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Evidence for a mucosal effect of aldosterone on sodium transport in the toad bladder


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Evidence for a mucosal effect of aldosterone on

sodium transport in the toad bladder.

G W Sharp, … , N S Lichtenstein, A Leaf

J Clin Invest. 1966;45(10):1640-1647. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI105471.

Research Article

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Vol. 45, No. 10, 1966

Evidence for


Mucosal Effect of Aldosterone



Transport in












(FromtheDepartments of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and theHarvard

Medical School, Boston,Mass.)

Evidence has been presented suggesting that the means by which aldosterone causes a stimula-tion of sodium transport across the isolated toad bladder is to increase the entry of sodium into the transport pool of the mucosal cells across their apical surface. Thus radioactive sodium added to the mucosal bathing medium was found in higher concentrations in bladders exposed to al-dosterone than in paired control tissues. A higher rate of transepithelial transport induced by aldosterone, together with a higher content of the transported sodium in the tissue, is consistent

with an effect of the hormone to increase the

per-meability oftheapicalsurface ratherthan thebasal surface of the mucosal layer of cells (1) in an

epithelium possessingthese two major permeability

barriers (2, 3).

This type of experiment, however, is open to several criticisms. First, the effect, although it occurred in every




significant, was small with aldosterone. Second,

one does not know where in the tissue the extra

radioactive sodium may be. Although the sub-mucosa and serosa in this tissue have been found

to have a high permeability to ions (4, 5), this does notprovide absolute assurance that the extra

*Submitted for publication April 11, 1966; accepted

July 13, 1966.

This investigation was supported in part by a grant

from the John A. Hartford Foundation and by U. S. Public Health Service research grants HE-06664 from theNationalHeart InstituteandAM-04501 fromthe

Na-tional Institute of Arthritis and MetabolicDiseases. tAddress requests for reprints to Dr. Geoffrey W. G. Sharp, Cardiorenal Unit, Massachusetts General

Hos-pital, Boston, Mass. 02114.

1 Advanced Research Fellow of the American Heart

Association during the period of this study.

§ Present address: National Cancer Institute, Bldg.

10-6N 119, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.


radioactive sodium may not be trapped in

con-nective tissue or smooth muscle ratherthan lie

be-tween thetwolimitingpermeabilitybarriers of the mucosal cells, as necessary for the valid

interpre-tation of this test. Furthermore, electron

micros-copy reveals intercellular lakes between the lateral

and basal portions of adjoining cells in the

mu-cosal layer of cells (6). Again we have no

as-surance that the excessradioactivityisnottrapped within such lakes after already


the two

permeability barriers.

Because of the uncertainties with the above ap-proach,theproblem of how aldosterone inducesan

increased transport of sodium has been further examined. Two lines of evidence have been

brought to bear on this


1) The metabolic

effects ofaldosterone on theutilizationof pyruvate

and acetoacetate were examined to determine whether the stimulation by the hormone of their utilization was dependent upon the




2) The effect of an


method for


more sodium into the transport

pathway of the tissue (treatment with

amphoteri-cin B) was examined to see whether an


entry of sodium per se could mimic the metabolic

effects of thehormone. Striking metabolic effects

associated with the hormonal action (7-10) have

suggested that the stimulation of sodium trans-port by this hormone depends upon a channeling

of metabolism to provide more energy for the ac-tive transport of sodium. The evidence for this

alternative view will be examined.


Sodium transport across the toad bladder was mea-sured as the short circuit current in double chambers, a

technique that has been described in detail previously (1). With one half bladder mounted across a double chamber, one quarter serves as a test tissue and one as a control. When the spontaneous membrane potential



is reduced to zero in the short circuited preparation, the electrical current required to maintain the potential at zero is equivalent to the sodium transport across the bladder. Toads used for these studies were maintained partially immersed in 0.6% saline solution for 24 to 48 hours before use to decrease the endogenous secretion of aldosterone. The amphibian-Ringer's solution used for experiments involving substrate utilization studies con-tained Na, 115; K, 3.5; Cl, 116.5; HCOs,2.4 mEqper L;

and Ca, 0.89; and PO, 2 mmoles per L. The pH in air of the amphibian-Ringer's solution was 7.7, and the total solute concentration was 230 mOsm per kg water. For

experiments requiring sodium-free Ringer's solution on

the mucosal surface of the bladder, a solution was used that contained sucrose, 200; K, 3.0; HCOa, 3.0 mEq per

L; and Ca, 0.89 mmole per L; the total solute concen-tration was 230 mOsm per kg water, and the pH in air

was 7.8. When d-aldosterone was used, it was added in 5 Al ofmethanol to the medium bathing the serosal sur-face of the tissue. Five of methanol was added simi-larly to the control. Amphotericin B, when used, was added to the medium bathing the mucosal surface of the tissue.

