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Release 9.1 & Strategy


Academic year: 2021

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Andreas Wolfinger, SAP AG

Vice President, Head of Product-, Solution Management

SAP Business One Partner Info-day, 13. Nov 2013



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SAP Business One Strategy

SAP Business One Release 9.1


40.000+ customers

Proven business suite for SME

300+ LEs run 2.000+ affiliates

Perfect fit for LE

41 country localizations, 27 languages, 150+ countries

Global solution with local focus

635+ Resellers, 300+ SSPs, 500+ Industry solutions

Effective ecosystem for implementation and specializations







Global, extensible, small ERP suite


Business anytime and anywhere


Ease of consumption


Big Data for small business





Scalable – start small; easily adapt as you grow Easy to use

Automated lifecycle management

Out-of-the-box solutions for integration Partner enablement

Specialization by customization Localized for key country markets Extensible and flexible

Stable core business processes

Global, extensible Solution for Small Enterprises


Easier to use and customize

Enhanced extensibility & integration capabilities SAP add-on solutions merged into core product

50+ significant enhancements in business-logic, reporting, and analytics

Increased industry focus Reduced TCO

Supports 64-bit architecture New implementation center Efficient Upgrade Process



Simple, Fast, and Smart Way to Manage Your Business


Connect company headquarters with distributors, dealers, franchises, or suppliers using out-of-the-box integration capabilities of SAP Business One

Standardized and automated business processes

Harmonized and consolidated data across systems

Optimized supply chain


Interactive scenarios, such as ATP and cash flow forecasting Revolutionary business insights using an intuitive solution Make sense of Big Data to focus on the right areas

Transactional throughput and scaling at its best Analytical insight in real-time

Access to groundbreaking technology

In-memory computing delivers amazing innovation Transformation of new technology into customer value

Processing  power    helps  solve  “unsolvable”  problems

Unlock Big Data for Small Companies





Easy to understand, user-centered design Stay on top of business demands

Covers critical business processes

Get information the moment you need it Make business decisions in real-time Close deals on the road

Make confident decisions anywhere End-to-end processes

Increase the productivity

Do business anytime and anywhere





Software to Fit Your Needs

Stay current with the latest technology – worry free Partner-managed infrastructure and administration One payment for software, service and support

Quick  deployment  and  “go  live”

Accelerated time to value

Automatic updates and maintenance

Affordable, pay as you go software consumption Customizable: add-on solutions cover special needs Powered by SAP HANA (planned)





Solid Road Map


Global, extensible, small ERP suite

Business anytime and anywhere

Ease of consumption

Big Data for small business

Summary: Our Strategy









Deliver a world-class, compact business suite to

Small Enterprises and Large Enterprise affiliates


SAP Business One Strategy

SAP Business One Release 9.1


Release 9.1

Planned top-level scope

 One common code base for SAP HANA and MS SQL


Business Logic & Localization

Enhanced Production module

Inventory item costs valuation based on Serial / Batch number (Actual Costing)

Multi Branch splits transactions according to Business Units

Project Accounting (add-on)

Rounded-off functions (selected 9.0 topics)

Fixed Assets enhancements

Extended Tax Reporting

Legal compliance and localization enhancements

Reporting & Analytics

SAP Crystal Reports 2013

Default settings and report layout (selected countries)


Additional DI/UI objects and services

Enhancements for Lifecycle Management Extension

SAP Business One Studio & Workflow enhancements

Infrastructure & Architecture

Significant enrichment of the starter package

User group authorizations

Performance improvements

Security enhancements

On/off switch for complex business features

Import from Excel

Simplified e-mail, alert, and printing process

SAP HANA Database

Semantic Layer (financial module)

Service Layer

Pervasive Analytics: KPI & Insight to action

Enterprise Search enhancement

Maximized Performance (transactional and reporting)

Partner extreme app framework enhancement

Lifecycle Management & Support

Installation and Upgrade enhancements

Quick implementation and express configuration

Remote Support Platform for SAP HANA

Supportability enhancements


Payment Orders Enhancements

Following Russian Business Practice and deliver important input for BSP

Prepared for Bulk Processing incl. enhancements of numbering setup


© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Customer 19

BSP Matching Criteria Enhancement

Enablement of new matching criteria offers option to reconcile documents according to most frequent business cases

2 new fields added Matching Criteria list:

 Federal Tax ID from BP Master Data

 Payment Order number from Payment Wizard

PO number enablement brings

advantage of E2E process coverage starting with:

 Generating of Outbound file via Payment Wizard, till


Project Accounting

Financial project combined with new project management Tool. Includes cost planning, resource allocation, time recording, travel and

expense handling, phase and stage analysis

Single dimension project management can easily be extended to sophisticated multilevel project management


Internal Reconciliation of Payment of Down Payment



 Additional possibility to complete Down

Payment Process using Manual Internal reconciliation functionality

 Consistent behavior with standard Down

Payment Process

 Covering all localization needs including

specific tax postings


 Enhanced flexibility in completion of Down

Payment business process

 Allows customer specific processing of Down

Payment process


Cash Flow Forecast Enablement

Add marketing documents, recurring transactions and document drafts; filter transactions by project

or blanket agreement. Recurrence option for projected postings transactions

Great flexibility in predictions of cash in-/out-flow, build

Crystal Reports based on XML from all standard report form


© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Customer 23

Fixed Assets integrated into core SAP Business One


 Integrated comprehensive fixed assets solution for end to end process  Ability to handle different accounting areas (e.g. local accounting

practices and IFRS in parallel)

 Flexible depreciation calculation defined to meet local requirements &

international accounting standards

 Authorization concept

 New fixed assets master data structure


 Enhanced capabilities in fixed assets management  Allows customer specific enhancements

 Meets cross-localization accounting standards

 Leverages existing Business One processes such as procurement


Production Resources Module and Production Processing

Resources module adds resource data to production order

processing, and manages resource capacities. Production Processing brings resource data and textual information throughout production process; flexible movement

of Item/Resource/Text lines within BoM and production orders

Complete picture of production requirements, accurate

production costing and accounting, and easy

identification of bottlenecks. Easy and powerful light production capability


Blanket Agreement

New monetary method, and possibility to define payment terms and price list. New

fields amendment and signing date

Create agreement to sale/purchase goods with a predefined amount within a predefined time frame


Batch & Serial Valuation Method

Item costs managed by batch or serial. The new valuation method is covering standard industry expectations.

New inventory valuation method calculates correctly Serial/Batch related


Broker Invoice


 AP Invoice a new option was added on pressing

the  “Copy  from”  button- “Landed  Costs”

 All costs recorded on Landed Costs are transferred

to the AP Invoice after the broker on Landed Costs and BP on AP Invoice match


 Allocation accounts used on Landed Costs are

cleared and automatic reconciliation is done. Before this functionality was introduced, those steps were performed manually by users using manual Journal Entries.

 Invoices for services can be linked with relevant

item documents for which the services where provided.


Release 9.1


SAP Business One Strategy

SAP Business One Release 9.1





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