenvis inA1∪B,A2,A3, orA4. IfvA1∪B, then T[Cv] =T1[Cv], which is a sub-tree. IfvAi,i=2,3,4, thenT[Cv] =Ti[Cv], also a subtree. IfvS, thenT[Cv]is formed by the subtrees T1[CvC(G[A1∪BS])]andTi[CvC(G[AiS])], i=2,3,4, all joined together by the edgesC1C3,C1C2, andC2C4. Therefore,T[Cv]is a subtree. We can con-clude that T is a clique tree. Similarly, TC1C2+ C3C4is also a clique tree. Therefore,C1C2 andC3C4 are adjacent inHτ (G)∗ .

(2) Two of the sets are equal. Suppose without loss of generality thatA1=A3. Let T =T1+C1C2+T2+ C2C4+T4. Then, T is a clique tree of G, and so is TC1C2+C3C4. Therefore,C1C2andC3C4are ad-jacent inHτ (G)∗ .

(3) There are two couples of equal sets. Suppose without loss of generality thatA1=A3andA2=A4. LetT = T1+C1C2+T2. Then,T is a clique tree ofG, and so isTC1C2+C3C4. Therefore,C1C2 andC3C4 are


In combination with Theorem2, we have the following:

Corollary 2 LetGbe a chordal graph.Then,the number of connected components ofHτ (G)equals|S(G)|,and each of them is a complete subgraph.

The necessary condition can be expressed in very similar terms:

Necessary condition number 3 The connected compo-nents ofHTare complete subgraphs.

For example, we can clearly see that the family of trees in Fig.1satisfies this condition.

Proposition 4 LetGbe a chordal graph,C1C2∈E(τ(G)), andC3another clique such thatC1∩C2⊆C3.Then,C1C2 is adjacent toC1C3or toC2C3inHτ (G)∗ .

Proof LetT be a clique tree ofGsuch thatC1C2∈E(T ). Then, C1∈T[C2, C3]orC2∈T[C1, C3]. In the first case, TC1C2+C2C3is a clique tree, soC1C2andC2C3are adjacent inHτ (G)∗ . In the second case,TC1C2+C1C3is a clique tree. Thus,C1C2andC1C3are adjacent inHτ (G)∗ .

Recall that, for a setAof vertices of a graph, the setCA consists of all the cliques of the graph containingA. Then we have:

Proposition 5 LetGbe a chordal graph,C1C2∈E(τ(G)), C1∩C2=S,and H the connected component of Hτ (G)containingC1C2.Then,P (H)=CS.

Proof Let CP (H). Take C such that CCV (H). Then, by Proposition 3 and Corollary 2, CC=C1∩ C2=S, and henceCCS. Therefore,P (H)CS.

Conversely, let CCS. If C =C1 or C =C2, then clearly CP (H). Otherwise, by Proposition4,C1C2 is adjacent toCC1 inHτ (G)∗ , or C1C2 is adjacent toCC2 in Hτ (G)∗ . Then,CC1∈V (H)orCC2∈V (H). In either case, we conclude thatCP (H). It follows thatCSP (H).

Therefore,P (H)=CS.

A combination of Propositions4and5gives the next nec-essary condition:

Necessary condition number 4 For each connected com-ponent H of HT∗ , if uvV (H) and wP (H), then

uwV (H)orvwV (H).

Equivalently,for each connected componentH ofHT

and u, vP (H) such that uvV (H), {wP (H): uwV (H)} = {wP (H): vwV (H)}.

Fig. 3 A family of trees not satisfying the fifth necessary condition

Proof We only prove that both statements are equivalent. Suppose that the first one is true, and letHbe a connected component of HT∗ , and u, vP (H) be such that uvV (H). Suppose thatwP (H)is such thatuwV (H). Then, by the hypothesis,uvV (H)orvwV (H). Since the first possibility is not true,vwV (H). We conclude from this reasoning that {wP (H): uwV (H)} ⊆

{wP (H): vwV (H)}. Similarly,{wP (H): vwV (H)} ⊆ {wP (H): uwV (H)}. Therefore, the equality holds.

