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1. Department of Physics, Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya-824234 (Bihar) 2. Department of Physics, Gaya College Gaya-823001 (Bihar)

3. Department of Physics, J. J. College, Jhumari Tilaya (Koderma) (Jharkhand)

Accepted Date: 18/05/2014; Published Date: 01/10/2014


Abstract:Using the theoretical formalism of A. Zujev etal (Phys. RevA, 2008), we have evaluated super fluid Bose and Fermi density as a function of Bose-Bose interaction UBB and Bose- Fermi interaction UBF. Our theoretical results show that both ρBs and ρFs decreases with UBB and UBF which are in good agreement with the other theoretical workers. We have also determined momentum distribution for bosons nB(k), fermion distribution nF(k) and anti-correlated pairing momentum na(k) all as a function of wave vector k, keeping UBB, UBF, temperature β constant and varying boson occupation NB from 20 to 36. Our theoretical results indicate that for lower values of NB, nB(k) attains a peak at k=0 where as nF(k) has plateau at k=0. na(k) shows that composite fermions has been formed by pairing a boson and fermion. For large values of NB, Bose- Fermi mixtures show Mott-insulator phase transition for bosons and Luttinger liquid like behavior for fermions. These observations are in good agreement with other theoretical workers.

Keywords: Strongly correlated systems, Optical lattice, Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, Bose-Fermi mixtures, Luttinger liquid, Strong coupling expansion, Bosonization, Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations, anti-correlated pairing momentum

Corresponding Author: MS. PURAN SAW

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In recent years, the experimental realization of strongly correlated systems with ultracold gases loaded in optical lattices1 has generated tremendous excitement in condensed matter physics. Among these quantum systems, the realization of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices2-4, where the inter-and interspecies interactions can be tuned to be attractive or repulsive5 is of remarkable examples. Lot of theoretical studies 6-12 have been performed on Bose-Fermi mixtures for homogeneous and trapped systems. Several approaches were used. Some of them are Gutzwiller mean –field theory13, strong coupling expansions14, bosonization8,9, exact analytical10 and numerical studies11. There was also a study on mixtures of bosonic atoms and molecules on lattice numerically. In these studies, verities of phases were observed in such mixtures. These are Mott insulators, spin and charge density waves, a verity of super fluids, phase separation and Wigner crystals. A study of repulsive Bose-Fermi mixtures in one dimensional lattice has been made where main focused was given on specific special densities. After mapping the phase diagram, one expresses the different sections. The lattice which is half filled with bosons and half filled with fermions has been studied which includes (a) When the number of bosons is commensurate with the lattice size but the number of fermions is not (b) when the sum of both species is commensurate with the lattice size but the number of bosons and fermions are different. Some of the phases present have been identified as Sengupta and Pralka12.


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The Hamiltonian of Bose-Fermi mixtures in one dimension can be written as

1 1 1 1

( ) ( )

B l l l l l F l l l l l

H  t bbb b  t ffffUBBlnBl(nBl  1) UBFln nBl Fl


Where bl+(bl) are the boson creation (annihilation) operators on site l of one –dimensional lattice with L sites. Similarly fl+(fl) are the creation (annihilation) operators for the spinless fermions on the same lattice sites. For these creation and destruction operators nlB,F are the associated number operators. The bosonic and fermionic hopping parameters are denoted by tB and tF respectively. The on-site boson-boson and boson-fermion interactions are denoted by UBB and UBF respectively. Here, we shall take tB=tF=1(i.e when the boson fermion hopping integrals are equal and one choose tB =1 to set the scale of energy18,19.

One performs the quantum Monte Carlo simulations (QMC) using a recently proposed Canonical Worm algorithm20,21. This approach makes use of global move to update the configurations, samples the winding number and gives access to the measurement of n-body Green’s function. It has also the useful property of working in the Canonical ensemble. This is particularly important for the present applications. Since one is working with two species of particles in the Grand Canonical ensemble. In the Canonical simulations, the Bose and Fermi occupations are exactly specified and the chemical potentials μB and μF are computed via appropriate numerical derivatives of the resultant ground state energy

0 0

[BE N( B 1) E N( B)]

. Here NB is the Boson occupation number and is equal to 3L/4 where L is the lattice site. NF =L/4 and it is fixed.