The rate of utilization of acetoacetate and pyruvate, in the presence and absenceof sodium in the mucosal

bath-ing medium, was determined by experiments with the double chamber. The "CO2 released, from 1 mM ethyl acetoacetate containing ethyl acetoacetate-3-"C or 1 mM

sodium pyruvate containing sodium pyruvate-1-'C, by

quarter bladders was determined as previously described

(9, 10). Bladders were depleted of endogenous sub-strates before the determination of the rates of utilization by incubating in Ringer's solution. The "CO2 released

was collected by passing all the air used to aerate and stir the medium through trains of three tubes, the first ofwhich contained 1.0 ml of 0.15%o HCl in 50%

metha-nol to trapvolatile substrates. The last two tubes in the

train contained 1 ml of 0.5 M hydroxide of Hyamine

in methanol. At the end of the incubation of the bladder

with labeledacetoacetate or pyruvate the experiment was

terminated by the injection of 0.2 ml of 2 N H2SO4 into

the 5 ml of Ringer's solution bathing each surface of the

bladder. Aeration of the chambers was continued for a

further 15 minutestotransfer all the "CO2to thealkaline trap. Sodium transport was measured simultaneously

with the utilization of substrate. The Hyamine solution

containing the trapped `C02, in thelast two tubesof the

train, was transferred quantitatively to a toluene

scin-tillation mixture (p-bis[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)]-benzene (POPOP), 0.15 g; 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO), 4.38 g;

toluene, 1 L) with 5 ml methanol and the radioactivity measured in a Packard Tri-Carb scintillation

spectrom-eter. In some experiments the GCO2, after passing through the acidtrap, was collected directly by passing it through the toluene-methanol scintillation fluid containing 0.5 ml hydroxide of Hyamine in counting vials, thus eliminating the need for a quantitative transfer step. At the end of "CO2 collection, the tissues were carefully

removed from the chambers and their dry weights

de-termined. Volatility of the labeled substrate was de-termined under conditions of the experiment and the ap-propriate small blank subtracted from the radioactivity measured under experimental conditions. Penicillin G and streptomycin sulfate were added to the medium in concentrations of approximately 0.1 mg per ml to inhibit bacterial utilization of substrates.

Determination of ATP, ADP, and phosphocreatine in the toad bladder was carried out under different condi-tions of hormonal treatment by the enzymatic methods detailed by Lowry, Passonneau, Hasselberger, and Schulz (11), including their strict conditions to avoid hydrolysis during the extraction of the tissue. In one

series of experiments ATP was determined by the lu-ciferase method (12). The nucleotides were referred to

dry weight or DNA contentof the tissue; DNA was

de-termined colorimetrically with diphenylamine.


A. Effect ofaldosteroneontheutilization ofpyruvateandacetoacetatein the absenceofsodium in the mucosalmedium*


n Present Absent A.SEM p

Pyruvate 9 0.046 0.044 0.002 i0.004 0.7 Acetoacetate 10 0.0057 0.0054 0.0003 f 0.0004


B. Effect of addition ofsodium to mucosal medium on the utilization of pyruvate andacetoacetate in the presence of aldosterone*


n Present Absent A±SEM p

Pyruvate 20 0.087 0.060 0.027 1 0.006 <0.001 Acetoacetate 8 0.029 0.020 0.009± 0.002 <0.01

*PartsAandB weredoneatdifferent times of the year;


nodirectcomparisonbetweenthe actual values of substrate utilization is possible; differences in availability of endogenoussubstrates may be considerable under such circumstances.

Values are micromoles pyruvate-1-14C decarboxylated or acetoacetate-3-14C utilized per milligram dry weightper hour. 2 X 10- M d-aldosteronewaspresentinserosal medium ofbothpairedtissues in part Band inmedium of one tissue in part A.