Now suppose that the second statement is true, and letH be a connected component ofHT∗ ,uvV (H), andwP (H). If uwV (H), nothing else is necessary to con-clude that the first statement is true. Otherwise, by the hy-pothesis,{xP (H): uxV (H)} = {xP (H): wxV (H)}. Sincevis in the first of these sets, it is also in the

second. Therefore,vwV (H).

On the other hand, ifGis a chordal graph andSis a min-imal vertex separator ofG, thenCS=

vSCv. Therefore, CSinduces a subtree of every clique tree ofG. In combina-tion with Proposicombina-tion5, we get one more necessary condi-tion.

Necessary condition number 5 For all TT and every connected componentH ofHT∗ ,P (H)induces a subtree ofT.

As an example, consider the trees of Fig.3. It is not dif-ficult to check that this family satisfies the first four neces-sary conditions. However, the connected componentH of HT∗ containing 25 has only one more vertex, namely, 45. Then, P (H)= {2,4,5}. This set does not induce a sub-tree in any of the sub-trees. Therefore, there is no chordal graph whose clique trees are just these two.

Proposition5tells us that there is a way to find the sets CSby only looking at the clique trees of the graph. Now we find another way also based on the clique trees:

Proposition 6 Let G be a chordal graph, SS(G), and C1C2 ∈ E(τ(G)) such that C1 ∩ C2 = S. Define TG[C1, C2] =

Tτ (G)T[C1, C2].Then,TG[C1, C2] =CS.

Proof LetCbe any element ofTG[C1, C2], andT


(G) be such thatCT[C1, C2]. SinceT is a clique tree,C1∩ C2⊆C, and henceCCS. Therefore,TG[C1, C2] ⊆CS.


C1C2 is adjacent toCC1inHτ (G)∗ , or C1C2is adjacent to CC2inHτ (G)∗ . Suppose without loss of generality that the first is true. LetT be a clique tree ofGsuch thatTCC1+ C1C2is also a clique tree ofG. Then,CT[C1, C2], and thusCTG[C1, C2]. Therefore,CSTG[C1, C2], and the

equality follows.

Recall that the set T[u, v] was defined as T[u, v] =

TTT[u, v]. Then we have:

Necessary condition number 6 For allTT and uvE(T),T[u, v]induces a subtree ofT.

Necessary condition number 7 For allHconnected com-ponent ofHTanduvV (H),T[u, v] =P (H).

Consider again the trees in Fig. 3. We see easily that T[2,5] = {2,3,4,5}. Therefore, the trees of Fig.3satisfy the sixth necessary condition, but they do not satisfy the sev-enth necessary condition.

3 Main results

The goal of this section is to find some necessary and suf-ficient conditions for a family T to be equal to the family of clique trees of a chordal graph, in the hope of deriving a procedure, running in polynomial time with respect to the number of members of T and the number of vertices the trees inT have, to solve the decision problem.

Clique trees were defined by the fact that each set Cv induces a subtree. But these are not necessarily the only sets that induce subtrees in every clique tree of the chordal graph. We defineS C(G)as the family of subsets ofC(G) inducing a subtree in every clique tree of G. The sym-bol to denote this family is derived from the initial let-ters of the words subtree and chordal and should not be confused with a mixture between S(G)andC(G). Since any family of subtrees of a tree is Helly [6], it can be deduced that S C(G) is a Helly family. It is not diffi-cult to see that the intersection of members of S C(G)is inS C(G)and that, ifF1, F2, . . . , FnS C(G)satisfy that for all 1< in, there existsj < i such thatFiFj = ∅, thenni=1FiS C(G). Such unions are calledconnected. A subfamilyBofS C(G)is calledgeneratingif, for each FS C(G)such that|F| ≥2,F can be expressed as the connected union of some members ofB.