The Canonical Worm algorithm is a variation of the Prokot’ev etal grand Canonical Worm algorthm18. Within the Canonical Worm approach, one starts by writing the Hamiltonian H= V-T where T is comprised of no diagonal terms and is positive definite. The Partition function Z is given by

H ZTre

It takes the form

0 ( )

T d H

Z Tre Tre

  

 


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n n n

TreT T d d

           

(3) Where

( ) V V

T  e Te 

Here τ is the imaginary time. Now the extended partition function is considered by breaking up the propagator at imaginary time τ and introducing the Worm operator

ijkl ijkl i j k l W    b b f f


This leads to the Partition function

( )

( ) H H

Z  Tre   We (5)

Complete sets of states are introduced between consecutive T operator to allowed a mapping of the one-dimensional (1D) quantum problem on to a two dimensional (2D) classical problem where a standard Monte Carlo techniques are used. Measurements can be performed when configurations resulting in diagonal matrix elements of W occur. As with pure bosonic systems the evaluation of the boson and fermion densities ρB, ρF with the associated chemical potential μB, μF identifies Mott-insulator behavoir22. A jump in μ signals a Mott phase where the Compressibility B B B       F F F     


Vanishes. Here ρB and ρF are the boson and fermion density respectively. One measures the bosonic super fluid density and fermionic stiffness


Available Online at www.ijpret.com 5 Here <W2> are the associated Winding numbers. Correlations between the bosonic and fermionic Winding numbers are determined by the combinations


( )

2 s

c B F

L W W      8(a) 2 ( ) 2 s

a B F

L W W      8(b)

In addition to the usual bosonic and fermionic Green’s function


ij i j

G b b 



ij i

G  f f  


One also measures the composite anti correlated two-body Green’s function23


ij i j j i

G b b f  f


In Gija, the fermion and boson propagates in opposite direction (one from j to i and one from i to j).

The Fourier transforms of GijB and GijF gives the densities nB(k) and nF(k) in momentum space. na(k) is the Fourier transform of the composite two-body Green’s function Gija.



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In this paper, we have studied the super fluid and Mott-insulator phases of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures. We have evaluated super fluid boson and fermion density as a function of boson-boson interaction and boson-fermion interaction. We have also evaluated momentum distribution of boson nB(k), fermion nF(k) and anti-correlated pairing momentum na(k) all as a function of k keeping UBF, UBB and temperature β constant and varying NB from 20 to 36. WE observed that boson momentum distribution has a peak where as fermion momentum distribution has a plateau. For large values of nB, na(k) shows that the coupling between bosons and fermions is weak and has phase separation.

Table T1

An evaluated result of boson density ρB as a function of chemical potential μB . The fermion

density ρF =1/4 and the interaction strength are fixed. UBB=10 and UBF=16. We have taken

different lattice size L =36, 44 and temperature β =32 and 48


potential μB


L=36, β=32 L=36, β=48 L=44, β=32 L=36, β=32, ρF=0

-5 0.426 0.406 0.447 0.468

-2 0.539 0.465 0.516 0.539

-1 0.657 0.538 0.543 0.534

0 0.748 0.626 0.644 0.659

2 0.805 0.729 0.732 0.746

5 0.826 0.796 0.806 0.825

8 0.889 0.822 0.849 0.855

10 0.907 0.845 0.873 0.889


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15 1.038 0.898 0.937 0.945

18 1.096 0.925 0.985 0.995

20 1.115 0.996 1.100 1.112

25 1.247 1.105 1.158 1.167

Table T2

An evaluated results of chemical potential μB as a function of boson-fermion interaction

strength UBF for two values of boson density ρB =1.0 and ρB=0.75. Here UBB=10 and ρF =1/4

UBF <--- μB---

ρB =1.0 ρB=0.75

0 16.26 4.86

2 17.48 5.43

5 18.32 6.86

10 19.47 7.98

12 19.82 8.43

14 20.48 9.24

15 21.22 11.67

18 21.47 12.38

20 22.08 13.56

22 22.54 14.34

24 22.84 15.86


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Table T3

An evaluated results of chemical potential μB as a function of boson-boson interaction

strength UBB for two values of boson density ρB =1.0 and ρB=0.75. Here UBF=10 and ρF =1/4

UBB <--- μB---

ρB =1.0 ρB=0.75

0 2.86 2.58

2 4.32 3.27

5 8.34 6.86

10 12.58 11.20

12 14.32 11.38

14 16.59 11.55

15 20.47 11.86

18 25.36 12.05

20 28.58 12.18

22 30.29 12.27

24 33.86 12.58

25 37.58 12.92


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Table T4

An evaluated results of super fluid Bose density and super fluid fermion density with two different temperatures as a function of boson-fermion interaction strength UBF keeping