Dependence on sodium of the increased utiliza-tion of substrate in thepresence of aldosterone. It has been shown that in the presence of aldosterone, but not in its absence, pyruvate and acetoacetate stimulate sodium transport and that the increased sodium transport is associated with an increased rate ofoxidation of these substrates (10). It thus became of interest to determine whether these changes in tissue metabolism are primary events or occur only secondary to the availability of so-dium to be transported. The rate of pyruvate and acetoacetate oxidation, therefore, was determined in the presence and absence of sodium bathing the mucosal medium.

Part A, Table I, shows the results of experi-ments in which only one portion of tissue was

ex-posed to aldosterone and no sodium was present in the mucosal medium of either tissue. The

re-sults indicate that aldosterone, in fact, had no ef-fect in increasing the utilization of substrates in the absence of mucosal sodium. Part B, Table I, shows that the increased utilization of pyruvate and


characteristic of aldosterone (10), is dependent upon the presence of sodium in the mu-cosal bathingmedium. In these experimentsboth

portions of tissue were exposed to aldosterone 3 hours before the measurements of substrate

utiliza-tion. Labeled pyruvate or acetoacetate was then


200 Amphotericin 1.3mM 2pg/mI

rt160 P/11 t

'R 1204_E:4Om




60 120 180


FIG. 1. THE EFFECT OF AMPHOTERICIN B ON SODIUM TRANSPORT AND THE SUBSEQUENT RESPONSE TO PYRUVATE IN THE ABSENCE OF ALDOSTERONE. The tissues were in-cubated in theabsence of aldosterone for 12 hours before zero time. E=transbladder potential.











0 30 60 90

FIG. 2.


THE EFFECT OF AMPHOTERICIN B ON SODIUM TRANSPORT AND THE SUBSEQUENT RESPONSE TO ACETO-ACETATE IN THE ABSENCE OF ALDOSTERONE. The tissues were incubated in the absence of aldosterone for 5 hours before zero time.

added to the bathing medium of both portions of

tissue but sodium only to the mucosal medium of one. The absence of sodium prevented the in-creased utilization of both pyruvate and

acetoace-tate that is characteristic of the response to aldos-terone.

Since the aldosterone was in contact with the tissues during a 3-hour period during which no

sodium was present in the mucosal bathing me-dium of either portion of tissue, it was necessary to demonstrate that the hormone still exerted its usual action inpreparingthetissue foranincreased rate of sodium transport. This was examined in eight experiments in which the rates of sodium

transportbypairedtissues, one with and one

with-out prior exposure to aldosterone, were compared

in the first30 minutes after adding sodium to the mucosal medium of each. The rate of sodium transport by the aldosterone-treated tissue was significantly greater than the control; 0.48 and



ofsodium transported per mgdry weight

inthe first 30 minutes after addition of sodium for the aldosterone-treated and control tissues, re-spectively (A + SEM = 0.23 ±0.047, p <0.001).

This indicates that aldosterone had prepared the tissue for an increased rate of sodium transport, even inthe absence of sodium to be transported.

The dependence of the rate of substrate utiliza-AMPHOTERICI N












Opg/ml 1Opg/ml 2.5mM




E lOmV

30 60 90 120 0



0 30 60 90 120 150 180 a




incu-bated in the absence of aldosterone for 4 hoursbeforezero time.

tion upon the availability of sodium to be

trans-ported is in accord with the hypothesis that the basic action of aldosterone istoadmitmoresodium

into the transport mechanism, thus bringingabout

increased substrate utilization.

The effect of amphotericin B on the response of

sodiumtransportto substrates. It has been shown

previouslythat amphotericin B,when addedtothe

mucosal bathing medium, markedly augments

so-dium transport secondary to reducing the perme-ability barrier to that ion at the apical surface of

the mucosal layer of cells (13). The response of

tissuestosubstrates afterexposuretoamphotericin

B but in the absence of aldosterone was,therefore, tested. Figure 1 shows the large increase in

short circuit current and potential difference

in-duced by amphotericin B. It also shows the

sec-ondary stimulation of sodium transport by








0 60 120


FIG. 4. THE EFFECT OF SUBSTRATE ON SODIUM TRANS-FORT STIMULATEDBY AMPHOTERICIN B IN THE ABSENCE OF ALDOSTERONE. The tissues were incubated in the absence of aldosterone for 14 hours before zerotime.

vate in the tissue treated with amphotericin B but the absence ofany responseto pyruvateinthe

con-trol. Figure 2 shows similarly the effectiveness of

acetoacetate in stimulating sodiumtransportin the

tissue exposed to amphotericin B but the absence of an effect of this substrate in the control tissue

not exposed to amphotericin B. In other

ex-periments the effects of other substrates were

tested, and the findings indicate that just those substrates which are effective in enhancing

so-dium transport in the presence of aldosterone,

thatis, glucose, pyruvate,oxaloacetate, lactate, and acetoacetate, are effective after amphotericin B.