The first result about generating subfamilies is as follows:

Proposition 7 LetGbe a chordal graph,andBa generat-ing subfamily ofS C(G).Then:

(a) T is a clique tree ofGif and only if each member ofB induces a subtree ofT.

(b) LetF=B∪ {{C} : CC(G)}.Then,the intersection graph ofF is chordal and has the same clique trees asG.

Proof (a) Let T be a clique tree of G. Then, since BS C(G), each member ofBinduces a subtree ofT.

Conversely, suppose thatT is a tree with vertex setC(G) such that every member ofBinduces a subtree ofT. For ev-eryvV (G), eitherCvis a unit set, or it can be expressed as the connected union of members ofB. Thus, for every vV (G), Cv induces a subtree of T. Therefore, T is a clique tree.

(b) SetG=L(F).L(F)can be represented as the in-tersection graph of subtrees of any clique tree ofG, and so it is a chordal graph [4].

Now we find the cliques of L(F). LetF be a clique of L(F). Then, F is an intersecting subfamily of F. Since F can be represented as a family of subtrees of a tree and hence is Helly [6], we can conclude that there ex-istsCC(G) such that F=DC:= {FF : CF}. Conversely, asF is separating, it is possible to prove that, for eachCC(G), DC is a clique of L(F). Therefore, the family of cliques ofL(F)consists of all the sets DC, CC(G). ForFF, the set of cliques ofL(F) contain-ingF is{DC: CF}. Therefore{Cv}vV (G)∼=F. By the construction ofF, it is a consequence of part(a)thatT is a clique tree ofGif and only if each member ofF induces a subtree ofT, that is,T is a clique tree ofG. Therefore,G

andGhave the same clique trees.

In our context, Proposition 7 means that if someone found a chordal graph making the answer to our decision problem affirmative, not revealing what the graph is but re-vealing one family generating all the subtree-inducing sub-sets of the clique trees of the graph, we would be able to verify it ourselves by constructing another graph. Conse-quently, knowing the generating family is almost as impor-tant as knowing the chordal graph itself. This also suggests that, givenT, trying to derive from it a generating family for a potential chordal graph with family of clique trees equal to T might be a very useful approach. Our next steps go in that direction.

Theorem 3 Let G be a chordal graph. Then,{CS : SS(G)}is a generating subfamily ofS C(G).


T1[A]is connected, each element of A is the endpoint of an edge ofT1[A], soA=C1C2E(T1[A])CC1∩C2. The fact thatT1[A]is a subtree also makes the union be connected.

Therefore,{CS: SS(G)}is a generating subfamily of

S C(G).

In view of Propositions5 and6, there is at least a cou-ple of procedures based on looking at all the clique trees of the graph for obtaining this generating subfamily, such as finding the setsTG[u, v]orP (H). As a consequence, if we followed the same procedures on a familyT of trees, a po-tential graph havingT as its family of clique trees could be obtained.

Theorem 4 LetT be a family of trees,all having the same vertex set V,T1∈T,F = {T[u, v] : uvE(T1)},and F=F∪ {{v} : vV}.Then,there exists a chordal graph

Gsuch that


(G)=T if and only ifL(F)is chordal and



Proof Suppose that there exists a chordal graphGsuch that


(G)=T. Then, by Proposition6 and Theorem3,F is a generating subfamily ofS C(G),and, by Proposition7, L(F)is chordal and



The converse is clearly true. We just need to set G=


In view of Theorem4, the answer to our problem solely depends on whetherL(F)is a solution or not. In order to be a solution, two natural conditions arise, namely, all the members ofT must be clique trees ofL(F), and no other tree can be a clique tree ofL(F).

If L(F) is a solution to the problem and we want to apply to L(F)the procedure described in Theorem 1 to find clique trees, we need to know what the family of cliques ofL(F)is. Reasoning as in the proof of Proposition7, part (b), the family of cliques ofL(F)consists of all the sets Dv= {FF: vF},vV.