ρB=3/4 and ρF=1/4, UBB=10

UBF <--- s ---

, s


  =32 sF, =32 , s


  =108 sF,=108

0 0.325 0.305 0.284 0.259

5 0.306 0.297 0.263 0.235

7 0.298 0.265 0.245 0.216

8 0.245 0.248 0.227 0.195

10 0.205 0.219 0.206 0.178

12 0.187 0.206 0.184 0.169

14 0.168 0.184 0.163 0.150

15 0.145 0.167 0.142 0.147

18 0.127 0.153 0.138 0.122

20 0.108 0.145 0.117 0.105

22 0.093 0.122 0.097 0.099

24 0.092 0.108 0.085 0.094

25 0.090 0.095 0.063 0.083


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Table T5

An evaluated results of boson super fluid density ρBs as a function of boson density ρB . Here

UBB=0, UBF=16 and ρF= ¼

ρB <--- ρBs ---

β=32 β=108

0.5 0.25 0.15

0.6 0.18 0.12

0.7 0.12 0.06

0.8 0.05 0.02

0.9 0.00 0.00

1.0 0.09 0.00

1.05 0.14 0.00

1.10 0.20 0.08

1.15 0.27 0.14

1.20 0.34 0.19

1.22 0.40 0.26

1.24 0.50 0.30

1.25 0.58 0.37


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Table T6

An evaluated result for momentum distribution of bosons, fermions and anti-correlated pairing momentum as a function of wave vector k Here UBB=10, UBF=16, β=108, NB(occupation

number for bosons)=20

k nB(k) nF(k) na(k)

0.042 0.053 -0.325

-π/2 0.065 0.068 -0.307

-π/4 0.083 0.094 -0.294

-π/8 0.097 0.097 -0.286

-π/16 1.023 0.098 -0.278

-π/32 1.068 0.099 -0.274

0.0 4.268 1.032 ----

π/32 3.075 1.045 ----

π/16 1.168 1.029 ----

π/8 0.096 1.022 -0.263

π/4 0.085 1.021 -0.246

π/2 0.063 0.098 -0.217

π 0.046 0.095 -0.198


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An evaluated result for momentum distribution of bosons, fermions and anti-correlated pairing momentum as a function of wave vector k Here UBB=10, UBF=16, β=108, NB(occupation

number for bosons)=27

k nB(k) nF(k) na(k)

0.532 0.325 -0.429

-π/2 0.546 0.337 -0.432

-π/4 0.558 0.348 -0.416

-π/8 0.567 0.353 -0.384

-π/16 0.578 0.362 0.326

-π/32 0.643 0.375 0.472

0.0 1.086 0.392 0.468

π/32 1.079 0.386 0.453

π/16 1.067 0.375 0.286

π/8 1.058 0.352 0.257

π/4 1.048 0.346 -0.263

π/2 1.042 0.338 -0.243

π 1.038 0.325 -0.218


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Table T8

An evaluated result for momentum distribution of bosons, fermions and anti-correlated pairing momentum as a function of wave vector k Here UBB=10, UBF=16, β=108, NB(occupation

number for bosons)=32

k nB(k) nF(k) na(k)

0.534 0.086 -0.057

-π/2 0.675 0.098 -0.042

-π/4 0.786 0.125 -0.038

-π/8 0.997 0.146 -0.029

-π/16 1.532 0.238 0.058

-π/32 2.467 0.295 0.096

0.0 3.456 0.386 0.215

π/32 2.128 0.302 0.187

π/16 1.986 0.295 0.142

π/8 1.643 0.178 0.095

π/4 1.425 0.105 -0.027

π/2 1.184 0.036 -0.038


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An evaluated result for momentum distribution of bosons, fermions and anti-correlated pairing momentum as a function of wave vector k Here UBB=10, UBF=16, β=108, NB(occupation

number for bosons)=36

k nB(k) nF(k) na(k)

0.635 0.075 0.086

-π/2 0.746 0.106 0.115

-π/4 0.849 0.198 0.178

-π/8 0.969 0.315 0.256

-π/16 1.124 0.679 0.342

-π/32 1.686 0.735 0.365

0.0 2.147 0.758 0.395

π/32 2.082 0.706 0.312

π/16 1.976 0.325 0.296

π/8 1.842 0.276 0.216

π/4 1.624 0.186 0.135

π/2 1.342 0.098 0.098


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Table T1
Table T2
Table T4 An evaluated results of super fluid Bose density and super fluid fermion density with two
An evaluated results of boson super fluid density ρTable T5 Bs as a function of boson density ρB


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