It can also be shown (Figure 3) that the effects of amphotericin B and the subsequent response to


Theeffects of amphotericinB ontheutilization ofpyruvate andacetoacetateandontransportofsodiumin toadbladder


n Present Absent a-SEM p

A. Pyruvate

Utilization* 10 0.101 0.078 0.023 i 0.008 <0.02

Transportt 10 1.00 0.13 0.87 i 0.16 <0.001 B. Acetoacetate

Utilization* 9 0.012 0.005 0.006 i 0.002 <0.01

Transportt 7 0.87 0.12 0.74 4- 0.08 <0.001

* Micromoles permilligramdry weightper hourasmeasuredby


release from


and acetoacetate-3_14C,respectively, duringthe first 30 minutes afteraddition ofamphotericinB.

tMicroequivalents permilligram dry weightper hour measured simultaneously with the utilization of pyruvateor







Effects of aldosteroneonconcentrationso A TP, ADP,andcreatinephosphate*

Aldos-n terone Control A±SEM p A.

ATP 16 0.027 0.034 -0.007 [ 0.006 0.3 B.

ATP 12 0.42 0.38 0.04 ±0.02 <0.2 ADP 11 0.14 0.15 -0.01 :4:0.02 0.6 Creatine P 12 0.75 0.73 0.02 40.05 0.7 C.

ATP 12 0.51 0.52 -0.01 4t0.03 0.7 ADP 12 0.15 0.13 0.02 40.01 <0.1 CreatineP 12 0.65 0.77 -0.12 :+10.08 <0.2


ATP 11 0.38 0.38 0.00 :1 0.2

Creatine P 11 0.75 0.84 -0.09 d 0.08 0.3 Sodium transport 11 60 13



Aldos-n ouabain terone A4SEM p

ATP 7 0.44 0.48 -0.04 :10.03 0.2

CreatineP 7 0.85 0.92 -0.07 d 0.06 0.3 Sodium transport 7 33 70

Aldos-terone and

n ouabain Control A±SEM p F.

ATP 8 0.41 0.42 -0.01 L 0.04 0.8

Creatine P 8 0.78 0.84 -0.06 4 0.08 0.5

Sodium transport 8 46 18

*Sodium transportexpressedas meancurrentinmicroamperes just

before analyses. ATP, ADP, and creatine phosphate expressed as

micromoles permilligramDNAexcept for partA,which isexpressedas

micromoles per100mgwetweightof tissue. Aassayedfor ATP by the luciferase method of Strehler andMcElroy (12). B.C, D, E,and Fassayed forATP,ADP,and creatine phosphate by the method of Lowry and associates(11).

A. Tissues incubated S hours with d-aldosterone (1X10-7M) to onetissueinitially,then pyruvate (1.0 mM)toboth fora final hour of incubation. ATPassayedby luciferase method (12).

B. Tissuesincubated 10to 17hourswith d-aldosterone (1X10-7 M)toonetissueinitially.

C. Tissuesincubated 17to24hours withd-aldosterone(1X10-7M)

to one tissueinitiallyand pyruvate(1.0 mM)tobothduringthe final hour.

D.Tissues incubated10to14hours in chamber with d-aldosterone (2 X10-7 M) to onetissueinitially and pyruvate (2.5 mM) toboth

duringthe final hour.

E. Tissues incubated4hours in chamber with d-aldosterone(2X10-7

M) and pyruvate(1.0mM)tobothtissuesand ouabain(1X10-6M)to onesideat startof incubation.