In order to give weights to the edges of the clique graph, we note that |DuDv| = |{FF : {u, v} ⊆F}|. Con-sequently, if T andT are two trees inT such that T= Twx+uv, we must have thatDuDv=DwDx. This motivates the following result:

Theorem 5 LetT be a family of trees,all having the same vertex set V,T1∈T,and F = {T[u, v] : uvE(T1)}. Foru, vV,u=v,defineDuv= {FF : {u, v} ⊆F}. Then,there is a chordal graph Gsuch that


(G)=T if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

1. For allFF andTT,T[F]is a subtree ofT. 2. For allu, vV,u=v,TT,and wxE(T )such

that {w, x} ⊆T[u, v] and Duv =Dwx, we have Twx+uvT.

Fig. 4 A family of trees satisfying condition 2 of Theorem5but not satisfying condition 1

Proof Suppose that there is a chordal graph G such that


(G)=T. DefineFas in Theorem4. Then,


(L(F))= T. As the dual clique family ofL(F)is isomorphic toF (see proof of Proposition7), condition 1 is satisfied.

LetT be any tree inT and suppose thatw, xare two ver-tices inT[u, v]such thatDuv=Dwx. Then, by Theorem1 and the remark previous to this theorem,T +uvwxis a clique tree ofL(F), that is,T+uvwxT.

Conversely, suppose that conditions 1 and 2 hold. Then, by condition 1, L(F)is a chordal graph such that T


(L(F)). Now, let TT, and let T be adjacent to T in Hτ(L(F)). Take the edges uv and wx such that T =Twx +uv. Then, Duv =Dwx and, by condi-tion 2, TT. From this reasoning and the fact that, by Proposition 1, Hτ(L(F)) is connected, we conclude that

T =



It is clear thatF and the setsDuvcan be found in poly-nomial time with respect to|T| and|V|. Condition 1 can also be tested in polynomial time. Moreover, for each pair of different verticesu, vandTT, the number of edges wxinT such thatDuv=Dwx cannot be larger than|V|−1. Therefore, the number of operations necessary to test con-dition 2 is polynomial. As a conclusion, the whole problem can be solved polynomially. However, developing an algo-rithm that could reduce the complexity of the solution is out-side the scope of this paper.

Now let us discuss some examples. Consider the trees of Fig.3. For them,F = {{1,3},{2,3},{3,4},{2,3,4,5}}. This family clearly satisfies condition 1 of Theorem5. How-ever,D25=D35, and the tree obtained by removing edge 25 from the first tree of Fig.3and adding 35 to it is not in the family.


con-Fig. 5 A family of trees for which the answer to the problem is affirmative and the chordal graph, given by Theorem4, having them as all its clique trees

dition 2 is satisfied. However,T2[{1,2,3}]andT2[{2,3,4}] are not subtrees. Therefore, condition 1 is not satisfied.

Finally, let T be the family of trees in Fig.5, which had already been considered in Fig. 1. We leave it to the reader to verify that conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied. F = {{1,3},{3,5},{1,2,3},{3,4,5}}, and the graphL(F) ap-pears in the lower part of Fig.5. It is easy to use Theorem1

to check thatT =



We end the paper by finding an expression for all the graphs that can solve the general problem.

As a first step, given a chordal graphG, we characterize the graphs with the same clique trees asG. Every graph can be determined by its dual clique family, since its intersection graph is the graph itself. For the case ofG, the setsCS, with S minimal vertex separator, can be expressed as intersec-tion of members of the dual clique family. IfG is another chordal graph with the same clique trees asG, then the sets of the formCS are the same as inGbecause, as we saw by Proposition6, there is an expression for them in terms of the clique trees and again can be expressed as the intersection of members of the dual clique family ofG. These ideas and some others lead to the following theorem:

Theorem 6 LetGandGbe two chordal graphs.Then,G

andGhave the same clique trees if and only ifG=L(F), whereFis a separating subfamily ofS C(G)such that,for eachSS(G),FF,CSFF=CS.

Proof Suppose that G =L(F), where F satisfies the statement of the theorem.

If we repeat the reasoning of Proposition7, part(b), then we also get that {Cv}vV (G) ∼=F. Therefore, since FS C(G), every clique tree ofGis a clique tree ofG.

Now, letT be a clique tree ofG. Then, each member of F induces a subtree ofT. The condition that, for each SS(G),FF,C

SFF =CSimplies thatCSinduces a

subtree ofT. Therefore, by Proposition7and Theorem3,T is a clique tree ofG. It follows thatGandGhave the same clique trees.

Conversely, suppose that G and G are two graphs with the same clique trees. Then, S C(G) =S C(G). SetF = {Cv}vV (G). Thus, G∼=L(F), and, by the pre-vious statement, FS C(G). Now, let SS(G) and C1C2∈E(τ(G))be such thatC1∩C2=S. The equality of clique trees for both graphs implies thatTG[C1, C2] = TG[C1, C2]. By Proposition6,TG[C1, C2] =CS. On the other hand, also by Proposition6,TG[C1, C2]can be ex-pressed as an intersection of members of the dual clique family ofG, that is, as an intersection of members of F. The equalityFF,C

SFF =CS immediately follows.

We know that when, givenT, the question whether there is a chordal graph whose family of clique trees equalsT has an affirmative answer, we can use Theorem4to construct a graph with the required clique trees. Combining this with Theorem6, we will be able to characterize all the chordal graphs with the family of clique trees equal toT.

Let T, T1, F, and F be the same as in Theo-rem 4, i.e., T a family of trees on the same set V of vertices, T1 ∈ T, F = {T[u, v] : uvE(T1)}, and F=F∪ {{v} : vV}. Define the span of F, Sp(F), as the family of unit sets contained inV plus all the sets that can be obtained as connected unions of members ofF. Then we have:

Theorem 7 LetCh(T)= {G:


(G)=T}.Then,one of the following is true:

Ch(T)= ∅.

GCh(T) if and only if G=L(F), where F is a separating subfamily ofSp(F)such that,for alluvE(T1),FF,{u,v}⊆FF=T[u, v].

Proof Suppose that Ch(T)= ∅. Then, by Theorem 4, L(F)Ch(T), and, by Proposition 6 and Theorem 3, Sp(F)=S C(L(F)). Now let uvE(T1) and FSp(F)be such that{u, v} ⊆F. By the above,F induces a subtree of every TT. Thus, T[u, v] ⊆F for every TT, and T[u, v] ⊆ F. Therefore, for FSp(F), {u, v} ⊆F if an only ifT[u, v] ⊆F.

The conclusion of the theorem follows if we apply


As an example, consider the familyT in Fig.6. It holds that Ch(T)= ∅, F = {{1,3},{2,3},{3,4},{2,3,4,5}}, andL(F)equals the graphGin the figure. The figure also displays another graphGCh(T).G can be viewed as the intersection graph of the familyF= {{1},{2},{4},{5},


Fig. 6 A family of trees and two graphs having them as their clique trees

LetT1be the tree in the upper left of the figure.

The members ofFthat contain{1,3}are{1,2,3}and {1,3,4}. Their intersection equalsT[1,3].

The members ofFthat contain{2,3}are{1,2,3}and {2,3,4,5}. Their intersection equalsT[2,3].

The members ofFthat contain{3,4}are{1,3,4}and {2,3,4,5}. Their intersection equalsT[3,4].

The only member ofFthat contains{2,5}is{2,3,4,5}, which is equal toT[2,5].

Therefore, we see that this example is in agreement with Theorem7.


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Fig. 1 A family T of trees and the graphs HT and H ∗T . Each edgeof HT is labeled with the two elements of E(T ) that the trees mustexchange to get one from the other
Fig. 4 A family of trees satisfying condition 2 of Theorem 5 but notsatisfying condition 1
Fig. 5 A family of trees for
Fig. 6 A family of trees and two graphs having them as their cliquetrees


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