F. Tissues incubated4 to 7 hoursin chamber with d-aldosterone (2 X10-7 M) to onebefore pyruvate (1 mM) was added toserosal medium of both. Atonsetofresponse topyruvate, ouabain(1 XlO-6 M)wasaddedtothe tissueexposedtoaldosterone and theexperiment


substrate are unaffected


the presence of

puro-mycin at a concentration that eliminates the

re-sponse to aldosterone and substrates


Fur-thermore, inaseries of nine



wasadded before the


B in the absence

of aldosterone. In all nine



rates of sodium transport were seen


upon addition of


B in the tissues that

received the substrate. The rapidity of this

sub-strate effect can be seen in Figure 4. Table II

documents that in the first 30 minutes after the

addition of amphotericin B a significant increase occurs in the utilization ofpyruvate and

acetoace-tate in association with the increased rate of

so-dium transport. Since amphotericin B admits

in-creased amounts of sodium into the tissue across

the apical surface and since this agent induces the

same susceptibility of thetissue to subtrates as

al-dosterone, it is suggested that aldosterone, too,

ac-complishes its effect secondary to facilitating the entry of sodium into the tissue across the apical

permeability barrier of the mucosal layer of cells.

The effect of aldosterone and substrates on the levels of ATP in toad bladder. Edelman and

as-sociates have supported the hypothesis that aldos-terone acts by directing energy from metabolism into pathways for sodium transport by reporting that, in the presence ofaldosterone, tissue levelsof

adenosine triphosphate in toad bladder are higher than in the absence of the hormone (7, 8). We

have, therefore, examined the levels of ATP, ADP, and phosphocreatine in toad bladder under a

va-riety of conditions in which hormonal and sub-strate effects have been elicited, as seen in Table

III. In none of the conditions tested were we able

to demonstrate differences in ATP content be-tween the aldosterone-treated and control tissues.


The transport of sodium across the toad bladder is currently visualized as occurring in the

follow-ing manner (3): Sodium is thought to enter the active transport pool in the epithelial layer of cells by a process involving interaction with receptor sites at the apical surface of these cells. The driv-ing force for entry of sodium into the transport pool is thought to be the electrochemical potential gradient for sodium across this surface. A trans-port mechanism located at the basal surface of these cells moves sodium from the transport pool

to body fluids by a process coupled to the energy metabolism of the cells. Sodium, as well as

meta-bolic intermediates, must serve as substrate for this active mechanism with the rate of transport accelerated by an increasein sodium in the



sodium transport could in theory result from an

increased delivery of sodium from mucosal

me-dium into the cells with no change in the amount

of enzymatic machineryor from anincrease in the machinery.

The evidence presented here indicates the

suffi-ciency of an action ofaldosterone to stimulate

so-dium transport by enhancing the entry of sodium into the transport pool through the mucosal sur-face of the epithelial cells (1, 15, 16). Without

an increase inits enzymatic components the active transport system has adequate capacity, in the ab-senceofaldosterone, to accommodate the hormonal

stimulation of sodium transport.

Ithas been shown that the action of aldosterone

on the toad bladder isassociated with an increased rate of aerobic metabolism (10). This finding has allowed us to show that the metabolic effects of aldosterone are entirely dependent upon the presence of sodium in the mucosal bathing

me-dium. This is in accord with the hypothesis that thehormonal action is to admitmore sodium to the transport mechanismbutisnotby itselfconclusive. Conceivably, a primary action of the hormone to provide energy for sodium transport could result in

a small increase in available energy not detectable

by present techniques. Without sodium to be

transported, this increase in the supply of energy for sodium transport might not be dissipated and might prevent any further increase in energy

me-tabolism. Thus a similar dependence of the






of sodium might

appear irrespective of the primary action of the hormone in experiments such as these.

If it can be shown that increased sodium entry

alone can stimulate sodium transport and induce themetabolic effects characteristic ofthehormone,

then there is nological need to postulate anaction of the hormoneother than that on the entry of

so-dium. Ithas been shown that the action of

aldos-terone is associated with characteristic substrate

requirements (10, 17). Thus in the presence of

aldosterone, but not in its absence, sodium

trans-port in the toad bladder is supported by pyruvate and its precursors (glucose, lactate, and

oxaloace-tate) and by acetoacetate and


Itis not supported by intermediates of the

tricar-boxylic acid cycle such as a-ketoglutarate or

suc-cinate. In


the action of aldosterone is

associated with a significant increase in the rate

of utilization of pyruvateand acetoacetate. It has also been shown that amphotericin


when added to the mucosal bathing medium, markedly aug-ments sodium transport secondary to reducing the permeability barrier to that ion at the apical surface of the mucosal layer of cells (13). The present study demonstrates that this action of

amphotericin B on sodium transport in fact in-duces all the observed effects of aldosterone on

metabolism. Thus amphotericin B in the absence of aldosterone makes thebladder responsive to just those substrates to which the tissue is sensitive after aldosterone. Furthermore, the increased rate oftransport induced by amphotericin B is as-sociated with an increased rate of utilization of pyruvate and acetoacetate. These effects, which

are observed promptly after amphotericin B, and

even in the presence of puromycin, exclude any requirement forthesynthesisof enzymes concerned with energy metabolism.

Althoughthe present study demonstrates that an action on sodium entry would be sufficient to ac-count for the hormonal effect, it does not exclude other possibilities. Since an action to channel more metabolic energy into the transport process has been suggested, it is pertinent to examine the consequences of such an action. For any given


of the apical surface of the mucosal

cells to sodium, the electrochemical gradient will determine its entry into the transport pathway. This


the case, the concentration of sodium in the pathway must normally be kept very low,

or the cell interior must be electrically negative

to the mucosal medium, since active transport at

this cell surface seems excluded (18). Measure-ments of the active sodium transport pool

indi-cate that it diminishes in size with reduction of concentration of sodium in the mucosal medium

eventoconcentrations less than 1 mEq per L (2). Furthermore, measurements of the electrical po-tentialgradientacrossthis surface indicate that the cell interior ispositivewith respect tothe mucosal

medium even when the concentration of sodium in the medium is reduced. Without active

trans-port of sodium at themucosal surface the low

val-uesfortheamountofsodium in the transport

path-waymust mean aconcomitant low concentration of sodium in thepathway. Thus any mechanism that stimulated transepithelial transport



in-creasing the removal of sodium across the basal


surface would be ineffective and incapable of the two- to threefold augmentation of the rate of so-dium transport commonly observed with aldos-terone. This is a limitation imposed by the fact that a further drop in concentration of sodium within a pool that already has a low concentration can contribute only a small percentage increase in the gradient for sodium entry across the mucosal

surface and hence in the rate of transepithelial movement of sodium.

Neurohypophysial hormones have previously been shown to enhance sodium transport also by augmenting entry of sodium into the epithelium through its mucosal surface (2). However, un-like the situation after amphotericin B, after vaso-pressin no clear-cut response to substrates was demonstrated. For this and other reasons, we have concluded that vasopressin affects pathways for entry of sodium that are separate and parallel

to those affected by aldosterone (14).

In conclusion, we suggest that aldosterone acts

to enhance the entry of sodium into the transport system. The entry of sodium through the apical surface is usually rate limiting and the content of sodium in the active transport poolkeptatlow

con-centrations by efficient active extrusion of sodium

across the serosal surface of the cells. Increased entry ofsodium results in increased sodium trans-port. If aldosterone acts via synthesis of a spe-cific protein, inaccord with the hypothesis of Wil-liamson (19) and of Edelman, Bogoroch, and Porter (17, 20),thenthisproteinwillbeanalogous

to the permeases of bacterial systems. This is an

example ofregulationofsodiumtransportby

mod-ification of the special apical surface on which the

oriented transepithelial transport of sodium



Studies on the mode of action of aldosterone

have been carried out with the isolated bladder of the toad,


marinus. The increased rate of aerobic metabolism that is associated with the stimulation of sodium transport by aldosterone is dependent upon the presenceofsodium in the mu-cosal bathing medium. Amphotericin B, which increases sodium transport by reducing the perme-ability barrier to sodium at the apical surface, has been shown to mimic the metabolic effects of

al-dosterone in this tissue.

The evidence demonstrates the adequacy of the hypothesis that the action of aldosterone is to in-crease the entry of sodium into the transport

path-way across the apical surfaces of the mucosal

epi-thelial cells. It is suggested that the metabolic effects of aldosterone aresecondaryto the entry of sodium into the tissue.


The authors wish to express their thanks to Miss

EleanorF. Dempseyforcarrying out theassays ofATP,

ADP, and creatine phosphate, and to Mrs. Constance L. Komack for technical assistance. Weare gratefulto Dr. Maurice M. Pechet for supplies of d-aldosterone.


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The implication from numerical examples supports the finding of LGD working group in the Basel Committee that the potential for realized LGDS to be lower than average during times

Figure 1 provides a long-run perspective on the relative performances of the US and Euro area economies, illustrating their records of GDP growth, growth in hours worked, and growth

For purposes of this study, a PLHIV support group referred to a formal association of adult PLHIV who met.. monthly either at a health facility or designated place in their community

With the help of different encryption algorithms like- DES, Users are able to enhance the data security of cloud computing.. Objective of